238273 OrigIael to City Clerk � � � �� � . � ORDINANC � ��$��� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY 0 ORDINANCE NO An ordinance granting permission to the Whirlpool Corporation to con— , struct, maintain and repair a concrete �---- � , slab on the south 10 feet of the west 50 feet of the east -335 feet of Whitall Street west of Arcade Street in the City of Saint Paul. ' � TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Whirlpool Corporatiori for the construction, maintenance and . repair of a 10 foot by 5Q` 'foot'�concrete slab to be used for. the ' purpose of installing anc� operating an 8 foot wide, 43 foot long and 9 foot high stationary steel waste compactor, on the south 10 , feet of the wes� 50 feet of the east 335 feet of Whitall Street west of Arcade Street, Saint Paul, Min.n.esota. , Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ' authorized to issue a permit to Whirlpool Corporation for the construction, maintenance aand repair of said concrete slab upon compliance with the following terms and conditions: � -- ""'" a. Said permittee' shall' construct a concrete ~ � a slab to the~ satisfaction of-the Commissioner of . Public Wor-ks and in accordance with plans and , specifications to be filed by the permittee, said plans and specifications being subject to the r�� approval of the Commissioner of Public Works and � . the� Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public � � Buildings; . ' b. That said permitt.ee shall ,pay ,the cost of supervision and publication of this ordinance; c. That said perm�ittee agrees that its con— tractor shall be -requireci to keep the work guarded 'by day and night so as to prevent damages or �.,� injuries to persona or property during the course of construction; d. Said permittee expressly agrees and under— takes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents , officers and employees, from any and all damages, claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatsoever nature arising , out of or by reason of this permission and authority` and by reason of the continued presence and egist— � ence or removal of said concrete slab; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland • � Meredith Peterson Against . ;. Tedesco_ _ _ __ , _ , __ . : - . - - �� Mr. President �(Byrne) Approved: Attesti: - City Clerk . Ma , �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By f r c. � ' " ���f.�� �t9 J � Page 2. � e. That said permittee, during the time of "��' construction of the concrete slab, shall provide ' � ' public liability insurance and shall protect the permittee and the City of Saint Paul from all ;, claims or� damages for personal injuries, including , , accidental death, in an amount not less than. � Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollara (�250, 000. 00) for each person and subject to the same limit for . each person in• a total amount of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (�500,000.00) on account of any one accident and property d,amage coverage in� an amount not less �:than One Hundred Fifty •Thousand Dollars (�150,000.00) for all damages to or destruction of property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident; further subject to , a total of not less than Two • , Hundred Thousand Dollars (�200,000.00) for all 'r; • damages to or destruction of property during the � policy period;=� and said permittee shall file the policies of insurance or certificates relating ' • � thereunto with the Comptr�oller oY the City of �� - ��-'°��, . ,,, Saint 'Paul; �,� _'�'"�;�„ -� ._ ., "_;' _ -� �� � ��:'�` That said -permittee sY�a-1'•1==�'urnish- an.d° - ' � i�`�.