238671 � Orlglnal to City Clerk ' . • � ORDINANCE ����'��. � ' COUNCIL FILE NO � � � PRESENTED BY ��J- �' ORDINANCE NO . An ordinance amending the Zoning �� Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, �� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use D�stricts , Height � .r�"`Districts and Rezoning of certain '` properties in the City of Saint Paul, - ., as amended. --� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, �.nclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to IIse Districts, Height Distridts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City� of Saint Paul, as amended,, be and the same is hereby � further amended so as to rezone the �following described property � from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to—wit: The South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part of the NE %4 of the SW �/4 of Section 10, Town.ship 28 ' North, Range 23 West, lying west of - the West line of Albert Street and , South of the South line of Randolph , Avenue, except the East 250 feet thereof; the South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part o� the . NW �/4 of the SW �/4 of Section 10, • Township 28 North, Range 23 West, , lying East of the East line of War— wick Street and South of the South line of Randolph A�:�rzue , containing .� 3.117 acres more or less; � situate on property located South of Randolph Avenue, East of War— wick Avenue and 250 feet West of South Albert Street in the City of Saint Paul. , - Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pu�lication. � �Uq� 1 a i96� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson r � . r Dalglish In Favor •� � �� �. �� / Meredith Agains� � Peterson ��edesco ✓ � . President Byrne ' �U� 1 � ,96� Appro A est: ` Ci Clerk Ma �� - Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � PtlBLISHEB ,�#�) 2 2 1968 Dupllcate to Printer . > ^����� I�..t ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I� , �� An ord�.nar�ee amending the Zoning • Code� Chn�ters C�a to 64t in�alusiv8, � of the Saint Pau2 Legi�lat3.ve �ode,, pertaining to Use 3�istriet�, �T�i.g�.t • �istrict$ a�,d �c�zaning o� certain proparties in the City o� Sai�..t Paul, �.� amended. � � ' • TIIE COUNCIL aF THE CTTY OF SAII�1'T PAI7L�DOES ORDAINs Seotioxi I. Tha� tho �oning' Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inalusivey o� t�e Saint �aul Legielative Code, pertainin.g to Uae Distr�.otsy Hoigh� Dis'tr�c�s ana �ezoning of certain properties in the City o� Saint Pa�al, as ameaded, be anci.�the same is hereby further amonded �o aa to �ezone the followixzg desoribed p�operty from "B" Regideno� Distriot to "C" Resi.de�.Qe pistr3.at, to—w3.ts �'Y�e Sr,rath I.�O feet o� �Ghe North 200 f eet of th�t gart o� the NE �/�f of the S��f �/4 0� Section 10, Townsl�ip 2t3 North, Range 23 Weet, lying west oY the W�st I:in� of Albert Stree� ancT South o� the South 13ue of Randolpl� Avenu�, except the �ast 250 �eet thereo�; �the South lU0 feet of the rrorth 204 �eet o� that �art o� i�he I��' �/lf o� the SW �/1� qf Seotion 10, Townsk�i� 28 Northy ftange 23 i�iestf lying Eaet ot t�e East lino of T�ar— S��.Ck S��^eet and Sout� of the Sou�;h line o� Ra�tdalph R�:enue � eontafning 3.�.17 �cses more or less; situ�te on property ].00ated South of Randolp�. Avenue, East of �ar�- wiok Avenue and 2�0 feet, W,eet o� South Alber-� Street in the City o� Saint Paul., ; �, �, • . SeQtio� 2� Thi$ ordina�nce shall take e��Yset and be in force �h^'rt� (30) days �rom an�. a�ter its paee�ge� approval aud publi�ai;ion. JUN1 � 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson r� � Dalglish In Favor , �e�la,ncl � Meredith Againat Peterson Tedesco Mr. President yrne) ✓ Approved: �u� 1 � � Attest: City Clerk Mayor • �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . _•i��' ,tiw/�� } • ' . , a � � U — � � . � " , • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Gj �' , •- �'a}, ' " . l/\ z ' � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZON2NG) COD �J Note: The�� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � I„ , rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � �U (Please type or print) � �ate: April 2, 1g68 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota • Purs.uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) See attached legal description. Property is unimproved and has not street address, but is on the south side of Randolph from Warwick Street on the west to the Church� of the Holy Spirit on the east. ' from �Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) constructing multiple residential housing. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: . ' � ` � �t �,, , • /v � Kenna's Randolph Addn. y il� l7 G/ � 1 � Mike M. & Z,oretta E.Pau � Kenna's Randolph Addn. � - Kenna's Randolph Addn. Roy L. Fortney � , � �, 35 J � �B�na C. Fortne � � � enn�`s Randolph Addn. � � � �. 35 ^ � Except Randolph St. ; except �`��! John F. Donlan 4 est 160 ft. & except the ����� � east ti t.; the north 160 Louise A. Donlan , , 4 ft. of Lot 4,(Cont'd Below)* Kenna;s R�ridolph Addn. � John R. Garry = � i 1 r� � ' � // Kenna's Randol h Addn. — - `-_Marilyn A. Garry _ � ��,..l�.r1l Lf/1�.��.� n� 134 _. — — P -- --- •F „ f �`�`-" '�'�'�-�enna s Randolgh Addn. ; u�� Tr�alaQn � � DERHAM�^HA�I. SCHOOL � �G.:.�.__..� --�--- � �� Part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/.4 East�,of Warwick St. , �No. of+Hunt's �Addn. and �xcept�the4,No. 200 ft..� o.f�t� e_W:._1,00 .f.t:`=:'of {the eas.t�250 ftv,and except_tl�e E 150 ft_.,,� 1 bf part of North of extende� No. linesof Niles Ave. arid except the So. 165 ft. ; �1 � x � r� - <J,,.,..,v t, 3 . - r�� �part�of-W:1/-2�of N:=E-1�4'�of S:W:`1/4 •W�-o�f A�ber-t�S�t-.�;�sub��ct��to�street..and-�- •, ..�..e._ _ � ' ( ,� �► � I.ots T,Z, � ;,:d �� �:, t 4 � � alley. Section 10 T 28 R 23�. _ y _ . * � �.�nsfi�p �:�> � �, .__.�...�. _^___...�..._�..._.r._ �������`����� _.�. �'� �.��;��e ��;,r � � .��- -�-- ��------�--...----- � � � ,� r� P �,'� — _� � � ��. . � : State of Minnesota ( _ _ _ _ _ _ — — - -- — - F� � �County of Ramsey ( SS ��� �� R,�7 PjpN� V" � �1 � �fib,,�being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages• , that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true ' and correct sign�zi;ures�rof each and all of the parties so described. � ', �,,� .;; . Subscribed an�'',�sviorn,�to 'before me ttiis �� da,�'rof - � ly�;:� � � °�� � L�- "Q Address: ��j � � � Telephorie No. �j � . No ry P li�'". Ramsey Count ;< �inn. �� qpA� My commis ion expires �,�`-�-�� jc��g Approved as to form /6��C !�, 8 '.�� -".,-u Office of the Corpor �on�}�n���Y�o - FGI 1/5 '',�a� ^ ��,�1�� � r - • ` � � C ,.�,. ,y�ti, _ ) . ' .. ; , �� OF aa �� Y 3 ys�- ,� �9 � ti� \._ �- _ • . ,.� _ �C���__..�l�0 �' n i �y 13� 19�8 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council C ity Ha11 St. Pata1., Minnesota 55102 Deax Sirs: We, the undersigned, owners of property located along the wester],y side of Warwick Street and ;s�therly of Randolph Avenue, affected by the proposed rezoning fro�n "B" Residence to "C" Residence, referred to in attached copy of petition dated April 2, 1968 and described as follaws: • • The south 100 feet of the north 200 feet of that part of the NE�. of the SW� of Sec. 10, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, lying - West of the West line of Albert St. and South of the Sout�r line of Randolph Ave. , except the East 250 feet thereof; the South 100 feet of the Nor`th 200 feet of that pas~t of the NW4 of the SW4 -of Section 10, Tot�mship 28 North, Range 23 West, lying East of - the East line of Wa.rwick St. and South of the South line of Randolph Ave., containing 3.117 acres more nr less, the property being located South of Randolph Ave., East of Warwick Aq e. an 250 �feet West of So. A1ber-r St. (St.Pau1 Legal Ledger, 4-27-�) Hereby withdraw their signatures fram said attached petition: R�CORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BIACK ADDaION Mike M. Paul ,� � �' 1 Kenna's Randolph Addn. Loretta E.�Paul �' 1 Kenna's Randolph Addn. Roy L. Fortney 35 Kenna's Randolph Addn. Bina C.F9atney . 35 Kenna's Randolph Addn. John F. Donlan �, (F�c. Randolph St. ; exc. (west 160 ;�'�`t. & exc. the , t (east �+0 ft.; the north � (160 ft. of Lot �+; Lots l, Louise A. Donlan � 2 � � � (2, 3 & �+, SW l Sec l0- (T�,rp 2-Rge 23. Maty Truelsen d32 Kenna's Randolph Addn. John R�. Gaxry 3�+ Kenna's Randolph Addn. Marilyn A. Gaxry - 3�+ . Kenna's Randolph Addn. � � � � .� .� � - '..��`��, �� � ' ��, � , . `�" � , CITY OI' SAINT PAUL, hIINNESOTA ( ` �j � � ' � • . �_� � I .� � PETITION TO AhiEND CHAPT�RS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE''�� � J n Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi�- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the il,� rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. , � �� 5 • � (Please type or print) . Date: April 2, 1g68 � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' • c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall . � - City of Saint Paul, htinnesota ' - Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of • two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of � the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�0 or more of ' the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) See attached legal description. Property is unimproved and has not street address, but is on the south side of Randolph from Warwick Street on the west to the Church of the Holy Spirit on the east. ' from �Residence District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) constructing �ultiple residential housing. RECORD O�YNER SIGNATURE " LAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; . ' � . ` , � n �j" � � � � � 7 �' Kenna's Randolph Addn. � �1,�`'.-� �:h .�c�-�-�— ,�i1��.�-`,l�_` ./�z��.�.: 1 . Mike r1. & Loretta E.Pau ,i /f �,/�,� ��J(�.�/ � . Kenna's Randolph Addn. ��l// U./ //'J � /�L � , 1 `, `' , � enna's Randolph Addn. Roy L. Fortney r ;/'��;�� ,-�' ���til._ 35 J ' � ( � � ,� U; � enn�a's Randolph Addn. Bina C. Fortne � �f.�� ,f� �--`�._ .�,=- ��'Ii.�iy -�i 35 ( � ,�J � / Except Randolph St. ; except . ��:�,r John F. Donlan 1 `•���; � . �ti-„�,(/ ,,i L� 4 est 160 ft. & except the "�,���' � � ; - • east .. t.; the nortn 160 ' Louise A. Donlan ���,�,��� ., , .���,�,��,�_y 4 ft. of Lot 4,(Cont'd Below)* � ' � / �� ' Kenna;s R�ndolph Addn. Jonn R. Garry = � ,,�,�{- � ' /�,�,.���C � ' �'/ � �' �1 �� Kenna s Randolph Addn. �. Marilyn A. Garry � �J'J � t.: � /� _� ,:.,�� � , 34 `� /�� enna s Randolph Addn. � Ma_ ty Truelsen � '/'���-�� � c.,�_�X�'� rL,3? � ` �,r-�'�I r��. I .`c.,..:J I�C'�� �r,' � I, � - � ;S ,�;��7���. ��-:�1�• .�:z. � _ �f * Lots 1,2,3 and �4., SW lt � ship 2� Range 23 L • �t ��' ::�:s' .;�r�,,.r� ,�--;g,.� i State of Minneso�a ( '�� °..� __ �� `�n��Y ss Y'�`;, °- -:; �j ' � County of Ramsey ( • . �' • • � -:, _ �-, '�; " - - . �i3 '.�. .y.. -�a..�'� T�.;i l . �,-; ��G,V� `,�:�" �,, .,����ti.,being �first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pers.on who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; • that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said . owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures af each and all of the parties so described. 1 Subscribed an;l styorn to oefore me ? � � da Of " � �,`-�;.;�� � _ .l�.��.�,�.....a.,� �.- . t ti i s l� - � j-f'•.� �,r. � •= �/,1 �� ��+ Address; ,�jbT� �9�"�� � _�`!�'l��~--�''�'�! Telephone No. �j '�`� <--�� , � � . Nota"ry Public:. Ramsey County� Minn. �� � QP,��9 `•r�, My commissior�� expires •�`� S�1 c��;g Approved as to form 1/4/6b r�.���� s8 ��: � _ ,_�, �„r;�_,� _J .. _. . _......�Office of the Corporation- Counsel�� �°, ��T;i� �� . . • '�.-n :�' -i� ._ � �..:_ May 25, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: May we the undersigned refer you to our statement dated May 13, 1968, which was presented at your public hearing of May 14, 1968, requesting withdrawal of our names from the rezoning petition dated April 2, 1968. The health of several of us does not allow our person.al appeara.nce before you today. If we had taken more time to study and consider the effects resulting from the construction of the proposed 136 un.it apartment complex, we would not have signed the rezoning petition because in our opinion the proposed complex would: _1'. Increase traffic problem.s along Randolph Avenue and force parking onto ��ide��treets in the ne�borh� �i � 2./� Endanger the ] ves of � y grade and hi�h school children attending �t� three large schools adjoining the proposed 136 unit apartment complex; 3. Create serious air pollution from the burning of garbage and refuse at the 136 unit complex; . 4. Possibly overload the present sewer lines in Randolph Avenue and place ` heavy dema.nds on the water mains; 5. Be incompatible with the existing single family character of the neighborhood. F'urthermore, we have leaxned that the City Planning Board's staff opposes the rezonin� and so indicated its opposition before the Council. We hope that the Council will conside'r the above reasons as good and sufficient cause to permit us to withdraw our assent to the proposed rezoning on said south 100 feet set out in the metes and bounds description in our original withdrawal letter of May 13, 1968. ' RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Mike M. Paul J � � 1 Kenna's Ra.ndolph Addn. � Loretta E. Paul �ir� 1 Kenna's Randolph Addn. Roy L. Fortney 35 Kenna's Randolph Addn. Bina C. Fortney � 35 Kenna's Randolph Addn. John F. Donla.n � � Cf.