238754 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK • 23��54 _ �—. CITY OF ST. PAUL , couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'_ COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERA O M PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterso 7 COMMISSIONE , APPROVAL OF PLANS �� i a� Resolved, That the plans as submitted for Grading and Surfacing with Bituminous Material the N.S. alley in Midway Heights Blk. 5, from the E.Id. alley to Taylor Ave. and the E.W. alley in Midway Heights Blk. 5 from Howell St. to Tatum St. under Preliminary Order # 236070, approved Dec. 8, 1967 and � Final Order�237260, approved Feb. 27, 1968, be and the �iame , are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done under Public Works Contract No. 68-G-1863; be itt Fu�ther Resolved, That the cost of the above improvement • including engineering e�d inspection expenses to be included with the assessment against benefit,,Ced property. 'V.� • � i y � . . , . � �- . . r-n. � .�' ' � �. � � � � - t _ (�� � � 1g68r COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas _NaYs �� � � �9�� Carlson �� Dalglish Approved 19—__ Holland Favor Meredith � , 1 Mayor , Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pt��LlS�tf� I�AY 2 5 19�� �O DUrLICAT6 TO lRIN'RR CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 238'�54 � ~ FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y � ROI�l1'te F. Psteraon COMMISSIONEa �ATF APPROVAL 0� PL,ANS R��olvsd, That ths plans �s sub��tt�d for 6rading +�nd Surfacing`with Bitwainous �Mstsrial � ttw N.S. al idy In Miaw�y Hsights Blk. 5, fror+e ths E.Y. alisy to Taytor �Iva. and ths E.W. alisy tn Midw�y Hetghta Bik. 5 fraa Hawell St. to Tatu� St. uncb� Prel iq�inar,y. O�der � .236070,, �pproved Dsc. 8, 1967 and Finai Order 237260i �pprovsd F�b. 27, 1968. be and ttK �a�es ars fie�by �pproved and the Co�ission�r of Publ ic l�lorks is hersby di nct�d to o�der s�id work do� und�r Public Yorks Contr�ct Mo. 68-G�1863; b� tt,� � Furthsr Resolved, That tt� cost of the above i�prover�snt lncludi�g sngi�ering and insp�ction �xpsns�s to be tacludsd with the a�sassa�nt agminst be�neflt�ed property. a . , ��r z � 196E COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �" ��Y � � bg68 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith D Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne �O