238643 , ,� - � 23�64� ,4L TO CITY C�ERK � _ CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N ER DATF WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings reports that the said hazardous building was wrecked and removed by the City and that the total expense incurred and to be specially assessed is in the amoun.t of �983. 39; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the lgth day of June , 1968, at the hour of 10:00 o ' clock a.m. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons own.in.g property affected by such assessment will be given an opportu.nity to be heard with reference to such assess— ment; be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall also cause mailed notice to be - given to the owners of the property affected thereby; and be it ____ FTJ�tTHER RESOLVED, That the proposed assessment roll be kept on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. N�Y 17 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays I�/�� 1 7 ���� -C-�r3soir--� Dalglish Approved 19—__ u �� `�� � Favor Meredith � �gj� Mayor on A .Tedesco gainst �. �������•:.°����d�� ���ts��� INa� 2 5 196� . �Dgs� ,ice President (Hollaad) �� . . � .- .g �L TO CITY C�..`2K �� ,� 23���3 - ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF In the Matter of the assessment for the wrecking an.d removal of a hazardous building located at 397 West Central Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, and situated upon those premises legally des— � cribed as Lot 26, Block 7, Mackubin and Marshall' s addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat on file and of record in the .. office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. W�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 463. 15 through 463. 26, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution, C. F. No. 234343, approved July 19, 1967, ordered that the owners of the hazardous building located at 3g7 West Gentral Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, repair or wreck and remove the said hazardous building, or that in the alternative the City would wreck and remove the hazardous building and assess its costs thereby incurred against the real property pursuant to law; and WHEREAS, The owners failed to obey the City Council Order, and the City was duly authorized to wreck and remove the said hazardous building, and did wreck said hazardous building, pursuant to order of the ' District Court in and for the County of Ramsey, said court order dated September 15, 1967, and being on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court aforesaid; and FORM PPROVED L�s 'Corporatio nsel , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19`_ Fiolland Tn Favor Meredith � Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne . �O !�..��� � • . � . .. . . ._. � . ' .._ ' '' '_ .._ .� .. .� . . ' _ _.�.�..w... . Y � y � � a3 �� �}� . j: • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ASSESSrIENT ROLL Ojt1NERS AND ADDR.ESS: CODE NO. Ervin and Lois Erickson 8-4820-260-07 2616 South Third Avenue . Minneapolis , Minnesota � � ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: '�97 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE Lot 26, Block 7 , Mackubin and Mar- - shall ' s addition � to Saint Paul. Wrecking Contract No. D-00018 �g00. 00 - Specifications : 24.48 Photographs : 10. 28 � � Publication Costs : 38. 25 � � Court Costs : 6.00 ' � - • Notice Costs : 4. 38 TOTAL COST TO BE ASSESSED: #983. 39 DATED: � � ;��� , �. ��,��� � . • Commissioner�of •Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings This is to certify that the above assessment in the total sum of �983• 39 was adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution, C. F. No. , approved , and is payable in one installment. ' � � � DATED: • City Clerk , � . z • � ���� �' .. ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ASSESSMENT ROLL OWNERS AND ADDRESS: CODE N0. Ervin and Lois Erickson 8-4820-260-0'7 2616 South Third Avenue Minneapolis, Min.n.esota LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 397 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE Lot 26, Block 7, Mackubin and Mar- � - shall ' s addition to Saint Paul. Wrecking Contract No. D-00018 �g00. 00 Specifications : � 24. 48 Photographs: 10. 28 Publication Costs : 38. 25 Court Costs : 6. 00 ' Notice Costs : � 4. 