D001293_ - City Clerk _ - Finauce Dept. _ - Dept. Accou�ning (Civic Cemer) • _- Engineer (FIGA) - Connactor _ - Project Manager (CPMn No . �b�ca�.3 Da[e CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIdISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CI�ANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4 16-11 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Eenansion CP-4 Building Construction known as Contract L Project No.015118 Metropolitan Mechanical, is composed of the following: I. Provide stainless steel finish on radiation covers per MMC proposal dated 4 December 1997. Reason: Durability increased. lJ 2. Hook-up temporary unit heaters at Arena Lobby. Reason: Required to keep area warm. 3. Provide roof drains at Wilkins per Conuactor Proposal 4107. Reason: Slope in wof left some low spots. 4. Remove heater at Arena I.obby per MMC letter dated 28 April 1997. Reason: Steei structure changed and heater had to move to accommodate. 5. Delete W ilkins tie-in and pump decommissioning per Northstar letter dated 13 May 1997. Reason: Tie-in not required. 6. Change blank off at penthouse touvers per MMC letter dated 20 May 1997. Reason: Value engineering. . $2,160.00 2,648.00 6,300.00 275.00 (5,695.00) (8,340.00) Total $(2,652.00) ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, tUrough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $.L2,652 001 said amount ro be added to the lump sum consideration named in the conuact, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Rund. ��y AssLSr�t and which amount is to be Financed from: 7-�d �9� pansi Cmord' mg Committee (((yyy ' V - - �19� Director of Architec[ I-s1- - .,. . . '_` ; �=— � � �' '� �� ` �r . � -� -�. , - . �. � ', 1 .. j — . . � � o � ' � / f ,/r , / // j � � / /' � / � �� � �� � �7 J `f TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��� 3 !INITIATED - � 7 � ,� GREEN SHEET 385�5 � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CiT'ATiORNEY FOR nBUDGEiOIflECTOR �.,� , f ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) u GRY GOUNCIL O CITY CLERK � FIN. 8 MGT. SER' � �PM< INITIAVDATE '��� G� ✓� �e�-� � l l �'✓��v t ��� � (A) or Rejact (R) _ PLANNM6 COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION _ GB COMMITTEE ��,+��MS� an C M'Ee- - _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCII QBJECTIVE? ��� � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING DUE3TIONS: t. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm e�er been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO Expla{n all yes enawers on seperete sheet antl ettach to grean sheet �- � � �������� Ji�� � � �q�� IFAPPROVED. IF NOT APPflOVED. RECEIVED AUG 4 1997 C)TY CLERK ��.�:���-�-� ��� � E 199i 2� �� �� a���m.._ � � / � � �-� fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $(��SC� -~ COSUREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDIWGSOURCE ��--�^"��y {"uj'�'GTS � oCTIVITVNUMBER ` � /��' /�� ���� ��� �NANCIAL INFORMpTiON- (E%PLAIN) D6�7 �� ����� �a��d� - - - Gf)1iTT#2ACT S`f`kTi)S = • PROJECT; Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Metropolifan Mechanicaf 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 DATE ISSUED: GQNTRACT NO.: CONTR,4CT TITLE: COfdTftACT DATE: 10 July 1997 CP-4.16 Buiiding Construction Mechanical 18 January 1996 Origiraal ContracC Amount: PO # 015118 $7,624,000.00 CO No Deduct Add C4.16-01 8,892.00 C4.16-02 7,461.00 C4.16-03 11,392.p0 C4.16-04 21,691.00 C4.16-05 1�,079.00 C4.16-06 28,081.00 C4.16-07 50,175.00 C4.16-08 17,883.00 C4.16-09 5,325.00 C4.16-10 (262.0�) C4.16-11 (2,652.00) � Subtotal .00 �158.065.00 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $7,782,065.00 / N � 1 , � _� RECEIVED : Date: � r �� � Oate: 3 f� - Ca°4fTFb CTOR'S- PROFOSAL i • Con2ractor Pr Qosal N.. tatio Oate: na�Qmber 4, 199 Project: St. �-aa-� . Exp. Con[facc Na.: 4. 