238839 - -` � . ,x . . 238��9 :
� F �; :
� � � j' COUNCIL FILE N0. �
� ; CITY O�F ST. PAUL � ?
� � R,esdlution Ratifying Assessment By
I E , �
In the matter of the assessment of �t�e�it�, ao��;s �m.d ��ee i�or- coil►str�a�itss .�[nd r�-
�ca�atre��t'�� ��� •��tc�e�s �ad �ork �cte3ds��*I �hsxetQ� r �
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Cc�tt�aet 66�-M-�6�i Letty Na. .8,� ���t��.et �o.:� � � �
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_ � � .�_i
F.O. #229031 - Porest St. , both sidea from �1ake�i�ld Ave. to Hudaaa Road. � �
F•0� #228584 - MapYe 8t., both sidee fross Thfrd St. to Cenovaq St. � '
P.O. #227305 - Fremout �t., both •ides tre�ea Mendota St. to Forest St. '
, F.O.. �228134 - Obio St. , taset side £rom Cartic� St. to Winons SC.
� � F.O. #228133 - W. Wyo�t�ng St. , nortt� side grae Ottawn Ane. to the east
. 142 Ft. abuCting 842 Ottawa Ave.
� P.O. #229203 - .Pacific St., both aidea fro� graay� St. to Grfffith St. ,
� •� F.O. �2289b9 - A. Winona St., �aorth ride from Mano�iq Ave. t� Ohio -Ave.x„�„�.�,,,�,� ,
, ���,�=P`;0;�;#22:73-92;;�FaDuluth'.xg�r,�iofti'si�des�-�'f o�Redn�y Ave:'�to awh�ene L-..�..`"-".._._.-, �
; F�O. #227391 - Duluth 3�. ,. both o�.dea frcm Mipnehnha Av,e ta�Reane An �
Y..�,_..��,�»��..�«,p. ,
;. �e4��:^fff��c�22�7.�1�ti=�tMaaaain�=Av��;'�`tioth�sidas'�fi`am~�Page rSt:to Sidneq St:__.__---- , ' ,
1 F.0. �228628 - Ottapa Ave. , aas t side fro�a W. Ring 3 t. to p. 8 tm,y.er�s 8 t;:aa$_, '
- �' ��a�+�k:��#��-��.#���°on�..tho'��e"s`t"`'s ide"'of-y`Ofr�+�a Ave:*�from�i,i`1Fing 3�t:� Ev t�e�Center �� �
lina cE W. Stevens St, �xtended `
,���=�, �� "-�..'::�,g�+tp;�i:�2�7309 Ys�a���rl.�cgt;��o�h�le��'cics�fz�°o'�'ig�#c�a''e�+�A�e��°v�ta�r'�nnehatii' Ave gaid a�ses�- � .
`''..^�i��'t�jNsl�3BSSdBLEi=� ���"'i�erc��3 h;��#i� Cr��cil, ��� ravirg b��t r.o�tiaidEr�� ��r,�1�jt�,�atia.��c�orY. �
� iM.;.r..3.-� �.F 0. -
. - �e:j�i�jt,�.L�S#229031 - Fore�t St. � both side� �rom W�kefield Ave. to 8udeon 8o:d i
' � � �•0. �2281�33 - '�. Wqomiag St. , aorth side from Otkiva Ave. to th� e8�t !
i ' 142 ft. abutti.Dg 842 O�tewa Ave. � `
° �°�F;�D;;L�22,7392;;w Duly�hl3�E,�;habozt� :s:ideil �rom�R�iae�►'�A'de:�to'�?Bri�ah`�Avaer�t�fied* ��d the
'� F.O. #227391 - Duluth St. , both aide�, ftom Mi _ epa�s A�ve t Reaae Ave.:•
' sameF;Ocx#227519'�"= 'Ma''d'oe��i�"�'A�e:�;°bvch�s�dee �f�v"m `P�age 3t�"` to;Sidney,.,8c�1 `�4`;rm�,ticn. �
Is�I�:����ur8c6��EH, d�;.t��a�Av�� ,Leas�t�,�side� f.:rc'i4;;;_W,z��1Cit�g �_t: itc.�W�f,3.tev�lai',.S.t-n��niU bc !
