238525 r) �� • � ������ OF=GINAL TO CITY CLERK G� ,. __� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y COMMISSIONE ATF In the Matter of a hazardous building being that one story frame dwelling and un.attached shed l�.own and described as 288 Front Street � in the City of Saint Paul and sit— uated upon those premises legally described as the West 1/2 of Lot 5, � /` Block l, Beifelds Subdivision of r ` Lots 12, 13 and 14 Wilkin and Hayward' s Out Lots, according to the plat on file and of record in the office o� the Register of Deeds . in and for the Coun.ty of Ramsey, � State of Min.n.esota. WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 238092, �.�"� • approved'April 16, 1968, a public hearing was duly held on Thursday, - May 2, 1968, before the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the hazardous structures located at 288 Front Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and � WHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said hearing ' consisting� of photographs, inspection reports and the recommenda— tion of the City Architect,, it is found and determined by the � City Council that according to. the records and files in the of'fice ' of the Register oY Deeds , the last record own.er of the subject property is Edward J. Wehrkamp; that Frank L. Noyes is mortgagee, and that St. Paul Postal Employees Credit Union is mortgagee and . purchaser at mortgage foreclosure sale; and that there are no other lien holders of record; that it is further determined that the ' above—described hazardous buildings constitute a hazard within the :_ definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following " reasons: ; � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19`_ . Holland Tn Favor � - Meredith Peterson Mayor - A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne w �•� �O //�� 4 / \ 1. � • � . �/ , � . , .� �M1 `y � 23���5 Page 2. a. The building and shed are standing vacant, abandoned and subject to entry by unauthorized persons; , b. The exterior of the building is as follows: the window sills are rotted, window sashes and window frames are rotted, the cornice trim boards are rotting and there are . several holes in the siding material; � c. The interior of the building is as follows: the egcavated portion of the basement has a dirt floor, and a portion of the rear wall is missing, joist supporting posts are rotted, . the floors on the first •floor �a.re , � sagging, there are holes in the interior walls , floors and ceilings, plaster is badly cracked, loose and falling from the walls and ceilings , and the building is moving off the foundation, the plumbing system is inoperable, most of the electrical system has been removed from the building, and there is n.o heating system; d. The shed in the rear of the building is in a dilapidated condition and is beyond reasonable repair; e. The building in its present condition is unfit for human habitation and must be corrected to comply with the Buildin.g and Housing Codes of the City of Saint Paul; -. f. The building and shed constitute a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of their physical damage, dilapidation, abandonment and inade- quate maintenance; now, therefore, be it ., , � ., ' � . ��'� �* � 23������ ,,. ,�,; �. Page 3. RESOLVED, That in accordance with Min.nesota Statutes ,,,. _ Sections 463. 15 through 463. 26, and based upon the foregoing ° findings of the City Council, the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order: � ORDER 1. The owner of the above-described building and shed shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the pub.li.c_ health, - �-- safety _and�_we.lfare- b-yyhavzng-th:e �buiTding and shed razed�and the materials therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order or, in the alterna- tive, begin to repair and correct the hazardous conditions set out above by doing the following: a. Remove all paper and other combustible materials from the building and securely close , and keep closed all doors, windows or other � openings in the building during the period of rehabilitation; b. That the own.er submit a list of , intended corrections for the building and that the building and shed be repaired and the building and shed brought up to the standards of the Saint Paul Building and Housing Codes; that the list of intended corrections, together with a schedule for completion of the rebuild- ing, be� submitted to the office of the City Architect of the City of Saint Paul within thirty (30) days from the service of the Order, and that the own.er apply for the necessary building permits within that thirty (30) days. . " 2����5 • � O�IGINAL TO CITY CLERK' • - . , ��,, < CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 4. 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota, within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said building an.d shed will be made to the 'Ramsey County District Court. 3. In the event that the building and shed are to be ' razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgmen.t of the Dis- trict Court, all personal property o "r';-fix�.ures which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and removal of this building and shed shall be removed within ten (10) days �rom the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove ,and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided 'by law. 