�t,�=4 (Exc. Randolph St. ;exc. (west 160 ft. & exc. the � (east 1+0 ft. ; the north (160 ft. of Lot �+; Lot s 1, Louise A. Donlan �G�,�C� Q��� (2, 3 & 4, SW 1 Sec 10- , � (Twp 2-Rge 23. Ma,ty Truelsen � 2"' Kenna's Randolph Addn. , � j>. �-�:.,� �/���� , ; , �� ; G� . , . �. - • � - - .. ; . ' I � i , . i - r�ay a.3� ��JU • �' : Ho�iorablc i�it.yor and i�t°rabcr.s oi City Council. � � j , City �i��]1 - _ � - - � St. Pw1Lt; T�iinneso�a 5j102 � � } DC��..i' .51TS: ' � . �•lc, 'the ur_dersignccl, c;mez•s o� Prope-rty loc�.ted a,]_or�� �he �•;esterly side of j•l��•r�ck ; ' S�;ree� �.nd •-�QUtherly of Rar�dol�nh Avenue, afzec�ed by the proposed rezonin� f.1•om ' � � . "B" Residence to "C" Resid.ence, referred to in attaciied copy of pe�ition dai,�ci � f April 2, 1.�65 and descr�.�ed. as fo1lo,�rs; . � � � �he south 100 S'ec� oi the nor.th 200 zeet of that p�.r� of �Ehe I�TL4 �� � � of the S��T� of Sec. 10, To;*�isliip 28 PTorth, R���e 23 Z-Test, lyin� ' ' � • Flest of the t•iest 1.ine of Albert Si;. a�nd Soui:n of �he SouL-n line �. � � of Randolph Ave. , excep�; the Eas-L ?.50 fe�t �he�eof;;t�he South � :� 100 feet of t:nc ito-r�n 200 feet of th�.� pa��� oi the Iv'��T4 of i;he S;•l4 f ,1 f -of` Sec�ion 10, �o:mship 2F3 Nor�h, R�n�e 23 t�lest, l;�in; East o�' . �� � • the East line oi ,•;a,z�•ri.ck S�L. Gnd Sou�h of t'r�e Sou�h line of . ' , Ra.nclo_lpn Ave. , cor?ta�nin� 3,�.J;( �,c-res xlore :�:c less, the propei•tJ �� . bein� locateci SOLlj:11 of R4n:�olpn Ave. , E�.st of j�iar�•rick Ave. an� � : ; . . . 250 feet FTest oi So. Alber�; St. (St.Paui I,r�al I,rd�er� �-2�l ) • • � , � - • T • � ; _ , Hereby t•r�.thdrac�r their si;na,�u-res �'rom sa,id a.t�a.ched petition; � � • , . I � � � RECOPTJ O�T!�� SIGNATUF,; ]:AT BIACK AJD?'"1.'ZO?��i ' � , . hii�;e t4. Paul � '��r � ', , + ,� �. �I=�� f ��-;,, 1. Kennz s Rando:Lph Aucui. , I'��'-- ' Loret�a. E. Paul ,J�,. ���-�. ,yi4^ i 1 Kenna s Ranciol�h Addn. ' Roy L. Forzney 7—,�c, �i � �;•.�.•� � 35 Kenna's Randolp}i xddn. ° . Bina C.Fo-rtney � ; , �',x�i`y�F �.� ' ,� 35 Kenr.a's R�ndolph P•_dwn. � � � �John F. Donlan �% , ;, i'7'. -�t�il. • i ��:� (�:c. Randolph St. ; e:cc. �� - r �� � �� (�•rest l00 �. 2c ef:c. tne �=.{ ` . (east ��0 ft.; tne nor�h `�; � � � l 16o ft. oT Lo�t 1E• ` �Louise A. �Donlan ,'� � J�� � .� � ( 3 ' n Lo�s 1, : , k � z. .�n ��,� �.f►.� c.�+ 2, & �+ Si�T 1 S,.c 10- % %_ J, . , �L ' (T��rp 2-��;e 23. ° �i t . Ma�y Truel.sen _���i;�,�:: .!rCr',%��_•���/`32 • Kenna's Randolnh �1c�dn. � .! � ` John R. Garr ' � , � ' Y 3�+ Kenria s P,2ndoJ_ph �c�dn. i � % Marilyn A. Garry • 3� Kenna's Ranciolph Acicln. � � � � �,�,.���u,�,�, �-�-�-,�� . � � ����� !q t� g �, ! � ,�.��� �� r j./� � �/� -' / � f � � � t • � �+p `NQ '.MVv'ylVVVL0..�/YV1J�, 1/[�M!o `h-� � /IiV�- : � ; . � � • G�7��LL' .�!fi� � � ! �-wv�rvu.v�,a� �j,,�_ "`.' . � . : , ; r �%WW • �'v v� i �, �� �8'� �"�'`''�� . , , . . � - � � � .� � �� 7�.� . ��c c�1 ���✓1i �.0 i � � ; ! 4 / _� / , / � }•i [ . - � � � � I / . i 1 ��.I �d I��� `� i ` � + f � . �r ��. , r . �� . ; . . � � • � - . . -w. . - °�..'� �►v�`" � . - v���` ; � �� -. . � �` - :a,�;� i ; ; - - . �!1.,��C - . - . � �� �- . � : . -'` �'.' ► ��- ` � �. „� . , � - _ ��,, " � � . - - . ,;; : '`�(/`"' - . , -, � '`%j'�'1� �� . . - �; � . - , � . . . . . . . . , _ , <1i�-.' � �� �� . . � - . . ; . �V�/t-�/ � � �e - ��� ' + . ./V✓1 1 Y�'V ;. .', ' .l _ - .. . r r �, '' . • ,� � ` �- %�%n,q • /'yL�Tl�lw� �i.� Q� . ` : `' • . � r� - • i i t�' ' • . � i i `L. � I , , �' .� I ' CITY Oi' St1INt F'r1UJ�, :�IIN�'L•'SU'i'I\ �� ` � � �� : t {! � ; k'r'i'ITIOY 1'0 .L`.(E�iD CfL1!}I'1�:1tS GO L'liru G�1 OF Tf,E I,IiGISI,:1i'IVf•; (lOYI\G) COUt�•`�� � � E i . Notc; �The si�iiei• shc,uld �E�pi•aisc himscl� o.f thc uses peririii:i:ecl undci• Lhc tic��� cl�ssil- ' 4 � ti.caLion bciore si.�nin� Lhi.s petit i.o n. �'or �ur t hci• i.n.Coi•m�►tion about Lhc ? � rezoniri� of pro��cr�y, c�ll tl�c Poai•d o� Zoniii� � _ � �� ' � . , d O:ffice at 223-�1�1. . � I � , . } ,(Ple�tse ty��e or pi•i�_nt) , f � � � Dai;e; April 2, 1��8 . � � TO TH� fIO.:ORtU31� lIr1Y0I� f1��TU CIT'Y COU�\`CIL . • � � c/o i;he City Clcrk, Room 3SG Cii:y IIall ' � . . � ' City o� Saint Paul, blinnesota � • � - • � f Pui•su�nt to Section 6�;OG of tt�c Le�islative Code, �;�e, ttie undersioned ov;ncrs of • � t ttvo-thirds of thc sevcral descriptions of real estatc sii:uated within 100 �eet o� � �. tl�e i•eal estate af�ected, hereby acqui.esce; anci v;e, the ownei•s of 50% or more of ` i the frontage to be reclassified, petition youi• FIoiioi•�ble Body to i•ezone tt�e follotiv- r in� describcd . r� (l2'Oj]C2•ty; (leaal d'escri�tion and sti•�et 2dcii-ess) � See attach�ci le�al dzscriptior_. Property is wnimpi•oved ard has not street � � address, bu� is on �he sout�� side of Randolpii fro�1 j•1a�•wick Stree� on the � west to�the Church o� the Holy Spiri� on the easL.- ' � from �v Resid.ence Distri.ct i;o C Residenc� District, for the f j� pui•pose of installino, constructing� and/or� operatino the fo11o«�ing: ( (describe bricfly the pi•oposed .�acility) �or.structing multiple residential housin�. � - . � � � � . � - . � RECORD OiY�'ER SIGNATURE IAT BLAC�: ADDITIO\ � �� Subject Propez•ty; • • , } fi : � /� , , �' � / y r /,, � � .'1�f r ��.. �� , /' 's Randolph Addn. � � "/►,r-l=�� ! ct�c.-L- :� cr c`C. 1 f:enna � t L J `�� ' -•, • , ifike r1. & Lore�ta E.Pau ;�,);���1,�� .�������,� Kenna's Randolph Addn. _� Roy L. Fortney � j�:�c�_ :j_� `Y'� �-_ 'enna's Randolpli �ddn. i =`� '' �,� 3� . . �, /` _ • . r . • � Bina C. Fortne� � � y�%�/,:,�1 f�j ��� � ��!� f � enn'�'s Fandolph Addn. ' . � -• /, .; _�;� 35 . John' F. Donlan 1 �_ � ,,%, -�J/�' ��,� � t � � '' 4 Ees tP160a f�olpheYCe' e::cept _� & p t tiie � � / " east U ft. ; the nortn 160 Louise •A. Donlzn %;�j%; �, �,,-�`� ����.�.�� ;� 4 ft. of Lot 4, (Cont'd Eelo:a • ' ,' .�/; • ' � . . Jonn R. Garry ' /� 'enna;s P.�ndoloh Addn. ` _ ' '��`f_' �, ��t.�1'C t,! ,� � , ;•/ � � C� .�_ � � � , • � � � !�� � 'enna's P,andolph Addn. � � Iarilyri A. Garry ;,�I%;?_ >._ {. ( !'J� .� ••-.�i� -) !; 34 � � . 'enna s P.andol h Addn. F '!a_ ty Trualsen � ����c.,�/ . ,��� 2 � : . . �l.- ��c,:�%-f � ,�.3 , } . . ,� _�.=T 1�i, i • � �!, �,�� • �. € � . . . .� ...J ,i" . . � ' . , r � � . . - . .:� � . . • ; � k � .:,�.�i��! ��C,�•��.{l��.j_�L , f . � � ' � � '� � . , ^' Lots I,2,3 and 4., S:d 1; � ° . . S . ' n IO, To:.nship 2' � � � �. , ' - � Range 23 � � • � � - � tate of Dlinnesota ( ' . � � . • - �t�'• f� •- `���' ��� • ' � �unty of Ramsey ( SS • " . - • . :'r .�� - � :'. �` -�� � � . . . ', `�. , �� �•: =.� . ^^, � ' r� _ .. � '.:. . . '`•' ��{'�,�' �,�-� '�, F� �. :'� .,bein� first du1 �s � . - - � - ' � • '• a y ti,orn, deposes and states that he � { s the pers.on ��;ho circulated the tivithin petition consisting of - ` � ( paoes; , F ' mat the parties described abo��e are'the owners respectivzly of the lots placed . � ` n�ned�;ately follosving each name; that this petition was signed by each of said� � • r r �ners in the presence of this affiant, and that the sigciatures above� are the true ' ` ! � 1d correct sionatures of each and all of the parties so described. . ' � � ` ' . � g i �bs'cribed an:: • _l ; S�YOrD to_ befo.j•e me 1 � . . iis �� . da� of J�=• -,•; � - - ' `��`� `l� ;�' � : , , , - . '1 . ; ` � + ,C`- " . �� �'�-, .`.�.. - ,�� � . F .\. �.� �',��_ \�:, �i • - . Address; \ �;�J � u•�.�.1�:-. _ . � � . TElephone No. • � ,� :� .-; �%�:, \ta'ry Pub i.f R�mse}'/Co�:ntyr ;�;inn . . �V n ..-., � c,�� . . � � ' : � :.comrriission� e:;pires ,-'T..• � F�, r ;.� • � � >'� .^• �• �j�.,� - : •1 ti/ . .Approved as to forn 1/4/65 ' :T't'i� �i' `-- �-��J , . . Officc of the Coi-poration Coi. � . , �- r � - � _ •nsel� ' � i G//' J � , ' I . � , . , i / � � f' . .'•'� � � � rz�.y a3, i,5� � . � Ho�iorablc I•iayor aticl i��I�rabers of C:itvt Counc:i�l � � � L'l.�f �T�L��. 1 St. Pw1Lt, T•Iinneso�a j5102 � . , ' Dear Sirs: � � . • . ' ,� j��e, •th� tir_dersi�ned, c;rnez•s o� prope•rf;y loc�.�;ed a)_otz; �he �•resterl;� side of .•T�,r�•��ck I S-Lree� �,nd •� �czutherly of Ra..Y�do]:c,ii Avenue, afiected b�• �;he proposed rezonin� fz•om! � � . . � � i . i . ! "B" Residence to "C" Residence, ref�rred �o in at�Gached copy of pe�i�ion dateci _ � Aprz1 2, 1�j68 and desci•ibed as fo17..oti•rs; � . , � . � . . � The south 100 feet o� �he nor.th 200 =ee�; ot' �:hat part of the P�-,��- �, _ ' of thc S,�T-,�-�- of Sec. 1.0, To;msizip 28 Plor�h, Rw1�e 23 �dest, lyin� ' ' � West of thc L•i�s�; line o�' Albert 5�:. and Soutn of �he Sou(;h line ?� of Ra.ndolph Ave: , except th� East 250 fee� �iie�eoi';;the South � � l00 feet of t��c �To-r�n 200 fect o� th�.t par� o� tne Iv�•T4 of ihe S[�i� ;� � -of` Sec�ion 10, To�mship 28 Nor�h, R�.n�e 23 L•iest, lyin� East of � � ' the East line oi ;•1az'�•rick 5�:. and Sauth oi' t'rae Sou�h line of �� . � Randolph Ave. , cor?tainin� 3.�1_7 acres L102'e �� less, the property ,� bein� loc��ed South of R�nao:Lph �ive. , E�.st of j�Tarc•rick Ave. an �•� �� r � . • . 250 fee�; Wes�; oi So. Albert St. (St.Pau� I��al I,ed�er, � 2 j-�) , f ; � , •� ; Hereb;� i�ri.thdra��r their si;na�ures �raci sa.id a.ttachea pezi�ion; � � . . I � _. RECO?'TJ 0;!:;�R SIGNATt1n� • LOT BLOCK ADDI'1z0I�d ' � � � € . �iike P�. Paul .��r � ! J�.��:.c�l. ` � � Kenn�.'s Randolph Addn. � �I,oret�a F. Paul J�,;r��-� ,�;;,� ( 1 Kenna's Fandolpt� �,ddn. � '• ' Roy L. Fortncy �'� �i _ � �?�;��� 35 Kenna's Randolpii AdUn. ` . Bina C.Fo-r�ney � ;. �',�i,�•�F .�" ,1,�� 35 Keruza's R�ndolph t'-.ddn. _ ; ' �r 4 (�:c. Randolpn St. elx. '' John F. Donlan ;�/ �, : `r"7`. f��!. ,.c ' : - � �' ~�� �� . (t•rest 160 €t. 2c e•r.c. tne '' { (e�st �0 ft. ; the nor�n �f � � , 1 l - (160 f�. o� Lo�t �; Lo�s l, ��; �] , Louise A. �Donlan � GZ � .�/��,� �.� f►����i�F (2, 3 & �+, St�T 1 Sec 1Q- � I �� � L ,,� % � � � �? ' (T�•rp 2-��e 23. � ` ; ; �,�y True]�en �I�.�i,�: , .��r.'.y:�.>,,�z/�2 • Kenna's Ranclolph Ac�an. - j ' � � Jolin R. Garry � �— 3�+ Kenr►a's P,andolah �tc�dn. i �1 1 Marilyn A. Garry � 3� Kenna's Randolph Acldn. ' ` ' � , ; A�I�, ,� - � � �,�� �' � �k�„� h 'y" � � _,�.p � J� } � � � . . . , ` , �� � � ; � i �tre�. .!!��`/���'� ��1� yl^,P U�L� . _ �?'1- _ � ' I . 7���^ �,�,� � � ' . � �!i,arn� '� � I �'�� � �, � 5 6 � � � .�u;�,�� �-��� ��''�� . ; ��, . `� �0,,��y� \ . � y I = : , ; . . � �--� �� �� �--��'� ' � �, ' . . . - _ 7��`�� - - �� � �^�'� . _, , ��� �►�-t-�� � _�-�" - , ; /nJ�n /J � ��(� �3 fo :�%�u�" �YV •-K .. ' . � ,,'ii������� . 1�/ ` I �•IV/v Y /V i �����C� �/ . � � . � ��� i e . t - - . � � � .y%I'�, �� .r . .��c� �J'�G��s�� ay�n! � - .� ; . . - . .. - : " �` y %�irj,o .�i.� � . R ,vv--c�,i-1 � . . . .; ..�� ' , . . ���� . . .-�� ;. .. , . _ � ' ' �. � . ' � v ��y. , . �a. ,� - '�'`� �` ��f''/'�Y �• �' L�� - . • -" • .. i r/���%� ` V •' %. =�A� � � :° � . 7,�, . � ► ' - �.�: - - �� �'������''�Z, _�' ��'�^� : � �: . . �-���;�� � � .. � ��=.�-�� f/'�� • . � � � �r� . • . � l�' � i f � � ' CITY 0i� S!1INl' F'r1UL, tiiltiiti'LSU'!'l1 �� � . ' ' • 1 J! ll � ' ; ; �'T�:'fI1'IOY 1'0 �L`.(F1tiU CFL1i'I']:1tS 60 i;hi•u G�1 OI' T1;I•; Lf,GISJ�:I'!'IVL (ZOYIIG) CODU�,�� � � �, f i - ` � � � , I Note;f, 'The sz�;nez• shc,uld aE�praise himsel� of the uses permitLecl uiid�r tf�e new cl�ssi- � � � . fi.cai:ion bc�ore si�nin� Lhis pctiti.on. For iurthai• i.n�oi•m�tion about thc � . : rer.onir�� o� pro��ei•ly, c�ll i:l�e Loai•d of Zonili� Ottice at 223-�1;1, . ` �� • � � � � ' � } • � (Pleasc typc or print) , � � � . � � Date; April 2� l�0'8 . � � TO T}lE fIOi�Of�tU3L,E 11r1Y0It A�\�D CIT'Y COUiYCIL ' � , . ' , • � � c/o i;he City Clci•k, Room 3SG City flall ' ' . - . . ` i •City of S:�int Paul, �,Iinnesot� ' - � . , � . • . ' ! pui•suant to Section 64:OG of tf�c Le�isl��ive Code, t;�e, tEie undersioned o�;�ncrs of • � i two-thii•ds of tiic sc4�cr�1 descri�tions of real estai:c sii:uated �vxthin 100 �eet o� � t the i•e�l estate affected, hei•eby acquiesce; and v;e, the owiiers o� 50�0 or more of f ' the fi•ontape to be reclassified, pei:ition your Honoi•�b1e �ody to rezone tt�e follotiv- � 1 �no described pi•operty; (lepal d'escrintion and s�:i•�et addz-ess) � � . � See attacl��ci le�al. d.escript;ion, Property is �nim�r•oved ar�d has not stree� . address, bu� is on �ne south sid� of Randolpn fror� j•Tarwick Street on the � west to•the G`hurch o� t,he Holy Spiri� on th� e�.sL.- ' � � f i from �� Resid.ence Distri.ct 1;o C Fesideiic� Dis�rict, for the I ' purpose of instalLino, constructino� ancl/oa•� operatino the fo11o�s�ing; � (describ� brie�ly the pi•oposed �acility) �or.structin� mul�iple resid�ntial housin�. y . . ; . . r . � � RECORD Oi'N"ER SIGN�ITURE LOT BIAC?; ADDITIO\ � i Subject Propertp; • , f � �'%��f`" 'i;J �1�=��'�V �•z�•.!�- �, ./�L c f•� I�enna's Randolph Addn. F t .-- ` `, 1 , t -: � �. , . � . 1•fike M. & LoreL-ta E.Pau ` Kenna s RandolpEi Addn. • .l , i � / r . %,�� ;' •:'—�i'� ''�''l/%''`.c.•� � . Roy L. Eortney , j•`�:,cf_ :j_ `Y_��-��; � 'enna's RandolpEi 2.ddn, y � 35 rJ .J` t � � ., '�' ' � ' � � enn'�`s Fandolph Addn. Bina C. Fortne � 7%/,,.� f1 .%�'� _ ,',�;/,/.: -�; 35 • � ' Except Randolph St • e:�ce t � John' F. Donlan �_ � ,,` ��1j� � . � ' ���•! ,� .r � , 4 ,�est 160 ft. & escept tiiep -'.�" Louise •A. Donlan /,,� . � �` �J � eas t ►U f t. ; the nor tn 160 , �=� � �•-�' �' �. �J /it'r.�� :, 4 ft. of Lot 4,(Cont'd EeloTa)� , Jonn R. Garry = ' ( ` ( Kenna;s P.�.ndolph �ddn. � � , . �i.�—��, /t� ':/_-t.•�'L c 1 ,� , a • 1 ;,� � (: �� .� 'enna's P.andolph Addn. � ' �farilyri A. Garry ;;�1%_'1_ >.. (. [ �'1 t .� --,�i� ') I; 34 . - . � `� �t � � . 'enna s P.andol h Addn. � Fia t�_ � � . . Truelsen � /�� G-I- �i`c,;�!-£Ji�'/rL.32 � , . . � .�. r�-;, i - .� ����.i, �:� - � . . . . s . = . . _ .fl .=. .. . � ; j . � � � � :1 ,,��7i'�� �e,�..�.{!!��.'�. � � � � i - � • � ' 'j � � . � Lots 1,2,3 and 41, .S;d 1; � � - . . � . �j�n 1�, To��nship 2: , .� . • . . . Fangz 23 L , . - � � � � , . . . - � tate of biinnesota ( ' _ � . � - ���'• .; •- ``��` ��� � � � ounty of Ramsey ( SS � . � � . ,' ,� �� �"' ' - = ''� f -`�. : ' ; . . l• ~ . } �:� —.s . �,, r� '.: .,. • �'��..:'' ' - . � n ` � j • '\. - ''r'��� �,�; �� F� I, ;�� .,,being first d�i1y s�,orn de oses a d ` ' , P n states that he j � s the person �sho circulated the within petition consisting of � ` ' hat tlie parties described abo�re ai•e'the ovinei•s respectivaly of the lots pa°es; ; , , p_aceci � m�ned�ately follo;vin� each name; that this petition ts�as signed by .each of said� � • wners in the presence of this affiant, and that the sigc�atures above� are the true ' � nd correct sianatui•es af each and aIl of the parties so described. . � � - ' ubs'cz•ibed an;I s�ti•orn to, oefoi•e me 1 ( '� _ , , Iiis C( . da� of J%' , � ' � -' ' '�V��F° �� � ' � ' � . - . .� :-� '�� _ `� �•:� .�,�.� .�.�,. - - . � �\ ' •���,�,;; \{,;:V�i • � . Address; ( ,,J:j..u.v�,`� _ .�.� . ry '=`' -! ' :.�`-• Telephone Yo� .� � 'i %��� . �ta Public Ramse Co�:nty{� � - 'V � '_-., .4'. S i n n. �,"' , � _ti I.�.commission�.e:;pires ;7 � ` e- ,- ;.� � ' >'� ': � jc., _ , ••1 1 �Appro'ved as to forn 1/�/6 5` ��`• ' ��� _r_�t'i� r,�' �--� �- � . . , . _ Office o� the Coi•poi•�tion �Cot:n . `. , - � � , , . sel� � , � � • �/ � ' � � t., ' . �, � . . . : ,� . i t . � . > > r�dy a.3, i1�� � . � � Fto�iorablc 1•iafor. �.nd i�Ierabcrs of Ci-Ly Council. • � � ' City �I��)1 � St. Pi:.LLl; i�Iinneso��� j5102 " • . f U^_ar Sirs: � � • - i� : j•le, •th� ur_dersignea, c;rnez•s o; prope-rty loca�;ed a)_otlo �l�e �•;esterl.y side of .•TG...r��;zck � ; ? ' . � � . S�;ree� �.nd •• sQUtherly of Rundo].r,ii Avenv.e, afiec�ed b�r t}ie proposed rezonin�; fz•om , � ; . � "B" Residence �;o "C" Reside11;,e, ref�rred to in att�.ciied copy of petition dai;eci � April 2, 1568 and descril�ed as fo]1o,•rs: � - �, . � , f - - . . � i. �he south 100 i'eet o� �:he nor.�h 200 feet oi�hat pwr� of the IiE-,��- � ' of the S��I-� of Sec. 10, lo;*�iship 28 Pdorth, R���e 23 Zdest, lyin� ' �� � F1est oi the �•i°s�; line of Albert S�L. and Soutn of the Sou�iz line '� �, of Rando3ph Ave. , er.cept the Eas�: '250 fee� �iiercof;;the South , � . � l00 feet of tnc �To-r�h 2G0 feet of tha� part oi tne Iv�;•T4 of �;he S;�i� i ;� � -of Sec�ion 10, To�mship 28 Pior�h, R4n�e 23 �•iest, l;�in� East of . � E ' the East line oi ;•Iarc�r�.ck St. 1nd South oi' t'r.e Sou�h 1.ine of . . � . � Randolph Ave. , cor�ta�nin� 3,]1_7 ac-res L102'E �� less, the proper-�;� , � � � bein� loc2teu South of RG.n�u1p�i �ve. , Ea.st of t�?ar�•rick A�e. an� � ; '. . . . 2 5 0 f e e t �r T e s�; o i S o. A l b e r t S t. (S�.P a u? I P g al L e d�e r, �-27 ) { � ° � � � � � � � -- Hereby s�r9.thdra,�r their si�na�ures i'rara sa,id a.tta,ched pe-�ition: � � ` . � _ RECO?'�J O�r:�R SIGT1ATiTRE " I,OT BTACK ADDI'LZOId ' f , � blil:e I��. P�til - � � -� ��;�1. Kenn�.'s Randolph Adcin. ' � � Loret�a F. �Paul .l�,:t��-�. ,`;;,, � 1 Kenna's Fanuolph �,ddn. ' �Roy I,� Fortney .�—•,��;_V��r..� � 35 Kenna's Randolpii �iddn. � - �ina C.For�ney � ., ����i�� ,.�',� 35 Kenna's R�ndolph �'.dd.n. _ .; �T John F. Donlan � / �, ,, r � ��,;( �: � `!�^ (�:c. Rando1p� St. ; e�•.c. �� - � �' �� (�•rest 1'00 �. ?� erc. tne �� ; � , . (eas-� �+0 ft. ; tne nor�cn-- ��� � � �� 1�� 1 l ' (1�0 ft. o� Lo't �+; Lo�s l, � � � Louise A. �Donlan � �Z.� .��,,�, T�� `,f�I fe��+ (2, 3 & �F, S:•l 1 Sec l0- '. I � � � � • ' % n . . ��,� 2_��e 23� - .. ,i . Ma�y TxueL�en �r��.�,�� h.��Cr'.y�..��•e/,32 • Kenna's R�naol�h Ac�an. . � � � Jo�in P. Garr � � � Y 3�+ Kenna's P,ando]_ph �1c?c?n. : � Maril;ln �i� Garry 3Z� Keruza's Randolph �ldcln. ' ` � t � ' � V�/{/ � . G.; � � �R � //// �� � ��-�,�� �� P � f ( (/ , 1 \ � 1 � t.t�o ..I.o '1).k ';�'PMJ�.��, �� 4V`e. �/LC l �w.. � � j � _y—C,,,..�I�' 6,,�,, �vv�vw�.+.a.-- � " ' �, �`-� ' J _ ' � __�"_� �� t � b S"� . � . �,�� ` - 7��c'"i� '�ti`" : � � � , � � , �. . � : � � .�w�� - '��iwv ov� . - � ! - � - _ i . a�-�1 �, � � �tc, ��.-�� ��-�- � - �,,,,�., . e„U�,-�1rL(�t,1� . � �� 's�i t l 3 t� �,�1r' _ a�o� a �' � . � � _ _ , , � ��i�►'�o � � j r � abL� " " • , �-*�f.lY -�vR,� �1�-�.��v�,Q�V.,��, ! c : � � ��..hiv rv�e �,�-�.,�,Q ,�.Q ���� -�y�. � � � . . ^ t'r`'l �� � . � . � a���,,(J� � � - `�",t,w�1�`°� . .'✓�' . . _ `� � , .. . . d'�".i/L� i � � - :,�,,v�-�:.. . * _.,,,,�0. o.... �.8,,,�r--,Ec..k.�.�_.- ,� ���;;,,,,,P� ,i/l•. • -, � � •� Y_`'',�'�,,Q_.�_X- � ' / � . . � f 1 .. f Y�l�'K�O `.Dliv�" • �.-.�-,•7_ /�`^��1�/�,,��- � _' , I • �P • � ' ,` , . � f -, .��iM-Pi�.o - ya�c. ���,,� .�•o--� � .��.� ��� ?� ! �.�w-- �,,�%:.;d �-d�:�.�, �,c��� :--�.c�u� �n-. �`..1Ff.:�-�.�,,.,� � ; - -. _ ,��.�I.w�"�°. �'-`�`�.� . . _ �" : � . . M.o d��`�o . �Ov�i� 7 '€� , i --�'ttiw�l`�.� v..t� �• _ � �- � � : �--- o. � ,_�� , — � ---- . �� ' �°� . . �� � °`�:. . '. : . . . f � � � � �r� ' . • . � ' ��-' 1 i . , . �� � i ' CITY Oi� S:IINi' F'�1UL, Sflir'NL•'SG1'�1 �( ` � � ,� ; i ' E � �y`-� I �, i f { - . �'ETI1'IO,Y 1'0 rL`.(h;�iU CfG1PI'LIZS GO L'I��•u G�1 OF T[;L•' IJiGISJ,�1T'IVL•' (lOYI\G) CODU• Notc; , Thc si�;ner should appraise himscl� of the uses perr.�zti;ed undcr the neti�� cl�ssil- � ; � fi.caLion bcioi•c si�nin� Chi.s pctita.on. I'o r �u r t h c i• i n t o i•m a t i o n a b o u t L h e . � • rer.onin� of property, call the �ioard of Zonin� Oftice at 223-�151, - ` �� � . t • i �� .(Plcase ty��c oi• pi•int) , /` � • . � . � - D�i:e; April 2, 1�u8 _ t TO TH� tIOi;OfttlE3I.,E 1Ir1Y0I� t11\�D CIT'Y COUt�`CIL. , ' • � i c/o 1:he City Clci•k, Room 3SG City Fiall ' ' - . . j + City o� Saint �aul, ?.Iinnesot� � � ' ? � . ' • t k Pui•su�nt to Section 6�:OG of tfic Le�islative Code, �;�e, tE�e undei•si.oned o�,�ners of ' f �� two-thii•as of ttic sevcral descriptions of real estai:e situated tivi.tf�in 100 �eet oi � � ti�e re�l estate affected, hei•eby acquiesce; and v:e, the owiiers of 50% or more of j � the frotitaoe to be reclassified, pe{:ition y0U2' FjOI]OI'1U�.0 �ody to i•ezone the follotiv= � i � ina described property; (leaal descrihtion �tnci s�:i•�et address) ' { � .. See attach�d le�al. d.escription. Property is u_nimpi°oved ar�d has not stree� � address, bui is on the soutt� side of Randolpii fror� Z•Tarwick Street on the west to�the Church o� the Holy Spiri� on tne easti.- ' f from �v Resid.znce Distri.ct i;o C Residene� Dis�ri.ct, �oi• the � } pui•posc of installind, constructino� and/oa•� operating the follo�sing; � � (describ� bri.e�ly the pi•oposed �acility) �or.structing mul�iple resid�ntial housing. . . � - . } - � ,' RECORD Oi7�BR SIGhTATURE IAT BIACF� ADDITIO` � � iubject Property; - , } �;',.'.��� .r :f�tL�,�v '-- ` �' �' '' /� � • F�enna`s Randolph Addn. i � ` ��f I � ��L��.I�?`�� ./�L L�!'. 1 , . ] . ` , - . .. 'ciike M. &' Lore�ta E.Pau ''� � � ' � r � � Kenna`s RandolpEi Addn. �- , �,l.: .:�:;� ' i1�i�.c.[� E�oy L. Fortney , %�:�cf_ ;j_� Y�`� ��`.- ; 'enna's Randolpli Addn. '' ' '�� 3� ' .,' — 3ina C. Fortne� J �y%�/,;�J l�j ��� I � 1��'��f en�'�'s Randolph Addn, � ' . . r � -• /, .: -�: 35 � � � ' Exce.pt Fandolph St. ; esc�pt John' F. Donlan • 1 '. �4,_� �.Jj� � " . �' �� ��:•t ;' ,, . � 4 aest 160 ft. & escept tiie —;-' ' � �,/ /" / east U ft. ; the no'rtn 160 :,oui.,e •A, Donlan -� � c. � �'�==% �• -�' /�. �f /•i1 r./%� :� 4 ft. of Lot 4, (Cont'd Eelo:�r)� Tonn R.' Garry = ' � ( � � � � � f�enna;s P.�ndolph Addn. � : � %.�- 1 �� �� '.�t.•1'tt/ % . , ; faril ri A. Garr � � �'/ �' � � �/ � 'enna's P.andolph Addn. � y Y :,���.'1_ �.. ! C '11 . ••-. �i ') /: 34 . i ' � `"��y � � . 'enna s �.andol h Addn. � faty rrualsen � /'/����— �i`[,r.�-£J,�°�,,z.3? � � ' , . . _�. T l-i,_� - �1��,��� �� . . � t � ;J i ti�7�J!'`'�� `��.�;������.?� . ' ' , ! . � - : � � � . � `� � - . _ ^' Lots I,2,3 and 4., Std 1; ' . _ . S . ;�n I0, To��nship 2: ' r � . . ' • .• Fange 23 � � . . t. . tate of �Iinnesota ( ' . . ;t.' .,- �� _ `, .���-'. . � F � �unty of Ramsey ( SS ' � . . _ ' ' '�'� - = = i� '` =¢� , `'. �, �.. �.i ' . . ' • ' . :' . . • . �^� .��� � .�. :�' ' + i.`• 1��'�� �.�� �, F��. ;'.� .,being first d�i1 sti•,•orn � - - `�' � . � ' - '� y , deposes and states that he i1 � � the person. ��;ho circulated the �vithin petition consisting of � ; ' • rat the parties described abovz are'the ownei•s respectivaly of the Lots ppaced� ' � a ; ? n�ned�;ately follo�,ving each nane; that this peti�ion �vas signed by each of said� � � � 3 vners in the presence of this affiant, and that the sig►iatures abo�e� are the true ' ' ? • % id correct signatui•es �f each and all of �the parties so described. - . � . - . �� • t ibs'cribed an:: s�iror�+ to_ befo.j•e me � � 7 � t� � _ ' . iis C( . da� of J� , � ' `�_��4 �� '1 r • . • � ' , �� ._� �� . ' =� �---;�� •�_��::_� � - . - . '\ � �.��,'/.•'; `\ ,:��� ' � • Address; -{ J.t..u.� `i;,� : - . . ' 1 {; � ��� � ��`, It____�� 'i : �_�-_• .� i . . Telephone Yo. • .� ..-: f�'" • rY i.;: R�mse}- County� n,;inn 1 . �� � `�j�� " �=�`.ti ��..comrriission� e:•:pires =7. • ' F- r ' � 1/4I6�� J`, ' ' ''? • � �••I 1`-� .Ap.proc�ed as to forn - �`• - ' � �-:� !� Office o: the :r_'t�i� r,� ''�. - . _ � . - - CoL-poi•ation �Co�;asel� J _�. � a , ' - j � G�� �!, � • �, • � ,. ; • ` . • I . � , • i 3 AZay �.3, 11�& . . � ; ': Honorablc l,iayor �.ud i�:I°rabers oi Ci�;y Council • � . ' � City �I��11 • � . , � St. P�.ILt; T�Iinneso�a j510? � , f D��.Y' S12^S: ' . ' . ���e, 'th� ur_dersi�ned, c;rnex•s oi prope-rf;y located alono the t•;es�;erly sid� of j•T�xti•�7ck � `, � _ . = Stree� �,nd •: �QUtherly oz Rando7.r,h Avenue, afiec�ed by the proposed rezonin� fr.om � � . "B" Residence -Lo "C" Residence, ref�rred to in at�t;ac�ied copy of pe�i�ion da�ea ; April 2, 1.�68 and described a.s i'o11o,•rs: - . . � , f �he south 100•i'eet oi the nor.th 200 zeet of tllat pa�rt of the�P�E� ,� � . � � of the S��T-� of Sec. 10, Ta;;*�iship 28 P1or�h, R���e 23 ��lest, 1yin� ; _ ��lest oi thc �•ies�; line of Albert 5�;. and Soutn. of �he Sou�;n li.ne � � of Randolph Ave. , excep�; the East 250 feet i;hereoi';;-�he South � :� . l00 feet of t:�c �To-rtn 2G0 feet o� th�.�L par� oi the Iv��T4 0� the S;•iµ � si -of Sec�ion 10, To�mship 2�3 Nor�h, Ra.n�e 23 t•iest, lyzn� East of � ' the East line oi L•;ai-c•r5.ck S�L. and Sou�h oi' i:'r�e Sou�h J.ine of E . � Randolpn Ave. , cor�ta�nin� 3.�17 acres �ore i�:c less, the propert;� , � bein� locz�ed South of R�n�o1p'n �ve. , Ea.st of j�larc•rick Ave. an � ; � . • � . 25 0 fee� �rTest oi So. Albert St. (S t.Pau� T 1 e�l I,z d.�;er, �-2'j-�� . � ; - ' • . � -- Hereby i�r:i.thdra��r their si�na�ures �'rom sa,id a.t�a,ched petition: � i � , • � ' • ( i '-- RLCOpTJ O;r;�R SIGNAT[TR;� IAT BIACK ADDIri'IOIZ . t � biike td. Pattl -., ! 1���.c�l. Kenn�'s Ranciolph Addn. � J i �/ �� . I,oret�a E. Paul ��l�,:Ti�-�,' ,`;;,, i 1 Kenna's Fa,nciolpt� Addn. ` ' Roy L. For�ney .;•' �i � ;��••� � 35 Kenna's Randolpii Addn. -� _ Bina C.Fortney � , .��r ,.� ' ,� 35 Ker►na's R�.ndolph l-.c�wn. � � .# John F. Donlan �/ , ;, 'r"7'. �"j��! i c ��., (�:c. Ranciolph St.; e:�:c. ;: - �' ~�� � (t•rest 160 ft, & erc. tn.e +: ; � _ . (eas� �0 ft. • the norzh -� � � � ' '�; � , J / - (160 ft. oi Lo�t 4; I,o�s l, �, ; t Louise A. �Donlan ,��GZ � .��,�� ��� f►���c�� • (2, 3 & �+, Si•I 1 S�c 10- '`'� � ; ' �. - _ � (T�•rp 2-�ge 23. ` .i � 1�Ma�y Truel:en ���,,�� �, .��r?.�z.,:��.•�J,32 • Kennafs Randol�h �ic�an. � ` ` John P�. Garry � ' � r 3�+ Kerula's P,andoJ.pn �ic�cln. ' . ; � .Maril,ln �. Garry 3� • Kenna's Randolph Adcin. ` � `� � / �� 1 lXiU/11A.^Y��-�(,/ ���� � L��I�sL�� ��IO� � c • • ! -'`^�U�(!p � I/�� .�% � i /rt���-+�-� ' � ����/y�/ Q � , � G �//--�� - �I f ��/� i I1 �1I•�L Tlw O ' Li7ii%R-��`�`.v�' i � �.i b,� ' l ' 3 � � ���l � , i �. �jl /J�c�y'.�/�j ' i � � �^�" .�.�+�C. ¢�,�.,� ' .� - , � � . . ^�'� . : ,�h� �-�:Q. �� .f,,,,_, z� �ydg� z _ � �`�'M"^,� y-�',,,�; ,,,,.�,c,�, �-�►�e .� � . ; ; � ; � � � � J1�a.-�..��(—. �,,, ..,.c.",t,c�,�,;,� -f-y� [ 3� ,t,,,v�.��;- - , '► # v'"" ;� � B��""'L /�1` /��. ,a,,A '`f�y�-� ���- . , - pyl, /.�p � "� - ��'`/V ��"'1c/h , � l!V,-�.y��'' � � � . ` ' iN.�iwfti� "��t�/1. � -Q .- �, -pL� � - � �1V'(Y�tLO .. . _ ' . ,�,g � _ - . � . ; - ._ � . 'gl� , ; .: . � . ' �l��•C_- ' , � - ��f � . '6 i .��;� �/L9-� � ' ` � � r�� �". ' . _. !� /� , ._ � � .�fi'�/`-�/� l ;�� ./�, , . • � � �A.,,L.�j_ � Gti(,.lit,L� � ./�V . �p ��%a/� Q �/[� � { i J��,r v r l •�Y �� ww .. /1•_• } Q -/ _ - ,^�f � ��� i..�r- r ;G���� � ' . . �-" 1 �� "�'�r� a� �x: �� •� � ��'�l ' �'�; ,�. �r y . �` �w.n �-^ - , i' i�1��1� . r n ' _ rr� _ r r�„` .,r� w� �� �.�._.._.���-��. _ �y�a���--�� P . _ �- . � . � r�� ` � � � � � � � / ; . . �ti i ' CI7'X Oi' Si1IT;t' F'�1UL, :�iZ ti�ti'L•'SUT'�l ( , �� , ! „ • ^�'F•,TI'1'IO�{ 1'0 �L`.Ih:NU CfI:1E'1'1.:lt� GO L'tiru G�1 OI' TI;E: IJiGIST,:1'i'IVI; (lOYI\G) COUL••�� � � � I ' � , , , � � � r NoLc; , Thc si.�;ncr sf�uuld �ppr�isc himscl� of thc uses ��crmiL•i;ecl Ul1CIC1• thc ncw clnssi- � i ; .� ti.caLion bciore si.�n5.n� thi.s E�ctiti.on. Foi' �UI'L}1C1• i.nSoi•mation about L'hc : i . � rezonin� o� properly, call tlie F;oard of ZoninU O.f�icc at 223-�151. . ` �� � ' � � � .(Please tyE�c oi• print) , � - � � � � Date; April 2, 1�08 . � � TO Tt[I: FIOr;OR�V3I.,E 1Ir1Y0tt tk�'D CZT'Y COUi\`GYL. � , • • • � . � # . • � i c/o 1:he City Clci•k, Room 3S6 City flall - ' . , _- � . . i : Czty or Saint Paul, },tinnesota ' � ' ' � � � � . i Pui•su�nt to Section 6�:OG of tf�c Le�islative Code, �;-e, tl�e undersionecI o�,�nei•s of • ` � two-thi.i•ds of tl�c sevcral descriptions of real estatc situated �vithin 100 fect o� f the real estate affected, hei•eby acquiesce; and u;e, the owiiers of 50% or more of � � the frontaoe to be reclassified, pe{:ition your FIonorable �ody to rezone the folloti�r- ! d ina described pi•o�erty; (leoal descrintion and sti•s�et adclress) ' See attacr�ci le�a1 d.zscriptior.. Proper-�y is unimpz•oved ar_d has not street � - address, bu� is on �ne sou�ti sidz of Randolpii from j•Tarwick Street on the - { west to�the Church o� the Holy Spiri� on tn� east.- ' from �., Resid.�nce District i;o C Fesiclence District, for the � purpose of installina, constructino� and/or� operating the follo�c�ing; (describe bric�ly the p�•oposed .�acility) cor.structin� multiple resid�ntial housin�. . . � . • . , RECORD OiY��R SIGNATURE . ' • t IAT BIAC?� ADDITIO\ Subject Property; - . , y e i ( �;;.;�� •%��� �f�_�,�;�_� ,��. �' /''' /� F�enna's Randolph Addn. , � � �'��� "-' ��C. 1 . ` , - . .. , f I ifike M. � LoreL-ta E.Pau ' �' �, Kenna`s Fandolpli Addn. � '�'��'���%`'•�� " /':!���.c!/� . 7� ; � . I _—�-- Roy L. Fortney � %/;--c�_ :j_ Y/_��-;=�; 'enna's Randolpti Addn. � 3� ' ' r ''� � � — Bina C. Fortne� � � Y�'/,�l f j :��� ��_��.���j_ �;, enn'�'s Randolph Addn. ' ( . 35 John' F. Donlan � 1 ', �t,� ".J� � � ' xcept Randolph St. ; e:ticept � _� 1� � •' ��•� ;� :, . , 4 aest I60 ft. & escept tiie Loui..e �A. Donlan /�,� .. � � � east U ft. • the nortn 160 , � �,/ / / , , /-- � � ��' � ! "/ /•/1 r./i� ;, 4 ft. of Lot 4, (Cont'd Eelo:a)� . �, . , Jonn R. Garry = ' � ( ���._� f,) � 'enna;s P.�ndolph Addn. - � � 1 �r / ` './t.•�'I�,/ i ./ • � 1 ` � r' enna's P,andolph Addn. � , . • � �farilyri �,. Garry t �' j;.� • . ;�/I. _ �_ C t. [ �•1 t .� -•C�ii �) 1: 34 . � . ; �Iaty Trualsen � ����,�� �� 2 'enna s P.andolph Addn. ' . , 'I- �h-r�!-t'�� ,-z,3 , _�. T(�%,_ % ' .1 ��,��.l, ��� ' • • . ; e '. . . ,-. .. . _ . , � � . � � .:1 ' �j�.�.. `.�• / � ' � . : { , ,i.l.�.� " � `�. ��.! j•_�.t.r S � � ' � `� � _ � Lots 1,2,3 and 4., Std 1; � . � � . :�n I�, To��nship 2: � , ' - .� ' Itange 23 � ; � . � � ` ; � r- L� ',d•--t. tate of �iinnesota ( ' . � � . • - �t'. �'•- ? -' � . - � �unty of Ramsey ( SS � . •. : >: '„' _ _ ;: �1 _`= : . . � . . . . w��: �. ', ., i.z . : �•- �.��'�:.L' 1,�%^ F�, �, o F ' �• _ ._ �'`�.�' !��:_ - . , i •: �� , „ ;;� .,�beina first duly s�.orn, deposes and s�ates that he j • � , � the person. v;ho circulated the �vithin petition consisting of - ` ' . rat tl�e parties described above are'the ownei•s respectivaly of the iots ppaced� , . ;, � n�rtedi;ately follo;vin� each name; that this petition was si.gned by each of said� � • � vners in the presence of tf�is affiant, and that the sig►iatures abo�e� are the true � % f � ld correct signatui•es of each and all of the parties so described. - . ' . - :. � `. ' ; ibs'cribed anc, s�y�or� to, oefo.I•e me � � � _ , { � iis C� . da� of J%' , ..• � , � " � � ����.�?_�4— ��— f•' ' � . . � ; ` ;�– . '- t—, .�.���:- .,J� - ' .� _<i�j,/'�j \ �;; �i • � . Address; �; �;�J�;,-u v t`�', - . � . Telephone �,'o. • J .'r �` �� � :�'�'. �ta '� ' . ry Public: Ranlse3- Co�.nty, ;�:lnn. �� Q� t-ti ' ��•commis`sion� e:;pires -7.• ' F�. � ;.� • > -^ �j�. - ; ': . ` . ``^ ,_� .1 1/. . �Aoproved as to forn 1/4/65 � `� `°�.' � •j � �� Office o� the �•T •�'�1 �11 . - . - . � , � Cos•,poi•ation Coc�sel� � �1.� •.'S1 � f � Fj ` ,,, ' . � `� �Y i BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151� 23��'�� , May 7, 1968 � �� Mr. Harry E. Marshall � '' City Clerk � � �ity Hall and Court House Dear Sir: This is in regard to the petition of Derham Hall High School to rezone from "B" residence to "C" residence property located 100 feet south of � ltandolph Avenue and east of Warwick Street. (See attached legal des- cription.) The petitioner proposes to sell this property, along with the tract to the north which fronts on Randolph Avenue to Mr. Robert John- son who proposes to develop the entire site with two buildings for a total development of 136 units. The development will �have 214 parking spaces, 64 of which will be under the buildings. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at a public hearing held on May 2, 1968 as directed by the City Council on April 19, 1968. The property in question is presently zoned "B" residence (single-family homes and duplexes.) Area zoning consists of commercial along both sides of Randolph Avenue, "A" residence to the north of Randolph Avenue Frontage, "A" residence to the west and "B" residence to the south and east. , Existing area development consists of vacant land directly to the north and primarily single-family homes on the north side of Randolph Avenue, single-family homes and a four-plex to the west, the Derham Hall Con- vent and vacant land to the south, and the Holy Spirit School Convent to the east. ` At the conclusion of discussion, a motion was made for denial of the rezoning. �ao Board members voted for denial and two voted against J denial, resulting in a tie vote. Therefore, the Board of Zoning came to no conclusion as to a recommendation regarding this rezoning. Very truly yours, ; r� � � �~�,� ��� ,.����' {� ! George McPartlin . Secretary GMcP:FGI GMK Z. F. 6495 �� � � � � � � . � - ' ' • ' ., � � , ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + .- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . MINNESOTA 113 Court House,b6102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commiuioner Phone:223-4646 April 18, 1968 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Derham Hall High School, filed in the matter af rezoning, _ , , The South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part of the NE� of the SW'� of Section 10, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, lying,West of the West line of Albert Street and South of the South line of Randolph Avenue, ' except the East 250 feet thereof; the South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part of the NW� of the SW'� of Sectinn 10, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, lying East of the East line of Warwick Street and South of the South line of Randolph Avenue, containing 3.117 � acres more or less. The property is located South of � Randolph Avenue, East of Warwick Avenue and 250 feet West of South Albert Street, from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence Dis- trict, and find that said petition is sufficient. . s very trul.y, G(%i'�y0 _ ames J. Dal ish ��� Commissione of Finan e Re: R-503 � c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden �� � -� .:; - 4 M�r 15, i968 Honorable Ma,yor and Members of City Council C ity Ha,l7. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs; May we please refer you to a statement dated May 13, 1968 submitted by J. H. E�rans at the public hearing of the Council on May 1�+, 1968 advis- ing that seven of the signers on the petition of April 2, 1968 effect3ng rezoning of praperty along Randolph Avenue between Warwick and Albert Streets axe withdrawing their names. We hereby also wish to wi.thdxaw our s3gnatures from said petition of Apri1 2, 1968: RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BTACK ADDITION John R. Gaxry C�f�, 3�+ Kenna's Randolph Addn. � � Marilyn A. Garry 3�+ Kenna's Randolph Addn. P. S. We regret that we were unable to sign the statement of May 13, 1968 and appeax at the hearing of May 1�+, 1968. We were at our farm near EucLid, Minnesota and unable to attend. r n-� =P/��ti��,' . � e, 11.e �i..�l-t ��� ! � , � . � Gy��y'�'�' � ; � � ,�- � � ,c � �� � �� . /'`� � s� � � � l� ��� � , _ ' � ,-�y�<>w' �NFORMATION CONCERiVING THE ZONING AMENDME'�TT � Applicant: Derham Hall High School � Locat3on of Propert,y and Size: South cf Ra.ndolph, East of �Jarwick a:�d 250 �"�^•w feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet a.long Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex). Proposed Change: From �'B" Residence to "C" Residence(high density apaxt- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The pr.operty under question w311 be combined with land of equal area(l00 feet by 678.a9 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a combined total of 136 ianits) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZObTIIdG l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, which several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side street;, of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the _ homes fronting on these side streets frequently ,pl.ay in and across these streets and will be enda.ngered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to a.nd from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3• Potential air .pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. �+. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which ��ould be tenan.ts in the proposed "luxury" developnent. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the adjacent residentia.l side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about tr.ree acres of land would be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer syst�*n and � storm drains has not been answered and documented b,y �rritten reports from the St. Pau�_ Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in chaxacter5 large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments axe relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of R:,.�aolph. 'r " � ,/ , + ,' .... /� 'f r- r , ' � . �-/�,�, --�. . �'" , The South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part of the NE,�—� of the S�, of Section 10, Township 2�_North, Range=23• West,� .lying west of the west line , of Albert Street and south of the_ south�line of-Randolph Avenue, except the east 250 feet thereof; The South 100 feet of the North 200 feet of that part _ of the NW,�—� of the ST� of,.Section 10, Township 28 North, Range 23 West,. lying _ . east of the east line of Warwick Str,eet'and south of the south line of . Randolph Avenue, containing 3.117 acres more or less. � _ . l 53�`��.0 _ . _ � _ ' _ � r , . , - . - , • y : e : - . , . - s' • k " PETI'CION TO'OREZONE � . s • _ A'`p etition having been flled request- �n� that Cha tets Gp to g4 i�clusive, St. Pg� ���y�ve Code, re Zoning, etc., be amended so as to rezone prop- - erty described as follows: . _ ` , I The South 100 feet of the North 2pp ,•a Q� _ Q � { teet of that part of the NEl4 of the y � �.L( � SW',4 of Sec.10,Township 26 North. L R a n g e 2 3 W e s t� �Y U i g Wes t o f t he '' � � ' West line of Albert St. and South • - �L�q � bP the South line of Randolph Ave., I ' � except the East 2b0 feet thereof; `�" / the S outh 100 feet of the North Zpp L/� Peet of ttiat part of the NW?4 0� + the SW?s of Section 10,Township 2g � , L North�Range 23 West�]Y1ng East o f � /�� t he East line of Warwtek St. and � Sonth oE the South Iine of Randolph Ave., containing 3.117 acres more or - � � ���' less, the roperty being located " ' r Warwick Ave. and 25p pe�t We�op So. Albert St., ` to Class "C•• Residence District, the Council of'the .City of Saint Paul hes fixed the 7th day oi MaY. 1868, at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Councll • Chamber in the City Hall of said City, and at said time and-place, the Council will hear all pe:sons and ell objections " _ and recomendations relative to said 1 � proposed amendment.. i Dated April 25, 1968. , � . FIAFtI�,Y E. MARSHALI,, City Clerk. " (April 27, 1968) . 1 , •- . . _ . , _ • �N a,t�- ��e.�„��r F+ ZC��$��''� �� ��: ��� - . ` . 3yo oa � , � . ' + , � � . . i ► � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Court House 55102 April 22, 1968 City C1erk File X503, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held f.n the Council Cha�be�s o� rhe CiCy Hall and Court House in the City of SC. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on May 7, 1968, on petieion of Derham Hall High School to rezone £r�a B Residence District to C Residence District �'�e follow3ng property: the south 100 feet of the north 200 feeC of that part ot the northeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Sect{on lfl, Townshtp 28 North, Range 23 West, lying west af the west Zine of Albert StreeC and south of the sonth line of Randolph Avenue, except the east 250 feet thereof and the south 100 feet of the north 200 f�et of that part of the northwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 10, Towzsh3p 28 North, Range 23 West, lying east of the eaEt line of 4;arwycic Street and south of the south line of Randolph Avenue. Z`he p�operty is located south of Randolph Avenue, east vf Warwick Avenue and 250 feet west ofc South Albert Street. You aze also a3�ised Chat the Boa.rd of Zoning of the Citq of St. Paul wi11 hold a p�.±blic r.eaxing at 2:00 P. M. on Map 2, 1968, in Rooan 356 Court �Io��se, for the purpose of conside�i.ng its recommendation on the same a�.�bj�ct mstter. For furthex information contact Planning Board, Room ZO10 Comn►erce fiu�lding or pl�one 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH , Comm;ssioner of Finance �O T ' , . R � . . . , BOIIRD Ol� LO�zNG It�PORT AND ACTION May 2, 1968 . Plat A4ap . . . . Acting under Legisl�tive Code Cha�tcr 60 thru 64 Fi1e No, 6495 - am ndmt passed August 22, 1922 as amei�ded to Au�ust 2�l, 1964 � - a peal Also 6497 - p rmit 1. APPLICANT'S NAN� • Derham Hall High School 2. CLASSII'ICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Permii: ❑ Other � 3. PURPOSE . Rezone to "C" Residence • � 4. LOCATION . So. side of Randolph Avenue, east of Warwick & 250' W. of Albert 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � attached ' � 6. PR.�SENT ZONING . "B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64,06 Section: Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 5/1/68 By: � A. Sufficiency: The Commissioner of Finance in a let�er dated 4/18/68 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 6 of a possible 8 (75%) tracts within the prescrib�d 100' radius having signed the petition. • B, HISTORY: None C. PROPOSED USE: Combine this property with a tract of equal size fronting on Randolph Avenue and develop the entire site ��ith �wo buildings for a total development of 136 units. The development will have 214 parking spaces, 64 of which will be under the buildings. � � D. FRONTAGE & AREA: 100' frontage on Warwick Street with a width of 678.89' and an area of 67,889 square feet (approx. L558 acres)" E. AREA ZONING: The Randolph Avenue frontage is zoned commercial, to the south and east is zoned "B" residential (school and church Properties), the rest of the area is zoned "A" residence. F. COP�IPREHENSIVE PLAN: Site recommendation is to continue quasi-public use. Area recommendation: Randolph Avenue frontage from Pascal St, to Brim{�all St. — _ R-6 -� 25 DoU. 's per acre�`: The rest of the area to be classified R=4 -�11 DoU. 's/acre G. SITE CONDTTIONS: The site is vacant and relatively level and slightly above grade ' at Warwick and Randolph. At the easterly property line the site is approximately five feet above the grade of Randolph Avenue. There is a concrete retaining wall in this area surmounted by a chain-link fence. The easterly third of the site adjacent to Randolph Avenue is heavily wooded and the remainder of the area along Randolph Avenue c.ontains large trees, 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend ❑ Approval Qx Denial Council Lt. Dated 5/6/68 � Moved by: Mr. Haarstick Yeas • Nays Ames � Seconded by: Mr.Gauger Cohen Dat��Q�6Hearing / tS Janes,Chmn. X � nicPai•tlin x Council Action Secretar3�'s remarks: x Haarsticl� - Alt, I Gadler Date '�le Vcf�- .V„ %¢CoF,,�yl�-aO��Y-%b11 11laietta • x Gauger LEG�1L NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS S}�ET " BOARU OF ZONING RLPOPti!' AND ACTION May 2, 1968 plat 144a� 12 �'r ' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 i:bru 6� File No. 6496 passed Augusi: 22, 1922 as amended to August 2�1, 19G4 � Also 6495 l. APPLICANT'S NAn'� • Robert Wa Johnson 6497 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other � 3. PURPOSE . Relax density standards 4 �. IACATION . So. side $andolph Avea bet. Warcaick & Albert Sts. 5. I.EGAL DESCRIPTION � attached • 6. PRESRNT ZONING . "B" Residence & Commercial 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapterj 64.03 Section: Paragraph: i 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 5/1/68 By; GMK 1. ZOIVING ADMLNISTRA.TOR: No action B. HISTORY: None C. PROPOSED USE: Develop the site with a_136 unit apartment comples Do NEED FOR APPEAL: Site has insufficient srea to develop with 136 units E, PRESENT STANDARD: 136 units r.equires 136,000 square feet. Fo VARL4NCE: The site �aith a frontage of 678.89 feet along Randolph Ave. and a depth of 200 feet resulting in an area of 135,778 square feet or 222 sq. ft. short (0.16%) Go AREA ZONING: See rezoning, file �� 6495 attached Ho SITE CO�TDITIONS: See Z. F, 6495 attachecl I 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend ❑ Approval Q Denial Council Lt . Dated 5/6/68 . ' ]�toved by: Haarstick Yeas Nays Ames • Seconcied by: Gauger Cohen ' Da5�7q68Hearing / Janes,Chmn, X n�cPartlin X Council Ac�:ion Secretary's remartie vote - no recomaendationX Fiaarstick - Alt. Gaciler Date I�aietta � x auger LEGAL NOTICES O,�T TtCE BACK OF.THIS Sf��T � , ' � . - BOARD OI' ZONiNG 1i.�PORT AND �1CTION May 2, 1968 Plat 11�Iap 12 ,p Acting under Le�islative Code Chapi;ei• 60 �;l�ru 64 File No. 6497 passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 • - � Also 6495 1. APPLICANT'S NA1liE . Robert W. Johnson 6496 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other � 3. PURPOSE . 214 car parking facility � 4. IACATION . So, side Randolph Ave. bet. Warwick & Albert 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � attached � 6. PRES�NT ZONING , "B" Res. & Commercial 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60.23 Section: 4 Paraaraph• 2 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 5/1/68 By; � A, HISTORY: kNone Bo AREA ZONINGo See Z. F. 6495 = attached C. DESIGN �TANDARDS: Four d=iveways from Randolph Ave; aisles are a minimum of 23' in width. j All surfaces are bituminous, will drain to storm sewers and maintain required setbacks. Yard areas are approved by the Bldg. Dept. and buffer areas are not required. Intereior curbs are 6 inch monolithic concrete. Driveway widths are 26' - 64 parking spaces will be under the buildings, Do FRONTAGE & AREA: 678.89' along Randolph Avenud with a depth of 200' and an area of 135,778 sq. ft. E. TR,AFFIC ENGIA'�ER: Recommends approval with minimum driveway width of 26' . The Traffic Engineer has stated that "it ��ould seem undesirable to provide parking in the front of property (as proposed) �specially for the residents on the north side of Randolph." F, SITE CONDITIONS: See Zoning File �� 6495 attached 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend ❑ Appro��al � Denial Council Lt . Dated 5/6 Moved by: Haarstick Yeas . Nays Ames Secoiided by: Gauger Cohen Date of Hearing 5/7/68 � ' Janes,Chmn.X McPartlin X Council Action Secretary's remarks: X Haarstick - Alt. � Gadler � D�te nia�.etta ! Tie vote - no recommendation � Gauger LEGAL NOTICES ON THE B�1CK Or THIS SHGET 1 � H�i1LY SPIRiT RECTORY 512 S� Albert ST. PAUL, MINN. 55105 May 3, 1968 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City Hall � � � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that I hane reviewed the plan and layout for the two 68-Unit Apartment Buildings and off-street parking facilities proposed for construction at the southeast corner of Randolph and Warwick. I have no objections to the plan and layout as prop.osed. Very truly yours.,-� � � ��� ;:�?.� �r C•� ,,� �, , � , �/�_ Also offering no objections are Mr. J.Ray Young and Judge Ronald Hachey, the parish trustees. ----� ZONING APPEAL _ � / Notice is hereby av b��t the City� l� � � hearing will be he � � Council at 16 A.M. on May 7, 1966, in� the City Council Chamber in the . City Iiall and Court House, in the� �i ` � mat�er of the appeal 04 Ftobert W.� Johnson, under Chapters 60 to 64 in-: clusive, St. Paul Legislative Code, Zon- ing Code, for relaxation of density standards so as to permit the erection of a 136-unit apartment complex on� the following described propertY� � The North 100 4eet oY the North 200 � feet of that part of the NE?'a of the SW}4 of Section 10, Township 28 North,Range 23 West,�ying West � of the West line of Albert St. and South of the South ]ine af Ran- dolph Ave.,except the East 250 feet thereof; the North 100 £eet of the North 200 feet of that part o4 the DIW;4 of the SW!a of Section 10, Township 28 North.Range?3 West, lying East of the East line oP VJar- wick St. and South of the South line of Randolph Ave., containing 3.117 acres more or less, located South of Randolph Av�., East of Warwick Ave. and 250 Seet West of So.Albert St. Dated April 25, 1988. HARRY E. MARSFiP.LL, City Clerk. (Apri127. 1968) , -.� � r � RAYMOND J . TARI.ETON �'�' 533 S. HlARW I CK St. Paul , h4innesota 55116 �tay 4, 1.968 Dear Pteighbor: We have recently learned that a large apartment complex has been proposed for construction along Randolph Avenue between Warwick and the Holy Spirit Convent. The pro�osal is for two buildings totaling 136 units. Inorder for suffici�ent property to be assembled, part of the land to be �:sed must be rezoned. As you axe aware, the property facing Randolph Avenue(100 ft. in depth) between Warwick and the Holy Spirit Convent is zoned commercial. However, the apartment developers reauire another 100 ft. of depth immediately behind the property facing • Randolph. This land is now zoned "A" Residence. An application is now on file with the City of St. Paul to rezone a part of the Derham Hall High School property( the northern most nart towaxd Randolph) from the present "�3't to "C" Residence(high density apart*.nents or multi-family use) . We believe the construction of a Z36 unit apartment will drastically change the character of the neighborhood and wil]. introduce undesirable traffic problems along Randolph and adiacent streets such as Pascal and 4larwick. Eue,n the proposed parking lot(which will face Randolph Avenue) will not handle parking for both multi-car families and their guests. The � result will be spill-over onto Randolph Avenue itself and the ad�jacent streets. If you have further interest in the rezoning application, the attached sheet pre'sents the details of the proposal to the best of our knowledge. Note that. the hearing will be before the City Council on Tuesday, May 7 at 10:00 AP•4 in the Council Cha.mbers., If .you cannot be at the hearing in persony you may wish to send a telegr to the or expressing your opinion, pro or con. �� �-�{ � ' �. � � .� � �2� S- � _ �� _ � . � � � �09�-���� �, �� . ._���� � -� � _ , �,,�� � �j ���� (l �� �� � s'`�•f'Gt�a�,�v-t�, y / � � U � ,���� %� � . � r � • ' . . , . INFOR��lATION CONCE�NING 7HE ZONI�IG AMENDMENT ' ' 'i . . ._ . . .� ' .\ . _ '� "., � � � . ' . .. . •� � . � , ��s: c ' . . .. '. . t: . � 1?= '` . . � . �� � Appl icant: Derham .Hai I High School . • �-. �, • :',, _ • . � . . . � -:- - . - , , , , : . -� �L"ocat ion of Propert,y and S i ze':� South, of�Rando I ph, East of • Warwick,and 250 feet: West of S.. .Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width o-F 678.89 feet along Randolph(set - � back 100 feet� trom�Rando,i.phJ . ' Tota I area of property, I .558 � ' acres. . ' _ • �; � , ,. • . _ , � - . . , � , � . . , Present Zonin� of Property: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Change: From "B" Residence to,"C•� Residence(,high density apartments or multi-family) . � � � � - Proposed Use: The propoert,y under question .will be combined . with land of equal area( 100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on '�" ' � • Rendolph Avenue, and presenfily zoned to permit coromercial use, � . for the purpose of developing the entire site .for apartments ' - � (two buildings to contain a combined total of ,136 units) . REASONS AGP,INST THE �EZONING I . Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph and adjacent streets. 2. In the current City Plan, the`area in question is proposed to re�nain a semi-public or institutional use. 3. The present area• ' is single family in character; large apartment bui �dings, such as being proposed, are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Vdhile it is true that �here�are apartments along Randolph ai� present, most were built before the revised zoning code. Also, these apartments are relatively small and dispersed over a long section of Rando�ph Avenue. 4. There is need for open space witt�in this area, since there ' are no public parks or playgrounds nearby. 5. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented. 