04-572Council File # RESOLUTION Presented By: Referred To: OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # ib Committee:Date: o -s�z 206646 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached agreement with Independent School District #625 to provide the School Resource Officer Program to schools in the City of Saint Paul from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. A copy of the agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Oftice of Financial Services. 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas ✓ Thune Adopted by Council: Date: Absent Adoption Certified by Council5ecretary: B � Approved�y ayor: Date: �d " �'� � B Rey By: FOY By. DEPAR7MENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINI7WTED � Police 5/12/04 GREEN SHEET No. 206646 G NT R N P NE INRIAUDA7E INRIALIDA7E ChieFW1111amFinIley 266-5588 1 o�axirnexroirsECroa 4 ancouxca MUST BE ON COUN�� IL AGENDA BY (DATE) ✓ Please Process ASAP �cnrnrroaxEr ❑cmamic ❑FlNANCNLSERVICESOIR_ ❑FWANCUILSERVIACCTG �MATOR(ORA556TANT) ❑HIIMqNRIGHIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resoluuon authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached agreement with Independent School District #625. The police deparhnent will continue to provide the School Resource Officer Program (SRO) to students in the Ciry of Saint Paul from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. RECOMMENOATION App�oVe (A) Of R2jec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING �IIESTONS: 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a conVact for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry empioyeel CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persa�rtn possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this personffrm a targetetl �endoh YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The attached ageement with Independent School Dishict #625 will allow the Saint Paul Police Department to continue to provide the School Resource Officer Prograzn (SRO) to students in the City of Saint Paul from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. The Saint Paul School Dishict and Saint Paul Police Deparhnent offers DARE inshuction to elementary school smdents, and provides police liaisons for law enforcement and peace keeping services in the secondary schools in the Ciry of Saint PauL This program is considered very successful by the school principals, teachers, and azents. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to maintain this progam with Independe District #625. � � �A� i � znoa DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �'°+ }� 'g' g°yg �A��� d�RR P S ��IE��� None. — — DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED ��� ��� ���+tfp� The Saint Paul School District will have to discontinue the SRO program with the Saint Paul Police � �� pe Departrnent, which would eliminate any options for prevention and minimize intervention, thereby �'iHi ���y� placing the youth and staff at greater risk. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Independent School District #625 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit to 436-34107 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) isd#625-sro-progam-Jan 1 2004-co-gs �, o�/-57�- AGREEMENT School Resource Office (SRO) Program THIS AGREEMENT, made this 1 st day of January 2004, by and between INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. b25, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT", and CITY OF SAIiVT PAUL POLICE DEPART�NT, hereinafter referred to as °City", WTTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Boazd of Education of Independent School District No. 625 has by virtue of Board File No. �9 , and the City Council, City of Saint Pau1 has by virtue of Council Resolution No. , authorized an agre�ment providing School Resource Officer (SRO) services to the District; Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the parties, as follaws: 1. Generai. The district agrees to gay City for program costs incurred as specified on Exhibit A, to permit the assignment of School Resource Officers, a11 sworn poi ce officers, for law enforcement and services to be performed on behalf of the District during the period of January ls` through December 31, 20d4. The Scope of Services for this Agreement is as listed below. 2. Scape of Services The SRO Program has two components: a. Basic Services {Component A}: The City will provide ten (10) SRO's for a period of 12 months. These personnel will be dedicated to the duties of their school assignments. These personnel will not be removed from the schools, except for police emergencies. b. COPS Universal Hiring Program (Component B}: The City will provide two (2) additional SRO's for a period of 12 months whose positions originated with funding from the COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Grant Program. These personne] will be dedicated full-time to the duties of their school assignments and will not be removzd from the schools, except for police emergencies. 3. Term of Agreement. This Agreement will cover the period of January i, 2004 thraugh December 31, 2004, inclusive. 4. Candition of Employment. All services and duties performed by the assigned Officers will be within the course of employment by the City. Offacers, as City employees assigned under the Agreement, wi]] remain empioyees of the City and, therefore, are covered by the City's Workers Compensation Program, will be paid by the City, and aze entitled to ail benefits provided by their employer. Officers assigned under the Agreement wi11 be expected to abide by and are governed bv the rules and regulations of the City. � o,��- s ��- 5. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Each party wili indemnify and hald harmless the other party for actions and representations made by its own employees, crfficials, agents and representatives, which occur in the performance of the terms of this Agreement or their employment duties and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall nof be respansibie for the acts andtor omissions of the other party ar that party's emptoyees, officials, agsnts or representatives and the results thereof The liability of the parties shall be limited and governed by provision of the'_VIinnesota Torts Claim Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et esq., and other applicabie law. 6. Performance. Both parties accept full responsibility for performance of the duties outlined herein but neither the City nor the District shall be held respansible For non- performance of its duties or responsibilities under this Agreement if the party's performance was prevented by acts or events beycnd the party's reasonable control, including but not limited to: severe weather and storms, earthquzke or other natural occurrencas, strikes and other labor unrest, power failures, electrical power surges or current fluctuations, nuclear or other civit ur military emergeneies, or acts of legislative, judicial, executive, or admirustrative authorities Additionatly, each SRO wi11 remain under the City's direction and control, and will be subject ta police emergency recalls for service andlor activation of any Tactical Alert throughout the City, if the need arises. Emergency recalUtactical alert decisions are within the City's d'escretion and are not subject to question or liability under this Agreement 'f. Data Privacy. The City and District agree te abide by Minnesota Statutes (Minnesota Government Data Practices Act) as well as any other applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. S. Changes. a. The City or District may requesi changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and methods must be agreed to and authorized in writing in advance by the District and City Any aiterations, amendments, deletions or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly executed by the parties. b. It is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement supercedes any and ail oral ageeements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter herein. c If the Schoal District wishes to increase the number of officers, the City may honor such a request at its sole discretion. The School I}istrict will fund the total program costs of the additionai officers, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties 9. Miscellaneous. � � ay-S�� a. Any failure of a party to assert any right under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or a termination of that right, this Agreement, or any provisions of this Agreement. b. If a court or govemment agency with proper jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement is unlawful and rules such provision void, the balance of this Agreement shall remain intact and in fiill force and effect. c. This Agreement shali be interpreted and construed according to the laws of :he State of Minnesota All litigation related to this Agreement shall be venued in the District Court of the County of Ramsey, Second Judicial District, State of Minnesota d. The District may conduct a study and analysis of their drug prevention efforts znd the enforcement duties at the schools. The City shali have an active and participatary role in any ofthese studies. 10. Payments and Billings. a. The City will bill the District for reimbursement as outlined herein for the costs of the SRO Program. All bills will be paid according to the terms of the Minnesota Prompt Pay Law (35 days). b. For the School District's budgeting purposes, in December of each year, the City will provide an estimate of the costs of the SRO program for the following calendar year The estimated costs for the 2004 calendar year have been identified and are as stated in attached Exhibit A. City will similarly provide cost estimate of services for the following calendaz year each December. c. In ati cases, actual costs and not a budget estimate will farm the basis for reirnbursement billings to the School District. If at any time during the period of this contract, the City estimates, or has reason to believe, thai the final contract bilting will exceed their original estimate by 10% or more, they shall promptly notify the District in writing. The Disirict or the City shall have the option of suspending this program for the balance of that school yeaz, but such suspension will not affect the annual renewal of this contract, as specified herein. 