238836 J I I I ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ������ • �- ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � LIC�TSE OOMMIT�;E CO NC ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY ���y COMMISSIONE ��e%Jr�!/ DATF NL3� Z8� Z9EH RESOLVED: That licenses appli.ed for by the followl�.ng persons at the addresses stated. be and the same are hereby granted. � Lund & Lange, Inc. 272 S. Snelling P'7.orist-N. App.3375�newal " n 1V�1140 a n ; n i Albert W. Tobin 490 S. Hamline TV Niaster ° 3379" i Eba Zarin � 956 Galt�er Beauty Shop " 3382" I Mildred R�edlberger 1120 3+Toodbrid�e Beauty Shop a 3386" - Butler Mfg. Co. 1000 Berry C�garette " 3395" r Dorott�y E. Crampton 984 Virgini.a Beauty 8Y2op ' 34i5" ; Donald P. �nligen 1540 Randolph �as Sta.4P " 3437" ' " " Gen.Rep.Garage " " i " Gerald Sandquist 614 Como Barber " 3440" Sheet �etal Spec3.alty Co. 976 W. M�nnehaha V.�i.Loc.1M " 3�+9' �dward D. Treise 1194 Randolph V.M.Loc.1M " 3463�' Automatic Vend.,�Derbam Hall 540 S. Warwi.ck V.M.r,oc.1M " 31�7on Oscar W. Loberg 728 Armstrong Foodstuff • 34��� a a On Sale Malt n n � n p p Off Sale Malt " " ' n n p CigaY'ette " �� j n i �rus F. Li.ck°�iPaul T. .�2�end 917-9 Randolph V.Ai.Loc.1M " 35Z6" Len VannelLi. 237 Ramsey Fdstf.9A�1 Oper. " 3518" " �Shell Q�.l Co. 778 �tto V.p4.I,oc.]�i n n 3523 Fred Hagerstrom�Harold P. Theisen 1581 Ford Pkwy. V.M.Loc.1M " 3590" n �Kremer Spring & A1�.gnnment Co1� Inc.379 TnTebster V.hi.I,oc.1M " 3592" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays I Carlson ! Dalglish Approved ' 19— Fiolland � Tn Favor I Meredith ' �Mayor Peterson Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne � ; �� I i OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �_`���w 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO ���v`� ��� ��ITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! C MM SSDONEa I DATF M„y ?_.8� 19E�£3 � Contd. Page 2 � I James Bastyr 875 �'. Mi�nnehaha Barber �pp.3625Renewal . . , i Vendall �Texaco, Inc. 1700 Stewart V.M.Loc.1M " 3686" " �Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. 59� .�ldine �.M.I,oc.1M " 3699" n . n 2 add.mach. n n ' n " �issociated Brewing Co. 882 W. 7th �.M.Loc.1M " 371�+" " " 1 add.mach.� n n ! n Metropo].itan Vend.�Chippewa Motor Freight� Inc. V.M.Loc.1M " 3729" " 2�89 Valent�.ne 1 add.mach. " " � " Har�y & hioll�e R. Bloom 779 '�l. �?hee7.ock Pkwy.Grocery " 3755"' " , " Frozen t''leats n n � " p1 " Off Sale Malt " " '� n 1 n , n Cigarette " " i " Ja�nes A. Glasgow 740 IIni.versity Gas Sta.4P " 375$" � " Gen.Rep.Garage n m i n . I Clifford Wl�.te � 1226 I�ackubin �a�ler Rental " 3769" Thomas Parrish 752 W. 7th 1 MM . " 3770n I Vendall ,�Rober-t D. Tn�eber 635 s. Snelling V.2�4.I,oc.1�3 ° 3783" F. J. �ich3.ngex�Continental Bowling Corp. 2�F15-7 �'. 