238316 Ori¢Inal to Clty Clerk -, �' �- ��ORDINANCE } ����� � ,. . " � CC�UNCIL FILE NO . � PRESENTED BY �''���"L NCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: , "An ordinance fi.xing the dlxtie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in proper alphabetical order the following titles and - , . specifications for _ � , „ Assistant Public Works Construction Engineer ` Assistant Superintendent of Water Distribution Chief of Engineering Division--Water Department � � . �; . .� -� ... - 4; _ �_,� ,� y_ � Yeas ` Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council . Carlson Dalglish � 7n Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco , Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: �' � .� City Clerk �, � yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B �'"�� ' ' � ����. Orielnal to Ciky Clerk � � �• �ORDINANCE 2���;�� � ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. .: R _ -5- g�pY 14196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by thg Counci� Carlson </ Dalglish • Tn Favor Holland O Meredith " � A gainst Peterson Tedesco �Y j, 4 lg�� Mr. President (Byr e� ' f Ap o ed: A est: ' ���� A Ci Glerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By v PEFBLIS�HEB MAY 18 196�� THIl3D READING & APPROVAL OF FORM - May 7, 1968 Duplicate to Printer - �J ��ORDINANCE ����=�� � � . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ✓ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordinance f�xiag the dutiea and responaibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various claeses of poeition� ia the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13� 1g35. aa amended. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF SAINT P�UL DOES ORDA�N; o Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13� 1935, ae amended, be and th�s same is hereby fuxther amended by inserting in proper alphabetical order the followiag titles and apecifications fox Asei$tant Public Works Constxuctioa Engiaeer Abeistant Superintendent of Water Distribution Chief of Engineering Divieion--Water Depaxtment -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . _ . •?: Daplieate to Printer . � - �• � �ORDINANCE 2�g��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ) ' 5ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the firet payroll period following thirty days after � its passage� approva.l, and publication. -�- MAY 14 1985 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish 7n Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Againat Tedesco �Ay i � 196� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ' �?� �' . ����. �� T itle o£ cla s s: ASS�.S'FANT PUBLI�C WORKS CONSTRUCTION ENGINE�R Duties and �e3ponsibilitiea: Under direcL-ion, to aseist in the supervisian of tlze in�paction of �11 contract'ed con�truction in the Public �Yorks Depaxt•msnt with z�esponsibilii:y for s�ein� f:ha.t all contrac�:s �.re completed accordin� t•o i:l�e plan3 and specificatiions designaticd; and �o p�r£orm rel.ated v�ork as aesigned. Ea�arnpl.ez� of work perfoxmed: '�o aseist in the eupervi�ion af the i��pection of all F'ublic ti�lorks contractad conatruction� and the inepeci:ion of alI mai:erials used on Public Works projects. To as�iat iri consu�t•ing on special conatruction problems. To coor�inatie the finalizatxon of all Public �'ToF ks conati•uction and the iasu�t2ce of pxoper paymenta. To asais�: in consulting t*rx�h Count-y, State, and �'ederal Govorn�ment officials arzd rvith repreaentai:ivea of utility comp�niea ancl with the City S�wer, Bridge Deaign and T�:�affic Engineers on con- stru.ction projecte. To make studiee concernin� Poasible new project�. �'o act for the Pul�lic �4�ork� CanatrucLion Engineer iia his ab�ence. To make rEpart� and iecommendationo. • Minimum qualifications: �ollege graduation and ei�ht years' profes�io�.al engir�eer•iz�g e:cperience, at 1eaa� two years af which mz�st Iaavo been �,a a Civil En�incer I�I. MusS; be a registcred pxo�e�sianal engine�r iaz the Sta�e of Minnesota. (Na �«bsLitution for educaiion.. � -2- .