238788 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK �"IOI' /!,(`� • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��� W�v LTCENSE C0�3I�TE8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o . COMM SS�IONE U ATF �'�.Y 28� 196$ RESC2VEDs That appliaat3.on for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7314 issued to Heinets Y�hite House, Inc. at 1415 IIniversity Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Patriak A. Conro�r as "IlJ�,CTIVE" on aondition ` - 'that �i.th3.n �� daya �of thia date sa3d Patrick 9. Conroy shall have establiah.ed a loaation and aha11 have complied with all requiremsnts of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Poliae, and the Lioense Inapeotor puxsuant to the St. Paul Legiela'tiv�a Code and all other applicable ordinanoes and la�rs. '�x ./ • . ,. - • ; � _ - . _ -...�..._. �Y � � �ss� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays . �qy � � 196� .�:;u Dalglish � Approved 19— Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��aLlsa�a ��� 11968 �o ' ' CI�i Y�OF"SAINT PAUL � , o Capital of Minnesota ��� • �� �e a�ti�ec�t o c���cc �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDUty Commiealoner � DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenae Ins ` peetor _ �ay 28, 1968 Honorable �+ayor and City Co�cil Saint Paul, Minnesota , Gentlemsns Heine's 1�Vhite Houae,� Ina. ie jo3ned by Patrick A. Conroy in making application for the transfer of On Sa1e Liquor License No. 7314,"expiring Janvary 31, 1969, �raan Heine's 'Nhite ftouee, Ino., 1415'IIniversity �venue to Patrick A. Conroy as "INACTNE��. � Pending�h� outoame of preaent negotiations, Pi[r. Conroy �rould like to hold the license as inaat3.v�a temp- orarily v�th a� vie�ur to establiahing a looatian in the loop or near doymtown area. rdr: Patrick A. Conroy has been self-employed and has worked as a private contractor. , Very truly yours, �1u.�-�G�~��i c Licenae Inspector � °° � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � � . � � , � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAF];TY � ' � _ LICENSE DIVISI�N � ' �' a 19 V� . D�te lg ,Application f or� Q/✓. �,A�� ��o�, Liaenae 2o Name of app].icant q. �� � C, �o„�,�i � ' ' 3. Business �ddress _ Residenoe�a�(,Fwf}?"���t�_ 4, Trade nams p if an�r �io N,t� o � S 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp_� will be used, 6. Qn wha,t f14or loaated. ' Number of rooms used ?. Bet�reen what orosa streets � - Which aide of streot . � . • � 8� Are premises n�r ocoupied YPha� business - Havr long 9� Are premiaea nrnv unoccupied Hovr long vacant Previous use ' 1 � .�.� . . . . y r1�0� Are you a rlew owner ��/' �. Have you.�been in a similar busineas before�/6 � � . . . /���L_ ;•,�- � � �Ilhere - � °- ' 9Yhen - - � � - - . 11. Are you goin.g to operate this business�peraon�lly 1��S - If ndt, who will operate it 12.� Are you`in_any other business at_,the preaent time � � i�/ E' Cv�� cTo,� 13. . Hav� there bee� any co�nplain.ts against y_our operation of this tppe of plaap it/o Yfhen Where - _ ,- - • 14. _Have �you ever had any__license revok�d���o �IThat reason and date � . • , , A , . , _ . -_ �,° . f. . 15o Ara you a oitizen of th�.United States ( � Native��Naturalised } 16. Wh�ere w�ere you b orn Date of birth � r 17o I am marriedq 1�y (grife's) (.�a-) name and addross is�v,yE �'iJ,��cs�¢- a � , "l�s� �D(,�£-�i C: L v0 � . -�--- - - . �,-'- 18p (If ine,rrjied femaTe) my maiden name is - • _ • 19.. Hoar long 1�ave you. lived in S� Paul �{� �//�S -- ,. 20. Have you ever been arrested��_Violation of �rhat ariminal la�r or ordinance � .;_. �. 21. dre you a registered voter in the City of $t� PauT ( : � Yea I�o . . , . . _. � ._. ...- - .- • - - . �_. .. _ . . ._ • (Answer fullV and completelVs These�a�� 'licationa are �horou��Iil. cheo]�d and any falaifiaation will be cause for denia�.., � �' � .,, ... ,. - AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT , r -+ FDR RETA,IL BEER OR LIQIIOR LICENSE Re: �_Sale L � a ,, o ,� Licsense • Name of applicant �. ',� � G/� �_ �c�/v,t� o �/ Business addresa Are you the sole oumer of this busin.ess?