04-580Council File # 0� � S �✓ Green Sheet # �� �/ �,�� — RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred Committee: Date RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TENTH AND JACKSON STREET TAX INCRE141ENT FINANCING DISTRICT, APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR AND APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF THE REDEVELOPNSENT PLAN FOR THE NORTH QUADRANT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ��HEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") has heretofore, with the approval of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City"), adopted the North Quadrant Redevelopment Plan for the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area (the "Project Area"), as amended by the First Amendment of Redevelopment Plan for the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area (collectively, the "Redevelopment Plan"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, both inclusive; and 18 WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan contains an identification of need and statement of 19 objectives and program of the HRA for carrying out of a redevelopment project, including 20 property to be acquired, public improvements to be provided, development and redevelopment to 21 occur, and sources of revenue to pay redevelopment costs of the Project; and 22 WHEREAS, the HRA has proposed creation within the Project Area of the Tenth and 23 Jackson Street TaY Increment Financing District as a redevelopment tax increment financing 24 district under Minnesota Statutes, Section 4b9.174, Subdivision 10 (the "Tax Increment 25 DistricY'), and the adoption of a T� Increment Financing Pian therefar all pursuant to and in 26 accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469174 through 469.1799 (the "Tax Increment 27 Act"); and 28 WHEREAS, the HRA has proposed to adopt the Second Amendment of Redevelopment 29 Plan for the Project Area to expand the boundaries of the Project Area to include the parcels in 30 the Tax Increment District (the °Modification"); such Modification to be adopted by the Board of 31 Commissioners of the FIRE1 on June 9, 2004; and 32 33 3�1 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, the HRA has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the creation of the Tas Increment District, the Modification of the Redevelopment Plan and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, including, but not limited to, notification of the Ramsey County Commissioner representing the azea of the County in which the TaY Increinent District is located, and delivering a copy of the T� Increment Financing Plan to Ramsey County and Independent School District Number 625, which have taYing jurisdiction over the property to be included in the Tax Increment District. The IIRA has requested that the City approve the Modification and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan following the holding of a pubiic hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law; and 1649993v1 oy- s8d 1 WIIEREAS, on this date, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the Tax 2 Increment Financing Plan and the Modificafion, after published notice thereof; and 3 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the City Council heazd testimony from all interested 4 parties on the Tas Increment Financing Plan and the Modification. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: 7 Section 1. Findings for the Creation of the Modification of Redevelopment Plan and Tenth 8 and Jackson Street TaY Increment Distdct and Adoption of T� Increment Financing Plan 9 therefor. 10 1.01 The City Council hereby finds that the Modification, creation of the Tax ll Increment District and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, are intended and, 12 in the judgment of the City Councii, its effect will be, to carry out the objectives of the 13 Redevelopment Plan, as modified, and to create an impetus for the cleazance of blighted 14 structures and the construction of owner occupied housing facilities, and will otherwise promote 15 certain public purposes and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Redevelopment 16 Plan, as modified, and TaY Increment Financing Plan. 17 1.02 The City Council hereby finds, in connection with the Modification of the 18 Redevelopment Plan that (a) the land to be added to the Project Area would not be made 19 available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought, (b} the Redevelopment Plan, 20 as modified, affords the maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the City of Saint 21 Paul as a whole, for the redevelopment of the azea by private enterprise, and (c) the 22 Redevelopment Plan, as modified, conforms to the general pian for the development of the City 23 as a whole. 24 1.03 The City Council hereby finds that the T� Increment District qualifies as a 25 "redevelopment district" within the meaning of the Tax Increment Act for the following reasons: 26 ?7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'7 The T� Increment District (the "District") is, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(a)(1) and (3), a"redevelopment district" because it consists of a project or portions of a project within which one or more of the following conditions, reasonably distributed throughout the District, exist: (a) pazcels consisting of at least 70% of the azea of the portion of the District (the "Substandazd Building Pazcels") aze occupied by buildings, streets, utiliries, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similaz structures; and (b) more than 50% of the buildings not inciuding outbuildings, located within the Substandard Building Pazcels of Tax Increment Financing District are "shucturally substandard° (within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Secfion 469174, Subdivision 10(b)) to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. The building in the Tas Increment District is structurally substandard because it contains defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similaz factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance. In addition, the costs of bringing the structurally substandard building into compliance with building codes applicable to new buildings would exceed 15% of the cost of constructing new structures of the same size and type on the sites. The "sUucturally substandard" building is not in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings, and the costs of modifying such building to satisfy the building code is more than 15 percent of the 1649993v1 2 �- ss� � 2 , � 4 � 6 cost of constructing a new structure of the same squaze footage and type on the site. The reasons and supporting facts for these determinations aze set forth in a report dated May 4, 2004 prepared by Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc., a copy of which is on file with the Executive Airector of the HRA, and which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The City Council hereby makes the following additional findings: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (a) The City Council further finds tl�at the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. The specific basis for such fmding being: The properry on which the development will occur would not be developed in the reasonably foreseeable future because it has fragmented ownership, contains a blighted building, and the property is polluted with hazardous substances. (b) For purposes of compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3(2), the City Council hereby finds that the increased market value of the property to be developed within the Tenth and Jackson Street Tax Increment Financing District that could reasonabiy be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing is $0, which is less than the increased mazket value estimated to result from the proposed development (i.e., $56,625,150) after subtracting the present value of the projected taa� increments for the m�imum duration of the Tenth and Jackson Street Tax Increment Financing District (i.e., $52,640,150). The current mazket value of the property in the TaY Increment District is approximately $2,381,000, and with tas increment financing the market value of the properiy will increase by $56,625,150 to approximately $59,006,150. In making these findings, the City Council has noted that the property has not been developed for many yeazs and would likely remain so if tax increment financing is not available. Thus, the use of t� increment financing will be a positive net gain to the City, the School District, and the County, and the tax increment assistance does not exceed the benefit which will be derived therefrom. 31 1.04 The City Council fiurther finds that the TaY Increment Financing Plan conforms to 32 the general plan for the deveiopment or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The T� 33 Increment Financing Plan will generally compliment and serve to implement policies adopted in 34 the City's comprehensive plan. The housing development contemplated by the TaY Increment 35 Financing Plan is in accordance with the sma11 azea plan adopted for the Project Area. 36 1.05 The City Council further finds that the Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford 37 maYimum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the 38 development of the Tax Increment Financing District by private enterprise. The specific basis for 39 such finding being: 40 41 42 43 The proposed development to occur within the Tas Increment Financing District is primazily owner occupied housing. The proposed development will increase the taxable market valuation of the City and expand the available housing facilities by approximately 259 units of owner occupied housing facilities. 44 1.06 The City elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota 45 Statutes, Section 469.177, subd. 3(a). 1649993v1 D�- S�fd 1 1.07 The provisions of this Section 1 aze hereby incorporated by reference into and 2 made a part of the Tas Increment Financing Plan. A copy of the T� Increment Financing Plan is 3 attached hereto as E�ibit A and is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. 4 Section 2. Creation of the Tenth and Jackson Street Tas Increment Financing District, 5 Approval of the TaY Increment Financing Plan therefor and Modification of the Redevelopment 6 Plan. • 7 2.01 The creation of the Tenth and Jackson Street Tax Inerement Financing District 8 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor aze hereby approved. The Modification and the 9 Tax Increment Financing Plan are hereby adopted, in the form on file with the Executive Director 10 of the HRA. 11 2.02 The stafF of the HRA and the IIItt1's advisors and legal counsel aze authorized and 12 directed to proceed with the implementation of the Tax Increment District and the Tax Increment 13 Financing Plan and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepaze and present to the Boazd of 14 Coznmissioners of the HRA for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and 15 contracts necessary for this purpose. Benanav �lake�c sI'Idht�omFCy ✓ Bostrom � (/ � Harris � Helgen ,� Lantry ,/ �ent Requested by Department of: ✓ t��ct �n crnG� ECriv�vvr+;L 1�2v210 w�,vii" Bv: ��__ � D / Adopted by Co cil: Date i Adoption Certi e� by Council Secr ary Approved By: __, Date 1649993vi Dy- SS'a � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE — Plarming&EconomicDevelopment ; 2�-�Y� ':. Green Sheet NO: 3017375 i Contact Person 8 Phone: Dan Smith 66581 Must Be on Council Agenda by � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 '�lannioe & Economic Develon �, 1 launinc & Economic Develoo � Deoardnent Director � �/�S' 2 itv Attornev I I t 3 vor's Oflice I Mavor/Assistaut i 4 ou cil 5 ity Clerk Cih Clerk I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: City Council Resolution approving the establishment of the Tenth and Jackson Street TaY Increment Financing District, approving a tax increment financing plan and approving the modification of the redevelopment Plan for the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The HRA Board on May 12th authorized a Memorandum of Understanding with Real Estate Development Group regazding creation of the Tenth/Jackson TIF district AdvantapeslfApprovetl: The IIItA will be able to move forward with creation of the TIF district. The HRA Boazd will retain final auffiority for creation of the TIF district and approval of a TIF agreement or Development Agreement with the developer. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None. DisadvanW ges If Not Approved: The IiI2A Board will not be able to consider the Tenth and Jackson TIF District. ,_ �QFSP�rnE; P�rzn> Transaction: Fundinq Source: (R): � Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the CosURevenue Budgeted= Activity Number: �„ , ,, : , � , �. .� Financial Information: (F�cplain) o�+-y�o SECOND AMENDMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NORTH QUADRANT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ORIGINAL APPROVAL BY THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: NLY 11, 1999 ORIGINAL APPROVAL BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL: JUNE 23, 1999 FIRST AMENDMENT APPROVAL: JUNE 14, 2002 BY THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION FIRST AMENDMENT APPROVAL: JiJNE 26, 2002 BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL SECOND AMENDMENT APPROVAL: MAY 21, 2004 BY THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION SECOND AMENDMENT APPROVAL: JUNE 9, 2004 BY THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (KAL) Professional Association 332 Minnesota Street 2200 West First National Bank Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 1595411v2 (�t���o SECOND AMENDMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NORTH QUADRANT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA SECTION 1. BACKGROUND The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority") has heretofore established the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area (the "Redevelopment Project P.sea") and adopted a Redevelopment Plan therefor (the "Redevelopment Plan") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Housing and Redevelopment Authority Act"). An amendment to the Redevelopment Plan was approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission on June 14, 2002 and by the Authority on June 26, 2002 (the "First Amendment"). The purpose of the First Amendment was to enlarge the Redevelopment Project Area to include additional property in the Redevelopment Project Area. The purpose of this Second Amendment is to accommodate a proposal received by the Authority to redevelop an azea located in the vicinity of the Redevelopment Project Area into an owner-occupied housing and commercial development (the "Tenth and Jackson Street Project"). The proposal for the Tenth and Iackson Street Project requires the enlargement of the Redevelopment Project Area and the creation of a separate tax increment financing district to help fmance certain public redevelopment costs of the Tenth and Jackson Street Project. SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SECOND AMENDMENT This Second Amendment enlarges the Redevelopment Project Area to include additional property in the Redevelopment Project Area. SECTION 3. AMENDMENT Section 3.1 Inclusion of Property from the Redevelopment Project Area. The description of the Redevelopment Project Area is hereby amended to include the following property: See attached map as E�ibit A hereto. Section 3.2 Effect of Amendments. Except as herein amended and supplemented, the Redevelopment Plan remains in full force and effect. 1595411v2 �' ��d EXHIBIT A MAP OF INCLUDED PROPERTY See attached. 1595411v2 -- _ �}-ti�0 North Quadrant Redevelopment J �.e/ a, Project Area Map e � %� 14reL'Ls' tzeat � t " � —_- _ -' `_ - —�-'.