238034 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �- ' i . � /����L� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '`� � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE�RK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RES T N—GE FORM COMM SS�IONE Robert F. peterscn 14 1 RFSEjLVED, Z�at the Ce�issioner of Pablic Works be and he hereby is anthorized and ord�red to eause the section oY street� na�ed. ia the acco�pat�iag list cn file ia the oPf iee of the City Clerk tc be Pl�shed, �prinkled or oiled �or the pnrpc�se of public health and d� suppreasioa for the year 1968. �! � .4- ':.` .S+1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council = 19— Yeas Nays Carlson rr'��'n< .?. `' ���� Dalglish Approved 19..— Holland Meredith n Favor �� � ,��p� Mayor Tedesco Sainst ���,Presi�,�en�,�5'�'n+� ° :: P�J�L1S#�E� �� �.� �� �1:Tr. Vice Yr�sid�tnt (I'eteraon) �22 �f.�.'����-� �. DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT-�� � COMMISSIONER R�b� !'. Petereon il 10 _1� ___ Rffif�►Y8C1, That the Con�ie�sioner ot Public work� b� and h� horeby is authorizac� and ord�red to canse the s�etion of �treet� na�sed ia thea aecc�rpa�iag list on lilm in the office of th� Gity CJ.erk to be Plnshed, sprinkied or oiled Por the purpc�ae ot public heelth and dnst suppressian for the yesr 1968. , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ^'.r:, Carlson � � Dalglish � Approved 19.^ Holland �� in Favor Meredith ��,_g�, �, Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �,E.. , .. , . , �22 STREET OILING � s�soN of 1968 Ward 1 Street From To Arkwr ight T�n'h it all Ar 1 ingt on Arkwright Nebraska Hoyt Arlin�ton Edgerton Wheelock Arlington E Shore Drive N P Ry Atlantic Cook Magnolia Atlantic Nebraska Larpenteur Beaumont De Soto Payne Bedford Payne Minnehaha Bradley Beaumont Bush Br�.dley 110' S of Case Jenks Bradley Lawson ��rainerd Hradley Ivy Cottage Bradley Nevada Ttebraska Brainerd Arkwright Edgerton Brighton Place E Shore Drive Duluth Brunson Kenny I�Torth Burnquist Magnolia. Maryland Burr Jenks Arlington • Bush Burr Edgerton Bush Payne Barricade E of Payne California Cul de sac ?�T of Edgerton Pa.yne Case Mississippi Westminster Case Pa,yne Duluth Cayuga Westminster Arkw��ight Chamber rlebraska Larpenteur Clark Whitall Case Clark Rose Maryland Clear Payne Greenbrier Clear Alley W of Arcade Forest Cook Mississippi 276' E of Atlantic Cottage Mississippi Westminster Cottage Burr Fdgerton Cottage Payne Forest Cypress Sims Case Cypress Lawson Jessamine Cypress Maryland Orange De Soto il? P Ry Bush De Soto Whitall Brainerd De Soto Nebraska IhTheelock D�chess 8�+9 Duchess Case Duluth Case Maryland Duluth Cul de Sac I,arpenteur • Earl �r�S N P Ry York Edgerton Payne Larpenteur English Arlin.gton Larpenteur STREET OT_I,I.'tTG • ��so:�t oF 1g63 �;;ia,rd 1 Si;reet From To Forest T�?a,rylar.d :•�heelock Frank Yor1�: I��aryland r red Burr. Bedford Geranium 100' T,d of `.:�estminster Dulutn CTreenbr9_er ;�;ells Park�aay Dri ve Grove I1S Lafa.yette Soo T�ine Tra.cks �ra�6rthorne '� �e-rton Ea.rl Hoplc-i_ns De �oto Pa,-�ne Hoy+ !:r1�1r 9_�ht Payne Hoyt Pa,rkT�ray �r_�ve Arcade ��o;jt � Shore Drive En.glish Hya.cinth Fd¢erton �arl Idaho l�'heelocY I�idge Arcade Idaho F ^hore Drive N P R;� Ioora ?Jheelock Rid�e Arcade • I�ry Burr Je s s i e Itin� ��dgerton Greenbri_er Ivy Arc�de Ea.rl Jenks P�lississippi Duluth Jessamine Mississippi Burnquist Jessie Minnehaha Bush Jessie Whitall Cotta.�e John Grove University Kenny ;Road ��T P R�r Brunson Laf.ayett;e Collins De Soto Lane Place - E R• ti�� of Park Jessamine Z�Iaryland La�rsor� Mis s is s ippi DuluLh M�noli�, i�iissi_ssippi Magnol�a. Lane Nia.gnolia Lane P�i�;nolia Johnson Pk�ay T?endota �^?ells Wheelock T�Zinnehaha Rivoli Payne Montana I�rkwri�;ht De Soto Tlontana Parkway Drive Arcade Nit Ida Rivoli De Soto I�Tebr aska, Ark��rr ight Br a,dley I!tebras��a Edgerton Arcade ` T?ebraska Atlan+,ic En�lish Nevada Arkw.right Arcade North De Soto Payne • SZREET OILING sEasoN oF 1g68 Ulard 1 Street From To Olive Woodward University Orange Edgerton Ea.rl Otsego Lafayette Mt Ida Pa.yne Grove Seventh Pettit Brunson 70 ft tr1 of P�yne (pavement) Pine Grove University Preble Payne Minnehaha Reaney Edgerton N P Ry Bridge Rivoli �+�+5 ft S of Mt Ida P�Iinnehaha Rose Tr?estminster Duluth Russell N P Ry Case Searle Ivy Sherwood Sherwood Edgerton Forest Sims 100 ft ?�1 of Westminster Ark�rright Sims Edgerton Frank � Thirteenth Olive John Thirteenth Lafayette Soo Line Tracks tidadena Payne II, 691 Wadena Wa1sh York Hyacinth Wa,l�.h Alley S of Cotta,�e Iowa Waverly 150' W of La.fayette Lafayette Weide �aells Alley N of Orange ��•�e ide Wheelock Idaho T��Tells Edgerton Wall GJells SS 4�Ta11 Weide We11sNS Wall ?aeide Wells Ude ide Forest ?aestminster 900 ft S of Whitall York T�lestminster Case Larpenteur T�11ie�lock Arcade Forest Zlheelock Rid�e Idaho Wheelock Pkw,y TnThitall, j�lestminster Payne T�Toodward Brunson 50 ft W of Payne (pavement) York Z�:Testminste_r Forest Yoi k Earl Fra.nk � STREET OIZING . SEASO'_`r pI' �n�? „-���^d 1 �1 � S l�lley-Axlington-l��evada-Bradley-Eci.gerton Alley-Arl ingt on-T�evad�,-Ed�;ert on-Payne Alley-Arlin�t on-ti^7heelock-Pa:yne-G-reen�ar_�.e:c Alley-Bradley-Jes:i.e-L�t�rson-Cook N �l' of Alley-Bradley-Jes�_`�_e-Cools-�-I�noli�. �lley-Burr-Bradley--L a�rs on-Cook �111ey-Case-Jenks-Bradley-Jessie 1'�11ey-Cas e-Jenks-i�dger t on-P�.;Ti1� �lle;�-Case-Jenks-Payne-E �+69' :111ey=Case-Jenks-Green'prier-Walsh nlley-C as e-Jenks-�•Talsh-;�1e ide !�lley-Cas e-Je_zks-Weid_e-!�rcade Alley-Ca.se-Je�zks-Mendota-Forest "T'� A11ey-Case-Jenks-Forest-Cypress :�11ey-Case-Jenks-Cypress-E,�.rl "T" Alley-Case-Jenks-Ea-rl-Frank E & �°� Alley-Clear-Cottag-e-Payne-Greenbrier � "L" Alle.y-Clear-Cottage-ti�Jalsh-Arca.de "T" �lley-Clear-Cozta�e-Arcade-P.�endota '�T`' Alley-Clear-Cottage-i�lendota-Forest Ellley-Collins-Beaumont-De Soto-Burr Alley-Cook-Ma.gnolia-ti��e stminst er-Arl�ar ight Alley-Cook-Nlagnolia-Edgerton-Payne A11ey-Cook-ria�nolia-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Cook-i��Iagnolia-G.reenbrier-Walsh Alley-Cook-?��1a�nolia-��1e ide-Arcade Alley-rook-Magnolia-Arcade-P�4endota Alley-Cook-A1ag;n.olia-Forest-Cypre�s Alley-Cook-M�nolia-Cypress-Earl E & ?^.' I�lley-Cook-P�Ia,gnolia-Earl-Frank Alley-Cook-P�'Ia,gnolia-Frank-Du�uth Alley-Cook-Ma.gnolia-Duluth-Atlantic `'T'' All.ey-Cotta,ge-Sherwood-Payne-Greenbrier A11ey-Cottage-Sherwood-Greenbrier-Llalsh E & ?�7 Alley-Cotta,�e-She-rwood-Arcade-Pdendota ''T" f,lley-Cott,�e-Shertirood-Mendota-Forest P.11ey-De Soto-Burr-Jenks-Lawson Alley-Edgerton-Searle-Ivy-Sherwood "H" A11ey-Geranium-Rose-Edgerton-Payne � Alley-Geranitun-Ros e-Arcade-P-Zendota STREET OILING • SEASON OF 19C8 �dard 1 Alley-Geranium-Rose-AZendota-Forest Alley-Geranium-Rose-Forest-Cypress Al1ey-Geranium-Pose-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Geranium-Rose-Earl-Frank Alley-Geranium-Rose-Frank-Duluth West N & S Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-�dgerton-Payne E & Z�T Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Edgerton-Payne Between West Dr &, S Alley & �?�1L 621 E. Ha�rthorne "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Hawthorne-Oran�e-Greenbrier-':�Talsh Alley-Hawtho-rne-Oran.�e-?aalsh-i�?e ide Alley-Haw-�horne-Orange-Mendota-Forest Al1ey-Hawthorne-Orange-Forest-Cypress �lley-Hatirthorne-Orange-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Haz,athorne-Orar�e-Earl-Frank Alley-Hawthorne-Orar�e-Duluth-Phalen Park Alley-Hopkins-North-Brunson-Payne "T' Alley-fi�'acinth-Ivy-Payne-Greenbrier • Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Niendota-Forest "T" Al1ey-�jyacinth-Ivy-�arl-Frank Alley-I�aci:nth-Ivy-Frank-Orange "T}` A11ey-Ivy-Clear-Payne-Greenbrier "T" Al1ey-Ivy-Clear-Arcade-P�Iendota Alley-Jenks-La�rson-Edge.rton-Payne Alley-Jenks-LawsOn-TrTeide-nrcade Alley-Jenks-La,�rs on-Arcad.e-Mendo-�a 1�lley-Jenks-Lai•rson-Mendi�ta-Forest Al1ey-Jenks-La.wson-Forest-Cypress Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Cypress-Earl E & ti•? Alley-Jenks-La.wson-Earl-Frank Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Frank-Duluth E & ?^T and Last 1? & S Alley-Jessamine-Geraniur:i-Edgerton-Payne E & Z�d Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Payne-Greenbrier �lley-Jessamine-Geranium-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Je s s amine-G er an ium-j�Tal sh-t�Te ide E 8� ?�J Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Mendota-II, Loc � (�04 Geranium) Alley-Jessamine-Ger�,nium-Forest-Cypress "T" Alley-Jessamine-Ge.raniun�-Ea-rl-Frank Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Frank-Duluth � "T" A11ey-Jessamine-P�iaryland-Duluth-Lane Place STREET OlZI�`?G � s�.�sorJ oF 1968 Z�dard 1 Alley-Jessie-Ed�erton-Jenks-La�ason �lley-Je s s ie-Edgert on-Cook-A�a�nol�_a Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-?�Za�nolia.Jessamine Alley-Jessie-Ed�erton=Geranium-Rose Alley-L�ne Place-Burnc�uist-Jessamine-I�Ia.ryland �lley-Lat,�son-Coo'a-':?estminster-363 P. LaT�rson Alley-La�.ason-Cook-Ed�;ert on-Pa,,�ne �J_ley-LaT•rson-Coolt-Payne-Greenb_ri.er �J_ley-Lawson-Cook-Greenbr ier-;���alsh .11ley-La,z�s on-Cook-?.'alsh-?;�e�.de t�lle;�-La?v son-Cook-'�;e_�de-Arcacle Alley-Lati,rson-Cook-i�lendot_a.-i�orest �'.11ey-L��.�rso_�-Coo':c-For.est-Cypress Alley-LaU;son-Cook-C�rbres s-Ez.rl ''H" Alley-A�at;nolia-Jessami_ne-Ed�erton-Pa.yne .�11e;�-?��Ia.;noJ_ia-Jes samine-t°1e i de-Arca,de !111ey-Magnolia-Jess�.r��ine-�rcade-�?en�ota �•,lle,y-M�nolia,-Jes sam-i_ne-1�2endota-Forest � .�lle,y-P�a�nol�.a.-Jes s�uine-Forest-C,ypres s �'illey-P•'Iagnolia.-Jes;a,mine-C�ress-�arl Alley-�•ia;�noli.�-Jes�amine-Fran'r-1151 E. h?agnolia ''H" Al1ey-ila,gnol�.�-Jessamine-Duluth-Burnquist "N" Al1ey-Maryland-Hatiathorne-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-P%iarfland-Hat-;thorne-P�-Greenbrier !111e,y-r•Iaryla.nd-Hatathorne-Greenb-ri er-��Talsh Alley-?�Zaryland-Hawthorne-?��alsh.-tide i_de Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-?�deide-Arcade Alley-?�4ary1_^-..nd-H�.�rrthorne-Ar c ade-T�Iendot a Alley-P2aryland-Ha;:rthorne-P�Iendot�.-Fores t l�lley-T'Ia.ryland-H�,�-:cY,orne-Fo-rest-C;,�press Alle f-PZaryland-Hat�rthorne-Cypres�=Earl ��i," Alle T�ar land-Ha�.rthorne-Earl-r rank y-.� y A 11 ey-P�I�.ryl an d-�Ta:�rt h o-r n e-F r ank-Dulut h Alley-PZaryland-Ha,rthorne-Duluth-121�3 Hawthorne �'111e,y-D4ontana-Hoyt-Greenbrier-?^lalsh Alley-;�Tebraska-l�Zontana-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Nebraska-r�Iontana-ti��eide-150' UTest Alley-Nevada-Neb-ra.ska-Greenbrier-��lalsh "T" t'�lley-Orange-Hyacinth-P�.yne-Greenbrier . Alley-Oran�e-Hyacinth-Greenbrier-�aalsh S'IREET OILI�VG . s�sor�r oF 1�68 4dard 1 "T�� Alley-Orange-Hyacinth-Earl-Frank Alley-Preble-Payne-Minnehaha Alley-Rose-Maryland-Arkwrright-Clark Alley-Rose-Maryland-Greenbrier-Wa1sh Alley-Ros e-Nlaryland_-?�lalsh-T�7eide Alley-Rose-Maryland-T+leide-Arcade Alle,y-Ros e-I�4aryland-Arcade-Nlendot a "T" Alley-Rose-Marylanc�-Earl-Frank Alley-Rose-Nlaryland-Fra,nk-Duluth Alley-Searle-Payne-Ivy-Sherwood "H" Al1e,y-Sherwood-Arlington-Edgerton-Payne "T�` A11ey-Sherwood-Arlington-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Greenbrier-Walsh '�T`' Alley-Sherwood-S^,rheelocY>-`•dals'n-Arcade ' T'� Alley-Sherwood-�tirheelock-Arcade-Mendota �'T' Alley-Sher�rood-Zaheelock-Pdendota-Forest "H" Alley-Sims-Case-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Sims-Case-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sims-Case-Green'prier-�1a1sh • Alley-S ims-Case-j�?alsh-j��eide Al1ey-Sims-Case-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Sims-Case-hiendota-Forest "T" Alley-S�ms-Case-�C;ypress-Earl ��H` Alley-Sims-Case-Ea.rl-Franl� Alley-Wells-York-Edgerton-Payne Al1ey-Taells-York-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-U7ells-York-Mendota-Forest Alley- ;ells-York-?ATeide-212' Ely (80�+ York) Alley-Wheelock Pkwy-Nebraska-Parkway Dr-Payne Alley-Tr]heelock-Pkwy-ilebraska-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-T�Th it all-Wells-Fdgert on-Payne "T'� Alley-York-Sims-Ulestminster-Arks�rright East N & S Al1ey-Yo.rk—Sims-Fdgerton-Payne Al1ey-York-Sims-P�.yne-Greenbrier Alley-York-Sims-Greenbrier-F?alsh Alley-Yo.rk-S ims-t�alsh-Trle ide Alley-York-Sims-Arcade-122' West (807 York) Alley-York-.Sims-Arcade-Mendota. Alley-York-Si.ms-Niendota-Forest • STREET OILING . s�aso�v or 1g68 Ward 2 Street From To Allston, Glildview, ��linthrop & Lenox from Springside 140' W of Wi,nthrop Algonquin Nokomis Case Ames Johnson Pk�:�y Hazelwood Ames Germain Hazel Ames Ruth Edgewater Ames Place Ames W�i.ite Dear Arcade Conway Fourth Arlington N P Ry Curve Arlington Furness Winthrop Atlantic Third CStPM & 0 Ry Barclay McLean Pacific Barclay Conway Fremont Barclay York 190' Nly of Case Barclay Maryland Hoyt Bates �iounds Blvd Hudson Bates (E & �a of Triar�le) Seventh P�aury B�,ttle Creek Rd Lower Afton Upper Aiton Beech Earl Birmingham Beech Hazelwood ?