238559 �� , .� � ���55y Oit76;NAL TO CITY CLHRK �-� ; ` 4 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�,. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATF WHEREAS� - a non–profit corporation designated "Su.mmit–University Opportunity Bureau, Inc. " has been established pursuant to the provision s of Chapter 317, Minnesota Statutes sg65, as amended; and WHEREAS, the egpress purposes for which said corporation was formed include cooperation with the City of Saint Paul, the Human Rights Commission of �he City of Saint Paul, the Urban Coalition, and other�►pia.blic and civic bodies in developing employment opportunities for disadvan- taged youth in the City of Sain.t Paul, primarily young men and women in the 14- to 17-year age category; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is desirous of contributing �1,500 to said corporation for the purpose of initially providing working capital so that said corporation may embark upon a n.umber of worthwhile projects . which have been developed in discussion and cooperation ,with officials� of the City of Saint Paul and which will facilitate employment of underp 'rivileged youths in this City, the entire program of the aforesaid corporation_ b,eing _ __� � designed to- promote the general wel�fare 'of the citizens of � � � the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it � c� y RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby grants � "n to the Summit-University Opportunity Bureau, Inc. the sum ' ° � of �1�; 500, payable=�out of the Urban Coalition Fund, Fund o . 0021, to be used by said corporation for the purposes herein- � m before set forth, and subject to the following terms, provisions . o and conditions : , �' � � � m 1. The books of said corporation shall be open � to accountants or auditors from the Gity Comptroller' s office at reasonable times during the working day so that the expenditures from the aforesaid grant by the City may be reviewed; ' . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � Dalglish �� Approved 19�_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith • � Peterson Mayor - A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � �� � � , J \r � � � ��� 238559 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • � � '' • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�,. .- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,� COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. 2. That Summit—University Opportunity Bureau, Inc. agree that it will, not less often than every sig months, file a report with the office of the City Comptroller of the C�ity of Saint Paul, reporting on the egpenditures from the � aforesaid grant of �1, 500; be it �, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a City draft in the amount of �1, 500 payable to the Sum.mit—University Opportunity Bureau, Inc, for the purposes set forth in this Resolution; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That this Resolution shall be effective upon its passage and publication, and upon filing of a letter of acceptance by the Summit—University Opportun.ity , Bureau, Inc. with the City Clerk, agreeing to abide by and be bound by the terms� provisions and conditions of this Resolution. PETITION TO,c�EZONE „ A petition having been Hled request- in8 that Chapters�0 to 84 inclusive, St. Pau1 I.egislative Code, re Zoning, etc,� be amended so as to rezone prope Rice Sh�ee Vi�llats,locat d lon tB.hle e� side oP Galtier St. approXimytp1y ,� feet North oP Idaho Ave., to Cless "C" Residence District, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has fixed the gth day of May, 1968, at ten o'clock in the � forenoon in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said.City, and at said tirne and p]�ce,the Council wili hear all per- soas and all objections and recom- mendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated Aprll 25, 1968. 1 IiARR.Y E. MARSI3AI,L, City Clerk. �� � � +��e (Aprll 27, 1968) 1 b COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' MAY i 4196� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—.._ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith �l,, ' Peterson V Mayor A gainst Tedesco p�L1S�#E� MAY 18 1968 Mr. President, Byrne �O � � � � �� �� a ��s�� f .. . 1 �. � . � � . _ � . . - � . . , � .�__.._..�_ . . _ � . . � . _ - . . ._ _� . _ ___ :�.�. . ` _ - - ' Bud�e� Opini�_.s •'� �-� Counc il 31 . Cl �y Of S �. li�•!i r��� l� � IRA KARON ` L n � MARSHALL F.}�URLE1' LGGAL DLf f�\RTti1��i ' �t'• ��rH�s F.su��ivnr+ � . -- ' J�HN J. Irct:ElL sr,ucE �. e�oAOy - , CORPGRATION COUf�ScL �..�r`.z,it'� • - � � � Septe�bQr 20th, 19�?? . . • . - .: E Bir. Jos��?i J. ��itche].1 � - � Cityr Co:�:ptr�lZer , . � City o� S�in� Paul � � � � De�r Sir; � ; %a�r lett�r of Sep�e��er ?�tii addrassed to t•Sr. Broa.dy � h�� be°n hPnded to m2 Por re�ly. � . . j � You st�te that you rtcsived a letter Pron the Uni- . � Poraed t�!rez i�h�ers o� 5�. Paul, I�o. 2�, �s',�n� you to � ci�e lat:.-�u� aut�zori�y for cart�in ap�ropr�.��i ons in the € 19�3 bu��e�. `loL atat� furth�r �h�t thes� ite�s ara not ne�� iten� Yaut �.os� o� thsn have baz:� includzd 3.n thz bud�e� �� � ap}�ropri Gtions f'or many yea'rs. �Iou Fsk t��,t �his oY"�ica . give qo� �.n o��nion as i,o c�r'�e�he� �n�r or s.11 of these S.tens ? are i?Ze;a?ly or i nproperly i nc?Lded in the b�.zo.�et ar�ro�r3.� � at�ons o� tY!e Ci Ly o� S�.int PauZ, p�oposec� by you a� Com�- � trol?er, for th� ye�r Z9�8. ' � . ;. - Plea.se be actvised �s foli oz-:s ; i•he pro'o�e�s proposzd � � by your �ues�ions c�:nnot b� ��rell �ns��ered siithout son� E�ate- j nen� re3��i�T2 �o t'r_e elen�n�ary le�al ba.s�s concel�ning tne ! � le�s.l ex�endi'cures of ounicip�l funds derived from nunicipal � t�.xa�ior.�. . � i= ' � ' • �e beg'!n z;ith the ela�enta,ry_ proposition that .public ` funds de_°�ved Pror� taxation ua�► not 1��1r�u?13r be t�sed for � priv��e purposes. ih.e 3ega�ity of so�e ;oi the propo�ed � � � ap�ro�ri�.i?ons �uestio:�ed depenc�s lar�el�y upon the �acts . � fro� t�h�c� a deter�ir.a�ion nus'� be made -as to trhether the � ' , expendit�res ��e for �.pub?ic or priva�e purpo�e. ,; - ��e gener�.l rule is th�,,t public fu�ds c�n be �ppro- r pri�?ted ��d ex�enue3 by a aunici�ali t;� �•or p•�bli c pur�o�es, i � only. i��� �u?e is tnat a our_icipal c�r��r���on can l�vy no ;'' ta�es �n2ra1 0�� s �ci�.l, unle�s the l � � � , �� P., po:•.�r bz pl�inl.y �.�.d �' � unrsi s��t�bi�t coni err�3. rhe autnority �a� be in exp-°e�s {� da�°cs or unr�i�taf�zbZe inpllcaLion. � Dil�on, ��tan. Cor�or- �� t�tions, S�c. 137�. . � � I� a �•iinnesota c�se , FurZa v. Esslin�, 15S :iinn. ; 171, ott-r Supre�a Cour� in discussino the� pron�ie�y of the ; . . � { , ' � � � � � . - . � . ___.._.___..-- -�-- -- � - - . - - - � - - - --- � �-- ---- -...'-�--•- �-- - . � - - - - � ._ . _ . _ . _ ' .. _. . _..----- -------------�- - .T. ,..� ._ . . - _ � . . - -- __._ � _.__._. . F �r . . _ - . - _ '. . . � ., � � � . � . � 1 - � . • _ ° ,� �' �. _ �. _, �. - _ ..... � . , _ . . ; • ' � , } . �, , k. . . � _,,...�....._..�......_.........«...__...._.....v,._.:.-�..- ..�... _..�_ ._._.. ' - ... .. . ,� . �.L'-�--� - ~ , • � � . r •j: .