� oa t � aest side o# OttaWa Ave. �
r from W. Bing St. �to the centQr
� pa;��,b1; �� line,j•o.f: W,?fS�e�r�a's St. extanded. � �
�- F.O. �227309 - Barl 8t. , both �aides fro�a Reaney Ave. to IKiwaQhaha Ave. � ,
--. `,, -
Yeas ,r Nays ; 1�AY 2 919�
Carlson � Adopted by the Council
Dalglish �
. " ,
Meredithi'� � �Y� 9196�
Peterson i Approve�
Tedesco r'
Byrne i
�I?1 Favor '
� ' Mayor
C� " ` � ' /
Form x-2 zn� �ass s� —�Against � �
. 'R�i,FS�� �UN 1 1�68 , ,.� �� 7
� . .. .,
�.;��;'� _' �f
r . � CITY OF ST. PAUL ����`�?(] �� � '
� Report of Completion of Ass�essment �
In the matter of the assessment of �ett�e�i�#�;, ���# �riu3 i1�tp�tult� �� �t�ri,���'t�t3��p� ,#u�d z�
ca�s�t�a��as► r��` fi���tk� ���t i�+�tt���t� �tis�e��v�.
�it�Y�t S�b�M���i8, ?�v� �o. 8,,. ���r��� �o: 3 =
. ,aw k4�� -r, -- --r-----------�-�'--'-�'_,.-"^-.--._--.-,.�._,_-' , . 'i-�.'.4 M-.r �:� r T-r'._is y* T
o��;���i•; tf.t.,- ._ i �_�`� : - '* . • - ^ ` -}-,1 '• •' y.�
�'i:i�e j- 3Y�'t�.r,, "�' � . .xr�� �f�¢�SY'"T` ��S } � •t;3.YS'T'�� , r � . ` ;:' , R t ''��•�i�r �1..i�. ,i#(�:r�: _ �4• �' -
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�� - � �lr_e�Tn� L � • } � j,� �c
,�%< �}'; ,AS$ESSABLE:
; '�:f{='- 3F.0. �229031 - Forest St., both sides from Wakefield Ave. to Audson Road. �" "
� .�'� F.O. �228584 - Maple St. , both sides from Third St. to Conway St. '
a �~�
, F.O. �227305 - Fremont St.a both sides from Mendota St. to Forest St.
� F.O. �228134 - Ohio St. , west, side from Curtice St, to Winona St.
� F.O. �`228133 - W. Wyoming St., north side from Ottawa Ave. to the east �
142 Ft. abutting 842 Ottawa Ave. �
� F.O. �229203 - Pacific St. , both sides from Frank St. to Griffith St. �
� F.O. �228969 - W. Winona St. , north side from Manomin Ave. to Ohio Ave. ;
� �,,��F;;:O,��;�2-27�3�93�u�;Du�lu•th��S.t�;�;;�both�.sides��from�ateaney�,-Ave�:��to.rBush.�Ave.��ti+,�____�____,�„r.x���:� ;
� F.O. �227391 - Duluth St.,, both sides from Minnehaha Ave.�to Reaney Ave. ^� ,
� ���}FyO:�:�2�7�5;,19.�-.+-Manomin-�Ave-•�,y�bo.th��sides�kf;��,om�Page_,rS,t-:��to�;S:idney;�S�t..:��,.,M.o„���M�+�� �
� F.O. �228628 - Ottawa Ave. , east side from W. Ring St. �to W.rStevens St. and :
� ��y�t��.��+���xon`theFwes,t�siderof�KOttawa��,ve:=.;fromMW.��Ring..�:S;t::srtO.rthezCent�er,*.,,
• � line of W. Stevens St. eRtended, �� � ,
� �p ��F�.��O,;�a1�;,2��3U9,��,E,art,l, St.;ab�oth sides from Reaney Ave. to Minnehaha Ave. -
- rNON:9SSESSABLE�:of F�n��ace I�F�ek�� r�rts �p t�e�ouncik fs�e folla��.ng as a� sts�tement of the ea-t
, pe��iF�� ;�22.90313y i�,F,-°►�•e�i�S,rt u�-bptho�u�es,�fro�,��ukei�iagl�' eA,°�iie�°+xx��ud ninrt,Roalent, �ix: `
F.O. �228133 - W. Wyoming S�t. , north side from Ottac,ia Ave. to t`he east
- 142 ft, abutting 842 Ottawa Ave. �
� F.O. ��;2�27392 -RrDuluth, St,_, both s,ides from ,Reaney. Ave. to Bug;hf:Ave�:�„ �
. .3:�.�_.�.,..��,. .,f.-� g-- .