16 A change in the scope of the work is reGuested as indicated beVo•x: ��lt/� � � II ►� 3. It is requested the compfe[ion datz be (} extended, (} deceased, 1) unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted comp[etion date will tae pescription of the change: �ftefer co drawings, specirications, addenda, if applicable�, fteference RFP No,: - F� Na•� 7itie: Finish chanqe on SS radiation Basis of paymen2: {Check onel �}gFirm price for performing this change is Adequate supporiing details and information must be attached to aftow Owner to evaluate. O Time and material per contract, but not to exceed (} Actuai cost at completion of work Submitted by: Metropolitan Mechanirat ��nr.-a�tors0ate: December 4, 1996 Contractor ContraMOr Signature • • ouser ' �OR CPMI USE 1 2. Action ftecommended: (Check one} ( 1 Change will not be made. Explain: S 2,160.00 (increased� 1Bedcrctf S CPMf ,1a6 Na.: 3225 �qQ'Proceed on the fofiowing basis: ! ' � j As indicated above, cfiange and basis of payment is accepcah e. () Change is acceptabfe, hasis of payment is no2 acceptatile. () Basis of paymenc shall Be S . �Tfie following modification is recommended: (} Change in comptet+on date is accepted. () Change is accep2abie with no change in price. ,�Chan9e is accep2a64e with no change in campletion date. ( } Other Reasonfor Change: �Design Change {) C{iertt fteguest ( 1 Fie[d Condition '(}" Suggested by Convaczar {) Oesign Omission or Other texplain) 3. Is this a part of the original conuact scope? { � YES ��O 4. Is Contractor's Estima2e attached? ES t 1 NO 5. A/E consutted. ES ( 1 NO Prepared by: CP��� `Approved by �J HGAI v - Appraved by ,,,,.,� _ ,_,., , fQwnerl Approved 6y: C?MI Inc., c/o Sain2 Paul cc: Chris Hansen Date:� Date: - 3aa s-� � _� ��o�`�� � P1aza, 1 Mike Pederson Oick Zehring 3225- ' . DEC-03-1�396 14�19 MCNtaMARR SALES C0. 512+645+4682 P.01 �0 taQ,� � �c�VA�VIARA SAL�'S` CC� SINCE 192? �lfanutacturers Representatives 850 Grom well Avenue ?hoae� (612} 645-4681 9f. P,aul. Minnesota SS1I4 Far: (612) 645-4682 To: � m � r ,1. � . , � � � 0 , L^ i� l � f �. Subject: Gt i v� c �.�'� Uate.• � Pages:• (incJuding this page) r ND 2 $. J .p zgz,� � - aJ -------_____==_ � ---�,�.--�' � 1 __ . 0 � � � _�_.. �# F, � ,'s �, ,' . ,� 18sd � � ... _ l � ���v�c o�c o z 199s `J G?�1i , a �s r• .�"r :.,;� ,_:: ;,..,. '. `; ,; _„� � :. j i . R A p g h1 1 T T A T� p�TE _ " `� LO _ 1 � ('�,��__— }f��� � � � 5S`�°� %��[��4��-- � tJ a 'The following i�m`' are being *xansmitted: DRAW7NG 4UMBfi1� DnTF NO. OF GOPSES ____�---- --� �-- - __-------� ' • -�--____-_ _----� ___----- °—` .�1---- _____—' ____-�� -�— 2 C � 4 O ' _-----�"_--__.— lOg° G REFEREN � �1� DgSCA1PTlON 5 . S _ 1� �11� 5. ��.rd y' � �, I 1 �-l'_ .;; a�_���--= _.- 'r}�e dza�n&g above ue �ansmitted as checked below: UR t1SE [� FOR A?PAOV �L �] wPP&OVEfl � APPAOV�D f•5 xOTED �5 HfiC2UE � REMAAK � PLEwSER£TURN 7j,�--.�-=-��t�-�aa �IvT� 1 t.�. � p,��c' :/ V E�� o�- 7t� �.,.�� W � � Flr+ SId� �S � ST��L ' � .� .� �h N�'� '�I� � � �j�j�tlyf'��� s �� � brN� � _.,, a, �� -----�'" , c �y �-�ti% �'`� , �'� ��� Ixc. 1vri.-�— ��� ... ��_....t��2i9ai•7oio•f:s:(bt2)9a1-9ii � . �Tr.•rvnvnl.iT�N ECHANICALCONT��TdRS� - ^ �YO Q gESUBMIT ! `���� ���o- Contractor , FEB 0 ����- CPl6`4� i. 2. 