238501 , ...... �-w• L.r �.T �'a.. ��..� .+: .yT..S �. .�v t _ -� . f '�� i.�_ .�- ' . . =i � -.- - .. .� ]' . . -�: z . _ " � _ _ _
7 � 1 - • • � ` � '
; . ,-i . . . , . 23��0� �
, FINAL ORDER �-��- � �
. By �
. - File No. SR5�0
In the Matter of cona�ruc�.ing snd reconatructing the side�alk nn the eeg� +�ide
: of t3riggs �tre�t from �bb�rd Av�etrue ta Seeafnar� AvanueF the noxfh �fde �f 5emit�ax�3r
Av�uus fro� Griggs Street ta �ualep Street�aud an tl� ��ast �ide of ��].ap StreeC
fraw Sasiine�r �vent� to A�bbard Avnnue end� by doing alI other work vhich is aeceas- �
: - arq a�d incideatal tocoapZete 9aid iwprav�meat , •
under Preliminary Order 23�64� approved Marcb 14, 1968 .
� Intermediary Order approver� -
, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council �. '
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is
� ta cotistruct ancE. xQCOn�txuC� th� aide�lk on �he eaet aide of Griggs Stre�t fraa�
' Hubbard, Avenue to�8e��ry Atieune, ��ie aorth �ide of�Se�i�nriry Avenue frow Grfgga ` "
� � "` -' `�� � � Hubbard Avenue south �
' Stxee� to Dualap Strr.et s�nct oa t�e west aide of Dunlag 6txeet fro� '�ne�y-A�►sa�
�_approximately 13�+.2 feet abutting Lot l, Block 3, Gilberts Addition • _ .-
; �-ges�€erd�A��-�nd-by doing sll o�hes work vhich is aecesaQ� and incidental to
�' • compl�eEe said i�npro��n�, .eacep� �here gaod �nd snff3efent goured s�ds�a��� r►oW
�: - -
�'� " ex�st � -
- � • �� � "� ��
• � , . , • �.
and the Council hereby orders said improvement'to be made. ' '
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and �
directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, a,nd submit same to the Council for -
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- _
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
� �',)B�Y '� �965
' Adopted by the Council
Yeas �arlson Nays , . � {�� � ���$ _
Dalglish Approved
Ho�land .
Mered th ` ° < .
� ���_ J Tn Favor
T��� � ,1 , - ��$tqg Mayor .
�e9:a::�e:��'�i,..��:~:�ie�::9:::�ie9� �/
_ �VIr. Vice Presid�nt YPeterson) ' • A��g� PdQLIS#(EB ��Y �. 1 �9�� '
6-68-2M �� B.1 , ' _ - ' _
y; i� 1 . .
� �
� � Dist. No. 1
`• 3��U�
, E.'S. Griggs St. -�Hubbard Ave. to Seminary Ave. S�(�
N.S. Seminary Ave. - Griggs St. to Dunlap St. ��
W.S. Dunlap St. - Seminary Ave. to Hubbard Ave.
Mar. 22nd. 19 68
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 237643 approved Mar. 19th. 19 68
relative to constructing and reconstructing the sidewalk on the east side of Gri��s St.
from Hubbard Ave to Seminarv Ave. , the north side of Seminarv Ave. from Gri��s St.
to Dunlap St and on the west side of Dunlap St. fr.om Seminarv Ave, to Hubbard Ave.