-, . � r Title of class: ASSISTA.NT SUPERIIVTENt7EI�7T OF Wl�'�ER DISTP��I3U'zIQN Duties and r�spon�ibi�if:ies: Under direction, ta aosist the Superant•endent of i�Tater IDi�tribut•ion in perfornzing highly difficul� and responsible profcaEiorial en�ineering and supervisory work in the design, constructioi�� maintenance, and operatiou of t-he Water 1�o=ka di,tribution syatem; and to perform rclated work as a�signed. Examples of work performed: , To assist in the supErvision of ��ie designsr detailed plane, specifications, estimace of costs and construction of 'che Water Department distribution systenz. To assist in the prepar,ation of specifications for co�.tract �aorZc, To assist in the supervi�ion of all mainL�nance r�pair a�rl emer�ency work in the distribu�ion systeizi. To assist in the aupervision of the �tore� and di�tribution yaz�c�, including the orderin�; o£ ma�terial.s and the maintenance of invent•ories. To assign and supervise the construction and maintenance oi w�ter worlce pr�jects. To assign and supervise 1:he inspection of the work dox�e under contract to see that it is in accordance with plans and specifications. To act for the Superintendent of Wai:�r Dis�x•ibution in kai.� absence. To make reports and recornmendations. Minimum qualificatio�as: College graduation in civil eugineering and eight qear3' professional engineering e:�perience, at• le�s1. two of whicl� mu�t have been as a Civil Engineer IIi-�tiVater Depari:ment, or equiva.lenL-. Muat be a registered ps•ofessional civil engineer in the S�ate of Minnesota. (No substitution for education. 3 -3- M ' �) ^ v ���V_±� Title of class: CH�EF OF ENG�NF'ER�NG DIVISION�-WATER DEP.�R'T'iV1ENT „ Duties and responsibilities: Under direc�ion, to perform respo�sible pro�essional work in tiz� supervision of al.l design, draft�ng, estima�in�D and record keeping in 1:he Engineexing Division o= tize Wut�x Departtment; and to p�rform related �vo.rtc as assi�n�d. Exampl.es of worlc performed; To assign and supervise the vrork of engineers, technicians, � drattsmen, and othe.r assigned personnelo To consuli: v�ith oi:her city dcpartmen�ss utility campani�E, • consulting cngineers, archi�ects, and others wl�o may b� involved in mattexs relating to the En�ine�ring D�ivisiono To assign and superwise the inspeci:ion of Water Depaxti�az�nt proj�c�se • To assign and supervisc the desi�n o£ plans for �Va�ez Degartrnenti projectis. " To assign and supex�vise the prepaxa�ion of specificatious for contract worlc. To deveiop and supex•v�ise the mair�tenancc of requxr�d racordsa 3'o esL•imate and x�eview costs invol.ving major �x�at�r main relocations ox othar unusual constru�tion c�.uein� majox changes in present systema. To make reports and recommendations, Minimum qu�lifications: College gradua�a.on in civil engin�ez•ing �nd ei�;ht years� proSessional �n�ineering exp�rience, at least two of whi�h rnust hav� been as a Ci�ril Engineer �I-�Wa�cr Depaxtm�nt, or equival�n�t. I+�itzst }�e a registered professional ci�il engineer in the Stat� �f Minnesota. �No substitution for education, ) -4- � ����1� Title o£ class: .E�SSSSTANT PUBLIC WOk�I�4S CC7NS 1 k�UC'?'ION ENGINEER Du�i.es az�d xesponsibilitie�: �Tnder c�irection, L-o a3sist in the supervision of the i.n;pectiorx of a1.1 contraci:�d co�astruction in the I�ublic Woxks Depaxi:m�nt E�ith ��esponsibility �or �eein� t•h�t all cor�tract� are carripletad accordin� Lo the plans and s�ecifications designat�d; and to perform relatca work ae aosigned. �xamples of work perfo�zned: To assist in �hc auparviaion of the i*_aspec�tioiz of all I'ubl.ic V�orl:s contraci:ed con�tx�uctiot�, and �he iiaspectioii of all rraa��eriala used on Public �Norks g:roject9. To assiat iiz consultin� on ��-lecial constr.uctzvn px�blems. To cooxdinatie tne finalization Qf all Public l�TorkA construction and the issuar_ce of prop�r �aym�nl:a. To as�i�t in conaul.tin� �x�ith'County, �tate, and I"ederal. Govex�nunent officials and wi.tlz regre�entaL•ives of utility companies and �,vith the City SewEr, Bridge Desigii and T�affic Engineers or� con- � struction projec�l:�. • :,,a- `To make studies concernin� poa�ibl� netv �rojec�a. . , To act for the Public �rVor�s Conatruction �ngine�r i.n his abaetzce. ''' To anake repox�ta and recoaYZmendatione. � _ I+�tinimum quali£ications: , .