238285 ORI�INAL TO CITY CL�ERIC � 23��:s�
�,``' ' ' , �
RESOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, that
_ Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, .
Minnesota, having determined that the thereby proposed Redevelopment
Project should be undertaken, on the 25th� day of April, 1968, . filed
with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul and presented to this
Coun.cil with its. 'application for said Council' s approval of the same,
its Redevelopment Plan for that certain area within the City of Saint
Paul, County -of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, commonly designated
Summit-Univeraity Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-47, dated
December 26, 1967, consisting of 26 pages and one map, the boundary
line description of said Summit-University Urban Renewal Area Minn.
�R-47, is as follows:
� , ,
. � ; .
Asst. Corporation Counsel �
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish �' Approved 19�_
Holland Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
' A gainst
Mr. President, By"rne
OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK /•L/�y��- i
r � �
. Page 4.
opportun.ity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a
whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal
area by private enterprise; (3) the �Redevelopment Plan conforms to
a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and
(4) the Redevelopment Plan gives the consideration to the provision
of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be
desirable for neighborhood improvements, with special consideration
for the health, safety and welfare of children residing in the
general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; be it '
FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than 10 days prior to the
date� of said public hearing the City Clerk shall cause published
notice of the. same to be given in a newspaper of general circulation
, in said City of Saint Paul at least once not less than 10 days prior
to the date of said. hearing. •
APR 2 5 l��
COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 1�
Yeas Nays
Carlson ���5 �
Dalglish Approved 19�_
Holland � Tn Favor
Meredith \
V Mayor
----- a gainst �dti�9�
:.�',;,;Preside�,�By.r.r�::•• APR 2 7 19��
::M:: .:::: p�LISJ�f�
. - , „ ��8��'�
� .
. Page� 2.
Beginnin; at the point of intersecri.on of the eastern ri�ht-of-�•�ay line of
Western Avenue with tne projected northern right-of-way line of the alley
betcoeen Sherburne Avenue a:�d University Avenue, then westerly aloag said
projected line of the a11ey to the point of intersection ��ith the weste.rn
ri�ht-of-way� line of Lexinoton Parkway, then southerly along said line to
the point of inter�section with the southern ri�ht-of-way line of tiie alley
between Portland A'venue and Summit Avenue, then easterly alon; said line •
� to the poin� of intersection with the eastern right-of-way Iine of �filton -
Street, then northerly alono said line to the po3.nt of intersection z•�ith _ .
_ the southern right-of-way line oF Portland Avenue, then easterly along
said line to the point of intersection �vith the western right-of-:•,ay line
o� Victo�ia Street, then southerly alozg said line to the point of inter- .
;; section with the southern right-of-caay line of Portland Avenue, then ,
easterly along said line to the point of inCersection with the �vester� , , G3
. right�of-way line of S�. Albans Street, then southerly along said line to � t
• the southern right-of--�aay line oi the alley betwe�n Sum:�►i� ��renuc ar�
_ Gran.d _Av?nue, tli�n-easterly alen� sai�--liae .t-o�the�no3.nt_�oL__in�ersectio,l �
� �� witY���:,ti�c`'cas'tErn ri��iti�o�'wi�:a�,:3i'r:e�o��Calc�nnd:Avenue;�-��iY�_z izor��:h�riy. . . _ _ '� ."
along said line to the point o� in�ersectio< <vi�h the projecte� line o£ �he ,
� southern right-of�way iine o'� t'ne• alley between Summi� Avenue and G-rand
� Avenue, then easterly along said projected line to t;�e point of inter-
� section with the eastern right-of-way line o� Sur,imit Cour�, then northe�ly
along said line to the poin� of intersection with the southe�'n rioh�-of- ^ _
' way line of Summit ,Avenue, thea easterly along said li.ne r_o the poin� o� '
• i.ntersection with the southern right-of-way linc of Ramsey Street, t�en . .
� easterly along said line to the poir.t of ir,tersection with the eastern
� - right-of-way line of Western r�venue, then noztherly zlong said line to the
" � point of intersection �aith the soutnern righL-of-���ay line of Irvine Avenue,
� then northeasterly aloag said line to the point of intersection with the
northeasterly right-of-way line of vacated Walnut Street, then north-
westerly along said line to the point of in�e•rsection G71�h the sou�h-
� easterly right-of-way Zine o£ Summit Avenue, then northeasterly alon� said
line to the point o� intersection ���ith the projected northe•rn righ�-of-way
line of Dayton Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of inter-
sectior, with t;►e eastern righL-of-�•�ay line or vacated Cathedral Place, then
� northerly along said line to the point of intersection �vith the northern
right-of-way line of N�arshall Avenue, then westerly alon� said line to the
, point o£ interseetion caith the eastern rig�t-of-caay line of i�estern Avenue,
then northerly alon� said line to the po�nt of iatersection �•�ith the nor�h-
ern rigl�t-oi-�aay line of Marshall Avenue, then westerly along said line to
the point of intersection with the easterly right-of-c•�ay line of Arundel
Street, �hen northe•rly along said l�ne to the point of intersect�on witn .
the southern right-of-�aay line of Concordia Avenue, then, sou�heas�e;:ly
along said line to the point of in�ersection wi�h the easterr. ri�nt-of-�aay •
' line of Western Avanue, then aoreherly along said line to �he poin� or
intersection with the northern right-of-ca�y l�ne of the a11ey bett:�een
Sherburne Avenue and Universi�y Avenue which is tize poin*_ of beginnin��
. -,- �
, ,;;,.