�Thite Bear B irmingham Burns Pac if ic • Birmingham Old Hudson Convray Birmin�;ham Alley S of Margaret Minnehaha B irmingham Maz•yland Hoyt Birmingham Idaho Larpenteur Breen Echo Rose Breen Hat�zthorne Hyac inth Burlington McKnight I,ower Afton Bvsns Mound �-35` W of Johnson Burns Clarence ?m.ite Bear Burns Ruth Suburban Bush ��lalsh Arcade Bush rorest Etna Bush Gerrlain Haz el Bu sh Tdokom:i_s Mc Kn ight California Kenneth ti-rhite Bear California Ruth Curve Case Johnson Ed�eGaater Cherry Moun.ds Blvd_ Bates Christi_e Place Hazelwood Laxpenteur Clarence Bur ns Hudson Cla-rer.ce Conway Third Clarence Si_�-th Margaret Clarence Minnehaha Case C lar enc e Mar,ylai�d Tdebr aska • Cl�ence Idaho Larpenteur Clear Hazelwood Germain Clea.r Kennaxd Winth?�op STREET OILI�dG SF1ASOi1 OF 1�68 • ?�1ard 2 Street �ronl To Clermont Mounds B1�Jd Burns Commercial ;50' S o:E' Coni�ray Fovsth (South) Con.�ra.y T.aria E Line of Tell Conw-ay Griffith Johnson Pkwy ConT�ray Ha;.elwood ;�nite Be�,r C o:z�ray Ruth McKnight Cotit��ge Hazelti-rood T�,Tinthrop Craig Place Idaho Larpenteur Curve Ivy Ruth Curve Io�aa Ca1_�_fornia Cypres s P�lcLe�.n S eventh Darlene �ioyt Larpenteur David Hayt Idaho Dellwood Greenbrier Ma:,�aret Dieter nTevada �Ioy-t 17ora Ct ��T Dora Lane Upper Afton Dora Ct E Dora Lane Upper Afton Dora I,ane Do�a Ct ti^� Dora Ct E Duluth S�tYi C St P P�4 2� 0 Ry • Echo Ames Breen Edget�rater E & �:�? Rds Case P�laryland Eichen�rald S i�'ch S eventh Ei�hth '�.�iar ia North �llio'ct llace Bates Mounds En�lish Burns Old Pt Dou�7_as L�na Burns Pacific L`i;na P�Tinnehaha Bush Etna ames Mechanic Etna Maryland Ivy Etna Arl ingt on I�,Tebraska �'uclid Hudson Johnson Pkwy Etzclid Germain White Bear Fifth 1�Iaria Claxence �ifth Germain 18�+4 E. Fif�h Fifth Hazel McKnight rlandrau Place Upper Afton Louise Flandrau ?�Tilson Ames Flandrau Echo Laxpenteur Forest McLean Seventh Fountain Pl(Both Rdwys) Tdorth 117' N1y Four�h Mounds Blvd Clarence Fourth Germain Tfihi'ce Bear Fourth Hazel McKnight • Franlc Thorn Hudson Rd (Serv Lane) Frank Hudson Wakefield Frank Mar�aret Seventh Frerlont Arcade 200' E of Earl STREET OILING s�so��l o�' 1968 � Ward 2 Street From To rremont Gotzian Clarence Fremont Birmin�ham Hazelwood Fremont Germain �dhite Bear Fremont Ha��el McKnight Furness Ivy 206' S of CL of Hoyt Gary Place Hoyt Idaho Geranium Herbert Kennaxd Geranium �Tokomis L'dgewater Germa in S�lils on Th ird Germain MinnehaY�a S�illwater Germain ivy Idaho Gotzian Johnson Margaxet Greenbrier Seventh 125' Td of Margaret Griffith (ti�� Rdwy� Buxns 100' North Grifi'ith McLean Pac if ic Gri_ffith Johnson Third Hancock Third Margaret Hat�horne Fland-rau Breen Hawthorne �•TY?ite Bear Ivy � Hazel Third Reaney Hazel Seventh Stillwater Hazel Mechanic Jessamine Hazel Maryland Larpenteur Hazelwood Burns TH ;`�12 Hazelwood Minnehaha York Haz elvrood l�nes P�Iaryland Hazelwood Ivy Christie Place Herbert Geranium ylaryland Hope Fourth Margaret Hope :�lley S of Minnehaha Minnehaha Ho-�ra.rd Conway Fourth Howard P�Iinnehaha Stillwater Hoyt P�IcAf ee Ruth Hyacinth Kennard Breen I�yacinth ?�rhite Bear Ivy Idaho ld P Ry P�icAfee Idaho Clarence Birmingham Idaho Hazelwood Curve Iowa Hazelwood Hazel Iowa. Ruth Curve Iroquois 1`Tokomis Case Ivy Clarence McKnighL � S'1TREET OILING � s�soN o� lg6s ti•rara 2 Street r'rom To Jessamine Kennard Breen Jessamine Nokomis Ed�ewater Johnson Pktiry Burns Pt Douglas (W Serv Drives) Johnson Pl�ay SL ;f 397 Alley N of Ross (ti�l Serv Drives) Johnson Pkwy Burns McLean (E Serv Drives) Johnson Pk�^r;� SL ;�;'388 Bush (E Serv Drives) Jordan St illtirat er Cas e Kennard Burns Hwy ;�12 K_enna,rd Old Hudson Case Kennard Jessamine Larpenteur Kin�sford Ames Rose La Crosse ti�Thite Bear Hazel La Crosse Ruth Edgewater � Lake Bush Stillwater Londin Lane Lower Afton McKnight Louise r landrau Place T�Jhite Bear Luella Ha�rl;horne Ivy Luella Idaho Larpenteur A'IcAfee Topic Lane Hoyt T�cLean T�ounds Blvd Clarence Mcl,ean Barclay �iennard Magnolia Prosperity Mechanic Ma,gnol ia Pu�h Eclg eyra,t er TZanitou Iroauois Case Maple Hudson ��,'u.clid Maple C onti�ay Greenbri.er Margaret Greenbrier Seventh A1ar�aret Earl R�cKnight Z.?aria TtiTilshire Plum Maria ;eventh Eighth M�.-ryland ti�7hite Bear Luella T�aryland �`Tokomis P.ZcKni�ht Mechanic I�1a�nolia Birmingham (prod) I�Iendota ?�dilson Beech P�iille-r Cres�; La.ne Upper P.fton Cul de Sac P�4oha,wlc 1`7an.it ou Ca s e rlon�ana Ha�elwood Curve i�lound `C'!zorn Huds on � STRELI' OILInTG �\ SE.4S0?`T oF 1Q68 �J :'a.rd ? Street Fror.n io ;�?ebras'.a I1cAfee ?�;i.nchell T�?ebraska D�_et er T��i?ithrop �de-rada �;iinchell Dieter � i��ievad� I�azel��rood Cuzve Piet-rcor;lne uever:ch Oma11 4 ;�y ,�ol;omis Rear�e;� ^:cKni�ht :rorth I'ounta�.n Place Seventh � ��iorton:i_a i��Zinneii�h�. Sti_llti,;a,ter Oceai� SL �:;i�l�- ?57' i�? oi Seventh Ora.n�;e ?�enna.rd_ Breen Oran�e t�rh�_te Bear IZ.,Y Pac;.f;_c ?'ore�t Pc Dou��as �'���-=�=�-� ��n�lish L�`cna Pac.ifi c U S Hwy -,','61 Hazeltirood PG,c_�_iic Ha'?el�rood H:ry ,;��12 ;Serv Drive� Pedersen Burns U S Hta:y ;;�1?_ Pedersen A11e}r ; o�' Th�_rd Fif�;h Pedersen Bush PIokomi.s � Pec.ers eiz HaT:'chorne Hy�c�_nth Plurn B?t es P-?ar�le Prospe_r'.ty C St P T_.�i �?� Q Ry Ma�nolia Prosper ity l�:aryland Ar]_ingt on Prosperi:ty �Iazelwooc' Larpenteur ??eaney ?�.'alsh �rcade Reaney Seventh .��cKnight �?ose Herber� Cu1 de sac Rose Kennard Breen R o s e i?ol�om i s Ed�7ewa�er p,os s C eventh Johnson Ross 1�+0' j�! of Clarence 3?_9' E oF Clarence Ross Germain lj8' E of Van Dyke p o s s ?^?aukon Howar ci Ro��re Place Flandrau Place �,;rhite Bea-r Ruth Iiudson pd �?okomis Ruth rian�_t ou Ma�nolia T_?u�h Hyaci.nth 11.r7_ington Rui;h Curve Larnenteui Scen�c Place Pedersen r�?5_nthrop ;eventh ���nite Bear Hazel �even�ch ?rT aukon T�icKn ight Sherwood P-rosper 9_ty j,�inthrop � S'1'REET OTLING �� SEASOPT OF 1�68 �� Z,,r�rd. ? Stree� F.rom To Short l�iounds Blvd Bates Sims Flandrau V�.n Dyke S innen S i:�th S eventh Si�:th Johnso� Pkt�ay Birmin�ham S��_��h Hazelwood Kennard SiYth F1and.ra.0 �dhite Bear S i��h ti�linthrop P�IcKni�ht Spr�_n�side Dr�ve ?�linthrop(Pavement) Burlir�ton Scill.rater Johnson Clarence S'G111.Zaater Haz��yTOOd ti�dhite Bear Suburban Etjrl Fra,nk Suburban Nazeltiaood Kennard Suburban 150' E of Ruth Burns Surrey i�Iounds Blvd 158' E of Ba�es Tell Conway 'i'hi-rd Tewana Nokomis Manitou Third ���Thite Bea-r McKnight Third PTE �0' nTEly of Maple Arcade Thorn 6�+0' `v� of Earl � (end of St� Indi.an Mounds Pk Tilsen Tdokomis MeKnight Topic Lane �cAfee Clarence Upper Afton Burns P�iller Cresi; Lane Urban Place Mounds Blvd Bates Utica Jordan Iroquois Van Dyl�e T�iilson Third Van Dyke Minnehaha Seventh Van Dyke Alley S of h7aryland Ivy Van Dyke Idaho Larpenteur ti�lakefi.eld P�4aple Frank j�Ialsh Nlinnehaha Bush t��aukon Pedersen Stilli-rater i�1e ide Rea.ney Bush Wilshire Place Mounds Blvd Maria ?•Tilson P�4aria 110� Wilson ?�lilson f00' ti� of Griffith Griffith Z�ilson Birrnir�ham 1�+67 j��lilson Ta;ilson Llzclid tiahite Bear ?��ils on Ruth McKn ight ?^Tinchell �Jevada Hoyt ?dinthrop Burns Suburban • j�Iinthrop r ifth P,Zargaret ?�linthrop Minnehaha Reaney Z+Tinthrop Arlin;ton rdebraska STREET OILING � SEASON OF 1�6�3 Ward 2 Street From To York Johnson Clarence Yor'.i Bi-rmingha,m Van I1yke � • STREET OILING � SEAS�PJ OF 1968 Ward 2 "H" Alley-Arlinoton-Nevada-White Bear-Hazel Alley-Bates-Mound-McLean-Hudson Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Mendota-Forest Alley-BeechOMinnehaha-Forest-Cypress Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Cypress-Earl Alley-Be�ch-Minnehaha-Earl-110�+ E. Minnehaha Alley-Beech-t�iinnehaha-Frank-Duluth Alley-Bush-Ross-Earl-Frank Alley-Bush-Ross-Frank-Duluth Alley-Bus�r-Ross-Duluth-Atlantic Alley-Bush-Ross-Kennard-Flandrau Alley-Bush-Ross-Flandrau-��Ihite Bear Alley-Bush-Ross-�rlhite Bear-Van D.yke Alle,y-Case-LaCrosse-White Bear-Van Dyke "T" Alley-Clear-Cotta,�e-Flandrau-t�hite Bear Alley-Conway-Third-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Conway-Third-MendOta-Forest Alley-Con�ray-Third-Forest-Cypress Al1ey-Conway-Third-Cypress-Earl Alley-Contiaay-'IYh ird-Earl-Tell � Al1ey-Cotta,ge-bJherwood-Ruth=370' East Al1ey-�i.clid-Conway-Forest-Cypress Alley-�iclid-Conway-Cypress-Earl Alley-Fifth-Sixth-Forest-363' E to End Alley-Fifth-Si.�Yth-Gotzian-Atlantic Al1ey=Fourth-Fifth-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Forest-Cypress Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Hancock-Gotzian-1150 E. Fifth-Fourth Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Atl�.ntic-Johnson Alley-Fremont-Fourth-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fremont-Four�h-Forest-Cypress Al1e,y-Fremont-Fourth-Atla�ttic-Johnson Pkwy Alley-Hudson Rd-?-7akelield-Maple-Forest Al1ey-Hudson Rd-?^;akefield-Cypress-Earl �111ey-Hyacinth-Ivy-Van Dyke-Hazel Alle,y-Indian Mds Pk-Burns-Reserve-200' East E� of E & 7�? Alle,y-Ivy-Arlington-T�7inchell-Barclay(alon�side 14?7 Barcla,y) '�T" Alley-Ivy— ^lear-Y7hite Bear-Ha.�el "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-Hazel-Curve Alley-LaCrosse-Ames-Van Dyke-Hazel � STREET OILING � s�so�z oF 1g68 tiaard 2 Alley-McLean-Pac9.f%c-Cypres s-La.rl Alley-McLean-Pacific-Earl-Frank Alley-.:cLean-Pacific-Frank-1173 r,4cLean E & �nT Al1ey-Mar�aret-Beech-Greenbrier-Hope Alley-Margaret-Be ech-P.rc ade-P��endot a Alley-Margaret-Beech-I��et.Zdot a,-Foz^est Alley-Ma-rgaret-Beech-Forest-Cypress Alley-Margare�-Beecn-C�rpress-Earl Alley-Mar�aret-Beech-Fran}�-Duluth Alley-n�a-r�aret-Beech-At lant ic-Johnsori :ille;y-Margaret-Beech-^landrau-�dhite Bear Alley-Mar ia.-Bat es-Pdcl,ean-Short Al1ey-Ma:cyland-Hawthorne-White Bear-Van Dyke Al1ey-Minnehaha-Reaney-�;7alsh-Weide Alley-2•1ir.riehaha-Re aney-Arcade-Mendo;,a Alley-P�Iinnehaha-P,eaney-Forest-Cypres s Alley-P�innehali��-Reaney-Cypres s-Earl Alley-�-�:i.r�nehaha-Reaney-Earl-Frank Alley-?�innehaha-Reaney-I'rank-Duluth • Alle f-P•Zinnehana-Re�.ney-At lant ic-Johnson Al1ef-Pdinnehaha-Reaney-Johnson-13�? Reaney Alle,y-Minnehaha-Reaney=Clarence-Etna Alley-Minneha�.a-Reaney-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-Aiinnehaha-Reaney-Howard-P•1cKnight tdest DT €� S Alley-TTevada-T�Iebraska-White Bear-Hazel East nT & S Alley-Nevada-PTebraska-Trlhite Bear-Hazel :�lley-Paci-F'9_c-Hudson Rd-Clarence-Etna Al1ey-Reaney-Bush-?dalsh-Weide A)_ley-Reane,y-Bush-?;ie ide-Arcade Alley-Peaney-Bush-Seventh-Cypress Alley-Rea,ney-Bush-Earl-Frank Alley-Reaney-Bush-�tlantic-Johnson Alley-Reaney-Bush-�'iandrau-G,Thite Beax Alley-Ross-Seventh-I'rank-Duluth Al1ey-Ross-Seventh-Duluth-Atlantic Alley-Ross-Seventh-Kennard-Flandrau Alley-Ross-Seventh-t�Thite Bear-Van Dyke Alley-School Grounds-Maryland-Van Dyke-QO' Last Alley-Seventh-Stillz�rater-Hazelwood-Germain A11ey-Seventh-Stillwater-Kennard-Flandxau � STREET OILING � SEASOTd OF 1�68 GJard 2 Alley-Seventh-Stillti�ater-Flandrau-���ite Bear �'H" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-j�Thite Bear-Hazel tdest N & S Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve East N & S Al1ey-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve E � GT Al1ey-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve from G�est D1 & S Alley to East N & S Alley Alley-Sims-Case-Tdhite Beax-Van lJyke Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Arcade-P�Iendota Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Mendota-Forest Al1ey-Si�th-A7argaret-Cypress-Earl Alley-Sixth-AZargaret-Duluth-Atlantic "L" Alley-Si�h-Seventh-Maple-Eichenwald Alley-Si�h-Seventh-Eichenwald-Hope Alley-Stillwater-Case-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-Stillwater-York-Kemnard-1679 Stillwater Al1ey-Stillwater-york-Hazelwood-275' ti�lest Alley-Suburban-McLean-Earl-1078 McLean E & W Alley-Third-Fourth-Bates-Maple � Alley-Third-Fremont-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Third-Fremont-Forest-Cypress Alley-Third-Fremont-Cypress-Eaxl Alley-Third-Fremont-Atlantic-Johnson Pkwy E & T.a Alley-Third-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth i'rom East N & S Alley-Ruth Eas�t N & S Alley-Third-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth Alley-;dakefield-Tailson-Earl-East-1103 Wakefield Alley-�r;ilson-Elzclid-Cypress-Earl . STREET OIZING • SEASON OF 1968 Ward 3 & �+ Street From 1^0 Balsam Broadway Pine Grove SS Lafayette Soo Line Trac��s John Seventh Eighth Kittson Sixth Seventh Ne i.11 S ixth S eventh Olive IS '�9�+ Eighth Payne Grove Alley South Spruce Broadway Pine Tenth Broadway Pine • T7lill�_us Seventh Grove Spring Eagle Lot 1 Blk 20 Thirteenth SS Robert Jackson Al1ey-Robert-Jackson-'I'welfth-Thirteenth � s�EET oaz�rG � s�:�soN oF i968 �^lard 5 9treet From To Ildrian IS 35-E Hathaway Alaska Seventh O�to A1.bion �drian I,exin�ton !�nn �t. Clair Seventh Arbor James IS 37-E Armstrong Pleasant Drake Banf il Duke Smith Bay Butternut IS 35-E Bayard Hamline Ed�cumbe Ba.yard Pleasant Victoria Baya.rd Ca.nton Bay BeechTrrood. Hamline Syndicate Benhill ]�d St. Clair 200' E of CI, of Deubener Pl Benson r7.e� Terrace �lway Be.rkeley �yndica�e Gri��s Bohla?.Zd Place IIa.raline Edgcumbe E�i�tern,_it. 777 Butternut Ba,y� Bui,te��nu� 16' _�� of T;'L o.r B�.y Stuna.c • C�,nt on Ott o S ev e�7th Cecelia Place Stan�Cord S+. Cla:�r Chwts��ror�'1 Seventh �Teffersor� Chestrnsc Seventli P)_easant Cl�.;;� Cneida. �i.e C1if con Randolnh P]_easant Colbourne ialace Jefferson Colbourne �+23' T_? of Jefferson Supe-r�_o.r Dal,-y James Grace De�.lton Benson Seventh ;�eubener Place Benhill �d �t. C1air llo�ti�:las Good:c�_ch ?