238790 _ '_'_,. . , , - -. i:�: .,, s 'f N;i. • • ,n /y�' • ' • ��� N ��0 y} '�
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� . FINAL ORDER - � ,� �OUNCIL FILE N0. � � �
;-, . � B� - �
' 1
. � _ �
, . - File No. l7272 - �
' � '• - A
In the Matter of con�trc�c�iug a �torm uate� �e�ie�� sewer ft� 1�RT�tiU AVSNU� fr� aDx�ord `
'�tr�t to I�ci.ag*o� Avenue; in L�NGTdA� AyEH17B' fro�a Fbrtl�nd Aven�e �o D�yton Avmut; �
� in �AY'�ON �9�'�� �rom �ezingtou A,ve�we�to Uicfdrd Av�nue; i� �0�'4�D AVBNIIE gram La�.r�l .�
Avenue to Con�ordia Av�nn�j ia VICT�IA��TR�BT �xccs Poztlaud Avenue to 8oI1� Ave�a�;
in VICTb�IA $T� fract A�hiaud Avenue �o L�ure�. Avemic�3 in �ORTLAI�ri A'�i� fro�
, Victoria $ereet �to �L1,Itoa Streetf�ia Y�UR�L bt�N#JB fs�a9n �'3�torl.a� Street, to I4��Con ,
. S�t��et; i� � A'V1�t� fram Victar3a� �treet to M�2ton �tre�t; in CAATS'RO�TH �TRB�
€r�e PQrttsnd �vanue ta As�bla�nd.i�venu�; �,n .�115�AND A'�i�1UE £ro� t�tswor-th S tra�t to
� r��.c� s��t; ta:�TOx ��a�� �r� poZtia�,�a e9�,�� to �aytoa �venue; in D1sYT�38
' AtiBHUE from s3.ltan �tree� to �ts�rt�rth 3truat; and in CHATS�Tt3RTH STRi�ET frosa �Hatg�c� �
� Avernxe to Concorct�+�.Aeetlu�� .a�i'�f which �s to. be knorra as fihe $T. Ai��,'HOI�i SII,L DISZRICT, .
Day�oa-Miltoa .�tel�ef Sq�te�. � �- , ' -
under Preliminary Order 23707'b � approved �ebru�rS► 9. I�6$
. Intermediary Order � approved �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
� �' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and l�nd of im-
� LpAO�e�m�e�yt,t1t�q�b�a�or�yw�'tee���e�'��Sa�erin Pa&TI�IiD A�NQS �rom Q�€fc�rd Str�et to Lexingtan
_ �Avenue; ia lBXiNGTON AQ�lQUE fraaa Pbrtland Av�nue �a ba�ton Avexiue; in D�AYTON AV�NUL� from
Lezingrroa Avenue to Ouford �vaneie;. in OgFO�D A'VSNU1s fr� Iaurei Avenue to 'Cancord�a _
' Av�uue; fn ViCTORIX SZ'R�ST fro� �Portland_Aveaue to Holly ,Avenuez in •VYCTf�RIA 3TR�ET
, �aoa ABhiand Avenue ta Lauxe�l AveDU�; ia ,P�O�TI�iD �VffiWB from �ictoria S�r�e� to 1�13.itea
Street� i.n �URS� A�iJB Ert+� �ti�tas:ia Stzee� to M�.lton Street; fn �AGtlE A�ffi4US fra�
Vicwri�. Street to i�tltou 3treet; ia G`HATSWQ3tTS ST&�T �reun Portland Avenne to Ashland
_ Aveuaa; ia A3HI�iND AV�NtT$ fro� Ch��eworth Street tQ. �iilton. SCre�t; in MILTQA S�T
�ro� rar�a�aa en�g �o Daqtaa Adenue;� in �AYTrl� AV�UE €�o� Mfltoa 3tse�et Co G''hatrn�ortl�
• Stre��; and ia CBATf�+108TFt 83'�S'� ��ca� IIagu� Av�nue. ta Coneordis Aveaeie; all of wbich is
- �o be knpwn ea� the $T. A�'ISORY H�LL D�STBICT, DaqCon-M�iton ttelisf �ystea�.
�� . .
� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
. directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, and submit same to the Council for '
, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �
' . . Adopted bp the Council MAY 2 819��
- Yeas �„'„�, Nays � � - ti _ " .
� Dalglish . ' � _ � .. Approv - �AY � $ 1��8 .
u �--�'�'11d ' -
� Meredith � , , : - ,-
pa+o.�.,►, - . Fanor ' - '
Tedesco - i1 . � Mayor _
-:_::::.. . �g :�:::- U ��� -
::'::":�:� •9�LS�i.�77i� , • � ,
.�::.��. • .:-:�;�.�.....:...i::°:e against �I�BE1s�1€B J�1� 1 1968
Mr. Vice Presid�at (Y�erson) _ - -
6-86-2M �� R�1 ; , �
� f � / ��� ■
� , •
� . l
N�� � `
1 '
'23�'��0 ,�3 �:�
April 16 19 68
To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of t he Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 237076
approved Februarv 9 19 68 relative to
►""��Construct a storm water relief sewer inPORTLAND AVENUE from Oxford St'reet to
Lexington Avenue; in LEX bN A�ENU-�rom ortlan� venue t.o ayton Avenue; n - . �
DAYTON AVENUE from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Avenue; in OXFORD AVENUE from Laurel
Avenue to Concordia Avenue; in VEC rom or an �lvenu'-`e�o�Ho17y�1venue; �
in VICTORIA STREET from Ashland Avenue to Laurel Avenue; in FORTLAND AVr:A]UE from
Victoria Street to Milton Street; in LAUR'.�'L lAVEN[��` rom-Gic'�ria Stre'��o"�fi� o"�n"°-
Street; in HAGUE AVENUE f rom Victoria Street to Milton Street; in CHATSWORTH STREET
from Portland Avenue to Ashlan Avenue; in ASHLANU AV�'1VUE from Chatsworth�tre��`-
_ to Milton Street; in MILTON STREET f rom FoFtland Avenue to Dayton Avenue; in DAYTON
AVENUE from Milton Street to Chatsworth' Street; and in CH TSWOR�TI�STREE"�from Fiague
�tn��enue�i�t��CQnc;or�lia cAyenu,e;tal�l �oftc�hich iss;�,tot,b,e jk�own��asethe�s�:�,AN�Ei6N,�d�HI�,E, hereby
DISTRICT, Dayton-Milton Relief System.
