238057 2��0��� c��� xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingofthefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City ot 8aint Psul.v�s.: ' _ . _....�.l�..#�.. � �mc►i ag..a�sd--�i•wg-�a�►...�...�.,.th�e"'fi�'"Rlt��'""".. . _,.,. for tE� s la s c�uts and f i 11 s,__i n '" � �...., ...: ....._........H_.., _. .�.1.�.�i�g. _ra�L.�c�.��o�c��.l..-�f...la#��a�..-�r�� .... i `�""=f"r"�oni su ect �and or remainder thereof, occasion�d by excavatior�s tiasrsof ! .: .._.,s�l'.,��tuG�on...�...s.lopas. .,i� tk►�-gFad�i�tg-��a�rf�rc}t�+g-�rfth-•'�fi1`�qt'P�i,ll�""..�,�.�3..t.�;---- ` matsrisl Ivy Ave� from Park St. to Sylvan St. A �Ibo constract storn� wat*r � , ._.._..�..� °irtra�9r"fari•t`t'Ct�e-s;'-5�t�'�it�� .�e'�v i cs "coiinect�on�$ , -- ..,. . _.�...,�,..ti�.<. .... . �water s�rvici c�ns T����V°• . � '.� _ -` Y" .. �m�asct i .... ...._ .. . . . _...._... . ....._�.._,,. _._._. ...�. ..a�, . ..�..� � ... _-- - - .'....................._ : .._____./.��..fi.�:l�.� �.:.��.��..�.So�✓ Counailman. j i PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: � _ ----. .-1-n--.t,l�•-a�at�t�x �of-�cQnda�+w;-ng ar�d taking an easament tn tfi� land nec�ssat'�°'" ` �"'�"' for ths slopes cuts, and fills including r�ht of removal of lateral sup�,y-t_ .,.�, .._.. . .. ,.. ......... .. �... _.....�_,...,..._ ..,......... .. . .......,.._....,;<. _.�...� "".. fir�r�•�v�J��t t�d or' YamaTnas"r thsreof��or co�s•tr�t�on of slopes in ,�rad in�_an,d s�fac i ng.!a i t�_..�.[,��t�m.i��s.,.ma#a.c�a,1�,;.1 � A�ra...�row--Fa�..��- . _ .._ � Sytv�n St. Also construct storm water drai�ags `tititi�s, ssw�er -s�rviu ....... --t�acti.qa��:a�d-•watsF��v ite.�oonr�scti�ons...;.�...�,� � . .............�....... .,,..,.. ._ _. �iBV�. ,_"� ,� ,, , ,s�,Y , . .',4z' -!• �y a, : .. _. ,�_ `4.< .a 7'.-:''. ._ ,2 ._ ... therefore, be it BffiOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the nec;essity for� or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said impmvement, and the tot�tl ooet thereof. 3. To furniah a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To stste whether or no�ea,id improvement ie asked for on Y,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report npon all of P,he foregoing matt�ere to the �mmieeioner of Finsnoe. Adopted by the Conacil.._...................................���.�.....����...... Ysse Councilman .Carlson ��'R �- � �.9s� Dal g l ish Apptove�..........»..........._........................................... � +.�,II--� � �Mered i th �0.,��,�'K�►, E t-b.,►� - Tedesco .....................................»......�.......�....... �.,�,r.,':.o,�,.�•�_,!��:�'���1�':�`. �$1�:� Mayor. ... � . . ,. �000 7-l�r. Vice Y�^si� nt �r. �:�n)� �� � PF16LiS�iE� ,�P�C � � 1968