238787 � ��lJ��� OR161iNAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. �• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�sE ca�Qrr�E ` COUN IL RESO ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE - DATF�� �Ri ��� ,�r RESC�VED: That applicat3.an for the transfer of an Sale Liquor Licenae No. 7305_,issued to VPal-�a,tt Corporation at ].181 Clarenae Street be and the sams is hereby transferred to Parkside Loun.ge, Ina. at �he same addresa on the condition that withi.n � p + days of this date said F�rkside Lounge, Inc. sha11 comply �rith all requiremsnte of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul LQgislative Code and all other applioable ordinancea and laws. � . ;, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Ca'ti�t�Yl ? A� ],��a �`' 19— Yeas Nays �,��, �� jgs� Dalglish �. Approved 19— ���"��— S Tn Favor Meredith t ' Peterson " J Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne P��L1S�#E� �N 1 1968 �� ,,� •---• _; CITY OF SAINT PAUL , Capital of Minnesota �� � ���� �e a�t�e�t a c��lcc �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FlRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM BOGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commlaaioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor May 28, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Counail • Saint P�ul, Minne s ota _ Gentlemens Parkside Lounge, Ina. is �oined by Wal-R9att Corporation • in making application for the "tranafer of � Sa1e Liquor LiQense Pto. 730b, expiring January 31, 1969, from Wal-Idatt Corporation at 1181 Clarence Street to Parkside Lounge, Zna. at the same addreas. ' This looation has been an On Salo Liquor eatablishment sinae September 1966. The preaent 13oenaee, VYal-b2att Corporation has held this lioenae ainae September 1966. The offiaers of the �Parkside I,oun�e, Ina. are Thomas G. ��yan, President and Secre�Fary-Troasurer; and George T. Ryan is the � Vioe President. The aole stoakholder is Thomas G. Ryan. There are no 3.2 plaaes within t�ro bloaks. The aloseat � �n Sale Liquor es�tablisl�ment ie about three blocks away and the aloaest Off Sale Liquor eatabl3ahment ia about one block away. The neareat ahurch is aUout bne bloak away and the nearost sahool ie about five bloaks away. Tho�a,s G. Ryan ia present].y employed by the St. R�ul Fire Department. Previously he was employed by '6Pinkels, Ina. and the Rock Is]and Railroad. George T. Ryan is employed by the Northern paaifia Railway as an assistant freight claim agent. � Very truly yours, ���"h�.� .�'� � �Liaense Inspeato� r . � �0 � • � d . _ ',�' - j � j� _ ' , _ C ITY OF SA INT PAU�,� - -- � , DEPl1RT?ffi�TT OF PIIBLIC SAF&TY - , , - � � LICENSE DIVISI�AT' • - � � . " - _ Date� � 2_1s �� _ . . - � ,. . - � l� Applica�ion fox License , � 2o Nam� of applican� � � y� �L°. ' T�ie � � .. . - • . ' 3o Bus3.ne�$ address //�1 ��.,�h,d��teaidenoe�/J' � �`��,�� 4, , Trade nams.� if any - � � ' _ � /j/G, , 5. -Retail-Beer Federal Tax Stamp �Retail Liquor.Federal Tax Stamp .✓.,will be used. 6. On what floor l�ated_ ,1 �� ' Number of rooms used �- i„Q,_- _ ?e Bet�reen �rhat crosa streets ` - VPhich aide of st"reet " ���' ('�R 8� Are premises n� ocoupied�YPh�t busines���%���ovr long 90 Are premisea naw unoccupied�aw Zong vacant � ' Previous use � �1'0, Are you a new awner�Have you been i.n. a simi.lar busineas before �� , , _ _ . _ � . ;': _ . "- -- . -_ �1'here " - - 9Ph�n � - - 11. Are you going to operate this buainess�pers�n,�lly �j� � _ If nbt, who will operate it �Q � ( � ��� � 12. Are you••�in anq other b�usine ss at the-pre aent time _ � � R_ � �' - � I3. Eav� there bae"i� any complaints �against your operation of this type' of �plaoe�/,� . - , _ , - yPhen Where • 14. �ve �you e.ver had �ny lioense revokgdr'���i�That reason and date �. j , 15o Are you a oitizen of. tk� IInited States�'.