238614 �Origlnal to City Clerk . �; t � � � � RDINANCE L 2����.'� _ _ �NCI LE ND- D � � � PRESENTED BY • � ORDINANCE NO �11 � � � ' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: _ , a - r.r� "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities ' — and the minixnusn qualifications for the various classes of � positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " � �h approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5ection 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for "Cashieer--City Clerk". 5ection 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for "License Clerkt' and by inserting in lieu thereof the following speca.fications: -1- Yeas ' Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � �� n Favor �Meredith A gainst Tedesc���::�:: Attest: Q k��ic�e�President (Holland)� Approved: /!��''�'L.�riy/t � G� City Clerk , Mayo• �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel B �/�/ � � - •Oriainal to Clty C�lerk � � � c ORDINANCE ����� COUNCIL FILE NO � ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 3. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Orderly, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title and specifications: � a • � -3- � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ` Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . ° . . . � r 2����� Ti�le af class: �P�C?A "L STUD�NT A'T`�'1��TAI�IVT Duties aizd respoizsibilitic5: ' Under cupe��visioil, to a.s�ist ir i:hc� Fhy�ical wor?c injrolved in the carc of physir.ally ai�.3 mentaZJy handi.cat,�ed children; ancl 'to �exi�rm r�latecl tvorlc as assi�;iied. ,,.;,,'; E�an�pl^s o�" vroik �elform�d: �. To assist dia�l�lcG ciLilclreti to and froiri•ivli�el.cl�airs, automobil�s and c1a�,sroor�is. ` To assi�t chilcl�en in tlxc toilet aii�x r��si; room sn�. at lunr.h. . To assist iu picT�aring i��terials for ucc ii� classes. To ass�st i:�acl:.�:cs in �pec,ial classes. 'To aUsi�t ii�, maii�'tainin� t�:e sanitation of the �oilets and reUt :�ooxz�s. = ?t2iniinuin qualifications: I-�inh school graclu��tion oz• t�vo ycax s' paid e:cp�riei�ce warkin�; ,_ i�vitl.i �3hysically or mcntally handi�a.r,�ed child:�ei�. ._. � � _ . ..,... _ � - - �4- a •o�g�si t�c�c�c���k . . � J � � ORDINANCE 23��'�� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � D Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � , 1 -5- MAY311968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C cil Carlson � Tn Favor Mer�1�V � Against Tedesco ...x�:::�::.�� �Y 3 1 196$ ,•• �'.::.���:::'�3��?��:::�:, Appr d . Vice P olland) �eSt: . . ' i Clerk .�:` " ,. M or �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �%/�� �l. P���sftEe JUN � 196� ! Dnpllcate to Printer ! � . � ORDINANCE 23���-�'� COUNCIL FILE NO , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� An ordinance amending Ord3nance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilitiee and the xxiinimum qualifications for the va.rioua classe� of positions i.n the Classified 5ervice of the City, " approved Februa.ry 13� 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Ordina.nce No. 7607� approved February 13, 1935, as amended. be and the same is hereby further amended by atriking out the title and specifications for "Cash�eer--City Clerk". Section 2. That said ordinance� as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by atriking out the apecifications for "License Clerk" and by inaerting in lieu thereof the following gpccifications: > -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Holland Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: • City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By L: � 23���.