238378 ��Original to Clty Clerk '', � !� + � ORDINAN ����'�� , CE . � _ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ` d � , .� � An ordinance granting permission , to Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Flome to grade and surface the alley being the west 20 feet of the east 45 feet of Lots 1 and 2, F. W. """"' Hoyt' s Rearrangement, and also the _ east-west alley in Block 3, F. W. Hoyt' s Rearrangement. , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home to grade and surface the alley being the west 20 feet of the east 45 feet of Lots 1 and 2, F. W. Hoyt' s Rea�rrangement, and a�.so tlie east- west alley in Block 3, F. W. Hoyt' s Rearrangement. F Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home for the grading and surfacing of said alley upon � and subject to the following provisions, terms and - conditions: - a. That said permittee shall grade and surface said alley entirely at � its own. egpense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction ' of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by him; I b. That said permittee shall furnish the necessary slope releases to the City, shall pay � the cost of engineering and inspection. of all said work and shall pay for the publication of this ordinance; c. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the streets both day and night so as to avoid all damage � or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp such streets to avoid settling, and shall restore such streets to their original condition; � / "� d. That said permittee, , after the incep— �� tion of said work, shall prosecute the same � continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before November 15, 1968; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council - Carlson . � Dalglish In Favor " Holland Meredith ' Peterson A gainst ' Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' � � - � � • � " �' . .. �����'�� l� �- � � Page 2. e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul , • its agents , officers and employees, from any and all damages , claims, losses , judg- ments, suits or egpenses arising out of or occasioned by the performance of the work csoiitemplated by this permission. and authority; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (�10, 000) , conditioned to com�ly with all the terms of this ordi- nance and to indemnify and save harmless said City of all liability, loss , judgments, suits , costs, charges and egpense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shall not proceed , to grade and surface said alley un.less and ��ntil said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemn.ification contained in the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Con.struc- tion dated April l, 1g59, Section numbered 1. 44, of said Specifications , as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purposes , of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, numbered 1.44, as amended, shall� be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor': - wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1. 44, as amended. Said Section 1.44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint P�aul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisi�ons of t�he aforesaid section shall be in such� form as the Corporation Counsel of the � -, Or1YSns1 to City Clerk '" '' • „ �` � . � ORDINANCE • COUNCIL FILE NO ���� �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � d Page 3. ' City of Saint Paul�may direct, and the docu— � ments required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 _ shall, after submission to the Corporation � Coun.sel, be filed in the office of the Comp— troller of the City of Saint Paul; . � h. That said permittee shall submit � said bond and insurance documents to the Of�ice . Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Coun.sel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; - i _ , • i. That the said permittee shall, within . thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance with the � City Clerk. - Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. , -� , . , j�� 1� 7 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci 6a3�s�err Dalglish ,l ��_ �J n Favor Meredith � Against Pe#ex�er�-_ � , Tedesco l�r''E;�RC�II�iEE;1$'� •::e•� NC��1�A A. � ��J�� F :.j�::i.; .��;: �3e:Ei4 AAProved: A st: • Vice Y' id d� � � � . I `7it«,/`� �f� / Ci Clerk �#j� �yor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By - n �r � � Pl�BLf l�EB MAY 2 5 1968 Day«ate to Printcr - ` , � -� � - ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO � � PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO� , An ordinance grant�.�g perm�.pe�.on to C$pitol Vie�r Conya�esoent and Nurs�ing gome to gra.d� ��d etYr�acse the alley being t�e weat 20 feet of tli� east 45 feet. o� Lots ]. and 2� F. W. Hoytis Rearr$mgement, and also the eas.t;west a�ley �.n S1ook 3, F. W. Hoyt� s Rearrangement. THE CO�TIdCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Seation 1.. That permi�sion and authority are h�reby granted to Capito�l View Convalesoent and Nursing Home to gxade and surface the a11ey being ths weet 20 f�et of the eaet �5 feet of Lot� 1 and 2, F. W. Hoyt� � Rearrangement, and also t�i� east- west alley- in B].ock 3, F. W. �Ioyt' a Rearrangement. Section 2. That ti�e Commissioner o� Publie Works is hereby authorized to i.saue a permit to Capitol View Conva�.e�eent a.nd Nursi.ng Home �or the grading and aurfacing o� ea�.d alle� upon � and sub�eot to the followi.ng provisions, terms and oondit3onas � � a. That said permittee shall grade and surfa�e sa�.d alley enti.rely at i�s own egpense� un.der the supervi.sion and to the satis�action � o� the Commissioner af PubliQ 't�orks, and in � aceordance� With the plans an.d �pecifioations prepared by him; , b. �'hat said pexmittee shall furnish the necessary slope releases to the City, �hall pay . t�:e cost o� engineering and inspectio�a. of all �aid work ancl shail pay for the publ.ication o�' this ordinan.ce; c� That said perm�.ttee shall properly proteot al.l exeavstion.s made in �he streete Uoth day and night so As to avoid aI2 dam�ge or in�ur�t to persons or property; shall properly �311 and tamp auch streets to avoid settlingy and shall restore �uch streets to their or3ginal condition; d. That said perntittee, a�ter the incep- tion o� said work, ehAll prosecute the s�zme con�tin.uot�sly, t��ritli diligence, and fuZly complete said work to the �atie�action and approvnl of said Commissioner on or before November i5, 1g68; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Duyjieate to Printer ^_ �' � • � - ORDINAI�TCE �3���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � page �+ , . , Ci.ty o� Saint Paul may di�eQ�, and the doou- ments required by t�.e a�oresaid Section 1.44 $ha1�., �x�ter submi�ei.on ta� tho Corporatiam Counsel; b� �iled in the off�.ae o� tho '�amp- txo�ler' .of the City of Saint' ]Paul; ' . h. ' �h�t said perm�tttee aha�.