� _ . —`\ ��`�.' � b �_ � ca- ic o-35� nad. � ' . ' . � � 1 � •f ' I �. Property to be added to ' w � � � Redevelopment Project Area —= _<__ _ / 'R IIo " tS stzae: s. — _ 1, �� � ` �� / �., y � � � . , . � Egisting Redevelopment 0 B p � � � o d Project Area 'e .s ` I IDAa�i • ,L �\ .h � ��, • „ :e I . �'� .\�. ,, Te��n s o � . �' � -. i 4 L' �'3ll EL�'S11 ' � i 9 ' � � t I '4 O.. . IIf� S OOk � � � y y '14-: tEt.f `O b / _. . �r �. ' •� a [].2 • tn.'/ * � i � I xG � � a U aco�u m q � n � d/l' 'u \ � .e.> � . . ) o� � o.i '1 . , �es � __! u� a . a ° rruiw � � � � t1.0 � A —,a �.L m . ,� ,..� _ '` � . s::.� --��( ; --' — � �--'—� .� •�`-'`%� • . Le EtzhthH[raeLee.s� � »�.' � \, c�.a � r � ol - V F.� X ` >a 3 I��' I � / ' ' ' \� �. ECCR'3� i ffi4�1io xxc.z � — j � � .9 z ci.x ��.a :<9 e 0 � 8eveath P1nee T—I � y X�e.. 8eventh gtraot I °°.' �. � ci.c _ • � m.. cu.� - '`�y' y, ��' �' \ . n�.. . \ va� Q � ♦ m,iw E � i...a � �� Y tl � N �n v � 4 r)R.♦ G � W tA.] o � S I51.9 • ~� q G h 6o s a � B m � — n.�iztfi Straet _ . u.s � m.> .a ! . � _ e e • wxni. . y \ �—' . iae . " '-- � n v.a n.c f�-ae � ' �� . a.� .� na.s . i'v.e �at zn.�< n.aRitih 6 zoet .. � a 5�. �C.3 • �).• �I V �IX.a F t�].5 s 1ID.G t' . � \` a 19].� � � � So J tV.: 1 iff.] �f QCYOFSAIICl'PAUL �,�.•� 1�TaY�� �u� �YCt�a � �- -� .. ����i� o�, 3� � .,. � �- o�t� ,b�k-��o EXHIBIT A Tax Increment Financing Plan 5ee attached. 1649993v1 ����� �i�r�i��D — �/ ����� TAX INCREMENT FINANCIlVG PLAN for the establishment of the TENTH AND 7ACKSON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (a redevelopment district) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Adopted: This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (KAL) Professional Association 2200 First Nationai Bank Bldg. 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 (651)808-6536 2004 1590209v4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (for reference purposes only) TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TENTH AND JACKSON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Page Section 1 . ........................................................... Forward 1 Section 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statutory Authority 1 Section 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statement of Objectives 1 ..... Section 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Redevelopment Plan Overview 2 .... ................... Section 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing Distriet 2 Section 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parcels to be Acquired 2 Section 7 . ............................ ................... .............. Development Activity in T� Increment Financing District for which Contracts have been Signed 3 Section 8. .. Other Specific bevetopment Expecfed to Occur within Tas Increment Financing 3 Section 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Cost of Project; Taac Increment Financing Plan Budget 3 Section 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness 3 Section 11 . ................................................. SourcesofRevenue 4 Section 12 . ............. Estunated Captured T� Capacity and Estimate of Tax Increment 4 Secfion 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type of Tax Increment Financing District 4 ................. Section 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duration of TaY Increment Financing District 5 Section 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions 5 Section 16 ... .. Modification of Tas Increment Financing District and/or Tax Increment Financing Plan 5 Section 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modifications to T� Increment Financing District 5 Section 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Admiuistrative Expenses 6 Section 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limitation of Increment 6 Section 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use of Tas Increment 7 Section 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notification of Prior Planned Improvements 8 Section 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excess Tax Increments 8 SecYion 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Requirements for Agreements with Bevelopers 9 Section 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other L'unitations on the Use of Tas Increment 9 Section 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Road Costs 11 Section 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assessment Agreements 11 Section 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adminisiration of the 'Fa�c Increment Financing District 12 Section 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Reporting Requirements 12 ..... .... ... EXHIBIT A- PARCEL MAP OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ........ A-1 EXFIIBIT B - BUDGET .......................................................B-1 EXHIBIT C - CASH FLOW ...................................................C-1 EXI-IIBIT D - ESTIMATED IMPACT ON TAX BASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 EXHIBIT E - REDEVELOPMENT ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1 1590209v4 o�f� 58� TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TENTH AND JACKSOI3 STREET TAX 1NCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Section 1. Forwazd. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mimlesota (the "HRA"), and its stafF and consultants have prepazed the following information for the establishment of a redevelopment tas increment fmancing district (the °TaY Increment Financing District"). The Tas Increment Financing Disirict is located within the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area heretofore established by the IIRA (the "Redevelopment Project Area''). Section 2. Statutory Authoritv. There exist azeas witlun the City of Saint Paul (the "City") where public involvement is necessary to cause development to occur. To this end, the HRA has certain statutory powers pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Law") and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 through 4691799 (the °Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act"}, to assist in financing public costs related to a redevelopment project. Section 3. Statemem of Objectives. The Tas Increment Financing District consists of approxnnately 1.4 acres of land and adjacent and intemal rights-of-way. The T� Increment Financmg District is being created to facilitate the redevelopment of an existing commercial building and surface pazking lots by the construction of new facilities for commercial and owner- occupied housing uses. The tax increment financing plan is expected ta achieve the objectives autlined in the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area. The following aze some of the objectives bemg facilitated by the Tax Increment Financing Plan. A. Provide Affordable Housing for Saint Paul Residents. The available housing for residents in the Redevelopment Project Area will be expanded when the appxoxirnately 259 units of owner-occupied housing (to be constructed in two phases) and related parking facilities aze constructed. At least twelve of the housing units will be affordable to persons whose incomes do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of area median income. B. To Redevelop Underused Property and Remove Blight. The Tax Increment Financing District currently contains property that has been underutalized for many yeazs. In order to protect existing investment and encourage new development in the area, remove and prevent the emergence of blight and blighting influences, a substandazd building needs to be demolished and new facilities need to be constructed. C. Expand the Tax Base of the City of Saint Paul. It is expected that the tasable market value of parcels in the Tax Increment Financing District will increase by approximately $56,625,950 as a result of the new development. The activities contemplated in the Redevelopment Plan and this T� Increment Financing Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other qualified development or redevelopment activities. These activities are anficipated to occur over the life of the T� Increment Financing District and the Redevelopment Project. Section 4. Redevelopment Plan Overview. Property to be Acquired — Any of or all of the property located within Tax Increment Financing District or Redevelopment Project Area may be acquired by 1590209v4 o�-58a ��.s� 2. Relocation — to the extent required, complete relocarion services will be available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of a developer's plan relating to a development and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the HItA may sell or assist a developer with the cost of acquisition of selected properties within T� Increment Financing District or Redevelopment Project Area, or may lease land or facilities to a developer. Section 5. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financin District The following pazcels located in the Crty of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota are to be included in the Tax Increment Financing District: Including all adjacent public streets and rights of way. *The pazcel bearing PID 31-29-22-43-0023 will be subdivided prior to certification of the Tax Increment Financing District. Only the easterly portion of the parcel containing approximately 314 acres, will be included in the Tax Increment Financing District. Ramsey County will assign sepazate PID numbers to each of the new legal pazcels. A s�ap showing the parcels or portions of pazcels to be included in the Tax Ittcrement Financing District is attached as E�ibit A FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE PARCELS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM TF� EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF TF� HRA. Section 6. Pazcels to be Acquired. The HRA may finance all or a part of the costs of acquisition of all or a portion of the pazcels_identified in Section 5 of this Tax Increment Financing Plan. The HRA may use its powers of eminent domain to acquire pazcels which cannot be obtained through private negotiation. The IIRA may acquire properiy by gift, dedication or direct purchase from willing seilers in order to achieve the objectives of the tax increment financing plan; and Such acquisitions will be undertalcen only when there is assurance of funding to finance the acquisition and related costs. Section 7. e neen �ignea. 1 he iotlowmg contracts have been or will be entered into by the persons named below: 1590209v4 2 o�- s�7 The HRA has or will enter into a Development Agreement with Real Estate Development Group (the "Developer"). The Developer has agreed that it will construct a total of appro�mately 8,000 gross square feet of commerciaUretail space (the "Commeicial Development"), approxisnately 259 units of owner- occupied housing (the "Housing Development") and a new 252-space pazking rasnp (the "Parking Ramp"). The Housing Development together with the Commercial Aevelopment and the Pazking Ramp constitute the "Project." The first phase of the Project ("Phase I") will consist of appro�nately 8,000 square feet of Commercial Development, 129 housing units and a 252 space pazking ramp. Phase I will have construcfion costs of approxixnately $31,594,180. The I� expects Phase I to be completed by December 31, 2046. The second phase of the Project ("Phase II") will consist of approximately 130 housing units and will have consh costs of $31,354,800. The HRA expects Phase II to be completed by December 31, 2007. Section 8. Other Specific Development Expected to Occur within Tax Increment Financin¢ District. The HFZA does not anticipate that other future development in the Tax Increment Financing District will occur. Section 9. Estimated Cost of Proiect; Tas Increment Financine Plan Budeet The HRA has determined that it will be necessary to provide assistance far certain pubiic costs of the Development. To facilitate the Development within the Tax Increment Financing District, this Tas Increment Financing Plan autl�orizes the use of tax increment financing to pay for a portion of the cost of certain eligible expenses. This Tax Increment Financing Plan also authorizes the use of tax increments to pay for certain expenditures outside ihe Tas Increment Financing District for certain low income rental housing pro}ects as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, subd. 5. The estimate of public costs and uses of fuuds associated with Tas Increment Financing District is outlined on Exhibit B. Estimated costs associated with Tas Increment Financing District aze subject to change and may be reallocated between line items by a resolution of the HI2 A. The cost of all activifies to be financed by the tax increment will not exceed, without formal modification, the budget for the tax increr.ents set fc;* � oz E�:b:t B . Section 10. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness. The expenditures authorized by this T� Increment Financing Plan may be paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis or by tax increment revenue obligations. If bonded indebtedness is issued by the HRA or the City, the principal amount is estimated not to exceed $5,000,000, including capitalized interest. Section 11. Sources of Revenue. The costs outlined in Section 9 above will.be financed on a pay as you-go basis through the annual collection of tax increments or by tax increment revenue obligations. All other costs will be financed by private fmancing obtained by the Developer. The Developer will obtain Department of Employment and Economic Development clean-up funds in connection with the Pro�ect. The market value upon aompletion of Phase I of the Commercial Development is estimated to be approximately $684,000. The mazket value upon completion of Phase I of the Housing Development is estimated to be $27,271,600. The mazket value upon completion of the Pazking Ramp is estanated to be $2,063,250. The mazket value upon completion of Phase II of the Housing Development is estimated to be $28,987,300. Section 12. Estunated Captured Tax Capacity and Estimate of Tax Increment. The most recent tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District is estimated to be $41,634 as of January 2, 2004. The estunated captured t� capacity of Tax Increment Financing District at completion of Phase I is estimated to be $299,098 and upon completion of Phase II is estimated to be $588,971. 1590209v4 O�1-58� The HRA elects to retain all of the captured tax capacity to fmance the cbsts of Ta�c Increment Financing District. The HRA elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, subd. 3(a). Section 13. Tvpe of T� Increment Financing District The Tax Increment Financing District is a redevelopment district established, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 10. In order to qualify as a"redevelopment districY', pazcels consisting of 70 percent of the azea of the TaY Increment Financing District must be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel pazking lots, ar other similaz structures and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, aze structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or cleazance. The Tax Increment Financing District contains eight pazceis. Ail of the parcels (100%) aze occupied. There is one building in the Tax Increment Financing District, and that building is s`uucturally substandazd. Pursuant to Mnuiesota Statutes, Secrion 469.174, subdivision 10(c), a building is not structurally substandazd if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new biuldings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the wst of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on'the site. The reasons and supporting facts for these determinations set forth in the Report dated May 4, 2004 prepazed by Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc., a copy of which is on file with the Executive Director of the HRA and is attached as E�ibit E . The IIILA and the City have deternuned that the proposed development within the T� Increment Financing District would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased mazket value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of ta�c increment financing would be less than the increase m the mazket value estimated to resuit from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected taY increments for the maximum duration of the Tax Increment Financing Disirict pernutted by the Ta�c Increment Financing Plan. Secfion 14. Duration of Tas Increment Financinp District The dura6on of TaY Increment Financing District,will be 25 years from the receipt of the first tax increment. The date cf receipt of the first tax increment is expected to be the fi: st half of 2007. Attached as E�ibit C is the projected receipt of tax increments from the Tax Increment Financing District. Section 15. Estimated Impact on Other Taxin2 Jurisdicfions. If the construction within the Tax Increment Financing Dishict would not have occurred without t� increment financing, the impact is $0 to the other taYing jurisdictions. Notwithstanding the fact that the construction would not have occurred without tax increment assistance, the estimated impact of TaY Increment Financing District if the "but for" test was not inet is set forth on E�ibit D . Secfion 16. Modification of Ta�c Increment Financing Distdct and/or Tax Increment Financine Plan. No modificahons to Tas Increment Financing District or the Tax Increment Financing Plan have been made as of the date hereof. Section 17. Modifications to Tax Increment Financing District. In accordance with Miimesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 4, any: reduction or enlazgement of the geographie azea of the Ta�c Increment Financing District; 2. increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, inciuding a detenninarion to capitalize interest on debt if that detennina.tion was not a part of 1590209v4 o�f 58a the original pian, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized; increase in the portion of the captured net t� capacity to be retained b}• the FIRA; 4. increase in total estimated taY increment expenditures; or 5. desi�ation of additional properiy to be acquired by the I3RA, shall be approved upon notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval of the original Tax Increment Financing Plan. The geographic area of the Tax Increment Financing District may be reduced, but shall not be enlarged after five yeazs following the date of certification of the original net taY capacity by the County Auditor. The requirements of this pazagraph do not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of parcel(s) from the Tax Increment Financing District, and (2 j(A) the current net tas capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from the Tas Increment Financing District equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcel(s) in the 'Fax Increment Financing DistricYs original net tax capacity, or (B) the HRA agrees that, notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, Section 4b9.177, Subd. 1, the original net ta�c capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capaciTy of the parcel(s) eliminated from the T� Increment Financing District. The HRA must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlazges the geographic azea of the Taac Increment Financing District ar the Redevelopment Project Area. Modifications to Tax Increment Financing District in the form of a budget modification or an expansion of the boundaries will be recorded in the Tax Increment Financing Plan. Section 18. Administrative Expenses. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 14, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 3, administrative expenses means a11 expenditures of the I3RA, other than: l. amounts paid for the purchase of land or amounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including azchitectural and engineering services, directly connected with the physical development of the real property in the district; 2. relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the district; or amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178. Administrative expenses also include amounts paid for services provided bq bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. Tax increment may be used to pay any authorized and documented administrative expenses for the Taac Increment Financing District up to but not to exceed 10 percent of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by Uus TaY Increment Financing Plan or the total tas increment expenditures, whichever is less. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 4h, tax increments may be used to pay for the county's actual administrative expenses incurred in connecfion with the TaY Increment Financing District. The county may require payment of those expenses by February 15 1590209v4 a�-58d of the yeaz following the yeaz the expenses were incurred. Pursuant to Minuesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 11, the county treasurer shall deduct an amount equal to approxisnately .50 percent of any t� increment dish�ibuYed Yo the HRA and the county tteasurer shall pay the aznount deducted to the state treasurer for deposit in the state general fund to be appropriated to the State Auditor for the cost of financial reporting of tazc increment financing informafion and the cost of exainining and auditing authorities' use of tax increment financing. Section 19. Limitafion of Increment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 1(a), no t� increment sha11 be paid to the E3F2A for the Tax Increment Financing District after three (3) yeazs from the date of certification of the original net taY capacity vaiue of the ta�cable properry in the Tas Increment Financing District by the County Auditor unless within the three (3) yeaz period: (1) bonds have been issued pursuant to Miunesota Statutes, Section 469.178, or in aid of a project pursuant to any other law, except revenue bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or (2) the HRA has acquired property within the Tax Increment Financittg District, or (3) the HRA has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the Tax Increment Financing District. The tas increment pledged to the payment of bonds and interest thereon may be dischazged and may be temunated if sufficient funds have been irrevocably deposited in the debt service fund or other escrow account held in trust for a11 outstanding bonds to provide for the payment of the bonds at maturity or redemption date. Pursuant to Minuesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 6: if after four yeazs from the date of certification of the original net tax capacity of the tas increment financing district pursuant to Miunesota Statutes, Section 469.177, no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of property or other site preparation, including qualified impmvement of a street adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility sarvice including sewet or water systems, has been commenced on a pazcel located within a taY increment financing district by the authority or by the owner of the pazcel in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, no additional tas increment may be taken from that parcel and the original net tax capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from the original net taac capacity of the taY increment financing district. If the authority or the owner of the parcel subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation or renovafion or other site preparation on that pazcel including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to that parcei, in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, the authority shall certify to the county auditor that the activity has commenced and the county auditor shall certify the net tax capacity thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original net t� capacity of the tas increment financing district. The county auditor musf enforce the provisions of this subdivision. For purposes of this subdivision, qualified improvements of a street aze lunited to (1) constntction or opening of a new street, (2) relocation of a street, and (3) substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an existing street. 1590209v4 o�f-582 Section 20. Use of Tax Increment. The I-IRA hereby determines that it will use one hundred percent (100%) of the captured net tax capacity of taxable properry located in the Tas Increment Financing District for the following purposes: i. to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and admiuistration costs of the Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047; 2. to pay for project costs as identified in the budget; to fmance, or otherwise pay far other purposes as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 4; 4. to pay principai and interest on any loans, advances or other payments made to the I-IRA or for the benefit of Redevelopment Project Area by the developer; 5. to finance or otherwise pay premiums and other costs for insurance, credit enhancement, or other security guaranteeing the payment when due of principal and interest on tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to the T� Increment Financing Plan or pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or both; 6. to accumulate or maintain a reserve securing the payment when due of the principal and interest on the tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or both; and to return to other taxing jurisdictions. These revenues shall not be used to circumvent any levy 1'unitations applicable to the �iltA nor fo; other p by P�Iinnesota Statutes, Section 469.116, subd. 4. Section 21. Nofification of Prior Planned Improvements. The IiRA shall, after due and diligent search, accompany its request for certification to the County Auditor or its notice of the Tas Increment Financing District enlargement with a listing of all properties within the Tax Increment Financing District or area of enlargement for which building permits ha�e been issued during the eighteen (18) months imxnediately preceding approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan by the municipality pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3. The CounTy Auditor shall increase the original value of the Ta�c Increment Financing District by the value of improvements for which a building permit was issued. Section 22. Excess Tax Increments. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd 2, in any year in which the tax increment exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the Plan, including the amount necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subd. 3, the IIRA shall use the excess amount to do any of the following: prepay any outstanding bonds; 1590209v4 7 O� �� 2. discharge the pledge of tax increment therefor; pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bond; or 4. retum the excess to the County Auditor for redistribution to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to their local tax rates. In addirion, the HRA may, subject to the limitations set forth herein, choose to modify the Plan in order to finance additional public costs in the Tax Inerement Finaneing District or Redevelopment Project Area. Section 23. Requirements for Agreements with Developers. The HRA will review any proposal for private deveIopment to detenni.ne its conformance with the Redevelopment Plan and with applicable municipal ordinauces and codes. To facilitate this effort, the following documents may be requested for review and approval: site plan, construction, mechanical, and electrical system drawings, landscaping plan, grading and storm drainage plan, signage system pIan, and any other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the City to demonstrate the conformance of the development with city plans and ordinances. The FIRA may also use the agreements to address other issues related to the development. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 5, no more than 10 percent, by acreage, of the pzoperty to be acquired in the Tas Increment Financing District as set forth in the Tax Increment Financmg Plan shall at any time be owned by the HRA as a result of acquisifion with the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178, without the IIIZA having, prior to acquisition in excess of 10 percent of the acreage, concluded an agreement for the development or redevelopment of the properiy acquired and which provides recourse for the F3I2A should the development or redevelopment not be completed. Section 24. Other Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment. General Limitations. All revenue derived from t� increment shall be used in accordar,ce with the Tax Inc�ement F�ancing Plan. The revenues shall be used io fittance, or otherwise pay the capital and admuiistration costs of the Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134; These revenues shall not be used to circumvent existing levy limit law. No revenues derived from tax increment shall be used for the acquisition, construction, renovation, operation or maintenance of a buitding to be used primarily and regulazly for conducting the business of a municipality, county, school disttict, or any other local unit of govemment or the state or federal government, or for a commons azea used as a public pazk, or a facility used for social, recreation or conference purposes. This provision sha11 aot prohibit the use of revenues derived from taY increments for the consiruction or renovation of a pazking struchxre. 2. Certain Public Improvements. Ta�c increments may not be used to pay for the cost of public 'vnprovements, equipment, or other items, if (i) the improvements, equipment, or other items are located outside of the azea of the taY increment financing district from which the increments were collected; and (ii) the improvements, equipment, or other items that (a) primarily served a decorative or aesthefic purpose, or (b) serve a functional purpose, but their cost is increased by more than one hundred percent (100%) as a result of the selection of materials, 1590209v4 • �I design, or type as compazed with more commonly used materials, designs, or types for similaz unprovements, equipment or items. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to expenditures related to the rehabilitation of historic siructures that aze: (i} individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places; or (ii) a contributing element to a historic district listed on the National Register of I�istoric Places. Redevel�menf Districts. At least 90 percent of the revenues derived from tax inerements from a redevelopment district ot renewal and renovation disYrict must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of redevelopment and renewal and renovation districts under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174. These costs include, but are not limited to, acquiring properties contaiiung struchually substandard buildings or improvements, or hazazdous substances, pollution, or contaminarits, acquiring adjacent parcels necessary to provide a site of sufficient size to permit development, demolition and rehabilitation of structures, clearing the land, the removal of hazardous substances or remediation necessary to development of the land, and installation of utilifies, roads, sidewalks, and parking facilities for the site. The allocated administrative expenses of the authority, including the cost of preparation of the development action response plan, may be included in the qualifying costs. 