3. • I • � 7�— - - 1. � l� COh1TRAC PROFOSAL roposa( No.: Fa �5 Oace. 1 2 ;. Paul Civic Ctr. Exo. ConcraaNa.: a_75 the scope of ths work +s reGuested as indica2ed beiow: I�� � It is requested the completion datz be () extended, ( 1 dec:ezsed, IXunchanged by calendar days. The adjusied completion date will 4e Oescriptiort af the change: lRe;er to drawings, speci4ications, addenda, it appl+cablel. Reference ftFP Na.: • FO NO.: Title: Pipe t2mD IJH' s nar t a�a7 a rr� Basis of payment: {Check onel () Firm price for perfotming this change is S 2.648 Adequate supporting details and information OncreasedN��ue�l---- must 6e attached to a(Inw Owner to evaluate. (} rme and material per contract, but not to exceed 5 ( � Actual cos2 at comp4etion of work $ _ Submitted by: Metropolitan Mechanicai _ Date: 1/29/97 Contractor � � a L �.eL a - ' � , Contractor Signaiure E.A. Couser FOR CPMi USE } 2. Action Fecommended: (Check onel { J Change wi[t not 6e made. Explain: CPM4 Jo6 t�ta.: 3225 {} Proceed on the fallowing 6asis: ,rtQ As indicated ahove, change and basis of payment is acceptable. {) Change is acceptah[e, basis of payment is no: acceptable. () 6asis af payment shall be 5 - { J The foflowing modi�cavo� is recommended: () Change in camplevon date is accepteC. {} Change is acceptable with no change in price. {) Change is acceptab(e with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reasonfor Change: ( y Design Change j�Client Request ( 1 Field Condition (� Suggested by Con2rac2or ( l Design Qmission or 02her (expfainS 3. Is this a aart of the originaf contract scope? ( 1 YES ,�QNn 4, is Contracmr's Estimate ar[ached? ,�'�YES � ti�� 5. A/E cansuhed. ( 1 YES �NO ?repared by:. �f,G� ���� ����—�—���� �CPMII Approved by /", I p �Nt.��HC:; T Owner} Appraved by Appraved by: � __`��Owner C°MI inc.. do Saini Paul Civic Cen2ef, I.A. 0'S�aughnessy 7laza, 143 W�s: b�rh cc: Chris Hansen Mike ?ederson Dick Zehring Dat=: 3� Oate: ��— Date:�--- �ate: Saini °aui. ! 32Z5- . . . ��,�.._ � L_cz�t�.�._c�.Err�_�c�S�.oN_. ---- -��a�i3 - � �z � - -- -- -- - -- - - — ---- -- -- -- - ---- --- - - - - - -- -,-, -- - -�-_- j , ,�.� _., � , Tar� r�.-r a, .,. ��.-r �, � —s-- �_-`� �!�--�,�_��- --� �fto � n,�� -�oR.__ �/ � -- N - F�K. - Uf�.' -- � r0 __ �.vn_son �cr.=s :....-.,�.�m� ,..- - { iv�{- !'�l� � ��'ii, i ? - 3 � ;� i ; �— 1 i! � �I ;� ;r- • �� 1 ,; _—____ ,i � �� i �—'—' ` �'' SI ��'i2o: .� � ` L "_��D. � _Z.� , �� � _ �; ,_-._;{� ' 23.Z• i � Z', , � i � '� - =,I �, � + ; _ '�_ _—;233•_.`' �--':—��: ��� Ii ' � ' s ^ �: �----� ---�--�- � , � ' �J; ` �ii �. ;i �� ,�! 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I� i� �� �_ - -- o � - 1►� of the work is reGuested as indicated below: / � � 3225- �/l,, � No_: a i n� Date: 3/5/97 t(�ivi� rrr c4„ ConvactNa.: 4.16 � � C0 H"TR'ACTOR'S` PROFdSAL lt is requested the completion date be O extended, ( 1 decrezsed, j�l unchanged 6y calendar days. 7he adjusted completion date wilf be 2. Descripcion of the change: iRe�er to drawings, speciiica�ions, addenda, if applicable). Ftefarence RFP Na.: 4_�0_7 : FO NO.: Title: Provid — 3. Sasis of payment: (Check onel (� Firm price tor performing this change is $ Fi, 9°� Adequate supporting detaits and infarmation (Incteased� (Bedt}et� must be attached to alfow Owner to evafuace. (� Time and materizl per contrac., but nat to exceed $ {) Actual cost at completion of work Submitted 6y: �ate: 3/5/97 Contractor �� ' . Contractor Signature FOR CPM( USE • i � Action Recommended: (Check one� (} Change will not be ma6e. Expiain: � �roceed on the following basis: () As indicated ebove, change and basis of payment +s acce� �Change is acceptabte, basis of payme,�2 is noc acceptable. �Hasis of payment shafl 6e S j�'_ _ ( J The following mo�fication is recommended: � ( J Change in comp[etion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceQtab[e with no change in completio ( } Other Reasonfor Change: (� Design Change {} C{ient Request �ield Condition ( � Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explainl 3. ls this a part of the originaf contract scope? O YES �� 4. ls Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES (] NO 5. A!E consulted. 