238503 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23��03 , :, ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NQ. - ' ';a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � � OU CIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF W,EiEREAS, The State of Minnesota did proceed with a condem- - nation of certain lands for trunk highway purposes located in �' �a'rt:.of that area designated as The Midway Stadium and deacribed f;�,;� , as Pa�r�,cel 3�, S.P . 6215 (51=125) 902; and WHEREAS, An award of the Commisgioners in the total sum of $3�+6,900.00 was thereafter filed, and said State of Minnesota did appeal from said award to the District Court of Ramsey, County; and WHEREAS, trial of said appeal was commenced on December 5, 1966; a mistrial was ordered on December 6, Zg66; and the trial was recommenced on December 7, 1.g67, 'resulting in a verdict on December 13, 1967, in the amount of $170,100.00; and WI�REAS, respondent City of Saint Paul moved for a new trial - � and the Court granted such motion, and before the new trial �.. commenced the City of Saint Paul�ald� the State of Minnesota resolved their differences and agreed that the total amount of $250,000.00 may and shall be the stipulated award for the property involved, and shall be payable to the City of Saint Paul for its interest in the property; therefore, be it " �� - - ' �-;. RESOLVED, ;That the proper City officers "are authorized and directed to enter into and execute a stipulation for settlement as to the taking of that property located in The Midway Stadium area, on both sides of Snelling Avenue, and described as Parcel 3�-, S.P. 6215 (51=125) 902 for the total amount of $250,000.00, which � amount includes interest, and to which is credited the sum of �1�-0,000.00 heretofore paid by the State, leaving a balan.cs�}ofF _ 110,000.00 payable by the State to the City of Saint Paul. - FOR RO\ d � Asst., Corpor ion Counsel , �1��' 9 ���� COUNCILMEN i�, Adopted by the Council 19— �� Yeas Nays Carlson ' �A� � 9 �`���' Dalglish `"'' Approverl 19�_ Holland " �n Favor ,� � Meredith � ��9 Mayor . - s � -A gainst �i.;':f7p:i:�'sitlen�;�ri���3i����� P�i�LI�Hf� MAY 11 1968 Mr.V�ca President jP�Qereo� - �O