238649 �� . ORIGINAL TO CLTY CLERK � � ° -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. 2� '�9 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CIL ES LUTION-GEN RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � rSOn DAT� WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the� year 1959, chapter 300, H.F. '217'and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint �Paul , may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when , such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amount: ' Description Amount ^ Lot 30, Blk. 13, Eastville Heights , $173.26 Except East 20 ft. , Lot 10, Blk. 2 Crowley � - Smith's Subd, of Lots 17 and 24, Hoyts Out lots $185.31 Lot 11 , Blk. 2, Crowley � Smith's Subd, of Lots 17 and 24, Hoyts Out Lots $185.23 � Lot l , Blk. l , J. E. Tostevins Subd. of Part of Lot 23 of Hoyts out lots. $161 .53 Lot 15, Blk. 81 , J. E. Ranson's Subd. of Blk. �81 , Lyman ..Dayton's Add. $180.75 ' '•Lot 16, Blk. 81 , J. E. Ranson's Subd�. of Blk. 81 , -Lyman Dayton's Add. $180.83 � Lot 21 , Blk, l , Willard Linder Add. No. 1 , $166.77 � . _�� �l:o.t:�16;B1 k; 2, 'Co.rrected Map of.KKum.l.i s Add. _..._ $186.22 __ - � -� Lot 1,^Blk: 100, Adam Gotzian's Subd, of Blk. 100 - " - , of Lyman Dayton's Add. , $161 .75 , Lot 1 , Snow and Miller's Subd, of Blk. 99, Lyman Dayton''s Add. , ' $ 152.93 ' � , Lot 5, Blk. 1 , Corrected Map of Kumlis Add. $204.96 West 40 ft. of Lots l , 2, 3 and 4, Btk. 2, Corrected Map of Kumlis Add. $204.g6 Lot 15, Blk. 100, Adam Gotzian's Subd. of Blk. 100 of Lyman Dayton's Add. $ 96.41 ' Lot l , H. N. Granberg's Add. $165.97 West 30 ft. of Lot 23, Blk. 1 , Nelson's Add. $ 76.44 � /�' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19- Yeas Nays Carlson ' , Dalglish Approved 19-_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne , �O -�� `�RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� NQ. �����►� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , ROb2Ct F. Peterson , COMMISSIONER �ATF ,' WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,483.32j now therefore be it, RESOLUED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to"pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $2,483.32, a�ortion �f the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1966 Sidewalk Contract 66-M-368, District No. 3, Levy No. 7, L-6837, in the, amount of $2,483.32, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-701 . (1g68) ; - ` y�p� 17 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �1AY 1 ? 19�� Dalglish Approved 19�_ n „ , ��°li"1"`— Favor � Meredith � ��l� Mayor P.e�e�sex- �Against " Tedesco P�BLIS#IE� ��y 2 5 1968 �T�:�'�:e;�i i��i�;;$'�A�'`:� Mt. Vice President (Hollaad) �0 f 2����9 r���UPLICATt TO lRINT[R � ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL OIOE NCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY R,obert F. Peterson � COMMISSIONEa DATF I�FlEREAS� B�r authority of tha �.aws of Htnt�ssota for tt� yRSr 1959r chapter 300. H.F. 217 and ratiftsd by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the CiCy of Saint Paul. �sy pay a portion of ths assaasabl� costs of Sidewalk Const�uction when such co�t� excad ths bsn�fits to th� property oan�r, 1�lER�11S, it t�as b�n c�ter�ined thst th� foi lowir�g de�cribad p�rcels of propsrty ba rslisved of ths foilowing a�ountt D�s„ cr i�t t�on � Amount I.ot 30, BIk. 13. Eaatville He�ghts � �17�.26 • �xcept E�at 20 ft..;� Lot 10, Bik. 2 Crow{ey � � Sw�lth's Subd. of I:ots 17 and 24, �Nayts Out lots $i85.31 l.Qt 11; �ik. 2, Crawiey � Sa�ith�s Subd. of Lats 1� and 24, Hoyts Out {,ots $185.23 4ot 1, Blk. i, J. E. Tostevins Subd. of �P�rt of Lo� 23 of tloyts Out lots. ' ' �161.53 Lot I5, �lk. S1, J. E. �an�on's Subd. of Bfk. 81 , I�ya�sn Dayton's Add. " $180.�5 i.ot 16. B1 k. 81 . J. E. Ransor►'s Subd. uf 61 k. 81. �y�an oayta►�.': Add. g180.83 . . Lo� 21� 81k. 1 , wiila�d Li�der Itdd. !b, Z $166.77 Lo� 16, Bik. 2. Corrscted Map of Ke�alts Add. �186.22 LOt� 1 , Bik. 100. Adaaa 6otzian�s �ubd. Of Bik. 100 of ly�aan Day�on's Add. $161 .75 Lot 1, S�aw and Mi�ll�r�s Subd. of Blk. 99, Ly�an Dayton�s Add. � 152.93 Lot 5. �1 k. 1 , Corracted Ft�p of Kur�l is Add. $2W+.gb Msst �0 ft. of Lot� i, 2, 3 �nd 4� Bik� 2, Correct�d Map of Ku�lis Add. � s204,gb Lot 15, �lk. }00, Acl� 6otxian's Subd. of �lk. 100 of L�r+�t�t Day�o�'s J4dd. � g6.41 lot i , H. M. Granbsrg's llcid. $Ib5.97 Misst 30 ft. of Lot 23. B)k. i. lialson's I�Wd. $ 76.44 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' . Dalglish Approved 19—._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peteraon A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O � �~ ������ , DUTLICATL TO PRINT[R � � " CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Robert F. PiLe{"�OR COMMISSIONER DATF YH�RFAS,, Th� tota�l �ount of aassa��ble� costs ths C1tY wiaY P�Y i$ �zr�3•3z . ria�w th��fora b� 1�, . . RESOLVED, T!►�t the Co�aissioner of Fublic Works b� and b� i� hsraby �utho�ized to psy fraa th� ParR+ansnt I�prov�snt �svolving Fund�, Code 6000, th� a�ount of $2,�3•3�, aportlon 6f th� �ss�ssabim costa of 8id�ik Cac�sRructlon undsr tihf )g66 Sid�alk Contrsct 66«M-368, District No� 3, 6�vy No. 7, 1,�6837. fn ths a�ou�t af $2.483.32, ssld P�ra�nent Iraprovs�snf Ravolving Fund to bs r�i�burs�d fraa ths City!s Shsrs of local Improw�asnt Atd Fund, Qg20-701 . (1968) , , . . , . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,���l �P►Y � � 1968 19_ Yeas Nays � �, Dalglish w Approved ���X 1 7 �.96� 19—_ �— Tn Favor Meredith � � Mayor Feterarni— Tedesco - Against n�r..�x��a���,°���::»�o�4ai Mr. Vice President (E3olland) ��