1��' Prepared by: �� //Ir� (CPMII Approved by r ` " r ' Approved hy Approved by: � CPMt tnc., c!o Sain2 Paul Civie Cencer, I.A. 0'Shaughne cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson 143 We52 rour, Dick Zehring CPMi Job No.: 3225 �f�N� � J �N� ^'75D ��" ��Or� � 'C�N� C°�'.x''� ������ i Date: � Oate: + � Date:______--=--- Dats 3225- � � ��;�� � t� � � � 41oT ?WIL$ONJONES G't�aaceiumn�vta�9 ' 2 3 S n n � iJ—_— � � ♦ � . � �na; ; o,:� ' { i f { . '� � i ' ' i _- _ � . 1 " ' - -r-- - �,�, �:�, � ' <-� ' ' ��3�' I ; j � � ^I � i ! 7 � - � � � p �' I;� � � (���'. ���.�� I I � I f� i — ; I � S'- - �, � � t. ��I�,i� I � � � 'C � j � ' � � � 7 � � � � _ �A r,� � � i f " � ,� � ..:1:. � if,'. :3 � � �% _ x '„ `�m,'�-." iC:.�` � �.a � � �.* � Sm;� % �.� � s;� � .:i, y s . : i � � �� � .'�'; f ' ,�� „�. r; : �� ' ��`� $`� � �",:��., ;? �; ,� :� �x, �� ��E:. ia�.,;.� - '�w. � - !.�✓1 � � �YE�+G � .�� � i%� - �Y ' . 2 � `^..��� 2. b �� �`.= w �' 1 9✓� . � S� It �� �'s �..'. �.: .�� s� , � _ "� .Y � i� x".�' '_ �' .�. :+�s§ �` � :�;� � _ ; ;� .. � >: } �1 �. �°�".:. �c � � ,,..:s � ; r. a _ � � ;; L.. �' s' { ;.� y�x: •:s�� �a �+ ' a:[ �nt :3 � , "'q �. : � `. �. f ..''� �, , i .^,�.„ . � .°; '"��P� . - . i- i '�'. .� � 31 §, `S'. .,.� � � i� . _ , .... ;I i 3 � � I I ' i i3 � td , i� 7 � �g I 2 � � � Z° 6 ?5 =� �� i _3 29 31 � �2 �3 � � ,� i /� � aa �3 =0 ; � A • CPMi � 2 t�«q3 -� 4.107 4.107 3 March 1997 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.16 70: Metropolitan Mechanical CONTRACT: Mechanical 7340 Washingto� Avenue South CONTRACT DATE: l8 January 1996 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidentai to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents descri6ed herein. Division ofi responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated beiow. PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion PROPOSAL REQUEST NO.: CP-4 Building Construction HGA REFERENCE NO.: DATEiSSUED: OWNER: Saint Paui Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED W1Tfi THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTlON: 1. NOTES: � 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide roofi drains, piping, roof insulation, and scuppers as shown on HGA plan #RFP 4.107. Piease revise per HGA's RFP 107 dated 26 February 1997. Proceed immed'+ately. Provide itemized time and material pricing. Coordinate with other trades. Reaso�: Improved drainage. A77ACHMENTS: 1 2. HGA RFP 4.107 dated 26 February 1997. Sketch 1lRFP4.107. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. COST, PLANNfNG & MAIVAGEMENT lNTERNATlONAI, INC. �.,--, �,��,,c;t�..�}n t�.Q ' Ken Anderson Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Gephart Frank Berg Bloomington 3225-416.6 CPMI, iNC., c10 Sainc Paul Civic Center, L A. Q'Shaughnessy Plaza. 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55702-1299 � ��< REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL . HAM1��L GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON, ARCHITECTS A1�D F•PIGIl�IEERS PROJECf: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTEK EXPANSION 1997 HGA Commission Number 769.003A0 � :Al �_ SAINT PAiJL CIVIC CENTER AITI'HORTTY Contractor Project No.: Type Contract: CP-4 CONSTR. CPMI, INC. MANAGER cJo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street Saint Fan1,lvTinnesota 55102-1249 (Susan Jones) IVED FEB 2 7 1997 CPNl1��: COPY TO: S. JONES, CPMI T. ANDERSON P. ASP T. CARLSON M.PEDBRSON T. TANGEDAHI, Please provide a cwst breakdown in accordance with the