6. The proposed parking lots ror this development will face the single family homes to the north of Randolph. While some landscaping and screening is proposed, the result will still be a parking lot. 7. Only about 10� of the site would remain as landscaped open space. Parking lots and the buildings will occupy 90� , of the land area. , (OVER) , . . � • _� BOA.x;D OF 'LONJn`G ItEPORT AND f1CTION May 2, 1968 P1 t �14ap • Acting under Legislative Code Chapi:er 60 tbru 6� File No. 6495 - am ndmt passed Aubust 22, 1922 as amended to Auaust 24, 19G4 - a peal Also 6497 - p rmir 1. APPLICANT'S NA1i� • Derham Hall High Schoo1 �� 2. CLASSIF'ICATLON • � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other � 3. PURPOSE . Rezone to "C" Residence • � 4. IACATION . So. side of Randolph Avenue, east of L�ar�oick & 250' W., of Albert 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � attached 6. PRESENT ZONING . "B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64,06 Section: Paragraph• 8. STAFF I�TVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 5/1/68 By: � Ao Sufficiency: The Commissioner of Finance in a let�er dated 4/18/68 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 6 of a possible 8 (75%) tracts within the prescribed 100' radius having signed the petition. B, HISTORY: None C. PROPOSED USE: Combine this property with a tract of equal size fronting on Randolph , Avenue and develop the entire site tvith t�vo buildings for a total development of 136 units. The development will have 214 parking spaces, 64 of which will be under the buildings. D. FRONTAGE & AREA: 100' frontage on Warwick Street with a width of 678.89' and an area of 67,889 square feet (approx. 1558 acres) E. AREA ZONING: The Randolph Avenue frontage is zoned commercial, to the south and east is zoned "B" residential (school and church Properties) , the rest of the • area is zoned "A" residence. � � F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Site reco�nendation is to continue quasi-public use. Area recommendation: Randolph Avenue frontage from Pascal St, to Briml,jall St.--:- _ R-6 -� 25 D,U. 's per acreb. The rest of the area to be classified R-4 -t11 DoU. ' s/acrE G. SITE COi�tDTTIONS: T.he site is vacant and relatively level and slightly above grade at Zdar�aick and Randolph. At" the easterly property line the site is approximately five feet above the grade of Randolph Avenue. There is a concrete retaining wall in this area surmounted by a� chain-link fence. The easterly thircl of the site adjacent to Randolph Avenue is heavily wooded and the remainder of the area along Randolph 4venue contains large trees, ' 9. BOaRD ACTIOnT: To Recommend ❑ Approval Qx Denial Council Lt. Dated 5/G/68 Nloved by: rlr. Haarstick Yeas Nays � Ames Seconded by: Mr.Gauger Cohen Dat��s�6�earing Janes,Chmn. X McPartlin x Council Action Secretary's remarlcs; x Haarstick - Alt. Gadler Date T%e Vcf�- N.^. j'�o�=,�9o:td��fjo� _ Maietta '— x Gauger LEGAL hOTICES ON TIiE BACK OF THIS SHE:ET ! ' r -' � �1 ' r�ay 8, �968 The Honorable Th.e City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deax Mayor Byrne and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being residents in the vicinity of the � proposed apartment development on the south side of Randolph between Warwick and Albert, wish to go on record in support of the proposed development. We feel it would be superior to a possible strip type of shopping center, or other type of commercial improvements, on the 100 foot strip on the south side of Randolph now zoned for commercial usage. a uses Addresses � /�33 �r,r, �'� 3 � � . � • . / � Jo, �d��,.c� � � ' �W �0 � - ••r / `�1 9 � � P � �� �✓ M � � � � 7 I v ,� , � L p � s � , �, � ��� � . � r�ay 8, 1g68 The Honorable The City Council City of Saint Pau1 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Byrne and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being residents in the vicinity of the proposed apartment development on the south side of Ra,ndolph between Warwick and Albert, wish to go on record in support of the proposed development. We feel it would be superior to a possible strip type of shopping center, or other type of commercial improvements, on the 100 foot strip on the south side of Randolph now zoned for co�nercial usage. Si�natures Addresses � � . l.C./ � � - a a- 5 p//i � , � ��� � �-C__ . . ,- ' r May 8, 1g68 The Honorable The City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Byrne and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being residents in the vicinity of the • proposed apartment development on the south side of Randolph between Warwick and Albert, wish to go on record in support of the proposed development. We feel it would be superior to a possible strip type of shopping center, or other type of co�ercial improvements, on the 100 foot strip on the south side of Randolph now zoned for co�nercial usage. Signatures Addresses � � / :s'S" ���� G�� 2 � �I�l-l� /�I7 c��r,.��,� /�i v-e 3 _. ' j �. C�,,� � . � r� ��� � � � � �a3 � � .� � , � � . �� ( ..�-����� I y3 s- D /j ° �C � . j � ;�% � 9 � .�� �� % � • (o < < / r � ► - � � �' f� � � 2 - � � 13 � h � . � � i - � � i s ;;?�.� � .�-� ��� 1 c� � '�� s � ' -G�G � /� 2 � � i� � � , � � � � � i 3 . � � f�. P � r�ay 8, 1968 ' The Honorable The City Council City of Saint Pau1 � Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 - Dear Mayor Byrne and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being residents in the vicinity of the proposed apartment development on the south side of Randolph between Warwick and Albert, wish to go on record in support of the proposed development. We feel it would be superior to a possible strip type of shopping center, or other type of commercial improvements, on the 100 foot strip on the south side of Randolph now zoned for co�nercial usa�e. Signatures Addresses :✓� %��•�� �-��.3 1�--� . -��, ' � � G s- G�°'� . . ��� �'�i - S^� �=��—v d� � � �.��,. '�. r _ f. � �� . .�i2�• -24i2C.c� -�/� �JS�S o� I . , c�,w�.-� 3 - ' t � 3 8 - o � " . � �� � d ,�n-� � � 1 �t' a'� � �1�� � � .� � � , c �- � � � �S/v� � • , ��� � � / 3g d ,/. � w � �" � . � . �..e.e.�� �'�� ��� �-�✓. . � / , �'�-yut�' �-..� � � �d c�_e__� � -_ 3(� � � V � � s ' Ma,y 8, 1.g68 The Honorable The City Council City of Saint Pau1 Court House ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deax Mayor Byrne and Gentlemen: � We, the undersigned, being residents in the vicinity of the proposed apartment development on the south side of Randolph between Warwick and Albert, wish to go on record in support of the proposed development. We feel it would be superior to a possible strip type of shopping center, or other type of commercial improvements, on the 100 foot strip on the south side of Randolph now zoned for co�ercial usage. Signatures Addresses � 3� � � . , 3 g / �� G 3� _ i f �� � z . y d . / .�2� �') ,;.l z, ,� �o� > �/ D � ��iA .�-�— �--yr—�v— --vc�—�— �2 S'�/ �I'3 , ZP t f , �.P '" . . �� 4�S .,� � /S �-«-� ' � �� � � � . �1 �'° `F o � � 1� . � � • �+ � `�4"l�f° �� ' PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: � � - , . , , . The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body. for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 tt, strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.39 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. 'The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. � . , NAM � 6�%��7'tPlt/ADDR�SS ��� b��,f� i�� � — 1 �. . !l.•�V'� . ` ��� t�r� '3 ,rb�`� r G/V , � / ;g- :�NLP.o G�```-�� 7",7 . a���__ ��(/Cl�.�,r/���- /G��, �-� �— � . +� ���i�it���� 5�� ������'. �� f ' �¢ � . �'�� � � �� � . . � ,. ,. - �� ' � . � ,� � .. �,� �� � s' . � � � _ � �� f ��. % �� -� � ��,�.:�J � � � , o�up�s -;�� 4�'�/!l0� � va-fe�-s �7 7 �+ . W a F�.,,s-�c�, ��- _ �l� ���. � �-►� ��� � �- � , ,�, � _ � �w� �� � ��-�°�- � . �� � _ � " � � �, -.5�� (�� ����, ..� f , _ � , . . �.- �'� 7/ �,�,��� .e�L�,� , INFORP�ATION CONC�RNING THE ZONIPIG AMEI�DI�iE1�T r�-zFY �:: � Applicaiit: Derham Ha11 Hi�h School Location of Propert,y and Size: South cf Ra.ndolph, East of jdarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolpll) . Total area of property, 1e558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fron "B" Residence to "C" Residence('�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: 'I`he property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, Tfrhich several times per day already is reaching satt:rataon. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parkin� onto the side streets ' of Warwick, Sara�oga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the � homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Ma.ny children enroute to and from school along the south side oi Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flotir of cars and othe� vehicles in and out of the proposed 3evelopment. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with �;he proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standa,rds for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenants in the proposed "luxury" development. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the ad�acent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land k*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in char�,cter; large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. D4ost of the present apartments along Randolph neax Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are � relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Ra.ndolph. �v.`,a::j�■" - PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL ' Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the razoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft, strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. u�,� � NAME ��,�/yy�,U Mo,,�� �j �, �AAfL .�. „�o.,�ADDRESS '���1 �p � .cr�uac �� �"' �a ,�� ,�! ' � � . ,��� . ���'' � � , d �i1��.�� � � � �� _ . � � , � , . � . , �. � sSs- r ��. . � r f � � , /_�i�o �-����. � . � � ��� � �" , �2�P �� C���� , , �� � - , - . . .--•. IIVFORt�fATIOY CONCERIVIPIG THE ZONING AMENDNt�I�TT �� � �Y. Applicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and S�ze: South cf l�andolph, East of Zaarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Fz�ontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Ra.ndolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zon�ng of Propert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fro� "B" Residence to "C" Residence(high density agart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to pei�mit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two b�aildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, which several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ba.n on Randolph. This will force parkin� onto the side street$ of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the � . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these s�reets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many ch�ldren enroute to a.nd from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenants in the proposed "luxury" development. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the adjacent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land k*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered a.nd documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. ' 7, The present area is single family in character; large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph neax Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. �.��'� PETITION h1AY I I , I 968 , THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL ' __ Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the razoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph • Avenue easterly of War��ick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a {36 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME � DRESS �� /�.�t.Qi �.�i �� 6 � �o U'� �� � � � � � � � � , � � � �. �2 � � � t . � � ' , �:s j� � � � � l � �,.-�-� ��� �K-�N/ � r � r �— ( a /�N� !� V y — — � � � ` / . ' ] / \ " � � - � � (z ^ � � M ��.,� v .k �" � � �'� � � INFORP�ATION COndCERIJIPIG THE ZONI�?r AMENDiv�NT Applicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South af Randolph, Fast of jaarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.8g feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Pro�ert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fro�c "B" Residence to "C" Residence(�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presentl3r zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAIIVST THE REZONING l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, Trrhich several times per day already is reaching saturatit�n. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side streets of Warwick, Sara�oga, Pascal, Alber-t, and James. Children in the � . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side oi Randolph will be endangered by the heatiy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenan.ts in the proposed "luxury" development. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the adjacent residential side streets. 5• The proposed 136 units located on about tr�ree acres of la.nd ti*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system a�d storm drains has not been answered and documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in charactery large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apartments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Ran�3olph. r y.}.�: L-�- - '� PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the razoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly ofi Warwick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. • NAME ADDRESS � C�) ��� � .