� Title of class: LICENS� CL�R:K , �� U� � Duties ancl respo�lsihiliti�s; Under sup�rvisinn� to receive lic�iis� appli.cations Eor proeessing� le�a.l clocumc-:nts for filin�, or issur licenses in the Depa��ment of Public Sa:Ecty or in i:he office of the City Cl�rk, to accept licei�se fecs aiid filin� £eeg; aiaa to perfori� rela�ed worlc as assi�ned. E.carnples oi ��vork performed: To :cec�ive ap�lications for vario�ie licenses, To issue licenses for applications �,vhi�Iz hav,: been approved by proper aui;horities. To ldvis� �pplicants �s ta tl�.e leoal z�eqtiiz emeizts in connection zvith liccilses. To mai.ntain records of all license holdcrse To maiiztaiiz records of xnonies rec�iv�d, ?o rcccive and to be �esponsil�le for a11 chec'_:s and cash teizdered in p�ymcnt :for lic��zsesr fiiiil� fees� ctc� 'To malce dailq repor�s o:E rec�i.pts to th� City Coixiptraller. To malce ceri:ifi�d copies of pizUlic records and to file clx�.i:el zno:rtLa�es. To ex�rx±ine cont�a.cts= bil.ls of s11e� �a�iUfac�Xiaixs, as,i�izineizrs, forer,lostires, zoning appeals� �c�,catioii petitions� re--zoning p�i:itions, ei:c. y aizd to see that they a�•e proper].J e.�ecut�:c�� Minimum qttalifications; I-iiglz school oiadu�tioizp �.nd eigii�c ycarsE cl�rical expel•ienc�, at Le�.st t��ro yc;ar� of whicti mus� hav� beeu as a cicrk IiT � issuin� licenses c�r permics. �2� ` � Daplicate to Printer � , ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 3. That said ordinaace, as amended, be aud the same is hereby further amended by atriking out the title and specificatians for Orderly, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title and specifi�ations: -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ' • Dapllcate to Printer � . � ORDINANCE ���1�� COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the fixst day of the first payroll period following thirty daya after its paseage� approval, and �ublication. �� MAY 31 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C ci1 Carlson � n Fanor • Meredith � Against Tedesco �n:���:�o,:.�.�d�l�:��::�::��x'� Approved: �� � 1 i9s� _ Attest: Mr• v�o� rr��aent �Hou�aj City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . •1 ' ♦ � 23��1� Title of clzss: SPFCIAL STC7DENT A.�T�i�1DANT Duties and zesponsibil.itiess Under �upe;.�visian, to a��ist in the phy�icll worlc involv�d in thc care of physically and mentally handicapped children; and to p�rform related werk as aasigned, Lxamplcs of wo1lc performed; � To a,sist di��tl�led chilclreil t•o 1nd fr•om wheelchairs, automobiles and classrooin�. , • To assist children iiz the toi.let aizd xest room aiz�. at luiiCla. To assist in prcpa.rin� r7ater•ials for usc in cl.as�es. �.Ca assist i:�achei s in :�pecial classes, To assi�t in z�3aiia.tainiiz� the sanitation �f the toilets atnd reEt roon�s, I��Iinimtiira qualificatioias: Hi�12 school. graduatioaa or two ycars9 paid ex�eriencc workin� t�ritl� physicll.ly or mentall.y handi�a.p�ed child�en. -�- _ • �i � , . _---- ' � ' . . � , . " i . . —� ^l ' ' . ' • ��: . , � � � � , . i . . 