238620 ' 23�s2n ORI6INAL TO:CITY CLERK _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL Na. ��J� ��T,ME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�L FORM C MMISS�IONE DATF M2y 1.6, 1968 RES()LV�:� That application for restaurant, on and off sale malt beverage and cigaxette 7a.censes made by Richa.rd A. Miller at 1�71 St. Peter Street be and the same are hereb� granted on the con�ition tha.t within �_ days of this date sa3.d Richaxd. A� Miller shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health� and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. .Paul Legislative Code and a11 other applicable ordinances and laws• �Y � 6 ��� COUNCILMEN n.dopted by the Coun il 19� Yeas Nays �� � � 196� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— .�� �� �� �n Favor Meredith ��� Mayor � A gainst �' Tedeaco ::i:::;::;;�:: ::�::..:: ::� Pd�LIS�-IE9 �AY 18 1968 ;_ ::::: ..::::�:::�:. ...:........... Mr. Vice President (Holland) '�'� > _ � -�' • CITY O�'�AIl�P PAUL Z � �� �� ' Capital of Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o c�blic �a et . p. . � - . POLICE Tenth and Minnesota StPeetS HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM � ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiasioner � �DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor � May 16, 1968 • Honorable I�iayor and C3.ty Council Saint Paul, �Rinnesota � � - Gentlemen: - Richard A. Miller makes applica�ion for Rsstaurant� Qn And Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at L�71 St. � Peter Street trhich is on the j�Test side of the street bettaeen Exchange and Ninth Stree�s. , , This location has been licensed for a sim3.lar business Sr�v� . � July 1963. The present 13.censee� Wil].iam Ki,ng held such licenses at this location since that time and previously at 483 St. Peter Fro3m July 19�.5 until 196�. when that location became a c ommercial parking 1ot. rrom April 1958 �ti� March 1967 Mr. Mi11er t��orked. for the Fackage �elivery. Since April ].967 he has been worlting for the Capitol �ity Dist. Co. ar�d is still employed there. He also has been driving taxi.cab partime since 1958. Very truly yours� ��eQ�` . License Inspector •r�. �� � p � � . --• r �{; .--, w �• � CITY OF SA,INT PAU�� � , DEPdETPdEZ�TT OF PDBLIC �AFETY ` � ' - - LICENSE DIVISICdd' ' 1 _ ' Date ��� � ¢� 19(,0 � lo Application f or C� f ��V j �r � ��j��, �/�G � �° �/ � Licenae � � 2o Nau� of applican� �/ �dj p� � � �1/ � L �,,� . ' 3, Businesa �ddreas ��� ST ��-��'�2 Residenae /�/� �C _ � r l= �,g���f��,*�/�fC� 4. Trade name p if any J''\ /j� S /a �2 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp wi.11 be used. 6. On. what floor l�ated �//��'�� Number of rooms used �N�. , --_... . ?e Bet�een what 'csrosa .streets�YC4qql�� —/v�iyf� VPhioh side of street . Vt' � �� 8� Are premi�ea nauir ocaupied t�S WY�t business �• � �A� Hovt long .���5 • 90 Are premisea now un.occupied /�0 Aow Iong vacant Previous use �1:'0, llre you a new ov�mer e Eave you been in a similar businesa before �� . � . Where . . . - ' . . . � When . ` _ .. 11. Are you going to operate this business`personally ��.5 . —�-�------ If not, who will operate it_ �a 12. Are you�in any other businesa at the present tims /�� I3.� • Bav� there bee� any coanplaints "againat your operation of thia type `of plaoe �d Whsn Where • 14o Have �you ever had �ny lioense z°evoked /✓U �Phat reason and date 15o J�x°e you � citisen of t2� United Statea �5 Native Naturalized . �_... } 16. Nhsro svere you born j� PAU� Date of birth C�" �v ' � � ' � 17a I am �e� married� I�y (�rife's) name and address ia ' - � ��1 ' LLe �A �� ST� �i T. �.