4. Pooline Limitations. At least 75 percent of tas increments from the TaY Increment Financing District must be expended on activities in the Tax Increment Financing District or to pay bonds, to the extent that the proceeds of the bonds were used to finance achvities within said district or to pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanced bonds. Not more than 25 percent of said taa� increments may be expended, through a development fund or otherwise, on activities outside of the Tas Increment Financing District except to pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanced bonds, provided that such 25 percent may be increased by 10 percent as provided in pazagraph 6 below. Fox purposes of applying this restriction, all admiivstrative expenses must be treated as if they were solely for activities outside of the Tax Increment Financing District. 5. Five Yeaz Limitation on Commitment of Tax Increments. Tax increments derived from the Tas Increment Financing District shall be deemed to have satisfied the 75 percent test set forth in paragraph 4 above only if the five year nile set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, Subd. 3, has been satisfied; and beginning with the sixth year following certification of the Tax Increment Financing District, 75 percent of said tax increments that remain after expenditures pernutted under said five year rule must be used only to pay previously commihnent expenditures or credit enhanced bonds as more fully set fortki in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1'763, Subd. 5. 6. Expenditures Outside District. The Authority hereby elects to spend an additional ten percent of the tax increments on activities located outside the Tax Increment District as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, subd. 2(d) provided that the expenditures meet the following requirements: (1) they aze used exclusively to assist housing that meets the requirements for a qualified low-income building as defined in Section 42 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); (2) they do not exceed the qualified basis of housing as defined under Section 42(c) of the Code less the amount of any credit allowed under Section 42 1590209v4 o�-s8c� ofthe Code, and (3) They aze used to (i) acquire and prepare the site for housing, (ii) acquire, construct or zehabilitate the housing ar(ui) make public improvements directly related to the housing. Section 25. County Road Costs. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. la, the county boazd may require the HRA to pay for all or part of the cost of county road improvements if, the proposed development to be assisted by taY increment will, in the judgment of the county, substantially increase the use of county roads requiring construction of road 'unprovements or other road costs and if the road 'unprovements aze not scheduled within the next five years under a capital improvement plan or other counry plan. In the opinion of the HRA and consultants, the proposed development outlined in this Plaa will have little or no impact upon county roads. If the county etects to use increments to improve county roads, it must notify the IIRA within thiriy days of receipt of this Plan. Section 26. Assessment Aa eements. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Secfion 469.177, Subd. 8, the HRA may enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of property within the Tas Increment Financing District which establishes a minunum mazket value of the land and completed improvements for the duration of the Tas Increment Financing District. The assessment agreement sha11 be presented to the assessor who shall review the plans and specifications for the unprovements coustructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the nnprovements are to be constructed and, so long as the minimum mazket value contained in the assessment agreement appeaz, in the judgment of the assessor, to be a reasonable estimate, the assessor may certify the muumum market value agreement. Section 27. Admiuistration of the Tas Increment Financing District. Administration of the Tax Increment Financing District will be handled by the Executive D'uector of the EIRA. Section 28. Financial Reporting Requirements. The HRA will comply with all reporting requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 5, 6 and 6a. 1590209v4 10 oy- 5� ��.��T PARCEL MAP OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT See attached. 1590209v4 A-1 �� , � �. � 1 . � �a'��. ��` �� .2_ "E�,' ., t.,� q � V I �7p� , �� � = �, F � h ���� � 1� � ,f _ '� .. 4`�*` =- - �i �'' ` ��. �. Tenth aud J � -, y= -�,�.,�: F _ ��_ _� ackson Street � " ' � �� -'' Tag Increment Financing : � .�� _ �. -�-= . ,� � � r � 4 �� � � � �; ,�:_ � ' � s ��� District Boundary Ma�i I � > � �' � � �- ' r ��, .' . � � ��. ?.,''� ' � ' � S �� - ? � .e . � �� � .'_ _ � � � .. .� ` '. � 1°� � - 9 � � . �,- ,TCS` � .'. _ .:�. . i - �. 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O�i-58d �.:��: �: BUDGET See attached. 1590209v4 B-1 • :� TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN BUDGET Exhibit B Name of District: Tenth and Jackson Type of District: Redevelopment District Duration of District: 25 years following first collectio Bridgecreek TIF Budget.xis 7/14/2004 1) Net of State Auditor Deduction O� -S 8�c I�1.i_1:3t1�[i CASH FLOW See attached. . 1590209v4 C-1 ��-5� Assum tions Re ort City of Saint Paul PED, Minnesota Tax increment Financing (Redevelopment) District No, x Tenth/Jackson Project Scenario A- 25 year district Type of Tax Increment Financing District Maximum Duration ofTIF District Projected Certification Request Date Decertification Date Base Estimated Market Value Original Net Tax Capacity Redevelopmenf 25 years from 1 st increment 10/01/04 12/31/31 (25 Years of Increment) 2004/2005 $2,380,200 $27,812 AssessmenVCollection Year Base Estimated Market Value Increase in Estimatetl Market Value Total Estimated Market Value Total Net Tax Capaciry 0 0 9,005,645 38,715,006 $27,8'12 $27,812 $97,548 $413,872 City of Saint Paul gq, g�so� Ramsey County 49255% ISD #625 31.566°/a . Othe� 6 034% Local Tax Capacity Rate 122.070% 2003/2004 Fiscal Disparities Contribution From TIF District Administrative Retainage Percent (maximum = 10%) Pooling Percent Note {pay-As-You-Go) - Phase I Note Dated 10/01/04 Note Rate 6.00% Note.Amount - Phase I $1,9g2,500 Present Value Date $ Rate Notes 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 $2,380,200 $2,380,200 $2,380,200 $2,380,200 0 6 625 445 36 334 806 O.D000% 10.00% 10.00% Note (Pay-As-You-Go) - Phase II Note Dated 10/01/05 Note Rate 6.00% Note Amount- Phase II $1,992,500 10/Ol/04 6.00% Preparetl by: Springstetl Incorporatetl (printetl 7/13/2004 4 7 2 pM Page 3 SAPED TIF 701h,lackson 077304.�sASSUmptions Oy-5 � N 3 R � U N O a N m O 0 v 0 N 0 O V N � � a " m �? m E � � o � °� _ E c � o 0 � = Z � N N U - - � C C � a a � E N N C O N N N U � � � � � v 0 a � R R U F� A � O R 0 F C U N E � T a d a n Q N N V I� � o r m oi wr N 0 0 0 O (O P N O O < N m o n c� w e N � a N V 0 � V c N � �o U ° O L p N 3 m �- > @ R � c � w m � � w m E m K U � m m P n 0 V N O LL F � w a a N O m R a 0 N a m O O c a m n y a 9 m a + `i 3m 8r P>° " `9 € �: 2� ��o�rc� m � �' o z 8e8rs� _ - °�r �a�_ Sm���� '_ 3Se��°� _ - n�.v � {¢ � ° EAnE 2LL w �8 ' U m E u F «� �' 2 e � � 6 _' m § RR•»°S ani� �a9?m9 €a$9E@ �¢E$Epp rF sem ° R£ �. � 6 xxxxxx:axxx yEO Eu° �x �m - xxsxxxxxx =�88°v88888 9 v oe°�o vave e F o00 a�8 888 � 8 ��0 � ° C��' i � 6 x�:�xxazxx - 8ev888888 � oR� oveee Ba'$m9FIX�A acnnidaaa m��R��RRR U V f s=° _ = tl 'a aadv >d^ daaa . .3 :�"_" e-°"en �a'a 3i°- 1.�_ E:E U:U? 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0 m � � m � v m � a F- LL F 0 L N M a 0 a � ;• Pro'ected Pa -As-You-Go Note Re ort City of Sai`rt Paul PED, Minnesota Taz Increment Financing (Retlevelopmefrt) Oistrict No. x TenthUackson Prqect Phasel NoteDate. tOfOtI04 NoteRate 6.00% Amount 51992,500 Semi-Annuai Loan NM Acauetl Balance �ate Pnnapal Interest P& i Revenue Inleres[ Outstantling 02/01/OS 000 0.00 000 0.00 39,85000 OB/Oi/05 000 0.00 000 0.00 59,]]500 02/O1I06 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 59,775 00 OB/01/06 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 59,]]5.00 02/01/07 0.00 00� 0.00 000 59,7]5.00 08/Oi/07 000 26,27333 28.9333 28,27333 3150'1.67 02101/08 000 28,9333 28,273.33 28,2]3.33 3t,501.6] OB/0'I/08 6148958 59,]]500 t21,26458 '12'1,264.58 0.00 02/01/09 63,33427 57,930.31 121,26458 121,264.58 00� 08/Oi/09 65,23930 56,030.28 121,26458 12'1,264.58 000 02/Oi/10 67,191.32 54,07326 121,26458 121,264.58 000 08101/t0 69,207.OG 52,05]52 '121,264.58 121,26458 0.00 02I01/11 �1,28328 49,98130 121,26458 121,26458 0.00 OB/01A'I �3,421]9 41,842.81 121,26458 121,26458 000 02/Oi/12 75,624.43 45,640.15 121,264.58 72126458 000 08/01/12 77,893.16 43,37142 121,264.58 121,26456 0.00 02101/13 80,2299G 41p3462 12�,264.58 121,26458 000 OB/01fi3 82,63685 38,627.73 121,264,58 121,264.58 000 02/OV�4 85,it596 36,14662 121,26456 12t,26458 000 OS/01/'IG 8],66944 33,59514 121,264.58 12t,26458 000 02I01/15 90,299.52 30,96506 121,264.58 121,26458 0.00 OBI01R5 93,00851 28,2560] 12'1,26458 121,26458 000 02/OVi6 95,79876 25,46562 121,2G458 121,26458 0.00 OB/07/i6 96,67273 22,591.85 i21,26458 121,26458 000 02/OV1� �01,63291 19,637.67 121,26456 12'1,26458 000 OS/OV17 104,681.89 16,58269 121,264.58 12t,26458 0,00 a2�01/'IB 10],822-35 13,44223 121,26458 12t,26458 000 OS/01/18 111,05702 10,20]SG 121,26458 121,264.58 000 02/01/19 114,388.]3 6,8]585 121,264.58 121,26458 000 OS/pi/19 114,806.20 3,44419 '118,250.39 it8,25039 0.00 ovovza o.ao 000 0.00 oao 000 osiovso o.00 000 0_00 000 000 ovovz� o.00 000 000 000 000 osioirzi oao oao 000 000 000 ovovzz o.00 000 000 oao 000 oerovzz o 00 0 0o a o0 0 00 0.00 02f01/23 000 000 000 000 000 OB/01/23 000 000 000 000 000 02/Ot/24 000 000 0�0 000 000 oaiovza o 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 ovovzs o 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 OB/0�25 000 000 000 000 000 02/Ot26 000 000 000 000 0.00 08)0126 0 00 D.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 oziovz� o 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 oaiovv o.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 ovov2a o 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 o ao oeiavza oao ooa ooa o00 000 oziovzs o 00 0.00 � o ao 0 00 0.00 oeio�rzs o00 000 0.00 000 0.00 ozioir�o 000 000 000 ooa o00 08/01/3� o.00 000 , o00 0.0o aoo ovova� o00 000 000 0.00 000 oamvai o00 000 000 000 000 02/Ot/32 000 0.00 000 000 000 $�.992.500 $850.11787 $2.842.6t7.81 52.842,61781 5341.95334 Surylus Tax Incremenl 3,034,628.86 TotalNetRevenue $5,8]�,246.6] 7,992,50�.00 '1,992,50000 1,992,500.00 1,992,500.00 1,992,500 00 1,992,500 00 1,992,500 00 1,992,500 00 1,931,Ot042 '1,867,676 t 5 i eoz,aa�.es 1,735,250.53 1,666,0434] 1,594,]60'19 1 52'1,33842 1 445,]i399 1,367,820.83 1,287,590 87 1.204,954 02 1,119,83806 1 032,16662 941.869.10 848,860.59 753.061 83 654,389'10 552,�56 t9 448,0]430 340,251 95 229,19493 1'14,80620 0 00 0 00 o ao 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 o ao 0 00 0 00 o.00 0 00 0 00 Preparetl by SpnngAetl IncpPOrzteO (1/t320�d) Ga9e 8 SPPE� TIF WNJackson 0]13�4 JSLOdn P� 1 O�f-S8a % O 2 U N 0 O .� d � d c E d a � o 'o p � a` a a o m 3 m Y N R � U L a m ' a � L L fl tl1 m a Q C F T LL U a�i E � U G % K F � 3 j � C C Z � Q ar N N � � ° 0 o � o � a m ° � P N C � e N � � �C � O J Q � O � ' C � � e Q U O N N � M J � N O N � X � ~ � J y c d Q � U Vr C mx��' E H n � F. � a ' U � � x � C j F V R N ¢ N N � @ � U Z U e y V � O N d J �y O O O X �` W' = F V N m � 2 J O Z @ U x ._r. 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O � (p N U � O J ry N ~ O N X � N � F 1 A � M X � � O F- Z % N C F o N O 0 0 0 0 M I� (� � I� l0 ("J M r r o C�J V M � o n r N N t0 M N OJ V O � � N oJ N N � � � M .p- n n r n rn m w rn m ro � oi CO N W W � � � � r9 W (O c0 M N N (O t") N O � � O] C� m �tl t0 N ' N � C7 0 n N o e o o e � � m M � Ol N o� O O t� C M � N � � � (�O � N O �Il � O� C� � t!� (D N � M P � a R C a � c V m VI � N � O �+ # '� D � 0 s o U K � O F vi > � o 0 D � L U `p � X � - 6 L d Y6 � N R K m ' -�+ V � O N � � � .. r � � x a � O U +�+ @ N � L . 7 � > g o � o T a � �' O d �p l6 L � 9 U V U t � � N m H c m L « U �' N 0 O p_ y N y � T = C O p � L .Q N �? r/ d C R W 3 � � � N J U � U � � y � m y x m O - � � y .� F c � N �y OI N O� m 1- U 'C O L . y O Y -1 � C Q O 0 3 u m�' � m Q @ N ` � ro o m y � � m N w� � U � C. 9 V) � LL K U 3 m m 1- F c�i x O � N a F 3 o d � Z` � d y } o � � a Z � o o, m N N E= R N a - t 10 0� a � ,n n � N U U x A � � U o N o � �� -a � a� rn !- 'm o C r� " lh N N (l � C N p Z � N � U '6 9 N � £ O U Q � �? O. � p_ � C � ^ � N U � `n 6 . m O N N L1 o_ 'x 3 � c � � v m � a . � r U � C N N L O N '�- � 3 3 � m w N C C N N N N a�.. � N fn N N 9 tp � x a :°- 6 � m = � C N O w 3 O d 0 U m � � _ T B C p O w � a d m � U m a � m � a h � a d d U � � 2 y U � d T _m U � � C a � N x � � o � .0 � N N � O � 11 � i X U r N � � N N y U � !6 C �. o � U C R d a a E m r F I- � N � a ° w 0 0 LL F n N N w a 0 N n V m `o O a d m n m a n a` ��N IgiT � oy-5�p Redevelopment Eligibility Assessment Proposed St. Paul TIF District Saint Paul, MN May 4, 2004 Prepared by: Short Elliott I3endrickson, Inc. (SEH} Butler Square Building, Suite 710C I00 North 6`� Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 SEH No. A-SPPED0402.00 � � '1 City of St. Paul TIF District May 4, 2004 PURPOSE Short EIliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEF� was hired by the City of St Paul Minnesota, to survey and evaluate the properties within the proposed St. Paut Tas Increment Financing (TIF) District . The proposed district is generaily located south of Jackson Street, north of Robert Sueet, east of Tenth Street aud west of Ninth Sueet. The purpose of our work was to independendy ascertain whether the qualification tests for ta�c increment eligibility, as required under Minnesota Statute, could be met. The findings and conclusions drawn herein are solely for the purpose of tax inerement eligibility and aze not intended fo be used outside the scope of this assessment. SCOPE OF WORK The proposed district consists of 7 parcels comprised of the foilowing types of improvements: 1 commerciat structure on I pareel, and 6 vacant parcels with onty pazking improvements. Within the district are also several accessory structures — for the purposes of this assessment, these are considered `outbuildings' and are not inclnded in ihe Condition of Buildings Test. EVALUATIONS An interior and exterior inspection was completed for the building. FINDINGS Coverage Test — 7 of the 7 properties met the coverage test with a 100% area coverage. This exceeds the 7Q% azea coverage requirement. Condition of Buildings Test — the building was found to be "structuraily substandard" when considering code deficiencies and other @eficiencies of sufficient totat signifcance to justify substantiat renovation or clearance (see definition of "structurally substandard" as follows). This exceeds the Condition of Buildings Test whereby over 50% of buildings, not incIuding outbuildings, must be found "shucturally substandazd." CONClUSION Our surveying and evatuating of the properties within this proposed Redevelopment District render results that in our professional opinion qnalify the district eligible under the statutory criteria and formnlas for a RedevelopmenY Tax Increment Financing District (State Statute 469.174 Snbd. 10). SUPPORTlNG DOCUMENTS ATTACHED - Site Occupied/Building Substandard Determination table ♦ `� 'TIF Assessment maps: Buildings Under Study, Occupied Surfaces, Percent Occupied Report on Building Condition (one per building) Individual Building Summary Report (one per building) PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS The properties were surveyed and evaluated in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statute Section 469.I74, Subdivision 10, clause (c) which states: Interior Inspection —"The municipaliry may not make sueh determination [that the building is structurally substandazd] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means —"An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the groperty; and after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structuraily substandard." Docu�nentation —"Written documentation of the building findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3, clause (i) " Refer to attached Exhibit A— Documentation of ContactsBvaluations for documentation for these purposes. PROCEDURES FOLlOWED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS The City of St. Paal sent a Ietter to the property owner located in the district requesting that an inspection and evaIuation be made of their property. SEH conducted the assessment on Apri17, 2004. Requests for evatuation appointments were made with the building owner or building tenants. An interior inspecrion and evaluation was completed if consented to by ttte owner. An exteriar inspection and evaluarion was made where the owner refused interior access to their property. In alT cases, an exterior evaluation was completed. For the sub}ect building, the City of St. Paul provided informarion for review by SEH. Additional huilding data was coIlected from gublic taspayer information available from Ramsey Connty. Building data from these public records was eombined with and reviewed against information gathered in the fieid. QUALIFICATION RE(�UIREMENTS The properties were surveyed and evaluated to ascertain whether the qualificauon tests for taJC increment eIigibility for a redeveiopment district, required under the following Min�esota Statutes, could be met. 3 b�f Minnesota 3tatute Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, clause (a) (1) requires two tests for occupied parcels: 1_ Coverage Test —"pazcefs consisting of 70 percent of the azea of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utiliries, paved or gravel pazking Iots or similaz stiuctares . . ." Note: The coverage required by the pazcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statute Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, clause (e) which states. "For purposes of this subdivision, a pazce} is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures unless 15% of the area of the parcel contains buiidings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel pazking lots or other similar structures." 