�� � � � -� � �� ��°� �ti � �/������c- -� - 1 ��pC `�_ ` �! _ /� , f fj �S./ Z� � �� 'y ����.� ��� �f�3 9 �"o- r.v - � _ - � �o) � L/ 3 .� � Gc� `--- 1 � � co) � � � �$ ul a��,c,v�-�'R �. � �o �� - � ��/ ` u� c � / �1 � . � �°> 9 � � -`'�i� ���'� � ' f � - G� , , � � � � � , � . C�� �w�, 5��� � ,�v��,�� � i �?� ,ST�.),-�,�7,,�,I�, � ���rma T° 6 � � r � i ` INFORMATION CONC�RNIPJG THE ZONIPiC AAdENDMENT �.�. , ; .. . r �plicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and S�ze: South cf Randolph, East of j+larwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1e558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fror� "B" Residence to "C" Residence(�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randclph, and presently zoned to pei°mit conunercial use, for the purpose of dev�loping the entire site for apartments(two b�aildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING 1. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, *ahich several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parkin� onto the side streets of Warwick, Sara�oga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the � homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be enclangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed 3evelopment. �, ,- 3.�� Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to - u the incineration of refuse. �7 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum sta.ndards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to ac�:omm.odate the multi-car families which taould be tena.nts in the proposed "luxury" development. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the ad�acent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about tr�ree acres of land �,*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented b,y written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in charactery large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small a.nd widely dispersed over a long section of Ran�3olph. � _- � PETITION MAY II , 1968 :� ,'� THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL � t Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application _ by Derham Hail High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. � t NAME�P.Q� . � ADDRESS �L�� � � v ' , C-s �d �/�s.l�2,�.��►,L� ��/�� � i�''�i� � �.� C� �- . �- ; .�� � � � � � � -� � - , - �� �1�. ��y� � �c���. � /� , � � _ X � .' :ILG�� • ^ / � �. �( �rt � � � � G�' f � �r �C . . � , � , �- � �'a'u-o � �/. _ � �o � � S� �-= � ' - � • � - ` .,�-�-� �i��,�.�� � ,�����-° � �-- o�-�,,�.�� 5�� -� �C1 . .. � - _ , �j,rl � r/��t � . IIdFORMATIOPT CONCERNING THE ZONING A�NDMENT Y • � r' Applica.nt: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South cf Randolph, East of Warwick and 25Q feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . TotaZ area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex). Proposed Chan�e: From "B" Residence to "C" Residence(high density apaxt- ments or multi-family). Proposed Use: The ,property under question wilT be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, a.nd preser_tly zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two b�.�ildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . RFQROIV5 AGAINST THE REZOI�TIIVG l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, which several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side street� of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the _ homes fronting on these side streets frequently ,play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be enda.ngered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. �+. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum stand:ards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which t�ould be tenants in the proposed "luxury" developnent. These excessive parking needs would autonatically force parking along overcrowded Ra.ndolph and the ad�acent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land wo-ald be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented b,y written reports from the St. Pau� Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in character; large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apartments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. r % � •� :��;� ( � PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: ' The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The � application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.39 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. r NAME ,�I _((p) ADDRESS �'�L�� � �� C � , , �v� �/�\ ` � f �. ��, �, ,�� .� � � � � � � , �� � , �o� ��� �.� � � � .� ����� � A' �) � 2, � � � o✓�n�rt� � , � (o� L �� . / G /� ,D� �� T , �-�- � . � � _ . ° i :��. �' , � � Q� �� ` .�-� � � �-- �°� yl�1�� � ����-,�-� , _ , - � INFORMATION CONCERNIAtG THE LONIPIG AMENDT�TT � � . t� Applicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South af Randolph, East of Tdarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fro� "B" Residence to "C'P Residence(high density agart- ments or multi-family} . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combi.ned with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING 1. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, T,rhich several times per day already is reaching saturatiott. The additional contemplatea traffic from the proposed develop�nent may necessitate a parking ba.n on Randolph. This will force parkin� onto the side streets of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the . homes fronting on these side streets freqaen�ly play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endan�ered by the heavy flo•�r of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to � the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenan.ts in the proposed "luxury" develop�ent. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the adjacent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about tr�ree acres of land ti*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system a:�d storm drains has not been answered and documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in character; large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Ra.ndolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apartments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a lon� section of Randolph. PETITION � MAY II , 1968 THE ST.: PAUL CITY COUNCIL ' Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Straet for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. -The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. AME ADDRESS . �3 �cv � _ � . - ' T .�.�� �. L✓���..� ,�£ . z� �� .:.,...'�/ • 7 . � s�-�� /,���.�.� � ��� r ` � J� ' ���- �� � ` - ��, �'"-J . , O � � S� s 6 5���(� ���r.a�/1/ ��'.,LJc� v�/ �SS ��'// c� � 1 �� c — c ��1 � '' � � � �"6(`� 5�--,S � � �� �� � 6►��-G��r/ �• ' 3G 3 �LD. .e� - , r � ��� _ - / / � , � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ZOPIIPIG Ar�NDI�iENT Applica.nt: Derham fIall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South of Ra.ndolph, East of tdarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Ra.ndolph) . Total area of property, 1e558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex). Proposed Chan�e: From "B" Residence to "C" Residence(�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph� and presently zoned to pei°mit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two b�aildings to contain a co�bined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAIN�T THE REZONING l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, *ahich several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side streets of Warwick, Saxa�oga, Pascal, Alberti, and James. Children in the _ homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many child�ren enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of ref�zse. �+. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tena.nts in the proposed "luxury" developnent. These excessive parking needs would auto�atically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the ad�acent residential side streets. 5. The proposed i36 units located on about three acres of land wa-ald be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented by written repo�ts from the St. Pau1. Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in charactery large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apartments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. � ` M, PETITION � MAY II , 1968 . THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The , application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph ,. Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � • ' construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME ADDRESS , .� � ��l� °�� , �3 ,o, /a2� . . �� 3 � c � �7 �'�� G�/"[.(l� .�"'�" � � `}^�-a ' . �..�6 5� � � �/ / . � � S,�L� � �. � ��� ,��i � � � �'� � �� �- � s . (.� WJ � ���, l� ` _ _ � ' � r , , � INFORMATION COPICERNING THE ZONII�TG A�NDI�iENT Applicant: Derham Ha11 Hi�h School Location of Propert,y and Size: South af Randolph, East of Warwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frcntage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 10558 acres. Present Zoning of Property: "B�' Residence(single family ax�d duplex) . , Proposed Change: From "B" Residence to "C" Residence(�igh density apart- ments or multi-family)�. Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to pei°mit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildir.gs to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONZIVG l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, which several times per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contempl.ated traffic from the proposed develop,nent may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side streets of Warwick, Sarato�a, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets a.nd will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. �+. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenants in the proposed � "luxury" development. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Ra.ndolph a.nd the adjacent residential ' side streets. 5. The proposed 136 uriits located on about three acres of la,nd would be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, a11 concentrated in one spot. 6• The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered a.nd documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single fanily in character5 large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph neax 47arwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long sec+ion of Randolph. -� - -- .�- � .f . ' ��,��� " PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hail High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randofph Avenue easteriy of Warwick Street for 678.89 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME ADDRESS . �� �.s�i�G���-�� ,�2�. �7� 1����,��� ��. - � � / `� U � ,/���� . , / S m e //f . � ¢o � U A� . l ��P ��G .�� �j` � 6 �y��e�e l3�o /�� � ��/��i . � • � C y �`,�(i�v2 Q / ��0� v / � � � � W ` �' ��� �/�-�.,,�� � � i��� � " � iy � � . ..� ..`�, - ::� -_ �� F! _ �.- '•.,V. • / ' � �R'. .,� IIdFORMATION COVCERNIPTG THE ZONING Ar�ENDI+�IE�TT . ; `�t Applicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South af Randolph, East of j�larwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.8g feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert.y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fro� "B" Residence to "C" Residence(high density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) frontin� on Randolph, and presentl� zoned to permit co�nercial use, for the purpose of developing the er�tire site for apartments(two b�aildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASOI�S AGAINST THE REZONING 1. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, tahich several times per day already is reaching satizration. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ba.n on Randolph. This will force parkin� onto the side streets o� Warwick, Sara�oga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be enda.ngered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. P�any children enroute to a,nd from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which would be tenants in the proposed "luxury" developnent. These excessive parking needs would autonatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph a.nd the ad�acent residentia.l side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about tr�ree acres of land �,*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present se�rer system and storm drains has not been answered a.nd documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in character; large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. R4ost of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. R PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL - Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on recard as opposing the razoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft. strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for 678.59 ft. to accommodate the proposed � construction of a �36 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME ADDRESS . -� �- ��� � ` ` �1�'`��d , ��i'� ��'.