�y ��,�/l���er� 18p (If m�rr-�ed female) my m�iden name is • Y9p Ho�r long have you. lived in St,� Pau�. �(, ���F�� _ 20. Eave you ever been a�rested � j Violation of what orim3nal lati4 or ordinance � , � •:-. t �� v� r�� 1 e - /� ��-�e. r»�q �vur� — f S1� � � r� . 210 Are you a registered voter in the City of St� PauT � g. S, Yes _ No� (Answer fulZy and completely�, Theso a� �lications are thorou li]. aheol�d and any falaification will be cause for denial., ' . � . ` " A�'FIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ��.,,,�. , �FOR - ` RETAIL BEER qR LIQII�OR LICENSE � Re: �/11 Sale K{=Tpi� �� C:,�' Liaense , _ Name of applicant �, '� �,�/�� (� �. � 1 �. � �j� Bus�e9s add�$s y �� �r �.��-� r� �r. � Are you the sole awner of this business? �$ . I�f not, is it a par`tnership? 0 orporat ion? , , other3 � Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwise: Name Addre s s Ho�w� If a corporation, give its name Are y�u intereated in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busi.nesa? /V(� As sole owner? Partner? Stockholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of moriey, eto. Epcplain) Address of auch busin.ess and nature of interest in sam� ___. _ �._ - - �CZ- Si�nature of applican� State of �dinne sota) � ' -_ jss Count Ramne ) � ----- - -- - �- - - . � being 'first-�duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath th t he has�rea th � � egoing affidavit"bear:ing�his signature and l�ows the contents thereof; that tlie� am� is true of�his� own. �iowledge, except as to those = matters therein stated�upon informqtion and bolief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � � Signature of a pplicant , Subscrib and a� to before ms ' this „ dayQ"o , l�� - �- _ - �f'L11�� °.l , �otary Public; � ", Minnesota ._ ,�..��`'�� �,�C ' My co�.ssion exp3��s��'�:y 19 ���_— . � .. . . G �- ' c: ,.. r STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS C(WNTY OF RAI�SEY ) . �. ���� �Q /� , / '' � �. � �Q,,,� being first duly sworn., doth depose �_- � --- - - -- .. . .._ - -- - and say that he makes this affidavit in. connection svith applioation for " (�' Sals" liquor license (" C�l� Sa1e" malt beverage license) in the City o� � " ' - � ` - � � � "- � - State oP Mi.nnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that qour affiant is a reaident of the arxi has reaided therein for � � years, / � months, and ia _ . . ._ . _ Stat e naw and ha s been for the time ab orve menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id � - - � �' S'�;�/iv� �e Y and that he now resides at N0. �f�� � � �, f � . • - -T ��A'$(�, B�inne s ota. . � , _ � , Subscribed and sworn to before me -- . thia day of ,� otar;� Public, �a y, M.irme sota M�SEY�r p ��► Pdy commisaian��esCO ���/ � �.._ �j 'h%e,,o�j ^,. ` �, J�, �... --�._ .� �/ ������ � � �, �,,� --, — - - � - - . ; ! . �, • . I � � � . � i � � i�Ei 1':-'S� GRAi'�7'II�G IN3�'0'1i•:r"�l, hL'; -'_�':,:�, • • - � ' ` , Me,y 16, 1968 ; � Hon. William E. Carlson, ' . ; Comsr. of Public Se�fety, ' � • 101 E. lOth. St., _ , St. Paul, Minn. . . � . , Attn: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin. � ne�r Sir: • � Co:�.�,�ss2�;.^_r � �' �r1;z Sa,fcty, • • i�e:�L�t c.t `� ��;The�C3.ty`�G�ouncil today informall _ ._ e following ' `��a.pp]:�:cati`o;ri's-�for licenses: � � � -,, 'e Richaxd A. Miller for Rest , t, n and Off Sa e � 3 �� ,�G ` IKalt Beverage and Cigar j - lice at 471 St. _ _ ' Peter $t. • '� . -- , - - - — — - -, ., � ; f � � - - - - - - - � • � . - - - - - � . 1 � • • � ' . . � � . • - . • r .. .. ' • ' . 'I -