�_Native���Naturalized � , . . � . . . --; . � 16. Rk�re �rere you b o �„LDate of birth ���— ���. f�/� . _ �, ----._. . - . :- -. . � :� ���-� 17o I am��z°riedn 3�.4y (wif�s) (husba�nd�a) n�me and address is � �_ ' � r ` � _ ,�� � ' � - , ,.. � ". -��._ _� ; 18p mer.xied feinale)'my anaiden name is ' '� '-�• � �`- � \ • _ , . _ _ , _ _ 190 Hamr long have you lived in S-� Paul '` �/�GI;o��� 20o Aave you ever been arrested_��!�Violation of what oriminal lativ or ordinance - � "� . �. 210 Are you s registered voter in the City of St� Paul t/ Ye s _ N°� �. �l • � : (Answar full,y and campletel,y�, These �a' 'lications are �horou 1z1 chea)�d and an falaification will be cause for denial�. � . � � • A�'FIDAVIT BY APPLIGANT FOR . RETAIL BEER OR LIQU�OR LICENSE Re s ��Sa 1e � ��l.� v o � Lioense Name of applicant �g �D Y�G � r' �r/��J/ Business addreas `/ f �/ �� �,, � � �r, � Are you the sole owner of this busin.ess?�j/�. T"f not, is it a partnership? c orporat ion? �/� � , other? � - - - -- - - - - - - - - Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherupise s Name ����� 1����. C �'�yiPlrcT �_Addre s s�� ,� � Z`� How�i?y�o YCl.L�/O/l��� �'��y� � �r��� �� �- � � � r ,� � , .��� . ��— �,�/ 9� 2 � � � - �/ a/ If a corporation, give its name�y� � � ��v ��� ,�� � ._„[�� Are you interested i.n any way in any other Retail Besr or Liquor businesa? As sole ovaner? �'/� � / v� Partner? /1/���� Stoe�older? ��'/�p �j�. Otherwise3 (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same --- -� • -• - -- -�\ ignature of pplioant State �f Minnesota) _ �ss CoLmty of Ramaey ��262 f • +�^-� �being first-cluly sworn; deposes and says upon oath that he lias�read the -f o egoisig affidavit'�bea'rang his signature and l�ow�s the c ontents there of; -�hat the' saire is t rue of' Ihis� own l�a.ow].edge, except a s t o those matters therein stated�upon infor�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. _ r� ignatur of pplicant : $ubscr'ibed and sworn o before me ;*this � day of 19� . � , -. � Notary Pub ..c Ramsey County, �di.nnesota , - RNTHONY A. DANNA ' Notary' Publlc, Ramsey County,, Minn. `" My,c 's 9 i expirea 19 �y Commisston Expires.lan. 7,1969 : � , '' STA,TE OF MINNESOTA � . ) SS COUNTY OF RANISEY ) '�� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in aonnection svith application for " Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of - - � - - ° � - � �- - Stat e of Minne sota Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota; that your affiant �.s a resident of the ����3� a nd ha s re sided there in f or �Lj ��� years, � months, and ia St&te now and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id � and that he now resides at NO.��'�1�' �/��, , S� �li� ,�,2i%�j�/ �� J � ��?X, Minne s ota. Subsaribed and sworn to before me thi ��day of 19 �(� PTotary P 1' , Ramsey County, �dinnesota - - � � - : ` lUly oo is� ion expires � _ . ANTHONY A. DANNA • '" Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. � '� - My Commisslon Expires Jan. 7, 1969 _ r �' . ' � �, ' '`° . � `;, - � ` � j , � , , � _ C ITY_OF_SAINT PAUL� - � . - ` DEPlIRTAdENT OF PIIBLIC SAFETY _ - _- � � LICENSE DIVISICa+I! . t ' • - ,� Date 19 G P - � � � - h r - 1,� Application fox��� ��T�°� r ' Lioense r � � . 2o Nams of applican� 4 ' � �' v�r � �c �� . ' 3, Businesa �ddress �t Residenoe� . /� � �� • 4, Trade name p �if axi.y �i�j�1�, S/ e ��_5�...L! - '. . . _ - . . - . ; - .. 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp %1�etail-Liquor �Federal Tax Stalnp��will•ba used. 6. On w}aat flqor looated.