Contract Documents and a Sim�mary for the change described herein and on the aitaclunents (f any) listed • This is not aa authorization to praceed with the work described herein unless and until approved by the Owner. On approval, this change will be iucluded in a Ct�ange Order which will provide the fonnaS Contiact cbange AESCRIPTIfJN QF THE WORK: Attachments: Requested By: COMMENTS: GeneraUArchitectutaUMechanical Refer to sheets A272 and P262 Provide additional roof drain at Wilkins to ma�dmize drainage capability. Sketch 1/RFP4.107 ArchitectlContractorlCM A/E "'���✓ t�D iaQ3 NO. 4.107 1 OF 1 ' rfp4.1071a � � • � \J ; J �. � " {VED. CO'NTE€ACTOR'S` PRQFOSAL '– Conttactor Propo a( No.: MMC IPttPr d/� 8j97 tiace: a,�iens-l4H�. p u1 Civic Ctr. FxA._ Contract No.: 4. 16 q� tza�g in the s ope of the work is reGUested as indicated below: /�/Y1 �- t� 1. lt is requesTed the compietion datz be (} extended, O decseased,$Xunchanged 6y calendar days. The adjusted completion date wili be 2. Description of the change: (Refer co drawings, specii�catians, addenda, if applicablel. Reference ftFP No.: : F� � Titte: MMC Let-t-er datPd An 1 i �g 1gQ� - 3. 6asis of payment: {Check onel () Firm price for performing this change is $ � Adequate supporting details and informavon {(ncreasedl {peductl must be attached to alfow Owner to evatuate. i) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ( y Actuaf cost at compietion of work Su6mitted by: Metropolitan echanirai Oate:4l28/97 — Contractor �Contractor Signature E.A. Couser � FOR CPMlUSE Action ftecommended: (Check onel O Change wi(! not 6e made. Expfain: CPMI Joh No.: 3225 � Proceed on the following basiss � As indicated a6ove, change and 6asis of payment is acceptable. . () Change is acceptabte, basis of payment is not acceptable. {) Basis af payment shall be S_ (� The following modificavon is recommended: (� Change in compietio� date is accepced. i) Change is acceptable with na change in price. (} Change is accepta6le wi2h no change in completion date. ( } Other Z. Reasonfnr Change: {) Design Change ( 1 Client Request �eld Condition { � Suggested by Contractor f 1 Design flmiss�on or Other texptainl 3, is this a�art of the originaS contract scape? {) YES �� 4. is Contractor`s Estimate azcached? ��ES f 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. Prepared 6y: CPMIf Da2e:� Approved bY ^ ' �A) Date:� ' T Approved by Approved 6y� CPMI lnc., c/o Sainc PauV Civic Cemer, IA. 4 Shwghne cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson wnerl 43 West rour Dick Zehring Date:_____�--- Date:�-- 3225- � � ��aq3 • Apri128, 1997 Ms. Susan 7ones CPMI, Inc c/o St. Paul Civic Center LA. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-1299 Re: Si. Paul Civic Center Expiinsivn Dear Susan: We were inswcted to remove the new unit heater already instailed to enable installauon of some structural members in the area adjacent to the vestibule (Room ' • 220). The following is a breakdown of materials and labor to do so. Materials: $25 Labor 5 hours @ $42/hour (4/15/97): 210 Bond: 5 Mark-up: � Totrtt - Add: $275 We do not know at rhis rime who is responsible for the structural installation. Sincerely, �� E.A. Couser Project Manager EAGmmh , L9)0125.1 METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 7340 Washington Avenue South -Eden Piairie, Minnesota 55344-3582 • Phone: (612} 441-7010 • Pax: (612) 941-9118 �: .:." ' ����_ 2§ = 3 �- :, _ asY. _._" :. �:� _ „-� °'{: .�.� �-� �sr-r . � ss-r - ' _�s-a _ - ' is� � ' is�s'-v ' '. u�a-:. '' , rr=r ". ' : �a � " is�" . i u , , �.^_- _.`. ___ ____�. __ __�__ '1�� : _,_._ .-..-- _ �� _.