2. Condition of Buildings Tesf —".., and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree reqniring substanrial renovation or cleazance;" The term `structurally substandard', as used in the preceding paragraph, is defined by a two-step test: Coadifions Test: Under the tax increment law, specifically, Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, clause (b), a building is structnrally substandard if it contains "defects in stnictural eIements or a combination of deficiancies in essentiai utilities and facilities, light and Venti2ation, fire protection including adequate egress, layaut and condition of interior partitions, or sunilar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient totaI significance to justify substantiai renovation or cIearance." Code Test: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the tas increment law, specifically, Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd'tvision 10, clause (cj also provides that a building may not be considered structuraily substandazd if it: ". .. is in compliance with bttilding code app�icabte to new buildings or couId be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site." Based on the above requirements, the substandard deterniination of a particular building is a two-step process; therefore, the findings of each step are independent of each other and both steps must be satisfied in order for a building to be faund - structurally substandazd. It is not sufficient to conclude that a building is structurally substandard solely because the Code Test is satisfied. It is theorztically possible for a building to require extensive renovation in order to meet cunent building codes but still not meet the main test of the Conditions Test. Furthermore, deficiencies inctuded in the Conditions Test may or may not incIude specific eode deficiencies as listed in the Code Test. In many cases, specific building code deficiencies may weIl contribute to the data which supports satisfying the ��- 5 � Conditions Test; conversely, it is certainly possible that identified hazards or other deficiencies which could be incIuded in the Conditions Test do not necessarily constitute current buiIding code defrciencies. By definition, the nature of ttte riuo steps is sIighdy different. The Conditions Test is more subjecrive, whereas the Code Test is an objective test. Conditions Test deficiencies aze less technical aztd not necessarily measurable to the same extent of the code deficiencies in the Code Test. To the end that technical, measurable bailding code deficiencies support the sarisfaetion of the less technical Condifions Test, the following eode requirements are defined'ut terms that go beyond the technicai requirements of the code and demonstrate their relevance in terms of "... deficiencies in essentiat utiTities and faciliries, light and ventilation, etc. .:' Internationat Buiidin¢ Code (IBC)� The purpose of the IBC is to provide minimum standards to safeguard gublic health, safety and general welfare through structural strength, means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilafion, energy conservation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards atiributed to the built enviroiunent (IBC 1013). A deficiency in tne buiiding code (insufficient number of building e�ts, insufficient door landing area, etc.) adversely affects one or more of the above standards to safeguard `public health ._.and safety to life'; therefore, a deficiency in the building code is considered a deficiency in one or more "essentiat utilities and facilities, light, and ventilarion, etc:'. , Minnesota Accessibilitv Code Chapter 1341 � This chapter sets the requirements for accessibility all building occupancies. The Minnesota Accessibility Code closely follows the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), which sets the guidelines for accessibi&ty to places of pubTic accommodations and commerciat facilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The ADA is a federal anti-discrimination statnte designed to remove barriers that prevent qualified individuals with disabilities from enjoying the sazne opportunities that are availabie to persons without disabilities (ADA Handbook). Essentially, a deficiency in the accessibility code (Iack of handrai3 extension at stairs or ramp, lack of cIeazance at a toilet fixture, etc.) results in a discrimination against disabTed individuals; therefore, a deficiency in the accessibility code is considered a deficiency in "essential utilaties and facilities". Minnesota Food Cade Chapter 4626• This chapter is enforced by the Minnesota Department of Health and is siarilar to the IBC in that it provides minimum standazds to safeguard pablic health in areas of public/commercial Pood prepazation. A deficiency in the food code (lack of non-absarbent walI or ceiling finishes, lack of hand sink, etc.) causes a condition for potentiai contamination of food; therefore, a defxciency in ihe food code is considered a deficiency in "essential utilities and facilities". 05�-5�4 National Electric Code (1�iEC)� The puzpose of the NEC is the practical safeguazding of persons and property from hazards atising from the use of electricity. "£he NEC contains provisions that aze considered necessary for safety (NEC 9d-1 (a) and (b)). A deficiency in the electric code (insufficient electrical service capacity, improper wiring, etc.) causes a hazard from the use of electriciiy; therefore, a defciency in the electric code is considered a defciency in "essentiai utilities and facilities". Internationai Mechanical Code (IMC)� The purpose of the IMC is to provide minimum standards to safeguazd Iife or limb, heaIth, property and publie welfare by regulating and controlIing the design, construction, instalIatioa, quaiity of materials, location, operation, and maintenance or use of inechanicai systems (IMC 1013). The IMC sets specific requirements for building ventilafion, exhaust, intake and relief. These requirements transIate into a specified number of compiete clean air exchanges for a building based on its,occupancy type and occupant load. A deficiency in the mechanical code adversely affects the `health . .. and public welfaze' of a building's occupants; therefore, a deficiency in the mechanical code is considered a deficiency in "Iight and ventiIation". Note: The above list represents some of the more common potential code deficiencies considered in the assessment of the buildings in the proposed district. This list does not necessarily include every factor incInded in the data used to satisfy the conditions test for a particular building. Refer to individual building reports for specific findings. FinalIy, the tax increment law provides that the municipatity may find that a buiiding is not dis4ualified as structuraliy substandard under the Code Test on the basis of "reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similaz reIiable evidence. Items of evidence that support such a conclusion [that the building is structurally substandard] incIude recent fire or police inspections, on-site property appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of dete�ioration, or other similaz reliable evidence." MEASUREMENTS AGAINST TECHNICAL TEST REQUIREMENTS Coverage Test SEH utilized a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) system database, available through Ramsey County and the City of 3t. Paul, to obtain individnai pazcei information. The GIS system contains graphic information (pazcel shapes) and numerical data based on county tax records. This information was used by SIIi for the purposes of this assessment. The total square foot area of each property pazcel was obtained from county records (GIS) and genera( site verification. 0 .� i The total extent of site improvements on each property parcel was digitized from recent aerial photography (Spring, 2000). The totai squaze footage of site improvements was then digitally measured and confirmed by general site verification. The total percentage of coverage of eaeh property parcel was computed to determine if the 15% reqnirement was met. Refer to attached maps: Occnpied Surfaces map and " Percent Occupied map. The total area of all qualifying properiy parcels was compared to the total area of alI parcels to deterFnine if the 70% requirement was met. The area occupied by public rights-of-way has not been considered in the coverage test calcalations. AII of Ehe pubIic rights-of-way are improved. If all of the public rights-of-way were treated as a parcel for the purpose of coverage test calculations, the 'IO% requirement of the coverage test would still be met. Condifion of Building Test Replacement Cost — the cost of constructing a new structure of the same size and type on site: R. S. Means Square Foot Costs (2004) was used as the industry standard for base cost catculations. R. S. Means is a nationally pubIished reference tool for constivction cost data. The book is updated yearly and establishes a"nafional average" for materiais and labor prices for all types of building construction. The base costs derived from R. S. Means were reviewed, and modified if applicable, against our professional judgment and experience. A base cost was calculated by first establishing building type, builfling construction type, and construction q_ualiry leveI (residen6al construction) to obtain the appropriate Means cost per squaze foot. This cost was muttiplied times the buiiding square footage to obtain the total replacement cost for an individual building. Additionally, to account for regionaUlocal pricing, a cost factor was added to the total cost according to R.S. Means tables. Using R. S. Means, consideration is made for building occupancy, building size, and construction type; iherefore, the cost per square foot used to construct a new structure will vary accordingly. BuiTdinQ Deficiencies: Condirions Test (Condirion Deficiencies) — determining the combination of defects or deficiencies of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovarion or clearance. On-Site evaluations - Evaluation of each building was made hy reviewing available information from city records and making interior anc}/or exterior evaluations, as noted, sometimes limited to public spaces. Deficiencies in structural elements, essentiaI utilities and facilities, light and ventifation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, were noted by the evaluator. Condition Def ciencies may or may • ;� not include Code Deficiencies as defined beYow. Energy code compIiance was not considered for the purposes of determining Condition Deficiencies. Deficiencies were combined and summarized for each building in order to determine their total significance. Buildine Deficiencies: Code Test (Code Deficiencies) — determining technical conditions that are not in compliance with curtent b�ilding code applicable to new buiidings and the cost to correct the deficiencies: On-Site evaluations - Evaluation of each building was made by reviewing available informafion from city records and making interior and/or exterior evalnations, as noted, sometimes limited to public spaces. On-site evatuations were completed using a standard checklist format. The standard checklist was derived from several standard building code plan review checklists and was intended to address the most coaunon, easiIy identifiable code deficiencies. Mechanical Engineers, Elechical Engineers_, and Building Code Officials were aiso consutted in the development of the checklist. Deficiencies were generally grouped into the following categories (category names are followed by its appIicable building code): • Building accessibility — Minnesota Accessibility Code • BuiTding egress, building consuuction — International Building Code • Fire protection systems — InternationaT Building Code • Food service — Minnesota Food Code • HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) — Intemational Mechanical Code • EIectrical systems — National Electric Code and Minnesota Energy Code • Energy code compliance — MinnesoYa Energy Code For the purposes of deternuning the Code Test (Code Deficiencies), Energy code compliance is reIevant because its criteria affect the design of integrat garts of a majority of a buiiding's systems. T'he intent of these critetia is to provide a means for assuring building dtuabiIity, and perraitting energy efficient operation (7676A100). The energy code addresses general building construction (all forms of energy transmission in an exterior buiiding envelope — walls, roofs, doors and windows, etc.) and energy usage by lighting and mechanicai systems. A deficiency in the energy code (inadequate insulation, non-insulated window systems, impropez air infiltration protection, etc.) reduces energy efficient operation and adversely affects building system durability; therefore, a deficiency in the energy code is considered to contribute to a condition requiring substantial renovation or clearance. Office evaluations — Following the on-site evaluation, each building was then reviewed, based on on-site data, age of construetion, building usage and occupancy, squaze footage, and known improvements (fmm building germit data), • `� and an assessment was made regarding compliance with current mechanical, electricat, and energy codes. A basic code review was also completed regazding the potential need for additional egress (basement stairways, for exampTe), sprinkler systems, or elevators. Deficiency Cost — Costs to correct idenfified deficiencies were deternvned by using R. S. Means Cost Data and our professional judgment and experience. In general, where several items of varying quality were available for selection to conect a deficiency, an item of average cost was used, as appropriate for typical commerciat or residential applications. Actuat construction costs aze affected by many factors (bidding climate, size of project, etc.). Due to the nature of this assessment, we were only able to generalize the scope of work for each conection; that is to say that detailed plans, qnantities, and qualsties of materiaIs were not possible to be known. Our approach to this matter was to deternune a preliminary cost projection suitable to the level of detail that is known. This process was similar to our typicat approach for a cost projection that may be given to an owner during a schemaUc design stage of a project. Costs to eorrect deficieneies were computed for each building and compared to the building replacement cost to deternune if the 15% requirement was met. The total number of buildings deternuned to be "structurally substandard" by satisfying both the Conditions Test and the Code Test in this manner was compazed to the total number of buiidings in the proposed disttict to deternvne if the 50% requirement was met. Reports on Building Condirions and Individual Building Summary Reports aze available for review at the offices of SEH and the City of Saint Pau1. Technical Condirions Resources — the following list represents the current building codes applicable to new buildings used in the Building Deficiency review: 2003 Minnesota State Building Code 2000 Intemational Building Code 2000 International Aousing Code MN 1341— Minnesota Accessibility Code, Chapter 1341 (1999) 2000 Minnesota Energy Code, Chapters 7672, 7674, or 7676 1999 National Electric Code 2000 Internarional Mechanical Code PROJECT TEAM: Leon A. Grothe, AIA, Project Architect Steve Hack, Project �ngineer � �- S.