� . tir. Jos. J. ��Sitc'nell --2 • exp�ndi�ur�s o� pLb?ic z'ur.�s said: _ �- - ; � • • "The wisu.o� oN e�ed�er_.cy o° � propos�d • - exnendi�ura o� the ���?a.yers ' t1o11ey fo?' such ; � pus�osea is �o be c���er�ined solely by the � le�isl��ure or b� the 1oc�:J. au�'no�•it�es to , � �rr�� �e�3 sl^�ive po��ers 'r.a.�e been dele��ted. . . E�.�� pu'�?ic Y"unds c�n only b� expended �or � . � � . p��e'!�.c pu�^pos2s enc� th� cou�ts nust c�eter- . . - � ��.�? �Thethei� a gi�en enparidl�;llv'�^, is Por au� n purpos� , a.�d ti-ri�1 en�oin it at Lhe � . � suz t o� F �axpa;�er �f' �t is not. '' � �� ,It � . �.s �i„'Q�.? SSt',��FCl ��1^� � ��' th� p3'i Li xT'jT Ob,��C� ' of �� expand��u�a or" �uniclpal fun��s �s 'C� , . sLT��erv� a �ub'!ic pu�pas� , the e��nd�.icu-ra � is 1��al, �lthouL n g� r:��y �l�o �nvo���a �.s , an incide�t �,7 exp�ndi tur� �rn1 ch , st�nd�n� , alonQ, �:bulc. r.at be_ �.�;�rful. ?'t is enu�?1y - � '. t4e�.1 se��len tha.� i�" the �i=1i'1�13''y ob,�e�� is ' � ' to �ro��o�e soaa pri�E3.1+� en;l, th2 ex;��ndi tu�.�e ; is �?3.e��1, al�ho���z �� LA.� �ncjdan�all�r . .. , ' � ser�� so�ie public p�?�i os� alro . °�` � :' in? � ' ca_��s a:� a rule n��� a�t�;�p�ed no ,�t�diclal ' de�ini�ion ox' a p«'ol�.c �s di�tin,;uis�z�3 fron . " � a �rivaU�� p�r�o.�e," but h2ve le��� each c�.se ; - tQ. '�� �.e tier�j ned bp iis o:�n pscu�i�.r �irc�:�- . � ' ' st�.Y`.C2s. " ' 1 . � ' . In tis�e �ase oi' ��t;� o� Isin�eapoli s v. �Unney,� �8� ?�inn. Z?l, � • 0�9 S�n==aas� CouN� in pzss3ng on the qucs�ion oz" �:'��� �con- ; ' sti�u���� a �u�lic �u?�_�ose �ksi:��y�7r_� �rs inv7o�_ir.; o� tna . � � 'po f�a� Qa ��..x�tio�?, auo ved *.ri�h �pnroJ�?1 the 1�n�ua�re used � by the :er�,�nt SL'��@IL�2 Cou:.�L �.n the case o7" Tacrn v. Paxn, � 50 �J�. �r8: � - � � . �, . � � "i� is ngt aed on �11 hand� tha.� the noney ' ' . o� tha citii zzn c�,n b� t�e;� ur3ar t?�� �uise of ' � t2��tio� on�y V::�Bn i� 1s Fp�ro�ri�ted to a ' . . pu�1�.c pu�pose. '. ,� � p;o fo�c�ula h�.s yet been ' ' , de�isec� by t•�h3.ch to dz�er�ine �rhat ls or is , �; \`5J r?o� a ��ablic us� or pt!r�o�s , c�riL}�in the n�ar_- in� o� the consti�'�+ional praraib�Lion; b;!t it is� cl��n tn^� �h� ulti����e ad7:�nt�ve o' the � ; g�:3?5.c , a� contr��.disL�r�ui���d 7'ron ;?��� o� . , � �'r_� 3.ncl�,v3��ts.rL? , ia Sts Cf rT'�lCt�'�'ia`�i c �e^tur2. � . I'� is i;r-�e �h�.t a pronosed �ror'-� na� bs of , � gr��at t�ility to b�t'z t_na pub'!ic �nd t.�� �.r_- ' di��ieu^1, �nd s�cill , �ccordin� �o �Circurastx�.nces , � . � � be eii;i�er p�abli c o?' pr'�`F��e Sn its cn�r2.c��r ' � � � and a,u�.�ity. 3ien eet e?� sy st��s oi" �;overr�r:!�:t • , � . , . . . . 2 , . .....-�----�--�--.-.,.}-..,...� �-,.:..,, _-.--. __—_._..__.. , . . , � • . . , _ ...� -- � - _ - . � ' ' S . . , • y • ' . w _ . . ; • ' � . , ' . • -•. Y ° -" �- ,..,�,._a,e,,,��^��- � .,. �_ . ...,. "... -- �--- - ...._. . , u_ _ .. _ . � . , : _, • • ' ET r . 1 . � ' � . f' . . 3 ` _...___.....� ..._ _. ,. � . , _ ., , _ .. .._ __ �. � . , • 'Z� . Z�Ir. Jos. J. t�ii�chell --3 , . in o�der to sub3erv� cert�in pubiic enda , and� � ' , - re�c?� �.clva_n��.o�s t nUf� couZd r.o� o�her;rf se b� � � � mnc�e av�Sl.�ble . r'r_e stats is clothad ��Lh the � � � t�LSt ox' ana:�rerl.?�g the�e ends . It is no� to . , be '�i�iLed to the eL�e duty o� gos�ern�.r_� the ' � _ • _ peo�nle by �he efe�cise o� its police poirer, • . • bu� i'� h4s a hi�n2r dut�,- to pro:�a�e tna � � � � � . � educ�'t�on�.l �.n�erests �f the p�op�c� , encoLr,��s � . the;r indus�ri a]. ptlf EL��S � d��elo� �.�� r���erial � � r2sa�-r�zs, �nd fos��r iLs co��aerci a? in�aras�s , . . . - by proJic'in� al? re��sonable ���ci?i.ti�s de�anded � . . by a prLden� -ra�;a�d i'or i,ha gi�o:atr, develop�.e�1t and gene-r�.l pros�erl�y of a �ree people; 2na . the sitt�e is roti to b� �ied do.•Jn �o a�s� narro:�� . and .n?r�ly ��i.li�a,ri.��z po�icf in pr�r�otf�?� tne . pros�eri�c� of ��� ci�iz�ng. ihe pY'oble�t is no� • ho�r 3ii,�1�, bL�� ho�=r rsuc:�, c�n be do7a �o elev��a , � tne g�onle �co the hi�hes� p1a:�e o� 7ateria� �ncl , poli�ica� prosperi��. Schoo�s , co�le;;es , c�!ari� - tab�� �na r�for���.to�^y ins�i� u�i ons , �ns�����ions ' . for �hs devel��-�an� o� t�� a�ts and s�ienc2s , roacls, br�:i�es , c�na'!a , P.nd co�:�Lless o L'r_ar . ' � I'i i.nte�n�l ir•!provn��n�s Y!��e b�e� es��b�is'r!ed �nd ,� cons�ruc�e� at th� p�b�ic _e�per.s� b;� 2�l �hriFty � _ I' 8�E.4�s , �ncient Gnd �ose��a, �nd no s�riot�s ques- i - . tion h�.s been ��.de as to tihe prop-ri��y o� such � f � . -. exp��d�.tu�as.fl • . . .� � ti;e tu�n noz�r to the Epeci fic �uthorit� se�. o�at i n the ;, . �h�rte?� o�' the City o� S�.int ��ul. a�he 1�er�s in tha 19�3 ' buclo�2� ti1h�cn have bzzn c�uas�loned �re all �s��c ou� i n ��^_?r L��° �� • Fund 3?, �ern�d "��neral tund. " ihis gen�ral Pur.c3 i� aut'rc�r- ' ,' ized und.�3' S2Ci,i 011 200� of �h� C�?�rter, n.:��ir�� it the du�y o� � the Ccnp.�_01?e-r ea.c'_� year to transai� to t�e Ci�;� Counci 1 . ; . detailed zsLicates in �,�-rii,ing or" th� e�per�s�s of �ne Ci�y' � . _ � for �hs ���t succ2adi��g ye?�� and for the re;renue nacess^�y � • � � - to eze� t�es� expens�s . Ey this section i� is you� �u�y '' , . to aivie� sL�ch es�i.nat�s into �, nunb�r o�' funds, Gnd Sac�ion ', . � 200 0� th� C?��:.r��r providas that you aus� set u� th� f.o?1o;a- ,, . in�,. , . ,. ,' . • . �� �" �A gen�r�l fund' t:hich sh�.11 pro��.ea ;: - - fo•r a11 necessary ex�endi��rae in cor�nec�ion ,�, � t��iLPr t,re �overn�3n� o�' the C��y of St. P�ul � . �� or a?'iy of i�s clep�.rtirents , bure:�us or aoti�ri- � t�fes , eh�rg�zd �o ci�y :evznuz , and not ��o- . � vicle3. Por 1n the Pu�c�s h��^�inabove n�n�d . - `�• , � � � ' Said fund sha'!1 be sub�ivid2d i;� s=:�d r�por� , . • ancl zs�in�tes o� eaid co��troller and spzciiic . ; . � auou�ts the•rein shall bQ provi�ed for speciYic ; ; � �. . ' 3 , � . �..�.___ _- • ' . � " . . .� � _ � . - � . . . _. _ . _-- �. -- --- - -- " . ,�-- � , - - - � . . - . �� � ' . ' r. , , r . - ' • �, _ � � - S .. ,.. ,,. W-.. ...,.�..�..�..,.,._. ...__......�,� • � �•_ � - -{.: �, . s �-��� - - .,. -v..._ . -..- - .> ,...,_ _ - , - .._ .. ,. _.,. _'. . 4._ .. , • f ' ` , �'. � • ' ' ' T • .. . � .J.._.___ �.._ ` • . . � ._ . ."", _ . .�^r..,_ �~ . . . � . , ' . • � r _ • . . . . ! . • ' . ` . . . i ' � ' • • � . c � � . ; . ' ,1, . . . .� i , . . . � ' 2•ir. Joso J. 3�ii�ch°11 --4 � • � ,:' . " � . purpo��s , so far �.s pr�cticable . Said it?nd � � � � � � nay ca�tzin an ite�a of �15 ,000 to bs used 8.t thA discretion of th� Council to meet . . • e�°r`ancie3 due to� dignster or cu2�sLr��'ne � o� e�tr�ordin:.ry orler,��rithin th� City oP � � St. PGul o?° S.n any other co��nun���. It a�.y - provlci� Por p�.ying the e�penses� o� dzl�ga�es . , , � • to re�.