�s: �x�;" College graduation ar_d eight yearg' professional engin�ering C:7C�E1°ience, •�1 _ at lea�t t�,vo yeai�s of wtaich rn�.�t havc Ueen as a Civil x'ngineer IzI. � - ', - Must be a regist�xed pro�e��iorzal engineex in the St�.te uf Minrzesot�. (TJo substitution for educatioi�, � -2- � . �^����� .� � v� Title of clas�: ASSl.�STAIVT SitPERiNTENDENT OF �[hlATEkZ DIS t Fi3:[iU'T�ON Duties and responsibilities: / Under direction, ta assist thE Supeiintendent of Water TJistribueion in p�rformi.ng highly difficult and respon�ible pxofcssiozzal_ t engineerin� �.nd supervisory work in �he d�:ei.gn, con��Lx•uctioi�, maintenance, and operatioii of the Water �4Yo�ks eli�1:ribui:ion system; and to perform rclatecl work as assi�;ized. Examples of work pe�-formed: To assist in thc supcxvision of the desi�n3s deS;ailea p3.ans, sPeeifications, e��in�a�e of costs and construction of tlze Water Dega��tment distrxi�ution system. � To assist in Lhe preparation o£ specificatiions for contract work, To assi�S; in the supervisi�n of all. maintienance repair and errsergency work in �d�e diAtribu�ion systern. To assiat in the supervision of thc stores and distxibution yax•d, iucluding the ox�dering of ma�teriaLs and the inaintenance of,. inventor�e s. � -.�; To assi�n and supervise the construction and main�enar�ce of � ' �vater works pr•�jeci:s. To assign and supervise the inspection of tlze �vorlc done under contract to �ee tha� it is in accordance witl� �lans and specifications. � To act for the,5uperintendent af WaS:er Disl:a�iULt�.ion in :zi3 absea�c. To malce" reports and recomzx,endations, . _ _ _ ._ � Minimum qualificatiions: � College graduation in civit engineeri.n� and eight yca?-s' profes�ional � engineering experience, at leasl: two of which mu�t have been as a � Civil Engineer iII--�`Tater,D�partment, or c�quivalent-. Iviust �c� a ` register�d professional. ci.vil engincei• in i:he State of A�inne�ota. • (No eubs�titution for education. } � � _ I - •- - - - - -- - _ �. -� . � -3- + ' . 23����� Title of class: CH�EF OF ENGINF'ERING I3I�TISION--W.A.�ER DE1'�.RTMEN7C Duties and responsibilities; Under direction, to perforna responsible pro�essional work in the supervisiQn of al.I design, drafting, eytirna'�zngr ancl record keeping in the F'n�inee�ring Division �oi thc �IYater Departixner�t; and to gerform related wo�-k as assi�ned. Examples of v��ork performed; To as�i�n and supervise the work of. en�inecrs, technici.ans, draftsmen, and other a�signed pez sonnel. To conault with other city d�partmen'c�, tl'�111$y companic�z •, consultin� cn�ineers, architecl:s, and oL'hers ��ho rrsay Ue involved in matters rela�ting to the En�i.n�erin� Divi�iono To assign anc� supes•vise the inspection of Water I3epaa.��x�.zLni: projects. To assigr� and supcxvise the de�i�n o£ plans for �Yater Degartment ° projectis. .. To assign and stapexviss the preparation of speci€ica�io�s for contract worke To develop and sup�rvise the nzaintenanc� of requixcd r�co:�dsa To �stimatc and xeview costs inJOlving rnajoz watea.• main. relocations or other unusual construction causing major chang�s in piesent syst�ma. To malce repoxt� and recommcndations. Iviini�num qualifications: College gpadua�ion in civil engineering and einl�t yearst p.rofessi.otzal. , engineering experiencer at least two of which must hav� b�en as __ a Cizril Engi�neer �.L-�Wat�r DepaxtmentF or equival�n'to Mu�t bc , . a regi.stered nrofessional civil engineer in the SL-at� of D/linnesot?. SNo stibstitution4:for educa�ion. ) ...- _. , - .Y-- �- - - - - ,,.� , � �-.:.�. . - - -4- I st��� �.� �'' 2nd �—� Laid over to , � 3rd and app S —Adopted �� 't' Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �\Carison Carison alglish Dalglish ' SV-lolland � Holland �vleredith ��� Meredith �l (1�� � \ Peterson \ T�sco �Tedesco .:�;�.i,�,v,Ir,�P�esi�l,e,���g� r. President Byrne �iBiBi!x b�:��...�,�:�a.-..�.c�`�.�3p��.'..,°e°,"'�,;:"e��OO �, yiCe �resident��Peterson)