�: �submit said �ond �nc� �.n,suranQ� doat�ments to th4 O�fi:ce Engineer of the Dep$rtme�.t o�' P�b3io Work�. � ' �he O��iae �;ng�.n.eer shall request approval oi' ' gzici docun��ntg by t�e Carporat�.on Counse7 and' upon �pproval �hall f�.1e aa�.d doQwnents with the of��.ce o� tl�e CQmptrol�.er o� the C�,t�r o� ' Saint Paul; i. That th� �ai:d perm3.ttee shaTl, w�nithin th�irty (30) days a�ter the �asea�e o� thi� ordin�,nce., �#le a �v�itten aceeptance �erith the Cit�` Cler�. Sec�tion a. �h�.s ordinanee �ha7.1 take ��fect and be in forae thirty (30) days from an.d after it� pa�aage, a,pproval and publieation. �I�� � 7 �� Yeas Councilmen � Nays Passed by the Council £ar}sen Dalglish � Tn Favor I�e�,�- Meredith �_ A gainst Tedesco �, � � ���� � �xe�i�en����`�;�� �.1��� :�:::::��i9i�i?::::9 . • . � Approved: Attest: Mr. Vice Pr:.sidc:�t (�Iollanda City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��., � , _ �. 1 224-OS431 AT.7.F.N� COIIRTNEY 8c SAT.T,AND ATTORNEY6 AT LA�1T W-16S2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GLAUDE H.ALLEN B�NT PAU7�MIN11TE9OTA 86101 VINCENT P, COURTNEY JOSEPH E.SALLAND June 14, 1968 Hon. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 368 City Hall Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Capitol View Alley Grading - Ordinance Nd. 13897 - Council File No. 238378 �� Dear Sir: In accordance with yours of May 27, 1968 on the above matter we enclose Acceptance duly executed on behalf of Capitol View. We also enclose a check of Capitol View for $27.00 to the City of St. Paul in payment of the invoice for publication costs. As required by the terms of the ordinance we are today filing with the Office 'Engineer, Department of Public Works, the bond and insurance documents, which we are first submitting to_the Corporation Council • for approval. We are anxious to obtain<�this permit as soon as possible and if there is any question�about these matters pTease call our office. Yours very truly, ALLEN, COUR�EY & SALLAND By �����u-✓✓� . VINCENT P. COURTNEY VPC:bt Enclosure cc - Capitol View Office Engineer, Department of Public Works .�. ?� ''�,.i'� , .. � Saint Paul, Minne�ota, �aY 27, 1968 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and a�ee to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 238378, being Ordinance fto. 13897, adopted by the Council on Ma�p 17, 1968. � ' � r • CA.PITOL VIEW COPNALESCENT &-N[JRSING HOME ` �- . ,r- � � ` BY , ALLEN, COURTNEY & SALLAND ATTORNEYS AT LAW ` FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 , 224•5431 lwae �4, Z46a O�be Engi�eer Degart�rt o� Pubiic Warka ZAd I��OD�� sa�.i � S C. pFlElj.� �.IlIL4� �5�0� , Re: Ca�itol View All�ev�rud�n� _ Qrdi�ance `�3Q� �38�7.•�- Counail Pi,�e bio. 238378 De�r S ir t In tl�e above ma�tterr pursv�t�t t.o letter of �� Z7, 1968 ��at���h�;:C�ety C1erk, �te enclose on bebal�€ of Capito�. Vi��a Conval��c�nt & Piursing aaine IIaifo�e Li.cenee and �ermit Bcsnd �tn �ha au�un� of $1.4,i�t10.,00, ful#.p executed. We alsa ea�lose i.i'�b�.],iry Pclicy �Q tha Cit� r�€ ��. P�u1 �hot�kng the �equixed fusuranc� coverag� by t�� con��c�c�ror �o� the subj�ct �oork. Si��� we a�2 anx�oua to ha�te �h�se pap�rs apprpved �.� th$ germit ��csn��d as soon as poss�b�� we ar� tak;Cri$ tt�� l�.berty o€ gu'bmi��ing these �age�s D to �ir. Segal in t�ze Corporatidn �Coun�3.1's gff�c� £ar- lzis agg�coyal '���o��a �as�ing Chem on �o .you. �Lnd1y �a��, ou� v�F�.ae. if theae 3s as�y qu�s�3,mn. � Faurs v�xq t�u��, �; cvu�� � s��n a� ,/�-- � vzrro�'r �. �o�a� �c;b� � $��i���re � / �G - >;-Hast.