238074 �OUNCI E NU. : ���Q p���� IIY ` FINAL O�DER IN CONDEIi�NATION P�ZOCEEDINGS In the matter of �pen, w„iden and extend VANDA�IA STREET` from Charles Avanu� ta University Avenue by taking `�nd corademning the following described parcei o� land: 7hat part of Lot 67,: �. Hewitts Outlots lst Division bounded by tMe following"�described li°ne: Begi�+ning a� ; the Northeasterly corner of Lot 67, Hewitts Owtlots ls� Division, thence southerly along the easterly tine of said i.ot 67 a distance of �:�8,03 feet; tken�e�`northwesteriy along a curve having- a radfius of 390 ;feet ;far a distance of 162.71 feet to a point lying 33.45 feet westerly-of, the northeasteriy''corne.r..�.of said Lot 67, thence tojthe point' of'begfhning, said parcel cont�ining= 1730.49 sq�are feet more or lesso - - Also, taking and condemning.�an easement in the,��and necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal o�F '`}ateral'-support 'from subjeGt land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and `paving of Vanda1ia' Street from Charles Avenue' to University Avenue, .,.,u,u aaa ycaavuri VUJCCWUiId A��I1Q TBCOIIIIIIeR(171LlUIlp 1C1tL4lYr'i oucav�..� '.+.�._ ---.___o :' . � " therefore, be it ' RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by tbe eaid City ie — Open, wi den and ext�ru! YANRAL IA STREET f rom GFsatle�.,Aver�ue to� Un i vers�t�+ Awenue by taking and conde�ni"ng the follow�ng described par4e,1 of tand: That part.of,Lot 67, Hewitts Outiots 1st Division bouAded by the foliod�i�g de5cribed.. l.ine; �"Begi��ing at the Northeasterly c�,�-�,�;���� �.ax��������+�i,��ts Oc�tio� 1�;��.,Division,, the�ce southerly x E ' {� �, t�,�� , fs �$..03 ,f�et, thence nortMwesterly a i ong the �e�a�t���� �l;�rte�'�o�`�s�3�� �t� '��� .� �, �� �, � " along a curvere�liavi'ng�a���dius ofi�3'9� ����';�`�+" �' �nce of'�162.71 feet to a point tying 33.45 feet westerly of the northea�`e�rly corner of said Lot 67, thence to the � point of beginn3ng, saict parcel� containia�g 1�3Oo49 square feet more o� lesso Also, taking and condemning an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fill`s, includirag the�`right of 'removal of_��latQral support from subject land or �� remsinder thereof occasion�d' by exa�vattons the.re�of or construction of slopes in the � grading and paving of Vandalia Street from Ch�rles Ave�ue to University Avenueo P'��� � �•.R ♦nr�vn��f1 tiiTni`.4R 1 ��EF���VIIO�IG� RVGIIYG bV Vl1�YG1 �14r F1rG�11.�4. w� (8",�'�.k t ,� . � tak i ng and condemtii ng�- the�°fo1'1owi ng descri b.e� ,p.�' �f �la�d� 'T�st�..part of t,ot 67, �,� Hewitts Outio�t� 1�;'t.;Divis�o,n,.�ounded by the fo�l'�.�� ,��e���.ib�d�e;:l �ne;��• ��glr�ning" at � the Northeastierl'�: ,�o,r..�ter .Qf L�t �67, Ne�tt,tts ;0a�t,�o��, ls� Divis,i.on, thence southerly along the easterly 1 ine of said Lot 67,;�a�;�di�t���e� ,15$:0.� 'Feet;, thence nor�hwesterly along a curve having a radius of 390 feet for "'a�`i�i.'"��er�Ce`•ii����T6��`7� �ee't to a point tying 33.45 feet westerty of the nort heaster ly cor�er: o f sai d Lo;t 6 7� t M e n c e t o t h e po;int of beginni�ag, sa.id parcel containing ;173Q•�±9:,SqUare ;fee-t .:more or 1_ess, , A1 so -tak i t�g and condemn.i ng . an;,easement i.n_.t�te ;i a,nd necessary fo r s l opes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of laterai support from subject land or remainder: thereof occasioned' by excavatio�s .ther.eAf or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Vandalia Street from Charles Avenue to University Avenue, �—fz'��,Grr l / c��c.:.� ��� " _'=; ��'�� City Clerk. APProve�_. , 19 r �. ; ;. Mayor. � � �u n�; Councilmen: Ca r 1 son � ��9���5�4��� ��~'�-� i>� ����; Dalglish � Holland Meredith Rex�ex.s�n. Tedesco , ��, , � � .��� �ae�a��.�'� .i�rr�tit�nm� c�a� 7 � 2��0��:� OEFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC l�d OBKS 23'7625 REPOBT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 20, 119 � To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the px°e- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No,�7152 ,�..,, _ annroved , February 14 19 � relative to � Open, r,�iden, an�d eztend VANAAI.IA � t'ramt Che�rle� Avevue to Uaiversitq Aver�ue by t�sking ea�d condaamning the lollo�ring d�escrlbed paroml of lands �t part of IAt 67y • Bevitts 4utlots 1st Divteion bou�c3ed by t�he iollcnring deseribe8 lines 8eginning st . � the Nc�t�hesaterl� aorr�er o! Lert 67, B�ritifs Out1o�C�:;let Dirtision, th�s�ee eoutherly .. t along t�he Esst�r3�r ].in� o! sssd i.at 6T s c�,t�anee d� 158.t)3 t�et, thence �o�rth�rest� . � _ �r]y alang a atn�ne �ring s ra�ius ot 39b feet tar � dist�es of 162.�]. fe� to a po� 13►�n8 33•4� !�t as�ly o! the �oar�essbar� eorlrer o! astd I.ot 67�. the�ce - �o,.t�t poiact o! bsg3�niag. Baid parcel comtaiaing �30.�9 �qus�r� l�et aoare o� ]reas. and having investigated the matt�rs and things referred to thereino hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ �� �� 2. A plano profile or sketch o '��sa imp�Q�v ment is hereto attached .� �E' �`F. � �, and made a part hereof. Q d � �� rn t� �p "` X 3. Initiated by the Commissi �r •��lOic � rks 4, Improvement is asked for up �p� tio 1 � Commi ssi oner P 1 ' ks --� ; � � ' ' ;" �P �y� ~ , �� , IZr . � zD , C� � � p �N-I '�' • � :� : m O ' � . � � � UNI�/ERSITY AVE, �' � � � � � '1: _ _ _._.�- .j A �/ E , � • , N � 80 � D . � S . . � • rn - . ➢ . . . � v, Ac , �y � a o� y =�c� �� W �� rJ q C F � • � � � � n A n ' .L ; �f � ,..{_ � � � C` � � � � . �r � z �, � . • , , �� o �� o ��' o c; � • . . ' � . . . � � LO7 � '��i .pi n 7 � � : � z °' ..• � -- o � � ; . ,d � �. ,, � � a ',j� " Q � � " � on, w J� � � ' p ; � � O G' K CoIoC' T� . I " ,NO '+ ° ' � ,,° O � �� � �'� . , Q � . p_ °�;�. C � r , � ' I . . � ar � , . � o � i � ; , ; . � � � ,r � • � J � ..1.5 . , � 1 Y.G• � " � . O , _ � � � Z ' � � � i^� I� � . � _ _ __ . . . ,. . . ; . i � � . . . � ' . N o. t � ; � . � � � � W � � � I . ; � � rn c . • a � � ' Z C �D ' -a ` -" Z Z ` Z < ' � C :, ' � N � � � � � ' , u� o D rn-� .{ 'M- � f .. -p r � � p � � — � rn rn _ � r' � go' ��.5��., oo' ioo ' p �� ? c � D � ' � � ; ._ ' 3�.0 ••3345. . , � � � � -rn1 (f ; --I i ' o " oa �' � ° — � � Dm � o� o_ p c y z � C H A R L E S A�/ m z r � � �. . �' D i"f1 _ __ _______ � N � fT � � � N _ � . ,; m � . v --I ; ..--- --- __._. _ _ ___ _._ _____ � ._ . . _ ___ . --- � �