238564 � �- 238564 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R N—GE FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE - c RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Co�ittee � therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the wrecking of dwelling, garage and performance of miscellaneous site work and cleanup located at 526 Collins Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the Department of Public Works - to A. K,A�MISH COMPANY in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid �k2006 of said A. Kamish Company, for the contract price of $650.00, such bid being the only bid received, and said A. Ramish Company be�ng a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are suthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Informal Bid ��2006. . •��, � �IAY 1 � 19�� COUNCILMEN • ` Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �Y � � 19�� Carlson � Dalglish pproved— 19— Holland � Tn Favor - Meredith / ' Peterson Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne PH��LIS#I�� �AY 18 19�� 5/8/68/rafter/nl ��