04-596Council File # ��
Referred To
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, the Boazd of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for property at
2 44 Bates Avenue to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation;
3 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building and property maintenance code violations
4 within the past five years; and
5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not deternuned if the property at 44 Bates Avenue is a municipal
6 problem; therefore, be it
7 RESOLVED the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County
8 Commissioners request the repurchase application for the property at 44 Bates Avenue and; further
9 RESOLVED, that the CiTy Clerk is requested to fonvazd a certified copy of this Council resolution to the
10 Ramsey County TaY Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final
11 processing.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �
Bostrom �
Harris �
Helgen ✓
Lanhy ,/
Y ✓
Thune �'
� �
20 Adopted by Council: Date �"�i�� /G� .�//.6=/
21 '
2? Adoption
23 sy:
24 Approved
25 By:
Green Sheet # 3c�\�\\`�
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� �� �
Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartrnenUoffice/councii: Date Initiated:
co -��� ��UN� Green Sheet NO: 3018117
CoMact Person ffi Phone: Deoartrnent � SeM To Peison InitlaVDate
Marcia Mcertnond � 0 ouncil
266-856� Assign 1 ouncil De rtm nt Director
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ; erk
Routing 3
omer 4
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre)
Action Requested:
Resolurion making no recommendation that the Boazd of Ramsey Commry Commissioners request the repurchase applicaflon for the
property at 44 Bates Avenue.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a wntract for this department?
CiB Committee Yes No
Civii Secvice Commissioa 2. Has this persun/firtn ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
- . � , 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed�by any �
� current city employee?
Yes No
Expfain ail yes a�wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
DisadvanWAes If Approved:
DisadvaMapes If Not Approved:
Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted:
Transac8on: �
Fundinq Source: Activdy Number:
Rnancial lnfortnation:
(Exp�ain) ,
0�� 59f�
City of saint Paul
Office of the City Council
310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(651) 266-8560
TO: Councilmemher Kathy Lantry
FROM: Racquel Naylor<``'
SUBJECT: Repurchase application for 44 Bates Avenue
DATE: Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Please see the attached documents regarding the repurchase application for 44 Bates
After reviewing these documents, please return them to me as I need to make a resolution
with a recommendation to the Ramsey County Board. Your choices for recommendation
are as follows:
1) Approve the repurchase application;
2) a th_e _r��epurchase application;
Make no recommen`[c a`Y�
Which of the three recommendations listed above do you want on the resolution?
Thank you in advance.
Property Records andI�evenue
Susan R. Roth, Dirision rSanager
812 Government Center West
50 West Kellogg Boulecard
St. Paui, :�iA' 55102-1657
February 13, 2003
Donald Luna
City Clerk
City Hall, Room 170
15 Kellogg Bivd W
St. Paul MN 55102
Re: Repurchase appiication relating to tax-forFeited land
Dear Mr. Luna,
v'�- 5gt�
FaY: 651-266-2210
Enclosed piease find a repurchase application received from the prior owner(s)
for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY'.
The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for
"each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the
property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is
considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code,
illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by
resolution, shail recommend that the County Board approve or deny the
repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County
along with the resolution and documentation of any violations."
Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following
documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Po4ice history summary;
and 3} Resoiution No_ 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase
poiicy. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by
the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the CounciPs
recommendation within 60 days.
Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited
Land office for finai processing. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed
documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesi#ate to con#act me at
Colette F. Votel, Tax ForFeited Land Clerk for
Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor
Tax Forfeited Lands
1�Iinnesota's First Home Rule County
prmted o� �ecyeled pxper nYt� a mudmvm of 10%pos4coosnmev covteut
F � B 2 o Z004
�' S
Dona{d Luna
City Cierk
City Hail, Room 170
15 Kellogg Bivd W
St. Paul MN 55102
Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited fand
P I N: 04-28-22-22-0034
PA: South of 44 Bates Ave
.� � . -
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�uciile Johnson send an e-mail upfront
i:� �- , . : � : ;,; :�;
Board of
.�c��se� �����a� C�i��rz�ssio���s
"PreszntedBy Co�nissioner Retcman Date December 21, 1999No. g 9-507
Attention: gudgeting ar.d r?ccounting ,-� �
Dorothy DlcClung, Property Records & Revenue � of 5'
Tax Forfeited I,ands
:d?�EREAS, The P.ams°y County Board of Cor,lcniss=oners desires to
estGhlish a. repurchase policy for tax forfeite� lands that is
consistent �•�itn P�I1I1712S0�2 Statutes and reflECts the Board' �
stanaards for promotina th2 public interest; ann
';irEREAS, Tne P.amsey County Board intends to establish a iair
ar3 enuitable process ior the repurchase of tax :or�eited land tna�
�till correct ar.y undue hardship or injustice or cromote the.use o`
such lands that c•�ill serve the public interest; �::•d
,•i :�?EAS, i:�z P,ans�_y County Board of Commiss_e-,�rs ackno;aledges
the respons?bility of local governments to escablish ordinances
aoverning the use and maintenance of pro�erties in their
jurisdictions and supports efforts of loca'_ governments �c
stre�athen neignbornoods by ridding th� neignbor':��3s of nuisances;
D7ow, Tnereiore, Be It
�ESOLVE�, Tnat the P.amsey County Board o_ Coa.�:,issioners u�ill
2.D'JrOJ2 � rEpurchase a�plication of tax forfe_te� �an3s by a prio
oa;ner upon a'__nding bV the Board that such rep�_c�as� eitner �•;i�=�
co� nny undue hardship or _njustice re��lting from t�-e
iorfeiture or that sucn repurchase c��ill promot= �h� use of suc':
lanas that �•�il� b�st s�rve the public interest; a-:d B= It Furtner
' P.ESOLVED, Tnat a repurchase application o:i'_'_ b� processed b:
Prop� P.ecords and Revenue in the follo, ma--:�r:
�) P.2commenciation of P�:unicipality
Eacn -epurchas� Gpplica�ion c be referred to �:-__ r>>�icipality i?:
�:;hic� the pro�erty is located. !he municipa?'_�y i•;ill docuner._
c�.�neth�r the properCy ;s considered a municipal problem base3 0-.
docu;�:ented police, building code, illegal ac=_vity, or h=alC'�
v?o1 GL�OAS caiti:in the past five years.
1'EA 1�.4Y OTHER
.y Bennett
lluto Guerin
Sue Hai�h
RaFael Orte�a
Victoria Reinhardt
Janicz Rettman
Jan 1Viessnzr
Rafae] Orte�a, Chai:
B (Co:�tir.ued)
Bonnie C. Iz:'.;z,en
Chizf Clzr; - County Board
<<-.., .�;;, ;; f .
Board of
.��m.sez�. C�au�atz, f C��.�zz�sroners
Oy� 5°it�
Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 2i, 1999 No. g9
Attention: gudgeting and Accounting `
Paae 2 of 5 •
Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue
Tax Forfeited Lands
b) P,esolution by a h;unicipality
ine nunicipality, by resolution, shall recomme-•_ that the Countv
Board aoprove or deny the repurchase applicatio- ard return the
repurchase application to Ramsey County along �•: t�e resolutio:�
and documentation of any violations.
c) Recommendation of the Director of Property P.ecerds and Revenue
If a municipality finds no.viol�tions in the pas= iive years, tYie
Dzrector will forward the appl?cation to the Cou::�v Board with the
reco;nmendation to Gpprove the aoplication. If a;:�nicipality finds
that violations have occurred c•rithin the past _ive years, bu*_
recommends approval of the application, the Direc�or �•rill recommend
approval and transmit the entire record to tn� Cnief Clerk for
Y2LEYT''u� to the Cnair of the Finance� P2?'SOn^:�= c?:a PQanagemer.=
Com�-ttee. Ii the municipality finds that violat_ons have occurred
��-ithin the past five years and recommend= d�nial of the
appl�cation, tne Director �•rill reconmend denia� �-d transmit the
entire record to the Cniei C1erk ior referra_ ;,o the Finance,
Persoanel and P%:anag=ment Committee; and Be It Fur��:�r
P.ESOLVED, That a repurchase
Director to th� Finance, Personnel
handled in the following manner:
a) Notizication
Rafazl Ortega, Chsi:
The Cnief Clerk o;ill schedule a hear?ng o- each repurchas�
application before the Finance, Personnel and P4ar.�s�=:�,�nt Committee.
