238639 Od¢inal to City Clerk h � �" � r ORDINANCE 23���9 / COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f� �0 � - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9249, entitled: "An ordinance establishing a Public Wo'rks Deposit Fun.d for the purpose of crediting to said fun.d all deposits received by the Department of Public Works and of facilitating payments and refun.ds therefrom. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for , the preservation of the public � health, peace and safety. " ; approved March 15, lg4g. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance No. 9249, approved March 15, lg4g, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new sub-paragraph numbered 6 under Section I, to read as follows: "6) On -recommendation of the Public Examiner of the State of Minnesota and the City Comptroller , - of the City of Saint Paul, it is hereby directed that deposits made pursuant to the provisions of sub-seetions 1 and 2 of Section I, totaling _ � ----� s - �492.00- during the period between January l, ` ' 1g60, to November 2, 1962, which have not been � claimed shall be transferred �rom the Public - Works Deposit Fund into the Gerieral Revenixe Fun.d as follows: �246.00 to be credited to Miscellaneous Revenue and �246.00 to be � credited to the Bureau of Engineers Budget Code 0201R provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit any person having a valid claim for moneys due from any of the aforemention.ed deposits from filing or asserting such claim with the City of Saint Paul; further provided,hpwever, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the City from asserting any def,ense available with respect to any claims made for aforesaid deposits into the Public Works Deposit Trust Fund during the period from January l, 196o to November 2, 1962.�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson A gainst Tedesco i ' Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk ayo �� ' . Form approved Corporation Counsel By :� Ori¢inal to City Clerk � T ��" v � ORDINANCE 23���9 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I� % � � Section'2: Except as provided herein, the terms, provisions and conditions of Ordinance No. g24g, as amended, are hereby continued in full force and effect. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . .. o : JU� 5 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Da�� n Favor , Meredith � a Against Peterson Tedesco . �V� 5196� . P esident (B�rne) . Appro d: _ Atte : � GGt/�- , � _ , Ci Clerk o �O Fbrm approved Corporation Counsel By PI�B ISki � �UN H �968 Daplicate to Printer � .. " , � � �� ORDI�NANCE ��8��9 COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � U An ordina.noe ame�ding Ordi,nanoe No., � 9249, e�titiea�3 . � � , , "An ordinanoe e�tablishi�ng a. � Publio Y�orks 1?eposit Fwad for the �purpose o� oreditin� to said fund a11. deposits received by the Depar�ment o� Pub13v Works and of facsilitatia� payment� and refurid� . � there�rom�, Thie fa an emergency ord#.nanoe remdered nec�ssary for the pre�ervat3on of the puhl�.c health, pe�ce and sa�ot�r.." ; �approved Mareh 15, 1949• THE COYJNCTL OF T1� CITY OF �AINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs 5ea�,on 1:, That 4rdinance No. 9��g, approved M�zrch 15,, 1949t ae amended, �:g hareby further amemded by addin� therotq a new s�b.-p�ragraph nwnberod 6 under Seotion I, to read as followss� "6) On reoommer�dation o� the Pub110 Exam�:ner o�' the �t�.te o� Minnesota and the City C�mptroller o� the City o� S�int Paul, it is heroby di,ree�ed that dopositg mada pursua.n.t to the provisions o� , sub—seQti.on� 1 ax�d 2 0� �eotion �, totax�ng �492.00 du��:ng the pertod between Jamuary 1, ` 196ot to November 2� 1962, wh�.ah have �ot beon e3aimoc�. s�all be traneferred �rom the Publio �or�s De�osit Pund �nto t�e General Revonue k'und as rollo�c+rs:: �246.,�0 to bQ orodited to Migcellrxneous Revenue t�nd �2��6�00 �o, bo Gredi:ted to. tY�e Bureau of Engineers Dudget Code 0201R �iro,vid�d, howevor, that nothin� herein �hal�. pro�3.bit any poraqn �aving a v�ltd claim �o� moneya due from any o�P the a�orementione.d depasit� ��om filing or as�ert3ng suoh claim with. the City af Saint Paul; �urthex� providod,ha�ev�r�. that nothing k�e.rein con�Cained shal7. preoluc�e the City �rom asaerti�g any defense availabla ti,rith reapeat to any olaims made �or a�oresaic� depoait� tnto the Publio Worl�s Deposit Trust Fund. dtiring the period f�om January 1, igbo to Novemb�r 2y 1962.�' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) " Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By r. Duplicate to Prtnter .� �. vr � " ORD �I`NANCE 2����9 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�C�C� Sectian 2. E�cept as pr�:vided here3n, the �erms, proviaions and conc�ition� oY Ord�nanae No. 9249� as amended, are hereby cont:�nueci. in ful'1'�Yoree a.n.d ef�eot;:, Seotion 3. Th3.a ordi:nance ahal�. take e��ea� and be in, foroe thirty (30� day�s from anc� a�ter its ,�assage, approval and publ�:e�tion. � . , Jui� 5196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson • Dalglish n Favor I�e�t��- � Meredith � Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President Byrne) Approved: Ju� 5 19�� _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �/�� I st � .. ` — F` 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app r , � /ldopted �I� , Yeas Nays Yeas Nays --�;sIIn— \Carlson �Dal lish Dal lish 9 \ g . -�- 2����9 \� � eredith \Meredi+h �Peterson �> Peterson V \ \Tedesco Tedesco \� � \ \ Tvlr. President B ne Mr. President B rne Yr Y � �O �,