238764 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 2����4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. �cErrsE cor�mT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May 23, 1968 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: �'hat Ap;�lication K-3867 for the Transfer of Qn Sale �,iquor License No, 7337, expiring Jarivary 31, 1969, issued to H.N. Ivey, Inc. (Old Corporation) at 351-3 University Avenue, be and the same is hereb3r transferred to H. N. Ivey, Inc. (New Corporation) at the same address. Qn Sale T�iruor Establishment TRANSFER (Licensees� Informally approved bf �ouncil �pril 26, 1968 - � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �� � � 196�9_ Yeas Nays �py � 31968 Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Holland �jn Favor Meredith � ' Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P�1f�L1S�iE9 �]eQ�( � � �96$ �O � y ,- Z 6 6� :� � C_ Y. �-3 S 7� `� .- � � CITY OF ST. P14UL � APPLICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE '�p� }'f. ��y� c�yr c �yw,, �•--) � Application No. ' .._..._...._._ Name of Applicant...��'enae R� Robertson � . Ag�_,,,,�2._� ftesidence Addresa_....�606 Oliver_Ave..So��Minneapo],i.sa„Mn.,._..__..... Telephone No......926.-1�,5����.,,� Are you a citizen of the United States?_ yeS�_._........_._..._...._.__.__..._�.._.._.._.....__._...___._._...__.r....�....__._._..:.._._......._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? No Whenand where'!............---_..._.__..._.....__..._...._.._.._......_.__ .................__....._.._.._..__-----__...._..._.�.__.__ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation_..._....Retail On .Sale �_„ _. Whenincorporated?..___._.._......_...._. _...___. ..............._.._..._._......._W._._—......__......_..__.._._......._.._.._...._...__ ......� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.__....__.__.__._ .._._.__.......__._�_.._. Ho�v many membera?__._.,._._......_._.____.._..._...__._............... ._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .._..President..._..__........Lawrence.R. Robertson��606 (�,�x_�..�,:..�ne.�F��.��.s._k��� ._.._._..._.... _..._V�....Pre s......,......._.._._..Gertrude_M._.Robertson 560fi Oliver_So,�...M3nrieapolis� Minn...�.�_.___._._..._.__ ......Sec.,�...7'r.eas.t..._..._..John R,.B1o�er.�..1�00 DaY_ton,�_.St,�._Paul�__N1inn..._......_...�_.__.._._.._..__.._.._._.__.....�_._ _ Names �nd addresses of Stockliolders: � Same as off3oers. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....._......_.._._..._...._...._...._...._.._.._.__.....___.._.....__.....__._....__ Number �� Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 353 � IIniversity : Rorth � Virginia � Weaterr� - • 8th How many feet from an academy, college or university`(measured along streets) ?....._...._.....��..�..f��....____..._..._...._..._ `T How many feet from a church (measured along streeta) ?....�......3..�0.ft,*.,,._.____......__..__�.._.__. _�..._. _.. How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....1�OO..ft,_._M Jaokson Name of closest school--.-----_...._...__.__�_...._.__...�_.._._._...._................_........_.._...._......_...---._......_._._....._.___...._.__...._.______ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?._.._.C.c�mo�tetrc�3.��,...._...._..._...._._.._....--_..__----...._...'_..._....._.._..._..._.._.._� On w hdt floor located?...._.....��A...�'10�'._....__..__..._....._..__._.._....._..._...___.............._.._. _. _. �. • � . .. ... ......__.�......_..---.._............__......._..._.._...___ Are premises owned by you or leased7..ownea..,,_...._...If leased give name of owner..__._......_...._....__._.........._..__._.___._.._ � Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?....._...._................_.._..._................._...._..---•--....._...._.........._.__....._.._..._...._...._._._......___......__.--- - Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....__.._..._._..........._.._........._.__...._....._.._...._.._....._--------...............__.....__._._�.._..__..____ Give trade nsme----------------�----Gopher-•���e--- �----------------------------._..._..------ --•--�--••--•-----------�-----•------�---------•----------•--�•-------------•-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ....... .... ........Main..barroom.__....__._. .:.. ........:.._........................_...._...._.._.._�_..._.__ ............._..._��.....---__.-__..----�--__.._.._..._...._..._._......_.�._.. __ ..........................._................_...._......._. __. ..._..........___... ..:�..._._.�._....._.._._._.__.__...:.._.---�--.___..._.......__...__ �� � ( (The intormstion above mnst be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). How many guest rooms in hotel?:.__.. _. _......_......._..............__.._._...._._........_....__......._........_......___..__...._.�....�.... ..._ . Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._.___._..._.............._..._._._._._�_. ._._..._..__.._..._....� Give names and addresses of three buainess referencea:_�.._. � ._......_._.�._..._.._...._.__.__._....___._ _ 1,._�.Robert F,�wLan�e�.�resident �th NorthwQstern National Bank . ._.._... _.._._._.... _ ._�.-�ea.�Ol�,s..__�..___...__ 2__. C13fford ,McKenz3e,�_Otxner �S��,..�,�,,��,__._M�nr�ea�o��,�_�_.__._.�_�,;�.._�_____..__ 3.�___De1.Ro�..Owner Roth Realty, Mir�neapolis _..___.__._.._......__. _._..__. .._._.._�..._ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MABE THIS APPLICATION';' AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE