238511 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 238���� r CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL N�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .� UN IL RE�.0 N—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF , W�REAS, Crown Builders, Inc. has requested permission . to construct a public sewer within a public utility easement beginning at a point on the center line of Montana Avenue and at • a distance of 143.17 feet west of the west line of Westminster Street, thence running northerly" a distance of 35 �eet and thence running westerly a distance of 175. 0 feet and ending, . said public � sewer to serve Lots 24 through 30 and Lot 23 egcept the east 7 feet of the south g0 feet thereof, Block 12, and also Block 13, Dawson' s Lake Como and Phalen Avenue Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, The construction of the public sewer is a matter of extreme urgency and necessity to said Crown. Builders, Inc. ; and W�REAS, An ordinance, C. F. No. 238186, granting per— mission to said Crown. Builders, Inc. to proceed with the construc— tion of the said public sewer has been prepared and introduced to the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul on April 19, 1968, and has been read before said Council, with eventual adoption set to occur on May 7, 1g68; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in view of the extreme urgency of the request, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby autl�qrized and directed to issue a permit to Crown. Builders, Inc. for the construction of a public sewer within a public utility easement, subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in the ordinance, C. F. No. 238186, endi� before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, informal��$�rs��aYt3. construction being here— � by given in anticipation of the final adoption of said ordinance. � { FORM APPROVED . , , , _ -� ;_ . „`. __`.!:, .. . - , -- -=�- -Corporati� ou se - -_----- ---�-. _ _ _���_ .--.��_ AI•t '� COUNCILMEN 'a' Adopted by the Council �� � 196 g_ Yeas Nays - Carison i1�lY 919�� Dalglish „ � Approved 19—__ Holland � � Tn Favor , � �— Meredith � ��1� Mayor ��' � A gainst .n_.�_.._._ � _ �euCa�v , :.�w is,3.�,,.,�","�,°���e�;e�it,��?��::::'"� Nr; �Ee �re�a�� Y�eterson) P��LIS�IEB MAY 11 196� �o , ���i=�i� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL ' couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � F"E N�� k COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF WHEREAS, Cro�. Builders� I�c. has requested permission to construQt a public sewer s,rithin a publi:c utility easement beginning at a point on. the cemter 13.ne o� Montana Avenue and at a dietance of.,143.17 feet weat of the �,rest 1inQ. of, Tdestminster � Street, thence running noptherly � �distance of 35 � �eet and thence runni�ig westerly a dis�a.n.ee of 175.0 feet and ending, said public ses�er to serve Lots 24 �hrough 30 and Lot 23 except the east 7 feet of the south g0 Yeet thereof, Block ].2, an.d also Block 13, Dawson' s Lake Como and Phalen Aven.ue Addition to the City o� Saint Paul, Ramse� Cou�ty, l�in.�esota; and . � ��i�EA�t 3'IZe construction o� the publ.ac se��er is �, . matter of ��t�eme urgency an.d necessity to said C�own Builders; Inc. ; and, . . • �t�fiEREAS., !�n ordinance, C. F': t�o. 238186,. g�anting per- mission to said Croz,r� B�ilder�, I�.c. to ,proeeed with �he construc- tion of the said �public sewe� has Uee�. prepared and introduced to the Coune:.l o� ths Ci.ty of Sai�a.t Paul ora. April 19, 3.968� and has been read be�ore �said Couneil, �Jith: evei�tual adoption. set to � ocour on. Nlay '7, 1968;, noVr, therefore, be it , ' �ESOL�ED, '�hat �in yiew o3 the e�t�reme �a.rgenegr o.f the request, t�.e Co�a.missioner o� Publie 'i�To�ks is giereby aui:horized and direeted to issue a perinit to Croz,m Buildersi Inc.: �op the construction o3 ' a public sewer within a publie utility, e�sement, sub�ect to. the s�:rne conditions and requirements as set out in �the ordinarlce, C.; F. No. 238186?a����ng befors the Co.uneil of • the City of Saint Paul, imfo��al� said constructi:on: being here= by given in �anticipation o� the final adoption of said ordi�anee. . , � . • � . ` � � ` � M . . ��� � ����. COUNCILMEN ,' Adopted by the Council ` 19— Yeas Nays � ' , Carlson - �J`.�� � ���� Dalglish Approved 19—._ Holland . , , _ n Favor . . . � , . Meredith � -` • Mayor �ete�s� , � A gainst �e� ' �VI'r:�Presicleiit;'`$"'yirie o`:�,.� : ' lbdr,.Vsce.3'se:�i��t Z�'_�rson) ` , °��