238083 ORI�jINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2t�(`o�i� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC�L � v ' ' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. 7�ICEr1sE Cc�TT� OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 16, I.�S COMMISSIONE DATF FtFSOLV�: That Application K-3318 for the transfer of (h Sa1e Liquor License No. 7300� expiring January 31, 1969, issued to Arthur W. Miller AcUn3.nistrator of the Estate of Glement d. �iller at 289 Como Avenne, be and the same is hereby transferred to Arthur �. Miller at the same address. ON SALE LIQUOR ESTABLISF�MENT TRANS� (ESTATE TO II�IDNIDUAL) INFORMAI�,Y �'PROVID BY COUNCIL April 9, 1968 �,p� 16196g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19r Yeas Nays �p� L � ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland �n Favor �. Meredith J ��,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �� ���:�°:.::�: p���ss�� �[�� �_'� 1� 1�Qr. Vice Preeid�at (Pek�rson) � , � . CITY aF�SATNT PAUL C�— . Capital of Minnesota //. �" 1`� 2 3� 8r3 �e a�ti�erzt o c�b`cc c�a et � p e c� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota StT@eLS HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEft M. CONWAY, Deputy Comnlasio�er DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenx Inep�etor April 9� 1968 Honorab�e Mayor and City Cauncil 3ai.nt Pea�l� Minnesota �entletaenz Currently � Sale Liquor Lic�se No. 7300� and Restaurant� Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette I,icenses No. 608� a�ll expiring January 31, 1969, st�e issued in the na�e of Arthur W. Miller, Administrator of the Estate of Clement J. Miller at 289 Como Avenue• He has held the licenses in that capacity sirbce June 1967. The estate having been settled� application is made for the transfer of these licenses trcm the present liaensee as adn�i.nistrator to Arthur W. Mi11er (indivi.dual) at the same location. Mr. Miller has been associated with this business with his Father prior to his death� since Febxuary 19l�6. Very ttvly yours� ��.����� . L�cense Inspeotur C� � 't`' . � � . ; A � � � ; . CITY OF SAINT PATJj. DEPd$T�T OF POBLIC SAFS'1''r LIC�S�; DIPISI� � �� �Aa� � a� 19� 1,� lpplicatian Por �q /,� S AL. � � E�A�!- ��G,___R ��_ i ,ta o 13,. . Liaense 2. Na�s of applioant ��6► 12 r/y�.l!� 1i5/. �/4't � L,L. �, l� ' 3, Buainess address a,$'p �'o,f.�� ,�jL' Residenae 3;y,� j�L�„y /(� ,4 V� . 4, Trade nam�, ir any M � L.�,F_ _R s �v.y c,�.�S 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stsmp�_Retail Liquor Fedez-a�,l Tax Stalnp�_ �rill be used. 6. On �rhat Pl4or l�ated ���j�umber oP rooms uaed � ?, Betiiraen w�t csroas stresta ��f�� � ��Phioh aide of street CpN�o No,e 7�,�,oF 8� Are premiaea an�r ocoupied �/�� Nh�t business�"�/l.J.�RS„C'a<x��� lrnzg _`�� l� 1sAR.S �_-�- 9. Are premises now unoacupied��Haor Iong vacant Previous uaa �U. Are you a ne�r awner�Have you been in a similar' buaineas beFore �� � l�here Rhen 11. Are qou going to operate this buainesa personally .yES � If.not„ eho �vi.11 �perate it 12, Are you in auy other business at the preaent time��� �p ,R 13. Bav� there besx� sny co�,plain.ts �against your operatiart of this type of plaaa� A�n �Ilh.ere • 14. BB►ve you ever ha�l any lioense revokad /j�b 1Phat reaaan and date 150 �re you a oitizen of th� United Statea�_Native_�!�/�S Naturelised ,�_��,__.� ; � �/ . ls. �hdre ,irere you born� , �y�� �iN�nata of 1�irth ,c�.n/. /G . 1 f'o�Y � 17o I am me�rried� �y (�ife's) (husband�a) nmm�s and addresa is`�� �Q"'�?'�.. Y � ST� iS�� � � �t_6.�h�� - _ ' 18p {If ine;rt�ed fem�le) my m�iden name is �� • �� 19p Hoa► long l�ve you lived in 5-tr Paul 7� �(fa�q /�S 20. �ve you ever been arrested�Violstion of w�at orimin,al la�r or ardix►anae • __�_..� 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St,� Paul�� .S Yes No� (�ns�rar Pull,�and c�pletelyw These a lications are thorou hl oheoked aud aay falaifiaation will be cause for denial}. r � M ` ! 22, l��ber of 3.2 places xithi.n t�vo blocks No N� , 28, Cloesat intaxicating liquor place. 