�esnr.t St. P�.ul t�� inpo'rtan� eonvenLS.ons - and ��ther�n�s ou�sicle the citJ, but the �p- . � � propr£�tio� i"or said purposs shall not exceed . ; �3,OOC �n any fiscal ye�.r." In �ccordanc� �rith the fore�oin�, therez"ore , you ar� �dvis�:� � thaa the prdpriety or" the ap�ropri��sons n�dQ i� to bz deternined • • solely b;� t�� C�4y Council and the �o�ptroller, ti�rY!o un�lzr tha , Char��r, h�ve th� pot�rer., to �a�a such zp�ropriEt�ons if sp�cinic au�ho�i�y tk�er2ior �s �o be fo�n:t in ths Ch�x�er or� �ny le�is- ` 1at�ve ect Q� �re ���te of 2-iinne��ott�, ar iY" the pury�ose is pri- . Lr ar�,l y �or the gMoL:o�1 on of th° �sneral }r�lf�3�e o� tY'�e people � of the City� of 5ain� Paul. � - � � t�e tu�.n not� to the sp�ci�i c questi ons x�icri have b�en - as�ed. 7�he Yir�� on2 is : � - . � . � , - ` . "�y c�hat l��rz'u? �:u�hority dona the Ci�� o? . . ' � gt , �'�u� r�ake �.n 2p�ropria�ion o� •�13,000 ts� the . � � St. P�.ul Inai�i�u�e'?" . -� ; 1he S�. P��al '!'n�'titu�� , �.e I und�rst�znd i.'� , is � non-pr�fiti � Qssoc�qtion inco�:�o�a.ted �ar thz p1?rpose o�' ope�at�n� Pnd main- tAini�.c the �o�ssir_�- and e�hibi�i�� o�' so�enti�ic end art coll�c- tions for v�i� benefi�c of t'ne pu�lic . i�he a�nropria�ion �;s���e .by � you in tre �.9^-_8 b����et �o the St. yaul Ins�i�ute Ss s��ci�icslly � aut'norized by G��^pte� 32 0� tn� �ener�1 La��s of t•Iinnesota �or � • 1913, Szeti an 1 of ��hich reads as follo•ri s: ; � . � " Sec��.on 1. Councii s nFy �.ppropri�.te � . ! • oon2� Po�� scien�clz"ic �nd art co�?ect�on., - . _ - � Th�it �ere���er an�r city of t�ia s�Cate r_oT�r or � ' - , her��.��er h�v�r.�, a popul��1on o�' oaer firL'y ; . tnot?sand �.nh�bi��.nts , is r2rab� authori.�ed ' Snd e�poy�ered iror tir�e ta tice �o r�prropri- • � ate �nd eYnen3 �on�� in such sua� as nay be � . 'dete�r�i.ned by �:ro��nirds vo�a of all r�a�o�rs � � of i�s cor��on c�unci� or �oj�ernSr.J b.osy, for the ��arposa o� clefrzyin� t�ie e;�psnsa .ioz" hous- � • in�, mr�int�ini n� and e�ib�tin� scien�tii'ic - . ' 4 . , . . • . � • . • � • . . .._ _.. . , - . � _ • . . , . _ , • � • - . _..__ - _ . - - - ��- • . . _ �. . ,, . ' . 1i ' ' . 1. . . � ' • ` • � - _ �— - — ----_.----'.�..��__�--•.rt.,--_=r--•—�—, __.._... -------� ,...,.__......_._.`._�_.___.... _ ,.`__......_� �..�..__•-- ._ . ._...__._ ._ S . , ' ' j� } ' . '. � _ � .� � �_.._,.._.-_....�...,..�,.�_...��_._.. - —�--�._�. . _ . - . . �. - :. . :. _ �. �.. ' •l- • 1dr. Joso J. tlitch�ll --5 . ' ' ' � _ and AI�� co�lec�ions for tha b�nefft oP thz ' . pLb��c , whlch �ra o;�rn�d or controllQd bJ � privaLe� co�por��i.ons or associations. " _. � . � � - . ; • . � Th� o�cond qu�stion assed is as folloe�s: • . � . • "E� wha� l�.t-;�'ul s.uthori�y does the - ' . Cf�y o� S�. I'�u? �;onrop•riate ;311Q to the . . WS?der Ch�rities �or ��r�ter in the �•lil.d2r ' . Bhi.hsl In con;��ction r�i�h tris �uzstion , 1� wou�d appelr that �r.c?er the s���u�es - - tY�� Bo�r� of t��ater Co��aissSon�r•s S.s th2 - pr��er or��n{,}�tion to n?ne the c�ntribu- � tion �.nd �h�.� i�� c�ntrib��ion s�.ould b� �.i�r'�Y,?L� �� St �a'•rB8 021�� tG a. con�ribu�ion � far c���nr On1y, :•1�1�;'a:�� �t� �r� �.nz'Or��1 " tha� �h� aur� of �311�.00 se% �u� in yoLr bu�gat is �o pay fo.• s���J�r �°en�cr�.13 as �re11 �L ;•r�.ter. j,e a.�2 in�"o::�e1 ��lat �he Ulild�-r ' � . , ba�hs �tr� n�t ;urn�e��1�1 sree o� ch�r�e bu� � . th�.t a. i'ee is chur�ed �here'or. " . - • , � � � . '� Ir� ans�r�r to �his quest�o� t��� call youi^ FLtention to - _ the fundr-.`�enL�l pri�coplzs Oi ��+�1 �Oe*2i^n�.n� BX;��21;�f�Ui"�S OY� • . publ�c fL�c�s �as � se� �ut i.n ths '�irs� p�r� ai tni s api�-�?on. �' . . . � ' Also ;�OL'I• �i�'�en��o� i� c��l�c� �o t�±z cuse oP Eurns v. �sslln�, � sup��,. iri. �rh�ch S�.�e Yind this 1nno���e ; � "��ere a?^e nang p�r�is�ib?e z'o�°�s o� � r�urs�cipa? acti�,Tit� intenae3 to contribu'�s� � . ' , � in a c�sasure to tha en�oy�s�r.t az" l��z 1 n '� ci�ies. Ghi i dren' s �la;i�rounds , �ub?io � . . � � ba��s, and b�nd, concer•ib �re Y'a�i3i� • . @F.^�?���'B. n . . � Ne cer�air_�y beli�vQ �h�.� the furnish�r_� o_' pu��1 e . . � baths o-r '�hfl us� o� public ��nds �or the �aint�n.nca af sQid � � b�ths is �,'`1L'S4'ii�i�d fu�tii��r b�,r Sec�io�► 2G o� �h� C�ar���. 11s � ' I ur_d2rst�-�d i�c , the ,�Iilder �a�hs ia �e div3,sion o� the S•li�der Ch�.r1.�i�s = � non-prof 3.t or�ani���j�n, �re�1 kno:�n to u� . I� • c�n- ha.r��,� b� ��1�st�0?'1ed tha� the e:�g�n•3.iicu�°a o�' ��,znirina� . ' ft�nds in con�.ec'�ion t�r��h the aon�o�riati on nada in the burl���� - to thp �'ii�!s],t'i^ i��'n3 �.s to su��a�1e :� g�.��lic pttr�ns2 , �n3 th�� th° �I"j:���.ry ob��c� csnn�t ba i'our,:l �o be �he pr��o4ion oz" �.n� privat2 e��d. . . . ' I �� �.cZusin�A3 wi�r th� :iinn�s�ta �ta�u��s 19�-5, . Sec�io!��s �-�1.10 and 451.11, whi.ch ���e as foi lo�rs: . . . . . . . . � - . _ � . � 5 � . _ r . � � .. . � . . - . . . - � . �=;�...:�,�,:.;_.:-T�-..�.-.�..�._. - .---= . - - -• . ;� � ---' , . �� . - ---------- _- - --_, ,• �: ��-- � � . - - - � . _ - ��. . . . . . �. x .. � : - - _ -�- - - - �-- - -- : -- - _.� � �.___— . . • � - - � �_ �_._. � �-. , • ' . . � , -.�.'...._._ ----.._._: . ' _ • . . ._. . ._ __. - - .�..�.,._, . , • ' • , � ' • ' ,�, _ 2�ir. Jos. J. 1�:itchell --6 • � . , . � � • , •; . � fl4o1.10. rre� �r�ter for �ree public � � ba'�hs. �ny city' o:° the fir•st cZass i.n the . st�.te is hzr2by su�horized �nd er,i�o,rEre3, �- • � acting by and thro���'� i'cs board of �fater . , co�?s��oners , or council o•r other �oJZrn= ' - in� bocly, to furnish or c�:use to be furnish- . . , e� �'ree ai ch«r�a to all p�rsona or corpor- � • tz�iono tr�ho sh.a.Zl provi de Pr�e public baLhs . . , in the cit;�, all s�ra.ter necess:�r;� fo� properly . _ . oaint��nj n�; �nd su,�plyi nn such baths. � � �401.11. Frz� nub�ic baths . �he tarm � � ' 'Pree public batn� , ' �s used in SeCtian , . . 4��.10, r���:ns all bu�.ldin�s an� �nst�.�u�ions for ba:.��r.� pu?��,oses :-.hich sh�l]. b� m�in- ' tiafned tait'r.�U'� e:�pans� to �he clty t:herein thp s�n� shall be locatec�, and �.�ich sh�ll ' - b� on�n t� Ltse , ��i.tno��t ch�.r�� , by t�ll �hP 1rL�.�bj��n�s of the ci�y rri thout disc�i;:1ii?-- . • 8.$30I1. n ' ' ' � � th�s Zegis��t�.on is or.?y peri�is��ve , �ut_�ori.zin� t,�e ' _ Counc�� �o x"'urnich �ree w�tsr �or puL11c bF�ti:. , and lt �cAn . in no s•t�; be consi��re:l �a � limit�.t�.on on �hz poy�er af' the �Conptro?ler �:nc? th� Cou�cil �0 7�D3"0�3Y'��t� oone;� in the bud�e� vo c�.r�y �n the mzln��r?�.r_c� oi frea pu�lic b�ths . � s.t the ,��i lde� ��tns. ' ' xnzu�ry Q�de by me of t�ie .ti�ila.er 3aths conc2rnin� the -ehargi�� o�' a Pee disclo3ed �h� �ollo:r?no: A cha.�,e o� 5a ' . for ch���L en up t� l3 y��i�s , �nd � c'r��.•r�;e of 10� for 2�ul�s�� . is na��z �o� th� furnish�n� o� �. to,�e1, ��ra�h�?o�h �.nd so�p, ' urhvtLz�r ���ze c�ti Z�n desire� �o �nke a s_�o�;er or a s:7�.a� in � • the po�l. �?� ;?� �;*a;� C�n w� conr�ru.z tnA ver;r s��31� oizar;e ma�z �or the fu-rnishin� o� s�ch inciaen�als �s in an� manner . . liml�i.n� the oper��fon so �?�a� i� c�i��z� no� be i.zclude3 in ' ' � th� terM fl� a "frea nublic ba�n'' o��n Lo all o�' �hs inhabi- � � tan�s oi �hz city. In �his en3.�����n�d �e, St �•rould nwr�;.?Y . ba thQ e,:?rcis? o� ��i sdo� to e:ca�ec� th�.� our citiz�ns uho Ls? � tha �1i1�3�� b��ha d�sir�1 to foreoo tns us� of a t�:•�el follo�•�- � in� a s:r#� or a sho;��r nnd to si,an3 ex�osed �� t�.e ele�nznts ; until thei r ep�d�:�is h�.3 baco�.e co��l�i,el;� dry. , , • . , �� � It is our o�inion �n�.� tn� �.p��ropriatio:� :��hic�l ;�ou se� • � up 3n th� b�a���� �or th� ;�Ji�clnr �a�hs i.s le�;�l r�nd prop�r. , . • ' . . - . 