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolu- , tion and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record A owner of the above-described property and upon other interested parties in the manner provided by law. � �y1o196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays R�4Y 1 0 19 6� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ � � ��Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson J - Mayor A gainst T.erieSee— Mr. President, Byrne ������E� I�AY 18 1968 , PN�LIS#tE6 MAY 2 �-1968 ��1��� �I� 11968 `, �o � �ut�is�ES ,��y 81968 . • Yn Ana Cod�612 ��1TY pp8 PAUL J. KELLY " 273-5121 R� >�x THOMAS J.STEARNS o .� JON R. DUCKSfAD �� ���.i�g� �b ARTHUR M. NELSON � ms �'«� ti� JEROME J.SE6AL ... THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL JnMES W. KENNEY Flrst Assistant KENNEfH J. FITZP1ITRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL GO DON C.SMOOS RUGGER DANIEL A. KLAS Sp�etal Aut:tant LE6AL DEPARTMHNT PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. 316 Ctt�y Hall, St. Paai. Mt���sota S510Z � .IOSEPH P. SUMMFRS ��L�j'�� Corporetion Couns�l � May 9� 1 g 6 8 Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Recorder City Clerk' s Office Subject: 288 Front Street -- File No. 1929 Dear Sir: The Council held a hearing pertaining to the above— described hazardous building on May 2, 1g68. ' Upon adoption of the attached resolution, please forward to my attention eight (8) certified copies of the resolution. Your very truly, ♦ ' Je e J. S a Ass stant Corporation Counsel JJS�mlp Enclosure . LI�/" � . �T (� rs ^t• . � �q � °�'� , ;• y ti.' � i i . �. _,� CITY OF SAINT PAU �Z3 �5 ��� � ,-�``�'""''4 � Capital of Minnesota ' - ti - i 1 � �� � ` � i '.� �_ l � � _�-��5�� ,r- ��' - � 'OF—������ UJ DII�GS�� � ,`d� . 'p.�!��*���� r 1 'I[— �"« '!�""--�� rF- � �'��� � �'��eg+s,� , _ _. _. , ,� � 4ii�, `� _�i ` _ � � e�l � `` ___ -�- 445 Gity��aN� ,�/�: - _�`�, s •�i ..,_=,�,� .-- ' . . � _ 1� . y � "F� r �'•`!`:a � !.� *�::: " •+�'L;'�. . • . -- ' �r ' _ � '♦ • :, . _ , 'T 1 - .Y� �u ��.�✓?� _. . �� 'l�y��,� �._ � '� yiYS`��i.,Jr�* ' _ .'- �. + �j . ' �+�'�� S� `t 'tl �, �'��4 i:,, :�, '+zf .;':5�ti"."~ _ 'Y �s. M;�•�„yc, `y'r*{,a'•�'.�,i .. ;�° � ",=Ati. ?4� '`1 � _ �v` �Y-.� �__ _ ��^t��� ��1•I�� �k� 'Y� ,�� F i�:t� _����� � l��KTT�I�� �C BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 May 2, 1968 , Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 1929--288 Front Street Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the property known as 288 Front Street, a single family frame dwelling one story in height approximately 16'6�' wide, 37' long and 20 ' in height. It has only a partial basement, located in the kitchen area, approximately 12' x 12'. The building is vacant and apparently abandoned. It has recently been boarded up by the Public Works: Department. EXTERIOR. It is noted by our inspector that some of the roll roofing material has blown off the roof, the window sills are rotted, and almost all of the window s ashes and frames are rotted. The cornice trim boards are rotting and there are holes in several places through the siding material. BA5EMENT. The excavated portion approximately 12' square has only a dirt floor, and a portion of the rear wall is missing. There is evidence that the joist supporting posts are badly rotted. The only access to the bas ement is through a trap door in the kitchen. FIRST FLOOR, Contains four rooms and a bath. Floors are sagging, due to the failure of the supporting joists. There are holes through the interior walls, floors and ceilings. The plaster is badly cracked, loose and falling from the interior walls and ceilings. The building is starting to move off the foundation, probably due to failure of the supporting foundation and the rotting of the first floor joists. The plumbing system is inoperable in that the bathtub, toilet and kitchen sink are no longer connected to either water or waste piping. The electrical system is inoperable due to the fixtures and �switching, and most of the wiring has been removed. There is no heating system in the building. f , � .: w, � � � Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council -2- May 2, 1968 A 1Ox14' shed is in a dilapidated condition at the rear of the property. It has no foundation and is considered to be beyond reas onable2 repair. If it is the opinion of the owners of this property that it can be rehabilitated, it will be necessary that they submit the list of corrections which they propose regarding the structural condition of the building, as well as the electrical, plumbing and heating systems, with a schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation program, along with the application for permits. If the foregoing schedule is not submitted by the owners, it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition and abandonment, the above structures constitute a hazard to public health, . safety and welfare. It is the further recommendation of the City Architect that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the matter to the City AtEorney's office for submission of this con�.emnation to the District Court. ._...�._..,___ e y t yours, � . Ames City Architect RLA/mfs ` , cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal J. Talbot � Wm. Tirilrri ., i May 21, 1968 Hon. Thomas Kelley ' County Auditor Court House Dear Sir: The City Council requested me to nd y he attached copy of Council File No. 23�522 May 1968, with request to � . removal of the assess nts descr b d th in, from the 196fi tax lists. Very truly yours, _ City Clerk ng . � .