D001297orig�t--c�� c��x C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L Copy--Finance Department Copy—Department OFFICE OF T� MAYOR � U ADMINI5TRA'TIVE ORDER No.: Date: 1�Q�1��3'� �"— J4t'`9, ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, that the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby adopts, for the protection of its employees, the attached admivisirative policy applying to personal protecuve equipment (attached) as mandated by Federal and State Occupational Safery and Health Administrations (OSHA); be it FURTHER ORDERED, that the administrative order supersede the policy statements and regulations adopted under ADMINISTRATNE ORDERS D-1916, dated March 24, 1975, and D-3172, dated November 30, 1976; and be it FURTHER ORDERED, that all department heads aze directed to notify employees of tt�is policy. A copy of this policy shall be placed in each deparknent safety plan. , PPROVED AS TO FORM r, ��/1.��--- �I��l �� �'��,��Gi.�.� �71.�,�,�.� Assistant Ciry Attorney Depaztment Director �-- Date j Z ,� �— �'� �1''� � `"�-��.--'�, — Q dminisuative Assistaut to Mayor Tecfinology & Mgmt Services/Risk Mgmt y 4, ,ss GREEN SHEE " f0.CT PERSON & PNONE INITIAVDATE fN1TfAWATE Q DEPARTMENT DIRE R � CiT' COUNGIL Roger Schwagmeyer 266 8891 ASSiGN Q CITY AiTORNEY � C�T' CLEAH NUNBEpFOR f SE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE) D�D�i�p � a BUDGET DIFIECTOA � FIN. 8 MGt $ERVICES DfR. NIA O M0.YOR (OR AS$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES ti (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) 1CTION REQUESTED: Approval of Admi�istrative Order—Personal Protective Equipment ApP�'+e (A1 or Re�ec[ (q) PL4NNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION GIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ DISiRICT COUki _ )RTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? OSHA requires thai personal protective equipment be worn by employees to protect head, hands, feet, and eyes when workplace tasks present a potentiai for injury. Persona{ protective equipment reduces the risk of injury to City employees and complies with the OSHA law. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTNE FOLLl7W1N�'4V�STIOtiS: 7. Has thi5 personffirm ever worked untle* a crontraCS for this tlepar5menl? t ' �R(i YES NO i � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a c�ty employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill twi twrmalty possessed by any curtent city empbyee� VES NO Exptain all yes anawers on separate eheet entl ettach to green Shest N� 51117 �QO (�9� RF �fIV�-D AU��n..._ RECEIVED None t;ITY CLERK . _ y _� ��*� �i�JG a ?�,q7 �°��� ���°����, City employees face unnecessary risk of injuries in the workplace, Workers' Compensation costs increase; and the City risks an OSHA citation that inc{udes fines. fAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTfREYENUE BUDGETEO (CtRCIE ONE) YES NO IDIWG SOURCE N j A ACTIVITY NUMBER NiA N�'.'Z6�N}"s��fRd���FPi(§��Z � oo ��97 • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The City ofi Saint Paul {hereinafter refierred to as "City") shail compiy with the requirements for the provision and use of persona{ protective equipment as contained in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 {29 C.F.R. 1910.132, 1910.133, 1910.135, 1910.7 36, 1910.138, 1926.28, and 1926.95 - 1926.102, hereinafter referred to as "AcY`) and Minnesota Rules 5205.0020, 5205.0030, 5207.0100. To assure full compliance with these sections of the Act and Minnesota Rules, effective immediately, the City shali adopt and implement this personal protective equipment policy superseding the policy statements and regulations adopted under Administrative Orders D-1916 dated March 24, 1975 and D-3172 dated November 30, 1976, as follows: GENERAL POLICY The City shali ensure that City employees wear appropriate personal protective equipment necessary to safely perform wark tasks. The City shall provide and require that aii City employees who are exposed to the proba6ility of injury at any time on the job wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Supervisors, managers, department safety officers, safety consultants, andlor the City . SafetylADA Coordinator shall determine the appropriate personal protective equipment required to safely perForm work activities and employees who must use it. Any disagreement shall be resolved by the City SafetylADA Coordinator. The C+ty recognizes that personal protective equipment shouid not be solely relied on to provide protection against hazards, but should be used in conjunction with guarding, engineering controls, and sound operating practices. The City shall ensure the adequacy, proper maintenance, and sanitation of personal protective equipment. Employees shall properly care for personal protective equipment furnished to them, Personai protective equipme�t damaged as a resuit of the work environment shall be replaced at City expense. The employee shall return the damaged personai protective equipment to the supervisor for inspection and replacement. Any exception shall be granted by the department director. Other then prescription safety giasses, personal protective equipment assigned to the employee is the property of the City. When the service of an empfoyee is terminated for any reason, personai protective equipment shall be returned to the supervisor of the employee immediately upon termination of service. 1 �ooraa7 • DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS FOR NONCOMPIiANCE Management reserves the right to take discipiinary action if emptoyees do not wear personal protective equipment when the task requires it. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Supervisors, department satety officers and their staffs, and the City Safety/ADA Coordinator shail conduct job hazard analyses to determine the need for personal protective equipment. Analyses conducted by supervisors, managers, department satety officers, safety consultants, and/or the City Safety/ADA Coordinator will consist of wafk-through surveys and data evaluation to determine if hazards exist in the workpface. (f hazards are encountered during the job hazard analysis survey, the source ot the hazard shall be identified. Atter conducting the job hazard analysis survey, the survey data wiii be organized and evafuated to determine the appropriate personaf protective equipment required to safely perform work tasks. Periodically, supervisors, department safety officers and their staffs, and the City SafetytADA Coordinator shall reassess the workplace hazards. The City shall use a written certification verifying the completion ot a job hazard analysis which inciudes the foilowing information: workplace Iocation, date of , analysis, resufts of the job hazard analysis, name of the person certifying the analysis, and the words "Certification of Job Hazard Analysis." Supervisors, department safety officers and their staffs, and the City Safety(ADA Caordinator shall verbally inform emp{oyees about what personai protective equipment is required, based upon the job hazard analysis. PERSONAL PROTECTiVE EQUIPMENT TRAINING The City shall provide training to each employee required to use personal protective equipment. The training shaii inciude: ■ equipment required; ■ why and when equipment is required; ■ how to wear, adjust, and remove equipment; ■ limitations and usefui life of equipment; and ■ proper care, maintenance, and disposal of equipment. Training shall be conducted by supervisors, managers, department safety officers, safety consuttants, and/or the City SafetylADA Coordinator. The City shali periodically retrain employees regarding personal protective equipment. 2 �oor�.�7 � The City shal{ not allow employees to perform wark that requires use ot personal protective equipment until the employee demonstrates an understanding of its use. The City shail use written certification verifiying that employees requiring personal protective equipment to safely perform work have received and understand the required training. The certification shall contain the employee's name, date of training, subject of training, name of trainer, and the words "Certification of Training.° EYE AND FACE PROTECTfON The City shail provide eye and face protectian {e.g., safety giasses, safety goggles, face shields, welding hefinets, etc.1 where the potentia( for eye and face injuries exists. Ail eye and face protection purchased after July 5, 1994 shaii conform to American Nationat Standards institute (ANSI) Code Z87.1-1989 or latest revision thereof. Suitable non-prascription eye and face protection shall 6e provided when needed for temporary and seasonai employees. The City shall not purchase prescription safety glasses for temporary and seasonaf employees. Any exception shall be granted by the department director. r Afi eye protection shail be provided with a coating to absor6 ultraviolet (UV} light. Safety Glasses The City shail provide individua{ly sized, ciear lens safety glasses with side shields and carrying case to empioyees exposed to the probability of eye injuries on the job. The City shall issue safety glasses without side shields only in instances where peripheral vision must not be impaired. Tinted and photochromic lenses are permitted if the emp{oyee spends most of the work day outdoors. The employee must have clear lens safety glasses available for use under low ambient fight conditions (e.g., heavy overcast, darkness, in tunneis, etc.). The City shali provide prescription, ciear lens safety giasses to all permanent employees requiring them. The City shall pay for one pair of prescription safety glasses once every two years, if the empioyee has a prescription change. The employee shali pay for any necessary adjustments to the safety gfasses, if applicable. Any exception shall be granted by the department director. The City shall not pay for progressive bifocal lenses. 3 1J ao t��7 • The City sha►i not pay for the replecement of lost or stolen safiety glasses. Any exception shall be granted by the department director. The City shall pay for prescription safety giasses with tinted or photochromic tenses only if the employee presents to the supervisor, a signed statement from the empioyee's doctor stating that the employee has one of the foilowing conditions: 1 Cataract surgery with or without intraocular lenses; or, 2 Photo sensitivity. Any employee who does nof have one of the above conditions, documented by a doctor, and who elects to purchase prescription safety glasses with tinted or photochromic lenses, shali do so at his/her own expense. When the service of a permanent empioyee is terminated for any reason, the employee shall consider histher prescription safety giasses as personai property and retain them as such. HEAD PROTECTION The City shall provide protective helmets(hard hats when employees work in areas . where the potentiai for head injuries exists. Aii protective helmetslhard hats purchased after July 5, 1994 shall conform to ANSI Code Z89.1-1989 or latest revision thereof. H1GH VISIBILITY CLOTHING The City shall provide and require that employees exposed to motor vehicle traffic wear high visibility reflectorized ciothing. Law enfiorcement and fire personnei are required to wear high visibility reflectorized clothing when performing traffic control activities. FOOT PROTECTION Employees shall provide their own protective footwear when working in areas where the potential for fioot injury exists due to failing or roiling objects, or objects that penetrate the sole of the foot. AN protective footwear purchased after July 5, 1994 shall contorm to ANSI Code Z41-1991 or latest revision thereof. Reimbursement for protective footwear is aliowed under certain coilective bargaining agreements. 0 Jl cr� r��t 7 • The City shall provide and require that empioyees wear disposabfe safety shoe covers when working in areas where the potential for chemical contamination exists. NAND PROTECTION The City shaf{ provide and require that employees wear appropriate hand protection when working in areas where the potential for hand injuries exists. HEARING PROTECTION The City shall provide and require that employees wear appropriate hearing protection when working in areas where the potential for noise over 85 decibels exist. � !,