38 TOTAL COST TO BE ASSESSED: 983• 39 DATED: � �� Co issioner f Parks and Recreation d Public Buildings This is to certify that the above assessment in the total sum of �983.39 was adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution, C. F. No. 239071 � � , approved June 19,1968 , and is payable in one installment. DATED: June 25, 1968 City Clerk � �t��!��r.� DI:PLICATE TO PRINT6R - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER �ATF ; , . . WHER��', •The "Co�ii,ss3.'oner `,o� Pa,r-1ss ��ad Recreation and Public Buildiaigs.'�epor-�'s �'th.a-� �the,'�aicZ hazarc�ous building was � wreeked ancl 'remo'v,ec�. 'by�, 't�'e Ci yy. ��d �tha� ���h.a 'to'ta1 ;expeaiae . inc'urreci.and 'to ibe �pecially assess�d i� ��.n. �the �amount o� � ' ' �383•39; �noi�rp` 'the�efore; be� i�t � �- . ' Y�ESOLVED', �'hat• :a publi.c 'hearing l�e had ;on 'said �� • � 'assessment on the '19th ��,y o,�' June�, " ., 1968, 'at the �our� o� � 1�0 3 00� o!elock�:a.m,. in , the C�ounci�. 'Cham�b'er of th� Court �Ious� and City Hall �ui.'ld�.ngr ir�' t'�i�e �ity o�? Saint Pa�zl,' 1►'�ia�riesota, to pass upon such`'proposeci. as'se�ssment aric� at �such time and pla:�e a1Z 'peraons oT,rning .property a��octea' by, s�zch, a�sse�sment wi21, be , biven an oppQrtiu2i�y to be hearc� ��ath re�erence to such a'ssess- , ment; be it ' . ' ' FIIRTA�+J�. �,IESULV�D: That the; Ci'ty" Clerk.� is hereby direated to caus� this noti�� �ti� thQ laearing on, the',:proposecl asse�sment to be ��ublished onee in' �he .o��i�ial newsnaper €�t lea�t t�vo weeks prior to �he 'hea���.ng, and he `.shai� also:- caus�e� mailed. notice to be given to tl�e own,ers o� the propei�y a�fected therebya, and be it ' k'�TH,�1Z I��a�LV.�D, That the p'ro�o,'sed. assessnaent roll be kept on �ile for pnbl:ic inspeetion in the .oY�'ice oY the City Clerk. . . : , . . ��� z � a���� , . . COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � .�,���� ' ��- . � ` , , Dalglish � . . � Approved 19—__ �'— Tn Favor � � Meredith �, � � � Mayor D�Q� . L! A gainst Tedesco � , • :Mr:?�?r'�'�ic�eri��;��ne: ?e:�s:� .NIt. Vic� Yresid.^,ut (fiolland) � ' ' �� D�JPLI�ATB TO PRINTER /�,�l�j1��/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO - �_ " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � Tn'�the� Matter''o� t�e assess�ent �'o'r ���.e wreck�ng a�.d i e�ioval "of . a haza'rdou�' bu�tldi�g `1'ocated �t F �9? 't�'est� Ceritra:l`�•A'venuE in��the City� of''a�ix�t '`PauT; ' and �ituated, . : �upon those �pre�iises �.egally �des� . � cr�:Ued ae Lot ` 26�, BTock `�, ' • Mrick�b�.n. �nd �rar,shal.l' s aadition �o Saint Paul�: acc'oriiing to the' pl�t 'on file �arid a�� ��'cc�r"d �in �the '�o��f ce o� the' Regis�ter 'o� D.eeds ��n an� for 1;he �County of ��sey, Stat�e o� 3�Sinnesota. . , ���AS; Pur.suant to �R$inriesot�. S-�atutea � Secta.ons 4�i3.15 th�ough �63.26, t�ie City Caunci.l oi �th�e ' C�.ty of Sai�.t Paul, by reso].ution, �: F. No,. 234343, �pproved Jul.y 19, 1.967, orclerecl that the o�,�ners o"� tho hazardou� 'bui�d�ng locatecl a� 397 tiTes� CQntral �►�,ren.ue, Saint Paul', Minnesot�, �epa�ir� or wx•�.ei� ��nd remove the said laaza�c3ous buildiya.g, or 'that �.n the slternative tY�e �ity z�ould wreck and' remave the hazardous building r�.nd assess its costs thereby ineurred .ag3inst t�ie 'real' '.property' pu�suaiit��'to�� �la�va and i�REAS, The owners •�ailed to obey� tlhe City 'Council Orcier, and the City was c�uly� authorizeri to zare�k 'and re�tove the said hazar�3ous builcling, artd .did; wreok �sai� hazarc�oua buil�.i.xx�..g, pursuant to order of the Di�trict �ourt, i�. .�n�I �orr t�e County �o� ��msey, sai�. �ouirt or�er d�.t�sci .��ptewbeY� 15, 19�7; and bei:n�' on �iZe in •the of�i�e of the �l:erk,;or tl�e Distri_ct �ourt aforeeaid; and COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson , • . ' ' � Dalglish ' � ' � Approved 19`_ ,Holland _ Tn Favor , � ' Meredith � � � � Mayor Peterson ' Tedesco , Against ; . 4 Mr. President, Byrne , . , , ; , . , , � � �O . r� _ �+ ' / � f I � �. .. � a . � ,, `,. ` Q� � o j� , `'� � . J�v -,� �i �� , � � � �, 1 , "\ .� `� f � �� -p9•� ' � � `` , � . �' •� �� �/ • ,` �\4 / ! � � � \1 , •'` �` \ • r ,� �� � \ .f ',. � -� '' , � ` `\ ,s � �, � � , �� �., i`.�r �A `, % . . r � � • � `� �° �ae'�P� � � i`� �.... _.. � � . � \ o . , � ,, � ./, � _ . � _ . � � ���i�' ,` � % - ,.• :� / . r `:,�'�c�°� ,` � a � � �.G� � � . � �, . . �� ; . � � , �, - � . � �,� � �. � � �' JJ ' \\ �� �/ _ ;•�l / � . � �` °� . 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