6 , . _ T . . . _ ' . _ ., - . - - - . - - -- ; -- ----._._._ _ _..._. .---�-. , �r-� r ; . � � , � � - - - - . � � . � � ' . � �. . . � . . - • � , � _ .. . . �_ _____.`�_ ._ _. .. .' - '. � _ -- -- -� -_... __,- . :_...,.. --- ------- �- • �' . �.:�� , . . .• , ' , . ' � .. . ' � , e Y....___,.. _���__�_..�. . . - . . . - - -- - �-�- � . ' . .j.. - 2dr. Jos. J. b11 tct�ell --7 � . • . Tha thf rd �uestion askecl is as follo:rs: '� � ' "� - � "By what la��rful authority c�oe8 the Citp . ` of S�t. P�ul �:p�ronl i�t� i°or cantribution �o • th2 In��rn�tion�l Inst�tu�e tha sua oP . . �6soo.oo� _ . .� . - � � . Irnuir;� rave2ls the fo11.o:�ri.n� conc�rnin� the Inte�na�ion- � ��al Ir_st3tute: It is a non-�r�f it or�aniz3.�io�, th� only �.�- , pronrit��ior.:� �o� th� op�?''���Ori o�' ���hich co.7e fro� the Co:n�:.unity . Chest and th? bud4A'� �ppropr�����on r�J.de by th� �i�Cy. lh2 3nter- . nation�l In�tituv� i���.s ins�ituLed in Z919 . It dD��ote� itis�lz" solely to probl�r�� oz" �n�igr����on 2.nd ci�i��n�hip aid ir_ S�in� � . Paul :�ritn tne p�arpo�e oi pro11c1i nL, throL?�h sucil ai�ls , for tn.e , - 3nte�r�,ti.on o�.' f'orei�n-born p2orle i n the �.�erican wey oi' life. ' � � �he �.n�ro�rf.n�i on z•:Y�ich ls n�.c�e bp the C��y is e��Qnc�ed on].q in tha ea=�r,rir_g on of e13.sses devo'ted to th� te�chin� ai' , . En�lish and c1t3,zensnin by th� In�ern�.tion�l In3�itu�e , 2n1 - i ti'�is ex�endi��:e goes Por �he p�.y�ent oi �z�.es���rs ' sal�:ri e� ; and suppli ea u��1 in these c3�;sses . F'rom Oct�bar 1846 �o June ?9�?-�, tnara �Is.:S a to�a� o� �^�8 �ersor_s :•r�!o �ttendec� �nese cZ�.sse�. I Pn �.nz"�rk;ca �hzt un�il 193° t'�e �ea.chers Y"o� tne�e ela.sses trere paid by th� publi c school� . S1 nce tha� da�e to � - 19d4 tize-re �ras na bud�e� t:pF��'o73'�.�.tt�.aY1 fo?^ th� c�.rryi ng on of � . this �or�, out t'ne ?n�er:��.ti on�l �nstitui,e throt��;'z tch2 h�lp . o� v�.rious �?edaral a�enc�.es , C;•1A p.nd ti��'I'�, etc. , tre.s able to . cont�nue itU ,ror� in the ty�e o� inatruc�lan noaQd abo�s. , � S1.nce the Z�tte•r c�a�e , t?ppro��i�.tion� h�.�Te b��n nadP in the • budUet Pot� �he ac�ult ecu�a�ion o�rried on '�;� �his body. ' � 7he �p�ro���9�ti an nad.� c�n� h�rdly be ques�ionee3: In � ' � this c�ay and �.��e when tha foLnd�t�ons of c��ocr�cy rtre be�n� aas�i�ed by fora3o:� "is�s ," i� can Y?ar�lly be a.o�.?'���d �h��`c . . tr,e tea.c�i7n� of �n�lish znd ciLizenshi� ta �orei�n-born per- • sons Sn this city, praparin�; �hen Por th�ir �pplic:�tion �'or . eiti�enship papers , ls a r�or^: c�r3�i�d on in the very hi�hast � � • class of public �aur�ase. • . ; � . ; It is oL� opi.nion, thereio.�e , th�L the �p�ropri���on ! . which has b�en s�� u� in the General �'und oi th� bu��e� fo�� ' the c�rryin� o� of Gdul� ec�uc.ai.ion by th� Znternat9.on�.1 ln- ' � stituve is ��o�ey3 expenlecl for a. pub"!ic pu;_oosa as � �.�o'!e , and th�� s�i` appj�o��ri�tion is �o�ch le`�1 �-nd. pro�2r. . _ ' . . '\ . ' . 7 ._._.-_. T__._. _ . , _ . � _ , � . V .�, r, , _ � � , . . !.. ..... ..�.. ,.._. -...., s. _ _...�-. -t-.' _N' - c_ -.^u.-�..,,y, y. .. , _ _ . ,_ ^�-•z�-�-• .�....-_.__.:.._.. . - � - _ �..-. �4 a• . , •. ` � �. • ' — • • � . . � ...... — — ......._—...'.,_ _..,s..� _ ' . . . . ...` ' -• '-• ^'— '- - -- _ . ..G........, . ' . . . . , . . . , ' ��. � . , � . ' .� . r-:r. JoG. J. ��i�chell --8 � ' . � . . , . • rhe fourth aue�tion you ask is �s follocas: � • ' ' "1•Te note Pn apnror�riation of �10,�?80 � Por cert�i� services pt the Aroory. �de are sor�e�,lhP�C doub��ul �.s to t�e �utr�ority for � � th�.t p�rticul�r P.p;�ropriz.�ion Gnd ti:e would � . - �ppreci�te b�ir_� �icen a re�erence to the � � � ' . 1GF� c3�.rectin� oi� Ft!�1�ori�in� `ch�.t �.ppro�ri- � " - , � ation." � InvesL-i�ution o� th?s na�ter re�e^ls the �ollo�:ing: Abaut the yecr 1�95 the S�int �^.L�1 Ar�o•ry 1'zssociGtion or�gin- t?lly purchcsed �he grou�ds u�on r,hi.ch the Ar«ory r.au s��nds . _ � ' 3o�a �e��rs l�.�er, it� ��.s deec�ed to the City c•ri�h t_ne under- . stur�ding tnG� 'ch� �ity t:ould bui�d �n l�.r�ory gn this pro�erty. In the S�e�r '1°02, Oic�inFnce ���. 2277 ��;as pa�sed, �:hich �rio- , vided z"o•r the e��ectio�� o�' �he Aryory �nd the i ssu�nce oY � � bor,�s to �?��t �tr!e eapense there��'. Since �ha.t aat�, oper- � � ati.ons of the r�r-�ory ha�e b2en c�i^ried on� '�y the l=_rmory � Cora��ss�on co��ose.d of �he Senior Resfc�ent ��.ne Ofiicer o� . � the i�3uti o��l �u�rd, the ',•lcyor e.nd the Comr�lissi oner o� �in- &nce. - � . � ��u�ilori�y �or the �nurop��SFY,j OIl m�de by tne Ci�y is eont2lr_ed �n ftinnesoLg ����ut�s 19'�5, S�cLions 193.19 �nd - � 19��.20, �shieh ?�•ro��i c�e t;h4L the Cg ty ��y le��y � �cax for . . the �ur•pose oi furn�sni.n� znd ti�epin� an ar�ory in rei�air. Thereiore, tize 2�J�J1`oPriw��on �;�hicll you have M�de in �l�e bud�e� � for �he �1r•�ary is b��h lea��� 2ncl 'pro�er. . 7he Pi�Lh ctu�stion is as �ollocr�: • - , "Vle no�e �?�e �pL�ropri�tion oP A2o,935 .�d � . � �or a�.��itori�r:; rent�ls 2.nd� Pr�r� �h� b��eGk- - BoKrn fui^nis_�ed us , 1 t �rould a.p�efi_r t;�n�� that . . sun Zs the ex.�ense incu�red by the Co�?ncil � . in �he fear l��o. �•'e also no�e �hat r�nny, : � iP no� nos� o=' the Ptt�r�.c�ions z'or c4-nicn the . - � �ppi�opri r-�4.ons c.TErP L��de ,:ere noL opei� to all � _ ' - oP the people o� �t . D�ul ��d in u��ny in- � star_ees �he t��e r,or th� s.�tr^c�.ion t�rns limited � strictly to tHe gro�:p usin�; i� , Fnd 1n �orie . 1r�Ftances to thosa only s�:ho p�icl � �ee Y�r the � . .. atti•�ctio�. �ha'G a�pP�rs to be cor.tr�:ry in . a�•r opii�lon to the 1�st sentencz o� S�ction , � � di5 of t'�e Gh^r�er of the Gi ty o� St . c'�.ul , �nd i,e ��lc �ou Por � r�;ference to other , . �uthoFii;fe� Por tne proPosed ��propr'i��ion." . Seerair.�?p, this� questlor► i s dir�ctied Pt the le�;�lity o� the � ' �.ctio?� of t;he Council in providi n� ror f�ee uFe of the � - - 8� � - _ _.__._ _. __ ... . . . - • . • - • � - �-, - ,�- --�--: ------ -, --__ - -- ��.�- . . ' _ ' . G ' ' ' �; • ' ' , � . � . . . - - r, s' , ., . - • . . . _ ._ . . , . . , , , - - -- - - .. - k,. . K. _ , �, .. � 1 ..._�.yr...�.� . ' '. . ' ._. � . �.."' ' ' -...._. ._._.. . .• . _ ' ' '.. _ ... ..._ _. ._ ._ .�.�r.._� J ' . , '• . . . , ` . � � • �„ r . � . / .. . . �II'• e70S . J• :�4j.�Ch°1]. --9 . • j ♦. � , • " •-, . � . . ; Auditoriu�. Ou� a'cten�ion h�s not b�en c�.11ed in the letter ` - of inluir� to �n� s�ecific case whe�z• fro� the f4c� situa��.on this of�ice could d.et�r�in� tha le�,�li�y oP �ny p�rti.cul�.r exp�nditura . BecL.uaa of t�s f�ct tha� ths qu2stion is not � 'speci�ic , ���e can ra.rdl;� p��s on the legali�c;� o� any action � which has b�en �a��n. •Tz can only c�ll your atten�ion to • �the .�ordir_�- o� S?c�ian 415 oz" ti�e C�?.rter, Y�hicli pr•o�rid.es . tna.t the Gouncil nay "�fh°rz th� u�� �s stric�ly �or t'_nz � � publi� p�rpose� o-r b�n��iL o� �11 the peo�lz o� St . Pau� a.nd ti�her� no �d!�it��.nc� �°a is c��rr;�d, " reir�bvi°se �'�►e Auni`GOriu� �t?nci i'or suc� e�pens� , a.n3 provirli n; further � tha� a� tne �ir�L o� �a'-1in� such ac�fon, tre use of tha bt?ild.�?�� shFll ba fr�z. � ' ' Yle re'Curn h�rP.