04-63Council File # fl — �l J
Green Sheet # �+���
Presented By
Refeired To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has sponsored a Softball on Ice event for some 20+ years and is
planning such an event for January 31 and Februacy 1, 2004 at Dean's Tavem and McCarron's Iake, located in the
City of Roseville, Ramsey County; and
WHEREAS, Dean's Tavem is supportive of this event, but wishes to have the City indemnify and hold it
hazmless from claims related to the Softball on Ice event; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that the Winter Carnival Softball on Ice Tournament has a
legitimate public purpose by drawing participants to Saint Paul and offering family entertainment to the citizens of
Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which inciudes the promise of indemnification and defense,
for such a purpose will facilitate and the event to take place, now therefore, be it
RESOT.VED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby
agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Dean's Tavern harmless form any and all damages it may be required to pay
as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of the use of the premises for the Softball on Ice
Tournament on Januazy 31 and February 1, 2004, which aze attributable to the negligent act or omission by the City
of Saint Paul, its employee, agents or contractors; and be it
FUR'i'IIER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnificauon does not cover:
1) casuatty loss or property damage to the premises.
2) any occmrences or events which aze not part of the Softball on Ice event and which do not occur or take
place at Dean's Tavern and McCarron's Lake during the event.
3) injuries or damages which arise from hidden traps or conditions e�sting on the grounds surrounding
Dean's Tavern of which they had acmal or constructive notice.
A) injuries which arise out of cruninal acuons, assaults, batteries or other acts of violence committed by any
person or persons; and be it
FINALLY RFSOLVED, that nothing in the foregoing provisions shal] be construed as a waiver of the
municipal tort liabIlity limits or defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. §466.01, et seq.
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Requ ted by Depart nt of:
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Form Approv�d by City
Adopted by Council: DatA
Adoption Certi£' d by Cou
Approved b or: Date
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmenUofficelcouncii: Date Initiated:
PR — pazksandRecreation ,���.� Green Sheet NO: 3010296
Cor�ct Person & Phone• ���e�rt SeM To Person Initial/Date
Bob Smifh � 0 arks an Recreati n /jj
558-2253 p�,,,jyn 1 arks and Recreation De a ent Director ��
Must Be on Couneil Ftiqenda by (Date): Number z �ro A rnev
RoUting 3 a or•s0 �ce Ma o/ASSistant
Order 4 uocil
5 ' Clerk C' Clerk
6 ar and ecreallon Bo SmitL
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve resolution holding Dean's Tavern liannless fox St. Paul's use of Dean's Tavem as the host site and toumament headquarters
for ffie 2004 Winter Cazvival Softball on Ice Toumament.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normally passessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet
initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recrerional acriviries, including special events. The Winter Carnival Softball on Ice
Tournament is a populaz annual event fox reciearional sofrball players. The event is planned for Sahuday, January 31, and Sunday,
Febmary 1, 2004, if the City holds Dean's Tavem hazxnless related to the management of tlus event.
The Ciry will be allowed to use Dean's Tavem for tlris event. We have Yhe opportunity to work cooperatively with tlus local business,
Raii�sey Co., and the Ciry of Rosevilie to bring this populaz event back to iPs original location.
DisadvanWStes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
I,oss of revenues to help support the St. Paul Winter Cunival Junior Royalty program and/or future youth attileric programming.
ToNal AmouM of
Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted:
Fundinp Source: 3g4 Activiri Number: 33143
Flnancial Information: Proceeds from this event help fund the Junior Royalty program tluoughout the year.