� ' .. ,�-• f , �, deliyer to the City of Saint Paul a surety bond . " , � in•the amoun.t of Ten Thousand Dollars (�10,000. 00) � conditioned upon the permittee complying with all •- the terms and conditions of this ordinance and to � indemnify, defend and save +�harmless the City of Saint Paul from all loss, liability, judgments, _ suits, costs, charges , damages or expenses that � � may accrue to persons or property or the City � arising out of or growing out of the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of the concrete slab, which surety bond shall remain in force and . effect so long as the eo-ncrete slab or any part �• �� � thereof remains on that portion of Whitall Street _ describe`d above; _ � g. That during the term of this permit, the said permittee shall provide public liability � insurance which shall protect the permittee and the ` City of Saint Pau1 from all claims or damages for . � -- . • ������� Page 3. p.ersonal injury, including accidental death, which may arise from the operation, maintenance, continued , presence and existence or removal of the concrete slab, which public liability insu.rance shall be in � an amoun.t not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars (�100,000.00) per person for injuries, including accidental death, and subject to the same limitations for each person in an amount not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (�300, 000. 00) on account of any single accident or incident and further include" coverage for property damage in an amount not less than Three Hun.dred Thousand Dollars (�300, 000.00) arising out of a single occurren.ce, which polivies of insurance or certificates shall state that °thirty (30) days ' written notice shall be given to the City 'before said insurance is changed or cancelled. Copies of said insurance policies or certificates shall be . ;� filed with the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; �. , , - -a--�--�-�.,�-:�:- _ ... - . " -. � , . �..,....._... � �� \'' , , '��'y h. ��Said permittee expressly agrees and � � � . un.dertakes to maintain the concrete 'slab in proper condition and to keep the same free and clear' of • any obstacles or snow; , i. � That said permittee shall restore the street to its original condition after the installa— tion� oY tlie concrete slab; " j . ' That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall determine the discontinuance and removal of the concrete slab necessary in the public interest and accordingly . order the discontinuanc�e� and removal of the same from said location, the said con.crete slab shall '� be discontinued and removed from Whitall Street and Whitall Street restored to its original condition, all at the permittee' s sole cost and expense; • , . � . , 1 l. Original to City Cletk _ � . � URDINANCE ����`�� '' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 4. k. That said permittee shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance of the terms hereof with the City Clerk. ' Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. a -_...--" _�._ • _ " ..- . _ _ �--, ' " __ -' —�-.. _ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAY 9 19��' Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor � Holland Meredith � � A gainst VP�t2F§ori—' � ��s����. ':�7���;:i . ' � �flP�Y 9 196� A est: ice Presi �nt �P� A roved• 7 Ci Clerk �%�� ayor �� �Form approved Corporation Counsel By P�B s��� N1AY 11 1968 Daplicate�to Printer � . � ORDINANCE ���2`�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinanoe granting peY'mis�ion to the Whirlpool Corporation to oon�- strua�t, maintain and repa�.r a eoncrete slab on the south 1U �eet of the we$t 50 �eet of th� east 3�� feet of Whitall Street west of Araai�e Street in the 'C�.ty of Saint Paul. TH� COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �UES ORDAZN# ;. Seotion 1. That permis�iQn and authority �re hereby gra�,ted to the Whirlpool Corporat�on for th� oonstrucstion, maintenanoe and repair o� a 10 foot by 5U} foQt conorete elab to be used for the purpose of �.netalling $nd operating an 8 foot wide� 43 foot long an.d 9 �oot high etationary� steel waste compaato�, on the south 10 feet of the we�t �0 feet o� the eaet 33� �eet o� Whitall Street weat o� Arcade Street, Saint �t�ul, Minne�ota. Sect�.on 2.. That the Comm�.s�ionex o� Publio Works ie hereby authorized ta i�sue a pera�it to Wh:f.xlpoc�l Corpor�ation for the cvn�truotion, maintenanae and repa3r .o� said oonarete slab upon eomp3.ia.noe with the Yollowing terms� ,�n�. oonditiongs a. Said permittee sha�l conatruot a c�onore�e �lab to the sat3sfaotion of the Commiaeioner of Public Wor�s and in aaQOrdanae with pla.ns and speoi�ieations to be i�il�d by the permittea, eaid plang and speoifioations being eub�eot to the apprpval of the Commie�ioner of Pub�io Worke and the Commissioner of Parks and �ea�eation and Publia $uildinga;. b: That said permittee shall pay the Qost of supervieion and public�atior� of tY�is ordinan.oe; a. That said p�rmittee agrees that it� con- traator sha�.l be required to keep the work guarded by day and nfght so as to prevent damagee or in�uries �Q pereona or �roperty during the courge of oonstruation; d. Sa3d permittee egpressly ag�eea and un.der� takes to fully indemnify and ho�.d h�rmle�s the City of Saint Paul, its a�en�e, o�ficera and employeess �rom an.y aund al�. damag�e, cla�.ms� d�mands, actions ar bauses o� �otions of whatsoever natnre arisin.g • out of ar by reason oY thie permiagion and suthorit.y and by �eason o� the Qontinued presenQe and exist-- enoe �or remova]. o� �aid Qonorete slab; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson - Dalglish Tn Favor Holland , Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Printer � � � � RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO �'"���� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 4., k., That �aaid p$rmittes sYa�ll�, withir� thirty • (30) days a�ter th� paseage 6� thia ordinanae,, file � a written acaeptance of the terms hereo� w3tla the City Clerk. , � SeGti.o� 3. Thi� ord�.n�nce sh�ll take ef�ect and be �.n �orQe thirty (30} days �rom and aftb� i.ts ��,ssage, approval and publtca�ion. • ' ,� .