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__ ___ Thenndereigned�hereb_y_pro�oseethemekingof thefoliowingpubliaimpmvement by the Citq of 8aint Psul�v�s.:
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i �..-=�'- Condemni�and taki a te �-- � �. -- .o�� % _�_:: r.�-�:.- .��:-�,�: �;:4:=:� .
-,i-_ _._,.. .�... .. ??�.. �?�r�'a�Y e���e�_�.ox::�k�P rn��:e.:.of,;:cons;��ucting..and..r_.�. �+,�
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? ��maintaining,,,a�public seker on;Lot'S- arid_'tY�at',par_t"b��T�ot�;��=�].ock 2, Auditor�'s �t�� w
� ..,SSubdi°vj:siAn;�No,.���,,_-6�-,•--St�•-Pa�,��iiainesota;ly�ng��es�^i�fi�'a=3�ne'��ommenetr�`�t�a�����T"
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point 10 feet east of�the-northwest;kcor.ner-�o�-�-said�lot�� thence southeasterly
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� '�nd"�paY��lle7"`to"'tYie�"esterT'y"'1'irie of"sai'��1o�to a point on the south line of
said lot, exce�t for building,the said,,;�empo�a.r,y�e�Se,ment,.to,.,�emain,_in.�ef.�ect._...w...
to November l, 1969.
, D�t�d �bta......._....._..�....dey d�....�....�................�........»...... , 1�
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� WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improverrient, via.:
-�' �Synl�lT! __
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� s • ` T�.aw=��.y��:w�u�.�. _`" �T'/ �-�s+a- .Y.�.isr.'w�i w.x�Yy��.ati.Mwi�r i.My.�.,.'�:' _¢ ���'Y.
;'�,-;z�conaem�ing� .ana:;�aY�.ng_-a tempoxary eas'ement�=for.w:'the purpos.e�o��constri�.cting',and _-��,..•
��: 1f main�ai`n�: "a pabl`f��`se�rer�.°on.Lot.�S°°ah���hat�"�pa`rt�.of�»-�,at�,?o-y--x�loc3�-�2�w��ud�tos'-s y.--�.<-= f ,
„ �,._ ... �.: -
� Subdivision No. 69, St. Paul, Minnesota lying we�t._of a�line_�co�mencing-at a
--- ---�.__.._..............�........k..................._..._.-•---.... .................., -
..,. -. .. _.
point 10� feet east of the northwes��corner of"�said"Tot;"tYience southe�ste� - ""
� -�and•.para]:lel...to�.the.wes.terly.line cz�...s.aid„lot,to a,�point on the_south�line of � j
said lot,. except for b,uilding, the said temporary easement to remain in ef�ect to 'I
�`l�onvenber{1';�l-��9;° �he crcun�cil o� the City of 8t�int�'aul.......r.,_,._......................�.............�_........�.�..,............
therefore, b�e it � �
-- — - • --isr.�vY:�i�, 'rnai the (:ommiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie heraby ordered and direoted:
1. To investigate the neceseity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement� and the total aoet thereof.
� � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. , •
- -�.,-.,�
� 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie asked for oa�he petition og three�r more ownere.
b. To report ugon all of �he goregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of Ftinanoe.
Adopted by the �ounail..................._. ��� 19 6$
,. .........................._..._...: ............
Y�s � Al��t�3 196�
•' '' Councilman Carlson.
,� • Dalglish . Apptoved......._.......................................................•-
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:. � Holland
, , Meredith Q
. , ` P�er�s-orr-
' Tedesc� .... .. .......................
�'���'y �e_..��e��.����e:.� ' ' Maqor.
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� i000 7-6��• �ice Presiclmnt YYeterson) / ��q�
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- Pk��LISaiEB APR 2 7 1968�
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