04-593Council File # �- �(3 i �'/�/�/>'�Y/ / �i.l �� Green Sheet # �OS �S � RESOLUTION ,PAUL, MfNNESOTA Refesed Committee Date 1 Wf�REAS, the Ct�,ltural STAR program is designed to support the viability of cultural organizations in Saint 2 Paul through ailocati�i of a portion of Saint Paul's locai option sales taY receipts each year; and 3 WFIEREAS, changes by e State Legislature to the STAR guidelines now mandate the spending of cuitural 4 STAR dollars; and 5 WHEREAS, one possible use o uch funds is general operating grants for all eligible cultural organizations; 6 and WHEREAS, the current economic do�turn has caused difficulty for local cultural organizations with a loss of revenues from patrons and donors; and 9 WHEREAS, a one-time surplus exists in Cul al STAR balances of $400,000 above and beyond normal 10 receiptsin 2004;and 11 WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Board has recomm nd that the Mayor and Council should implement a one- 12 time test of a program to use Cultural STAR dollars general operating grants for eligible cultural 13 arganizations and that there also be an evaluation of th esults of such a one-time test; now, therefore, be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses its intent to 15 time basis to eligible cultural organizations for general og 16 to solicit and review applications and submit allocation re 17 upon the following guidelines and criteria: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 ;$395,000 in Cultural STAR receipts on a one- support and requests the Cuitural STr�R Board ndations to the Mayor by July 21, 2004, based ELIGIBILITY: General operating support is open to organizah s that meet each of the following qualifications: -- Has received designation by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501 c3 org ' ation. -- Is located in Saint Pau1 OR conducts at least 75% of its artistic or c tural activities in Saint Paul. -- Is dedicated to providing the public with arts and culture programs. s and culture are defined as fine arts, humanities, and science. -- Submits an annual financial review or audit. -- Has been in existence for thirty-six months prior to application and legally i corporated in the City of Saint Paul for at least twelve months prior to the application deadline. -- Has at least one paid professional staff person. 2 3 4 5 6 7 0�1-593 ALLOCATION FORMULA: Grants will be calculated as an equal percentage of each orga,tuzation's udited two-year average operating expenses. These grant amounts will vary, depending on the overall n ber of grantees and the total available dollazs in the pool. It is anticipated that no eligible organization will r. eive less than $3000, and no eligible organization will receive more than 12.65% of the available funds. 's resolution indicates future Councii intent and is not a binding commitment of any fizuds to any organiza.tio Actuai allocations, if any, will be made only after review and recommendarions by the Cultural ST oazd and then decisions by the Mayor and Council; and be it fiuther 8 RESOLVED that the Ci Council expresses its intent to have an outside organi�ation evaluate the results of the 9 one-time use of Cultural S revenues for general operating support for eligible organizations, and requests 10 the Cultural STAR Board to so ' it and evaluate proposals for such evaluation, including proposals for such 11 evaluation to be conducted at no c t or minunal cost to the City. Requested Uy Department o£ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date D ARTMENT/OFFICHCOBNqL ' ' 1� �.'��CR. COMA ERSON & PHONE Coun �Imember Pat I�Iarris 6-8630 TOTAL # OF §�GN 0� ON REQUESTED A resolurion allocatizeg $395,000 in and requesting that the Cultural ST, 2004, based upon eligibility and all OATE INRIqTm JLLi10 8� 2.�04 NYMBER PoR ROIfi1NG PAGES 0�-1-5�3 � GREEN SHEET No 2051 �6 � �„�,��� �„� �„� _ ❑ qiYATiORIgY ❑ CT'GENN � ❑ FWNCJGl9FAVIGFiqR ❑ f�W1LiRL4ERV/ACGT6 ❑ YPYOR (OR�898T41lT� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) STAR receipu on a one-6me basis to eligible cultural organizations for general operating support i solicit and review applications and submit a7locafion recommendaflons to the Mayor by July 21, �rmula guidelines. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF IF NOT APPROVED �OUNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE RSONAL SERYICE CONTMGTS MUST ANSWE0.TNF FOLLOWIN6 QUESTiONS: Has Nis perso�rm ever worked under a contract fw fhis depsAmerit't YES NO Hss tlris persor�rm ever heen a dlY empbYee9 VES NO Does this persoNfirtn poesess a sltlll not nwmallypossessed by any curcent city employee? YES NO Is ihis persoMmn a ta�pHed ventloY7 YES NO COS7/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ON� V S NO ACTIVI7Y NUMBER (IXPLAtN)