- � , + �Y 9 19�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish _ � Tn Favor Holland Meredith ' pP+ gainst �e---- j,�� � 19�� �;Mr;'Presi�e�t,<(By"'r_•rie�:e=;: A roved: �°� ' PP Attest' M�•..Vice Precidant•�Peterson) . City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � . Saint Paul, Minnesota Ma,y 13, 1g68 To the Honorable, the City Council • Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 238273, being Ordinance No. 13886, adopted by the Council on May 9, 1968. , WI�IIRLP00 �ORPORATION , � BY / L. G. Holder General Manager, St. Paul Division , � � i ��c��`'�� . � �g�, � '' �age 2.. - , e: �,�a.�$ sa�:a p.��mi;t�a�,i au�ri:mg t�ie ��:m� o� con��rua��:,fii�. o� the e��na�e^�e ��].,a1�a :�h;�7.�. �rav�..de �ut►i�.ci ].i�.lo�2i'��' �ir��,�'and�e a.�riid ��al� pirbteat 'the pei^�ni.�-��e az�ci� t$e C�.�� af� Sa.3�,lt Pau3: �rtiim a�.l o�a�.nt� o� d�riti�g,�� ��i� pers.�ii�:�Z ��:��_ur.3�es., 3.�c]:ud�i�ng �ea�de�tt��l �e.a:t.lai 3�; ap. amii�:� 3i.at lo�s �tlian . Two T3�.1�#d�red �',���� '��'%ou���.a �o��:��a� �.t��50,000.r ao) �'�o.r e.ac�h pers:ci� r�i�cl s.iib��ec�t ��� ���e� 's�me ]:�:mit �Q� oaeh per�tin: i�t� a. '�.o.t�� arao�� o� 'no�. �:as� than.� F3.v� 'H�.ridred Tlipu.��cl� D��:1'ar�. .E'�gQU:�;,04Q�.Q0') a� �o.i�Q�t� of` 'aiiy, c�pk'e a�eid:egi`t a�d �irop�rt'.y, davtaga ��.over�ge .ii�i 'an amo'i�i�t n,o� 1esS '���i�: ane I��.d��ct �3.��y 'Ti�ousai�d Dol].ars ��3:5.4.�0(�O.tl0}� �'o�' a7.7: c��niia::�:e'a t�. ra�' .�e'���i�c��i:�or� Q� p�ap�r�y �ri �.n� ori..e a.c�i.�.e�t `�nd #.��i��e:�t t�o� �I��,`�: I�:��:t p�r ac�iident.�; f��-�i�e�� �izb,��e�ct �Q a �otax o�� �o'� '1��� ��ax� T�,rc� Hu�it�'gd Th��x�aiid �IQ;13.a�"s {��Of�,DOQ-�QQ} �a�r �.�;3: cl�,iia,:g�s` to: �i�c +�;es-�xl�v�i:ti� o� p�'ope�rt� du��ng �he� pQ?�-�3' F'er�tScl., ,a�id s��a�d� ,p.e_r�ri3:t;�e',�� �ha�:�. ���:�:e ��e poa�;.Q,i�.Q� oi�� �:�i�u�:a���:� 4r ae���.�:3:��,a:�o� .re�.atiiig. ' the�rouiito ti;����i �li�' �Co.i����:t�-�l�Er o� ���. �i�y v�i' �ai�� P�:u�:; ' �....' Th�,t �a�c�� geri�i,�te� sha1Z �ua�.��h a�c� c�e7:iv.e� ti�� t�.� Cit� o� Sai;�.t �'auI a s�ar�,t� �aoa�d in ��e €�moui�� a� "��n �,�oua�na �po�.��.gr� (��to,.o�o+�o�) cvaditi`pm'ed 'up�in t��� 'p'�r�n�t��'ee avmp�:ying: �r�.tY� ai� ` the �te�nis �ic� aon�'��.p�:� b��_.`tY�ti.$ oz�d�.ri`aa.d'e �and �.o ind�mri�3�y., d��'emci anc� �ave ��a�ria�.ess �lie 'Git� o� � Sai�� Pa�l ��o�u .a�:l ];o�s�. �.,ia.t��:�:�t�ty�. �u�dgmen��, �u��`�,.A" c,�s'��� G�le��'����,' da�ag�� :ax ��pense�� �tlaat: m�.y �.ee�ti.i� -�� ��r���� o� �aro��rt� �qar tk�e '�i-�y •a�a:si�i�' �u� c�� ar g�o�r�ng' pu� ��'f�,� �ions.ta�utit�on} ril�iii.�ezlP►riC'ey �*ep�.�z' Qr �'Bltid��t1 +�� t�ii� .t34��1ar.et� �:1a�,, ��v��e�� �"u�'e�y �aond. ��.a�.�, �:ein€i�� iz��' fqxae amd' , c���ei�� -so � �.a�i� as �t�,e' .00�.er�'�e s�a:1� 'qr �iiy p.ar� ' �h.��.:ea-� 'rbm��:i�s' �o�.° ��t�t po�'t�.4� �!� t�ii��I1 ���e�� des�cr��ie.�l �l�a^�e.a � • .. � . gj�. TY�m� :d�ri�g the terffi o� �lai:s �asr�i�t, �he� � sai�d p���iiiit�e� �h��.�. �p�.�'v.,id� �iu'b7:�e �:it�b��.�.1:y . ' insu�anoe� �wh�.a� s�ial� p�o�eo� i�lie p�x'm���ee and �k�e � , C�ty of �a�.ri� 1'au�. �';r'oiu a,13 .cilaim�_ �r da�a�g..e.s fiq.� } . , ' . .. ���l�l�'�� � ��7 ���' I � � - P�g� 3.. �,er.ea►�a�. �:i�.,j�`y>. iti�c�l�ud�:ng �ac�d:e�:�a�. de�tth, �r�ie�. ,m�.y a��:,s'e, .�ko�c ��k�.e ,ope:�at-i:�na, �t��nte�a�oe,� �oi►t,inued , }�r�,sQs��.� �:rid, ,e��+�`t�i��d �� �re�i�v�;�� .o�. `���. ¢oii��Q�a s�:sia,y w�,�.��,,pu���:�.i� - �s�:b�l�:`�y. ����r��a s�ha�,1 Ue .iix an �.�toii�t. �.o� Ia�'s .���. Oia,e Suiad�".ec7. T�.oit��ac�, �6.�Ia�s (.��OQ,,O.O�:.OQ), ��� p�r.son ��'ox ir�,j'uries�� , . imc:luc�i�.