1 � . . . � � i , , � � ., , � 23���-� � Title of cLass: • f ��D I LICENSE CL�RK I � I ' Duties ancl responsil�ilities: i Unccr sLipesvi�i.Qnf to receive lir_^ns� ��pli.c��tion.s for proee�sing� � legal uocz��.��cnt� for filin�, or issuc Zicenses in the nep�rtment of Pu'�lic Saf.��:y or i.iz ��c office of �lxe City ClerlcP to accept • , � licei�se fecs arid fili.ng fees; c.11C1 t0 �SCT101'i�� �ela�Ced �o�i: �s a S S 1�,11L't�{, � E1�ampJ.es o:� �Frorlc pe�forrized: ' To ��c�iJ� ap�lic�?fio��s fo�• �r�.:cic��ts licenscs, Tn iss�ie licenscs fo�' ap�licai:i�ns �.vr�ich lzav� been �.�pioved ,�_ by pro�er a1t1��1011t1CS. , _._ ..Ta 1�visr �p•plicani:s �s to the lc�ral reqttii ements in connec�ion �vith ].iceiises. ��:o main�tain recards oi aT.l lic�nse holclez•so '�o zrzaiiltain rccorc�s o� moi�ics rec�ivec?. To rcceive and to u� �espoizsible for all chacks aizd cash tendered �� - .,. ill p�ymcni; .for lic:n�es, iilin; feos� etc. 'To m�l:e daily repo�:� �L �eccip�s i:o cl�� City CoxnPtroller. Ta i�zal:e ccri:iii�d co�;ics of gublic rc:cords and t� file ����•t'=�=1 mo:�t��.�e�. ' To e:�arrine ccnta.•acts� bi11s of sale, s�.i:i�:Eacti.on"s� assi��111�e11f�p {or^closure�, zoning ap���nlsr va.cata.oiz p'�itio�z�. re--zoniizg re�itio�.s, ctc. N a�izG �co sec 1;��"�1: they �ae prope-rl�� e<:e�uted, Miniinu.m cjualific�tions; -.;,r,�- High sc?7ao� gt•��1uai;�f1�., znd �i�ht ;Tcars� c�erical. e�peiYences . -- �?t lcast tts.o yeaa's of tvhic�i inus� h�v� b�en �s a C�erk TI� i�suin� liccnscs or permii:s. ►y � , � � �+ � � - . , ��1°� ' I , � , �Ze ,� - „ � � `.,--;�,� �—`r— r' F /' T'� � � . _ ',�, � � C-.� C�� S._ � .� p Y �i �1 k :� y�l����' � i� � �` • � i/ � �'� � �;;HIFlT �6 ` � / !€,.-�T F��_� a, -- ^ . . - . , � r, ' ( � � • .�.�� "C.''`r l � l� ���'.�-�L'�Y� �LC�� f'_�t,r .� ' . . �• ; � : �r,r'.�r•— _ "°°°� � ? . �� ��_F�T Y �.'.,,`r_ _ '-� � ,� . - - ° .�T Fr,'-��- , ►�r`�r�1-��1. - ' �� ;_ :I`...�i•'_ i��'�- .��.�.,�°�"..�' -==—��e..o ��� _ _ �i . . � � � , � ,; , • � SCALE DATE J08 NO. BY DY'�G. �NO. ; �- , ���.� � � '' ^r'' - i r- r-,•.'...�"`;° "°'v�'°"'°°4 j -_:.,:.e.�.. _._...,..-.....�;.,�..�w. _ - . , T�__1 _' '� � .;�— � �- �!- -`r-,;`L�� . .. �'�, � i �� -„- _ -,_..r.F,,.....,,-,v..,�,_�.,,.,-�,,.�.ti..� ..,,s.-_.-,,._ . . . . ��.,-,.r...�._..-. � � � � ` ,�,..�:::�__.::�v.:..y���.,�..._�:.._...,.,�.........�....�.=..�s�-_=,_.._,,, . ..-"-'c---.---:--�;-.. �,..,,_,.> �.-.,-._.,..�,.._,;;y�__.r-?;,� - �. � . -......_,Wf.�i;�y�.,•-�....si.::1�t;.1�,:_::x. .. „ .. . ., � . . _ P...... •.�----,.�....-,-�..,�.._._ ,._..--- -. ------r ---____-_ _- ,_ , __.___. _. __ . -._,___ .��. . _ :.�.� . . � i � . . . . _ --�- � ---� . . , � ; � � : . � � � . . .. - . � �- � --� . � � � - � � � . � �o� � • ' J , 5 � � ,`I F � ; '� f . -..�._ . A , . ' r� .. • . . ; �.' ; k • r C _ . � � 1 � ' • ` � ' ' • . , t ' .. _-- ,� i . � * � ; � �---�-`- _'__.-_..� • ' --- - -- � . � �1 ,.. � - ;�` `-,. . � , _�� ^ __ � • _ �`J� , ;� . . . �i f y , �—�--.—.._ . 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