238288 r * � ✓`� ti. (� `^, OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �' " /����/"� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � �'��.`�'�' LICEiv'SE COI�1P•1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. CO�CI�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / / DATF ��'�' Z5, 1968 COMMISSIONE � �� / / / (� ' � ` — WHEREA,S: A ,S�znday On Sale Liquor License can only be issued -�� an establishment holding an On Sale Liquor License and such licens�was issued to R3.al�s Bar, Znc. at 91�9 East �eventh Street whq�e On Sa1e Liquor License has been transferred to a new licensee who posted the fee and applied for another Sunday On Sale Liquor ?�i.cense �.ich subsequently was granted to the new licensee� and WHEREAS: The Sunday Qn �ale Liquor L�cense No. B-500 held by Rial's Bar, Inc. has b�en surrendered and request made for a refund of the urntsed portion of the license� ther�fore� be 3.t " RESOLVID: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to � . Rial's Bar,. Inc. the pro-rated fee o� � 166.67� deducti.ng,$ 33.33 from the original fee of $ 200.00 posted for the license, for the�period. the licensee _ operated. on said 1.icense. �. T�ICENSE ATTACHID TO CITY G�LERK'S C�PY QF RESOLUTION CA�ICELLATION (partial Refund} MAIL ADDRESS; C�Q JohnRial 825 W. �,rlington AQenue �t. Pau1� Nrinnesota� 551.17 • APR 2 5 195� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � I96� Carlson � Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Tn Favor Meredith , \ �� `� �d�g Mayor � Tedesco Against ''•���'�_`�'����::;�i�� s:::::: 1 �:::: Mr. Vfce�Presidont (Pateraon) Pl��LIS.HE� APR 2 7 1g68 ��