8n Sale (� ���� �S Off St�le � �/,b� f�,� ?�4. Neareat Church ,�3 ��ae (L�, Nearest School 3 �!(.bC�,S . 25. Nwnber of booths��Tables /O Chairs��Stools /dr .,.. 26• What �oupQtion. have you follaaved for the past five year�. (Giva names of employ�ra and dates so employ�ed.) uo 2 �•�, ; d � , � C' i+�t . /ys,'�.t. 'z Fe o2 /s' 27, Give namea and addresses of two paraons, residanta �f St. Pau1, �irm., �rho aan give inf ormatian o oncerning you. rra� � D v�l y� o � A J,Q R�c�dr�$3 3 3 � ��.�4 ��2 �i�E- Nama ,/�'�A R /,/,l C��_____,��1' '� Addreas �G ��..1� I� �1 Y/- Signature of App].icant Sta te oF Miriue s ota� 58 C oiuity oP Ram sey � - _, �i'"' _' � -J being �irst duly sw�orn, depoaea �nd ��ya upan oath that he has rea the foregoing atatement bearing his signature and knawa the aontents thereoP, and that-�Izs saz�s is true of"his a�An l�awledge exoept as to thoae �tters therein stated upon information and be7.ieP and as to thoee mattera he believea them to be true. - � � �� � Signature o� 1►ppliaaat) Subscribed and savorn to before �a � this — day of � �19�� � u�'�:=-�.� Not�ry Public, 8amsey County, Yinnasota DAVID F. SHELDON , , Notary Public-Ramsey Co., Mina, � �y Ca�mi891on ezplresMy commissfon Eanues oc�I�.is73._ _ .: (ldot�s These a�atemen.t forms are in dupliciate,� Both�oopie� mua� be fully filled otzt, n�tarized, and returned tu the License Divisian.� • 11FFIDAVTT BY 1�PPLIGANT • F0� • RETAIL BEER OR LIQUt)R LIC3N8E Res O {�/ Sale L � � v o /� Lioensa ATame o� applicant AK //�uy� \�/, /�iLL�2 ° su�ine$$ aaarese r��9 C� mQ .,4�1� Are you the sole awner of this buainesa?�(�. T"P not, !t� it a partnershipR 0 orporat ion4 , other3 iDthers interested in business, include thoae by loan ot mon.ey, proparty or other�riae: Name Addresa Ho� . C`ti�� �� �� �Q�.�lt .�L alZ o !4lC � .��..�., �. �1�4 N If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor busineas? �(/h .,-,.r— ._... As sole o�er? Partner? Stoc]tholder4 Otherwise? (Through loan of monsy, eta. E�cplain) Addreas of auch busi.ueas and nature of interest in sa� Signa ure of e�ppliaant State af' Idi.nnesota) jss Cotmty of �e►msey ) �.u.,.J �ir!':���� being �'irst cluly e�orn, depoaes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affida�vit bear3�isg h�a signature and l�,owe the contenta thereof; that the sams is true of hia oro�a l�iaro�rledge, eacept a� to those msttera therein stated�upon infornation and belief and a8 to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. ����isc.�_ � �Sip;n.ature oP applicant Subaoribe d avro o be ore me this day of 19 c��' � Notary Public, Ramsey Cuunty, 3�innesota DAVID F. SHELDON Notary public-Ra�.. Minn. � t3 O�tIIiL1S 8 iOri 9gp].I'88�l> _ -=r.is;ion Exp 10. 1973. ) � � � STATE OF �dINI3ESOTA � � SS COUNTY OF R1�S�Y ) ��G'��%�� � ���-,J � being f i�*at duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in ceonnection with applioation fox "_G�Sale" liquar license (" p� Sale" malt be�ere�ge lioense) in the City oP _ - State ot' I�Iinneaota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaident of the � anci has resided therein for /�� y�ears, �� months, and ia stat e now �n,d has been for the time abarve �ntioned a bona �ide resident oP aaid QS�X and that he now reaides at N0. �3J� ,���y �� , � ��C sZ, �ti�` ���Y �iunesota. /L -�,.sC!,��� Subsoribed and arovorn to before me thia � ~ day uf R�� 19 �� Notart,� Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota DAVID F. SHELDON Notary public-Rnmsey Co„ Ivlinr�, �y COII�III1g81011 AXpll'@SMy Coi,mission Esn;roe n�a�U 197� LEZ'TER GRANT:[r?G INF'ORi,:AL APPi20VAL • - �— � � �� � Com*nissioner of Public Safety, • Tenth �nd P•iinnesot�. Sts. , � St. Paul, PQinn. . � T� Ser oP 3ale Liquor License No. '�30�, and Re�tamrant, Of Bever and Cig,arette 114�enses No. 608, a�ll expiri�g�sn. 31, 1�9, issued in the nMme of Arthur �1. Miller, Aduinistrator of the Estate of Clement �T. Miller st 289 Cc�a Av�enue, to Arthur W. Miller (individusl) at the seme lxstion. Will yoo please prepare ths customary r�solutiouu�? Yery truly y�oura, City Clerk hp ',