11. Terminati�n. a. In the event that the SRO program is eliminated for any reason, this agreement will automatically terminate. At that point, services wi11 b2 billed and paid for the time the program was in effect and police personnel provided. A new agreement must be executed prior to the resumption of the SRO program. .: o�t-s�a b. If either party wishes to ternunate this agreement, it may do so by providing 60-day written notice to the other party, unlass otherwise provided herein. Termination may occur according to a schedule mutually agreed upon in writing by both parties. 12. NoYices. Written notices required by this agreement are to be addressed to the followir,g representatives of each party: City: City of Saint Paul Police Department Commander, Youth Services Section 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, NIN. 55101 District: Saint Paul Public Schools Executive Director, School Services 360 Colborne Street 5aint Paul, iVRv. 55102 0 a�-s�a N WIT:'VE55 WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By _ Mayor By Director, Office of Financial Services By Director, Human Rights By Chief of Police INI3EPENI}ENT SCHOC}L DIST. NO. 625 . `iii� .. .- . Approved asto Form: Assistant City Attomey Approved as to Form: �� � Cler ��: a�{- s �a dA�JAR�' 1 THRC�UGH DECEMBER 31, 20@4 SCHOOL R�s{IURCE (DFFICE1tS E3'i'�i.i�LATED zoaa Police �fficers 12 �Ianths Arntzen, Niatthew 55,332 Bar�ick, Don 63,f�18 Diaz, Ruby 53,380 Coulet, Lori 59,464 Lohse-Johnson, Sean 57,597 t�'Hara, Evan 57,752 Simmons, Vemoxi 62,458 Vixayvong, Saya�eth 55,240 Baumhofer, Funy 56,731 Sobrowski, facob 56,731 C}ffic,er p&id by 7SD 625 64,000 C3fl:'aces paid by I5D (25 60,000 �2 Olffcer FT'Es 699,553 O�ces I<ringe 2fl4,573 "�'d)'I'Ai� �FF`FCE�25 �OST�u 9I�,126 SC]fIOOL I�3QUItCit�; OFFICEliS E5TYI�ATE SYJlbt:i'[rlit�' � Y` iO.AiV �S'+ d3G! \ F..0 A E J T�'�'A�, C+DS7['S CI'T9' 4)�' SAINT P4UL SHARE ISD 625 SHAI2E x � i 2 P4,573 914,12b 1U0,000 s1a,�2s 914,126 SRO-ESTL4tATE 3AN-DEC 2�04 finat 12J17;2G33 3 SS ?M Po�,�e Chief William Please Process ASAP � 0 GREEN SHEET INIiIAtIDATE No. INfTIAUOATE DIRECTOR ❑Z CIP/qTTOFNEY ❑FPW�CIAL SERNCES �IR _ �MAYOR (ORASSISTANT� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑CrtY<LERK ❑FINANCIAL SENV/NCRG , �nUMAN WGHTS L�i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REqUESTED �1�� Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul�olice Departrnent � to enter into the attached agreement with Independent School District #625. The police department will contrnue to provide the School Resource Officer Program (SRO) to students in the Cary of Saint Paul fromJ-�' --a°°3 through December 31, 2803. ��✓&r��� 2UGH ZaU� PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i. Has ih�s persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO Has this person/frm ever heen a city employee? YES NO 3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normalry possessed by any current crty employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted Vendof� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet The attached agreement with Independent School District #625 will allow the Saint Paul Pohce Department to continue to p t�e Sc �hoo o aso�rce Officer Pio�r�n (SRO) to students in the City of Saint Paul from 7nLy] Decen(ber 31, 39�3UThe Saint Paul School District and Saint Paul Police Department offers DARE instruction to elementary school students, and provides police liaisons for law enforcement and peace keeping services in the secondary schools in the Ciry of Saint Paul. This program is considered very successful by the school principals, teachers, and The Saint Paul Police Depanment will contmue to mamtam this program wrth Independent School District #625. None. IF NO7 APPROVED The Saint Paul School District will have to discontinue the SRO program with the Saint Paul Police Department, which would eliminate any opUOns for prevention and minimize intervention, thereby placing the youth and staff at greater risk TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement FUNDING SOURCE Independent School District #625 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER credit to 436-34107 - isdk625-sro-progam�uly 1 2003-cr-gs . -y ' � � Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: Dy-S'7 � � 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with Independent School Dis�iet #625 to r�ovide�the School R¢�o orce Officer Program to 3 schools in the City of Saint Paul from 3� ',y-r-z"o��i$rough December 31, 2�993.�A copy of the 4 agreement is to be kept on fde and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ,�'r 28 �.i ���/�� 29 � � �(�,(� �� 30 i7 Benanav Reite� Absent Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor: Date: � Requested by Department of: PO�ICB � Form Approved by City Attorney: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: B isd625-sro-program-luly 7.2003-cr