04-624Council File # v•' V� r RESOLUTION Presented ay Referred To Committee: Date 1 W HEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has prepared a 2 Iayout for the improvement of part of Trunk Highway (T.H.) 94 that includes adding a third lane in 3 both directions, adding bus only shoulder fanes, widening and redecking of the highway bridges 4 over McKnight Road and Century Avenue, and reconstruct the northwest quadrant of McKnight 5 and T.H. 94, including a new west bound on-ramp. 6 7 WHEREAS, said layout is on file in the o�ce of the Department of Transportation in Saint PauY -� 8 Minnesota, being marked, labeled and identified as: Layout No. 1, T.H. 94 {SP 6283-170) vicinity of 9 Ramsey County and Washington County from 0.1 miles east of Ruth Street to 0.3 miles east of 10 T.H. 120 (CenturyAvenue); and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the City requires, and MnIDOT concurs, that all properties that front on Hudson Road/Frontage Road and/or McKnight Road shall maintain full access to McKnight Road and T.H. 94, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOIVED, that the Saint Paul City Gouncil hereby approves the layout for the improvements to T.H. 94, and associated local improvements, from the east corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul to 0.1 miles east of Ruth Street, and THEREFORE BE fT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff continue to work with Mn/DOT on this project through final design and construction and if there are any unresolved access issues or major changes to the layout, bring them before the City Council for review and action. Requested by of : by Office of Finanoial . BY• Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Green sheet # 204259 OF SAINT PAUL, MIPINESOTA /9 Form Approved by City AtCOrney r�� ay- �ay DEPARiMENT/OFFICFICAUNCIL A��Nrr�,�o 204259 , PublicWorks s�s,oa GREEN SHEET No. R�AUDAtE INSMUDATE MACTPER$pN&PHONE ��DEPAKIMENTDIRECTOR �CffYCAUNCIL Mike Klassen 266-6209 �x u�RwR ��cmnnorwEV ❑cmc�wc MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DA7E) �+ I� gUDGET DIRECTOR ❑ FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR AS soon as possible �� MAYOR(ORASSI5TANi) � Mike Klassen OTALMOFSiC>Nq7UREPAGES 'I (CLIPALLLOCA710NSFORSIGNA7UR� uASSOCIATE uDEPT.ACCAUMAPf� ' 'Q�n / CiION REQUES7ED rove the attacfied City Council Resotution approving tfie layout prepared by ihe Departrnent of Transportation (MNDO� for mprovements of part of Trunk Highway (T.H.) 94, which includes adding a third lane in both directions, adding bus only shoulder lanes, 'dening and redecking of the highway bridges over McKnight Road and Century Avenue, and reconstruct the northwest quadrant of cKnight and T.H. 94, including a new west bound on-ramp. RECAMMENDpnONS: Apprwe (A) ar Rejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PtANNINGCAMMISSION CNILSFJ�VICECAMMISSION �, Hasthisperson/fifinevervrorkedunde�aconhadforthisdepartmenl? YES NO _CIB COMMIiTEE _ 2. HaS 1hi5 persoNfirtn eVef been a city employee? X SiAFF YES NO — 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill not noimally possessed by any curtent city employee? oISTRICTCAUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCILOBJECTNE? EXP�ain 211 yes anSWef50n 5epafate Sheet and aHaGh to green SheEt INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: Trunk Highways 94 is very congested regional facilities with designs that cannot safely meet the current traffic demand. Mn/DOT has worked with the two affected Counties and the 3 directly affected Cities, inctuding Saint Paul, to develop a layout that meets the regional needs, while being sensitive and responsive to the needs of the municipalities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The layout, as submitted, improves the safety and capacity of the regional system, while maintaining full access to McKnight Road and T.H. 94 for the businesses that front on Hudson/Frontage Road and/or McKnight Road. ����� � DISADVAN7AGE5IFAPPftOVED: � � �,�` , �� Noneknown. ��� i ���� �� ����,T����'��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Improvements as shown on The Mn/DOT layout improvements could not be made and would cause delays of these much needed regional and local improvements. This project directly affects 2 Counties and 2 others of which have approved or indicated theywill approved the Mn/DOT layout. ��a,eQ � JUt� � � 2(t04 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ -O- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE N/A ACINI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)