-� � �-_—� _ � � � _-� , � �rtj �� 1 � � �' a 'l>; � � 4 - � ;; �� � a I I I � ,.; —_ -=-�_ - -�-- -�_J._� -=-- r ' � - �-- ( � � ` � � �� �;� j l I' 1 1,�,�;: � -- �=--� --�— --�---1 � --�,--l. ' � --�— ., �� �� , � � � , li.��,� ` i . =--�---� � � � ��`� -. ----�-----� e' �, ; � ----�--- . � f I y I� I f;'i1��; I , � } i___i ! �i � i- i � � �� � � � � �- _ , �' '- _' , � �a - -- ' 1 i � �� '� l�� � m� ���� �. � �� , � _ �Y � rcPax ��� L"v1 i. 7 �' e �� � ' I i rs _ r, • ■� `.. J. 0 P CF N , � , � � _.�_ �_1_____� � � C� scope of the Work is reGuested as indicated �)-� � 2, Description of the change: iRe;er to drawings, speciiications, addenda, if appiicablel. Reference RFP Na.: : FO NO.: Titfe:Northstar Letter (5/13/97) Wilkins -�_-?n and numD decommisionir 3. Sasis of payment: (Check oneS O Firm price for performing this change is S�5 . 6951 Adequa2e supporting details and intormation 1�+rrEasedl f0educc! must be attached to ai{ow Owne� to eva(uate. (} �'ime and materiaf Qer contract, but not to exceed 5 ( y Actual cost ai completion of work $ Submittedby: Metropolitan Mechani�ai Oate: Mav 14, 1997 Co ntractor :� � .�-- ' , Contractor Signature E. A. Couser �OA CPMI ClSE Actian Recommended: (Check ane� i) Change wiit not be maGe. Expiain: CPMi Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: '�As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptahle. ( J Change is acceptable, 6asis of paymen2 is not accepta6le. () Basis of payment shafl be $ (} The fof(owing modifscation is recommended: (� Change in completion date is accepteG. O Change is accepta6le with no change irt price. (} Change is acceptahle with na change in completion date. ( � Other 2_ Reason for Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client ftequest (! Field Condiion �Suggested by Convacior { � �esign Omission or 02her (explainl 3. Is this a part of 2he orzginal contract scope? ( 1 YES �NO 4. !s Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulteQ. ��,YYES ( 1 NO Prepared bY= Appraved by , / � Y Appraved hy� Approved 6y: v CPMI Ioc.. c/a Saint Paul Civic Center, cc: Chris Hansen I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Mike Pedecson GA) 143 WesL i=at:r:h 5'seet, Dick Zehrinq Dace:_!�!-.(�-�-� Date: � � Oate:�-- Oate:_ °aut, MN 3225- �� It is requested che compledon daiz 6e ! 1 extended, ( 1 decreased� unchanged 6y cafendar days. The adjusted compfetion date will be � D � � C� 1�QIaQ3 northstar fire protection a division of Metropolitan Mechanical Contrectors, Inc. 7340 Washington Avenue South, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 841-7010 (612} 841-9118 (Fax) May 13. 1997 Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors 7340 Washington Ave. S. Eden Prairie. MN 55344 Attn: Gene Cousec Re: Cost Proposal for Del�tin� Wilkins Tie-in and Pamv Decommisioning Dear Gene, Dave Molnar of the Civic Center recentiy requested that I l004: into the possible cost savingt for not decommissioning the Wilkins Fire Pump and not installing the 6" and 8" pipe and fittings used to tie the Witkins fire sprinkler system into the Civic Center Arena's system. I have spoker with the St. Paul Fire Protection Engineer, Chris Cahill, and he has said that he does not require . that all systems (Arena, Wilkins, and Expansion) be fed from the Arena's fire pump. I have, on the foliowing page, provided a breakdown of the credit that would be gsven to the owner. CREDIT: $5645.00; Five Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety-Five Dollars Please inform me if you decide to take this credit. Sincerety. NORTHSTAR FIfZE PROTECTION �� Ross Erzar Project N1anaQer �C f . [ y � - � s�/7�t h �'i`R/SL�� .i✓�kV� �r�VGC�4lJ�-� ' M 1 K-� �� I�2-'�+J � ��? � � 7340 Washington Avenue S. Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (�111 f101 l�l I .. . �o caa� • Materials: QTY 198 1 14 1 84 8 1 2 18 8 4 4 r� U Labor: 48 St. Paul Civic Center Wiikins Pump Decommissioning Credit Breakdown ITEM Feet of 6" Sched 10 Pipe 6" Grooved Tee 6" Grooved Coupiings 8" x 8" x 6" Grooved Tee Feet of 8" Sched 10 Pipe 8" Grooved Couplings 8" Grooved Tee 8" Butterfly Valves 6" Hanger Assembiies 8" Hanger Assemblies 8" Blind Flanges 8" Fiange K+ts Hours PRICE EA. ($4.20) ($33.00) ($17.00) ($205.00) ($9.95) ($2225) ($94.00) ($305.00) ($7.00) ($12.50) ($42.00) ($6.00) Materials Subtotal 7°lo tax Materials Tota1 Rate {$41.88) TOTAL COST ($831.60) ($33.00) ($238.00) {$205.00) ($835.80) ($178.Q0) ($94.00) ($610.00) ($i 26.00) ($100.00) ($168.00) ($24.0�) ($3,443.40) ($24i.04) ($3,684.44) ($2,010.24) ($5,695) , Co REC�'�YV`C N`iRY `����� CPt�if� 3 . � � �a�,�� ��� CANTRAC7QR'S PROFQSAI. � al No.:1KP1C Letter S120/97 Date: F���/Q7 ui Civic Center Exo. Con[rac2 No.: CF 4. 16 scope of che work is reGuested as indicated belo�N: /�� � esred the cortptevon dace be O eMendad, ( Y decreased,$� unchanged 6y �days. The adjus2ed completion date wi11 be Descsiption of the change: (Reter to drawings, specifiications, addenda, if applicablel. Ref2rence RFP Na.: : FO NO.: rt(s: Pr°p°sed blank off credit (MMC letter 5l20/971 Basis of payment: (Check one) () Firm price for performing this change is (S 8. 340 . 00 ) Adequate supporting detaifs and information �{(nerease�l 1Deductl must be attached to atlaw Owner to eva(uate. ( j Time and materiai per contract, hui not to exceed S O Actuai cosc at compSetion of work Submitted b Mechanica� Contrartors �ate: t.�av �t tAA7 ConiracSOr � �u�c„ 1�__ � � ' ontractarSignature E.A. Couser FaR CPMI USE r1 LJ 2. � Action Recortmended: (Check one� O Change wi4t not be made. Exp�ain: CPM! Jo6 Na.: 3225 �j Proceed on ihe following basis: t" �As indicated above, change and 6asis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptabfe, 6asis of payment is Rot acceptahle. {} 8asis of paymeni sha!! be $ (} jhe foSfowing modi�caiion is recommended: (} Change in comptetion date is accepted. O Change is acceptahle with no change in price. ( J Change is accepta6le with no change in completion da2e. ( } Other ( ) Oescgn ang �Suggested by Convactor ( } Design Omission Reasonfot Change: Ch e ( 1 Client Request (} Fe(d Canditian or Oiher (explainl ls this a rart of the origina( contract scope? { Is Contractor`s Esvmate attached? � v� 1 cc: Chris Hansen ... _ . ► e T'7 A. ..� �.� Mike Pedersan G�.�� �n ^'1 �N 0 ( � NO iin�n u,cx c_��rn,y ....�_ � 1 ` [a.q3 �. ;-;=-::= � -= . . May 20, 1997 Susan Campbell Jones CPMI cJo Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaugnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: SL Paul Civic Center - Proposed Blank Off Crectit Deaz Susan: We are writing to offer a credit to the owner for allowing an alternative means af blanking off unused louver sections. We propose to install single sheets of inetal with 2" thick fiberglass board as a blankoff. � The fiberglass boazd is currently being used on the adjacent sheet metal plenums. This means of insulating would be in lieu of the 2" insulated double wall sheet metal panels that are currently specified (see the attached section of drawing M261). We have already discussed this substitution with Tim Anderson of HGA who was wiliing to review it. Our credit per the attached backup would be as follcws: Double Wali Cost: Less Single Wall Cost: Credit: , $47,410 39,070 � 8,34� Please contact us at 941-7010 with any questions. Sincerely, i � � Chad Nelson Project Manager enclosures METROPOLITAN MECHAN[CAL CONTRACTORS, INC. �" 7340 Washmgton Avenue South • Eden Prairie, Minne>ota �534�k-3582 • Phone: (6(2) 941-7010 • Fas: l6l?) 941-9118 w� N L wa Y � �w Z � J � O 4 Z W Q oa , , _ __ � � -=--- -- ' _ _ , -= _._zb�e b ° �__i�" . � ' _"� t � � - "" _ it � z ' �� ¢ w�.