and by doing all other work which is necessarv and incidental to comnlete said imnrove-
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. �he estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk ���
wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma •��.g
part thereof. . �
3. Initiated by the Commi�� � �Z��g���ic Works X ��
4. Improvement is asked�r u�9�tit •
o MaR �
� RE�E�voD �
� DF��cE �
s�1S���Z��`04�'p� Commissioner of Public Works
•-�-�-w..... i'-- � ...- �, � i ' • ` ' �._'..�„-
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� �'""'.'EUGENE V. AVERY ' � . 1�"��i� ���ANT,HONY J. CREA�..��
� ~ CH16R 6NOIN6@R C I T Y O F� S�A�I N-T P A�U�L; ;i��*= ^ �: '�DBPUTY�COMMD�ION6R
' - � � �.. . � . ...� � -,.., s�Capital of.Minnesota �Y . :; ,,;;,��.� ���: ;�;�jir!` ��� ,:
' - �� �� ��•� Y ^ � ' 1�yy.�`1��'�9;,,,�,�'y�* �
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DEPARTMENT«�OF;PUBLIC�WORKS � �■ � F � � �-r- ���s�,�= -° ;
'. I � � u�.�°�` �'"'►;:r�23,4 i}y=l=ie�.jll'&�;Co t',`"�tjHouse 55102' :, iii i�: �`,t� P� ''• t ��s ����. �,� ��
F^,��� � � � � M�w-�..!'w� � �� dM.>�3: ' .�I � ;rii :-►t �in tni �lil �[u [..; :dit � �.
��.- �,���_ � .-„� s -�� *`�,����,�€ ROBER.T�F:�PETERSON_ ;:� u�r .,� �,t� �� »�a „# � ,�..
_.. .. : ,.x �':' s,�-....�... �:yrr`•��.F..�-..------,- - `'+fU4a„b��_r�a �! 't ,, �,_.�-1
� _,� t �„� �j` ,..•r.�:.���s�.r?" Commissione� '�` '''�r ---
tirrr �! `j� � + _, . -, ; .��,� �� 'r - �e'3.�r x.:f's:� �..�°i,�;''�o.X'
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May 10, 1g68
� '� (
Mr. Albert B. Olson ,
� Council Recorder ,
Room 386 .
Building � � .
Re: Construct and reconstruct
• sidewalk on Griggs Street,
Seminary Avenue and Dunlap
Dear Mr. Olson; ,
On May gth, the Council approved a change in the order to construct and
reconstruct sidewalk on Griggs Street east side from Hubbard Avenue to
Seminary Avenue, the north side of Seminary Avenue from Griggs Street
to Dunlap Street and on the west side of Dunlap Street from Seminary -
Avenue to Hubbard Avenue. .
In consideration of the request of Mrs. Margaret K. Weier, 1163 Seminary
' Avenue, the order was changed with respect to Dunlap Street to read
"the west side of Dunlap Street frFom Hubbard Avenue south approximately
134.2 feet abutting Lot l , Block 3, Gi.lberts Addition".
_ ,
Yours very truly,
Euge e V. Avery
Chief Engineer
EVA/ba .
cc: Grege Beckett
Hartley Thomas
- �
�' " . " x, ' �,':,�'��q
� ,
. �
. �
z��, .�.�
DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Q�� ��� � �. ��;o a �
113 Court House 55102 ._._ -
� April 19, 1968 �Gr2-�Lx � �'j,�� ��t,c�'�
Cityo uf St. Paul • � �j � � ( .
Parks � b �
File 58550 Pege 1
' Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of St. Paul w3.11
! hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and
� Court House at 10:00 a.m. on May 9, 1968 237643 on
� the advisability of proceeding with Prelimiaary Order ,
approved March 19, 1968 , which propoaes to:
construct and reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Griggs- Street
from Hubbard Avenue to Seminary Avenue; the north side of Seminary Ave.
from Griggs St. to Dunlap St. and on the west side of Dunlap St. from
Seminary Ave. to Hubbard Avenue .
and by doing all othex work
I � which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, excepG
I where it is determined that good and sufficient poured aidewalks exist. , •
( The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lineaY foot for a standa�'d
'� sidewalk 5 feet wide and $3.80 per lineal foot for a standard �sideRaalk
� 6 feet wide.
( In addition to the above, charges will be made for extra work which .
� is a particular benefit to the abutting propertq, such as tree removal, � •
, poured concrete removal, driveways, and additional width of walks, based
', " on the annual sidewalk contract prices on file in the Department of
� - Public Works.
� You are invited to meet with the technical advisors in the Council
Chambers at 9:30 a.m., on the same day if you wish detailed information
.;" regarding the proposed sidewalk construction, or phone the sidewalk
' department prior to the day of the hearing at 223-4255. ,,
I �
� Commissioner of Finance
(c.� ���' � v
� `���