238751 (ZRIGINAL"��FO GITY CLERK e � '� /�I�8��� I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL Na. 1 �cEr1sE cor��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY Ma�16� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF � j RESOLVED: That application for the transfer of Qn Sa1e Liquor License issued to : Bernard and Henr3r Rossini as ��INACTIVE��� be and the same is hereby i transferred to Lucky Zanes, Inc. at 2155 Ford Parkiaay on condition , tliat within �p � days of this date said I,ucicy Lanes� Inc. shall � comply with all requirements o� the Bureaus of Fire� Health� and Police� � and the License Inspector pursuant to t he St. Paul ?�egislative Cod.e � � .. � . and all other applicable ordinances and laws. � _ . �,° : i " _�.�.. -- � .� . ! . s i i ,�1l7� � � iJ�� � COUNCILMEN �dopted by the Council 19__. � , Yeas Car s Na�� �AY 2 3196� ; \ � � �Dalglish Approved 19— � i 6 �olland Tn Favor � �leredith L ` �Peterson / Mayor r A gainst t \ edesco { �Mr. President, Byrne p�#BL1S�FtEB �IAY 2 5 19�� t t . . �o i . i . � i� • • � +y y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ''-L _ � �e a�ti�e�t a c���ic �a et p � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH ' F1RE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM - ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDOLy Commlealoner i x DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor � pqay 16� 1968 ' � � Honorable Mayor and City Cauncil � Saint Paul, I�tinnesota ? , Gentlemenx : Lucky Lanes, Inc. is �oined by r�essrs. Bernard and = Henry Rossini in makino appl3.cation for the transfer of On sale = - Ziquor I;icense No. 7316, expirir� January 31, 1969, from Bernard s and Henry Rossini as "INAGTIVE�� to the Lucky Lanes, Inc. at � 2155 Ford 1?arkway. This is a ne�t location for this type of business. � Currently Lucky Lanes, Inc. are holders of Restaurant, On Sale , hialt, Bowling alleys (2L�) and Cigarette I,ioenses at this � locati.on. They have held the licenses at this place since i February 1961. It has been a bowling alley sir�ce 1953 and a � 3.2 establishment since 1956. � � The officers of the corporation are Denn3.s S. Hymanson� �i President; and Kit Hymanson, Vice-president. There are no other " � officers in t,he corporation. �ennis S. and K3.t Hymanson are the � only two stockholders. : : This is the only 3.2 estab]i.shment within two blocks. The closest Qn Sa1e Liquor place is two blocks and the closest , Off S�,e �,iquor place is one and a half blocks away, 2'he nearest - church and school axe about four blocits away. - Both Dennis and Kit Hymanson are associated saith the : botoling business. Kit worked for the West End Iron ax�d Metal � Co. from June 1965 to March 1967� and before that was a student ; Very truly ;lours� : � c . G��i �� . License Inspectar � k - ! � , �,�' _ • � ? �✓ �/!� . � - �i� cJ . � � p ' ; i . • / • 1 � • � • ' ➢ otcea�s w,aatoas � ' :oaacaasx r F J.NEIL MO8T0?7 � D1i009,OILEEI7,YOIII'011,ITii S 1(1fLlIIIE7,EST.IRE� � RIOHABD L.AYLE � DAVID W. BA9DENHIIBH � B g I G G S AN D M O 8 GA N ��u���e�����O6ID��A{fIS�Ul��07 SAMUEL R.MO80AN FRANH N.ORAHAM ! aoi.e oen�R LAWY E E S A.IAURENOL DAVI9 rte�xa xwr[MOrrn FI85T NATIONAL HANH BUILDINO � B.O.HART iLLEPHONE aotix x.svuavex SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 58101 i DERNABD P.PRIEL 227-E021 DUE'i E.5�7AN60N _ ABEA OODE El8 � M.J.UALVIN�JR. � DAVID O.FORSDLEO �1T lo' 1968 ? JOHN J.MoNEELY J NEIL 3.EUHLANDLB S TERLNOE N.DOYLE OOVl�3EL JONATIIAH A.HOBOA2f 8.L.80RLNSON O.