238047 ORI6INAL�CITY CLERK � ��-''�/o� ° � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That Restaurant, On and Otf Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses applied for by Duane D. Muchko at 878 East Third Street be and. the saine are hereby granted, on the condition that within � days of this date said Duane D. Muchko shall comply with all requirem��ts of the Bureaus of Fire, Health and Police and the Lieense Tnspector pursuant to the Saint Paul Legislative Code and al1 other applicable ordinances and laws. . � r FORM APPRO ED Asst. Corporation Counsei ���, �; ,s �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs �n F ` Carlson �� �� � lglish Approvec� 19— _ s � n Favor Mer dith e�g yso� � Mayor gsinst ��,� � Tedesco �� M�iaent,�yrne-5�,�,�� PdBLISNE� APR 2 0 196� -+� �O ^ + r � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneaota �L���� � �e a�ti�e�t a kb�ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streeta HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiesioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGEB M. CONWAY, Deputy CommLioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Irpeetor April 11, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Sa3.nt Pauli P13.nnesota (3entlemen: Duane D.M�uchko makes application for Restaurant, Qn and faff Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licene�es at 878 Fast �h3.rd Street, Which is on the South sicie of the �treet between �rcade arbd Mendota Streets. Thi.s location has been licensed tor a si�rdlar business since 1933• 7'he present licensees� Colaid� Inc.� have held such licenses aince September 16, 19�. This and one other 3.2 place are the only places within t�o blocics. The closest On Sa1e Li.quor place is five bl ocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is over � rnile away. �he nearest church is Five blocks and the nearest school is three blocks away. Fro�n 196� to 1965 Mr. Muchko xas in the trucking busiriess for �i.ck Torgeson at 278 - 53rd Ave. N. �. Mpls. Froin 1965 to 1968, worked for the Hennepin Blacktop� ].l�00 Highway No. 8, Ne� Brighton. Vex�r truly yours� .,��, p�` ' � r���►� rns��t�r � . , .. , r CITY OF SAINT PdIIk,l' DEPARTAdEbTT OF PUBLIC SA�'8TY LICENSE D1VI$ICd+� Date �, Q_ z_ 19 6� 1,� Application f or �h - Q�� �� m�Q� g���.�q �^ Liosnae �_-�- .r_ 2. Nam�e of applican� � v�Q;n�c.� .�1�C4'�,C�p _ � ' 3, Buainese address fi'7�? - �. ��-� S}- Residenoo�3b Q����}t..�} 5��� . 4. Trade nsm�s, iP any �'lq�� � -�-Cl1c� _ 5. xetail Besr Federal Tax 3tamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be used. 6. On what flaor loaated �`� � Number of ro�ss uaed (1 �F .. . . .. . # � . . 7. Bet,ireea what croas strests������nd,� �Phioh side of street �p�-� 8� Are premi.ses n� ocoupied���t business ' HoRr long 9, Are premisea naw unoacupied�Hov� Iang vaoant z��� Previous use �q��x,� ,��� Are you a aex o�wner �S Have you been in a simiiar buaineas before V��; � 111here ��c5'�ica�m�� . ,._.� Whan �(lm - �QkCk� l�l(n$ lI. dre you going to operate this busine.ss personally ' 1��-S _�� .�. IP aot, eho vr�i.11 operate it 12. Are you in any other busir�ess at the preaent time Y1p 1S. . Hav� there been any csa�►plaints �against your operat�on of th3s �ype of plaoa, `t10 �h+sn 1l�he re • 14. Eave you ever he►d any lioense revokad �p 1R�at =eason and date 15e Ara you a� oitiaen of tk� United States�Native� Naturaliaed ; 16. 1R�ere �w�are you born� �,1�s '(��p►� Date o� birth 5 �G3$ 17o I am�(�mQrried« 3�y (�vife's) (husband�a) nama artd address is �Q���_�Y1 5.� �LtC�(l�o �43� ��;u�. . rn s. � 18a (If ine:l'�ed fem�le) my maiden n.ame is • I90 Haw long h�tve you lzved in S-E;,r, Paul 20. �ve you ever been arrested y�n _ Violation of wha►t orun3nal law or ardinanoe • ;; _--__ -~--~----�---- 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Paul Yes�, � �os (�n�arer Pully and con_pletely* These a lications e►re thorou Iil oheol�ed and an PalaifiQation �ill bs aause for dsnisl� �' r � ,, 22. I�umber of 3,2 plaaea within tro�o blooks `�,� � ' 28, Closest intoaioating liquor place. �n Sale5l�o�-k-S 4ff Se�le 24, 16eare st Church 3 �OC1CS PTeare st Sahool ��►CX'�CS 25. l�wnber of bo�ths -�' 2'ables 3 Cliairs �'4 Stoq],s�1� �.._,. _.....,._._.-.,..- , 26. 1Ph�at ocoupation. have you folloeved for th,s paet five yeara. (Gi�re namea of employers and dates so emploSrad.) r � -- \q� ' 1��(� �- 4 0 �� cP-/�����,r�y� �� s 1 �- \ 5 — � � ...-y��, S8� C�,VG, •1�i.�� (i�S�a 27. Give na�as an.d addreases �f �ro persons, residenta of St. Pau1, �ix�n., �rho can give inf ormation a oncerning you. Na�e � K r r �C1.11V,.1`C� Addre s s��R q. ��,l�t�� Nsune �g�n rnISC��Q Address 5 �l�D '�r� . ,o Si ture oP app iQe�nt $tate of Minn.e s ota� ss Cu ofl �nsey ) - _ . �R � .u--�-� being first duly savorn, deposea and says upon oath t}aa� he has read the foregoirig atatement bearing hia signature an.d lanaara the cantents thereo�, and that �he saa�a is �rue of hia vwn kx�o�vledge exaept aa to tho$e matters therein atated upon information and belief and as to those mQtters he believes them to be true. .�r� _ ignature of App�iaant Subacribed and savorn to before � 'thi.s 3 '� aay of �° ls�� `7� . . ���`��.f{...� a . . V"' ( /�/ ' " l/�. . .. ... , 4--_J-'�- � . Notary Pub c 8e�naey County, esata My Co�i��icm expires io � as- � y T a _ (No�: The$a s�atement forme are in dupliQate. Both�copiea must be fully filled ont, notarized, Rnd re�urned to the I,icenae Divisim.� 60R9THY J. MUNKELWITZ 'NOti►�y Pubiic,Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Oct 25R LRZR ,' , � AFFIDAVI+P BY �1,PPLICAA�T �. F�R RETAIL BEPR OR lIQIIOR LICEN3E Re: ��Sale m(��� ���j g,���� I.ioen�e ,�_�.. ATame of applicant �U.(�,^n�c. � �111��1�Co r Bueinesa addreae 7' � . �-c� �� t dre you the sole o�mer of this busin.ess? 1,5���. T"f not, i� it a ps►rtnership? —t`- a orporat ion4 , other3 Others interested in businesa, i.n.clude those by loan 'of money, property or othervra.ses Name �`C(�� i�� Address �-�.�a�� go�r ma�qo,q �-- Z � ��� G� 4c�1'lmscm�kc�►U. f,�►��n� �,z�n.� If a corporation, give its name .�re you intereated in any way in any other Eetail Beer or Liquor busineas? Y�p ' As sole o�+raer? Partner? Sfioekholder? Otherariae? (Through loan of money, etc. E�plaist) Addresa oP auch buainess and nature of interest in saa�s Si ture of applicant Stats of Mirinesota) �ss Co ty of I�msey �A � • � bei.ng first-duly aworn, deposes and aays upan. �th that he has read the foregoing affidavit bear�ng hia eignatu� and la�owa the contenta ther�of; that the sam� is true of hia aw�n ]aiowledge, eaaept as to those me,ttere therei� stated-upon inforrr�tian and beli�f arld as to those mattera he be- 1 ieve a them t o be true. L �� Si ture oP applicant Subacribed,,and aworn to before �e / th i� 3 a�`� da y of ��-�—.-'_ 19(9� � � . �-�., ° _ , Notary Publ cs Ramsey Cout�.ty, �' sota My commisaion egpires �° '�� 19� DOROTHY �. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minni M](Commission.Expires Uct�25. 1970 � �. � r STATE OF MIlVIVESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF �dS�Y ) /V, /`�1 being fir�t duly sworn,, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in connection with appliaation for " Sale" liquor license ("�Sale" malt bev�srage license) in the Ci�y of . . . . State o= Minnesota Sain� Paul, Minnesota; that �rour affiant is a resident of the a� has resided therein for �� �,years, moutha, and i� State noav and has been t'or the time abo�ve n�nantioned a bcma fide reaident of said and that he novrv reaides at N0. �° ,� � ~ ,�c-a " �XNt3�jLIjX6�inne s ota. �, , z� '� � Subsoribed an.d sworn to before me this .3� day of 19 �� ,� � Notary Pub o Aamsey County, esota ( ]uIy commiseion expirse �� -aS- �y7 � D(7ROTHY 7. MUNKR�WI`t�` , Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minrt� MX Commisslort Fricpi�es Oct Z5,.1�753