�ams ey Dousr:��n Barricade a.t C15__ff Good.r. ich Drake Tuscar.ora (p.rod) �andolph Dulte randolph (pati�ement} Pleasant ��leano:c Harlline I�tontcalm Place �leanor Plea.sa.nt S eventh �;lm R�ran T�1ilk in ��lma ?7estern C r� S t P <�r P ?�y �i_e Ra.ndolph (pavement� Suverio-r :;�change T•Iillc�.n Forbes • STREET OILTN� � sr�soN o� �963 ?^^Iard 5 Street Fz'o?-sl To Forbes Pleasant Seventh For.c? Harnline Edgcumbe Forster Cant;on Bay Fulton Randolph Pleasant Garfield C�oodrl ch Plea.sant Glen Terrace Benson Youngman Goodhue Duke �7' �^T of Cliff Goodrich Plea,sant Alley E of Leech C�race Pleasa.nt Bay C=.race Osceola Z-Jes�ern CTriggs HigYiland St. Clair Fiarr'son Goodr�_ch Douglas Hartford Hamline Eclgcumbe Hatha�aa,y Adr 9_an S eventh Hibhland ��cumbe Montcalm Place fii_llcrest Hamline Syndicate • Irvine Park ?yan Ryan Irvine SS ��alnut 358 Irvine Is�.n Glay Benson 176` E of Selma Lane Jemes Hamline II, ;`1063 James t°dI., ;`1022 Shepard Jefferson Har,lline r;dgcumbe Jefferson Plea.sant Colbourne Juliet Iiar.�ilS.ne 160' E oi Lexington Juno Hamline Ed�cumbe Juno Lexington II� ;1085 Juno j�7I, ;;'1037 �+36" E of View Juno Seventh Drake Leech Goodri.ch Ramsey McBoal Douglas ti^Iilkin P�Tay S eventh Alaska Michigan S� . Albans Seventh r�7ichigan Trlestern 70' ti�I of Cliff Middleton Vista Rogers ylilt on Ott o Jef f ers on P:i�_lton Benhill Rd. St. Clair i�ionroe Ct Pleasant Victoria i�Iontcalm Ct Highland Highland I�4ontcalm Hill Montcalm Place 108' East • Montcalm Place HiE hland Eclgcumbe • STREET OILING SrASON OF 1968 ti�ard 5 Street From To 2�iles Hamline Fdgcumbe Nu.gent C P�I St P & P Ry St Clair Oneida Seventh Superior Orrin Stewart SchePfer Osceola Tuscarora Seventh Otto Lexington Seventh Palace Hamline Lexin�ton Palace T�1L ;',;�9�8 Seventh Palmer Place Aeanor Bayard Pinehurst Hamline Syndicate Pleasant ?;rL ;�!�11�+�+ Victoria Race Albion Chatsworth Richmond lj5' S of A4ilw Ry(pavement) 130' jd of Milw R,y(pavement) • Richmond Seventh Goodrich Ridge Edgcumbe Highland Fo�ers Seventh Oti;o Ry�.n Elm Chestnut Scheffer Hamline Montcalm Scheffer Lexington Seventh Scheffer Victoria Stewart Selma Lane Iva.n ?•1ay P�Iontreal Sherman Ryan I�change Sherman Seventh Pleasant Spring �vashir�ton Chestnut Stanford Hamline Grig�s Stewart Ward Line Homer St ez�rart Ott o Tus carora Sturgis 47estern Douglas Sumac Butternut S��ewart Superior Oneida 60' tia of Cliif Syndicate Beech�rood St. Clair Thompson Ramsey Pleasant To-ronto Randolph Grace Tuscarora Pleasant Osceola Vance James Palace • Vance Jefferson NL �=�3�+� Victoria Otto Jefferson View Seventh Pleasant Vista Race Lexington • S'ITREET OII,ING s�soN oF 1968 t�Iard 5 Street From To Walnut Hill Irvine Park Walnut Irvine Park Irvine Ave Watson Hamiine A4ontcalm Place Watson Pleasant View Watson Seventh Drake Webster Randolph Ja.mes Webster Seventh Grace Webster St. Clair Pleasant Wellesley Hamline Griggs Western C M St P & P Ry Pleasant Wilkin Bluff Ramsey Youngman Rankin WL Rankin CL • . STREET OILING s�so1T oF 1968 . tdard 5 Alley-Ads ian-;;eventh-Alb ion-A1.aska Alley-Arbor-Osceola-James-Palace Al1ey-Arrnatrong-Juno-Milton-Victoria Al1ey-Armstrone-juno-Victozia-View Alley-Bayard-Hart f ord-Ha.�m1.ine-S,yndicat e Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Syndicate-Gri�;gs "T" Alley-Bayard-Ha-rtiord-Griggs-F�cumbe Alley-Bayard-Tuscarora-Milton-Victoria '�Y" �lley-Bayard-Tuscarora-Canton-Seventh-Bay Alley-Beechwood-Bohland P1ace-Hamline-Syndicate N �, S Alley-Benhill-St . Clai-r-Milton-Peubener Alley-Berl�eley-Sc. Clair-Syndicate-Gri�gs Alley-Bohland Place-Hillcrest-Hamline-Syndi_cate Al1ey-Da.ly-moronto-Seventh-Palace Alley-Dou;las-Smith-Forbes-Rarzsey Alley-Duke-Colbouxne-St. Cla.ir-I��ichigan Alley-Edgctunbe-Tlonzcalm-Hi�hland-Eleanor Alley-Edgcumbe-Montca7�-Eleanor-Scheffer Alle�r-Eleanor-Scheffer-Harnline-Syndicate Alley-Elear.o_r-Scher"e-r-S:,�nd�cate-G.ri��s � Alley-Lr�_e-Duke-C P� St P & P R�-S L. Clair Alley-Goodr ic;z-T-TCBoal-Smith-Leech Alley-Hartford-�:dat son-Hamline-Sync��_c�.'.e l.11ey-Hartford-:•7a�son-Syndic�,te-Grigr s ..T" Alley-�iar'r,ford-�.latso:l-G:L�_�:�;�s-�;d;;c�.z�a�e :�lley-Hi;hla.nd-Ele�.nor-Hamline-S,yndicate Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Synd�_cate-Gr�.�gs klle:i-ri"11c.rest-Ford Rd-Ha.n�_i_ne-;;yndicate �'�lley-Ja.me�-Palace-Hamline-,",,yndicat e "H'' Alley-James-Palace-:�',.:�cu:�i��-•;�_�:.-�_��!,�ton Alley-Jeife-r.son-�•;ellesley-Syndic:�,'.;e-G.riggs E & ,�7 Alley-Juliet-E.�_�c�be-Ed.gcumbe-Lexington Ea:f iT & S 1'�lley-Juliet-Ed�ctunbe-Eclgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Julie�-,Tefferson-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Juliec-Jefferson-Syndicate-Griggs Al1ey-Juno-P,andolph-Haraline-Syndicate lilley-Juno=Randolph-�'yndicate-Grig�s Alley-Juno-Randolpn-Gri.ggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Juno-Randolph-P,Zilton-Victoria Alley-Lombar�-St. Clair-Lexin�ton-Benhill Rd Alley-ldcBoal-F�rbes-Leech-209 West i S�REET O1ZI'VG � SEASOTl OF 1A68 ,., _ d5��,a� Alley-Michi�an-Superior-Oneid�.-Erie Alley-N:ich iga.n-Superior-Richmond-iaestern 1V�.'> of N & S Alley-P?iles-Juno-Haruline-Syndicate � & ?^1 Alley-_�Tiles-Juno-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-�`Tiles-Juno=Syndicate-Gri�;s Alley-�liles-Juno-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Palace-Juliec-Hamline-Syndicate Al1ey-Palace-Juliet-Syndicate-Griggs Tl & S Alley-Pala.ce-Juliet-Grig�s-Edgcumbe "H" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Palace-Pleas ant-Cha�s�rorth-Mi.l-con Alley-Pinehurst-Hi;hland-Hamline-Syndicate �lley-Pleasant-Jefferson-Chatsworth-Milton :�lley-Rac e-Ala ska-`,T i st a Alley-Randol�h-James-Harlline-Syndicate Alley-Randolph-James-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Randolph-James-Gri�gs-Edgcumbe "T�' Alley-Randolph-James-ydgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Randolph-James-Le�cington-EL ;;�107�+ � Alley-Randolph-James-Fulton-View �.11ey-Randolph-James-View-Bay Alley-�cheffer-Bayard-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Scheffer-Baya:rd-Syndicate-Gri�gs Al1ey-Seventh-Race-Alaska-Vista Alley-Smith-Leech-rorbes-Ramsey Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Syndicate-Griggs !�lley-Syndic�.te-Ridge-Bohland Place-Ford Rd Alley-Syndicate-Ridge-Ford-Hi�hland Alley-Tuscarora-?d��atson-Milton-Victoria Alley-^luscarora.=Watson-Osceola-Drake Alley-?�Tatson-9rmstron�-Milton-Victoria Alley-Wat son-Arrnstro�zg-Vict or ia=V iew Alley-Watson-Niles-Hamline-Syndicate Al1ey-Watson-Niles-Syndicate-Gri�gs E & j�J & N� of I1 & S Alley-T�Jatson-Tdiles-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-`�ellesley-Stanford-Syndicate-1325 j�lellesley Alley-?�Telle s ley-St anf ord.-Synd ic at e-Gr igg s Alley-tdestern-C M St P °: P Ry-�mna-St. Clair • � STREET OILING s��so:��r oF �968 ;�7ard 6 Street From To Ada Concord Congress yl�,bama State 230' E of Chester Alice & Around Park Ohio Cherokee Andrew G,Tyomin�; W inona Andrew Belvidere pa,ge Anita Concord Congress Annapolis Oakdale Kansas Annapolis Stickney Concord Bake-r Cherokee Dodd Rd Baker Stryker �tobert Bake:c Oakdale 200' E of �Ioodbury Bancroft Concord Congress Bellows Sidney Delos Belvide-re !�lley W of Winslow Woodbury Belvi_dere Brown 300' East (Guard Rail) Belvidere Andrew Concord Bidwell City L imits Prospect Blvd • (SL 130 W Sidney� Brown Annapolis Belvidere Brown Sidney pa,ge Brown Prescott Robie Charlton Dodd Rd George Charlton Winifred Congress Che.rokee Annapolis Baker Cherokee Smith Ohio Chippei-ra Anna,polis Cherokee Hts Blvd. Clinton Concord Colorado Colorado Tn�inslow Hall Colorado GJabasha E to Lnd of Street Con;ress Ohio Y7abasha Congress Robert State Congres s Ada Banc-roft Cuxtice Chippewa Charlton Curtice Robert Concord Delaware Annapolis Baker Delos Bello�ls 360' E of Hall Delos Wabasha 75' jti�ly Delos Starkey 150' E of Greenwood Elizabeth Bidwell Stryker � Elizabeth 232' Z�T of Hall Ha.11 Elizabeth(both rdwys) Hall Humboldt Elizabeth Humboldt Livingston Elizabeth Robert 230' East STRLET OILIT�TG s�aso�r o� 1968 • ?aa-rd 6 Street From To Gorman Annapolis �,lyomin� Gorman P�e George Green�rood Concord Delos Hall Annapolis Prospect Blvd Harva,rd Anna,polis Belvidere Harvard Curtice Prescott Humboldt Curtice George Is�.bel Ohio ?�Ta.basha Isabel Robert State Joy 120' S of ��linona �,,later Kansas l�nnapolis Prescott King Cherokee Stryker Kir� Humboldt State Livingston !�nnapolis George Zivingston Isabel t�Tood • P�anomin Annapol_3.s Cherokee MorLon Chippewa Z�laseca I�;orton Bellows 110' E of Robert Mo.rt orl St at e Brown Mt Hope Curtice Prescott Oakdale Annapolis Prescott Oh5_o Annapolis George Ohio ���inif.red Fairfield Onega Con�ress Concord Orlea,ns Fa�e Cherokee Ottawa l�nnapolis George Pag e Ch�.ppeti�ra B idwe�_l ?'�e Dodd Rd. Concord Parnell Color�,do ��lood Prescott Bro�•m 2�� Prescott Rob ie .�a.nomin ?3umboldt ?�ob ie S L�.'c e Brown �e.�inole Curtice Pa,¢e �:i_dne;r Ch��p eT��r�. B id_i��ell S iclney T��rinslo.�r St:cyker. S ic7ne;� Ifurnbold� CurL ice . Sta.rfcey Con.co.-rd Pl�to ST_YLET GILI?`'G • �r SOl OF l�'�'i ,;?arc� 6 3treet r�rorr. To State � Concord. Robie �;T ;tate Robi_e �; UL-ai� ;i.a;ce t?;.11r�ore !1]_a.barna Stevens 0;�a�>Ta St�,te S�'.cl:ney r�n.��,�ol�_s Concor�l r�- � ,��ry�-er ?nn�pol�s Baker ;�,r�rke-r ti•�i.ni_f-rec? Prospect B7_vd ��7atieca Ci�y Limi.ts (7�6 ;-laseca.� Geor�e Tl�.te�� An�apol;.s �35' E of F-iigh Brid?;e �:;aterloo Belvidere Curt ice _ ;�1ir.iilred. Coricord. Ba_r,croft iJinona Ch�ppetira, Charlton ;T�_n,t`ona, Bidz��el7_ �obe-rt T�7ir�ona ?��rL. of 17�+ L, ?ti��_nona ?,;oodbury ti�):i_nona. r�T;�.L-e���loo St-ckney ;,Tinslow llnn�tiol�.s Prospect Blvd ?�JOOd Parnell Robez t :�Ioodbury 1lnnapol;s �rJ�omi.ng • ;'�OOdbiL�^y Be_lvidere Prescoti� ?'zrom in�; Ch i_ppe;aa Charlt on i Tyom.ing ,�:iinsloT-r Brown '�.yorm�.n,� And.rew St ickney • � S�''�'�r.�ET OILInTG � SF�SO?�T OF la6? ;�;arcl 6 �`? ec S Alle,y-Anna.polis-�?yom�_n�,-?�;i_nslow-Stryker "L" Alley- Annapolis-?Jyomin�-Fi�,ll-Gorman �'L" Alley-Annapolis-?�?yoming-Robe.r.t-160 E. ii;roming lllley-Baker-Eli�abe�h-Gorman-�o �. Eli ;abeth Alle,y-Ba:�.er-Kin;-OttaT�ra-Smith Alle,y-Belvidere-Curtice-SJaterloo-�+20' La,s� Alley-Ch?rlton-?�?as eca-��orton-Bake•r Alley-Cherol�ee-Ottawa-,7yoming-i�inona Alley-Cherol�ee-Ottawa.��Iinona-Curtice Alle,y=Concord-Robie-St�:te-Ada Alley-Concord-Robie Ada-Anita Alle,y-Concord-Robie-Anita-Bancroft Alley-Congress-Isabell-Belloz�rs-Bidwell �111e,y-Curt 5_ce-S idney-Ohio-Cha.rlton �'T &, S Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Robert-Rivervieya Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Harvard-��oodbury Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Wy orning-;•7inona • Alley-Delatlare-Cherokee-?^�inona-Curt ice Alley-Dela��rare-Cherol.�ee-Cur'c ice-S idney Alley-DelaVrare-Cherokee-Pa�e-Morton Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-I�iorton-Bal�er Alley-Delos-Colorado-Clinton-C7reenwood ��lley-Elizabeth-K_in�-Bidwell-Winslow Alley-George-??obie-Robert-125 �. George Alley-Isabel-Delos-Bello?�rs-Bidwell A.11ey-Isabel-Delos-Clinton-Greenyrood "L" Alley-Ki.nj-Cherokee-Otta?�ra Alley-Livingston-Fobert-Sidney-Page East PI & S Alley-TROrton-Baker-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Morton-Baker-bakdale-Mt Hope Alley-Oakdale-P�It Hope-Pa�e-Morton Alley-Ottawa=- Snith-4�Tyoming-Winona Alley-Ottawa-Smith-T�dinona-Curt�_ce Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Curtice-Sidney Al1ey-Ottati�a-Smith-Sidney-Pa.ge Alley-Ottawa-Smith-S�evens-Geor�e Alley-Pa,�e-I�lorton-Mt Hope-Harvard A11ey-Prescott-Concord-Mt Hope-17�' West Al1ey-Prescott-Concord-Brown-291 Prescott • Alley-Riverview-Oakdale-Curtice-Sidney • STREET OIZII�iG SEASON OF 1p68 Ta�a_ 6 Al1ey-Robert-Clinton-Wini.fred-Congress !�lley-Robert-State-Kin�-586 Robert "L" �lley-Robie-T�7inifrecl-Stryker-Hall !�lley-Si.dney--Page-ti�Iaseca-_l77 Sid.ney �lle�,*-SiGne,y-Pame-Mt Hope-Harvard Alle,y-S idney-Pa�;e-Harvard--�;•;�odbury A11ey-Smith-Manomin--Annapolis-�ayoming Alley-Smi.th-P�Ianomin-T^lyoming-T�Tinona Alley-Smith-i✓ianomin-?�?inona-Curt ic e Alley-Smit':-i�lanomin-Pa�;e-P-lorton Alley-Smith-Manomin-Morton-Baker Alley-Stryl�er-Hall-Annapolis-t:yoming Alle,y-Winifred-Con�-res:�-Bellows-Bidwell A17_ey-TtiT�nifred-Congress-BidvrelJ_-Winslow Alley-u7inifred-Congress-Ada-Anita Alley-?�]ir�ii red-Cor�res s-Anita-J3a,nc_c��'; • _: :� S r111ey-?,7inona-Belvidere-Bidwell-�ainslo�•T ?`? & S Alley-Winona-Curtice-i�Iazlor.l:i.n-�hio "L" Alle.y-Winona-Curtice-Ohio-Charlt�n A11_ey-';�7inslow-Stryker-G?.yomin�-Gd_�nona Alley-Wyo;nin�-i�l-inona-ifa,rvaa d-Tr7oodbury Alley-��lyomin�-�1��_n�n:��-;;t;_c"-�.a:..�jr�-`;�`� ,�. ;:'_no����a • ,����:ET oazrr� � sEnsors o, 1g68 Ward 7 Sf reet Fi orn To Arundel Marshall Carroll Ashland Syndicate Lexi.ngton Avon Zaurel Carroll Carroll �S Oxford Dale Chatsworth St . Clair= Osceola Cha�t sworth Sur2:.it Carroll Dayton H�nline Lexington Dunlap St. Clair Fairmount Durila�p Goodr ich Mar shall Dunlap Lane Fairmount Goodrich Fairmoun� Hamline Griggs P'airm�unt 280' ?