�:Har�y M�.rsh�Il e City C1erI� V ' �agitoi D3�a c � Ma,y 27, 1968 Capitol View Convalescent & Nursing Home, 445 Galtier, , - St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We enclose a copy of Or ' nce o 13897, granting you permission to grade and surface the eing the west 20 feet of the east 45 feet of Lot 2, � . Hoyt's Rearr. , and also the east-west alley in B o , . H 's Rearr, ; also bill in the sum of $27.00 to co the cos f pu cation of this ordina,nce. We ca11 your s ecial atte ion to Pa.ragraphs f, h and i of Section 2 which req x� the fil of a bond, insurance, and the filing of epta c of erms of this ordinance. The ` acceptance e iled i office� Room 386, City Hall, within 30 e, s, If not so filed, the ordina.nce becomes void. Very truly yours, � �__.,-- City Clerk hp . , ' � , ?����'� � / �� � % � Page 2. �. That �aic3 �ar�nitt.ee Q$pres.�l� � ��rees a�d undert�;�eg to �ull� irad�mn:if3� and hold harmle�a tYae �ity of 5�.�,n� �atal., its agents, o��ice�� and empl�ye��, f�r�ffi az�g� and all d$ma�es y ala�tms, lo�ses, jud�-- mezita, suits` or sx�euse� a�ising �aut of or ocoas�oned by the pe�rfarmanoe o� t�� wox� oonte��p,lated by thie 'pex�nis�ion anci au�hori��; �. '��at s�.iei perm�ttee ��a11 �UY'I1�.8� a _ Uond to the C�.ty of ��.int �'at�� a.��► t1�e sum of 3'exi �Y�o�zaanfl Doll�a�� (�10,OOQ} , cva�d�tione�3 �o aoffi��.y �vith al�. the term� o� t�a�s o�di— iaarice and t,o iade�nif�r ax�� ��v� l�arrnless �aid Ci-�� 'o� �11 �?i�.b�l�tyg loss, judgm�n.t�, �uits, �o�ta, c�hs�rges a�.�l E�pex�se th�t �aay ac�crue to PersaY�� o� �rope�^ty oc�e.a��.on�d by ��� �al�ing o,Y �he imprdtr:eza$a�t or ���.sfz�g out o� t}�e. �aino.; �. Tha,� st��:d r�ex�,itte� shm1J: not pr.oceea to g�ac�e and st��'��c�� sa3.d �.�.].�y un�e�� •a.�d until ���id pt�r�i�"tfle :�Y�;�li ha�te fu7��.y ear��3ied . �rith ths Pro�is�o�:s� regr�rdi��; i�.su�a�ce a�d i.nd�mn�.f3.o.ata.dn eqntain.att in th� G�.ty o� Saint Pau�.., Di�pa�xtffien� of �t�blia ��ark� Sne�i�fic�.tio�.s �o� 5.treet �nci Sew�� Cans�ruc- �io*_�. dated Agr?2 1, 1959, Section numbexed 1. ��4, o� said S��c�.��cations; as �,mended, a�plic,abl� �v Gor�tractox's• �or the �u���o�es o� t�is o�din�neef the a�a�e��i.d ceat�io�. a� sa�a. sp�a�.��ea'tiaas, uwnb�red 1�.-44, �s a�nex�c:tecl, ��ia3.1 �e rc��d as t�ot�gh tk�.o �a�ax�d "pe�inittee�� ��a� sixbst�tu�fld ��r the ��ro�d "�o�i�Cr�et.or't� whe��ve� �.h� s�me ap�eAr;� in �k�e m�or���.id , S��tivxi 1.44, �.s amended. �aic� See�3.on 1.44, �s a�me�d�d� �v�' the �peo�..�3dations �.or ��tre�t and S�we� �ons�r�a.eti.on i� �he ��.�y o� Saint , Pau7, i.� he�eb,y inco��pora�.ec� herQiu ��y �a:��re�:e.o as fully and as rla�plet�ly as �.� set iorth herein �verba��m�., Pro,b� o� �co��l;tance with urovie.ioms o� the a�o.resaid sectio�. shall 7�e in suo�i �or� as t�e Corpor��i.on Counsel o:� �hs ORIGINAL GTY OF 8AINT PAUL TO PAYOR " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N°• _ . 2611 C.1u�,sz., ��I- 19�°� RECEIVED OF C; C�.,-� $ ,00 i Fp �,to� U�w ��n�x�.l ��.te�� �lerti2.— a,�� ��41s.. 1 .o - �� �' �o -�.e. � . �I�� � �o� 1 �? �.1� . k���o ' �,w o ���J e�11 � �=,�.J ���-�, CITY COMP OLLER ��,� c��= a���-, �o ` � BY �. .��m.�. � Mt � '+ � I st " . 2nd .. Laid over to �-���� 3rd and'app � v___Adopted � � � �'� ' Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ��arlson Farlscm \Dalglish 3�t��`�' \palglish 2 �r�„�- �+�,�a- __-- � eredith \ eredith �Peterson v PefBrsar� � Tedesco— ` Tedesco �r. President Byrne � I�il'r':�;�',r;esi,'c��jj�„ R'��'� ""C° ` ':�yr14a::Le9�eii:eE�EiE� �� Mr. Vice President (Holland)