238404 ORIGINAL'�CITY CLERK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AIO. 23��0� �^ ��. �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE �• _ ����'��1 � , L R� LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE . erson � ,C�SG� DATF �y 3, 1968 BBSOLVED, That the Co�iasioner of Public Works be aad he ia . heieby anthorized and directed to cause the necessary aidewalk inter- sectiona and extensions to be constrncted at the locationa listed below ' by the Wm. Golla Masoary Co. nnder their annual Sidewalk Contract for District Ho. 3, known as Comptroller'a Coatract L. Ne. 7008 at a coat � ' not to egceed $85.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch moao- lithic concrete aidewalks which cost ia to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND-TA% �T pROpEBTIES. � Sonthweat corner of Powers Ave. and Michael, St. - single apron Northw�eat corner of Powers Ave. and Michael St. - siagle apron � . �' . `...a . �Y 3 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays �'� i��Y 3196� I3�gfifgh Approved 19_ Holland � Favor Meredith p��-� � ) � Mayor Tedesco , ,--�—ASainst Mr. President, Byrne ��e�ts�+E� �Al� � 1 19�� _ �22 ,. ' DUrLIGATE_TQI rRINTER 2384a4 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��jt �. �eteraon �iI 3� �9� COMMISSIONE DATF H��t. of l�n� ic Vorks -- �UOL9aD� Tbat t6� Co�is�ion�r of �qblic Worka 1►� and � i� issr��r a�thoris�d a� dir�ct� to caw� th� nK�s�asyr aiiwalic iatsr- a�ction� and �st�n�iow to b� con�tracts� at t�s locatio�u Ii�t�d b�lar �� ti� i1r. �6o],la ILasoar� Go* ��r tl�ir smeul aidhrslk Co�ntract for �istrict Mo. 3, k�orn as Ce�troll�r's Co4tract L� tio. 7008 at a aort not to �zces� �85.00 bas� on tlr� unit pric�� bid for fo�r inch ao�o- lithic caacr�t� sidawika �ich co�t i� to �s cfurg� a�ain�t t1w �'.I.�. 1'�-TI�Z !�'� lLOt�1TI�. =onttn��t c�rn�r of lo+�ra �v�. and 1[icha�l �t. - �ingli spron �orthw�t cos�n�r of ro�wr� �w. and �ticba�i �t. - ainsi+� atro� � 1�Y 3 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays c�.-� �.�Y � �96� D�� Approved 19� Holland � - Tn Favor Meredith P„�.,,„,,,,� � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �22