238219 1 � � � 2���19 ! Counoil File No............. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENP � � . � " and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. , , Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul�vis.: Condemning and taking a temporary essement for the purpose of constructing and ma taini_rig_,a„public_sewer„on,the east„�„feet of Lot,�,,.exce�t_for buildin�._.and_,�._..� the west 20 feet of lot 6?..A_Gotzian's Subdivision of Blk. 76 L. Dayton's Addition, � said tem�orar r�easement to remain in effect to November 1�1969�.���.��.�.��.���» Detedthie.,..w......�.........dey og........................................_...... ... � � � ................ ..............._�..._........ ........_Counoilman......... � PRELIMINARY OItDER. ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ����ng„and,taking_a_tem.porax�r,easement__for.the..�ur�ose of_constructin� and .__.��«� � maintaining a public sewer on the east 5 feet of Lot 5, except for buildirig and .._......_...........�..�................................___........................__..............................................�.................................._� the west 20 feet of Lot 6, A Gotzian's Subdivision of Blk. 76 L. Dayton's Addition, , said temporary easement to remain in effect to November 1, 1969. 6sving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of 9aint Paul.........._...................................._..._._.............. ...... therefore, be it • RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,.the making of esid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of eaid improvement. � . 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvemeat ie aeked for oa�he petition of thYee �r mo� owaere. b. To report upon all of f,he goregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. �1pR 2 � 19�� Adopted by the �ounaiL.......................................................................... ��"° ��R 2 3 19�� Councilman .Carlson. Da1 g 1 is h �PProved.............................................._.................._ Holland ' . Meredith O � P n t�� _� Tedesco -- .-��-.----.-- .. �:`•E:�.:��...���i.�,���'� �$��� Msyor. t�..�:.....:.��. •�i 'p�p ��rir. Vice Preaiclmnt ZPnteraoa) / ` �o �- d PNBLISHEB APR 2 7 1968