Property Records and Revenue vtill serd a notice to the applicant
notifying the applicant of the time and date o_ the hearing.
Notices ���ill also be sent to the municipality an cny other persor_s
ti��ho have asked to receive such notices.
Tony Bznnett
Dino Guerin
Sue Haiah
RaFael Orteg�
Victoria Reinhardt
Janice Rzttman
Jan �Viessn_r
applicatior. =eferred by the
and P9anagement Cor:-�.ittee will b�
B (Co�tinued)
Bonniz C. Jz.k:len
Chief Cizr. - Cocn;y Bosrd
Board of
.�:cx�ts�� Coads�.�a� C��.�aa.assione�s
Oy- 5a1�
Presented By CorL Rettnan Date December 21, 1999 No. 9°
Attention: gudgeting and Accounting paa= 3 0` 5�•
DoroLhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue
Tax Forieiced Lands
b) Hearing procedures
ihz Finance P2ZSO.^..^.°� a, P�3I1dC�2T221t Committee o;ill review tr_
application and th� recommendation zrom the r:�nicinality. _ce
aoplicant o;ill bz allo::ed to prese�:t any inforr..a�Son that may L�
pertir.ent. The Ch�ir o� tne Committee rnay allo:•: other intereste�
persons to present per�in�nt informat?on. Based o::� the informatic=
prese*!*ed on Che aDOlication, 'the recomm2ndation from tre
mun?c_�ality and i�iormation presented at t�:� hearing, tP=
Committee �•;ill reco-�-:e_�d approval or denial of the anplication. '�"r:_
CO�Ti�"17.tt.E2 nay include r OY' COIl<l.'1t7.0:?S O` t.l"1E' Y'eDllT'CY1cSE.
_f2° 21I731 recommenda�ion Oi C'.1"12 CO[iiT�.? ttee GJl� 1 b� =or���arded t0 tC=
Ramsey County Board o= Co�::missioners.
c) County Board Procedures
RECD�T�':°71C1^ut.l0'ZS = i-'?2 Finance, Personnel ''uRCI hlanagem�-:=
Com;n_ttez o-:ill b� i^clud=d in the administrat_.-� agenda of tr�
�.'Ol]T1CY b'OHYCl. 1R° CO'�P.�y BOdTCl 471�� CORSICI°Y t�� recommendat?o-_
c?"!C.t =°CO'L'Cl LL'O�il i.^�2 CO':::i!1Ct.22. NO aC'tCZltlOi12.1 Lc5i.1P,101y W1�.� :J=
p2T(,^,1�CECl Ll!112.SS d i:.^]OY1�V VOt.2S i.0 allo:a suc� testimony. T�e
County Board may apti°ova the application, deny ;.:�� application o=
approve the applicacion with restrictions or conditions . on the
For every rep�arcnas� appl?cat?on consid=re.d by the Count_.
Board, the finzl rzsolution �•iill contain l.) T: d=termination o-
�•�n�ther or not u:��u= hardship or injustice =esulted from th=
iorieiture and �eh=th�r reourchase �•%ill correct �r= undue hardshi
or iniustice; and 2.) A determination of cehe_��r or not ti:_
repurchase c•rill pro-��e the use of the propert}• ti?at best serve=
th= nsblic interest; a:?d Se It Purther
1'EA \Al' O"fHER
y Bznnett
lleno Guecin
Sue Hai�h
RaFael ORZga
Victoriz Feinhardc
J�nicz Re[tman
Jan 1Viessner
Rafael Ortz�a, Chair
Bonnie C. J=ckzlen
Chizf Clzrk - Ceun.ry Board
- R��€�lu��on oy-5g�
Board ofi
.�2a�se�. Coz�n�j Co�.na.ass�one�s
Presented By Com.missioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-5
Attention: gud etin and Accountin •
g g g Page � of 5
Dorothy b?cClung, Prop2rty Records & Revenue
Tax Forfeited Lands
RESOLVED, That repurenases, if approved, crill be allocaed o�
terms as descxibed herein:
a) Hom�stead Property
Except as provided in clause c) b=_low, repurc�asers of property
cla�sified ior prop�rty tax purposes as homesteed oroperty at the
time of repurchase, caill be allowed�installment pay�=nts calculated
in accordancz c•;ith f+!innesota Statutes, section 252.2'l, Subdivision
1. .
b) F11 Other Property
E>:cept as provided
non-homestead property
calculated in accordance
Subdivision 3.
c) Paym°nt in Full
in clause c) beloc��, repurcnasers of
o-�ill be allo:•�ed inst���ment payments
s��ith M?nnesota StaCutes, s2ction 282.161,
If the County Boarci Pas aood cause to believe =::at a repurchase
installment paynent plan for a particular parcel i� unnecessary and
not in the public interest, the County Board may =equire that the
entire reourchase price bz paid in full as a cond?tion of the
repurcnase. Sf the aoplicant has had repurchas� contracts on the
same or other prop�rties which �•;ere canceled c=, ii a current
contract, are in arrears and a cancellation _s pending, the
repurchase V�ill require payment in full; and Be ?� :urther
P,ESOLVED, That the County Board ?mpos=� the following
additional restrictions on repurchases:
Tony Bznnett
Dino Guerin
Sue Hai�h
Rafael ORega
Victoria Reinhardc
Janicz Rettman
J_n �i�'iessner
Rafazl Or[zga, Chair
— BY_
Bonnie C. J=_c.:len
Chief Clerk - County Board
8oard of
Oy� 5ti4
.�Z��rtsea�. C�t.��.�j C��a�t.�ss�one�s
�PresentedBy Commissioner Re�tnan Date December 21, 1999No. 9 ° — �0 7
Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Pag= 5 of 5.
Dorothy b:cClung, Property Records & Revenue
_Gz Forfeited Lands
a) Co3e Compliance
�'EA 1�`.A1' OTHER
ry Bznnett X
.o Guuin X
�e Haieh _�y _
.fazlOrtega �_
Victoria Reinhard; _��
Sanice Rzttman _y _
Jan l4'iessnzc �_
Any property tnat is being repurchased but is co::���n�d at the tir:.e
or repurchase shall bz subject to code compliance. _ne repurchase:
shall present and _*"ile a certificate of cod2 or...�liance with t'r_e
Airector cvithin six nor.ths from tha date of Cour:ty Board approval.-
1f1E czrtificate of con� �compliance must b� certified by Gn
appropriate city ofzicial and must' �ndicate that tn= property has
b=en ?nspected and that it conforms i�;ith any o=ci*ances, buildin�
and =oniny lao:s applicable to the property. in��� conditions o'
repurcnase a�ill be entered on the repurchase rece_��. and, if the
rEPi,^rCf1n5°'f d°f2ll1tS O?7 the COQ2 CO?Tl_J�.l'aS7CE =ca'i11Y2ii12I1�� t.t]c
rep��rchas� and the installment contract sha?_ b� subject to
carcellation as orovided ?n P%�innesotG Statutes, section 559.21.
b) � . surance P.eauirements
�epurchasers of tax for°eited prop�rties that r:� structures and
are being repurcnasen un3�r a contract must �rovide proof o_
_nsurance 1ri cT1 amount eQL'a�. t0 tf?e �SS2SSOY�S �. VdlU2 Of trec
structure d?1Q IttllSt �'1dV2 P.c�TiS° County listed cS �.^.1t10Rd1 1IISUYEC.
o:� tne policy; ar.d B� It Further
P.ESOLVED, That this oolicy is efiective for ail new repurchase
applications received a`iter January 1, 200G and supersed�s
P.esolution °7-3�2; and Be It Further
P.ESOLVED, Tnat th= Property P.ecords and =.=':�nue D°partm°-!t
�•:ill ���or}k �•:ith the City of Saint Paul, its p1G--�ng councils ard
the other municipalities in P.amsey County to explain the ta::
�or�eited processes and provide sample resolutio::s ior use by the
city councils,
Rafael Ortz�a, Ch_i:
By ' .
BORI1!2 C. )?^�21 �
ChieCCl:r':: -�rv Board
° � O�l� 591�
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