238012 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��� �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. I.YCu:dSE COP•g��CTTF�E OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY �M.l 9� 1968 COMMISSIONE � ATF AEiE.i : The �J'innesnta Qr�anization of the B1ind has made ��lic�.tion for permissi_on to con�iuct ta� day�s on ThursdaJ and Frida�T, June 6, and 7, 1968, between t?_e hours of Sunrise and Sunset on the streets of the C�ty of aai.nt Fatil� therefore, be it iE�JL���ED; TY�at pernission be anc�. the same is hereby granted to �he ilinneso.�a. Q`^„�:izati.on of the Blind to conduct such solicitations on the days, dates, and between the hours rec�uested. xErr�-�r.r�, Informallv 'arc:proved by �ouncil �pril 2, 1968 �p� � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_— Yeas Nays Carlson �`�� � ���� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � /°� n Favor v Meredith �e�e�sen i� �tt!�� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �:.��e����"y�r�e"' .. : PH�BLIS�IEB APR 13 1968 i�; v�� rr�d�t cYa��n� O S S � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital.v4 Minneaota ��3 8''° /2 �e a�ti�e�t o c�b`ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiasioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inapeetor Ar�ril. 2, 1968 Honorable P�Iayor and City Council Sai.nt Yaul� I�Iinnesota Gentleanen: ihe P:innesota 4rganization of the Blind makes application for permission to conduct tag daS�s on Thur�sday, and Friday� June 6� and 7, 1968, from Sunrise to Sunset. They have complied with Ordinance No. 13338, amending Chapter No. 1�,50.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Cod.e which deals with solicitation of funds. The application is made by James Schleppe�;rell! Fresident and Vernon Dery,, Treasurer. Attached is their a}��lication for such perr�it. Ver�r t rul.y yours� � ��c G�i�ti� t � License Inspector � � r.. , C ITY flF 3T. P.�UL 4Pfioe oP Licenee Inspeo�c►r . 202 Publia S�fety Bldg. St, Paul, Miux�s sota 55101 .�ppliaatiam. for perraiaeian to aoliQit furi.ds� or �o oonduot. tag days� upon �ha streots oi' �he City oP St. Paul, Miuneaota. Date of A�plioation �� 19 ,�.,,y�,..__..�__. _.�... 1.' Name of organizatia�.����4 __ _ _ µ_.__.____ Address of organization��stis St.,�w�t.�,..�.,;��. __.___�_.�_.�,�._.r...,_.. 2. Chiaf offiaer of organizatio�,��e ,. ��� �����.� 3, Secretary of organiza�ian���=� ____..�_ ___ _..__�_...... 4. Iv'axn� of peraan or persons responsible for tho distribution ox" oolleated funds. ._... ,._ �_.!�'l��..$'.l�n..�l.�'�!...��_..._....�.__._____-- ---- 5. Purposo or ob�eet for whioh soliaitation is to be made_���_� �_���,��� tb• Bliad a� ot�• }�,,��_l�.�l4�iviti�s __ _,___ ,..._:._�..._.________._._..�.__.�.. 6. Uae to be mada oP Fun.da oolleoted y���,��� �t ef� i��,,,,_ l��� �-: ?. Sulioitati on will be mada on �J� g a� ���� ��_ _ �+(�tes j, betareen �he hours of �.�l� � and �� _f. - $. Looation where solioitation w3.11 take p].aoe�,��� __ __ 9• List the amounts of any vi�gea, fsee, oommissions, ooeta or expenses paid or whioh are expeoted �o be pa,id in oonnection with solicitat3.on. �,lso list narn�s of �orsons to �homi p�;�ments have been �de �r vvi.11 be made and the tunounts of suah paymenta. (A fin.anaial statera�nt inaludin� �his informat ion may be at�aohed.) Y �E1 �Il�'y � �la �1*A!_Q3�]� I0. Attach a copy of bud�et showing solioitati ons for this fisaal or calendar y�ear. April 2, l�$ ;;, f � � � 4 i ! Hon. William E. C�rlson, i ; Comsr. of Public Safety� ��-�-------� k Tenth and Minnesota Sts., �-�'`"-��°° �`�� St. P�.t11, Minn. '\, ,.,..� Attx�^~�---Mz'�Daniel P. l��a,ughlin Dear Sir: � � l M The City Council today�y,i farmal� ��proved the applicatian of Velotta's Bar, Inc. , holders o�`�. Sa ,�Liquor License No. 72$5, expirin� Jan. 31, 1969, at 381-3 We�t���nth Street, for a change in officers as follows; �"" "�`�.\\ '�� / �P A....�..w+�+....1 \` ^� l'� Robert Velot�'a�;� the Pres��ent a�i d Treasurer, retains the office o�' Presid�nt a c� becomes Secretary in place of Ann e3.c�tta. A� Velotta becaanes Viee-Pre- sident and � urear in }�ace of Frank Velotta who no lo � s a�`ss i,���,.�i�ith the cor ration and Ro�, �V� ot�a w��ib-•-z°e8"pectively heldpthose of'ficea. Z`kre only stac�.hald�rs are Robert and Ann Velotta, �F`k�nk Velott���.o longer being associe.ted with the ''cprporation �s6an cfY'icer or otherwise. t i r^` ;� t, /� W3:7.1�.y_ou__�al'�se prepare the customary resolu�ion? Very tru2y yours, City Clerk hp