� -� , .�� � ��� ` �� � � _ � � d _ .�,r��--� ��� . , , . IIdFORMATION COVCERNING THE ZOlUII�TG Ar�END�T � � �T Applicant: Derham fIal]. High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South cf Randolph, East of Tdar�rick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.8g feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Randolph) . Total area of property, 1.558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B1` Residenc�(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: Fror� "B" Residence to "C" Residence('�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to pei°mit corrunercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a combined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONIIuG l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, t,�hich several ti,mes per day already is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed develop?nent �ay necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the side streets of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many childsen enroute to and from school along the south side of Ra,ndolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in a,nd out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which zzould be tenants in the proposed "luxury" developr�ent. These excessive parking needs would autonatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the ad,jacent residential side streets. � 5. The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land would be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented b,y written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. � 7. The present area is single family in character5 large apart�ent develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apartments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. � =�- __ 1.�a PETITION MAY II , 1968 THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL � Gentlemen: �- . � " The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. �The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft, strip of land along Randolph �� Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for G78.39 ft. to accommodate the proposed � '� construction of a 136 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME ADDRESS YI� �� /3 _ ��3 �s6 � 5�9���-� sT � -� :�� - � ��:�` �.� � �.� _ ' � � , ' �� 5� — � , . �i � , � �� � d ~ �� �l �/ �- .�� . �f � � � � .� -� � ; , � ' S3 � �� � ` � , � � � �, � � `� _-� �. �� % �- ,' �� �--�5 r,�J . , - INFORivlATION CONCERNIPIG THE ZONIAIG AMENDI�TT �• , � Applicant: Derham Hall High School Location of Propert,y and Size: South of Randolph, East of T+larwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Fron�cage on Warwick of 100 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet from Ra.ndolph) . Total area of property, 1a558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B�' Residence(single family and d.uplex) . Proposed Chan�e: From "B" Residence to "C" Residence('�igh density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to permit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two b�aildings to contain a combined total of 136 unii;s) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING l. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, tirhich several times per day already is reaching s�.tt:ration. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ba.n on Ra.ndolph. This will force parking onto the side streets of Warwick, Sara�oga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the . homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many children enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other - vehicles in a.nd out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accommodate the multi-car families which �aould be tenants in the proposed "luxury" developnent. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the ad,jacent residential side streets. 5. The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land k*ould be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present sewer system and storm drains has not been answered a.nd documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in charactery large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph neax Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. , � �,�^ __r� PETITION MAY II , 1968 . THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: The undersigned are here-on record as opposing the rezoning application by Derham Hall High School which is before your body for consideration. The application entails a rezoning of a 100 ft, strip of land along Randolph Avenue easterly of Warwick Street for G78.39 ft. to accommodate the proposed > construction of a {36 unit high density apartment complex. The reasons for opposing the application are set out on the attached sheet. NAME ADDRESS � � ' � � ��`��,�� � � � , � �'�� � � �� -��-� � ���= ssl�� O � ; � o s s i�� � � �-� � �� . s�-�� O s ! � s��i,6 $%,�,,`"' � � , �� ��� - �� � ��� �� � � ` ('� � �. 1�-s���W. �, . \� n A no 1� �0 7- � o . � c�.1� � r � , � a - - ' � � i-'; ;��, INFORMATION CONC�RP3ING THE ZONIPIG AA�fENDPfiEnTT � �� , - Applicant: Derham Ha11 Iiigh School Location of Propert,y and Size: South cf Randolph, East of jaarwick and 250 feet West of Albert. Frontage on Warwick of I00 feet, with a width of 678.89 feet along Randolph(set back 100 feet �rom Randolplz) . Total area of property, 10558 acres. Present Zoning of Propert,y: "B" Residence(single family and duplex) . Proposed Chan�e: From "B" Residence to "C" Residence(high density apart- ments or multi-family) . Proposed Use: The property under question will be combined with land of equal area(100 feet by 678.89 feet) fronting on Randolph, and presently zoned to pei~mit commercial use, for the purpose of developing the entire site for apartments(two buildings to contain a co�bined total of 136 units) . REASONS AGAINST THE REZONING 1. Will increase traffic congestion on Randolph Avenue, zahich several times per day alr.eady is reaching saturation. The additional contemplated traffic from the proposed development may necessitate a parking ban on Randolph. This will force parking onto the siae streets of Warwick, Saratoga, Pascal, Albert, and James. Children in the � � homes fronting on these side streets frequently play in and across these streets and will be endangered from the increased traffic and parking. 2. Many ch�ldren enroute to and from school along the south side of Randolph will be endangered by the heavy flow of cars and other vehicles in and out of the proposed development. 3. Potential air pollution emitting from the proposed development due to the incineration of refuse. 4. Even with the proposed parking facilities exceeding minimum standards for new apartments, the facilities would not be adaquate to accomm.odate the multi-car families which would be tenan.ts in the proposed "luxury" developr�ent. These excessive parking needs would automatically force parking along overcrowded Randolph and the adjacent r�sidential side streets. 5• The proposed 136 units located on about three acres of land would be equivalent roughly to five blocks of single family houses, all concentrated in one spot. 6. The effect of the proposed development on the present se�rer system and storm drains has not been answered and documented by written reports from the St. Paul Public Works Department. 7. The present area is single family in charactery large apartment develop- ments are incompatible with a single family neighborhood. Most of the present apartments along Randolph near Warwick and Pascal were built before the revised zoning code. More important, these apaxtments are relatively small and widely dispersed over a long section of Randolph. May 7, 1968 , Zoning Board , Commerce Bldg. St. Paul � . � Gentlemen: , , The City Council today laid ov to May the following 3 matters: Petitton of the Derham Hall High to rezone to "C" Reaidence r•• District property locat . .. so t of Rand.olpH :Ave.. and east o� Warwick 5t. Application of Rober W. John"sop r a permit for a 214 car parking facility� iniconnect with 'a.n tment pro�ect on the foregoing land. S� • •Appee,l of��. Jo lax density standard�s on the south side of olph Ave. betwe n Warwick and Albert Sts'. � � Very truly yours, . � City Clerk AO�ng ' , Ma,Y 29� 1968 Mr. Joseph P. S�ummers, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: , The City Council today over t June 7th. Third Reading and Approval of Form of adoptio f the ordinance dealing with the rezoning of prop lo d south of Randolph Avenue, east of Warwick Avenue and west of South Albert Street. (The petitionex i son a ty and their attorney is John Daubney). The Council ked that t matter of necessary votes for passage at Third R ding, and ther a defeat at Third Reading would, in effect, kill t e ordina , be clarified. Mr. Summers later appeared e m ng a aid that, in his opinion, a vote as such is r onl Fina,l Adoption, but that the Council has held i ustomary to have roll calls on the date of public hearing and the d t of Third ding. This for your information. Very truly yours, City Clerk M,S�hp a i ' ; i . . . i i ._ , ; _ , _ . `ZZ Z�.�dy:a}oa `p16ag 6wuuold I��d '�S . . , � ' �' . � '�"�5�- 96.''>9 ) -4�al�r �,� ��� .,��u�0�_n��U . � _.- •. _ • --- --� -• .-•- - - -. � - • , - - - - -- � _ , I; � o 56�9 � � , ` �,� �,. v (j o wa� 'oN 3�1� ; : ��� `; , � , �--- - - -- `J � -- � � U `: Li �- � /"� i �.i �/ O O �r I L et�z ssod 30 � �� `� � , ---- - `� - � �, _ �,L� z � Q , 9 S�13N91S N011113d � � _ .�� � � . `-� .`. . . V � � ;� .�. .�-1 � � ', e�uap�sag „g�� c,�NIDdOZ 1N3S3�Id . � � , _ �__. �- _ �' .� ' U U `'� �i ,., . � , . " � � i � . l.i 1 t,• - �- (` �� aD -r� �„ o� e�uap-�sag „g„ wo.z� auozag � � � � � `�^ -� '�' � 3 sod�nd � � � �� . :� _ > .1 ��) J. . ' � : • �'� - •I! - -- S � � � . ` ` F. _' . �Z�� �CiOH�S H'JIH 3ZdH �ItlH'�3Q 1Nd�l�dd`d ���' . v L�� ��i J � Ii " ~ -3nv� a�la�.1��IH � �> > :> > : � � � �� . :: � J �-� �� - . � �� _ . � G `,� I �� ° ��- . 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T Y/L L`V i`A 1•i� LT� • =o � Intematloml � Lacer Tdearam The filing time sbown tn the datt line an domadc tekgrams is LOCAL TIME at point of or3gin.Time of teceipt is LOCAL TII�fE at point of datinatioa � � � 1143A CDT MAY 6 68 MC061 � ' � . �M SPA 153 DL PDF �3 EX ST PAUL MINN 6 1135A CDT • � . MAYOR BYRNE ST PAUI. M.INN '� � � MR BYRNE- I BELIEVE THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF 136 UNIjS ON THE • ; : DURHAM HALL PROPERTY WOULD BE A GREAT MISTAKE �AS F�R PARKING • SE�ER AND WATER CONDITIONS IN THIS AREA ARE VERY POOR AND I AM AGAINST SUCH A CHANGE � ' ROY L FORTNEY 497 SOUTH WARWICK � • ( 1140). � , - . RECEI �VED � i MAY - � �GS� � . � MAYt�R'S OI�FICE � � � . � � . • 5F3201(R2-66) - • � , , ,__r. � Thl� Is 9aofa��e�mwage ����� ���,�,^�`� DL—Uay�tter • unless its deferred chao- NL�Ni¢ht Lecter • „ acter is indicated by tho • T�j g ��� e ��{ . , • propa oymboL 1 a.i L .c�.��r�: LT�Internetionel , � � . Lecter Tdegram The filing cime shown fn the date llne oa domadc ttlegrams is LOCAL'TIME nt point of origin.T➢me of tece'ipt v LOCAL TII�fE it poiat of des[ina[ion • 15A CDT MAY 7 68 MC012 � � � M SPB010 Ol PDF 2 EXTRA �T PAUL MINN 7 g46'A CDT � • � MAYOR THOMAS BYRNE• MAYORS OFFICE ST PAUL MINN . � THE PROPOSED APARTMENT COMPLES ON RANDOLPH AVENUE WOULD DRASTICALLY� � C HANGE THE LONG ESTABLISHED CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO � THE OETR IMENT OF THE ENTIRE� SURROUNDIN� AREA PLEASE OENY THE ' • � REZONING PETITION • � BERNARD HAND 47g WARWICK - , ' + � (9 ��). ,` • . • � • • � . •. � ��aoicxa-ss� ' • � CLASS OF SEAVICE' ,\C��������� ����� DL�Ihy Lecfer � • T}il� L a fut m�u� v unlus in deferced clur- NL�NI�hc L.eccer �cter is indlcaced by the T E LE G RA1VI � i� prcpa+ymbo4 LT�IIe�aaTe1N� � � e�nm The Lling time shown ta ehe date llne on domadc tdegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of orisin.Ttme oEreceipt ts LOCAL T'IME at poinc of datinacion _ � � ?31P CDT MAY 6 68 MC248 • • � M SPC105 NL PDF 3 EXTRA ST PAUL MINN 6 � : � HON MAYOR THOMAS BYRNE . ' . CITY HALL ST PAUL MINN ' ' `' � . � I AM OPPOSED TO THE REZONING APPLICATION FILED� BY OERHAM HALL � � HIGH SCHOOL. TO BE HEARD BY TNE COUNCIL TUESDAY MAY 7. I AM � FEARFUL THAT THE 136 UNIT APARTMENT PROPOSED ,WILL ORASTICALLY � � CHANGE TWE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD IN WHICH I �LIVE AND •� WILL CREATE UNDESIRABLE TRAFFIC •CONGESTION ON RANDOLPH AND . INTERSECTING STREETS WARWICK AND PASCAL. I URGE YOU AND THE • COUNCIL TO OPPOSE THE APPLICATION FQR A C RESIOENCE ZONINQ � AND CONSIDER INSTEAD A C-1 RESIDENCE ZONINQ WHICH WOULD REOUCE - • � THE � UNIT DEKISIT�' ' � � RAYMOND J TARLETON 533 SOUTH WARWICK. � � t � � • ' i . � '3F7201(R2-Bb) t • . � ` ' _ � ,� �,��� Ist � �-� � 2nd Laid 'over to ' ` 3rd and p � —Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � f � n '� - Carlson t-!�l�alglish rDalglish ` . � F-#olla�S"d� �� t, �cT" � , 'y- � eredith �3��'�� �Meredith � ��"� ( \ ✓ ` ete o � terson � ���v���.o� .� . rl'�"'� , @$CO �✓` Mr. President Byrr� Mr. President Byrne � �O