7th V.M.Loc.1kl " 38i5n n n 2 �dd.teach. " ° I " p �Stephen Dedri.ckson 1$J.7 Randolph V.M.I�oc.1N " 3829_" K1ine 41ds, Inc, ].471-97. IIn�i.vers�ty Cigarette " 3837'� ; Pioneer Vend.$Glori.a Dei. Lutheran Church 700 S.Snel1.V.A�.Loc.1M " 3866" " �Harold Theisen 1581 Ford Pkwy. V.M.Loc.]:N! " 3878"_ "' �Ruben Zamansky 485 S. Snell. V.M.Loc.1N� " 3879'! " ,`�Daniel T. Se11y 353 S. Victoria V.M.Loc.1M " 3880" i w � g. TrJ. & L.N. Shi.e r 649 N. Sne 11. Cf garet te 3901" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays I Carlson � Dalglish Approved � 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith I Peterson Mayor A gainst � ' Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne I! I � � � i �� �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��Q��� ��� ��I� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � Q� �,g� COMMISSIONER DATF � ! I Contd. Page 3 Contaf.r�r Wrp. of lA�nerica 1050 N. Kerrt Cigare�te App.3905Renewal . I Denni�.s VanWert�'rancis Joseph '�Tarren 1EA0 Randolph Q.M.?�oc.1M " 3906� St. Panl A4eat & Produce, Inc. 402 IIr�versity Foods MPDW " 3909'� " " Butcher ' " " I ° • • ' • l TaTilliam R. �ng, Jr. 1521 Randolph Gen.Rep.Garage '" 3924'� i Hi.ghland Chateau, 'Inc. 2319 w. 7th ' Rest Ho�ie-r�. " 3926p � � � _ The Toni. Co. 332 Rosebel Restaurant " 3934° . . � . i �F.L.O..L. Radio 1370 Dave rn �.M,Lo c.11�i " 3943" � Pearl Joseph 366 �r:acouta Restaurant ° 39l�5n n " C�.galette • n ■ � n . i Canteen �Ford �fotor Co. 966 Miss.Ri.v.Blvd. V.�i.Loc.1M " 3964�" n n n n � a n 55 add.mach. �G.N. Ry. Commissary 295 E. Kellogg V.M.Loc.1M " 3966" M r`�G.Id. Ry. 600 �33�ss�ss�ppi. V.M.Loc.1M n 3967!' � " " � 2 add.mach. n n � n " �G.P1. Ry. 700 Jackson V.M.Zoc.l� " 3972�' I! ' � ' 3 �add.mach. n n � n " �G.N. RR Co. 175 E. <<th V.I�S.Loc.1M " 3973." �" ' " ' � 16 add.mach. " " � ° " �Roundhouse C.A4.St.P. & P Ry.Co. 1000 Sh�op Rd. V.M.Loc.1M " 3979" " �Ya.rd Office " 1000 Shop Rd. V.M.Ioc.7k1 " 3980'! " " 4 add.maCh. '� " � " " �NP Ry. ' ' S92 E. 3rd. V.t4.Loc.7�'i " 3993" a �" 892 Aiiss�.ssi.ppi V.M.Loc.1M " 3995�' "' � " ' '2 'add.mach. '� �' ; n " �Omaha Ry. �"gg Payne V.M.I�c.lm " 3999" " �Rayette Iaboratories, Inc. 261 E. sth V.I4:.Loc:1M " 4004" " ' ° � 1 add.mach. n ° j � " �San�.tary Fa?m D�ri.es. Inc. 41� Grove p.M.Loc.1M " 4010" " � ° � ` 1 add.mach. " " " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson � Dalglish Approved I 19— t Holland Tn Favor I Meredith � Mayor Peterson � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne I � �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /.i/q('���I� ° CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL ND r`�"vv �c�rtsE cor�T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � I C MM SS�IONER M$�' 28• 17� �ATF Contd. Page 4 { I Canteen �V�king Dr�ll & Tool Co. �i70 K3�ttson V.I�1.Loc.1M �pp.4Q19Renewal " n 8 add.mach. " " � p " �Whf rlpool Corp. 850 Arcade V.M.I,�c.7.M " 40�1° n n " • �Mounds Park Hospital • 200 Ear7. �M.Locm7.Mh� " 4022" " ° 6 add.mach. " " � " t . Capitol Optical, Inc. 19 E. 7th Optician " 4034" ; Polish �merican ,Club,• Znc. 1003 Arcade On Sale �alt n 4044" p " Off Sale Mal$ n n j n � ° . � Dance Ha11 n n � u n p Cigarette "� n ° 7Up�Gross Bros.