� F Z Z � W F � Q �' Z � _ J � W tt � � w F � W O U F Q f Z � W Q Z � Q � Z � w Q � W � � N m Z Q �a N �� � Z J Z Z � z � j � ] a W ID J F � � W W a f �- . ¢ � F p U � J tl 4.W � 0 � F F � UI U 0: � �� J Z F � Q J F 7 m W } (f Q F W Z �a O� U a W W F � � � w > O U W � Q Q � � o � � U Q W � Q w F � Z LL Q OQ m a� � U U 0 w � a Z J J � � Q � � — O O O O T O O rn O> � N � F� � oJ N tn � � � N CD C7 W CO � - O O � c� a� i� c0 N m N L9 tp a n � � � rn c0 c0 m N I� cDrn�-� menmcv�n 7 0] c0 N 1� cD W m C`') Ch O � oJ � O c0 N rn .- r co co v^^con m O o o O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 6f aD (O �D N n � m � coinc7N�n 7 N c0 N r � r � � �.j r M � 6J N CD O t0 N rn ,- n co co �nn`, m 0 � m C C C � t Y Y Y � Y l4 c6 l3 � c3 f12 QLLR U J J � 0 UU C� f.0 � ...r � .� ����� u�iwwpw F�1 � Q Q � Q aa�°a ¢¢¢Q¢ ooOt-p � � � � � en u1 cA 2 [� � � � � � OOOLLO Q ¢ ¢ W ¢ N 07 V t0 CO �' . � ' ,,`t � �; �: ; z _ _ _�_,� - ��; _ � , ' `- ' r.'. �i��� . . � , � � \� �' � � ' } _ _ �, .. ��w* . . � ¢` ; �:e �� y��'i.: ,�'S` , " . ,} n ` S �3� l � ' ��+_ - �. . a:. - L:. . . 8 '�.`�� �'_ . . 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M � � , � � !, ���� .k� . : � � rx k �' ' � k � - y i! y Y S'= s � � 4 i t s a E� � � k rt} � �.�� ��� �� �� f : � � rya � � �` , ec 'tc �Y%ir'. ��. fe � 1�� � �_ � ,:: � . �� P � � � � �c:' / pR �� i ' +� Report on Building Condition Bailding II1Bosiness Name/Address: Firestone Bu�l�nQ, 49I Tackson 5-1 Satisfies Conditions Test for.Strucmrally Substandazd Building: y Satisfies Code Test for Structural}y Subs[andazd Building: Stt Snbstandard Bnilding (Yl1�: Conditions Test GI Y Under the tas increment faw, specificaIIy, Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Svbdivision 10, a bui]ding is sfn�cturally substandard if it contains "defects in shuctural eIements or a eombination of deficiencies in essential u�l3ties and facilities, light and ventilauon, fire protection including adegvate egress, layout and condiaon of interior partitions, or similaz factors, which defects or defrciencies are of su�cient totat signi5cance to jnsfify substanual renovation orcIearance" The above buSlding, based upon actuaI interior and exterior inspection and review of bu�lding permit records, exhibits the following defrciencies that contribute to justifying substantial renovatiott or deazance: Structural Elements • Defects in exterior building shell: cracks in exterior concrete block wal}, along grout Iines and t}uovgh concrete blocks; concxete block chipped in several areas and spaIling along grade. Essential Utilities & Faciliaes • Deficient in facililies for disabled: lack of maneuvering cleara�ce at interior doors; Iack of maneuvering clearance and accessible features in toilet room; lack of accessible counter height in cus[omec service azea, Light & Ventilation • Deficient in meeung Mechanicat code: for buildinL construction prior to 1989, mechattical systems do not provide su�cient number of air exchanges. • Deficient in meeting $]ectrical code: for building consu uction prior to 1980, receptacie locations, receptac]e types, and wiring are non-compliant with c�srent bvilding code. Fire Protection/Egress • Deficient interior s[aix�vay: deficient rise/run dimensions, headroom height, handrail heights, terminations, extensions and guazdrails. LayoudCondition of Interior Paztiuons • Toiletfkocker roam lacks sufScient room for employees to change clothes. Similaz Factors • Defects in exterior building shell: deteriorating metal door frames and door, chipped and peeling paint on steeI columns between overhead doors. • Defects in interior: deteriorating door fiame and door at floor level: Code Test Notwid�standing the foregoing, the ta�c increment ]aw also provides t6at a bvilding may not be consadered structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the current building code at a cost of less than 15% of the cost of constructing a new building of the same squaze footage and rype on the same site. Estimated cost of new building of same size and type (Total Replaeement Cost): $396,087.�0 Fsrimated cost of correction of code deficiencies (Totat Deficiency Cost): $94,249.32 Percentage of Code Deficiency to RepIacement Cost: 23_gpq Refer to L�dividual Building Sammary Report for documentafion of specific code deficiencies. _ 0 o � U ei T C m U 0 � U � � m C II m J O m � Q> 0 O m Q 2 ¢ `o E U V m � O N va N a m 0 O O N � 3 O L U � R d 0 � �. 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O 0 O 0 o n o.a5 mm �om ¢3° U O C 6� C �.+ C 0 m C b< 3 E o� m o o� o a � o�(» 4 U U 4 O� f) 0� V E— U C IOiC�y� C3Wp�CL �N� b D C W m O N V y � N N U a O O C O C> O C (V C C C C Jc V L a V a C V 3 X O U 3� V m'6 m o c C jp W G N� C K� C j m� C R t6 �v e =o "o ° �i � a�� a L� a � m s° 9 o a a o. C li � � tl m 4 IL E m tL 6 u� 11 c R 0 S N �' � � O N = U c� m � � Q l� CV N CJ � T C E X 0 p. ¢ = C V l � j O t � � N m m f 1 N . U X V V N W LLl W �J Y a 2 oo� � :• � � m � a oor � LL rn LL LL C j C t- J O N y x x x W IL W a a S �. ��o TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN for the establishment of the TENTH AND J I S�1 � I.YI � Ct 'l: � �► I ! ] TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT �elopment district) CITY OF S. RAMSEY STATE OF P Adopted: This document was drafted by: T AUTHORITY OF THE PAUL I�1 BRIGGS AND MORGAN (KAL) Professional Association 2200 First National Bank Bldg. 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 (651)808-6536 , ` ,_ . �� 1590209v4 o�-�� o TABLE OF CONTENTS (for reference purposes only) TAX TNCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THE TENTH AND JACKSON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Paee Section 1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forwardl Section 2. Statutory Authorityl Section 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statement of Objectivesl Section 4. . Redevelopment Plan Overview2 ..� ...................................... Section 5. ..... . . Pazcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District2 Section 6. . . . . .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parcels to be Acquired2 �#ednp'inent Activi�,y in Tax Increment Financing District for which Contracts have been Signed 3 `� Section 8. ... Other Sp�cific Development Expected to Occur within Tax Increment Financing3 Section 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . :�. . . . Estimated Cost of Project; Tas Increment Financing Plan Budget3 Section 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .�;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estnnated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness3 Section 11. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources of Revenue4 Section 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �Estimated Captured Tas Capacity and Estimate of Tax Increment4 Section 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .``� Type of Taat Increment Financing District4 Section 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �:, . . . . . . . . . . . Duration of T� Increment Financing District5 Section 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� . . . . . . . . Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions5 Section ]C�odification of Tas Incremexnt Financing District and/or Tax Increment Financing P1an5 Section 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4"� . . Modifications to Tax Increment Financin District5 g Section 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Expenses6 Section 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limitation of Increment6 Section 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `'�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use of Tas Increment7 Section 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `.� . . . . Notification of Prior Planned Improvements8 Section 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `.;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excess Tax Increments8 Section 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :F,Requirements for Agreements with Developers9 Section 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bther Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment9 Section 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'�: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Road Costsl l �; Section 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,. . . . . . . . . . . . . Assessment Agreementsl l Section 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administration the Tax Increment Financing Districtl2 Section 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . Financial Reporting Requirementsl2 EXHIBIT A- PARCEL MAP OF TAX INCREMENT FhNANCING DISTRICT ........ A-1 EXHIBIT B - BUDGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 EXHIBIT C - CASH FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 EXHIBIT D - ESTIMATED IMPACT ON TAX BASE . . . . .` :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 1590209v4 �•ti�o TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TENTH AND JACK50N STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ection 1. Forward. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, M esota (the "HIZA"), and its staff and consultants have prepared the following informatio for the establishment of a redevelopment tax increment financing district (the "TaY Increment F cing District"). The Tas Increment Financing District is located within the North Quadrant Redavelopment Project Area heretofore established by the F�RA (the "Redevelopment Project Area").� Section 2. atuto °City") where public vo: HRA has certain statut (the "HRA Law") and M Increment Financing Act" redevelopment project. y Authoritv. There exist areas within the City of Saint Paul (the vement is necessary to cause development to occur. To this end, the powers pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047 nesota Statutes, Section 469.174 through 469.1799 (the "Tax o� "TIF Act"), to assist in fmancing public costs related to a Section 3. Statement of b'ective; approximately 1.4 acres of land an adjace Financing District is being created to acili building and surface parking lots by th co occupied housing uses. The tax increme t outlined in the Redevelopment Plan for tha some of the objectives being facalitated by The Tax Increment Financing District consists of and internal rights-of-way. The Tax Increment te the redevelopment of an existing commercial �truction of new facilities for commercial and owner- nancing plan is expected to achieve the objectives tedevelopment Project Area. The foliowing are [� Taac Increment Financing Plan. A. Provide Affordable Housing for Paul Residents. The available housing for residents in the R evelopment Project Area will be expanded when the approximately 259 units of owner-occupie ousing (to be constructed in two phases) and related parking facilities are constructed. At least elve of the housing units will be affordable to persons whose incomes do not exceed fifty rcent (50%) of azea median income. B. To Redevelop Underused Properry and Rem�o'�e Blight. The Tax Increment Financing District currentiy contains ' roperty that has been underutilized for many years. In order to protect existing investm t and encourage new development in the area, remove and prevent the emergence of blig t and blighting influences, a substandard building needs to be demolished and new facilities need p be constructed. C. Expand the Tax Base of the City of Saint Paul. It is expected that the taxable mazket value of parcels in the TaY Incre�ent Financing District will increase by approximately $56,625,150 as a result of the new deve�lopment. �. The activities contemplated in the Redevelopment Plan and tlus Tax Increirient Financing Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other qualified development or redevelopme�t activities. These activities are anticipated to occur over the life of the T� Increment Financing District and the Redevelopment Project. ` Section 4. Redevelopment Plan Overview. Property to be Acquired — Any of or all of the property located within Tax Increment Financing District or Redevelopment Project Area may be acquired by 1590209v4 ,, � � � . � + �� 2. the I-IRf1. Relocation — to the extent required, complete relocation services will be available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of a developer's plan relating to a developanent and completion of � the necessary legal requirements, the IIRA may sell or assist a developer with the i cost of acquisition of selected properties within Tax Increment Financing District �, or Redevelopment Project Area, or may lease land or facilities to a developer. Sectioix Parcels to be Included in Taac Increment Financine District The following parcels located ii�the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota are to be included in the Tas Increment Financin� District: Including a11 adjacent public streets and riglits of way. *The parcel bearing PID 31-29-22-43-0023 will be subdivided priar to certification of the Tax Increment Financing District. Only the easferly portion of the parcel containing approximately 314 acres, will be included in the Tax Increment Financing District. Ramsey County will assign separate PID numbers to each o��t�he new legal parcels. A map showing the parcels or portions of parcels to be included in the Ta� Financing District is attached as Exhibit A. >� FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE IDENTI�'�ICATION OF THE PARCELS TO BE INCLUDED IN THB TAX INCREMENT FINANCING�?ISTRICT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE HRA. '�, Section 6. Parcels to be Ac uired. The HRA may finance all or a part of the costs of acquisition of all ar a portion of the parceis identified in Section 5 of�his Tax Increment Financing Plan. The HRA may use its powers of eminent domain to a�quire parcels which cannot be obtained through private negotiation. '` The HRA may acquire property by gift, dedication or direct purch� in order to achieve the objectives of the t� increment financing plan; and Such acquisitions will be undertaken only when there is assurance of the acquisition and related costs. Section 7. Development Act ts have been Signed. The fo id the persons named below: contracts have been or will be entered willing sellers �g to finance ,� v�sh into bv the 1590209v4 �'G1� The HRA has or will enter into a Development Agreement with Real Estate Development Group (the "Developer"). The Developer has agreed that it will construct a total of appro�mately 8,000 gross square feet of commerciaUretail space (the °Commercial DevelopmenY'), appro�mately 259 units of owner- occupied housing (the "Housing Development") and a new 252-space pazking ramp (the "Pazking Ramp"). The Housing Development together with the Commercial Development and the Parking Rainp constitute the "Project." The first phase of the Project ("Phase I") will consist of approximately 8,000 squaze feet of Commercial Development, 129 housing units and a 252 space parking ramp. Pl�ase I will have construction costs of approxunately $34,011,950. The HRA expects Phase I to be completed by November, 2005. The second phase of �ie Project ("Phase II") will consist of approximately 130 housing units and will ha�e construction costs of $29,362,000. The HRA expects Phase II to be cor�pleted by November 30, 2006. Section 8. O� Financing District. 