�1 of Dunlap Le.x_ington Fisk Laurel Carroll Good-rich SSrndicate Griggs Goodr�ch C I�4 St P & P �y Lexington Grand Oakland I,a�a'c on • Grig;s St. Clair Fairmount G�^iggs Summit Marshall Grotto Sur�Lmit Carroll H�ue Haml.ine Syndicate Heather Place Grand Heather Drive Hea-cher Drive Hea�her Place Sur��:nit Irvine PTorth Side �•lestern Walnut Kent r�!arshall Carroll Laurel �chuneman Syndicate I�int•rood Place Lei>ington Avon Louis Dayton 1�?arshall ?�4ackub in Mar sh all. C arr oll Milton St. Clair Osceola P•2ilton Summit Carroll Oak G-rove St. Clair Osceola Osceola H�.mline Griggs Osceola Dunlap P�iilton Oxford St. Clair Osceola O�ford SLUnmit Ca.rroll I'or�land Hamline S,yndicat e • Portland C T�� St P & P Ry Lexin:�ton • STRLET OILIT�TG SEASON OF 19n8 Ward 7 Street From To St. Albans Summit Iglehart Saroent Ham]..ine Griggs S cliuneman L au-r e l Ha�ue Syndicate St. Clair Portland Syndicate Ashland Marshall Victori.a St. Clair Osceola Vic�oria Marshall Carroll Western Irvine Summit . • S�REET OILING • s�s oN oF 1968 Ward 7 Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Ashland-L•aurel-Griggs-�unlap Alley-Dayt on-i��4ar shall-Haml ine-Synd ic at e Alley-Dayton-Marsh�.11-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Dayton-R2�,rshall-Griggs=Dunlap Alley-Da.yt on-P4a,r shall-Dunlap-�ex ingt on A11ey-Dayton-Alarshall-Chatsworth-Milton 1�7..1ey-Dayton-Marshall-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-F�ir.mount-Goodrich-Syndicate-Griggs l�lley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Goodrich-Lincolr.-Syndicate-E� 12j9 Goodrich Alley-Grand-Summit-Hamline-Syndicate Allef-Grand-Summit-Grigos-Dunlap Alley-Grand-Summit-�ford-Chatsworth Alley-Grand-Svmmit-Chatswort'n-Milton "L" Al1ey_Grand-Summit-Oakland-Heather Drive Alley-Hague-Selby-Milton-Victoria • I�lley-Ha�ue-;"elby-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Holly-Ashland-Victo-ria-�von Alley-Holly-Ashland-St. Albans-Dale Alley-I�;lehart-Carroll-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-�.Iglehart-C arr oll-P�4 ilt on-V i ct or ia Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Dale-Kent Al1ey-Iglehart-Carroll-Mackubin-Arundel Al1ey-Laurel-Ha�ue-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Laurel-Selby-Dal�-Kent Alley-Laurel-Selby-Kent-A4ackubin Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Syndicate-C P,4 St P & P Ry Alley-Lincoln-Grand-C I�? St P � P Ry-Dunlap Alley-Lincoln-Gra,nd-Dunlap-Lexington lilley-Marshall-Iglehart-Lex�ngton-Oxford Alle,y-P-Zar shall-Iglehart-�f ord-Chat sworth Alley-P�Iarshall-I�lehar�-Chatsworth-Milton �lle,y-Osceola-F�irmount-Hasnline-Syndicate l�lle�,�-Osceola-Fa�rmount-Syndicate-Gr.iggs "T" Alle.y-Osceola-Fairrnount-Dunlap-Lexington E �U ,i Alley-Osceola-Fairmouni,-TiJL Loi, � Chatsworth Alley-Os c eola-Ta_�_rr�ount-V ict or:�a-11von • Al1ey-Portland-�'lshlarid-C=rig;s-Dunla,p !�ll.eu�-Partla,n�.-:sh7-and.-I,exi_n�;t;on-Oxro_rd. � �'I'_RE�;^ OI.,IT�� uEE1��'T �F 1C1�". T,,., 7 t�:,.Y.'0 � �,� �:? 1�lley-Po,�cla.n��-Nol_ly-G-rotto-;��. �lba.ns 1'1�le�---r o���lan�.-�Toll,yr-;�t . .'�7 bans-D�.le :'��1e,,�-;t . C18,1Y'-L�-n;�ood.-0<cforr'_r'�_a,tswo:c�h 1111ey-;;t. C7_a.Tr-?��.n��rooci-Cl�at,�ro�°+..',-T�1i7_'r,on "`!'" ��lle-.r-r,�. C�a�r-O:,ceola-Dvnlap-Oak Grove „T.` Al).��r-r�. Cl^�.i.r-!�sceola-Oa.k Grove-Lexin^-(,on Al�e:y�-;;t . Cla_i_r-Sa�me�,._c-Ha.m1�ne-�,ynd�i.cate Alley-;�t. Cla;.:..-Sar�er'�-`�;;rn;iicaFe-�G�_�?�.; �lley-Sa-r;er:L--Osceol�-;'�fnd'.ca.te-160' �;1 of Gr'.��;s (navement) 1;7_ley-aelby-Da,yi�oil-�::;.11ot�-:=?�' �;aUc Al]_e;T-Sumsn;_c-Porcland-Hamline-Syndical;e � � u�.�EZm OILIT�TCr � SEASOi`T OF 1�08 Z^Jard 8 Street �.rom io Albema-r1e Atwat er Laz�rs on Albema.rle Coo�: Geran�um Albema-rle ??ese I;ry Albema_�le Co?,�a,�e La-rpenteur Arli_n�-;tor_ Dale � Ri.ce �_^un�el St. !1nc�iorT,r r Ta Ry 1!-rundel S�;i.r.s on rqar,yland Arundel ,�.�Zeeloc'c 520' nT of 1_'debraska At�rat er r�.2acl�ub in .'�lb ema.rle !�u:ro�a Dale P+tar;_on Blai�� ;�a.le Como �ur;;es s Dale Cx�lt ier Charle.� Dale ;;ice Cohan;ey �rneelocY idebraska C ool� A:cunde 1 ?�i c e Cotta�e Dale '�,�eelock Co i,�a"e Cxalt ie.r Albernarle Cumbe-rlanc�. ',�lezzooci G I�? Ry � Cvmb erland Laws on P�aryla,nd Cumb erlaiid �rl in�t on Hoyt Danforth P,Iar�rla,nd Cottage Danfor-ch Ar7_in�;ton ilebraska Den;�low Bu.:��ess Alley Plorth Edmund Dale Rice El�"elt Clia.rles Corao ,'�glewood !�rundel GTestern �'arr��ngton Alley 5 of Fuller Como �a,rr;nr�ton 1�cwa�er Ivy rarrington Arlington Neb.raska Fulle� Dale Farring-ton Galt iei T'uller Como Gal�ier Atwa,t e-r Ivy Galtier �? P Ry ���'T�? Arlington Gez�an�_lu�� ?�?estern Rice Ha�ch Dale Kent Hat ch T%�ackub i_n R i c e Hoyt Cumberland Glestern Idar o ?�'est ern Virg inia � Ivy Gal'cier Albemarle S'I'I?EET OII,ING • SEASOTT OF 1�6� r;T�..rc� � Street From To Jessamine ��Testern Rice Kent Carroll Concordia Kent Central Minnehaha Kent Como Jessamine Kent P��arylar�d �iebraska Laiond Dale Galtier I�af or.d Mar i on Como Latason Dale Rice Loeb Lawson Jessamine Mackubin Carroll Concordia D�ackubin S�. Ar�thony NIinnehaha Mackubin Atwater Cook P�Iackub in Oran�e TTebraska Marion University Como T��arion Atwater Ivy P•�arion Cottage TJI, 1469 Marion ?�2a'c ilda Front Ivy • Tiilford Galt ier R ic e ilebraska Dale T�dheelock I1orti on La�,�s on Maryland Orange Dale Mackubin Or�n�e r arrington C=alt ier Orange Galt�e-r R ice Rose E'ar-rington R ice Schletti 0_r.ange Vebraska She-rbus.ne Da1e Rice S amc o e Atti•rat er Wayz at a S'c�nson Kent ArundeJ_ St insoiz ileste.rn Galt ier Thomas Dale Como loppin� Dale Gal�;_�_er Van Buren Dale Como Virginia 1111ey S of Fuller Como Virginia Fron� Orange Vir�inia T;ebrasl�a Idaho • Way�ata Galtie-r Rice �;?este-rn Front A4aryland :•i eszern S^Jheelock Idaho 'rloodbr idge Atti�rat er Ivy t�Ioodbridge Wheelock Larpenteus STREET OILLTIG � s�so��7 oF 1g68 L1ard � Alley-Albemarle-P.ice-,��ayzata-Front Alley-Albemaile-Rice-Cook-Jessamine Alley-Alber�la�le-R ic e-Orange-Ivy Alley-Aurora-University-Dale-Kent Al1ey-Aurora-Unive�^sit,y-Arundel-Western Alley-Aurora-Universi�y-Galti_er-Marion Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Dale-Kent Alle��-Blair-Van Buren-Pdackubin-Arundel �Tly & Sl,y Alley-B�.z-rgess-Dale-ComO E �� � Alley-Burgess-Dale-Como Allev-Bu��es s-St inson-�-F52' �d oi Gal�c 9.er (305 Burges s)-Galt ier Alley-Central-Fuller-Kent-Macicubin !�lley-Central-Fuller-'�;estern-Vir�inia !�lley-Charles-�dmund-Dale-Kent Al1e,y-Charles-;dmunc�-Ken�-��ackubin Alle,y-Charles-�dmund-Galt ier-P�larion Alley-Eclrlund-Thomas-D ale-Iie nt i 8s ?-1 1�1_ley-F�lmund.-lhomas—�rundel-T�?esiern � A.11ey-I'arr�.ngt on-I Sat ilda-Jes sar:�ine-Geranium Alley-Farr=i_n�or_-I1a;,;_ld��-Orange-Ivy Alley-Fr on i,-Iiat ch-l�xunde 1-?�?e s{�ern Alley-Fuller-Au.rora-Da)_e-Ke;1c Alley-Fuller-Auroza-Arundel-[�•Iestern Alley-Fulle�-�1L�"O:C��,-Galt ie�-Mari.on Alley-Galt ie-r-P,�iar ion-Atwat er-n-I�1f ord Alley-Ga1t ier-T�Iar ion-�;ia.,r�a�La-Front �11_ley-Galt ier-.:a-r ion-Je s s ar,zine-Geraniurr� qlley-Hatch-Lawson-P�ia,cr�ubin-Axundel Al1ey- La�"ond-Blair-Da.le-Ken� Alley-La_�o!id-B�ai•r-Kent-i�Iackubi��z Alley-7 afond-Blair-Arundel-','F.>�,�:?�r� .111ey-Loeb-K_ent-La��rson-Cook E111ey-Mar_i.on-::oodbr�dge-;�7a�,-z ata-Front Alley-�>ia�ion-:�;oodb-rid�e-Ha,�ch-LaT�r,,on l�lle�-���.rion-;•�ood�r,_dge-�ook-Jessamine nlle�r-?Za.r io��--?rroodbr�_dge-Jes s2 m�ne-Geraniurn Alley-��iar. ;on-'voodbridge-Geranium-Rose Allezr-;.;a,rl or.i-T�loodbrid.�e-�o�^-i��ar,yland Alle,-�-Mar�_on-�r]oodbr icl�e-A�a.-ryla.�d-0_��a.1;;e • Alley-Tlarion-';Tood'�-r'd�e-0-��.;7�e�I;,y �'.C�" .?lley--::�ar,yJ_and-Orange-Cra.l�;er-Marion N �: S 1'�lley-P.larylanl-Oran�e-li1�k>emaxl_e-Rice STREET OILING � s���soN oF i968 `^Tard 8 E & ?�� Alley-ti�Iaryland-Oran;e-Albemarle-Rice Alley-Matilda-Ga.lt�er-Coo',�-�essamine lllley-Sherburne-Cha.rles-Dale-Kent A11ey-She.rburne-Charles-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Sherburne-Charles-r•iackubin-Arundel Al1ey-Sherburne-Charles-Fa-rri_n�;ton-Galtier Al1ey-Stinson-Fror_t-Farr�_ngton-�62' West Alley-Stinson-Pront-Galtier-�rlest to Turn !�round Al1ey-Thomas-L�.fond-Dalr-Kent Alley-Thoma s-Laf ond-A-rundel-GTe st ern Alley-Univer•s:�t;r-She.rburne-Dale-Kent Alle;y-Van Bvsen-�innehaha-Dale-Kent E & Zr1 Alley-Van Buren-.Tdinnehaha-Arundel-Western Alley-?�lestern-Virginia-Thomas-Lafond. �' Alley-T�?estern-Virginia-Cook-Jessamine Al1ey-�destern-Vir;inia-1595 Virglnia-Idaho ' T'' Alley-�idheelock-Cotta.ge-I:ent-Schletti • Alley-Woodb.ridge-Albemarle-ti�)ayzata-Front Alley-��;oodbr i_dge-I�lbemarle-Hat ch-Lawson Alley-Woodbrid�e-Albemarle-Jessamine-Ger�nium N & S Alley-t�Toodbridge-Albemarle-R4a.ryland-Orange � & W Al1ey-Woodbridge-Albemaxle-Maryland-Orange • STREET OILING • SE.4SOT1 OF 1�68 ?�1ard A Street From To Abell Jessamine Hawthozne Abell ?•;rheelock Zarpenteur Acker Sylvan Jackson Agate Sycamore Geranium Arch Ric�e 240' W of Capitol Hts (pave� Atwater Rice Sylvan Aurora 98' E of Cedar Robert Buffalo Acker Granite . Capitol BlYd Como 46' N of Winter Capitol Hts ��711 Capitol Hts ;�320 Capt Hts Case Jackson Agate Cayuga Jackson EL 214 Cayuga Charles Rice Capitol Hts Cook Rice Sylvan Cook Jackson Soo Line Ry • Elk Acker Sycamore Front Rice Sylvan Csenessee Buffalo II, 205 Genessee Geranium Rice A�ate Granite Jackson EL 207 Granite Hardenbe.rgh P1 Lyton Place Atwater Hatch Pice Sylvan Haw�thorne Rice Sylvan Hoyt Rice Sylvan Iowa Rice Soo Line Ry Jackson Arling�on Larpenteur Jenks Jackson Agate Jessamine Rice 40' E of Agate Lawson Rice Sylvan Lawson Jackson Agate Litchf ield Rice Park Lyton Place Rice Sylvan • • STREET OII�ING s�sorl oF 1g68 Ward 9 Street From To Magnolia Rice Agate Manitoba Rice Sylvan Maryland �� !�75 Maryland II, ;`,�112 T�laryland Montana Rice Sylvan Orange Rice Sylv�.n Park Como 93` TT of �r��inter Park Acker Orange Park Montana Wheelock Robert University Capitol Hts Rose Rice Soo Line Ry • Sims Jackson Agate Stellar L;rton Pla.ce Atwater Sycamore Ja.ckson E Agate Sylvan !�cker Ivy Sylvan I�ontana Hoyt Thirteenth TTS Robert Jackson Valley Capitol Hts Jackson T,�danda Z�heelock Larpenteur ?�Tayzata Rice Park [��innipeg R ic e Sylvan ;linter Rice Capitol Hts Yo-rk Jackson 165' E of Agate • • STRLET OILIl`1G SEASOnt OF 196�3 ?�,Tard 9 Alley-Acker-Genessee-Bu.ffalo-L'Orient N & S Alley-Atwater-ti�innipe�;-R�ce-Park Alley-Front-Hatch-P�..rk-Sylvan �t & S Alley-Genessee-Granite-Buffalo-Mississippi E & Tr�i Alley-Genessee-Granite-Buffalo-EL ;;`-?0� Genessee � � ��a I�lley-Geranium-Rose-Rice=Park A11ey-Cxeranium-Rose-Park-Sylvan Alley-CTeranium-Rose-Abell-Jackson Alley-Hatch-I,ati�rson-Pa,rk-Sylvan Td & S Alle;�-HaT,rthorne-Orange-Rice-Park "T'� Al.ley-Jessamine-Geraniwn-R�ce-Park n�l of �1 & S �lley �• E F� ?��T :�lley-Lat•rson-Cook-Rice-Pax� Alley-Laws on-Cool�-park-S;�lvan All ey-P�Ia�nol�_a-Jes s a.mine-P�,rl:-Sylvan A11ey-i ia.nitoba-Z�lay�,ata-D i.ce-Pa�rk �'111ey-•;ims-Case-Jacksdn-?00' �,st • T•1 0� ;; & L ?�• T�z Alley-Sycamore L;rton P�ace-F�.:�k-Syl-aan 'T' �lle;�-?��;-i nni�e�-T��an�toba-D;.ce-Pa:�k • STREET OT�In?G • SEASON OF 1�6�3 T��ard �_0 Stiree-L- From To albany Alley E of Snellin.� Hamline Albert University Pi.erce B utler Albert TrJynne �omo Albert Frankson Hoyt Aldine Universit,y Butler Rte Almond Snellir� Hamline arlington Snelli� Chelsea Arona ??ynne Hoyt Asbury University En�lewoocl Asbury Aiidway Pkwy Arlington Asbury Tlebraska Hoyt Atty Scudder Raymond Ba,yless Bayless Piace Robbins Bayless ti�� Raymond Bayless Place Bayless Place �rFi ;;�280 Cromkrell Berry Universi-cy Pearl Bison Midway Pk�•ry Midway Pl���ry Blair Fa�_rv�_ew Lexington • Blake Gordon I�an�ford P'� Pl YI Blake Langford Pk Pl E Raymond Bourne �stis Keston Bradf ord Ell is End9_c ott Branston (E or Pa�k} 1j0' S of Hendon �0�+' Td of Hendon Branston (��� oi Park) 150' S o.f Hendon 224' N of Hendon Branston 214' T1 of Hendon Hoyt B.-.reda j�Tinston �1612 Breda Breda ;;=1552 Bred.a Hamline Brewster(both sides park� Ra.ymond Raleigh Brompton Doswell Como Buford Brompton Como Buford Grantham Cleveland California Dunlap Lexington Canfield Snelling Pascal Canfield Albert Hamline Carleton Charles Territorial Rd Carter Eustis Cleveland Charles Berry Curfew Charles Raymond Carleton Charles Hampden Vandalia Charles Prior Fairview Charles Aldine Lexington Charlotte Hewi.tt Butler Rte • Chelms ford i�napp Car-t er Chelmsford Doswell Dudley STREET OII,ITdG • SEASON OF 1968 i�lard 10 Street From To Chelsea Arlington Idaho Chelton Prior Fairview Chilcombe �tzst is Keston Clayland Chelton Taylor ClaSrland Pl Clayland St Fairview Common-realth Hillside G1 End of Park Commonwealth (SS Park� ?�1 End of Park E End of Park Commomxealth (1�TS Park) W End of Park E End of Park Commonwealth E End of Park Cleveland Cromwell (Both sides park) Bayless Place Manvel Curfew University Ch�.rles Dakota Raymond Wycliff Dos��rell �1zst is Cleveland Dudley Grantham Cleveland Dunlap University Hubba.rd Dunlap Montana Larpenteur Edmund Aldine Lexin�ton • F�1''.lis Territorial Hampden�. �dicott 2�+30 Z�Tycliff Hersey h�'n�lewood(Both sides Paxk) riinnehaha Fairv�.ew Englewood Fairvietia ��.elling �,�'n�lewood Hamline Lexington L�astis Hillside 7'L5' S of Como Everett Court G i1 Ry Kasota Fair Place Snellin� Axona Fairview �+�+0' S of Thomas(pave� Butler Fernwood Hoyt Larpenteur Frankson Midway P��wy Harnline Fry University Butler I'ulham Alley S of Hendon Hoy'c Gibbs Kasota Como Gordon (Both sides t-ri�.ngle) Carter Langford Pk 'v7 Gordon (I3oth sides of 1'Y") Langford Pk E Raymond Grantham Doswell Grantham E & W Grantham E CTrantham 1�+12 Grantham G-rantham E Buford Grantham Cxrantham 1•7 G,�antham Grantham Grantha.m Gran'�ham E �; ti�� Hoyt G�°iggs Univers�..t-y Bu�ler Grig�s Hoyt Idaho • �`t'RE�'1 OIZING • s�so.�r oF i968 i1�,rd 10 Si;reet From To _ Hamline Hewitt G �d Ry Hamline Jes samine Laxpeni,::�a:c Haxnpden Raymond Bayle s s Hendon Como Cleveland Herse,y uampden Fndicott He��r itt Pr i or C layland HeNritt(boti� ���es park) Clayland. Fairvie.�r Hewit� Fai.rvie�s Aldine 'ie�,r;_�� ?Ia,:i!i;ze 11�4 Hewii;t Hillside L`astis Como Holton i-�inner�ah�, BL1�121" ?�olt on Ar l ing-l;on Hoyt HoTrell Chelton Taylor Ho,yt Fulham 465' E of Grani,ham HoJr-!; ;:;nei.lin� Lexington Hubbard �impson Pascal Hubbard Holton Albert ;-�ubba��d H�::rl:�ne Lerington Hunt Pl�,ce Te_^ritorial Rd N to �,'nd �ruron Arl in�ton Idaho • fl;f:.ne ;OS.re?.1 ���_11?�;;r -;<�h� '_�a.:lline Lexington Io-,�r, Dunlap Lexington Kar ot a Ra-;,rmond G ibb s Y,esi,on Commonvrea.lth Bufo=�d ��Zapyu ���_�_�.����.3.e C'',_e r�1_�, i,?_ :� .. .y�y� �'1=,,�.� �:la����� Co;�o �,::•,i ond Fairvie��r Aldine L�.fond Snelli.r� Lexington Lan�ford Pk Pl ��1 rT P P,J 1Q5' nlorth I,angforc? Pk (bot?1 ��ic��es) Bayless KxiapP L on� Ra,�rnlond Ell is Ludlow �; P Ry Gordon Luthe.r Place 320' N of Como Gran��iar._ ���ciiinley Frankson Arlington :�nvel Robbins Raymond T�ierrill Hoyt Idaho T![idti�ray Pkwy N Serv �-r Snelling Hamline P�Iidt�ra� Pkwy S Ser�r D� Snelling Har�line A?ontana Dunlap LeYington • STRELT 071,IT?G � SF'�SOP�? OF 1�68 j^Ta-rd 10 Street �'rom To I�,Tebraska Snelling Chelsea Pascal University 125' N o� Taylor Pas cal �d,ynne Hoyt Pea-rl �ustis Bayless Pennock Howell Tatum P-riscilla Raymond Gibbs Paleigh' Brewster Como Rayrnond Cleveland. Dudley Rayniond Place Ra,ymor_d Alley idorth Robbins Manvel 1?aymond Scudder Blal�e Cleveland Seal Territori.al Rd Ellis Seminary Hamline Lexington Sheldon Frankson Nebraska Sheldon Ho,,�-t 41�' S of Hoyt • (end of street) Sherburne Aldine Lexir�ton �irlpson University Taylor Simpson Midvray Pl�wy Hoyt Syndicate Un=_versity Taylor Tatum r��innehaha Taylor Taylor Pri.or Fairview Taylor ;��heeler Hamline Ave cul de sac Taylor Hamline II, 131� Taylor Territorial Rd Hamnden Vandalia Thomas Fairvietia Lexington Valent i_ne E�.tst is Como Van Buren Snellin� Lexington Vandalis Terri_torial Rd Capp Rd Wheeler University 3�+1.�+' S of Thomas ti�rileeler T}�omas Taylor Tdinston ?�Tynne Como 4�ycliff Hersey �., ;��2430 t•lynne G:Tinston Snellir� Frontage Rd ti�7ynne J;1563 Wynne Hamline Young Taylor Butler Route • S'I'�',EET OIZING • s�sorr oF 1g68 GTard 10 E & W Alley-Albany-Almond-Snelling-Arona Al1ey-Albert-Sheldon-Frankson-Arlin.gton Alley-Albert-;heldon-Arlin�ton-Nebraska Alley-Albert-Sheldon-Tlebraska-Hoyt ' T' Alley �Lmond-Canfield-Snelling-Arona ��lley-A]mond-Canfield-Arona-Pascal "T" Alley-Arlington-Nebraska-Hamline-Huron "LT' Alley-Arlington-IJebraska-Huron-Chelsea Alley-Arona-Simpson-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Arona-Simpson-Arlin.�ton-Pdebraska Alley=Arona-Simpson-Nebraska-Hoyt "L" l�lley-Bayless-Pearl-E�.a.s tis-Cromwell Alley-Bayless Place-Pearl-Cromti�ell-Bayless Alley-Blair-Van Bu.-ren-t;?heeler-Aldine A11ey-Blair-Van Buren-Aldine-Fry Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Pascal-Albert !illey-Blair-Van Buren-Albert-Hamline A1]_ey-B lair-Van Buren-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Bl�ir-Van Buren-Gri�gs-Dunlap • .Al1ey-Branston-Grantham-Her.don-Hoy� E cc ?l Alley-Breda-Como-Tr]inston-Snelling 1111ey-Breda-Como=A-rona-Pascal Alley-Breda-Como-Pa,;cal-L11ber� Alley-Bx•eda-Como-Albert-Hamline Alley-Bre�asz er-Como=Raymond-�`ibbs "T" 1�lley-Buford-Como-Brompi�on E Z, tid Alley-Carter-Dos��ell-Gove-2170 Doswell ?Jest V R� S Alley-Carter-Doswell-Keston-Como "T� Alley-Cnarles-'�' .und-F-ry-Snellin.g "H" Alley-Charles-��r�und-Snelling-Asbury ti•dest i�i & � P.11ey-Cha-rles-�dmund-;impson-Pascal Al1ey-Charles-�czrnund-Pascal-Albert Alley-Charle s-Edsnund-Albert-Han,.l ine ��17_ey-Charles-r und-Syndicate-Griggs :�lley-Charles-Eci�nund Gri��s-Dunlap Alley-Charle s-Edr,:und-D�mlan-Lex ir�ton Alley-Chelr.�lsfo.rd-��ythe-Brzrord-Hendon _'�lley-Chelr,ls.i�.rcl-Hy'che-Hendon-Du�._le;r _i11e,-;r-Charles-�_er-��-i_11-i�o�rt-Iaa.'��o "u'' _17_le�-Con�mont�realch-Carter.-Con�o-Che1r,_s-�'o-rd � u�'EET OILI;.`�G • . �E.�SOrT OF 1�68 ?,?a_rd 10 � 355' of �; ? ;�; ,'��?.le-,�-Co�,lo-:'�ll�a.n,y-:ne11i:�;-:lrona Alley-Como-1:lbany-Arora-Ea�t ',o :^u-rn Arounr �T�` I�112;j-Como-:'�l'��.r.T,T-Pascal-H�.ril�ne T' �'llley-Co:�o-Hendon-Fulham i�? c� S ylley-DostArell-Biiford-Chel.zns-fo.rd-I�-i�he ;; 2� i�.' til]_ey-DosT�re11-Bufor�?-Hythe-Rayraond _. 137' o�' ';lnst ��; �:; u �lley (bet�aeen ?330 %� 23�+0 Valen�ine) ±?osT rell-�Talent ine-K_e ston-Cor.10 r�? c�. �, !111e;r-�dmund-`I�homas-Fz-�,r-;nellin; ' L" Alle;r-l���mund-i'nomas-rnel.ling-Asbury �des� �? ?, S l:lle.y-Edmu.nd-Thomas-l:sbury-Simpson `�H" Al]_ey-�dmund_-lho*.-aas-�impson-Pasca,l A11e,y-�dmund-Thomas-Pas ca1-1'L1b ert A11e�-Ldmund-`i'homas-.��lbert-uamline !�lley-�dmund-Thomas-Hamline-S,yndicate Al1e,y-;d.mund-T�aomas-�,yndicate-Griggs i�.;ortlz E & ;� Alley-Ln�;leti�rood-?ieti,�i-ct-Pascal-Holton N �r C L'i11ey-Englewood.-Het•ritt-l�lbert-Hamline • E & T�T Alley-Lng_l_e�aood-Hei•ritt-Albert-Hamline 211ey-�n�;lewooc3.-;;eminary-Synd zc at e-Gr ig�s A11ey-En�rle.�rood-Seminar;�-Gri�gs-Dunlaro Alley-Gibbs-Ra,lei�h-Brewster-Como nlley-Gordon-Knapp-_N_;lls ide-Lai�fo-rd Park l�lley-Grantham-ClevelaLld-Dudle�T-Hoyt Alley-Grig�s-Dunlap-Ho�'c-i�lorth �o Turn I�rou.nd Alley-Harnl ine-�iuron-Hoyt-Idaho Al1ey-Hampden-�`•'�anvel-Ba�yless-Raymond `��dest ld �; S _^11ey-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford l�.st T�1 & S A11ey-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford P.11 ey-H o lt o n-Alb e r t-11r l i r�t on-Neb ra s ka Alley-Holton-Alb ert-I�Tebraska,-Hoyt Alley-Hoyt-Iowa-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Huron-Chelsea-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Huron-Chelsea-Hoyt-Idaho l'�lley-Hythe-P,aymond-Buford-Kendon Alley-Hythe-Raymond-Hendon-Dudley Alley-Laf ond-Blair-j,rheeler-Ald ine Alle,y-Lafond-Blair-Aldine-Fry "T'' Alley-Lafond-Blair-Fr,y-Snelling • 1111ey-Lafond-Blair-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Lafond-Bla�..r-Syndicate-Griggs STREET OLT�IT�TG � SEASON OF 19C� ?�Iard 10 � Al1ey-Zafond-Blair-Griggs-Dunlap "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dunlap-Lexington "T" Alley-L�r�g-Hampden-Raymond-Bradford Alley-i•4innehaha-Chelton-Prior-Tatum � & ta Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englewood �Tly & Sly Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englewood Al1ey-Minnehaha-�le�rood-Fairview • Alley-Pascal-Holton-Neb.raska-Hoyt Alley-Ra.ymond-Cleveland-Carter-Doswell Alley-?�aymond-Cleveland-Hendon-Dudley S12 of ?�.;est Nly �; Sly Alley-Scudder-Knapp-Como-Raymond Alley-Sheldon-Hamline-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Aldine-Fry "T" Alley-She.rburne-Charles-Fry-Snelling Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Asbury-S�mpson Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Si.n:pson-Pascal • Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Pascal-Albert Alley-Sherbu-rne-Charles-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Syndicate-Gri.ggs Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dunlap-I,exington Al1ey-Simpson-Pascal-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Simpson-Pascal-Arlington-Pdebraska Alley-Snelling-Asbury-rair Place-Arlington E & W Alley-Taylor-G �T Ry-A.].dine-Charlotte E & W Alley-Taylor-G Td Ry-Charlotte-Fry E & W Alley-Taylox•-G i� Ry-Fry-Snellir� (E & U� Al1ey runs from Fry to 186' �) Alley-Territorial Rd-Playgrounds-Cromwell-Hunt Place Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Fairview-j�Theeler Al1ey-Thomas-Lafond-;�aheeler-Aldine Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Aldine-Fry '`T" Al1ey-'I`homas-Lafond-Fry-Snelling GTest Pt & S Alley-Thomas-Lafond-S-�mpson-Pascal Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Pascal-Albert Alley-�homas-Lafond-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Thomas-Lafond=Grig�s-Dunlap "T" Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Dunlap-Lexingto� • Alley-Univers:i_t,y-Sherburne-Asbury-Simpson Al1ey-University-Sherburne-Simpson-Pascal • S'I�2 EET OIL ING s�soN oF 1968 Ward 10 Alley-University-Sherburne-Pascal-Albert Alley-University-She:cburne-Hainline-Syndicate Al1ey-Universit,y-Sherburne-Syndicate-Griggs Alle,y-University-Sherburne=Dunlap-Lexington Al1ey-Valentine-Buford=Bromptor.-Keston S 180' of N & S Alley-Valentine-Buford-Keston-Como Alley-Van Buren-P�iinner.aha-Wheeler-Aldine �'T' Alley-'T�n 3uren-P2innehaha-Aldine-Fry Traest T�T � S Alley-Van Buren-r:Iinnehaha-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Van Buren-I�linnehaha-Asbury-Simpson Alley-Van Buren-Minnei�aha-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Van Buren-P�Zinnehaha-Albert-Haml�ne �111ey-Van Buren-P�Iinnehaha-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Van Bu-ren-P�Iinnehaha-Syndicate-Gr;i;ggs Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Grig�s-Dunlap • Alley-tilynne-Breda-A_rona-pascal Alley-j�Tynne-Breda-Al'�ert-Haml ine • S'I`REET OILI�TC� � � � s�so���; oF 1968 Wa.rd 11 Street From To Albert ��_�::;��=�ar���. ia�>!-i�, :i.L�'_'.1�^ ��'_�.�1�(�.1T ,�7i,_....°n�i _',=���1 Y4�un.�;man S eventh Ann �lr.bor Cretin I�'inn <'�sbur,y A1_ley S of I�lehart Conr_ordaa. Ashla�cL Cl�°v e1�a,,:ld anelZi_i;; .?�-;'i���,nd Pascal 37' ti�1 of Hamline Fronta.ge Rd Bayar�� M� Curve Snell�.r�� B�;y ard ?'acc��.;_ �iamline Beac�ri ::�t. An�hony UniJersity 3-L'E'C�i1�'iCl'"1;�. 'J01i"11'3,:1:a i�.1."_ .,']..'.':1 �e�..�-on Alton II� ,',�235�+ Be,�s on P�.adis on Rankin Be�,keley Pascal Hamli�ze Berry '�'.^anrclin Ellis Beverly Rd St. Anthony St. AntY�o.�- �ohland. Cleveland Fairvie�•r Bo-r�i�ier Place Cleveland Return Ct • BoVrdo in Itas ca Hampsh ire Brim��al� Scheffer St. Clair Carro]_l Cl�etin Pascal Carroll Syndicai;e Gri�gs Clifi'ord Beverly Rd NL ;;�-60� Colby Bowdoin Hampshire Colc:�i;te Prior Magoffin Colvin Edgcumbe Davern Cronn�rell Beverly T�, =;�6og-610 Cromwell 4labash Frank?._in Cu.rf et�r Ot i s De s noyer CurfeUr n�;rrtle University Davern Shepard Rd C M St P & P Ry Da.vern St. Paul St. Clair Dayton Miss Riv Blvd Sara.toga Dayton Pascal Hamline Delan.o St. Paul Kenneth Desnoyer Ernerald �.ist is Det�rey Summit Roblyn Dewey St. Anthony University Doane L�,ist i s Raymond Dorothea Colette St. Paul Dunlap Bigelow Central • STREET OILING • s�:soi�r oF 1968 ti,jard 11 Street From To Eleanor Mt Curve Macalester Eleanor Snelling Hamline Ellis E�erald University Elsie Lane �-Iiss R�v Blvd Cleveland Ilner.ald Miss Riv Blvd Otis ESnerald Franklin University �zstis Doane TS ��c�+ Eusti.s T�labash Univers ity �eter Place Riverwood P�Iarshall Fairmount Cretin Prior Fai.rview T�Zarshall University Ferd.inand Carroll Roblyn Feronia Prior Fairview Field Murray Prior Field Ed�cumbe Davern F inn P�a�off in Hampsh ire Finn Highland Hartford r inn idiles Swnmit Fznn Selby St. Anthony . Frontenac St. 1lnthor�y E,1zst is Fry Summit Concordia Fry S�. Anthony University Glendale Beverly NL '�575 Glendale Ulabash I�rrtle Goodrich Cretin Cleveland Graham Prior Tdorfolk Lane Graham 12' E of Wheeler Davern Griggs Carroll Concordia Griggs St. Anthon,y Donohue Hague Fairv-i ej�r Short Line F.d Hague C M St P & P Ry Hamline Hampshire Colby Bowdoin Hampshire ?�iowell Edgcumbe Harnpshire Yorkshir� Davern Hampshire Ct Hampshire S to Turn Around Hartford Mt Curve Cleveland Hartford 116' W of Fairview Hamlin� Herschel Ashland Carroll Herschel St. Anthony University Hilltop Colvin Edgcumbe Howell Ldgcumbe Hillcrest Howell Eleanor Bayard Howell Randolph Palace • Howell Stanford Grand Howell Summi_t Roblyn STREET OIZING � s�sozs oF 1968 Ward 11 Street From To Iglehart Cretin Pascal Iris Place Lynnhurst W I,ynnhurst E Itasca P�Iiss River Blvd Return Ct James Cretin Fairview James Pascal Hamline Jefferson Miss Riv Blvd Fairview Jefferson Snelling Hamline Josephine Eleanor Ba3ard �Tuliet Cretin Fairview Juliet Pascal Hamline Juno Cretin Cleveland Juno Fairview j�Theeler Juno Davern Snelling Ke nneth I`?orf olk Sher idan Kenneth Saunders Bayard Kenneth Randolph St. Clair • Kenneth Alle,y S of Princeton Goodrich La Salle ,^labash University Laurel Cleveland Hamline Serv Rd Lincoln Cretin Fairview Lower St. Dennis Upper St. Dennis Edgcumbe L,�nnr.urst E Feronia University I,ynnhurst ti•1 Feronia University I��lacalester Beechwood Pinehuxst i�acalester Highland Jefferson P�Iadison Youngman Seventh Ma�offin Miss Riv Blvd Return Ct I��:agoi'fin Colette St. Faul Merriam Lane �lilder St. Anthony T�iontgomery ���abash Univers ity P�2ontreal Cleveland St. Paul i��:oore Summit I�erriam L�.ne Morgan Cleveland Return Ct Nio-rgan Colett e C•dorcest er ��organ Edgcumbe Davern ?��Ic Curve Randolph St. Clair :`�lvnster P-rior Davern A�urray '�?orfolk r ield P�`�rtle C.romwell Raymond • S'��EEi' OILIntG � s�.�aoTr oF �968 ;�Ta.rd 11 Stree�L i{ror!� To T?i.les C.ret in Cleveland '_�Tiles Dave:^n 4�arc�ick i�;orbert Lane Dnr.othea St. Paul Borc�ert rlace ����orber� L�.�e Norhert Lane ido.-c_fol�> Cleve_land II, ;;�1861 ?`;or�olk S°;rentl-� ;�l.:v�?. S�ewart ��,r,�,Lr ?�r;.or L�rr����.�arst E 0�^Y:le Cr� Ha�,�l�s':�.ire S Lo Turn ��round Orme Zane Or�:^ Cov�°t 4rme CourF O�is �;ust�s �nerald yc�',C2 r1'E"�;j_11 �''�.i_fVi_P_T�r Pa.lac e S r_e11 z_r�; Hamline i asc�1 .I;�1�1an�i �ql, '�i of '_�artfo-rd. Fas cal °=�,n;ioJ-ph N e1 by Pascal ;��arshall Concordia Pelham Doane T�P�y ';'j71 Pierce "u�r:i;_t T�]_ehart iPi�rc.e Carroll Concordia Pierce �t. :�n�b ony Un��re-rs i_ty Pi_ll:�bu:cy �,�,,�mond 1�+0' �;ast I'�_ne�:i�rst P��� Curve Howell Pi_�;ehtarst �- i1°v'e��- �nellin� Tortl�.nd Pascal �0' .•? of Hamline Prior P�Tiss Riv i3lvd Return Ct Priol �'c Pau1 Yorkshire Pri�r �leanor Bayard Prior P,andolph P�Zarshall �uirnia 5��. Paul r,d�cumbe RamloT�r Place Cleveland Return Ct R�.ymond Beverly Doane Return Ct Prior Itasca Return Ct r.�agoffin Vil7_ard River��TOOd Flace �eter Flace Cretin Y�oblyn Cret in TrI ilder ?�oblyn P�Ierriam Lane Fa.irvieT,; Robl;rn Pascal 2j0' E of Pascal �ock-�.rood �nellin� EL ,;�22_55 Rome ?vilder rairview go3r H�_nhland Sch�:°�'er I�oy a'c. ��nthony University � S'IREET OILIi1G � SEASOn; OF l�?68 �t�da.rd 11 Street �'rom To St. Dennis Court Lo�,.*er St. Dennis Upper St. Denn9_s Sarato�a Scheifer Dayton Sar�ent Snelli_n� Hamline Sa.unders Clevelancl Fairview Scheffer A�t Curve Cleveland Schef.fer r a.irvie;�r Hamline Selby �eter Place Fairjriew Selby C i�I St P &. P Ry 330' ?a of' Brid�e Shelby T�T & S Drives j jO� ti�d oi Brid�e E End of B.ridge Shelby Place SL Sr.elby Place Edgcwnbe Sheridan Clevela.nd Davern Shields r airvie.�r Aldine Shields Pierce Snell�ng Snelli?� Seventh Edgcumbe StanFord I�Zt Curve Fairview Staniord Snellino Hamline St e��rart Nor:Colk ?�7ard L ine Sue Munster She-ridan Sue Eleanor Bayard Sur�mit Tv Drive ?�Theeler (Prod) Snelling iStmimit S Drive ��rheeler Brimhall (prod) Sumner Norfolk Sheridan Sumner Highland Bayard Sunnyslope Lane Ed�cumbe Turn Around Susan Colette St. Paul Syndicate Marshall Carroll Syndicate St. Anthony Donohue Temple Couri; Cret 9_n Roblyn Thure Cleveland Return Court Upper St Dennis Davern Lower St Dennis �Tillard Cleveland Return Court Villard Ct Villard Turn Around �7abash Cromwell Hampden Wabash Vandalia Cleveland �•7ar��rick Scheffer St Clair t�7at son Cret in Cleveland tidatson Davern Snelling i�lellesley Mt Curve Fairviez•r ,��ellesley Pascal Harr�l.ine • • STREET OIZING s�so�r or 1g68 ?�Tard 11 Street From To �lheeler No-rfolk Graham T�dheeler Seventh Field ?�n:eeJ er Highland Hartford .^Theeler Juno St. Clair tidheele-r Surr�n�t Carroll ,-Theeler St. Anthon;;r Un9_versity ?�?iZder Montre�.1 Bo�i7_and ��?ilder Highland Bayard ��Tilder Summit St. AnthonY ,:oo�'l��„rr� Ti�?,1anc� .__.,., ;;;�.v �lvd tidood.lawn Randolph Jefferson tidorceste:r Cleveland Returz� C'c ti?orcester Prior St. Paul Z��TOrdsworth Prior �;even�h Yorks�lire Clevel�,twc�� �;'.�,, I'��:�.��, Yorkshire ��°'_o� Da�rern Yor�>sh�_re Ct Pr�_or 22a' West � You�.�man T^�L ?459 Youngm�.r_ P,ank;r1 WL • STREET OILING • SEASON OF 1a68 Ward 11 �'T" Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Cleveland-Wilder Alley-Ashland-Laurel-P�oore-Prior Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Prior-Howell Alley-Ashland-L aur el-Hotiaell-Dewey Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Dewey-Fairview Alley-As':-land-Laurel-Fairview=Wheeler Alley-Ashland-Laurel-t��eeler-Hersche� Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Herschel-Aldine l�lley-Ashland-Laurel-AZdine-Pierce Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Pierce-Fry 1V & S Alley-Ashland-I,aurel-Fry-Snelling E & W and 'e+Test N & S Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Pascal-Albert Alley-Bayard-Ha.r'cford-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Ba,yard-Hartford-Macalester-Snelling • T�T E� S Al1ey-Beechwood-Bohland-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Mt Curve-Cretin "T" Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Finn-Cleveland --- "T` Alley-Berkeley-St. Claa_r-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Kenneth-Prior Al1ey-Berkeley-St. Cla�_r-Prior-Howell A11ey-Berkeley-St. Clair-Ho�rell-Fairview Al1ey-Berkeley-St. Clair-Wheeler-Davern "T'` Alley-Berl�eley-St. Clair-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Macalesier-Snellirtg Alley-Berkeley-S�. Clair-Pascal-Albert E & W Al1ey-Berkeley-St. Clair-Albert-Hamline 1-�lley-Beverly-Pillsbury-Raymond-St Anthor�y Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Hartford-Niles "T" Alley-Bri.mhall-Saratoga-Ramdolph-Palace Alley-Brinihall-Saratoga-Jefferson-Stanford �lley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Stanford-St. Clais Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Cretin-Finn Alle-:r-Carroll-t�oblyn-Finn-Cleveland Al1ey-Carroll-Roblyn-Ho��rell-Ferdinand Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Ferdinand-Dewey Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Dewey-Fairview . Alley-Carroll-Concordia-Pierce-Fry STREET OILING • s Eas oz� oF 1968 Ward 11 "T" Alley-Carroll-Concordia-Fry-Snelling Al1ey-Carroll-Concordia-Asbury-Pascal Al1ey-Central-University-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Cleveland-ti�lilder-Eleanor-Baya-rd Al1ey-Cleveland-Wilder-Iglehart-Carroll Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Carroll-Roblyn I�T & S Alley-Cromwell-Pelham-Beverly-205' Nly Alley-Cromwell-Pelham-Doane-TTL ;�610 E & W Alley-Dayton-P�Iarshall-�eter-Cretin Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Finn- Cleveland Alley-Dayton-Ma.rshall-Cleveland-Wilder Alley-Dayton-Ma-rshall-Wilder-Moore Alley-Dayton-Marshall-P�Ioore-Pr ior Alley-Dayt on-Marshall-Pr ior-Howe3.l Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Howell-Dewey Alley-Dayton-Maxshall-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Dayton-Max•shall-Fairview-Wheeler • Alley-Dayton-i�fiarshall-4,iheeler-Herschel A]1ey-Dayton-Ma-rshall-Pierce-Fry Alley-Dayton-P�arshall-Fry-Snelling "T" Alley-Eleanor-ScLeffer-b1t Curve-Cretin Al1ey-Eleanor-Scheffer-Cretin-Finn Alley-Eleanor-Schei'fer-t�Theeler-Davern Al1ey-Eleanor-Scheffer-Davern-I�iacalester Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Pascal-�11Uerc "T" Alley-Eleanor-Scherfer-Albert-Hamline ' T" 1111ey-Fairmount-Goodrich-Finn-Cleveland Alley-rairmoun�;-Goodrich-Cleveland-Kenneth Al1ey-Fairmount-Goodrich-Hotirell-Fairview Alley-r eronia-Iris Place-I,ynnhurst t�l-Lynnhurst E "T" Alley-Ford-Pinehurst-I�f� Curve-Cretin E & ��d Alley-Ford-Pinenurst-Clevela.nd-Kenneth Alley-Fry-Roy-Shields-3v0' NorLli ` T'� Alley-Good-r_i.ch-Lincoln-I'inn-Cleveland Alley-Goodr�.ch-Lincoln-Cleveland-Pri.or Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Pr'or-Hotirell Alley-Good-r ich-L inc oln-Hoz�rell-F a�rview E & ��d Alley-Gooclricti-Lincoln-��'airvie�r-irJheeler 'T'' Al1ey-Gooc71 �ch-Lincoln-Snellinf;-Saratoga � 1111ey-Goodrich-Lincoln-Sa-ratoga-Pasca,l S`1�ZEET OILING • sEaso�r oF 19b� Ward 11 klley-Grand-Summit-Cretin-Finn A1.ley-Grand�-aur��lit-r inn-Cleveland Alley-Grand-Sur�mii,-Cleveland-Prior 1�.11ey-Grand-Sur�rnit-2�+0' E of Fa�xview-Wheeler N & S and E & 4l Al1ey-Grand-Summit-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Grand-Swvm ii,-Alb ert-�aml ine S^�es-L- id & S and E � UT Alley-Hartford-Watson-Cretin-Cleveland Alley-Ha-rtford-;;a-cson-Davern-Macalester i� & S Alley-Highla.nd-Eleanor=l�ft Curve-Cretin Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Finn-Cleveland . Alley-Highland-Elean.�r-Pascal-Albert "T" Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Albert-Ha.mline "L" Alley-Highland-Scheffer-Roy-Snelling Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Howell-Dewey Alley-I�lehart-Carroll-Fairview-HTheeler Al1ey-Iglehart-Carroll-?�'heeler-Herschel "T" Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Snelling-Asbury Al1ey-Iglehart-Caxroll-Asbury=Pascal • Alley-James-Palace-Cretin-Finn Alley-James-Palace-Kenneth-Prior "T' Alley-James-Palace-Howell-Fairview "T" r�lley-James-Palace-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Ja.mes-Palace-Wheeler-Davern "H'` Alley-James-Palace-Macalester-Snelling Al1ey-James-Palace-Pascal-Albert "T' Alley-James-Palace-Albert-Ham].ine Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-N�t Curve-Cretin Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Cretin-Finn ' I," Alley-Jefferson-�dellesley-Finn-Cleveland Al1ey-Jefferson-Y7ellesley-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Jefferson-ti�ellesley-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Jefferson-Glellesley-Prior-: 187j Jefferson Al1ey-Jefferson-Wellesley-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Jefferson-V7ellesley-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Jeiferson-Wellesley-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Pasca,l-Albert "T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Albert-Hamline Al1ey-Juliet-Jefierson-Cretin-Finn Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Cleveland-Kenneth • Al1ey-Juliet-Jefferson-Kenneth-Prior • STREET OILING SEASON OF 1968 4dard 11 Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-WL 190�+ Jefferson-I'airview Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-4lheeler-Davern "T'' Alley-Juliet-Jef'ferson-Davern-Macalester "H" Alley-Juliet-Jeffe-rson-I�Iacalester-Snelling Alley-Ju.liet-Jeffe-rson-Pascal-Albert "T" Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Albert-Hamline Alley-Juno-Randolph-Cretin-Finn Al1ey-Juno-Randolph-Finn-Cleveland A11ey-Juno-Randolph-FairJiew-Wheeler Alley-Juno-Randolph-Dave-rn-T�Iacalester Alley-Juno-Randolph-Macalester-II, I,ot 32 (II, 1603 Juno) Alley-Lau.rel-Selby-�•�ilder-Moore Al1ey-Laurel-Selby-Prior-Howell Alley-Laurel-Selby-Ho�.ael1-De�rey Alley-Laurel-Selby-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cretin-Finn • ` T" Alley-Lincolr.-Grand-rinn-Cleveland Alley-I,incoln-Grand-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Prior-Howell Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Wheeler-Cambridr;e �lley-Lincoln-Grand-Cambrid�e-Macalester �'T Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Albert-Hamline Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Cretin-Finn � Alley-Marshall-I�;lehart-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Cleveland-Wilder Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Wilder-Nioore Al1ey-i�Iarshall-Iglehart-Moore Prior Alley-biarshall-Iglehart-Prior-Howell Alley-P�Iarshall-I�lehart-Dewey-Fairview Al1ey-Marshall-Iglehart-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Marshall�-Iglehart-WYieeler-Herschel Al1ey-�arshall-Iglehart-Herschel-Aldine Alley-I�Iarshall- Iglehart-Aldine-Pierce Alley-Marshali-:Cglehart-Pierce-Fry • Alley-�Zarshall-Iglehart-Asbury-Pascal Alley-Miss Riv Blvd-Mt Curve-Hartford-Randolph N & S Alley-I� Curve-Crei�in-Randolph-Jefferson S TREET OII,ING � s�sois oF 1968 w�a li E & W alley-Mt Curve-Cretin-Randolph-Jefferson Alley-Mt Curve-Moncrose Lane-Hartford-Randolph Alley-Pfiznster-G.Iordsworth-Edgcumbe-�lzeeler ' T'� Alley-Niles-Juno-Cretin-Finn "T" Al1ey-Niles-Juno=Finn-Cleveland Alley-Niles-Juno-Davern-P�Iacalester E & ?�T Alley-�tiles-Juno=Macalester-Snelling S2 of N & S Alley-Norfolk-Graham-Sue-Sevent�a-Hamline Alley-Palace-Juliet-Cretin-Finn �T" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Finn,Cleveland Alley-Palace-Juli.et-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Palace-Juliet-Prior-1£338 Juliet Alley-Palace-Juliet-Fairview-;1dheeler Al1ey-Palace-Juliet-"vdheeler-Davern ' T" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Davern-Pflacalester � H" Al1ey-Palace-Juliet-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Palace-Juliet-Pascal-Albert Alley-Pinehurst-Highland-Davern-Macalester • Alley-Portland-Ashland-Moore-Prior Alley-Portland-Ashland-Prior-Howell Alley-Portland-Ashland-Howell-Dewey Alley-Portland-Ashland-Dewey-Fai-rview Alley-Portland-Ashland-Aldine-Pierce A11ey-Portland-Ashland-Pierce-Fry E & '�i Al1ey-Portland-Ashland-Saratoga-Pascal AlleyOPrinceton-Fairmount-Cleveland-Kenneth "T" Alley-Pr_i_nceton-Goodrich-Fairview-Wheeler South E & tid A11ey and N & S Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-Wheeler-Amherst Alley-Randolph-James-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Randolph-Ja.mes-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Randolph-James-Prior-Howell Alley-Randolph-James-Howell-Fairview � Alley-Randolph-James-Fairview-T�rheeler Al1ey-Randolph-James-Wheeler-Davern "H" Al1ey-Randolph-James-2�7acalester-Snelling Alley-Randolph-James-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Randolph-James-Albert-Hamline Alley-Riverwood-Selby-Exeter-Cretin Al1ey-Roblyn-Ann Arbor-Cretin-Finn • • STREET OILING sEasoN oF ig63 Ward 11 "T" Alley-Roblyn-Finn-Temple Court Al1ey-Rome-Saunders-Howell-Fai.rview "�''' Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Wheeler-Herschel N & S Al1ey-St Anthony-Shields-Herschel-Aldine `�T" Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Pierce-Fry � & W Alley from i ry to i�t & S Alley-St. Anthor�y-Shields-Fry-Roy id 2� S �'11ey-St. Anthor�y-Shields-Fry-Roy id & S Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Roy-Snelling from St. Anthony to SZ 40�+ Roy E & 3d Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Roy-Snelling Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Finn-Cleveland Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Prior=Howell "T" fllley-St. Cla.ir-Sargent-Howell-Fairview Alley-St. Clair-Sa,rgent-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Snellin�=Sarai,oga Alley=St. Clai-r-Sargent-Saratoga-Pascu.7. tilley-St. Clair-Sargent-Pascal=Albert . Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Albe-ri.-Hamline Alley-Sara,toga-vdax-vricl�-H�.r�ford-Idiles ' T" Alley-Sa-rai,o�a-�;da-rti�rick-iViles-P,:,ndolph klley-Sarato�a-��ia:cYric',nandolph-Palace klley-Saratoga-�rJar�sick-Palace-Jeff erson Alley-Sarw;';o�a�-�larwic��-JefFerson-Stanford Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Stanford-St. Clair Alley-Sargent-Osceola=Snellir�-Sa-ratoga Alley-Sargent-Osceola-S�,ratoga-Pascal Al1ey-Sargent-Osceol�,-�ascal-Albert Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Albert-Hamline id & S Al1ey-Sarge.�t-Princeton-Finn-Cleveland Al1ey-Sargent-Princeton-Cleveland-iienneth Alley-Sargent-Pr inc e ton-I.enneth_--Pr ior Al1ey-Sargen�-Princeton-Yri_or-Howell 'i" Alley-Sar�ent-Pr9_nceton-Howell-Fairview �lley_--Saunde-rs-Beechz�r00d-Ho��rell-F airview Alley-Scheffer-Bayard- ,heeler-Davern Alley-S ch.eff er-Ba.yard-Davern-iylac ale s t er "T" Alley-Scheffe��-Bayard-Macalester-Snelling "T" �lley-Schefier-Bayard-Albert-Hamline • Alley-Selby-Day{:on-Faetei-Cretin- '�T" Alley-Selby-Dayton-Finn-Cleveland • STREET OZI,ING SEASON OF 1968 Ward 11 Alley-Selby-Day'con-Moore-Prior Alley-Selby-Dayton-Prior-Howell Alley-Selby-Dayton-Howell-Dewey Idorth E & tid & i�1 & S A11ey-Shields-University-Fairview-Beacon "T�' Alley-Shields-University-Beacon-T�+Theeler 'IT` Alley-Shields-University-;;rheeler-Herschel N & S Alley-Shields-University-Roy-Snelling Al1ey-Snelling-Bri.mhall-Scheffer-Hartford Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Hartford-Tuiles Alley-Snelling-Brirnhall-Randolph-Palace Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Jefferson-Stanford N & S Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Stanford-St. Clair "T" Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Stan�'ord-Berkeley-Cleveland-Kenneth Al1ey-Stanford-Berkeley-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Prior-1873 Stanford Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Howell-Fairview • Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-�v'heeler-Davern "T" Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Niacalester-Snelling Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Pascal-Albert Alley-Swnmit-Portland-Moore-Prior Alley-Summit-Portland-Fry-Snelling �lley-Temple Court-Cleveland-Roblyn-Finn-St. Anthot�y� Al1ey-Vernon-Macalester-St. Clair-Princeton Alley-jaarwick-Pascal-Hartford-North to End Alley-Was�rick-Pascal-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-WarwicY-Pascal-Stanford-St. Clair Alley-Watson-IViles-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-T�,iellesley-Stanford-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-�,lL 1865 Wellesley-Fairviet-r "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Macalester-Snellir� Alley-s,�ellesley-Stanford-Pascal-Albert "T" Al1ey-Wellesley-Stanford-Albert-Hamline Alley-`r�ilder-Kenne�ch-Highland-Fleanor • Alley-���oodlawn-P�3t Curve-t�andolph-Jei'ierson S�REET OILING • SEASOTd OF 1968 Ward 12 Street From To Alameda Maryland Cottage Alameda Arlington Californa.a Ar�,�le I'ront N P Ry Argyle Jessamine Vfzn Slyke Arlington Milton Dale Aurora 221' W of �ford Dale �'Lvon Carroll Concordia Avon Sz. Anthony Hubbard Avon Front Jessaanine Avon 6dheelock Arlington Avon i��ebraska 12j' N of California Barrett Front Jessamine Blair Lexington Chatswor�h Blair Victoria Dale Bur�ess Lexington Chatsworth California l,exington Dale Carroll NS Oxford Dale • Charles Lexington Dale Chatsworclz Carroll Concordia Chatsworth St . Anthony Englewood Cha�s�rortYi Topp ing Fr ont; Chatsworth Como Blvd California Churchill Front N P Ry ChurcYiill Jessarnine Como Pk Serv Drive Colne Front I� p �r Colne Id P Ry Como Como Lexington Argyle Como Chats�rorth Como Place Co�so i�lvd (i�i� of La're) trwn Slyke 1201 Como Blvd 1235 Como Blvd 1285 Como Blvd Como Blvd (E oi Lake) Victoria ChatsVrorth C��rno Pia,ce r�on� Como Co�-ta.ge Avon Dale ��ar Jessamine Dale �'�d Lexington Dale F�nglewood Lexington Chatsworth Englewood 116' E of Victoria Grotto Fisk Caxroll Concordia Fisk St. Ar�thony Aurora Fisk Hoyt Idaho Folsom Wheelock I�y • Fuller Lexington Dale SZREET OILIIIG SEASON OF 1963 • Ward 12 Street From To Grotto Carroll Concordia Grotto St. Anthony Seminary Grotto Hatch Como Grotto Jessamine 227' North Grotto Rose La,�penteur Hatch Lexington Grotto Hoyt Lexington Maywood Hubbard ]Lexington Chatsworth Hubbard Victoria 60' E of Avon Idaho Lexington Grotto Iowa Lexington Dale Ivy Como Blvd Grotto Jameson Front Orchard Jessamine Churchill Chatsworth Jessamine Victoria Avon Jessamine Como Dale • Kilburn Front Pl P Ry Kilburn N P Ry Como Lafond Lexington Dale I,akeview Como Blvd Victoria I,akeview Avon Grotto Mary Lane Montana �ford T�Ia.yt�rood Je s s amine J e s s amine P�iay�rood Maryland Cottage I�laywood Arlington Hoyt Ma.ywood Iowa California Milton Carroll Concordia Milton St. Anthony Thomas NIilton Front Orchard Milton N P Ry Como Milton Arlington Larpenteur ifinnehaha I,exington Pierce Butler Nlontana Lexington Victoria I�4on�ana F isk Grotto Tdebraska Como Blvd Dale Plevada Chatsworth Victoria Idevada 767 Nevada Grotto Orar�e Osage Folsom • Orar�e Grotto Dale Orchard Leyington Victoria Orchard Barrett Jameson Os age V ict or ia, Ivy STREET OILING � s�so�r oF 1g68 Ward 12 Street From To Oxford Carroll Concordia Oxford St. Anthony Pierce Butler Oxford G id Ry IV P Ry Qxford Jessamine Como Oxford i�tebraska Laxpenteur Parkview Como Blvd Victoria Parkview Avon St. Albans Rose Como Blvd Grotto Ayde Front N P Ry Ryde N P Ry Como St. Albans Central Minnehaha St. Albans Maryland Hoyt St. Albans Iowa California Seminary Lexington Milton Sherburne Lexington Dale S�snon Je s samine Dale • Stinson Lexington Chats�rorth Thomas Lexington Dale Topping �ford Chatsworth Van Buren Lexington Chatsworth Van Buren Victoria Dale Van Slyke Horton Chatsworth Victoria Carroll Concordia Victoria St. Anthony Minnehaha Victoria Front Jessamine Victoria Wheelock Larpenteur • STREET OILITdG • SEASOI�l OF 1968 Ward 12 Alley-Argyle-Ch�tsworth-Hatch-Orchard i}L" Alley-Argyle-Chatsworth-Jessamine-Van Slyke Alley-Aurora-Univers�.ty-i�Iilton-Victoria Alley-Aurora-University-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Avon-Folsom-Orange-Ivy "T" Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Lexington-Oxford Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Victori_a-Avon Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Avon-Grotto Alley-BlairOVan Buren-St. Albans-Dale Alley-Central-Fuller-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Central-Fuller-Pdilton-Victoria Alley-Central-Fuller-Victoria-Fisk Al1ey-Central-Fuller-Avon-Grotto Alley-CentralOFuller-Grotto-St. Albans Td & S Alley-Charles-Edmund-Zexington-Oxford Alley=Charles-Ed.mund-NIilton-Victoria Alley-Charles-Edmund-Avon,-Grotto Alley=Charles-Edmund-Grot��o-St Albans Alley-Cha.rles-Edrriund-St. Albans-Dale • �lley-Chatsworth-Kilburn-Hatch-Orchaxd Alley=Churchill-Corno Blvd-Horton-ivorth to the End Alley-Churchill-OLiord-Jessamine-Como Alley-Corno Blvd-ilevada-Chatsworth-l•�ilton West Pd & S Alley-E �; �+ Alley-East id & S Alley & Turn Around Como-Van Sly1�e-CYiurchill-Argyle Td & S E�lley-I�;dmund-Thomas-Lexir�ton-Oxford Alley-Edmund-�lhornas-Milton-Victoria nlley-Edmund-Thomas-Victoria=Avon t-111ey-Edmund-'I`homas-Grotto=St. A]..bans Alley-Ed.u�und-Thoraas-St. ��l'pans-Dale Alley-Fols om-G�ot�o-6�Yieelock-T��y "`'i" Alley-Froni.-Hacch-Colne-TYlilton "T ' Alley-Fronc-Ha-tch-P�Silton-Victoria Al1ey-Fron�-S�• Albans-Como Alley-r ulle-r-�urora-Oxford-Cha,tswo-r�h Alley-Fuller-�lurora-I�iiZ�on-V ict o-r ia �:lley-��ulle-r-Aurora-Victor�a-Fisk Alley-Fuller-Au:rora-1{i_s��-Avon Alley-Fuller-l�tu ora-Grotto=S�. I�lbans Alley-Fulle-r-Aur�ra-St. Albans-Dale • S'I'REET OILIidG • SEASON OF 1968 ti7ard 1.2 "T ` �111ey-Hai,ch-Orcha�d-Colne-Milton Alley-Hoyt-Iovra-Le:ington-O�ford Alley-Hoyt-Io}:;a-Ch-�t sti��orth-i�Tilton Alley-rioy�-Ioti�a-T�iilt on.-Vict or ia Alley-Iotiti�a-Idaho-Chat st�rortn-P�Iilt on "U" Alley-Ivy-Lal�evie,•r-Como Blvd-Vic-coria E & T��d Alley-Jessamine-Como-Kilbu;.°n-Ryde ''L" Alley-Laiond-Blair-Lexington-Oxford Alley-Lafond-�lair-Avon-Grotto r111ey-Lafond-Blair-Grotto-�t. Albaris Alley-Laiond-Bl�:i_r-St. Albans-Dale Alley-Lexington-Churchill-Jess�ine-Como it & S alley and E � �Ni Alley from Pd & S Alley to 1077 T�Iinnehaha P�Iinnehaha-En.gleti•rood-Lexingt on-0:{f ord Alley-i�linnehar a-Englewood-Avon-Grott o "T" A11ey-�?eJada,-idebrasl�a-Chatsworth-Milton E & W Alley-I� P Ry-Corno-Ryde-Colne • E & W AI1ey-Orcha.rd-I+t P Ry-I�yde-Colne i1 2c S Alley-Rose-P�Zaz°yl�.nd-Como Blvd-Avon from i, & l�T Alley to i•iaryland Alley-St. Anthon,y-Central-Fisk-Avon Alley-St. Anthor�y-Central-Avon-Grotto Alley-S�. Anthony-Central-Grotto-;"t. Albans Alley-:�eminary-Hubbard-�iord-Chatstisorth Alley-Sherburne-Charles-I,e�ir�ton-Oxford l�lley-Sherburne=Charles-P�Iilton-Victor ia Alley-;herburne-Cha.-rles-Si,. Albans-Dale Alley-St:_nson-'r�ront-Lexington-Oxford "T'" Al1ey-Thomas-Lafond-Lexing�on-�ford Alleg-Tho�as-Lafond-Victoria-Avon A lley-Thomas-Lafond-St . Albans-Dale Al1ey-University-Sherburne-70.j' E of Lexi.ngton-Oxford Alley-Universi�y-Sherburne-l�von-Grotto A11ey-University-Sherburne-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-University-Sherburne-St. Albans-Dale Alley-Van Buren�A4innehana-Victoria-Avon Alley-Van Bu-ren-r�innehaha-Avon-Grotto Alley-Van Buren-b2inneha.ha-Grotto-S'c. Albans Alley-Van Buren-P�linnehaha-St Albans-Dale • Alley-V ict or ia-Avon-.•�heelocl�-Orar�e Alley-Vict or i_a-Avon-Orar�e-Ivy STREET FLiJSHING SEASON OF 1968 • Waxd 1 S�reet From To Arcade CStPM&0 Ry Larpenteur Arlington Irrterstate 35-E Hdgerton Beaxm�o� Payne Drevrry Lane Bradley Cotta�e Arlington Burr Collins Jenks Case Westminster Payne Colli.ns Lafayette Payne Cypress Case LaWSOn Cypress Jessamine Maxa*la.nd Drewry Beavmont Payne Duluth Ma�yland Orange Eaxl York Ivy Forest CStPM&0 Br Maryland Frank Maryla.nd Ivy • Grove 19S Mississippi Lafayette Hawthorne Earl Phalen Park �ac inth Es,rl Orange Ivy Earl prax�ge gent�y Rd Brvx�son Payne Lafayette Grove Collins Maryland Mississippi lY p IZy ftorth Payne Payne Olive Grove Woodward Orar�e Earl Phalen Park Paxk�ray Drive Edgerton Larpenteur Payne Seventh Larpenteur Preble Bea�ont Payne Seventh Grove A P Ry Uaiversity Mississippi Lafayette Westminster York Case Wheelock Mississippi Arca.de • York Mississippi Westminster STR�`'P FI,TJ3HING SEASON OF 1968 • Ward 2 Street From To Arcade 83xth C3tPM&0 Ry BarclBy Wilson Conw�y Baxcley Minnehaha Reaney Bareley Magnolia Maryland Bates Hudaox� Rd �eveirth Battle Creek Place Cul de sac Upper Afton Beech Arcade Earl Berland Place MeKnight T�rn Around Bir�aingham Conway Third Birmingha� Minnehaha Reauey Bvrns 435' W of Johnson Pt Douglas Bush Mendota Forest California Lnella David Cardinal Place McSnight Turn Arouad Claxence Old Hud.son Wilson Claxence Prosperity Maryland Clarence Hoyt Idaho Corn�s�r Mounds Blvd Maria • Conway Griffith WL Lot 8 Schwa,be's Conway Johnson Etna Conway Birmingham Hazelwood Corn�rsay Jayne Ruth Cutler Upper Afton Larry Ho David Id.aho California Dellridge Kipling MeSnight Earl Thorn Seventh Edgebrook Winthrop McKnight Etna Old Hudson Th3rd Etna Idaho 338' North E�iclid Wilson Germain Falcon Winthrop McSx�ight F iPth Mounds Blvd I�Iar ia' Fla.ndrau Upper Afton �tirn Aro�d Forest Seventh CStPM&0 Br Furness Hcyyt 206.27' South A�a,zel �ld Hudson Wilson Hazel Reaney Seventh Hazel Stillwater Mecha,nic Hazelwood �ld Eiudson Wilson Hazelwoc�d Third Fremont • Hazelwood Sixth Minnehaha Haoward Wilson Conway Hcyward Four�h Fifth Howard Court Howard Cul de sac goyt Furness Winthrop $udson Rd Maria Johnson STREET FI�USHING • s�sox oF ig68 Ward 2 (continued) Street From To Idaho MeAfee Clarence Idaho Bir�ingha�aa Hazelwood Jayne Wilson Com�ay Jessamine Johnson Pk�vy Prosperity Johnson Pkw3r Seventh Ames Kenna.rd Louise Leone gennard Court Upper Af`ton �urn Arotuzd Kipling Upper Aftoa Dellridge Laxry Ho Ruth MeBnight Leone genaaxd White Bear Linder Covrt Conway Turn Around Longfella�r Mornitagside Kipling Lot�.ise Kennard Flandrau Place Zuella I,ongfellaw IIpper APton Luella Old Hudson Wilson Lyon Louise Cul de sac • McAfee Hoyt I,arpent eur Magnolia Mechar�ie Hazelwood Margaret Seventh Eaxl Maria Plum Seventh Maryland N P Ry White Bear Maryland I,uella Ruth Mecha.nic White Bear Hazel Mendota Beech Bush Micha.el tTpper Afton Larry Ho Minnehaha Greenbrier 1�kKnight Morningside Upper Afton Fdgebrock Mounds Blvd Clermont Plum Mounds Blvd Third Seventh Nelson Upper Afton Larry Ho Old Hudson Hwy �61 L�ella Old Pt Dot�glas H'�y #12 Burns Pedersen Hudson Rd Serv Dr Wilson Plu� Mounds Blvd Bates I� Prosperity A�agnolia Maryland Rea.ney Arcade 8eventh Rose Barclay Tt�rn Around • Ruth 100' S of Lor�fellcnr Hndson Rd STREET FI�USHING • SF,�.SON OF 1968 Ward 2 (continued) Street Froan To Sandra Lee E & W Upper Af`ton tPpper APton Seventh N P Ry Arch White Bear Sixth Mounds Blvd dohnson Pkwy Stillwater Hazelwood Z'urn Around Stillwater 6dhite Bear McKnight Suburban Eaxl W to Tura Around Third Mounds Blvd Tdhite Bear Thisd NE Maple(T'hird) 90' NEly Tower Wilson Conway Upper Afton Miller Crest MeBnight Yan Dyke Seveath Mechanic Waxren Upper Afton Larry Ho White Bear Grace Lane Ames t�Thite Bear Jessamine Larpentevr Wilson Johnson Pkwy Clarence Wilson 1467 Wilson L�clid • Wilson Hazel R�th Winthrop Edgebrook Laxry Ho • STREET FLUSgLNG • SEASON OF 196$ waxd 3 Street From To Broadway Kellogg Blvd Seventh Broadway Ninth Mississippi Eighth Jackson Rosabel Eighth Pine Willius Fifth Jackson �ohn Fourth Jackson Broadway Fo�rth �'ohn Kittson Grove SS Mississippi I,afayette Jackson E5 Shepard IS #9�+ �ackson ES Twelfth Grove John Fourth Fifth Kellogg Blvd Jaekson Viaduct (125` E of John) Lafayette Rd Seventh Grove • Ninth Jack�on Wacouta Ninth Broadway Pine Pine Fifth Sixth Pine Eighth Grove Prince Broadway Pine Rosabel Kellogg Blvd Ei�hth Seventh �ackson Grove Sibley Shepaxd Tenth Sixth Jaekson BroadwaSr Tem�perance Eighth l�in.th Tenth Jackson Wacouta T�aelFth Jackson Grove (prod) Wacouta Kellogg Blvd Tenth • STREET FLUSHING • SEASON UF 1968 Waxd � Street _ From To Auditorium Kellogg Fourth Auditorium Fifth l�inth Cedar Kello�g Eleventh Cedar �,relf'th Columbus College Rellogg Rice Colt�abus SS Wabasha Robert Eagle ES Shepaxd Kellogg Eighth Wabasha Jackson F�.eventh St. Peter Jackson E�change Kellogg Cedar FiFth Kellogg Jackson Fourth Seven Corners Jackson Hill Ea,le Kellogg Jackson WS Shepaxd is #94 Jaekson WS Twelfth Thirteenth . Kellogg F� Summit Seiren Corners Rellogg Seven Corners Jack�on Kellogg Blvd Ramp Exchange & Eagle Kellogg Mai.n Kellogg Tenth Market Rellogg St. Peter Minnesota Kellogg Eleventh Minnesota Twelfth Columbus Mulberry Kellogg Sixth Ninth Summit Jackson Rice Tenth Summit Robert Miss Riv Bridge Coltmibus W Robert ES Colwnbus W Thirteenth St Peter Kellogg College Second Wabasha Jackson Seventh Seven Corners Jackson S ixth Summ�it Je�ekson Smith Kellogg Co11e�e Summit SS Kellogg Rice Tenth Main Jackson • Twelfth 220' W of Wabasha Jackson Wabasha Kellogg 117' ft of Twelfth Wabasha ES 117' ft of Twelfth Coluffibus Washington Kellogg Seventh STREET FLUSHING • SEASON OF 1968 ward 5 Street gr� �o Benson Hcymer 510' Ee,st Chestnut Shepaxd Seventh Cliff St. Clair Smith Colbonrne � JeYferson 428' �orth Eagle WS Shepard g��.�,ogg Ed�cumbe FS g46' S of Montreal Hamline Edgcumbe Fiamline Lexington bcchange Forbes Eagle FiFth Pleasant ge�.l.ogg Forbes Sev�nth �ehange �OO��� 97' W of Cliff Cliff Hamline ES FBgcumbe St Clair Fiighland Haanline Ddgcu�be g��- Chestnut Eagle Homer Stewart Seventh • Rellogg WS CoLlege Seven Corners Lexington Montreal St Clair Zombard Lexington Milton Michi.gan 70' W oP Cliff Cliff Montreal Edge�mbe n,Way Oakland Western A�$� Oneida 100' N of James Seventh Osceola Seventh Grace Osceola St Clair Pleasant Otto Seventh Butternut Pleasant SS St Clair St Albans Ra�seY Pleasant Exchange Randolph Hamline Ihike Ra.nkin ES Shepard 120' North �Y� Chestnut Eagle St Clair SS Hamline Pleasant St Clair Pleasant ClifF Seventh 350' W of Homer Seven Corners Sherma.n Exchange A�S� � Smith Hi�h Bric3�e Re�,l,c�gg Stewart Homer 700' East Superior 64' W of Cliff Cliff STREE� FLIISHII�G • SEASON OF 1968 Ward 6 Street From To Annapolis Cherokee Hts Blvd Dodd Rd Annapolis Bidw�ll Oakdale Baker 125' E of Chippewa Cherokee Cherokee Baker Smith Chicago Wabasha Robert Concord A�sapolis Wabasha Congress Wabasha Robert Fairfield Belle Robert Fi7.]�ore Bidwell State George Cherokee Coneord Humboldt George Winifred Isabel Wabasha Concord • Isabel Livingston Robert Ring S�ryker Hall Livingston Concord Isabel Oakdale Preacott State Ohio �eorge Winifred Plato Wabasha. Robert Prescott ()a.kdale Wc�dbury Prospect Bidwell i�all Robert Annapolis King Robert Concord Miss Riv Blvd Robie Concord State Smith Anna,polis Cherokee State Robert Concord State Robie W Robie E Stryker Baker Winifred Wabasha Winifred �tiss Riv Bridge Walter Fairfield F'illmore Winifred Ohio Wabasha Winona Robert Tarn Around s SZ�tII�T FLUSHING • SEAS�N f�F' 1968 Ward 7 Street Fronn �o Arundel Sunasit Ms.rshall Ash7-and Lexington W�stern Avon St. Clair Laurel Caxroll SS Dale Artzndel Chatsworth Osceola Summit Concordia Western Farrington Crocus Place Fairmouat Goodrich Da1.e Fairmount Carroll Dayton Lexington Summit Fairmount Lexington Dale Faxrix�gton Summit Marshall Goodrich Haml.irie Syadicate Goodrich Lexington Alley E of Da1e Grand Ha�)_3.ne Oa�land • Grotto 77' S of Linwood Svmffiit Hague Sgndicate �a1e Ha�l.ine E5 St Clair Portland Ha�line ES Serv Rd 103' S oP Hague S�1'by Hamline ES Selby Marshall Holly Victoria Western Iglehart Lexington Arundel Kellogg Blvd WS Summit College Sent Stammit Maxshall Kernrood Osceola & Axound Park St. Albans Lavrel Syndicate Nina Lawton Grand Summit Lexington St. Cl�ir Marshall Lex�.ngton ES Maxshall CarroZl Zineoln Ha�line Short Line Rd L ineoln CMStP&P Ry Oa'k.tand Lirn�rood Avon� Oseeola Mackubin Svmmit I+�arshall N�axshall SS Hamline Lexir�gton Marshall Lexington Louis Marshall SS I,onis Sumnait aMilton Osceola S�mit Nina Su�ait Selby • STR�T FLUSHII�G SF�ASON OF 1968 W�'d 7 (cont inued) Street From To Oakland Summit Western Osceola Milton Pleasant Cbcford Osceola Summit Pleasant NS St Clair St Albans Portland Lexir�gton S�it St Albans Pleasant Suma�it S-� Albans I�lehaz•t Garroll St Clair NS Hamline Pleasant Selby Hamline S�it Summit Hamline Kellogg SUmmit Ct Lawton Sr�mit Victoria Oseeola Maxshall Virginia Summit Masshall Western S�nmit Caxroll • � • S7�tEET FLIISHIl� SEASOft OF 1968 Waxd 8 Street From To Atwater Albemarle Rice Aurora Maxion Rice Carroll 1�'S Dale Ax�ndel Central Da1e Western Claghorn Crnno La.fond Como Da1e Rice Concordia Da].e Western Cook Dale gent Cottage A].bemarle Riee Cumberla.nd Idaho Larpenteur Dale I� Carroll Concordia Da1e ES St Anthox�,y Larpenteur Frorit Dale Rice Fu11er Farrington Marion • Ivy Albemarle Rice Lafond Como Rice Marion St Anthon�y University Marshall HS Louis S�mmi� Maxyland Da1e Riee Minnehaha Dale Como Ravoux St Antho� Marion Rice WS Ireland Blvd Larpeateur St Anthony Da1e Rice Summit NS Kello�g Rice Syeamore Galtier Rice IIniv�rsity Da1e Rice Western St Anthor�y Front Wheelock Da1e Idaho Wheelock Galtier Rice Woodbridge Cottage Arlington • STREET FLUSHIP�G sEaso� o� 1g68 • ward g Street From Ta Acker Jackson L'Orierrt Arch �ackson L«Orie�t Arlington Rice Interstate 35-E Aurora Rice Wabasha Capitol Blvd University Charle$ Cedar Colinabus Como Central Wabasha Robert Columbus Ireland Blvd Wabasha Columbus NS Wabasha Robert Camo Rice Capitol Hts Fourteenth Robert Jaekson �'tzl.ler Rice Wabasha Ireland Blvd Rice Wabasha Jackson ES Grove Thirteenth Jackson Thirteenth Sycamore Jackson Sycamc�re Arlin�ton • Linden ggt Auy �.�� Litchf ield Park Sylvan Maryland Rice Jackson Mt Airy Jackson L'Orient Park Fuller Como Rice F� Ireland Blwd Larper�teur Robert WS Columbus Thirteenth Robert Thirteenth University Sherburne Rice Lookout Sycamore Riee Jackson & Cortland Place TFrelfth Ireland Blvd 220` W of Wabasha Twelft3a Grove (prod) University University Rice 35 E Frontage Rd Wabasha WS 117' PT of �welfth ColuEnbta.s Wabasha Co].umbus Fuller Wabasha Park University Wales Mt Airy Areh Wheelock Rice Mississippi • Winter Capitol Hts Jaekson STREET FLUSHIIQ� • SEASO� OF 1968 Ward 10 Street From To Bayless Place Cromwell Ra�rmond Caxleton University Charles Charles Caxleton Hampden Cleveland Camo City I,imits Camo City Limits Hamli.ne Cro�nwell University Bayless mglewood. Saellin� Haml.ine Eustis Pearl Robbins Fair�iew University �+40' S oF Thomas g�.ine University Hewitt Hampden University Raymond Hewitt Aldi.ne ga�nline Hubbard Fairview Snelli.ng Huron Idaho Larpenteur • Lafond Aldine SneLling Lexington WS University Van S],yke Lexin�ton W� Nebraska Larpenteur Midway Pkwy Snelling Iiamliae Mi.nnehaha Prior Lexington Pillsbury University Charles Prior University Taylor Raymond University Como Robbins Etiist is Manvel Snelling University Hoyt Standish gaymond N p �y Territorial Rd City Limits Eu.stis �erritorial Rd Raymond Hampden University NS �aerald Lexington N� B�� Fairview Sn�Lling Va.ndalia University Territorial Rd � S�.'REET FLITS�IING � SEASON OF 1968 Ward 11 Street From To Aldine St Anthony University Aa�herst St Clair Linc0ln Ashlaad Snelling Paseal Ashland Hamline Serv Rd 37' West Beechwood Fairview Sn�lling Berkeley Mt Curve Snelling Bigelaw Gri�gs Dtanlap Bohland Fairview Snelling Cambridge Princeton Summit Central Dunl�.p Lexington Cleveland Miss Riv Blvd University Concordia Snelling I,egington Cretin Ford Hi�hland Cretin Highland St Anthony Crc�mwell Frank].in University • Desnoyer Eastis Pelham Donohue Syndicate Griggs Edgcumbe Munster 906' S of Montreal Hagcumbe WS 906' S of Montreal Hamline Eustis I�iss Riv Blvd Beverly Exeter Place Miss Riv Blvd River�rood Place Fair�ount Woodlawn Cretin Fairmount Prior Fairview Fairmount Snelling Hamline Fairview Edgevmbe Marshall F'inn Ford Hi�hland Ford Miss Riv Blvd Snelling Franklin Dnerald IIniversity Frontenac Eustzs Desnayer Goodrich Miss Riv Blvd Cretin Goodrich Clevela,�d Aeaherst Goodxich Snelling Hamline Graham Turn Around 12' E of Wheeler Grand Cretin Hamline Gri.ggs Donohue Univ�rsity Hamline WS Ed�cumbe Portland Ham].ine WS Serv Rd Portland I,aurel • Hamline WS Serv Rd 103' S of Hague Selb�r Haml.ine �TS Selby Marshall Hamline Maxshall Coneordia Hamline St Anthony Univers3.ty Hampden Wabash University Hartford Miss Riv Blvd �t Curve � STREET FLUSHII� SEASON OF 1g68 Ward 11 (continued) St.reet Frora To Highland Miss Riv BlTd Haml.ine Hillcrest Cleveland Renneth Hillcrest Prior Sne13.i.n� Howe]1 Hillcrest Highland Jaaaes Fairview Snelling Jeffe�son rairview Snellin� Juliet Fairview Snelli�g Le�ington WS Marshall Uaiversity Lincoln Fairview A4acalester Lincoln Snelling Ham].ine Macalester Pinehurst Hi,hland Macalester Jefferson Princeton Macalester Alley S of Lincoln Summit Marshall Miss River Blvd Hamline • Maxshall NS Hsaaline Lexington M�ynaxd Drive Stewart Maynard Dr E & W Maynard Drives E & W Mayna.rd Drive Seventh r�iss River Blvd Prior gaeral� i�io�Ztreal S� Paul Edgcumbe r�ontrose Lane Hartford Randolph Morrtrose Pl�ce Riverwood Place Marshall Mt Curve Ford Randolph h4t Cvrve St Clair Fairmo�nt A+jyrtle Raymond LaSa11e Njyrtle Hampden Pillsbury �tle Montgomery Cleveland Norfolk Zane 1861 Ncrfolk Nlunster Oseeola Snelling Hamline Otis E�ceter Place Et�.stis Palace Fairview Snellin� Pascal Dayton Marshall Pascal St Anthorry IIniversity Pelham Miss Riv Blvd Doane Pelham IS#9�+ University Pillsbury A�yrtle IIniversity Pinehurst Howell Fairview Portland Cleveland Pascal • Portland Hamline 90' West Princeton Miss River Blvd P�Sacalester Prior Marshall University • S7'REET FI,USHING SEASON OF 1968 Ward ]1 (eontinued) Street From To Randolph Miss Riv Blvd Hamline Rankin WS Shepard 120' l�orth Rankin 120' � of Shepard Seventh Ra5►mond Wabash University River�ood Place Otis Exeter Place 8ome Fairvie� S�elling St Anthony Snelling I,exi.ngton St Claix Miss Riv Bivd Hamline St Paul Seveath Clevela.nd Sargent Woodl�wn Wheeler Saunders Fairview Snelling Selby Fairv3ew F[sa�lline Seventh Munster 350' W of Homer Snelling Edgcumbe Concordia Snelling St Antho�y IIniversity Star�Pord Fairview Snelling Stanford Ct Miss Riv Blvd Stonebridge B].vd • Stonebridge Blvd Jefferson St Clair Snnnoait Miss Riv Blvd Hamline Sg�ndicate Donohue University University SS �nerald Lexington Va.ndalia CMStP&P Ry University Vernon St Clair pririceton Wabash Haffipdea 9�.ndalia Wellesley Fairview Snellir�g Wheeler Graham Seventh Wheeler St Clair Summit Woodlawn Ford Highland Woodlawn Jefferson Goodrich • • STREET FLUSHING SEASOft OF 1968 Ward 12 Street Froffi To Central Lexington Dale ChatsWOrth Front Van Slyke Como Ave Como B7.vd E Da1e Como Blvd E Maryland Como Concordia Lex3.ngtoa Dale Da1e WS CarroLl. Concordia Da1e WS St Anthor�r Larpentear Front Lexington Da1e Grotto Front Hatch Horton I,exington Co�no Blvd Legington F� Carroll Coneordia � Leaington LS St Arrthony Van Slyke Lexington ES Nebraska Zarpenteur Mazyland Como Blvd Dale Minnehaha Pierce Butler Da1e St Albans Carroll Coacordia St Albans at Aathoqy Ceatral St Anthor�y Lexington Da1e IIniversity Lex3.ngton Dale Wheelock Camo Blvd Dale •