�.MAQA8rNE7 PEiER 8.9LSD IADIB S.HEADLES '� 9AMO�L L.BANSOH RONALD E.080IIAHD 80DE8S O.�IILLIVAN . JOffit II.P&IEDMAN JAME6 N D01�EBD ti i The Honorable Mayor and . � � Members of the City Council � of the City of Saint Paul # ' City Hall � ; St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 " ' � � . Gentlemen: � , ; The undersigned, Bernard and Harry Rossini, are � the holders of the on-sale liquor license for Rossini's % • Bar and Cafe, a� partnership, formerly located at 309 F Sibley Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. � � The license has been inactive since January, : 1g68, because the premises at 309 Sibley Street have � # been acquired by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority � of the City of Saint Paul as part of the current plan to � redevelop the downtown ar,ea of the City of Saint Pau1. � { Since the undersigned do not intend to continue � in business at the" present time, it is respectfully re- � quested that the Council approve the transfer of this _ , � license to Lucky Lanes, Inc., 2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, - Minnesota. ' � . � Very truly yours, ; , .-' s ` , , - ^ � �r . . . y Bernard Rossin' ` --L�' ' , . . . , GC � �_r _ v arry Ro s� ° � � . ��., ; . . # � � � . , _ + Y t f 3 � . _ + � �5 � 1 ' �' � l , , . . � � . . . .1 _ � , _ , C ITY OF SAINT PAIIZ,� � � � ! � � ' , DEPARTP�I+TT OF P[TBLIC ,SAFETY � � - LICENSE DIVISI�1' � Date 19� . 1,� Application for��,ti,�f1 � — License L 2, Name of applicant � Iwi,Q•4 •-- v� �.2(p � 3o Bus3.ne�s address p�/�.S FD�t�G� esidenoe ,C�jdT.. f- �+ � �e . . • . � .�' 4. Trade name p if any ��� , _ _ . ' . . .. ; 5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np �-will be used, �' 6. Qn what floor loa�zted Number of rooms used �� � 7e Between what 'cross s'troe�s �-�,w��, J����� VPhioh side of street _ • - 8� Are premises n�r ocaupied�Wht�t buainess . Havr lon� - `� -. . 9a Are premises now un.oacupied�Hoev Iong vacan� Previous usa t , _ _ . � -, - �l'OA Are you a new ov�ner___�Q�p _Have you been. i.n. a si.milar busine as bef ore ��� � ` , � - ,� � �V'here � - When • . . -. . _ j ._ . _ - . 11. Are you going to operate this buainess�person,ally � - � If not, who will operata it - 12. Are you�iri any other business' at the present time - � ' - � . - - -. . . _.. ... _ �,�:..._....._.....� I3. . Bavg tk�re bee�. any ao�np].aint� against �rour operation of this, type of plaoe ��� � ' • �r"` - �Phen Where � - • 140 �ve �you even Y�ad �ny license revokgd_ �i{,!) �lihat reason and date - � '. '� - 15, A� you � oitizen of th� United Statea Native�aturalized - , • � _ . ) -16. VPkero svere you b orn Date of birth ��?�,j �� . � . .. . . . .p�� 17o I am �married� 1�y (grife's� (husband�a) n�me and address is � � � / � a..� � � .� . � _ _ ,�, r , . - . -� 18p (I ma,r�ied female�) my �iden name is - � ' " • � ` ' '�"� � • . - . -�� - , , _ . _ - . , _ _ , _` 19p Haw lang have you lived in S� Paul ��" "- K-� = _ _ . �;- -_ .�, = ; 20� - Aave you evex been arre sted__`�Violation o what ariminal lativ or ordinance � ,• :;.