7 Increment Financing � does not anticipate that other future development in the will occur. Section 9. Estimated\Cost of Proiect; T� Increment Financin¢ Plan Budget The IIRA has determined that it will be necessary to provide assistance for certain public costs of the Development. To facilitate the 4 evelopment within the Tax Increment Financing District, this Tax Increment Financing Plan au orizes the use of tax increment financing to pay for a portion of the cost of certain eligible expen ` s. This Tax Increment Financing Plan also authorizes the use of tax increments to pay for certa expenditures outside the Tax Increment Financing District for certain low income rental h using projects as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, subd. 5. The estimate f public costs and uses of funds associated with T� Increment Financing District is outlined on�xhibit B. Estimated costs associated with TaY Increment"�inancing Aistrict are subject to change and may be reallocated between line items by a resoluhon�e HRA. The cost of all activities to be financed by the tax increment will not exceed, with ut formal modification, the budget for the tax increments set forth on E�ibit B. Section 10. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebt dness. The expenditures authorized by this Tax Increment Financing Plan may be paid for on a pa�-as-you-go basis or by taY increment revenue obligations. If bonded indebtedness is issued by the�RA or the City, the principal amount is estimated not to exceed $5,000,000, including capita�zed interest. Section 11. Sources of Revenue. The costs outlined in Section 9 above will be financed on a pay as you go basis through the annual collection of t� increm�ents or by taY increment revenue obligations. All other costs will be financed by private financ� g obtained by the Developer. The Developer wiil obtain Department of Employment and�conomic Development clean-up funds in connection with the Project. The market value upon co�letion of Phase I of the Commercial Development is estimated to be approximately $684,000. T��e mazket value upon completion of Phase I of the Housing Development is estimated to be $��271,600. The market value upon completion of the Parking Ramp is estimated to be $2,063,259. The market value upon completion of Phase II of the Housing Development is estimated to be�$28,987,300. Section 12. Estimated Captured Tax Capacitv and Estimate of Tax Increment:\The most recent tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District is estimated to be $47,604 as o� anuary 2, 2004. The estimated captured taz� capacity of Tax IncremenY Financing District at co�erion of Phase I is estimated to be $327,500 and upon completion of Phase II is estimated to be \ $617,500. 1590209v4 p�}-tiqo The I3RA elects to retain all of the captured t� capacity to finance the costs of Taac Increment Financing District. The I-IRA elects the method of taY increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, subd. 3(a). \ Section Li. Tvve of Tax Increment Financin�District The Tas Increment Financing Distnst is a redevelopment district established, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 1�, In order to qualify as a"redevelopment district", parcels consisting of 70 percent of the azea o�the Tax Increment Financing District must be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gra el pazking lots, or other similaz structures and more than 50 percent of the buildings, no�cluding outbuildings, are structurally substandazd to a degree requiring substantial renovation or cleazance. The Tax Incre`t�ent Financing District contains eight parcels. All of the pazcels (100%) aze occupied. There is o�ne building in the Tas Increment Financing District, and that building is stnxcturally substandazd.lPursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10(c), a building is not structurally s�bstandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a ne`�v structure of the same squaze footage and type on the site. The reasons and supporting facts for these determinations set forth in the Report dated May 4, 2004 prepared by Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc, a copy of which is on file with the Executive Director of the HRA. � The HRA and the City have det��mined that the proposed development within the Tax Increment Financing District would not r�asonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeatrl,e future and that the increased mazket value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occra� without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value est�mated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projecte�tas increments for the masimum duration of the Tax Increment Financing District permitted by the Tax Increment Financing Plan. Section 14. Duration of Tax Increment Financit�g District. The duration of Tax Increment Financing District will be 25 years from the re`�eipt of the first tax increment. The date of receipt of the first tax increment is expected to be t�e first half of 2007. Attached as E�ibit C is the projected receipt of tax increments from the'�ax Increment Financing District. Section 15. Estimated Impact on Other Tasin�Jurisdictions. If the construction within the Tax Increment Financing District would not have occurred witl�out tax increment financing the impact is $0 to the other taYing jurisdictions. Notwithstanding th fact that the construction would not have occurred without tax increment assistance, the estima�e�d impact of Tax Increment Financing District if the "but for" test was not met is set fortli��n Exhibit D. Section 16. Modification of T� Increment Financin¢ District and/or Tax Increment Financine Plan. No modifications to Tax Increment Financing District or the�.Tax Increment Financing Plan have been made as of the date hereof. � Section 17. Modifications to T� Increment Financing District. In accardance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 4, any: 1. reduction or enlazgement of the geographic area of the T� Increment District; increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incuned, including a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part 1540204v4 4 py� - G�gO 3. 5. the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized; increase in the portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the IIRA; increase in total estunated tax increment expenditures; or designation of additional property to be acquired by the HRA, shall be appro�d upon notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval of the ariginal Tax Increment Financing Plan. The geographic areabf the T� Increment Financing District may be reduced, but shall not be enlarged after five years following the date of certification of the original net taY capacity by the County Auditor. The re�quirements of this pazagraph do not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of pazcel(s) fram the Tas Increment Financing District, and (2)(A) the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliiriinated from the Tax Increment Financing District equals or exceeds the net tas capacity of those p�rcel(s) in the Tax Innrement Financing District's original net taY capacity, or (B) the HRA agree� notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 1, the original net tax capaeity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from the T� Increment Financing District. , The HRA must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic azea of the Tax Increment Fixiancing District or the Redevelopment Project Area. Modifications to Tax Increment Financing,District in the form of a budget modification ar an expansion of the boundaries will be recorded in the Tas Increment Financing Plan. Section 18. Administrative Expenses. �`�. 5 In accardance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 14, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 3, administrative expenses means all expenditures of the HRA, other than: 1. amounts paid for the purchase of land or ariiounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including a'rchitectural and engineering services, direcfly connected with the physical development of the real property in the district; , 2. relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the district; or 3. amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or se1T �t a discount bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178. .,'\ Administrative expenses also include amounts paid for services provided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. `�as increment may be used to pay any authorized and documented administrative expenses for the Tax Increment Pinancing District up to but not to exceed 10 percent of the total tax increrhent expenditures authorized by this TaY Increment Financing Plan or the total tax incremei`�t expenditures, whichever is less. `;� Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 4h, tax increments may be to pay for the county's actual administrative expenses incurred in connection with the Tax Increment Financing District. The county may require payment of those expenses by Feb� 1590209v4 p+�-y�0 of the yeaz following the yeaz the expenses were incurred. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 11, the county treasurer shall duct an amount equal to appro�mately .50 percent of any tax increment distributed to the and the county treasurer sha11 pay the amount deducted to the state treasurer for deposit in the s te general fund to be appropriated to the State Auditor for the cost of financial reporting of taY inciement fmancing information and the cost of examining and auditing authorities' use of taY incre�ent fmancing. 19. Limitation of Increment. Pursuant Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 1(a), no tax increment shali be paid to the HRA f the Tax Increment Financing District after three (3) years from the date of certification of the original net tax capacity value of the taxable properiy in the Tax Inerement Financing District by fk�e County Auditor unless within the three (3) year period: (1) `� bonds have been issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178, or xn,aid of a project pursuant to any other law, except revenue bonds issued pursuan��to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469152 to 469.165, or (2) the'HRA has acquired property within the Ta� Increment Financing District, br (3) the HR 4�as constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the�Tas Increment Financing District. �t l The tax increment pledged to the paq�nent of bonds and interest thereon may be dischazged and may be terminated if sufficieri'�,funds have been inevocably deposited in the debt service fund or other escrow account held in tru5t for all outstanding bonds to provide for the payment of the bonds at maturity or redemption ctate. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. P�'�6, Subd. 6: if after four yeazs from the date of certification of�the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district pursuant to Miii�esota Statutes, Section 469.177, no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation af property or other site prepazation, including qualified improvement of a street,adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility service including sewer or watet has been commenced on a parcel located within a t� increment finapcing district by the authority or by the owner of the parcel in accordance with th`e,tax increment financing plan, no additional taac increment may be taken from�hat parcel and the original net tas capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from th�original net ta�c capacity of the tax increment financing district. If the authority or`'qhe owner of the parcel subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation or renc�vation or other site preparation on that parcel including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to that parcel, in accordance with the tax increment financing p1an, the autharity shall certify to the county auditor that the activity has commeneed and the county auditor shall certify the net t� capacity thereof as most recently °� certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. The county auditor must enforce the .. provisions of this subdivision. For purposes of this subdivision, qualified `�. improvements of a street are limited to (1) construction or opening of a new street,�` , (2) relocation of a street, and (3) substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an � existing street. 1590209v4 � �. � Section 20. Use of Tas Increment. The IIRA hereby determines that it will use one hundred percent (100%} of the captured t� capacity of taxable property located in the Tas Increment Financing District for the b�wing purposes: to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and administration costs of the Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047; 2. t�,pay for project costs as identified in the budget; 3. to firiance, or otherwise pay for other purposes as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section �469.176, Subd. 4; 4. to pay pri b}pal and interest on any loans, advances or other payments made to the HRA or for the benefit of Redevelopment Project Area by the developer; 5. to finance or otlierwise pay premiums and other costs for insurance, credit enhancement, ar o`t�er security guazanteeing the payment when due of principal and interest on taY iitcrement bonds or bonds issued pursuant to the Tax Increment Financing Plan or pur§uant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C and Minnesota Statutes, Section"s 469.1`52 to 469165, or both; 6. to accumulate or maintain a'x�serve securing the payment when due of the principal and interest on the tax,increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 46� and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or both; and �` 7. to return to other taxing jurisdictions. ,, These revenues shall not be used to circumvent HRA nor for other purposes prohibited by Minnesota S Section 21. Notification of Prior Planned levy limitations applicable to the 'es, Section 469.176, subd. 4. The HRA shall, after due and diligent search, accompany its'�request for certification to the County Auditor or its notice of the Tax Increment Financing Disti'�ct enlargement with a listing of all pxoperties within the Tax Increment Financing District or a'�ea of enlargement for which building permits have been issued during the eighteen (18) months'immediately preceding approval of the Tas Increment Financing Plan by the municipality pursuant�ko Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3. The County Auditor shall increase the original value of the Tax Increment Financing District by the value of improvements for which a bui'fding permit was issued. `, Section 22. Excess TaY Increments. ''l Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469176, Subd 2, in any yeaz in which the�tax increment exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the Plan, including Ehe amount necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, '�-. Subd. 3, the HRA sha11 use the excess amount to do any of the following: �` , 1. prepay any outstanding bonds; �`� �, 1590209v4 7 �'� \ ��� ��� 2. dischazge the pledge of tas increment therefor; 3. pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bond; or 4. return the excess to the County Auditor for redistribution to the respective taxing jurisdicrions in proportion to their local tax rates. I'r� addition, the IIRA may, subject to the lunitations set forth herein, choose to modify the Plan in order to finance additional public costs in the Tas Increment Financing District or Redevelopn�ent Project Area. Requirements £or Agreements with Developers. The HRA �ill review any proposal for private development to determine its conformance with the Redevelopri�ent Plan and with applicable municipal ordinances and codes. To facilitate this effort, the followiitg documents may be requested for review and approval: site plan, conshuction, mechanica�, and electrical system drawings, landscaping plan, grading and storm drainage plan, signage system plan, and any other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the City to demonstrate the con`formance of the development with city plans and ordinances. The HRA may also use the agreei�ents to address other issues related to the development. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176, Subd. 5, no more than 10 percent, by acreage, of the property to be acqukred in the Tax Increment Financing District as set forth in the Tax Increment Financing Plan shall'at any time be owned by the HKA as a result of acquisition with the proceeds of bonds issued pur`suant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178, without the HRA having, prior to acquisition in excess of 10 percent of the acreage, concluded an agreement for the development or redevelopment of the property acyuired and which provides recourse for the HRA should the development or redevelopment not be completed. � Section 24. Other Limitations on the �se of Ta�c Increment. General Limitations All revenue`derived from tax increment shall be used in accordance with the Tax Increment'�inancing Plan. The revenues shall be used to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and administration costs of the Redevelopment Project Area pursuant �o the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134; , These revenues shall not be used to circumv�nt existing levy limit law. No revenues derived from t� increment shall be used for the acquisition, construction, renovation, operation or maintenance of a building to be used primarily and regularly far conducring the busmes's �of a municipality, county, school district, or any other local unit of governmenf or the state or federal government, or for a commons area used as a public p'�rk, or a facility used for social, recreation or conference purposes. This provision.shall not prohibit the use of revenues derived from t� increments for the construcfion or renovation of a parking structure. � 2. Certain Public Improvements. Tas increments may not be used�o pay for the cost of public improvements, equipment, or other items, if (i) the imprdvements, equipment, or other items are located outside of the area of the tax iiicrement financing district from which the increments were collected; and (ii) t�e improvements, equipment, or other items that (a) primazily served a decqrative ar aesthetic purpose, or (b) serve a functional purpose, but their cost is increased by more than one hundred percern (100%) as a result of the selection of materials, 1590209v4 � \ � y p�-tiqb design, or type as compazed with more commonly used materials, designs, or types for similar improvements, equipment or items. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to expenditures related to the rehabilitation of historic structures that are: (i) individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places; or (ii) a contdbuting element to a historic district listed on the National Register of Aistoric Places. 3. `'� Redevelopment Districts. At least 90 percent of the revenues derived from taY �`�ncrements from a redevelopment district or renewal and renovation district must be used to finance the cost of correcfing conditions that allow designation of red�velopment and renewal and renovation districts under Minnesota Statutes, SectiOn 469.174. These costs include, but are not limited to, acquiring properties contauii�g structurally substandard buildings or improvements, or hazardous substances,, pollution, or contaminants, acquiring adjacent parcels necessary to provide a site sufficient size to permit development, demolition and rehabilitation of structures, clearing the land, the removal of hazazdous substances or remediation iiecessary to development of the land, and installation of utilities, roads, sidewalks, and parking facilities for the site. The allocated administrative expenses of the autli�rity, including the cost of preparation of the development action response plan, ixiay be included in the qualifying costs. Pooling Litnitations. At least 75 percent of tax increments from the Tax Increment Financing District,must be expended on activities in the TaY Increment Financing District or to pay bonds, to the extent that the proceeds of the bonds were used to finance activities within said district or to pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanced bdnds. Not more than 25 percent of said tax increments may be expended, through a development fund or otherwise, on activities outside of the Tas Incremerit• District except to pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanped bonds, provided that such 25 percent may be increased by 10 percent as provid`ed in paragraph 6 below. For purposes of applying this restriction, ail administrative expenses must be treated as if they were solely for activities outside of the Tas Increment Financing District. ', Five Yeaz Limitation on Commitment of Tax Increments Tas increments derived from the Tax Increment Financing District shall be'deemed to have satisfied the 75 percent test set forth in paragraph 4 above oniy ifthe five year rule set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, Subd. 3, has been satisfied; and beginning with the sixth year following certification of the Tax Incl�ement Financing District, 75 percent of said tas increments that remain after expenditures permitted under said five yeaz rule must be used only to pay previously commitment expenditures or credit enhanced bonds as more fuliy set forth in Minnesota•Statutes, Section 4691763, Subd. 5. ' , 6. �enditures Outside District. The Authority hereby elects to spend an additional ten percent of the tax increments on activities located outside the Ta�,Increment District as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, subd. Z��1) provided that the expenditures meet the following requirements (1) they aze used exclusively to assist housing that meets the requirements for a qualified low-income building as defined in Section 42 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); (2) they do not exceed the qualified basis of housing as defined under Section 42(c) of the Code less the amount of any credit allowed under Section 42 1590209v4 ,� � ,� �-��o of the Code, and (3) They are used to (i) acquire and prepare the site for housing, (ii) acquire, construct or rebabilitate the housing or (iii) make public improvements duectly related to the housing. 25. County Road Costs. Pursua�tlt to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469175, Subd. la, the county board may require the HRA to pay �or all or part of the cost of county road improvements if, the proposed development to be�assisted by tax increment will, in the judgment of the county, substantially increase the use of ci>unty roads requiring construction of road improvements or other road costs and if the road improve,�nents are not scheduled within the neat five years under a capital improvement plan or ot1T�r county plan. `` In the opinion of the'�IRA and consultants, the proposed development outlined in this Plan will have little or no impact upon county roads. If the county elects to use increments to improve county roads, it must riatify the HRA within thirty days of receipt of this Plan. SecEion 26. Assessment Agteements. �, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,`Section 469.177, Subd. 8, the HRA may enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of property within the Tax Increment Financing District which establishes a minimum market value of the land and completed improvements for the duration of the Tax Tncrement Financing The assessment agreement shall be presented to the assessor who sha11 review the plans and specifications for the improvements constructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the improvements are to be constructed and, so long as.the minimum market value contained in the assessment agreement appear, in the judgment of the �ssessor, to be a reasonable estimate, the assessor may certify the minimum market value agreeix�ent. Section 27. Administration of the T� Increment Financing District. Administration ofthe Tax Increment Financing District�will be handled by the Executive Director of the HRA. Section 28. Financial Reporting Requirements. The HRA wi11 comply with all xeporting requuements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 5, 6 and 6a. `� ��. ., ` ��� �� ��, � 1590209v4 10 � . ,� �.��o EXHIBIT A I�Zy�IA�/��]�YIL���1►[ '�1�1►`If71 y1►/_��C�71`►ClJI][.�Y:7C�11 See attached. . ,�� . y ,...,. �� �. 1590209v4 A-1 ��, � ��1 3t r �� P - ' ��; � � ° _ - *�; m,�, r �N~'_ � , �' � _ �� , � ,• ` ;��' , �' �_�, � ". � , _ _5 �`����'� � � = �� .� - � ��� ����� � � -. y �. �� 1 3' .� - - . ,:.^ . K _ �_ �- � � - _� +�,� _ ,E '`.�' ` ,- , �� E - � � � �� r.� � � �. f � , � �, ��� � � y {�� . , . ' . � .F .� �� � �� ��'�, � � � � � ��; � : .. ; , °� , - � � ��r. _.>,._.� � ♦ :��. ���C` ��� �-�° ';. � a �� .�! ��� � � �� � � Tenth and Jackson Street Tag Increment Financing � District Boundary Map � � � �,�' _-_. � -. . ".- . .� � �. ��a� . :� E �� � � � � �"M � � � ] �,�.c y'� �� +. � � q �� z � �� � �� � � � � � �� � � �. � f � �� � : � . \ � � � ���.��. 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TIF Ne�e DEED �ean-� TOTALSOUF funds $51,698,900 $4,560,000 $1,031,625 $684, 000 $3,985,000 $1,414,725 $63,374,250 `L � �& l 4 '� * y \ l .\ � \ , /� , EXHIBIT C CASH FLOW See attached. ,. ..` :� ,', i \ �\ \ \\ 1590209v4 C-1 \ Pssessetl Value (2004) acity Rate EsL (Pay 2003) Rate �ou go rate/pz{e S�ni-Mnuai Periotl Fiitivg 10/372004 &31/2CD5 10l312005 S�31f20p6 10f3tR006 5/37l20W 10f3120W 5�12008 t0731/200H 5/372009 1087/20�9 5/312010 tQ13120t0 5/312a11 10/3t20N sn�rzoiz 10/37l20t2 5/31/2013 'IO131/2013 5/37Y1014 70/31/2014 5I3t2015 70/312015 5/372016 10�37l2016 513112�t7 70l31/201] 5/312018 70/312018 5/3120t9 10137/2019 sra�rzozo t0/37/2020 5�31/2021 t0135Y21Yit 5/312022 t0@t2022 5/312023 t�l31YL023 Sf31/2024 70/3ifN24 5/31/2025 10l312025 5/d7/2026 10/3t/2026 5J31I2027 10l37/2027 513t/2028 10/37/2028 srairzazs 10/37/2029 513tf?A30 10f37/2030 srs�noai 10/31/2031 To�al 40,986 40.986 40,986 40.986 305,056 305,056 594,929 594.929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594,929 59q,929 594,929 sea,szs 594.929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594.929 594.929 594.929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594.929 594.929 599.929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594.929 594,929 594,929 594,929 594.929 594,929 ssa,szs 594,929 Less. Origmal NetTaz Capaary (3) 40,986 G0.986 40.986 �\ 4�.986 40.986 40.986 40,986 40,986 40.9% 40,986 40,986 40,986 40,986 40,98G 40,986 40,98G 40,986 ao,sas 40,965 40,986 40,96G 40,9Q6 40,986 40,986 40.98G 40,986 40.986 40.98G 40,986 40.986 40,986 40,986 40,986 40,966 ^A.°R6 4 40,986 40,98G 40,986 40,966 40,986 40,986 40,986 40,986 40,966 40,986 40,966 40,986 40.986 40,966 40,986 40,98G $2,086,800 127.813% 0.00 % 6.00% Refai�.W Times Less: Less: Less' Semi-Mnual Semi-Mnua Captured Tax SemMnnual StateAUd. Cowty Atlmirt NetTaz NetTas NetTaz Capacily GiossTae DetlucGOn Atlmin Rerainage Increment Increment Capacity Ra{e �naemern 036p% $2100/yr t0.00% 7-&9-�0 w/7,2pCR 0 0 0 0 0 0 264,070 264,070 553,9G3 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553.943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,943 553,9C3 553,9A3 12t.e13% 337,387 t278t3% 337.387 12'1.873% 337,381 t21813% 337,387 121.813% 337,387 72�.873h 337,387 121.873°b 337,387 129.813% 33],387. t21873% 337.38]. 127 727 12t t21 12t 121 721 121 127 121 121 873h 127 813% t21 813% 121 813% 121 813h t21.873k 127 813% 721 613% 127 813% t21 873% 121.813 h t27813% 121 8t3% 121 813k t21 8t3% 127.813% 121 873% 121813% 337,387 337.387 33�,387 33T,387 337,�7 337,387 337,387 337,381 337,38] 337.38] 337,38]. 337,387 337,387. 337,387 337�387. 33],387 337,387 337,387 33],387 337,38] 337,387 331,387 337,38] 337,38] 337,387 0.00 O.W 0.00 0.00 0.00 5]9.01 5]9.Ot 7,21459 1.2t4.59 t,21459 1,2t4.59 7.274.59 1,2tA.59 1,214 59 7,21459 1,214.59 t,214 59 1,214.59 1,274 59 7,274.59 1.214.59 t.214 59 1,274.59 t,21459 1.2t4.59 7.214 59 1.274.59 t,214 59 1,274.59 t.214.59 1,274.59 1.21459 �21459 7.214 59 t,25-0.59 1,214 59 1,21459 7.214.59 1,2t4,59 7.214.59 1,27459 t,214.59 7.214.59 1.214.59 t,274.59 1.21459 7.214.59 t,2t459 1.214.59 1,21459 Spiros S.�ds Prepared by pED 0.00 0.00 0.00 OW 0.00 1 O5p 00 �,050. W 1,050.00 i 1,050.00 1.050.00 1,050.00 i.ow o0 I.O50.00 i,oso 00 1,450 00 1.059.00 i,oso ao 7,050.00 1,050.00 7.050.00 1,050.0� 1,050 00 i.aso.00 1.050.00 t,050.W 1.050 00 �,os000 1,OW W t��S�W i,os000 1,05000 1 050.00 1.050.00 1,050.00 7.050.00 t,050.00 i.oso.00 1,050.00 t,050.00 7�050.00 7,050 00 1,OW 00 1,050.00 t,050.00 t.O50.W t,050 00 1.050.00 ¢uu o.00 00( 0.00 0.90 0.0( �.� 000 oIX 15,920.68 143,286.N 119,405.0< 15,920.68 143.28G17 119.405D5 33,51227 301,610.43 251,342.0'e 33,St227 30t,67043 25'1,342.0: 33,57227 301.610.43 257.342.Oe 33,5122] 30t,6tOC3 251,342.0'e 33,51227 301,610.43 251,342.02 33,51227 301,67043 257.342.02 33,51227 301,67a.43 251,34202 33,51227 307,610.43 251,342.02 33,57227 301,670.43 25'1,34202 33,51227 301.61093 25t.342.02 33,5729 30t,6t0.43 25t,39202 33,5122] 301,610.43 251,342.02 33,57227 307,61043 25t,34202 33.512 33.5t2 33.512 33,5t2 33,512 au1.6t0.43 251.342 301,610.43 251,342. 30t,6t043 251,342 301.61043 �5i aa� :v,ma[/ 301,610.G3. 251.342 33,51221 301,61043 251,342 33,51227 307.610.43 251.342 33,51227 301.6t0.43 251,342 33,59227 301,610.43 251,342 33,51227 3�1,67043 251,342 33,51227 301,670.43 257,342 33,51227 301,61043 251,342 33,51227 301,61�.43 251,342. 33,51227 301,6'1043 25'1,3q2 33.St227 30t.610.43 257.342. 33,512.2� 301,61093 251,34p, 33,51221 307,610.43 25t,342. 33,5'12.27 307,610.43 251,342 38.51227 301,670.43 25t.342 33�57227 301.610.43 251.342. 33,517�2] 301,6t043 251,342 33,St22� 307,610.43 25t,342. 33,512.2� � 301,6t043 251,342 33.51227 '�. 30t,61043 251.342. 33,51227 �'�.301,670.43 251,342. �-540 � TIF Pro�-72 � p1►k-��0 EXIIIBIT D ESTIMATED IMPACT ON TAX BASE The �,stimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes that the redevelopment contemplated by the�T� Increment Financing Plan would occur without the creation of the District. However, the Auth�erity has determuied that such development would not occur "but for" tax increment financing a�d that, therefore, the fiscal impact on other taxing jurisdictions is $0. The estimated fiscal impacf�of the TaY Increment Financing District would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met �� Total Net � Tax Capacity (CTC) � Percent of CTC � ACT ON TAX RATED Extension Rates `� of Total � CTC na `\ The estimates listed above display the captured tax capacify when all construction is completed. The tax rate used for calculations is the 2003/Pay 2004 rate. t,�'he total net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 2004 figures. �4 i 1590209v4 D-1 •�� \ �l