�, • ' � . �'Number of rooms used ="����, 7e Bet�+reen what crosa �streets_ Whioh side of streot - 8� Are emises n�r ocau ied. t business� � � Havr lon . PI' ` P �5� M s��� .�iocn � - - � - - - - ''_�. 90 Are premiaea navr unoccupied Havr long vacant , Previous usa , � � . . . �:1:'Oe Are you a new o�wner �e5 Have you been i.n a similar busineas before �/CS 7---•-- �—� . � , 6 � �11'here �2��_ e y� � � When /'�� ---� r - . 11. Are you going to operate this business personally�es � _ If nbt* who will operata it ' 12. Are you•-in. any ot}ier.business at the present tims�,�0 - • : .t, . . . . . _. . . .. -� I3. . Bav� there been any co�plaints against your operation of th3.a type of place�_ yPhen . Where • 140 �ve �you ever had �ny lioense revokec� ,�� What reason and date ��r •15o Are you a oitizen�of t� IInited Statesy�Native Naturalized - . r-.,-...._._:__...._ } 16. Y�ro zvere you b orn���G! L� Date of birth �f' 'i q-� , � � :� '. 17o I am�`married� �fy (wife's) (husb�nd�s) name and address is ;� `�� �' , . , ,v��b�ll� - - , , . ;1 ,a=i: - - _r' -- - � _ - — � _.- F�_ 18p (If iner.xied female) ir�y znaiden name -is �-���=_-� ��'~�' • ' . ' ' • � . ' ,� .� •�. . ,� 19p HaaP long have you lived in S� Paul �� �,�,d _ __� ` —z�r----'.� 20. Eave you ever been arrested_��Violstion of what criminal lativ or ordinance � • ..�_ f � 210 Are you a registored voter in the City of St� Pau]. ,/ Yes No� (Answer fully and complete]:y�, These �a �lications are thorou Izl aheol�d and any . falsificsation �till bs cause for denial� t . $FFIDAUIT BY APPLICANT � � FDR , RETA,IL BEER. OR I,IQII�R LICENSE Re s �Sale G-../ (� �b� Lioense Nam.e of applican � Business addrea ���� ���-p� �t � Are you the sole ornmer of �his business?�. I"f not, is it a partnersh.ip? c orporat ion? , other? Others interested in busin.ess, include those by loan of ney, property or otherwise: Q ,�r Name �oiat�f-S �S� fC � Address � Houv G i'/f�/�Q G «M �p � � , C�ca i�ry� /t ��/�/� � C �' td � � /,_,�-�.Y � Y,�-o1� � � r,¢�d� �«�. . . . . � If a corporation, give its name . � -e Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor sinesa? �� As sole owner� �Q�e- Partner? Q � S�oe�olderB �/Q/U� Othex�vi.se� (Through loan of money, etc. E�plain) Address of auch busi.ness and nature of in.tereat in same Signa ur of applioant St�te of Adinne sota� ' � �ss CoLm.ty of Ramse�r �? S (7, �� /v - -beirig first��cluly aworn, depoaes and says upon oath that he has�read the for going affi3avit�bearing�his signature and l�.ows the contents thereof; that the' ms is true of his� o�im �owledge, except as to those matters therein statecl�upon in.for�tion and belief and as to matters he be- lieves them to be true. Signature of app icant � Suli�crib'�d'�nd sworn, t before me ' � �hi.s �'�' day of 19 �� Notar� 7.� ���R,amSe�r' CoUilt�� Mlririeso'fA ANTHONY A. DANNA ' ' Notary Pubfic, Ramsey County, Mtnn. �, ~ My Commisslon Exp(res Jan. 7,�969 My,c � 's �n�expires 19 J STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF RANIS'EY ) �= being first dul�r sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in. oonnection �+rith application for "�Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of " � � � -� � - � ` y � � "- ° State of Minnesota Saint Paul, �dinnesota; that qour affiant is a resident of the arxl has resided therein for �� years, �� months, and ia � �'`i� � St at e , naw an.d ha s been f'or the time ab ove menti one a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id O�rX and that he now resides at N0. � 7� .L, �I��R'$�IX B�inne s ota. _ . - ��'f�i� �.� , Subaoribed and sworn to before me thia a�' day of 19� � .: � _ .� - �� � � -- - _�- Notar;� Pub , Ramsey County, I�innes�ta ,�r,.;��,,,; ��. ��,r��.A ; - � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. . _�y �OOmm�3 OYLti expire9 My Commisslon Expires Jan. 7,19GQ . ANTHONY A. DANNA c�tfoz�tcy af Lau� 372 ST. PETER STREET ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 TELEPHONE 227•7725 May 14, 1968 The Mayor & City Council City of Sa int Paul St . Paul, Minnesota' 55101 Attn: License Inspector � � Re: Request For Permission to Purchase On-Sale Liquor License: Gentlemen: The undersigned, Thomas G. Ryan, respectfully requests per- mission to purchase the On-Sale Y.iquor License now held by Julius Ma tlinsky a nd Fra nk Hea th, d/b/a Wa llma tt's Lounge a t 1181 Clarence Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota . Yf granted, the license shall be held by Parkside Lounge , Inc . , Thomas G. Ryan, President and sole shareholder. � Thank you for your attention to this request. � . Very tru your , . . ��,,.,,,�„e . ��— Thomas G. Ryan � � � n � ANTHONY A. DANNA c�tlotitey af Law 372 ST. PETER STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA S5f02 TELEPHONE 227-7728 � May 14, 1968 The b7ayor and City Council City of Sa int Pa ul • St . Paul, Minnesota 55101 Att'n: License Tnspector: Be : Request for Transfer of Liquor License: Gentlemen: Please be advised that the undersigned respectf ully requests that permission be granted to transfer the On-Sale Liguor License we now hold at 1181 Clarence Avenue , St . Paul, B�inn- esota , to Parkside Lounge, Inc . Thank you for your prompt and courteous attention to t•his request . Very truly yours, SYa 1 a tt's Lounge � By• / �LZ�., > '' j,, �/ �� U v , BY� ��� AAD:vj . �,F, 23��8' 7 � _ . CI'TY OF ST. PI�UL � �� �'� �� A�'PL�CATI(�N FOR �"UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Q . Q A lication No .._...._.._.._ Name o�Applicant....'"v�� �, ,C /�� �...'�} /�92KS/.p.�,�o_v.riG��.l'.� c � 2(� ._. .._�. .._ ... ... pp ..._..... e....._ __.....�_._._....._... . . ._...._ _. �- �R,esidence Addresa._��Z��...r_�—_s�� 5�...�,o.cJ[:__.........__..... Teiephone No.....�.��..�_.�°?z._.� Are you a citizen of the United States?__._...��S�_..........._.__._._......_...._._..._.__..._..__._.._..___._._._. ..._...._...._.._....� Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? �1..�.�..._.._._. _ �� _.�._.'. -. : .._..__.. ..._�.._..__.___....�._._ - . _...__...____......__._\___..�_.._._ _.__......._._...._. __. ....... . ... ._......_....___..... � n �c. . A t�.__!w9��.,...'f� .�'� ,�i 96� When and where7.............�,�T.,�.1 D.���.��._.!S.�c......�......... ....._._._._.�__ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation..�2K�S 1 D�__�o u N'_G��,,.,�,i�C�= T __.–�o ow �...�����__�^_!__-..�24_.� L�c.�_�a ce.__..�T_—__..Yr...r________ �' - When incorporated?.._..._._......_...._l1 A���.�......�:�G�..::.�,� •i*�..._�.._._._._.__...__...__.._......_._._..__r�..,-'..r.. ________� If club, how long has corporation owned oi leased 'quar'ters tor c�lub members?....._N a'�'� .._. �" .....__..._.._ Ho�;� many members?___..��"_o nr �_____. __._..._.._ Names and addressea of all officers of corporation, and name and address of gener 1 manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.._...�..c...c�.�s.._.�....��. . �_.��Z. � S� �'_S�-.� �'� , !?,� � �__ �2�s �.S,�.c �._-72��5 ..: ...�.__ _— . ..__------ � �t �1 �l r ► i � i/ � , ...._..._.G..�Q.�G�...T....��.�.%�i�..___.__._.__ .__.._.........._..._..___../�._w.__._..___..fl���..�t.?-..�.��5...__....._.._.__ � / Names an�d a dresses of Stockl�ol rs: . ..........................1...h...b..r�1_8...�.___�w-�� N __.. 9� z ....�....{_....��.'..___-S�...�._...._S�, _��_�_..