�it�i �he �.etter to you o� the Uni- ; foraad F-irer"i��'cera of St . P��.�1, local I��o. �1, toga�her � , s�rith your '±et�e•r o� �r�nsri�`�Q1. . . � - - � �'ours ve ry �rt�ly,� � : _ , , . . � �Iarsha�.� �''.. �zSU?'ley , . � - - . Assist�nt Corporat3on Counsel , , . . � � . � - . � ' � !j . . - . . . � � . • I, • �� ,� . * _ . . i! � • _ • �; ' . ' • _ , . . j' " . . i • - ' l�iF'-I"i-U � ' . ' � • ' , . - � . . . , . ' . \ ' - . , ; . . - . . . �,�. ��__ . . - . - � � ' - - -� - - - --___... .__._._._�. _ . ��-- , � � . . _ - � . . � , � . . - � , . . .,_>_�_ __...._T- _... _ ._. _ ,• . ._ .:, .._ .� ..- -. . . . .. _ , i: L , i. �. . . _ • r,�' ` ����5' . �� ' ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIO�i ' OF SUI�fZT-lTiIIVERSITY OPPQRTU,IITY Bi3REAV, YNC. . . .j, . . . . � . He, th� undersigned� for Che purpose of form3ng a corporatio:� under and • �• - pursusnt to the p�ovisions of Chapter 317 Minneaot� Statutes� kno�-n as the � Minnaaota Nonprofit Gorpora�ion Act� do h�reby ausociate ourselves tog�ther � . � ae a body corporate und adopt th� following Articlea of Ir�corporation. . . � .� ARTICLE I. - The n�me of the coiporation 9ha11 be SLTt�IIT-UPJZVERS�TY OPPORTUPIITY BUREAU� INC. � ' ARTICLE II. • . - The purpose of this corpor�tion ahall be to create a mpan� by which youth included but not li�ft�d to the ag�s of 13-27 c�m acquir� part tine and full time ea�ploq�ent and to pror:flte e�ployment o�porCuafties for disadv�nt�aged youth in the City of SainC P�ul, Minneaota aad aurrounding co�unities; to advance the proTUO�fou of sacial �a�lfare i� the City of Saint Pnul �nd aurrounding cor�uunitiea� and to coo�era�e e�fth all other organizatior�s az�d governm�uta�l agencies snrl thefr officer� or ag�n2� who have the�e a�►�e broad purpoeeo ir. view. Th� corporution �y in g�ner�tl do all things a�ceasary and incid�ntal to th��� purpoaes inciuding but not limited to the fa1loF�ing; to loan and borrow uzflney, to hold any inte�e�t ��hatQOev�r in real and p�raon�l pro�erty, Co receive gift� and grants, and eo provide and conr�uct �all necessary facilities ' to puzsu� these purpo�es. � � ARTICLE III. , � In the Qv�nt thi� corporstioa becoraea inactive or dis�olvea, tha proceeda . on hand ahall b� dfstributed for religioua� charifiable and educatioaal purpoaes in conform3ty with the purpos�o of this corporation. ARTICI� N. � � The period of daration of corporate exiatence o{� this corporntion ahall be . perpetual. A�tTICLE Y. � - Thic� corparation shall not affoxd pecuniary gein, incidentially or otherwice . to its direc[ors, officera, or �emb�rs. � AItTICLg VI. � The locntion of the regi��ered office of tteis cor�oration shall be Saint Paul, Mianesot�. � . • - � i , v � � ' � ARTICLE VII. The namea and addreasea of the incorporatore� who shall al�o form the ffrat Boerd of Directore� are= • Lea H. I,ov�joy 776 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul� Minne�ota Sherm�n W. Furlong 1349 McAfce Strcer, S�ainC Pau]., riinaenota " t�i�rtin R. I.�wis� Jr. ].345 Farrin3�on Street� Saint Paul, �4innesota , Bill Turner 775 Carrflll Avenue, Saint Paul, Minn�aot� Franci� J. Wirl 754 Ashland Av�nue, Saint Paul� Minnesot� � � • ARTICLE �7III. - � ' • . , The number of directors constituting the first Board of D3rectors �of this corporafiion shall be no nore thaa 10 (ten) and the tenure in office of such first board of directors shall be 2 (two) yeara, or until succee�o�s �re � elected or qualified. • i 1 � ARTICLE IX. Neither of th� m�cabers of this oorpora�fon shsll have �ny peraoaal liability � for corpornte obligations. " ' , ARTICL� $. , Thie corporation sl�all hav� no c��itul s�ock, �nd tha corporration �hsll hnv� • uo authority to i�su� capitul etoc�. II� TESTI2s0:d'I 4�iEP.EOF� we, hava hereunto atabocrib�d our banes this-�C� day of •Z�.�—���, , 1968. . _�-... WI�i���S�S:-'__'�-.""�--.._,---- � • . /� � : /'' " _ /�( • .. , Y ••� .C����il�-.�„-,'� .�1.��-'Zi r' � J , � � / ♦^ � r � _ G�i.�i� " ll.__�--�// �� ' Zf. ,� � / �-''✓l�, ! ' ' � � ���' d��C.��.� �/ .-�/� � ' • ' �t1%%l;-Y�� �..�/ _ni r � �.��` • � 1(` (1 �7 �'4-1 � ���.� � ' � • . STATB OF rII�;N�S�A es. COIJi`ITY OF RA144LSE�f On this _ 9fG� day of ��fi�A�!%� , 1968, before m� a ATot$ry Public �i�t�hin and • for said County and State, p�rsonall� ap�e�red �°e ?�. Love�oy, Sher:�an �r. , F�Zrlon�, �iartin R. Lswis, Jr. Bill iurner; �ancis J. ?•lirl to r� kno:�m ta be the persons describ�d in and who executed the foregoing instru�eat, and acknowledged that they e;;ecuted th€ same as their free act and deed. �l-c�-�:�� f= - �,f.�.--��./��`�'' � � - . �arp Public Famsey County, I4ianesota R � My co�mmisaion expirea 10HN STECH 111 I . Notary Public, Ramsey County, C;i��. ' • , My Commission Expires Se�t.18,19?3 � r t • � ' � � ' k . . ' - .... .- � ..- .....�.� �.,_- .... - ..... . "'"' '_ "' -" ' ' ' ' ,� .. , .. • -� r_.-,.. " . BY-L�':!:i OF c;j:��i,�Im�TTi;:'/�R.;ITY 0?�RT'f'ri1TY 3U�?�•�U� INC. CtI!1PT�'R I. ' I'/�',�lE �. .., T!Ze narae of tl�i s c��nr.�ra',:i.on s��-�11 be th� SU"if•;I�-UPdI!rE!ZSITY UI�PORTT�;•TTi'y BU��aU, INC. . � !:i?:1PTER IT. .. . , , - ' ?'URF'���r � mha rurao ae of t}�i�: co�•�+�ra`io�, sh�11 re to cre�;e � rr,eans by wt�ich �outh ir.cluded hi�t not lirr,�ted. to the a�es of 1j-17 ca�� acZuire part tir�e an-� f�ill ti�ne e�*�ployr.�ent and to oro�nott �rn.��.oyment o;�nort�.�nities for di��daant?ged �:n�_�th in �he city of S;iint Da�.il, Minneso±^ and sur�;�>>n:l�ng c��mmt�nities; to advance the promotion of secial ��In1f�T'@ in tti^ Cit3� �f `:-�znt Pa�tl anci siirrounding comc►urities, a.nd t�� cooper:�te �•�ith all otrer or,a,ai,i�=�t�.�nc= a,�r'. �ov�riime*:tal agencies �r_d their officerG or a�ent� w:�o r�ve t�ese sar�e broac� �urt:�;se� i� view. `?'he eort orat�on m� in �ener�.�l cl� all �h�ng� necessar�► :�n� in�i�3�n`:�? to tl�e�e rnzr�r�ses inc]»din� but nnt li.mited to the follo�•�in`; ±o. loan and Uorr�:�: �nonPy} to liol�i an_f interest w'�at�oever in reat and personal nropertf, to receive �ift� :�nd t;rc{rt;;,' a�d tc orovide and conduct all nece:,sary f�c_lities �o ��ursi,e these ��xr��oc�s. � � CH!;F�'?'�R II I. - � 0'r r IC�S . Section 1. 'P�e offic�rs of tt-!is corporation s!:all be a �p�ssiden*., a vice presiden+, � a secretarf, �. treasurer, ar.d �n office rnan tgrr. , � Section c. �fficers sh�ll he :3npoint?d '�y the board of di.rectors from members of the corn�r.=�tion a.�d mzv also be di.rPC+.ors, I . - . � Section 3. The �oar3 of dir,ectors may also aopoint surh� ��ther n_fficer� and agents - at it eh:�ll �lsem r.ecess�.rf, ���1ho slzal� holc� thPir offices for s}xc�1 terr�s am� .�n��'_? exerci.se s�ich. �awers ard L?2`:FO?'!�] sucti dutie� as sh�ll be determined from tim� to time b�r the �oard. • 'I . Ser_t;ic�n 4. ?'he officPr� af the corn�ration sha11 hol.d office :�nti t t'r.�ir successors are chose�i �:�d s}iul.l ol�alif,y. �►ny off�ce» elected or appo.in��� by '�•h��bo�rd of direct�rs rtay be rem�ved �t �.�.y ti�e t�y the affirmative vote of 1 ?/?� ru�jor�t.y o� t}:2 ��hole board of directo.rs. If t;�e of.fi ce of ar,y offir:er or officers be<;omes ��c:�rit for any r��ason, , th� vac_incv sh�.11 ��e �iJ_le� t�;,r t�:e a�firm�tive votP of �� r��jnrity of t��e 3a�1r�. � Section 5. Off�cers or� :nein��nr�� of tYie 3oard m�y serve in no (fIJI`8 tran ? (two) officer capacita.es ��t ar.y time. 