D001299No. D � r�q R , _ Date: v � t � —�� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TIiE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDLR £or CONTRACT CHANGS AGREEMENT NO. 2 ADMZNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Cochran Park Restoration known as Contract 015991 , City Project No. L95-O8-21 , Arrigoni Erothers Comnany , Contractor, is composed of the following: Replacing, processing and installing new granite edging for deteriorated granite edging on walkway. ADD $920.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 820.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 015991 , and which amount is to be financed from: • Original Contract Sum $ 96,600.00 Change Orders to Date 35,040.00 Amount this Change � 820.00 New Contract Sum $132,460.00 APPROVED AS TO 1�'/ 0�5 ly ey � �1�� 1g1L of Parks & Recreation � Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager • Contractor Inspector O££ice Copy Contract File Copy 19 19 C95-3H015-0883-34151 Arrigoni Brothers Company Contractor By letter dated July 28. 1997 C�.iL` G Director of Financial Services �� f7 � A ii stra ive Assistant to the Mayor 1 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNQL DATEINffIATED C,REEN SHEET /� �� IYO. � 238 Parks and Recreation ��30�97 � D� ��-�,� CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INfT1AL/DAiE INRiALIDAiE 'm Brewer 6642� q �� N � DEPARTMFM DIHECTOR _CITY COUNCIL NUMBER FOH ? CRY ATTORNEY �CRV CLERK MU5f BE ON COUNCIL AGENpA BV (DATp HOUi1NG OR�ER 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 5 PAflKS & RECREATION NA MAYOR fOR ASSISTAMI _ TOTAL i OF SIGNATUFE PAGES � (CIN ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUBE) AGTION REQUESTED: ��w�� \: Approval of Contract Change Agreement �. �, ����'' ���� y., F� �`� ,� . kz Cochran Park Restoration €��� a.;; :��� ��� � ; ���� A�l� � g97 . m-� - � y � ��,�� HECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A1 or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iH F L W G 6 ��� n� ��'' � PLANNING COMMISSION pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION p �2 �� ����� 0 — 1. Has this e �r e r wo r i e artmen[? —_ CIB GOMMffTEE _ VES NO P. STAPF 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a cRy employee? VES NO OISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3. Does this person/tim� possess a skill not normally poss¢ssetl by any c�rrent ci[y employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Fiplain all yes answers o� separata sheet anE attach ta green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNffY (VJho, Whai, When, Where, Why�: Original granite path edging is deteriorated. Contractor will prepare and install edge material provided by Owner. RECE�VED ADVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED: AI'1- � � ���� /IVIJ Stone walkway will be restored according to original historic design. ��rY C�ER}( DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISApVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Stone walkway wili be altered from original historic design. T�TA�AMOUNTOFiRANSACTfON S SZ�.OQ CASTfREVENUE6UDGET£O(GRCLEONE) YES N� DINGSOURCE CDBG ACTIVITYNUMBER C95-3H015-0883-34151 FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIW �� �o�aq9 �NI BROTHERS COMPANY ... : , ., . . -, . 811 VANDALIA STREEi, ST. PAUL, MIHHESOTA 55114 • AREA CUUE 612-645-9311 CONCRElE — CERANIICiRE — IXPOSEDAGGREGA7E SEAMLF55 ROORS — iERRAIIO ��' P ROPOSAL This bid does not consrirute a contract unless sigaed by the Purchasex and an officec of the Acxigoni Brothers Co. ProPOSal No. 937 Cochran Paxk Architut Date July 28 19 97 • �� - . , 300 Citv Ha11 Annex St Paul MN 55102 • We propose, in strict accordance with plans, specifications and standard proposal conditions, the following: 1. Pick up Granite curb at City Storage Area 2. Break up into smaller pcs to use for Granite Border 3. Sand blaster to renove asphalt 4. &ring usable pcs. to job site and bad pcs. to dump 18 hrs labor @ 40.00 Use of truck,bobcat and sandblaster ADD to contract • Accepted By This Proposal is subject to Acceptance within Contractor submixting this Proposal. 720.00 100.00 820.00 Respectfully submitted, CONCRETE DIVISION i � By "" Dennis . Arrigoni Approved by 10 days from date and void thereafter, at che option of the