�__�"��' � .__.._._......_..._.______._....._..._....___...__ ..............._...._..._.._...__.._.----.---..__........_..__.._..__...._.__..____....._..... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known...._....._....(�!�R:��.. ___.._.....�....-.e_.�...�. ..� ...._._._� ��Qvot, U . ..._.... Number Street � Side Between What Cross Streets Ward j/g ! : Cl��e�v�� ��s1' : /�lA,eyC�N� ��v a �i��,���7-- . . - -- :. �;` ._ . . . . y � y y g ' 'ty easured alon streets) ?...__.../_U..��.�._..___._._._.. =- T How man feet from an academ , colle e or universi (m � , . t,:r - �---� How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?:.�0e�__.......��_..�06_.��_TM.�/LotiJ �fta��C�j How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (m�ured along streets) ?�8��..��9N,d�0 � Name of closest school.--�!�.�(. .P...,��_..����.��S..._...._..........�.�.�..�..__..._..._!_...._��9.�:�..L......_...._._.___.._ How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.......��..!.`..?..M..��.._.._..._...._..........___.---._..-----__...._..__..___._.._� On w hat Roor located?...._._.........���!`J_. _.___. �1 .. .. ... ........._......._.._....._..._..._...................�.._..__...._...._...._ . .._----_..__....._. . ..._.._.........._.._..._ � � ��SeD � ...�fC (.Q'�.t T2 . �a Are premises owned by you or leased......_..__....__._....__...If leased give name of owner... .....� ...!�.�....._._...._..._......____.. , .. Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?......_....N�.N...LT�_...._.__...._..____............_...._.........._..._...._...._...._...._...._....__,_...._..._.......__._.._.. If hotel, seating capacity main dining room?..... .._...__......�.^�.�__._..............__..._..__.._...___..........---_._......._._._......___..____ . Give trade name---•-•---------- .�lLl�S/,Q:�--- ----�GUG�lC�---L'-r-•-------------------•----- ------------------•-----------•----------•--�----------------- Give below the name,�or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ......... ......_..._.....,�.�_N..:�_...._..._..._ _....._ ___.w._._..._..___.._.__._......__.._........—__---_ ._._... ..............................._.........._...._..,_........__..._._._ ............._..__-_-__...____.w_....._..._......_.._..____�._......_.._.__ _... (The intormstioa above mnat be given for hotela and r�stanranYs which use more than one room for liquor sales). Flow many guest rooms in hotel?.._-.---.d.1 Q.!!�_�......_.....__...._........____.__�_.._._.._._............_�..----�..___ _ .. .._ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)_._._!��'N'�..____�__ _......._.___._...._._.._._.. Give nam and address of hree business referencea:...� .._._�... . ._ ..._._.. _ . _ . ._... _ i..__�i�!..�/.�s� .._.i�,__.__.M.�!J�rJ/��.�� �.__...�.7_�._5--..��eT'/z2�� ����. . _.----..�..�..__.�.... 2..._,�1.C1.��. L,�_...L�Q L Li9�.��.�.s�V�L!U S_._....... ....._Sf�.�R�v G__._.__. _...._.. � s._.�`...�,�...�.9.._N...G�_.w..���en�o u G. FI /z 7�_��..2_L �S'� S'7`� �i1�c.__.._....� THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF COR,PORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE I - ��� r c.� a A- � ���� ��4�C..M7.��- .�ir� ' . i il , � �� ��� ��� ��'�.��,� '?�► ���+��� �'�s:¢ � ?���+� #�' ��� � �����' ��+�*,� �� ��� ��� � ::�:��.� �€��� �a� ���. �:3�.^�x� ��'�� �� � `� �� �$ ����� . ���a���`� ���� ���� �.:� �� � � ������ �� �� ������ , �-�� ��. �..��#�'�� �' ���s� �� �.� ����a� ���;,-�� � ��� �����:�t ��E.�����. ����# ��' �� ��� �� �'��. ��'��,� � .�'�+�.��.� �i:� ���.� 1���f.� �y,����t�' �'��� � �di�� ���. �'��, �+!����.��i� `�i� � . �� �r��� a������±� ��� � ���� ` ,- , . - �►� �� 196� � ��� � � ���� �� � . ; �� - � � ,