04-612Council File # 0 —�� Green Sheet # 200120 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented Refesed Ta Couunittee Date i RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Electrical Inspector-Fire Prevention be 2 established at the rate set forth in Grade 004 of Bargaining Unit 20, Electrical Workers Local #110, Salary 3 Schedule, and be it 4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Benanav ✓ Bosuom ,� Harris , Helgen � Lanhy �- Montgomery ,�. Thune � Adopted by Council: Date Human sources Office By: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: Human Resources CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: Sheila Williams 266-6520 I,eeAnn Turchin 266-6517 I DATE INITIATED I GREEN SHEET 4/7/04 M[7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE ,.���,. � • � � . � ASSIGNED 2CIiYATfOAN6Y NUMBERFOR ROUTING �pNQpLSERVDIlt ORDER 3 MAYOR (ORASST.) IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) 4�l-��� G�A No.: 200120 INI'CIAL/DATE a cmcovHCV. CI'LY CLERR F/NANCIAI. SERV/ACCCG aCr[oN xEQvES'1'En: Approve the attached resolution establisl�iug the rate of pay for the new c]assification titled Electrical Inspector - Fire Prevenrion RECObIMENDA170NS: Approve (A) or Reject �) _PLANNIlVG COMMISSION _Cffi COMMIITEE CIVII, SERVICE COMMIS: PERSOIVAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persodfum ever worked wdec a coavact forUils depaztlrant? Yes No 2 HasUrispersodfimieverbeenacityemployee? Yes No 3. Does tLis pecsoNfirm passess a sldll mt normally possessed by any ament ciry employee? � Yes No 4. Is ilils persodfinn a tazgeted vendoR Yes No Fxplain a11 yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IN177ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Fire and Safety Services Department requested that Human Resources study the composite duries of a position to determine the appropriate classification within the Fire Prevention Inspectar series. Our office detenniued that the position shouid be allocated to the new classification titled Electrical Inspector - Fire Prevenrion. This title wili perfortn joumey level electrical inspector work and standard fire inspector work in the Fire Prevention unit for Support Services in Fire and Safety Services. The position is responsible for inspecting electricai installations, smoke detector systems, and commercial and residential properties for adherence to Certificate of Occupancy and Fire Prevention pr regulatians. These duties support the safety standards regulated by City of Saint Paul, state and federai mandates. anvaNTncES iF nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classification in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. nisnnvar�TacES iF arrxovEn: Salary cost is $2,748 biweekly or $71,448 n�snnvnriTncES ia xoT nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to the new classification. This may limit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and h required to effectively inspect, assess and report on the conditions of comxnercial and residential properties in the City. In addition, this new classification is comparable in salary to the existing Electrical Inspector classification which was previously used by the Fire and Safety Departinent. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �L ,748 biweekly or $71,448 yeazly COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F'UNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUNIBER: ����'�� �.�rr� "nnfRp FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� �� ���~ ARR O C���� � :"� T� �,'�° �: 04- ��� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angela S Nalezny, Director CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL 400 City H¢[l Annu Randy Ke!!y, Mayor 25 West Fourth Street SainiPaul,Minnuom 55 7 02-7 631 TO: Douglas Holton, Chief Fire and Safety Services Department ��� DATE: I� Sheila Williams, HR Specialist Office of Huxnan Resources March 25, 2004 CLASSIFICATION STUDY RESULT Te[ephone. 651-2666500 Job[ine: 651-266-650? Facsimi[e: 6i1-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Electrical Inspector position currently held by a temporary employee. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the incumbent and immediate supervisor, and compared the position with related classes and positions. This study indicates that the position is working at the new Fire Prevention - Electrical Inspector classification level at grade four of the Electrical Warkers Local #ll0 bargaining unit salary schedule ($3435 per hour). Should you choose to implement this action, you will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the required process once you receive approval of a waiver from the Mayor's Office. If you choose not to implement this, you may undertake other measures to keep the position at the current level. The process can be simple or involved depending on the needs of a particular study. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520. cc: Anthony Carter Steven Zaccard G'ISharedlOrg.DesignlConsultanFWi[4umslSheila's Class WorklFme Prev Eleclnsp-rzew classlE[eclnsp - FP Determ.wpd An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer a y- ���. DESK AUDIT STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: iNCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED ElectricalInspector,�re Vacant Sheila Williams March 22, 2004 Steven Zaccard, Manager Anthony Carter, Personnel Coordinator Douglas Holton, Fire Chief OF SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: r"� �--- � ��,� �� (Signature) (Date) Background Fire Prevention and Administration for the Fire and Safety Services Department requested creation of a new classification for a posirion with Electrical Inspector and Fire Prevention Inspector responsibilities. As part of the fire inspection unit, this position would assist with the 5,000 (approximate) inspections conducted throughout Saint Paul. This study will consider the distinct duties regarding fire inspection to determine whether a new Electrical Inspector classification is warranted. Study Components Review ofjob profile Interview with manager Discussion with Assistant Fire Chief Discussion with Fire Chief Classification comparison QES evaluarion and analysis Recommendation pc/- (� /� assist with education iuitiatives or assist the Fire Investigations unit. QES comparison indicates that factor levels aze the same except for: Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. Although the majority of factor levels compaze, the type ofknowledge required, how actions effect units, the range of urilized information, type of hazards and type of contacts differ significantly. Conclusion The studied position has responsibilities that go beyond those expected and delegated to Fire Prevention Tnspector I positions. It may also perform duries that are not associated with the Electrical Inspector classification. Although many duties compare with those associated with the Electrical Inspector classification, there are distinctions that support the creation of a new classification. Based on QES analysis and classification comparisons, this posirion may be placed in a new classification. O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new Fire Prevenrion Electrical Inspector classification at grade four ofthe Electrical Workers Local #110 bargaining unit salary schedule with occupation code 234B. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the new Fire Prevention Electrical Inspector classification. Proposed Title of Class: The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Q�—(p/� ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - FIRE PREVENTION CODE: 234B sU: 20 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs slalled inspection work on buildings and grounds to enforce laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to Fire Prevenrion and Certificate of Occupancy inspecrion programs; inspects electrical installarions to assure that installations are done according to approved plans and specificarions and in accordance to the State Elech Code, State Building Code, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and the City Property Maintenance Code; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. Suuervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMEA The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts inspecrions of interiors and exteriors of commercial and residential properties for compliance with laws, ordinances and rules pertaining to the Fire Prevention and Certificate of Occupancy Programs. Reports on electrical installations and alterations to assure that approved materials have been used and proper worlananship has been performed in accordance with the fire code, property maintenance code, building code, electrical code and other related laws, rules and regularions. Reviews, inspects and approves the installation of fire alarm systexns. Explains sections of the Code pertaining to electrical installations and fire prevention. Inspects and reports on buildings that have been damaged by fire. Reports, orders, and enforces corrections on defective installations, equipment, and materials. Reports any party engaged in elechical work cvithout a license or pemut. Uses judgment to assess situations and checks with supervisor as appropriate. Prepares the necessary records and reports of all inspections and code violarions. Investigates complaints regazding violarions of the relevant City codes and ordinances; orders and enforces corrections on items not in compliance. Issues violation summons and formally presents evidence to substantiate charges at administrative hearings and/or court proceedings. Communicates verbally and in wriring to parties involved with electrical work and installations. Interprets appropriate codes that apply to both typical and unusual compliance situations; studies pertinent codes including code changes. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - FIRE PREVENTION Page 1 I'r�iposed Title of Class: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - FIRE PREVENTION COD �� 4B� /� BU: 20 Effecfive: Consults with other inspection staff and provides technical expertise in the azea of elechical installations and equipment. Determines ownership of pazcels of real estate. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of terms, principles, regulations and procedures associated with fire prevention and electrical inspection; demonstrates the abiliry to apply policies and procedures to enforcement of fire prevention, occupancy codes and electrical codes to the full range of violarions and/or compliance requirements and issues from the routine to the complex. Demonstrates the ability to understand and apply codes, laws and ordinances related to enforcement of Fire Prevention and Certificate of Occupancy Fire Code and Electrical Code programs to the full range of violations and/or compliance requirements and issues from the routine to the complex. Demonstrates the ability to use a broad range of current job related software and tools. Demonstrates the ability to independently plan, prioritize and complete work within established deadlines; and demonstrates the ability to provide assistance to and coordinate work with others to complete team inspections. Demonstrates an ability to observe and gather information regarding the full range of complaints and/or compliance investigations; demonstrates the ability to decide on and prioritize options to correct violations and to assist other inspectors. Demonstrates public spealdng and presentation skills to effectively explain codes, laws, and enforcement policies and procedures to the pubhc; demonstrates the verbal and written abilities needed to effectively respond to citizen complaints and requests on a full range of issues, legal requirements and compliance standards. Demonstrates the ability to promote effective Customer Service through example; demonstrates the ability to coordinate customer service efforts with other departments and non-City agencies. Demonstrates a willingness to provide help, guidance and training to team members regarding the electrical inspection aspects of compliance requirements. Demonstrates an ability to maintain professional development through lmowledge of code changes and to apply such leaming and share it with others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess the following: l. Class A journey level electrician license. 2. Certification as a Fire Inspector I by the Minnesota Fire Service Certification Boazd or Housing Inspector by the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) or equivalent professional certification. 3. A valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions for driving related offenses or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to the date of appointment. Continued employment as an elechical Inspector - Fire Prevenrion is contingent upon maintaining the Fire Inspector I certification, electrician's license and a valid driver's license. ELECTffiCAL INSPECTOR - FIRE PREVENTION Page 2 oy ��a OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ange[a S Nalezny, Direcior CTIY OF SAINT PAUL 400 Ciry Hal[ dnnex Telephone. 65l-266-6500 Randy Ke11y, hlayor 25 Wut Faunh Street Joblirse: 651-266-6502 Sain[Paul, Minneso�a 55102-1637 Facsimde: 6i1-292-7656 �.-�a�� d0.t�a 3 ���iQ� TO: Douglas Holton, Fire Chief Fire and Safety Services Deparhnent S' Sn' �� es tz�� r°�` �'cti�s ao dQ �at�t� FROM: Sheila Williams, HR Specialist Office of Human Resources DATE: March 25, 2004 RE: Twenty Day Notice Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following changes are being made in the Electrical Workers Local #110 bargaining unit salary schedule: Creation of the Electrical Inspector - Fire Prevention job classification Assignment of the classification to grade 4 in the Electrical Workers Local #110 bargaining unit. Please review the enclosed documents regarding the changes mentioned above. Let me know whether there aze any concems or questions I may answer no later than April 15, 2004 via email at sheila.williams(c�ci.stpaul.mn.us or telephone at 266-6520. I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty- Day Public Notice. Signature Date cc: Anthony Carter Steven Zaccard An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer SAINi PAOL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINf PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayar March 25, 2004 Richazd Vitelli, Business Manager Electrical Workers, Local #110 1330 Conway Street, Suite 110 Saint Paul, MN 55106-5819 Re: Twenty Day Notice Dear Mr. Vitelli: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angela S. Nalezny, Director 400 Ciry Hall Annex 25 Wut Fourth Sveei SaintPaul,Minnrsom 55102-1631 D�-!o/1 Telephorse: 657-266-6500 Jobtine: 65/-2666502 Facsimile: 657-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this letter is to inform .you that the following changes are being made in the Electrical Workers Local #110 bargaining unit salary schedule: Creation of the Electrical Inspector - Fire Prevention job classification Assignment of the classification to grade 4 in the Electrical Workers Local #110 bargaining unit. Please review the enclosed documents regarding the changes mentioned above. Let me know whether there are any concerns or questions I may answer no later than April 15, 2004 via email at sheila.williams�a ci.stpaul.mn.us or telephone at 266-6520. Sincerely,, - p ���'��.�Jtti���4 HR Specialist Human Resources I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. �� � An A£firmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer �heila VYilliams - Elec Ins - Fire � Pa e 1= V � ��� From: Angie Nalezny To: Anthony Carter Date: 3l17/04 5:10PM Subject: Elec Insp - Fire Tony, Thanks for your voice mail. By way of this email, I'll notify your approvai of the new spec to Sheila and we'll get the 20 day notice to the union going. thanks! Angie CC: Sheila Williams