�[S. If not, is it a psrtnership? / _ '' - --- . c orporat ion? , other3 Others interested in busin.ess, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name Address How If a corporation, give its name ' Are you interested in any way in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor business? �(/o As sole rnaner? Partner? Stockholder? Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. E�plain.� Addre s s of s uch bus ine ss ancl nature of in.te re st in same - L�e�G� _ ignature of applicant State of �innesota� ' �� �ss - Co ty of Ramsey q _ .� w _. . - , . ��� � • �� �� � � �beiaig first-�cluly sworn, deposes and sa�rs upon oath that he has�read the regoisig affidavit��bea'ring+ha.s si�nature and l�ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his- own knawledge, except as to those ma,tters there,in stated�upon informqtion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. �-. . � igna,ture of a pplicant Subscrib� and awo o before me � / this o10 � day of 19 �a� � `�� __ Notary Publ' , ey County, sota My c o�is i expires i� -a S 19�v DOROTHY 9: MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. , My Commission Expires Oct�25�197,b . � 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � SS Cf1UNTY OF RA�SEY ��� � - being first duly sworn, do�h depose and say that he makes this a fidavit in aonnection �vith application for � " �/�/ Sale" liquor license (" Sale" m�lt beverage license) in the City of � � � � �� ^ �� State oP Minnesota Sai_n.t Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the Q�p��,��� a nd has resided therein for !�� years, months, and ia State nrna and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of eaid � a nd tha t he n ow re s ide s a t N0. 9 ,}�� �/,, �C Gil��C.@ �r � - —t-- �"����, M171riA 9 Ota. �� — . . . ,. - � � _- . : , Subsoribed and sworn to before me 'th's o�o=" day of � 19�g , — /��� � � , Notary Pub a msey County, Mi s ta _ lUly aommis 'on expirea ro -��- /1 7� DOROTHY J: MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mlnn. My,Commission Expires Oct.25, 1970 ; � ! i • � � � ' . i . � . � 7 � � 1 �.. May 20; 1968 I 1 � , , Honorable Mayor and • City Council . City of Saint Paul • Court House . . St. Paul � Minnesota 55102 , Honorable Sirs : • � I , William T. Heine and Bruna M. Heine , being the sole stockholders of Heine' s White House , Inc. hereby request the Council to transfer the liquor license held by Heine' s White House , Inc.� located at 1415 University Avenue , St. Paul � . to Patridk A. Conroy. ' . Sespectfully submitted � . � William T. Heine . / Br�na M , Heine -�,�, ' ` , . . "� ' ��.�..��,.�.� /, .�.�.� . �� ' �'C.�i���� �!�� � . F, .� May 27, 1968 ' Mayor and City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota � , • Attention: License Ins�ector for the , City of Saint Paul Honorable_Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully requests the City Council to transfer to him the ownership of the liquor license now located at 1415 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned requests the Council to transfer this license to him on an in-active basis, pending negotiations for the �lacement of the license at a downtown location. The undersigned agrees to establish a location for the license with the least possible delay. � � � :�"� � - ' f'' _ �Patrick A. Conroy • r May 17, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Saint Paul . • Court Hous e Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Honorable Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby consents to the transfer of the liquor license held by Heine's Whitehouse, Inc. and now located at 1415 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Patrick Conroy. ' , � ���ti Geor R. McLean