238467 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL �ILE NCIL NQ ��5�� LICF'�5E Cot��:IT�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MaV 7• �-9�8 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV�'D: That licenses apnlied for by the following perso.ns at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Sears Roebuck & Co. 900 �. Lake-Mpls. �•'lec.�pp.Renair App.396 Renewal n u TV Master n n n n n $ �ervicemen �� u n Loren Stamness 23L�? �k�. 7th Barber " 2063" Dick Watts 108 Concord Mot. Picture 67�8 " 218�" ' " " Confectioner� " " !' Agnes 0'Connor �92 Concord Beauty Shop " 2184�� Edward W. Busch 613 �e1by Baker� " 2213" Vernonr.Donnelly 201-10t� Ave.�So. So. St. Paul TP Master " 2229" Henry Rott �Minnesota Club 317 N, �Jashington Barber " 2282�� Edward Peters 337 C,oncord V.M.�oc.1M " 2609� Wing's, Inc. Mun.A�rport-St.�atb�rence St.g.!�.Loc.lril ° 2713n Hsnry J. Breems }6 State Office B1dg. Barber • 2866" Quality Nu-Look, Inc. 130 �'c�°. Winifred Ldy.DC Pickup " 28$0�° � Alter Co. Concord & Arthur Junk Dealer � 2882m ATor pot Inn, Inc. 1706 IIni.versity f�ot�l 30 Units � 2902n Joesph D. ;�doods 920 Randolph BakPrg '� 2904'" Gopher Stamp & Die Co. 78 E. Chicago V.M.Loc.1M " 2924" Melvin L. Lipschultz � 1209 �. 7th V.M.Loc.1RS " 2931" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ` �O OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ����� 7 -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. ���F ��?�T'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ma / � �.Q68 COMMISSIONER DATF � Contd. Page 2 S & H Bev.�Mun.lii.rport, Adm.Bldg. V.td.Loc.1M App.29�3Renewal �� � St. Lawrence• St. 1 add,.mach. " " " St. Paul Lodge �59, B�� 72 ��cord V.M.Loc.1M " 2984n W{11iam G. The?1 ' 118�1� W. 7th TV Master � 3pOJ�n Hilex Co. ��49 S. Robert V.M.,Loc.1M " 3017�' A.R. Kolzr 506 Sm�.th V.M.Loc.1M " 3036" Coca Cola Bottling Co. 8�+ S. �r�abasha �.�I•Zoc.1M " 3077" �� . " - 1 add.mach. �� " ° Coca Gb1a�Erickson Petroleum Corp.184 S: Wabasha V.r�.Loc.lri " 3�9�" " �St. Paul P(? Clerks Uni.on 432 S. in7abasha �.M.I�oc.1M " 3121" SPH Hotel Co. 11 �. .Kellogg Fdstf.VR3 Qper. , '� 3Z52" �ntori J. NL'�ller 39 �. �tevens Ba.rber , m 316Z" Joseph>td. Jelinek 1200 W. 7th• . Gen.Rep,Garage " 3�65n Be� 'Mi.ntz 187 Concord Ir.�Y.DC Pickup n 3171n Onega Corp: . . 454 Onega V.P�S,Loc.1M " 3139" St. Paul-Yacht Club Harriett Isla.nd V.M.Loc.1M " �191" Abe Youness. 542 Stry=ker V.M.Loc.1M " 320$" Pepsi Cola�Clark Oi1 �: Refining Co. 430 S . Robert V.M.Loc.1M " 3325" " �Mobil Oil Co., Inc. 1520 Adrian V.r�.Loc.1M " �338" Mike J. Thomas 9z5 s. Robert TV Master " 3363" �� - n 1.Serviceman " " " - , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � Dalglish ' Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ��y,(�� d LICE�SE CONIl�iITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N0. � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ay 7� Z9� COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Page 3 . Hillcrest Courxit.ry Club� Inc. 2200 �. Larpenteur Restaurant App.3390Renewal u a � Pri. °Gas Pump n n n u � , Cigarette �� n n Doris E. Ki.effer 637-9 5tryker Beautg Shop �� 3392" Jack Hales 877 �. Robert V.M.Loc.l� " 3410" " . " 1 add.mach. " " " �a Schwartz 531 �tryker ld,y.DC Pi.ckttp �' 3432° Lee M�ndelbaum 144 Livingston Junk De�Zer � 3�+�3� Dr. .Ra,ymond. B. S�aanson 1328 k�te Bear V.M.Loc.1� " 3445� supe*i.or "400", Inc. 243 N. Pt.Douglas Rd.V,M.