238444 ,.,QRI@��lia.TO CITY CLERK • ������� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� ,,.: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�' CO CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ` �G��p� COMMISSIONE DATF In the Matter of the assessment for the wrecking and removal of a hazardous building being that two and one—half story frame dwelling known. and des— cribed as 760 Concordia Avenue in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those � premises legally described as Lot 5, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second addition to St. Paul, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, � State of Minnesota. W.�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 463. 15 through 463. 26, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution, C. F. No. 233009, approved April 18, 1967, ordered the owner of the hazardouts building located at 760 Concordia Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota,9 repair or wreck and remove the said hazardous building; or that in the alternative the City would wreck and remove � ' the hazardous building and assess its costs thereby incurred against � the real property pursuant to law; and WHEREAS, The own.er failed to obey the City Coun.cil Order, and the Cit'y was duly authorized to wreck and remove the said hazardous building, and did wreck said hazardous building, pursuant to order of the- District Court in and for the County of Ramsey, said court order datecl' June 15, 1967, and being on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court aforesaid; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings reports that the said hazardous building was wrecked and removed by the City and that the total egpense incurred and to be - specially assessed is in the amount of ��3�2� pP�Qw� .therefore, be it vR UV ' As orporatio C uns . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ouncii 19— Yeas Nays ' Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19`_ Holland ' Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � � . Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne . . , : �O / • � -ORI�. AL TO CITY CCHRK ` 238444 , _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�,_ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF e � RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th day of June , 1968, at the hour of 10:;�00o' clock in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such asaessment will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment; be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed � to eause this notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall also cause mailed notice to be ' given to the own.er of the property affected thereby; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proposed assessment roll be kept on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. , � �A� � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Q�►� 7196� Carlson Dalgliah A roved 19�_ Holland �—�" Tn Favor � � Meredith P�� a Mayor A gainst e�ctd�� r:::::g�E�x•������'-,2�t�@��,��i,4�`��,°,i;:::�'r°' �. .�''�c���ti�izt�l�teraon)3 PE��LIS�#E� MAY 11 19�� �� , , j „ . � ^ ,� � �` � � 238�4� CITY OF SAINT PAUL •� ASSESSAIE�;T ROLL OS�NER AND f1DDRESS: CODE v0. 12-2230-050-07 John H. Thomas LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 638 Fuller Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Lot 5, Block 7, Edwin - . Deans Second addition 760 CONCORDIA to St. Paul. . . Wrecking Contract No. D-00010 �650.00 Specifications : 24. 48 Photographs : g. g6 Publication Costs: 38. 25 Court �osts : • 6. 00 Notice Costs : 4. 28 TOTAL COST TO . BE ASSESSED: �732. g7 . . DATED: E� t� . ����f Q Commissioner " Parks and Recreation a d Public Buildings This is to certify that the above assessment in the total SL1II1 of �?32.97 was adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolutiou, C. F. No. , approvecl , 1968, and is payable in one installment. DAT�D: . City Clerk � _ ^ ` i ♦ STATE OF MINNESOTA � . ' � ss. COUNTY OF RAD�,SEY _ Nettie A. Grabscheid , being first duly s�•�orn, deposes and says : , On May73'th , �968, pursuant to Council Resolution, C. F. No. 238�+�+�+ , approved May 7th, 1968 and acting on behalf of the City Council I deposited in the United States mails copies of the attached notice of a hearing on proposed special assess- ments, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with post�,ge thereon fu17y prepaid, addressed to the fol.lowing persons at the addresses appearing opposite their respective nar�es: � NAME ADDRESS Mr. John H. Thomas 638 Fuller Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 ` �. Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me , thi.s 13th day of Ma.y , 1968.�- Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , blinn. My commission expires Oct. 27, 1973. , :y y ' ; e Ji . S TATE OF MI I�TDT�S OTA � � ss. COUPITY OF RAMSEY Nettie A. Grabscheid , being first duly sworn, deposes and says : , On MaV�i�h , , 1g68, pursuant to Council Resolution, C. F. No. 23�34l�l� , approved M�v 7th� 1968 and acting on behalf of the City Council I deposited in the United States mails copies o� the attached notice of a hearing on proposed special assess- ments, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon ful]y prepaid, addressed �to the follor�ing persons at the addresses appearing opposite ' their respective names: NAI�ZE ADDRESS Mr� John g. Thomas • 638 Fuller Avenue Saint Psul, Minnesot� 55104 �i��.�� �•� ' Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this l�t�_ day of ��l, ��s... , Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , idinn. � Ny commission expires Oct. 27, 1973. DUPLIGTfi TO PRINTER ' ` ,/.��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� N0. T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF ' In the Afatter of the a�sessment for, the ti,rrec�ing and �emo4al of a haz��dous • build3.ng being �that two amd one=�ialf , . s'tory �frame c3z�elling..'�now� and des-= cribed as '�60 Concordia Avenue in the ' ' City o�; _S,aimt -Paul and situated upon t�o5e premises ]:egaily �c�oscribed as Lot 5; Bloc� • 7, Ec�win Deans Second addition: to S$. Paul., aecorling to' t�e plat on 3ile and o� ' � reoord in the o�3ice o�E the Regis�er uf , , < Deecis in and for tne, County o� Ramsey, State of Mi�nesota. . Z�REAS,, Pursuant �o �finnesota Statutos Sections 463,15 ` through 4b3.26y. the C,��y �Counei.l 03 th8 City of Saint Paul, by. reso�I.ution, C. F. No. 233009, approved April 18, 1967, ordered the owner of the .ha�arclous buildia�g. located at 760 �oncorc�ia; Avonue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, repair or z�ec� amd �emove the said hazardous builc��ng, or that �in the alternative t�e City wouZ�i, t,ireck and remove , the haza�dous building and assess its costs thereby incurred against the real p�operty pur'suant to law; and . S�EAS, The o�v�.e�, fail�d to obey the C�ty, Counoil Order! and the City z�as duly authorized to i,rrec� ancl �em�ve the said hazarcio�s tiui.lding, � and did wreck, said hazardous build�.n.g,, pursuant to order q� the Dist��et Cour•t in and �or� the County o3 I�amsey, said co�a.rt order dater� Jun.e -�1�f 1967, and being o�2 fiie in. the o��ice of the Cierk oY the Dis�trict Court aforesaid; and '4►�REAS, T�:e, �ommissioner o� Parks a�d Recreation an3 Pub13c Buildings reports; �hat �he sai.d hazar�ous building zdas wrecked an.d removerl by t�.e Ci,ty an�d tha.t the total egpense in�u.�red an.d to be specially assessed ia in the a.mount o�� �732.�97; now, -therefore� be it y��� � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � I��� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Holland `� � �In' Favor Meredith �� Mayor r ' A gainst �!�'•�l:Rr-esi���n�':`�yrii�e::::::::E:� , IViro Vice Presi��nt r�e'h�rson)� �� DUPLICAT6 TO PRINT6R ' ('���/7�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0.N ��� --� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _,PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOI,VV�D, Th'a't� a publie �heaii;�g be �hac1 on, s•aid •assessment� � on .t�ie '7tb da,� �3'' June ' ; 1968 j a1; the Iio�cxr 'o� 10��00 0,' olock ix� t�ie C,o'uncil Ch�am�er �of �he, �a'urt, House and �City :�a:l�.� Bui�ding, � ' i� th� City o� Saint� �'aul�� A��nx�.e�5ota�• to,'pas�s �po�. ' sucb'p�apa�ed assessment auc�' a�' s�zei� Li�e �.rid place alI persoris, ow-ning' property ���ecte`d by sueh as�sess�ient ��ril�. �,e gi�ren a� oppoi tun.i�y `to '�e hoa�d�wit1� �€�e'�er�nac; to� sucti aflsese�e��; �e i•-� �URT� �E�O�,V�B., � T�iat �he City C3e�k i.s ��ere�y d��*ectod to ` c�:�se ''�YL7.8 IIO'`L:LC� o� �tFie ��ea;�:i�g o� ��e �ro�oaed assessffi��t to� 'a� �ublished once '�in. 1;�ie �o:P�ici€�1 aie�,tsp���p � at least '�zdo �ce�o�s p�io� -to � t�e heari�.�., and �e shail also oause �ailod no�ice to `be g3�e�.` to �the o:vner o� t�.e pro�ericy a�sectec� t�.ea o�y;�� �d be �it �RT�R R�SU�VE�;,' Tha'u t�e pro�os�d assessme�t �r.oll be . kept .o�' �'i�le ,.fqr� �publie ius�eetio� 3.n t�e offi�e o� t�e Cit,y Clo�k.� , , , � - . , . - ' ti�����' � ���� COUNCILMEN � • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �j'�� � ���� - Dalglish , , . Approved _ 19__ � Holland � Favor , Meredith , ' ' �Mayor �� ' � �Against ' � C .y...o...e..... 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