, F.O. �2273�;9,1zy;1 Duluth�St;, ,both sides�from Minnehaha,Ave�, to�Reane.y�Ave.
F.0. �22�519�;� Manomin Av,e.�,both�s ides from�Page' S t. to S idney S,t. �
. . �
' F.O. ��228628 Ottawa�Av,e. east�side from W'. �Ring -St, to W.-S•t,even St. and f
; �.,.�t..� ..a.fci:. . ,..�. .. .. ... . , . .,. , ;�_ _ ._�. __,_.--�.>.�. .
Public.�ttio��on the west side of�Ottawa Ave. �from-W.�Ring S�t�to��the center '
i , . . , � .. . ..., _ . . .. .. . .�.. y—r.,.._.-,�. �.�t. I
line of W. Stevens St. extenclecl. � � ���_ t
Collec�i�n ct,'..� ��...__ ��_
a F.O. #,22�30�9,�S�Ea�1�,S�:r,�b�otl� sides�from Reaney.Ave�. to Minneha�ia;A�ve. �
� �.�.. . �. . .� .., . �''..."'� ...�._. 1..f_ _ 4
�airip t='011�� [cJS` ����¢�
OTAL EgPEN]?ITUR,ES . � . . . .. . . . . . . 21.1�8 �
Charge to . . . .. .. . . .. . . . 0920-701 . . . . . .. . . . � 3.739 57
. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . Non-Assessable, , , . , . , , , $ 846 34
Net Assessment . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . $ 16,57� 0 5
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
_ tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 16,57�.05 ugon each a,nd every lot, paxt or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the sa.id assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper. _
_ _ �
Dated March 12. 1968 ' Co sioner 'na
_ �
Form x.z 2M io-sa s� _
_ ,4, t' .
1 - _ ' _.
. �
EUGENE'V. AVERY � � j� � r �° � � � T � A 1 1 � ANTHONY J. CREA
- Capi�al of iViinneso�a
. � ��P������� �� P�a�a� ����c�
234 City Hall & Cour; House 55102 /�('
ROBERT r. PET�RSON � 1 > Q�� 7 1 �
� Commissioner � p
, � V
�O ' ,
May 17, tg68 ,
. �
Honorable 7homa's R. Byrne, Mayor �
and Members of the City Council
City of Saint Paul Re: Sidewalk Assessments
C�ntract 66-M-360
Levy No. 8, District No. 3
On April 10, 1968, the above contract was before the Councit for an assessment
, hearing. At that hearing, Mr. Klinkhammer of 1190 Pacific Street complained �w
that he was promised, prior to construction, that there would be some
adjustment in the construction proposed at the advisability hearing. He
stated that no one came out to talk to him and while he was on vacation,
a new sidewalk was installed. .
Mr. Hartley Thomas, Superintendent of Sidewalk Construction, reports that
he did call on him late one afternoon. He further reports that he called
upon Mr. Klinkhammer at his house and talked about the need for a new
• sidewalk. He reports that there was nothing in his conversation that would ,
lead Mr. Klinkhammer to believe that we were going to do anything other than
what was proposed on the plat submitted to the Council at the time of the
advisability hearing.
We do not believe that any concessions should be made to Mr. Klinkhammer other
than are made to other property owners in similar circumstances.
You very truly
v .
Euge e V. Avery
Chief Engineer .