= � - - . . ��-. -- •�< I , r'`, ,� . ' -.. '-`�.' l.� r,4 _ . 210 Are you a r.egistared voter in the City of St� Pa,ul Yes No� t (1lnswer fu11V and aompletel,y�, Theso a �licationa are thorouglil.y ahec)�d and any . falaifiaation �till be cause for denial. � - .� • • AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ' FOR � RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�R LICENSE _ ` Rei dn Sale Lioenae = Name of applicant — ` �y��i�..e..o,..d ; Business addreas ,� � $re you the sole ogmer of this business? . I�f not, is it a partnership? . cs orporat ion? '�/f,QQ _ , other� : Others interested in business, include thoae by loan of mon.ey, property or otherwises � ------ . . � Name Address How I� r����t� /3� .� �Al/� `�-�-�a . - �-�. . . �' ' 9` • �rs .�.°�.7 f�� G� �'kw��f l/- f Z�-�o� S$.�. : If a corporation, give its name �� ��± �, - Are you interested in any �ray in any other Retail Besr or Liquor business? �� • : As sole ovaner� Partner? Stockholder�l Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. Ercplain) Addre s s of s uch bus a.ne ss and nature of inte re st in same i na ure of app icant Sta'te of �inne sota) � '` ` jss � ' : Cotmty of Remsey ) _ � - �- �being fi"rst� dul� aworn, deposes and says upon � . oath that he lias � ea the forego�rig affidavit bea'ring�ha.s signaturs and 1Qaowa the contents thereof; t at tlie� sams is true of his� own ]flnawledge, except �as to those , matters therein stated�upon in.for�tion and belief and as to those matters hs be- lieves them to be true. , _ - Signature of applic t Subscribed and aworn to before me . - '- � �. � ' this��'' d of A-(�.�I 19� - _ ` r. „• _ � � �, �1� � r �'�� . ATotary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota �� , ,, � ` � - � ' _ SNERWIN M. GOLDBERG � . , �� - , � M� C omm].s 9 iori exp].x�es 19 public, Ramsey County, Minn. `� , , , : ���mission ExPires June 27, 19�4 '" ^ -r`'- - r., �': � STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) , � y� s �, M�,50/(l being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in. aonnection �vith appliaation for ' "�Sale'� liquor license ("�Sale" malt beverage license� in the City of " State oP Minnesota Sai.n.t Paul, Min.nesota; that qour affiant is a resident of the ���¢�j� �' a nd has resided therein for �� yeara, months, and ia - -- - - - - State now and has besn for the time above mentioned a bona fide sident of said O�rX � and that he naw reaides at N0. I ,��� � / �� _ . $��. Minne s ota. . ���✓uI.LJ ' � - . , - � } r .��F _ . _ . _ _ , ti -, r • : Subsoribed and sworn to before me ,� d!t - , • .- thia d of �a�. 19 �S Notar� Publia, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnes��a � My commisaion expirea � � SHERWIN M. GOLDBERG [+lotary Public, Rarnsey C�unty, Minn. , • 18�Commission Expires June 27, 1974 > > � STATE OF MINNESOTA � , ± SS COiTNTY OF RA�SEY ) . � '7 5C9/l� being first duly sworn, doth depose _ and say that he makes this affidavit in. aonnection zvith application for _' "_on Sale'� liquor license ("�_Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of - � � -- ' . ` - - - - " � �` -�" � � State of Minnesota _ Saint Paul, �dinnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a r.id ha s re sided there in fbr o� 'j years, � months, and ia - - - . _ �. . . . . State naw and has been for the time abrnre mentioned a bona fide resident of said O�rX � and that he now reaides at N0. 