-Kron3.cks 826 Payne V.�.Loc.1M " 4063" R ;bGloria De� Lutheran Church 700 �. Snel�.ing V.M.Loc.l�i " 4067" " �G.N.Ry. Co. 700 Jackson V.M.Loc.1M " 4068" " �St. Paul Terminal Warehouse �25 Ts. 8th V.�S.Loc.].NI n 4077" " �meri.can B�tuminous � �s�halt Co. 220J,Childs �Rd.V.M.Loc�.1Ni " 4083'" " �9ndrew gnitti.ng M�lls Fi.nch Bldg. V.M.Loc.1I�! " 4098" '" �Cathecet�cal �ld 262 E: 4th V.M.Ioc.].� " 4103'" " ,$Crane-Ordway Co. 356 Broadway V.M.Loc:1M " 4104" " �Fear�.ng Mfg. Co. 808 E. Geranium V.M.Loc.lA�II " 4106" " �First State Bank 1000 Payne V.M.Loc.1M ° 4107" " �Genu�.ne Auto Parts Co. 199 r. �nna.polis V.M.Loc.]..1�3 " 4109" ' �Hamm Brewing Co. 720 Payne V.M.I,oc.IM " 4110" " ��1m & OlsoII, Inc. 159 Duke V.M.Loc.1M n 4111" � Willard L. k7hitcomb 246 S. Snelling Gas ,Sta.4P " 4127�� " " Gen.Rep.Garage n n I� �� n - " � � Cigarette n ° 4 �� ' " C�g.Q.peY'�?.I+i �� n � n 7IIp�K�nr�y� Boiler & I�fg. Co. 465 Kenny Rd. � V?�.I,oc.1M " 4144" " �I.�pschnitz Bros. 230 E, 5 th Q,I�.I,oc.1M " 4145n " $Phillip Petroleum Co�. - 510 �h9.te Bear V.M�.Loc�.1M " 4161' " �Pratt� E�tpress Co. 614 O�ve V.M.?�oc.1M� '� 4162" " �Pri.ce �7.ectric Co. 180 Plato V.hi.Loc.1M n 416�j° " �R�verv�ew Improvement G"lub 454 Onega F.M.Loc.1M " 4166n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays I 1 Carlson Dalglish � Approved � 19_ Holland Tn Favor � Meredith � Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco . i Mr. President, Byrne � 1 �� I i OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 27����� LICENSE co�ITT� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER DATF May 28, 1.9�0 l Contd. Page 5 7IIp�Htllcrest State Bank of St. Paul, Inc.1590 White Bear ., i V.M.Loc.1M .�pp.4172Renewal " �Superi.or °400" Oil Co. 243 N. Pt.Douglas Rcl.V.M.Loc,1M " �174' p , . I R�chard A. Dauffenbach & I1oyd Ha.nsen 835 E. �ounty Li.ne TV 1Kaster " 4187° Coltunbia Transit Corp. 1102 N. Snelling Gen.Rep.Garage " �199" . . . _ i Anders W. Lundqnist 1129 Payne 2'V Master " 4200�� n . . " Ele c.�Ipp.Rep. n n n 7IIp�Johnson High School 1349 Arcade V.t�.Loc.1M " 4204'� " �Brown Photo Co. 405 Wabasha g.M.Loc.1M " 4209"` A �Tl�mas Casperson 1024 E. 7th B1dg.#46�T.M.Loc.1M " �+210L � '" �Vilcing Electri�c supplg Co. $22 Broadway V.M.I�oc.1M " 421'j" " �Welcome Flome, Inc. 1609 Jackson V.M.Loc.1Ni " 4219" '" ;�A11 �Nations Insuraace Co. 555 �labasha V.M.I,oc.1M " 4220�� " �xTames W. & Eugene R• Lee 1334 Conwag V.M.Loc,1M " 4222�' " �St. Paul lthlet3.c Club 340,Cedar V.M.Loc.1M " j225" "' �St. Paul Termi.nal Warehouse 694 �. ?