� `
obert F. Peterson
Commissioner of Public Works �
cc: Richard L. Wheeler
- ...,.,. -.` .�'� - o-� �. � •� ^s.
'- �`'!y}�'".,y' _ ��' ' y�U :�' /� °..
1 �I 1 0 o M-T .M�.�~ 1 E r�t r °,"° ^M^"�,.�
r+...`I"4 �. � �.__ .� ay ;,� '�a� " �' fl� ;R'�i i ' .,,�
.. 3 - ����.� ' " 71C �„ �it;,�
�""�EUGENE V. Ah�(ERY C I T Y O F�S A I N � P �'1 U:�; '���' �� � �'ANTHONY J. CREA�..�w
� �. _ _ _ �' 44_Capital of Minnesota '��� '� �"~ "~ �� � i �;;�--- �
' ,.a,„ '�i;y,�;�
- - -- '�!�t i � DEP�RTM * �. , ��� • : �. ^ - _ _ � = � - '° ����,,,�-. .,..�:
i a _�„ENT�OFs4PUBLICtiWORKSy � ■ ; '° � •—� ,�y�°"' -�
—..r.. �'' � i .. °'`iz-', " , '... 234-Citjr�Hall�&Co House 55.102._ .� `iit i': �'i+ i�� sf,i �� � �����, '� '. -� �
k' ,� �_�
''�``}� , ���"�'",;� "��a'-:��� ,,'q ;;_ �� t"� �ni .it ii�� ti�� �110 fiu . �i�w :,s� �•; ��,,. �;e,,._,,M...a
��.. f �- y - �����
-�—.W... �-- -..�,t - t �r����_..���.. ROBEftT-��F r$ETERSON� �� ��t� ,•�. �„� ,�i ;�i� . � ,�..,,,„.. �'���-.�
- _r f ^ .�,�—... � t ,-,' vrr7a.._.._.�-----i.—��. ..all.it�,�t.ii,��11�'�- .s. .. �
.,.. �t t;l �'� �` ��.:� � ��.,.� .:, :.,.�.•.ca.,r_-�.Commissioner� ""'�. .�'"���^��'�...-`�.',��
-. - � .�,..o.�. �^._ �. .. , .__ -�° '"�' ..� . . ' �
,�.- � �
. _,�� ---�-- ,�� < .�__a__.. ; , �
-.._._.- �-T--��-. ,.� . � `
� � ��..
May 17, 1968
C� ��3 �
,� ti3
Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
City of Saint Paul Re: Sidewalk Assessments
Cc�ntract 66-M-360
Levy No. 8, District No. 3
On April 10, 1968, the above contract was before the Council for an assessment
hearing. At that hearing, Mr. Klinkhammer of 11g0 Pacific Street complained
that he was promised, prior to construction, that there would be some
adJustment in the construction proposed at the advisability hearing. He
stated that no one came out to talk to him and while he was on vacation,
a new sidewalk was installed.
Mr. Hartley Thomas, Superintendent of Sidewalk Construction, reports that
he did call on him late one afternoon. He further reports that he called
upon Mr. Klinkhammer at his house and talked about the need for a new
sidewalk. He reports that there was nothing in his conversation that would
lead Mr. Klinkhammer to believe that we were going to do anything other than
what was proposed on the plat submitted to the Council at the time of the
. advisability hearing.
We do nq,t believe that any concessions should be made to Mr. Klinkhammer other
than are made to other property owners in similar circumstances.
Yo very truly
' !/ . ,
Euge e V. Avery �
Chief Engineer .
obert F. Peterson I
Commissioner of Public Works .
cc: Richard L. Wheeler
� .
April 10, 1968
Hon. James J. Dalglish, ,
Commissioner of Fine.nce.
Dear Sir: �
The Council laid over to 29th. he Resolution
Ratifying Assessment in the matte the a sament of benefits,
costs a,nd expenses for construct and re truction of sidewalks
and work incidental thereto: Con t 6 - -368, Levy No. 8, District
No. 3� and requests� that you aend n o ces to property owners.
' Very uly yours, -
City Clerk
AO�hp /
_____- �