0 J . � �� � ��`'� . � � ��� Minne s ota. Subsoribed and sworn to before me . thia � day of 19� No�tar;� Publio, Ramsey County, Minne sota - � , �y�lf�y� c3ommisaion expirea SNER�nnN nn c;o�nBERG - �~�' - ~ -. Notary P�+;;:ic, R2.-,i�ey C�unty, Minn. � " - '3dy Commissf�n Exp.ras June 27, 1974 ..a - ' � . : • ��-. � � � .��ti\% ` ' • � - . , _ � �.�� - i � . , � . . . _ } . . C-I�Y�OF SA INT PAU&,� - � '� '' '° , �DEPdRTl�IJT"OF PqBLIC SAFETY f . � - k, � � , �-. ; ' � 3 � - � �'�• ,t.,:LICENSE DIVISI� • � � , , � ` � � ' ' Date =S' � 19 '� 1' t~ f ;" � , -_ _ .. � ' - " f l� Application fox���}v15�£� °-� �Y`' ��IL2 �t ' Licenae , 2o Name of applican� /'�!-� -- �� �i �� �lq'V��� .,�G r) . r '""'�'� ' 3, Busine�s address_�f�'� IY ��Gl.c.�l Residenoe`�vo y_ / � - �� 4. Trade name p if any ��/�'�� . -;t ` ` Y T�. �� � ,� � t�` � i`l�x - 5. Retail Beer Eede'ral Tax 3tamg �Retail Liquor Federal Tax;�StaYnp • ��vill be used. :' - -� � , � : 6. Qa what floor loaated.��;lNf��' •- � �• Number `of-roo�s-used � j T' - � � `- � _ • - j ' • - � . 7e Betxeen what csross �stroets -��t�n�r► '�'��:��, Whioh aide of street .�/ 0,�'� . ._ . , ` 8� Are premises n�r ocoupied Wl�t business �A��-���(_ Hovr long IJ� �11� - a h i � _� � ' } .;` `j �� •y��+,,.�i� � \ �,_ .�. f � • - - . . . 90' Are premisea now unoccupied�Haw long vacan� Previous use,^-_ - , ,; �' . - � � �- . ' - �� s `_. . � . 'i ? - , t_ i yi - 1 k_ �•1 � ,t y ' 1 . . �1'0. Are you a new awner � � � Eave you been in a si.milar busineas_before � !� � ` � V�here , � When - ` - - , 11. Are you goin.g to operate this businesa personally ��• - : If nbt* who will operate it , 12, Are you�in any other business at the present tims �p ' - � 13.� . Bavg there�been any co�nplaints 'againat your operation of this type of place I�Q t � y�hsn Where = - • ,. . 14o Have �you ever had any license revoked �p �IThat reason and date. � � �11+ :J.�:f r+ . . �' _' `T - . - ' _ _ - __ `� " � . �J� • � ^�':-`--, . 150��•11x°� you, a oiti�en �f tha.IInited States�Native�Naturalized " } 16.° �ro ,�rere you=born ���� Date of birth � �' �,� ` _ . � , � . ` .. ._-,� . 17a =I� ` mes�ried� ?�y.(gri.fe's� (husband�s) name and address is _ .��_� - � 'r. �^�'. S'ti � .ti'`, ' � . . � y . . ,. . � 18p (If mQr.rred female) u�y maiden name is " � - .• A • �• � / � u . 19p HauP long have you. lived in 5-�,� Paul . _ • 20. Have you ever been a�rested �6 Violation of what ariminal lativ or ordinance - � � � , `i-.'� �, _k 210 Are you a registared voter in the City of St� Paul �_ Yes Nos - ' f' -t (/lnswar fu11V and completel,y* ` Theso�a� �13.cations are thorou Iil oheol�d and an ' • falsifioation will be cause for denial�� � } } �f � " r `' $FFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ' �'0$' � . RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�R LICENSE � : � � Res �_Sale � Lioenae = ��y �� , Name of applicant � � �,.� ; Busin.ess addreas � � Are you the sole ovrmer of this busin.ess?�. T�f not, is it a partnershipR - . ` c orporat ion? . , other3 = Others interested �.n business, in.clude those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name Address How � + r�- '� S �n. ,���-`! �f � ��.