J •
•� �����p�
.r •
Page 3.
' r n
said Redevelopment Plan being designated Summit-University Urban
Renewal Area" , dated December 26, 1g67, consisting of 26 pages and
one map; together with a statement of the method proposed for the
financing of such Redevelopment Project and relocating the indivi-
duals and families to be disp]�aced, and the written opinion thereon
. and approval of the same by the Plannin.g Board of said City of' Saint
� Paul and other pertinent data, said Redevelopment Plan and maps,
� charts and other details of the same being on file in the office of
said City Clerk and in the office of said Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to inspec-
� � tion. during regular business hours, the same, by reference, . hereby
are incorporat�ed herein and made part and parcel hereof with the � .
same intent, purpose and effect as if said documents and all of the .
' same were �ully set forth herein; that pursuant to Section 462. 521�, -
Minnesota Statutes Annotated, this Council hereby determines and - •,; .
provides tYl.at it shall hold a,public hea.ring on said proposed _ '
Redevelopmen.t Plan and said proposed Redevelopment Project for said�. r �,•
Summit-University Urban Renewal•Are�a,,• Minn;,. .$.°='47, presented by said�'' '� ' , -
Housing and..Redevelopment Authority of the City- of� Sa-int Paul,
Minnesota, as �aforesaid, � and.�that sa�id public hearing. thereon shall � �
be .held �before this Co_unci.l .in_�,�he;.Gouncil .Chamber.s�,rin.�,;.t,}ie,.�,GAUx���;`�.�.,. •_;:--..�_
- .��-,.�---.----_-- �-�--�--r,-
� ' House `�at~'t7�e'""fCzty--.o��'��Sain�°��R�aul':;�.;Minn�:s�ata.`q�--th'e=�r6�-c��o=�A�;-����-- . . `�
� - .��.,-_.-.�,.-,p:.s_-�-r_-�--��- _. .��.,��>,:.
1968, at 10:00 o clock a.m. ; �that upo.n, said public hearing and:�
definit'ive of the purpose_ of the same this Council ahall consider ;���_;; �
said�+�Redevelopment Plan for said Summit-IIniver.sity Urban Renewal ,�'�}.
Area, Minn. R-47, and said Redevelopment Project thexeby proposed ,and,
among other things, determine whether or not this Coun.cil' s resolution
thereat to be considered shall be adopted approving said Redevelopment
Plan and said Redevelopment Project and permitting said Housing and �
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to . - �
undertake an urban renewal project under State and local law with �
Federal Financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of ,
1949, as amended, and local financial assistance un.der Laws 1967,
Chapter 499, and the mun.icipal Housing and Redevelopment Act; to
acquire blighted properties in the project area; to demolish or
remove buildings and improvements; to install, construct or reconstruct
streets , utilities, parks, playgrounds and other project improvements,
to make land available for development or redevelopment by private '
enterprise or public or non-profit agencies for housing and public
facilities , and to un.dertake a program of repair and rehabilitation
of existing housing, and, among other things, in connection with
said Resolution to be considered at said meeting this Council will
determine and make findings accordingly upon the questions whether
or not (1) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary
• to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the
Redevelopment Plan; (2) the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum-
. ' �,•- �
, . .���''
�x 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510 2. Edward N. Helfeld, executive director. phone 223 5Z 1�
� � .�_ � ��- d�J
Honorable Mayor and City Council April 24, 1968
, % City Clerk
City Aall and Court House
? St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,
� Re: Application for Approval of Redevelop-
- � ment Plan, Su�it-University Project
� Transmitted herewith are the Application For Approval of Redevelopment Plan, Su�►it-
� University Pro,ject, dated April, 1968, together with the Application to Undertake Project
; Activities During Project Planning Stage, S�it-University Project Minn. R-47, dated
� October 18, 1967.
Council consideration and approval of the Redevelopment Plan will permit commencement of .
certain project activities including acquisition and demolition of 251 substandard proper-
` ties, acquisition of �00 properties by ne�otiation for rehabilitation by the Authority to
demonstrate the feasibility of rehabilitation and to serve as a relocation resource for
families displaced in the project, provide sites and improvements for new and existing
park and recreational facilities in Oxford Playground, a centrally located recreational
facility and the site for the Martin Luther Ring Community Facility .
Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521, Subdivision 1, the
Authority requesta your Honorable Body to set Friday, May 10, 1968, as the date for pub-
lic hearing upon the proposed Redevelopment Plan (approved by the Authority at its reg-
ular meeting on Apr il 24, 1968) and to cause publication of a notice of said hearin�, to
be published in a news paper ot general circulation within Saint Paul.
' Respectfully submitted, _
Edward N. Helfeld .
Executive Director
, C� Op