�oc.1M " 34�1" 'I'�in G`.�ty Barge & Towing Co. Miss.Riv. & A�rport V.M:Loc.1M " 31E52" Fred Hagerstrom �Butwin Sportswear Co. Finch Bldg. V.M.Loc.1M �' 3540" " �First Federal Savings & Loan �ssn.360 Cedar V.M.Loc.1M " 3552" "' �Selective Service Bureau 100 E.� lOth V.M�.Loc�.1M " 3572� " �St. Pau]. Abstract Co. 2L� E. 4th V.M.Loc.]..M " 3575° � �Dean Lonnquist 344 Ruth V.rd.Lo�.1M " 35�5" Q ,�Richard P. Bauer 373 Ruth V.M.Loc.1P�i " 3599" Country Clubqtdarket� Inc. 1600 wlkiite Bear Grocery � 3655" " � " Butcher �' " " " ' � " F'loI'ist-N. a u n '� " 0�£� �ale Ma�.t " " " " � C�garette " " " � . . Capitol Square Bldg. � 5S0 Cedar-Bsmt. Cigarette " '�79�" TC Vendin�phicMillan Mfg. Co. 403 E. Fi.11more V.M.Loc.Lt4 �' 3gp3n n �, 8 add.mach. " " " " �St. Berna.rds Recre�tio� Center 197 w. Geran�um V.M.Loc.].M " 3806" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK ��� _ . . -= CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. License Committee OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER � DATF �a.4 I, 1968 Contd. Page 4 F.,J. Eichinger�Jack Hz1es . 877 S.Robert V.N�.Zoc.11�i App.38�6Renewal �' �Ronald Hauck 484 S. Trlabasha �.�I.,Loc.1M " 3830" Pioneer Vend.�Metzropolitan �utomotive (b.588-610 Robert V.M.Loc.1� " 38�2" u " .. 5 add.ma,ch. " " " Donald P. Tsvans 591 �t. ��estern Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 3869" Ben Blizinsky 279 E. Kellogg 1'kg.Lot 25c '" �767" Donald T. LaBarre 1617 Pay.ne Mtr.�eh.Dr. " 3883" Pioneer Vend.�Nat�onal Guard Hangar S�. Lawrence St.V.M.Loc.1M " 3885' " .�Victory Auto Park, Inc. 344 Wabasha V.M•Loc.1M " 3887',' " �Academy of Hairdressing & Cosmet., Inc.412 �edar V.M.Loc.?M " 388$'� Joseph B. Ruth 1.039 �• Qictoria Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 392g" Glenn �. Groebner 2206 YnT. Hwy.#36 TV I�aster '� 3932r' Buckbee Aiears Co. 245 �, 6th Cigarette " 3937" IICIT Club 6th fl. . Northwestern Nat.Bk.Cigarette " 3938" John B. Findley 7430 Da.wn-Inver Grove Hgts.M�r.Veh.Dr.�� 3939°' Alfred E. Wil1 . . 200�I� Polar�s 1'1. Mtr.Veh.Dr. W 3940� Idorthern States Potaer Co. 8?5 Rice Cigarette �� �52aa Cantee.n �American Bakeries, •Ine.9? E. 12th V.M.Loc.1M " 3955�` " �Fire Sta.�8 101 E. lOth V.M.Loc.iM " 3963� Donald R. Burr 182 Thomas I�Ztr�veh.Dr. 7° 4064" 7 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc��� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� � �.��� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Tn Favor � � Meredith �� (� ��� Mayor � A gainst Te o ��`� �eQ ide��B�a�µ';'•: ' L9� i F.ar aLi:�.:S:7Cdi:i�� p� q�p Mr. �ice Presadeat (g¢:erson) ��}�� p01AY ,, � kllq� � ��