'I ' 04T'ICrR:i DUTI�S :��R�%qEI?�XF�Iff�?�� �IiAPT�.�Z'I�i /" • Sectio� .l. ?resident The nresidet:t ,,1��t11 ��e the clli.ef exec�ih,ive officer :�� the corporation; he �hall nrPSi�3e at a'1 a�eetin;s o° tue e�ember:; and directcrs; ha s�1=�11 h�ve �er.er�l ac�tive r.i�na,e:���n� �f th:.�. l)LI:i�LRP.J•7 of tl�e corn�r�tion; 4i� ,h<�il �ec t���..t �+11 or�er� an� rp::olutior.� ��f tlZC 'io�r�� ar� carried 'i.nto erfect; he �t�alJ ex�ca�� a.l.'_ � bond.�'i� ':1�17't��^;°''S A:7�7 Ot�141Y' CO?l�l'1•�t.�'i 4!'�E.'?: :+O �u+.hort�.e;l ?�y t!�e ���r� :�f ri�.I�°.CtO:c� he shall ?�e ex-of°iC 1�� r+emb•:r of all cor:�m�.t±:e�s, �nd shzll ha„� t�e �e�i�r:1 -�rs:ers �•�3 �11�;1.65 of s>>pc:.rv�iszor_ ::r_�� ?laP.';c"?TE'rt �l�u:�lly ��PJ:P� :L^. th•' C`f�1C? GF ��"@81�'��:?t _� ' CQ'_'DOl'�.�:1011. I!? ±}?C' 3h5^riC° OfVtrr' �T'@S1��P,I7� f tt18 V1Ce— ,'•�I'C�l+.er� cf.-^_ll 2^�L?�Tle ,•i_�_ "•JI'Cal�F'il±?:l� !jUt12S UTIf;�I f�l?"t'!12T' 1'?Otl.Ce' 7f t�'?r? ?�O'�T'G O:� _ti i E',�tn1"£. . Sectior. �. �Iice-�re�i:ent. T�i.�. V1CP-nresider_t sii�ll verc��-m si�ch ��itti.�G a: �t�e ��re�ident a:�ci tii�� '?oard ��:' �i.rector� rrescribe. i Sectzon 3. :"ecr��.�.r;��. �Y:•� „ecr±�tar;,� s?�alt •?.tt��r.d all sP�s�.ons o£ +:L:P ��>zrd ar_�i �17. me^ti:���� of t�c�= mem';�i•� and ^er,ord al? vo�e� �r_d t��e ^��i.*:�.i*.�s of -.11 ;'rpL��_li�;s l.`1 � b001{ IC?Tt i0I' tl��+ p��r�OS@. �?a ,�l.;�ll �1;r�3� OT C,^..'.1;02 t�` ��E.' �3ven, � ��ot.ic� r+,P '1�� . �P � } ��n �' tt n r rr?r,F.n;'^ �n�] t•%'�,-� � � �,�.�.(•„r•r: r'ii�•li •rl lir,i. I ._ c�t1Ti�8 Of fl° ^.I''.}P_Y'S :'..^.3 7 ._ 7'�'t_ � 7f �l , . `��1t1eG 2S f:1Q�' �? n:'��5�1'1r��2 ��� fil:. .;OL:Z'ti nY' :�f }'f'r• �iL•�..::'i���:lil.� �tC���r.�. .,Vi��:i�• . ����..�•.� � :I��ii . � ne =h3.1,1 bP. . ; { � , � ♦ ,, , _._. .---- - --- - � , ..._...._.__,,. .. .�... -- - - - , .. __. . � f .. i ; s � � . � 1 j .� Y . � , - �;f� . ,. . �� i � ' " . � • , � CHAPTER IV. cont. • � ! 4' Section 5. Treasurer. The treasurer shall have the responsibility of the corporate funds and securities and shall have full and accnrate account of � ' � rece�pts and disbursements in books belon�ing to the corporation and shall ��, ' depc�sit all r;ionies, 1nd other valuable effects in the n�une and to the credit � �� ' of the corporation, in such depositories as may be disi�nated by the Board. ; . , He shall disburse the funds of the corporatiori in the manr.er prescribed by � the Roard, takin� the proper vonchers of such disburaements, and shall render �� . �o �hv president and directors, at the re�ular meetings of the Board or aihenever they may require it an account of all his transcations as treasurer and of the financial condition of the corporation, h e stiall give the corporation � bond � if required by a majority of the Board, for tlie faithful performance of the ': ' duties of fiis office, and for the restoration to the co�poration, in the case � � of his dea.th, resi�nation, retirement or removal from office, of all books� ' papere, vouchers, money, and other property, o�• �rhatever lcind in his_ possession r . or under his control, be?on�ing to the corporation. ._.� - i . . C�APTER V. . - -` , . _ . I� .. . _ . . • � BOARD OF DIP.ECTORS AND POTr7ERS ` r • :� , . . �, . . Section 1. The management of the affairs of this corporation shall be vested , ' . . . , • in a Board of no more than 10 Director.s, but provision is hereby allowed for ,, • � . increasing the Board by two (2) members at each annual meeting if desired, until � � no more than 20 Directors are appointed. 1 , , � , Officers of the corporation who are of legal age shall be members of the Board, t � � • those under legal age will be non voting members of the Board and will serve in � advisory capacities. Seven (7) members of the Board as thus composed shall constitute . a quorum for the transaction of any organization business,' however if the Board , is increased 2/3 of the members of the Board of Directors shall be considered ; , a quorum, • , Section 2. The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings Qf least twice ' each month at such time .and�place as may .from time to time be fixed by said Board. ; � F]ritten or peysonal notice shall be given to each member of the Board of Directors : for all special neetings. - Section 3. The Directors of the Corporation shall hold office until their ' � successors are chosen and qualify. Any Director elected or appointed by the ' . � Board of Directors may be removed with or without cause at any time by the i �ffsrm���zue��vote:.:of:•:a"Z/3�•m��o��ty of the whole Board of Directors. If the � . office of any director becomes vacant for any reason, �he vacancy shall be �. filled for �the period of the unexpired term by the aff¢rmative vote of a - , majority of the whole Board of Directors. • � ' - ' Section 4. If the office of any Director or any office or agent becomes , ; � " vacant by reason of dea�h, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal � from office, creation of a new office, or otherwise, the Directors then in , office, although less than a quorum, by a majority vote, shall choose a �� �� successor or successors, who shall hold office for the unexpired term in . ' respect of which auch vacancy occurred. ! � �HAPTER VI ' i . � MEMBERSHIP • , ' Section 1. Classes of Membership. There shall be three classes of inember- • ship in this organiaation to wit; working membership, advisory membership and ' - � contributing membership. , - . I ; � Section 2. Working Membershi . Any youth who is involv.ed in the program � ' of the organization shall be consider�d a working member and shall be ' � ; eligible to vote for members of the Board of Directors. ' , � Section 3. Advisory hlembership.Advisory members will be selected by the � � � ! . Board of Directors from the community at large and may bec�mo votinp, m�rnLorci � . of the corporation at the descretion of the Board. � . • � . . t • , t �_ ._�� � -. - - • ; ;- . - -- - - - - -- -- -__ . _ ._ . .._ _: . ._�_ . - ---�----_;- ,. - El . . . _ - � ' ' � - - ' ' ' .. .�. . t _..__. _ ' . .. - .. . __. � _ .� r � �4 � � ~ Section 4. Contributing Member5��p. Individuals or organizations who shall � . from time to time assist the corporation�"financially will be accorded a membership in the corporation and may be accorded the right�� to vote for directors. Secti�on 5. Other Memberships. The Board of Directors in its regular - sessions may establish other classes of inemberships in the corporation as it � would deem necessary or desirable. • ' � " . .�.. - CHAPTER VII ' ,. Section 1. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of this organization shall be held in the month of March or April or May at such time and place as may be ' fixed by the Board of Direc�ors. ' • " Section 2. Regular ideetings. Regular m���ing of the organization shall be ' held at such time and places as the Board of Directors shall designate. ' . • • � :; ' ' Section 3. S�ecial Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by the President and must be called by the President upon presentation to him of a petition in writing signed by (10) percent of the active members, provided that no less than three (3) days written notice shall be given to the members in advance of such special meeting. It shall be the duty of the seeretary to notify the members of the time,place and purpose of any special ' " � me�ting. . - , _ Section 4. Quorum. Twenty (20) percent of the active members in good stand- ing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the members. CHAPTER VIII � � ." , � . _ Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings 6� all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the organization. � . :CHAPTER IX � AMENDMENTS ' _ . ' � � � Section 1. Amendment or repeal to these By-Laws may be proposed either � by a resolution of the Baard of Directors or by resolution submitted by thirty � (30) percent of the members of this organization. !, Section 2. At least seven (7) days notice shall be given to the general ' membership prior to the regularly scheduled meeting when said proposed amendment . � � will be decided. . � . , . , � . .. � . i � - t ,� � • • , ' � . r. - � . - � , • ' - 3_ ..—_ - -- --- --- - � .. • �. . . . .._. ___: . - . — - - - � --• --� -•- � -- --•-- - -- . - — . � , . . . .� . . e ' ' '�. ,� , .. �,�. ..-�1; . • -. '_ "-� ' ... - ' ' "-^ "' ' ' , _. .,..��. ._.. . , . . -. � . -. - ,-'- . .� . . ,�, � ;� �� � . . ' r - • • ' ' ' ^� • � . ' - - - 7''"i � - '�...,,_� .�.._,...___.,.... . � . - .. � . ' . ' '- - .. ' -•,_ � _. _ .-� _,.ai • . ' Ar�a Cod�il2 ���Y °P PAUL J. KELLY ' �121 tisb � 't� THOMAS J.STEARNS "• JON R. DUCKSTAD ' a r::"� -� .. � :���' y 11RTHUR M. NELSON ,�s'�-�^ � �c' JEROME J.SEGAI , iHOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL JAMES W. KENNEY First Assistant CI�'X OF SAINT PAUL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK GERALD H.SWANSON DANIEL A.KLAS • GORDON C. �dOOSBRUGGER • Sp�c1a1 Asststant ' LEGAL DEPARTMENT PAUL F.McCLOSKEY,JR. 316 City Hall, St. Paul. Mlnaesota 55102 ;_ � .IOSEPH P. SOMMERS ' ) ���� �/ Corvoration Counsel May 14, 1968 � Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell • City. Comptroller � City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Mitchell: � Re: Urban Coalition Funds In ypur letter dated May 6, 1968, you inquire regard.ing the expenditure of funds as proposed in a resolution prepared for submission to the Council, a copy of which is attached. You also inquire regarding the authority for expenditure of public funds in the amount of $1,500.00 to the Summit-University Opportunity Bureau, Inc. , said sum to be paid from the Urban Coa- lition Fund, activity 0021. ' It .appears from a reading of the aforesaid resolution and the articles of incorporation and the by-laws of said Summit- University Opportunity Bureau, Inc. that said corporation is - organized for public purposes rather than private purposes. � Article II of said �rticles of incorporation provides as � follo��s: • "The purpose of this corporation shall be to create ' a means by which youth included but not limited to the ages of 13-17 can acquire part time and full time employment and to promote employment oppor- tunities for disadvantaged youth in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and surrounding communities; . to advance the promotion of social welfare in the City of Saint Paul and surroundina communities, and to cooperate with all other organizations and govern- mental agencies and their officers or agents who have . \ . � � . ' �� . - - . _ . � . _. _. _ _ _.__�, , . ,�. � F � __ . • : - _ _ �_- . "_- .� _ . •- • - • - --. ....._ • - . �. •C . �' � �• . � � , ' ' i. { • • ' , � • • . S - ... .. _..._ _ . � ' , . � _ • . , �L ' .. , _ ._ �. __.. - - - y � _: .!_i i7' __ . . _. • ...;..1.�,._. .j; . r � ' Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell 2 - May 14, 1968 •: : � these same broad purposes in view. The corporation may in general do all things necessary and incidental to these purposes including but not limited to the following; to loan and borro�v money, to hold any interest whatsoever in real and personal property, � to receive gifts and grants, and to provide and conduct . all necessary facilities to pursue these purposes. " „ The general rule is that public funds can be appropriated and expended by a municipality for public purposes only. The legality, therefore, of any proposed expenditure depends upon whether it is determined on the facts that it is a public purpose. This question has ]�een the subject of earlier opinions issued from this office. In an opinion dated September 20, 1947, by then Assistant Corporation Counsel Marshall F. Hurley, this subject was discussed at some length. I refer you to that opinion, a copy of which is attached. . In that opinion it was held that expenditures for the St. Paul Institute, the Wilder Charities, the International Institute, and the , Armory were held to be proper as being for public purposes. Your attention is directed particularly to page two of the opinion where the Minnesota Suprene Court in Burns 'v. Esslinq, 151 Minn. 171, had thi� to say: "The wisdom or� expediency of a proposed ex- ' penditure of the taxpayers' money ior such purposes is to be determined solely by the legislature or by the local authorities to whom legislative powers ' have been delegated. But public funds can only be � expended for public purposes and the courts must determine whethez a given expenditure is for such a purpose, and will enjoin it at the suit of a taxpayer if it is not. * * * It is well settled that, if the primary object of an expenditure of municipal funds is to subserve a public purpose,� the expenditure is � legal, although it may also involve as an incident � an expenditure which, standing alone, would not be ti, s _ __ ___.-- _ _ - . -- � - - . - • �� - • , - --- ..�. ��- --��...�. _ . ._ �-. . • - �. . . � � ; �- -- ---- ° ,. � •- _.. �Y- ._. ��.—�- �r �•= — �ss�ti= : • ,., .,., • '_„�,�_�,,.,� ' � , . •- , " - � . : . , . � ' f � ' ' ' . _ �c, � , , . -.�. ..> iS' ' . .__...,�...�.. __ . . • ' .. _ � _. ._ " . ._ -, i':�' - ' - _ .._... -_ •__..�:.,�.