� �.oQ�cl�n�a3: �,d,ea��h j, �d• �ub.�ect �.a �he� , s'€t�n� •��.�Zi:ta:�.�.o�s ��q� �acih per's�in�, i�n. �ii �.moun.t �.of: 3�e�s �har�, Tk�rs� .�uridrpd TY��'u�a�d- Do:i�ar:s ���003U00_:�tJ(i� o� .RV'aoi{nt ci� as�� s�ng3e �e_c�.deu� - or �:�e.3:�temt a.�d. �u'�t�t�� i�iia.Z�'u�:� eQ�er�.ge f4r � ' �rqFei��€y ,�am�:ga ��in aii ambt�� �io� .1�'s� �k��n Three � Huia.c��et�.:' Thnus��d �ollar� ,,(�,�b0��r 0"Fl�?:40) ' ar�.s�.aig tiut o�f a �'at'�t�l:e .q�gu��oiio�a �r#?�oh po��?i��ea �� 3;nsi��anee or z�x.t3:��:c�a�tt�s � Qh�.Il sta'�e ��a� tli�:��y (3'0), d�.ys' ivi�it��n ii�t�ae � �I�&�;'i b.e �iveu �tp tlae �City �`bE�ii�e said �n�i�r.ai��s ' i�s.• cliai�ged' or •c��a�csc�l'1'ed: - Copies ti� ' :sa�:d� �:nsu�a��ie po�.�:a�le� o� ce��i�3�cia��s ,ehal�: be ���i,7.ed' �"rii;�• the, ��i'uipt�oTZ.er 'b� '�.k��o O�tv ii� �aint� P�u�# , , . ' ' 'Ii: S��;d �pera��:fi�,ee e�pre�,s�y ��gree� and ' undex�:a�es' t4 i�'i�.�:nt'a,��; t�ie: aon�rete' slab �:� prqper , �biid�.t�:tam. ��:d �d �gep. �the .��nie far'ee �kicl' a].e�.� `(i�' � any obs.��c�;es ,.o� snci�r; �� �Iia.t said �earm���ee e�,�.3�, �e$tor'e t�:� �trg'�t �Q ��� o�i���aX �i?orid�:��:on ��ter� .�he �.ri��G.aZ7.a-. tiam �� th�' �on��ete s��'��; ' ,�. •�h�t wla�ne�r�r •�li� ��.o�n.Q�l d� tl�t� aY�y o.� ' �Sain� pau:�i b� ��.s: �r�aQl:vti;�o�J s�i��:� d�t�rmiri.e th� c7:3.:�eo�'t�;riu��a.c3e arid �eine�va� �i•� tlie �g'ncr.e�� 's7:ab nece��a�^y� i� ��i� ,��:b��.ic �:��eres� a�.d 'a���rci:i�zgly o�de� �he i�is.QO�t3nu�:ri�:�. a�.d �omt�+v�l o� itY�e s��aa �roYn aaid ],�i���ion.� � �k�� sa�d r�oncre�'�e s7:�� s�ial,� h� di:sc�.n,��.ni�ec� �n+� �c�ruoved ��ro'� �.itaT.l �5t��eet , and. �lh�:�a'].l' �.�ree� �e�'�ored �t1 �i�s vrigiiial: c�ond�t3:on, al� a� the p'eirin�.,���te��'�s ��1�� ati�� aa�i� •e�pe�.�e; r May 13, 1968 � � . ' ?�mirlpool Coa�oration ' , 850 �xcade St. St. P�,ul, Minnesota Gentlemen: _ j1e enclose a copy of Ordinance N . 3�86, anting you permission to construct, ma.intain and repair oncrete s ab on the south 10 feet of the west 50 feet of the east 5 fee 4,�hitall St. west of Arcade St. ; also bill in the sum of $3�+. o c er the cost of pub lication of this ordinance. � � We call your special ention Para phs f and k of Section 2, which require the filing o a b��nd in h amount specified and the filing of an acceptance of �he te . s of this inance. The acceptance must be filed in this office, Room 6 City Ha , within 30 days. If not so filed, the ordina,nce comes v 'd. • Very truly yours, City Cl.erk ng ' , - f � ORICi1NAL .. CITY OF BAINT PAUL TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N° _ . 2610 `-IW�e_ �y �q�' RECEIVED OF � �-�'� $ 1O° FOR ��n�<�p�l C.�.-�e�`�te,.�. — `.'�Q,v��x�w o`. C�rvC�t� �0�� 0��. 5, 10� �� �.e, �J, �� ' �� -t�Q. �. 335 � o L �J h',ta1 I ..�. �. �� �►ca�Q.�� �. � CITY OMPTROLLER �,�, a3�a�3 �� BY J CY 1�YY1�"+' ' f e . �i Ist � � `Y ' 2nd � Laid over to � 3rd and app � �4dopted � Yeas\ Nays Yeas Nays �Carlson �arlson al lish � g alglish \ � � �\ � � V-lolland 6-,t ' �Flolland � ������ U Meredith ��eredith \ \'Petersofi � `�Petersorr- � Tedesco ,.Iedesao-�_ �` .... p����J— ��i����@�2.��'�..x��`�'�... �,. , ,.;:........ Qi' �:C:::3 ���11A.� ..�IY .��.t��nf� .:i{::::::::: ��:ii��:0"iC:.5.9 _'.:..":'::7:".5 Mr.Vice Presidont '(��B°n) �s •. .�:o.:,.:...:::::::ee Ivlr.�Vice President ��elereon