�h. V.M.Loc.11�! " 42�" , . � John C. Hoikka 238 Pleasant p.�i.I,oc.l� " 4241" " _ " 2 add.mach. n n � n I a 7Up�Hote1 St. Pau1 �arage ?1 �T. 4th V.M.I�oc.11�i " �?1�2" ' " �Sacred Heart Church 831 E. 5th V.I��.Loc.1M " 4243° ■ �Samco Mfg. Co. 211 E. 4th D.M.Loc.],A�i n 4244n " �alvat�on Army 1007 payne �.M.��.7-M " �F245" ° $Strauss Knitting M�.11s 350 T��bley g,M.Loc.1M n ,��8w " �Superamerica Sta., Inc. 296 E. 7th V.M.Loc.1M n 421-�9� ° �Mueller Mortuary 835 Johnson Pkwy. V.M.I+oc.1hI " 4250" * �McC].a�.n-Hedman-Schuldt Co. 200 P7.ato V.M.Loc:1M n y,2�n " �Navy Island Recreation Na�y Island V.M.I�o�.1M " 4252!' T' �John Woodh�ns . 710 S. $mith �.M.Loc.].�I n 4253" '" �bPhalen State Bank , 1119 Barclag v.M.Loc.1M " 4256� �' `gVel-Tex Chemical Co. 112� �h�1ds Rd. V.Ai.Loc.l�i " 4258'" " �Richard Snow . 1200 Arcade V.M.Loc.1Ni n j�,2(�n " �TC Barge & Towing Co. St.La�rence St. y.IrI.Loc.1M " 4262" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays Carlson f Dalglish Approved � 19— � Holland Tn Favor f Meredith I Peterson Mayor A gainst � Tedesco � I Mr. President, Byrne i I �� i � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK I LIC�NS� co�ITT� ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY �� 28� 1968 � COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Page 6 7IIp�St. Paul Hotel �o. 363 st. Peter y.I�.Loc.].�I App.4264Nenewal p �St. Paul $chool Ma.intenance Shops 740 York V,.M.Loc.li� " 426�n p �Dean Lonnquist 34►+ Ruth V.M.Ioc.IIYI " 4267n " �Electroni�cs Associates 455 Rice F.M.I�oc.1M " 4287� " �Far�ell I�ietal Fab Dl�.vn. 75 W. Fatrfield V.M.Loc.1M n �29pn � Interstate IInited�Waterous Co. 80 E. Fillmore V.�?.Loc.1N1 " 4309" " " 9 adc2.mach. �� n { n " �Wi�lder Public Baths 319 Eagle V.M.Loc.lI� " 4310" " „ 3 add.ma�h. n �� � n " �Young Quinlan Rothschild 415 �abasha V.M.Loc.]:Ri " �+311" � " l. add.mach. +� n � n " �Am.Ltnen �upply Co. 219 W. 5th V.M.Loc.1NI " 4313" M n . . 3.aaa.ma�n. n p � �� '" �Internati.onal Harvester Co. 775T���e V.M.Loc.1M " 4330" �' �Kaplan Paper,Boa Co. 126-$6 S. Wabasha V.M.Loc.1M " 4332." � , " 2_ add.mach. n ° ' ° Donald_Bateman 520 Whi�te Bear Gas.�ta.6P " 4336tt � . n Gen.Rep.�*arage n n n �� ' n ' Cigarette � ■ I n } David Penshorn 645 Parkway Dr. TV Master . '� 43�41" . I Jaznes g. Allen 565 Earl C�garette " 4350" Muntean-I�dman, Inc. 916 Ri.ce �rig.Cont. " 435g" i Max Bussjaeger 515-6 Commerce B].dg. Opt�c�an " 43;31° - The Toni Co. 332 Rosabel . �igarette " 4382"t '" ��arehouse-332 BroadHay Ci�garette " 438�4" 1 Mid�rest Structuxal Co. 491-411 Toppi.ng Cigarette ° 4412" . , ; Milton �. Ischer Y201 R.�ce V.Ai.Loc�1M " �17" . . . . . (�Ay 2 � ����- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays ' ,� - �ii�� � � �.��� Dalglish Approved � 19— I �ei�aa� � � Tn Favor Meredith , � Mayor Peterson A gainst i Tedesco G Mr. President, Byrne 1��a11S�#ES d`U�, 1 1968� � ��