reports; -- - - -- ---- - - —
1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 308.835.00
2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached
and made a p �,�2�e�o �
3. Initiated b ~theAQf�fi�ssi �er of Public Works X
� ������ w
4, Improvemen � s pF � n petition
�`�E,!FINAIITCE ,���`�'�
2��� �� L.y�
; Commissioner of Public Works
8+' . . . • , . . - -- . ��
. � �. ' . ` ��
. ���0
C�ITY OF Si41NT P �► UL �'
" MINNESOTA ��i/'-s'�o ro j c:c:�, � 7 0 0.�
DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P���� /� ''°.!`fs �� ��� ° �
� �`,I� 113 Court,.House 55102 I���'� L � ,2�� U O, U�/
� " Ma3�?"10, 19 6 S
City of Sc. 1'��ul " . Re: Playground � m�'F6^d)
r� Der�e. o� Parl.. ��nd P1a��round;-� � ,Pv'•✓,''�,�'� 'r��`�
: '�..-c �'f-� .
File 17272', Page 1;�& 180� �7 C•177 r13�
Notice is hereby given that ehe Coun�il of the City• of St. Paul will hold
a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and CourC House � , ,
� at 10:00 a.m. on May 28�, 1968', on .the advisability of proceeding caith � � �
Preliminary Order 237076, approved�February 9, 1968, which proposes to: .
Construct a storm water relief sewer in PORTLANll�AVENUE from Oxford Street
to Lexington Avenue; in LEXINGTON AVENUE from Portland Avenue to Dayton Avenue;
in DAYTON AVENUE from Lexington Avenu� .to Oxf�rd Avenue; in OXFORD AVENUE
from Laure.I Avenue to Concordia Avenue; in�VICTQRIA STREET from,�,��ortland ,
�yenue to Holl.y Avenue; in VICTORIA STREET from Ashland Avenue to,Lau�el '
Avenue; in PORTLAND AVENUE from Victoria Street to Mil"ton Street; in LAUREL •
AVENUE from Victoria Street, to Milton Street; in HAGUE AVENUE froin- Victoria; � �
Street to Milton Street; in CHATSWORTH STREET from Portland Avenue, to' Ashland� ; �
. Avenue; in ASHI,AND AVENUE?' from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street; ;in MILTOI� '! ,
,•STREET from Portland Avenue to Dayton Aven`e; in DAYTON AVENUE from Milton�: I � i �
�Street to, Chatsworth Street; and in CHATSWORTH STREET from Hague Avenue t'o ,� �y ' , �
' Concordia A�enue• all of which is to be known as tlie ST. ANTHONY HILL DISTRICT„� ' ,
h� ?
Day.ton-Milton Relief,System. , • � , � � ���`�� � � � , � r
. , � , _ •
The :total estimated cost a�c� method•of fir!anci�ng,ithis im�rovement are as �ollows:
' ' iri '� 4
� ' r - ,
Total estimated cost , ;_ .$3C£,535.00 ,
Capital Improvement Bond �`unds 216,485.00 .
Estimated property assessment � $ 92,350.00 �
, - ,
� Your property lies within the drainage�district.
' � .
The estimated property assessment f�s�ased on an asSessment rate of $0.0075
,) (3/4 o'f a cent) per square foot o-f �rea�for _A & B Residential property and ��'�
I $O.OT'25 (1-1/4 cents) per square�roo�t�of�area for Commercial or C Residential.�
property plus $4.33 costs for eaeh�p�r�i assessed. _
If you wish detailed information rega,rding this proposed i�provement, you are
invited to meet with the technical advisors in the Council Cham�ers, between
9:00 and 10:00 a.m. , the same day as the hearir.g. ,
You may also telephone 223-5421 for construction information; or telephone
223-5241 for assessment information. •
..�.;� ��.�'�Z. �/
� �,✓����u���V JAMES J. DALGLISH
Commissioner of Finance
� - _
d;,_.�... 4+ • �
� �3�'�90
P E T I T I 0 N
ge: Preliminar,y Order 2 7076
The undersigned being property owner� within the �
area to be assessed in connection with the proposed con-
struction of a storm water relief sewer under the proposal
designated as Preliminary Order 237076, do hereby petition
the Honorable Mayor and the Members of the Council of the
City of Saint Paul to re�ect the proposed construction of
the storm water sewer. cS�c �� �
�d t� ��fl a �
Name Address Description
/a �7G�1� �. �/a � �--�- .
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(Signatures on Petition Continued)
Na Address Description
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