�o. : . .., ����.��-�s�. ��, �� �/- ��. ; ---r � If a corporation, give its name ��,�,,, ��� ' , Are you interested in any �cay in. any other Retail Baer or Ziquor businesa? /�Q As sole owner? Partner? Stoekholder? • Otherwise? (Through loan of money, eta. En�plain� � i Address of auch busineas and nature of in.terest in same ' ` • - . . _ . ^` , r � GL� . Si na of pp icant � Sta'te of' Minnesota� � � �� )ss . � County of Ramsey ) ; . - • - - - - - - . ��5'7��� � being first� cluly aworn, d'epoaes and says upon s oath hat he s�read the foregoiiig affidavit�beariisg his-signature and l�ows the � • contents thereof; that the� sam��ia true of his� own l�nowledge, except as to tYiose - matters therein stated�upon informgtion and belief and as to those matters he be- ' 1 ieve s them t o be true. i ture � p icant - - • Subecrib d and sworn to before me � � ' ��'' ' , this � day of �q, 19 �O� � ` '! � _ �, , � . _ . :, f ':.". < - •� ;.- - PTotary Public, Ramsey County, �' sota `� - ' ` " ' SHERWIN M. GOLDBERG -� � - • My a nmmis s ion expires 19 No�ary Public, Ramsay Coynry, Mihn. `-�- - � � 9VIy Commission � , � '� , - �xptres,June 27, 1974 : , lt FE� }. i �' f' � ; , N�ay i6, 1}68 � t , i �� ; 1 . ; � Hon. William E. Carlson� � Comsr. of Public Safety, 101 E, lOth. St. ,� St. Paul� Minn. f n: . Daniel P. McLaughlin � Deax Sir: , � � � The City Council will h a h ng on May 23rd. in the ' matter of the application of Lucky Inc., �oined by Messra. ; Bernard and HenrylRossini �o e tr s er of On Ssle Liquor License � No. 7316, expiring Jan. 9, rom nard and Henry Rossini as ,i "INACTIVE" to the Luc� nes, In . at 5 Ford Parkway. 1 , � �i - � ; . � � Very truly yours, j . � , City Clerk � hp i . � ��., I ��._ ��� , F ` !1 �� . , L . � 1 � �� 1 . � � 1 i � . � I, �, �� . , . '• �, I ! , ; ��ky 8a 1�6� '7Ch� �iomorable �imya� aa�d ��r�T�er� �i t� �i�+ �+��n��t �f ih� �i�y� �f �t, �►u� S�. F��I, ������ � �e�ne�����: , � � ; ��e �a�a�����d� a�'f����� c+� �ucl�� ��a��� �ic., e �i���Q#� i �pr�orat�o�. ���pc����ully a�er�u��� t.��i ��a� .�+�►*�►�a l�t�o� k�,c���� �pr�r��r►fly b�in� ��ld f� ��e �a�ae o��s�z���c� �o���xai �t�d ki�n�y ����iclf t�� 30� w�lbl��r �tr'���r �t. �'S.txt, 3�i�c�e�£►c�', �S� ��r�t3a����P�d �0 3����� �a���+� �sc.� �o�a��d �� �,��� �ca�d� �?s�kw�'. �!. ��u�, 1��T3E3,C�6DE$. '�I�� "�bo��ir����� I�ce�z��� 9� pr�.�,�nt�� �r� a� i���.ti�v� �t��� dra� 24 - u�b�� .r���t�r�i �zad har� b�,��, in����ve �'��s appicoxi�a��Q�y �'��,�a�'�+ o� �9�8�. �ra�� �r���, ��.. �.� ���a� sae i��� p���.�n� 3���tfo� ���e �9��., its pr#�r�e�p�� S�a�fne�s �►���� th�t o� �. �a�t+lft�g �$�abl,ish- �xi�nfi. 'lE'h� ����t,ic�n c�a +�r6�.��r thi� i��z��Par �� r�qn��t�c� i� �rc��a�2y xc�gi�d $� ����r� �x! €�a� �°�a1'� ��c�,��Y' '�a�f�B�� �zt� �t �� �r�.°��2xC f � ���►� #� �h� Qv���� �f` �ca �A-se�� �as�� �i���z���. �����c���t,� �a��i���a, � �rlJ�'�i �a�rb�Wa7� d.i?IM�'. � i � � �n�9� �i�+aan� a, ��e�� ��at , r � #t �y� �r�. �ia�-�$ei��nt � ��, tl�e t�t�dex`�i�la�s�, �a��1 it'� t1'u� B�c�Vt� ����+��t EO h8'�e �he ,afOPe�R�IRt9���ted � �r�-�a�� �fc�t�a� l���r�� �x'a��fc�r�r+ad. �ra� i4� ���sa�at �old�.r� ar�s� 1c�a��f�or� � to �uc� �����. I�a�.� �� ���� �'c�z� , �r.�vfr�y, s � � , � � � f , m�:�a�'d �in�� � � ' r'" �. ' _,�, � �8L1�'�i` '�t'3R �� ' �