238801 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /2 v V V�1 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `` COUNCIL RESOLUT GE ERAL R . PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City 'officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute Amendment to Agreement between the City and Barton—Aschman Associates , Inc. pertaining to a street and parking study, which agreement was dated January 16, 1968, and was authorized by Coun.cil resolution, C. F. No. 236607, approved January 11, 1968. , FORM AP ROVED � Asst poration un e ✓�� �iA� 2 .8196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' � �iAY �� 196� Dalglish Approver� 19_._ o an �n Favor Meredith ' ' ' Mayor Peterson � � . A gainst _ Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ������E� ��N Z 19�8 � �O DUPLICATQ TO rRINTQR p , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ��C�O� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED, By the Council of the City oY Saint Paul, that the proper City of�iQera are hereby suthorized a�d d3reoted to egeoute Amendment to Agreement between the City and Barton-Aschman AssoQiates, Ine. pertaining to a street and parking study� which �,greement was dated January 16, 1968, and was authorized by Ca�nQil reeolution, C. F. No. 23660?, approved Ja.nuary 11, 1966. fVIAY 2 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �IAY � � 19�� Dalgliah � Approved 19—_ �+ Tn Favor Meredith '� Mayor Peteraon A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O