��� �NI p � U � � W ` Z � = 2 ¢ Z �rN � � J 4 U y�.. Z�L9 W J az�z�a J W O Q J� maoa¢�. ---� .. .. � ���'. � . . . � { � � �1�..�. ► �._.. w■ww��� � ���,�� � 1 ¢ d c� r ° z z• �� ; a ao ow ��� ¢ � _� �'> = o U � � � O. �° w xa i �� � �n> � O �Q= Q� � V7 j Q a � _ � � d N � � e (` N a i 1 . _�...__,_.�. `. Z. � Q m .�_.�_�..�...�.._�.,-�.�,_.....�..(V � � � O � � Q O�Z i � � � � � J I Q 4 W . I _ � � , ra � , `- ".�� �� I , • �'�.. ,.. � o o _ , -- -- - ---- - - 1 � � - �_ �.. --- - � .. __. �-_� — � _ - ---- - - ----- _ „ _ ,`. � , - .- �... ..._..._ .__.._. _ _. ._.._.__...�_.._� ___�_..__._,.__..�.�. . - � . , ., .., _ _w.�.__._�_._..._ �_��� ___ . � - — -�—�`°-.�� -- - -- -= _°___. .._ _...... ..._._..__ ._... _ _ , � ' "-•. '`~. ..._..__.__ __.... _._.---._._� __.. ---.____. __ . ...._ �_ __._ ,.�_.'�- , � � _� .. ! ` .��: ' . � � �.� -�� �� � , '� ��;���� .�.� 1 ;. ' _ ' =. . 1 _ ' �l � ��� \ �\ -� .-�_ ` `�� - - ---=�-- '�'�,�'� .- � a w w 0 N F � _ II� � 4 X aa o 0 aZ oa \ Q � U ±o w� ��� 0 tn ~ Q = U � f' � � Z F w O oa ti 4 _ a� t -. Y d O � a z a� z �o —;�= � � Q Z U i � � � ' � '`�\ � �� � � ,,,� i } , i :`. � j` ,. � .. � ��\ � N �\� I ' , I - � `�` `�\ ' 4 � � � i , i � � � � - - � - -- T` - � � "� �aq3 • Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion Sheet Meta{ Blank Offs - Double Wali QUAN. ITEM 16740 Shop Labor: 16740 Str. M: 16740 Instat! Labor: SHOP HRS Ea. Tot 35 478 S/D FIELD HRS MAT'L 8� EQUIP Ea. Tot Ea. 7ot 0.60 10044 4� 419 5580 Insul (2" LinerJ 0.016 0 0.008 0 0.40 2232 70TALS = 478 419 12,276 • , hrs $ Totaf Shop Hours 478 3822 18,280 Field Hours 419 38.22 15,995 Material 12,276 Tax � 859 Subs 0 Bond 711 Total Costs 47,410 Markup °l0 0 Totaf: 47,410 5I2� Subs 0 METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 73d0 Washington r\venue Sou[h • Eden Prairie, �linnesota 5534d-35S3 • Phone: (6l' 1 94I-7010 • Fax: (612) 94I-9I13 �, iaq 3 • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Sheet Metai Blank Offs - Singfe Walf stzo�s7 SHOP HRS FIELD HRS MAT'L 8� EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot Ea. Tot. Ea. Tot. Subs 8370 Ftg. Labor: 50 167 8370 Str. M: S/D 0.60 5022 8370 install Labor: 26 50 167 558� Insu! (Rigid Board) 2�,900 TOTALS = 167 167 5,022 20,900 Shop Hours Field Hours Materiai Tax Subs Bond . . hrs 167 167 $ 38.22 38.22 Total 6,398 6,398 5,022 352 20,900 586 Total Costs 39,070 Markup °l0 0 Total: 34,070 METROPOLITA� MECHA�tCAL C0�[TRACTORS, IYC. 73404Vashing[on .�venue South � Eden Prairie. �tinnewta 35i-F�t-3582 • Phone: ibt?1 941-:010 • Fax: (61?) 941-9713 • ': 6125375368 KW tNSUL INC. . - ��„^ . 1 , � --�--- ���� � = _=��� �a �a �r. r o� 's � 718Q North{and Circte ! xame of 4C - : `+=�44/ : �o: F-659 T-156 P-001 MAY 16 '9? 17:12 _ J - � lop,r!%/f9 - �'�- �re � ao i�a3 - Bcooktyn Park, Minrtesata 55428 / (6�2� 53/-St20 1 Mecharf+cai ir.suFa?ian and RrestoRping Cantrac".or {Name of �t�-r� s1 '�. vidua7. i ctii �o� �: J �4 t�t tr i l t/ t C ���.�. I� FROki: �f"i! � �i�' 1 !C DATE : S ��� % 2sLSMBER OF PAGES • � (i.ncluding cover page) Fax (672} 53"J-5368 s ! ��law�t� ��� a ���G'�r�e ��t.�s � ��s�/G�e�e b �c h� G � � �� `r .•rY•` � ( �•, ��.F ��3-�-n!C liS! � //"4SG: l�� f '� ���il.� �- �-- � t � f.' `-1� r c lC `SiG �� �,c''yjr �c SS !�� � 1l� e Se w e�e - f� b � / � y� �'t2 gs� � �b%- �141�C� 5�°e°:L' y°"'-''''x �j� /H�'iY 7/�`'j 'J`. G� vG4 � W�4 �Gf �,^ ��✓t G@C/ �-�' u C d' . '. ���`�"� c 1 �� t � � � i int/c�'�S w c S�� �SSO �Yf C / � r �,� � ` / � , � � � .� �GC >_STG�.s' �f�ss� c� 11 v? .� � < A ��� � ! �- �