� , , ' ,j.. • t � Mr. �7'oseph J. Mitchell 3 May 14, 1968 •• • � lawful. It .is equally well settled that i�f the primary object is to promote some private end, � . the expenditure is illegal, although it may inci- dentally serve some public purpose also. * * * . � ' The courts as a rule have attempted no judicial • - definition of a public as distinguished from a . private purpose, but have left each case to be determined by its own peculiar circumstances. " • Earlier the Minnesota Supreme Court in City of Minneapolis v. Janney, 86 Minn. 111, quoted with approval the following language from Town v. Park, 50 Vt. 178: "It is agreed on all hands that the money of the citizen can be taken under the guise of taxation only when it is appropriated to a public � purpose. � * * No formula has yet been devised by which to deternine what is or is not a public use . or purpose, within the meaning of the constitutional prohibition; . but it is clear that the ultimate advantage of the public, as contradistinguished from that of the individual, is its characteristic feature. It is true that a pronosed work may be of great utility to both the public and the individual, and still, according to cir- cumstances, be either public or private in its character and quality. ' Men set up systems of government in order to subserve certain public ends, and reach advantages that could �ot otherwise be made available. The state is clothed with �the trust of answering these ends. It . is not to be limited to the mere duty of governing the people by the exercise of its police power, but it has ' a higher duty,- to promote the educational interests of the people, encourage their industrial pursuits, develop its material resources, and foster its commercial interests, • by providing all reasonable facilities demanded by a prudent , regard for the growth, development and general prosperity of a free people; and the state is not to be tied down to any nairow and merely utilitarian policy in promoting the • prosperity of its citizens. The problem is not how little, - \ � � . ..__.- ;, - - - ,_ _. . • _ . ; . . .. - . - --� __ .--- . _.. . �,,s,._.,. , . - ,.: . � . • • ' .� . � . , , _� ' - , . .� . . .�. _ �. ._ . __ _ _ �_._ __ . . -,. __ � � ,� • � • r , �. . • •• - 1 , - � -- - - ....,..r. . , _ . ' • , , . _ � . - . - - . �`__` u - - - ' " • -_:.iL�� .. � . •i�. . Mr. Joseph J. Nlitchell 4 May 14, 1968 •: : but how much, can be done to elevate the people to the highest plane of material and political prosperity�. Schools, colleges, charitable and reformatory insti- tutions, institutions for the developr,ient of the arts and sciences, roads, bridges, canals, and countless ' other internal improvements have been established and • constructed at the public expense by all thrifty states, ancient and modern, and no serious question has been � � made as to the propriety of such expenditures. " It is my opinion therefore, that the aforesaid expenditure is legal and proper. Very truly yo s, OSEPH P. S 4MERS Corporation Counsel ` P�'�'� . . �;.�, �i DANIEL A. KLAS Special Assistant Corporation Counsel DAK: j a attach. , -T-r-•�--+----�-�q--r-.t *r _' _ -r . . _ ._ �.. . . �... • .- '_ . CT...-.. 1 • . _ . ' � • . • , `; ' . . . � . _ . _ . � � ' ' - . = i - - " 1 ` ,, i .. � � 4 � . � _ � May 15, 1968 ' ' - , . �. � - , " Mr. Harry Marahall � - City Clerk.` ,. . - � . � City Hall � Court-Aouae St. Paul, Minneaota 55102 Dear Mr. Marahall: �' We have been notified that our requeat for funda haa been approved by the city council and we are in receipt of a copy of the reaolution. As atated previoualy, our booka will be open for inapection at any time and we alao agree to furniah auch financial reporta required� in the recommended form. Sincerel _�� f Mr, F.Thomaa Teiii�ant, Preaident Summit Univeraity Opportunity Bureau, Inc. 546 Concordia Avenue , St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 FTT:j 1d �1 .lFst��S%<' �Y''[P�ii' ,r:1�, 9 r ��r^i�'��� i �i. ,'y . -�- a!'s. v, ; e;. ^{��' �tN"t!Y',!,+tb.-,i'.� _+�� �_w-^sF" P.y�.:. a����r ,i,c.�v,�:�;.'n,,�'�� �. �'�} - �b'�-�t :i�� `, . ��r�r i•�j �'�'� `s'p�°. ��:.,��" 4" _ ' j .,� �S��i�Ii?� 5�t��^�•� �+ •� "�� ,k„� � ,s*.'�+�7sar.��'��r1.�4 �•�1 � '�,� ;�aF..� , `��L aY�''_' > �.sT('� . .. �..`i_ _.i,�%" �'.r �S,d�."1�" � � :'�,,F,�F` ��' y�, ¢,..,��.. �r-t �`':i,..N'� .-.t' -�t S�+l�.� �.'_w.r., ,��, �++� •fr' . 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' ^'L � , :'£�ti_. . � �s. `.�L:i''�� \ `.:�__T.� �'�`'° .,-�;,�_ ; , expr�s�� p�trpose,s� �fQr wh,�ieh ���d . ��,����= �� -��``�� ��: �-= .'���}�-.c�oxporation was foi^�ed, include°�qoopeg�tion �vit2i� theN City.,;;',���� ,�:���.a��#��:";�� ' - �,,.� ,.� ��.Y1:Z�: � a.ti•^+'y^ 7 - � '�,'k, '3�,4;r,E�� ,•H.',�."' ��-;.Mr.,:= '=� ;���o� :S�int Paul, the �Human� Ri,ght� �Co�.is�►ion o�-`t�ie City o ��. �� �r:��4. t'�:"�`.x �,:� ; , .. ,_ >. .. �� __��F•�+, v" f,,:"=�i,. , ���. ' s;,��� ,� 1 i �o.�..�� :'Q �. 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That Summit—IInivereity Opportunity Buresu, Ino.� �--z � �� �'� �-�f agree that it will, not leas ottem than eve �� ���" ry s�lz months, �` , �il�e a report with the of�iee at the City Comptroller oY tlie • � . r ' Ci�y o� Saint Paul, repor�ang ' on`the e$penditures 4rom the � . �.� •. .. � � .� aforesaid grant of �1,500; -, . . , . , � � , �� r be i t � . , ' • , ' �,, ' , r - , - _ . , � - � '"�'�.:~:"� _ ,. -� ��:�= FURTHER RESOLVED, That�the `proper City •of ftoers� are .. �.�=`°._ �.�� .•�-ix : ��hereby authorizecl an.d directed to iseue a City draYt �.n the � ' � � "�.,; •t� ; ., amount oP �p1 00 a able to "the Summit- ' ', � �� � ;:.*; ,; . �h ,5 p Y University Opportunity ,_y ;,, - Bureau� Inc. for the purpasea set.forth in th3s Resolution; � . = � �r � � be it . , ,: - . f` }�:�'�, ± FIIRTHER RESOL�/E � � � ' , • ., ` ° , � Y D� That� thie Re~aolution ah�11 be - .. �- , ::,��� `� �,r ,,,�= .. effeotive upon its paea�ge and publfoation, and upon gili,ng ` 4 ' .;�-Y ,. .�,-.. . ,�,..;.:� �r�,�: :, . o a letter of aooeptance by the 'Summit—Un�.vereity Opportunity , + �� �:�„� ;� Bureau, Ino. with the City Clerk� agreeing to abide by and �t�"`� � -; ° ` �5 ����" � be bound by the terms, provisions and conditfona of thie :. t,;;*, � - �;';��`. Resolution. � • . ` , -�� t •�Y • , • • , ` �� `�- . , f , s ; �e�y�* $_ ' ,. .. � _ � _ � ,. ' i � ;! ' `„`. .4 .Jf 3� • . • k , � , : k - ' ' , . , . � , . � "a - '`r� _. � . , , . . � • �Y."t�"t` . . 1 , " ' , . �, �, � ... ` . .ti.•, �;Af�'.t.. ' , ; ^ � � •i� ,�4,- � - • .' ' - , , �r '' • ' , ' , ' _ ' • „ • . '-��,��,,"i`r ' e .. . , ' '�,�� " ' � • .;r._. � . , - i, 1� Y, %,F a� '��=*� .- . _ p,-'- ' • f. ' _ . :`. :��". .. , � � - - , .. , , . . . , �y • -�v- � y, ��«�r., . ` ' . • ', A_ x~ . � � . �� � , . - � � :� , � - MAY 1 �+ �96� �� �T-°±� 1��'l' " COUNCILMEN � � y � `� Adopted by the�fCouncil � � t °�^, �:�..�'• • , 19� ?-" '.: ��Y. . ., . . ' ,� ¢.i..y:� ..Yeas � NaYa . �4�A�` � �3 �9�� . 'x..rr;�;.��. ;t�.'�f�''� �-�Carlson . � .�: - � . �r� ;�'� - � �' Dalglish ° . � � � � Approved � �19`_ � �:1���3,�- .e ,.., Holland R • ' T -� � � � • .� . _ • . , ' .. I�•- J ' , ''' " � n FaVOr � , - • '.', ; ������`. y < <`�� Meredith ` ' ' r� � =•� �;' . �,�c �"`�`:�:��- " - ' '' �' ' � ' � - , � Mayor �..-_��_;:�'Y "` .� � ;: Peterson , . . _ ;�r�;.;; r�s,�� _ .:;_ ' AgBirist -. , . • . , , • ' .. �`;rn : - �e : �Tedesco , . , .- s�'.r�z Yt" Mr.-President, Byrne . . . " � � .. , ' . r,' � ' . •^� �� ������t� `- ` ' ' � ', . , , '` , . ` •,c , 'A'tf.r�� . ;i;• °r' �R_ � w � ' . , � ' - . , , ' -' �r '�,�`' 1'�'��, ' ' . , , , . _ I:��� �`_—�,f-'JYY'., � " _ - _-.--.�_..___._. ..���—__..��___._.�_� � f. _' .� ' �d^'� - .` -- - ,- .-- _ ' . _. _ _ ._ 4e.-_��_ ' .. �..f�'k Mr. F.Thomas Tcnnant � � 360 Cedar Street ' St. Paul, Mianesota 55101 � �_^ �."�.z_, „� � ��r1T pq�`^�,T� • � � ��' G�:; �/;U.S.POSiAGE x; Maris�se '�.% , *� • , ,� ay �. O U u" � /y'N�• pp METER K , f.U.844266 .�c I Mr. Harry Marahall City Clerk City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � . . .-