238054 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK � �' vo�'��� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LUTIO G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterso COMMISSIONE qTE _� In the atatter of grading, s�rfacing, co�structing concrata ctlrb a�� ge�tter, constrnctir�g sewer for storw �ter pur�oses, constructing drai�age faciliti�s, cor�sfiructing sewer servic� con�sctions e�ad car�structing water ser�vice conn�ctioc�s on S�bwrban Ave�ue fr� Wbite Bear �venue tc 13�� feet E. of White Bear Aven� u�ader Prel iminar�r Ordsr tio. 2352b7, apPrav�d 8ctober 3, 1967, and F. B. No. 2364�6 a'p�mved Ja�uary 2, 196$. sewer Also, construct a public sanitary�i� Subrrban Av�n�e froo� Vhite Bear Avenue to 1300 feet E. of White B�mr Avenae, slso ca�struct sewer CmR�i@Ct�ORB tc abutti�g property under Preli�ninary Ordsr 235458, a�prov�d �ctob�r 20, 1967. Rasolved, that the plaas amd specificatia�s as suba�itte� for the abovm iatprovew�nts be and fihe same arm herebq a��rowad; and be it Farth�r Resolved, Tk�at the Purc�esing Agst�t ba and he is hereby directe� to obtair� bids for tk� impr�v�ent, the bids �o stww separately the a�wnt for the grading and bitW�ino�rs surfacing work and the asount for the sew�r work as per plans and specifications and the tstal thereof to be considered the bid for th� �r�tire iaproveaaent; and be it Further Resolved, That the �c�rcFiasing Ags�t be a�� he is hereby a�th- orized to advertise for bids on this ia�prove�e�t. COUNCILMEN p�� � .� ���$ Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �1�'� � �. ���$ Dalglish Approved 19— �ort�ami'� � Meredith In Favor �'�' �>:��d�� Mayor Tedesco � A gainst :��;��:��:....��_�::::: ,P��us�� AP�t 2� 1� Mcr vico Pre,sidont (Peterson) �22 /`.f�����d���� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY �LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �QbI�I,•t F'. PB,t�rSQn COMMISSIONER DATE _—_ in the �aett�r of grading� surf�ctng, c�r��tructing r.oncreta carb and gutter, constructing �ewer for stor� wster pe��posas, conatructtng drainag� facilfties, cpnstructing sewar servi¢e connectlons and constructing water servFce connections an S�burb�n Av�nue frt� Mhlte� Ilear Av+nnus tc► 13Qt3 feefi E. a� Whl te �ear Av�nue undor 1'rei i�inary Order lla. Z,��g4]'� approved Qctober 3, 1967, and F. 0. M�. 236�6 �pproved Janu�ry "�, i96$. Also, construct a public sanit�ry in Suburbaa Av�nue from White Bwr Av�ns�: tc 1300 feet ff. of Whltm �ear Avenue, �1�Q construct s�.rer connections to abutting prope�rty under Pret fmtnary Ordar 23§�58� sppravad Eictotaer 2��� tg67. Resc�lve�d, that the plsaa end specifiu ttons a: submltted for the abcve in�rove�nt� be and the san�e are hereby approvsd; and be it Further Resa►lvedr ?�►St the �'urchastng Agent be and he� ls her�by diractad to s�btatn blds for the Taprovea�ent, the btds tv show sepacate�ly the aaaunfi for the grading and bitu�inou� Ewrfscing w�ork a�d the ea�►unt far the s�wer work as p�r plans and specifications and the tt�ta�t Chere�of to bm considered th� btd for the entire iay�arav�ent; and be �tt �urther Resolved, �'I�t th� Purchasing Agmnt be and h� is b�ceby auth- or�sed to adverttse for bids on thts �a�praveen��t. ��, ��� � ,�'� . � � �'a�� ;.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson . ��� ,::�,�, . � �� Dalglish Approved 19— �i�Iland� �� Meredith '" in Favor P-e�rscm- Msyor � Tedesco G Against Nf� President,:B�*rn�,,, ._ .. �,4nr ���cr ���.a.4�a�: �'s'ti,� �a:,z>.? �22