238526 , .'' ��--�� 4�
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CPeterusonlle No. 23852 B gobert F. '
Resolved, That upon .�e petltion of
Cli�ord C. and Donna Woad, that s��_
tion of be blic alleY hereinetter de_
S�ribed and the sarne hereby is
vacated anfl dtscontinued .as a public
�aT�t portion of the north.south
�e�S�between pg7�ce Avenue
east-west alleded south line oP the
Block 19,Ri Y �t gbuts 7�t k 7 .
subject eX r �ewood p�.g Addition;
ditions p ��' tO�e following con-
and reservatia�:
1' �t �e vacation be snbject ;
ect�ion?,e2gtoip-ms arld �°nditions;ot
as amended; �e����ve Code,
retain�edt on�rmaneat eas��asa d '
Portlon pp �e°ver and ac
tor construct,ion�ey tO be VBCated
of a' �d maintenance
3. That�the ewer; ° ..
tY the sum o tittbner PaY-to the
henCi r,�he vacat���Pe�a-
of �1.0 O.witti a bond in'the apinount�
Adopted by the Council M�y 10, 196g,
APAroved MaY 10. lggg. Ma
` --— (NlaY 18. 1968)