238010 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK (1(�^0� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��fV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. �I�ED1SE Ca•II�1I:� NCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY t�I'l�. 9 � 1968. COMMISSIONE "Tp i W`r:EFtF�S; The Fourth District� Veterans of Foreign �7ars has nade application for permission to conuuct a Ta� Da;T on �''rida�T� �1ay 21�, 1968, between the hc�urs of 6;00 a.m. and m9.dni�ht on the streets of the Cit;� of Sa,int Paul� therefore, be it FcESC�LVID: That permis�on be and. the same is hereb-� granted to the Fourth District, Veterans of Foreion ti�ars to conduct such solicitati.ons on the day, date� and between the hours requested. REP�`�IAL In:£ormaly approved by �ouncil April 2, 1968 ��� �� 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson `���i� � 1��$ Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Tn Favor O Meredith � - �� �� Q � �- Mayor � Tedesco Against � �:. - .y �-���� �.Yoe�, p�e�r�tEe �P� �� � �. ��p,Ex�dont (�eterson) � ' . ..�._ � � �"" CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital 04 Minneaota ��3 �/ � �e a�ti�er�t o ublcc �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inapector March 28, 1968 Honorable ��ia.yor and Ci,ty Counc�l Sai.nt paul, i�iinne so-t a Gentlemen: The Fourth Distric�, Veterans of Foreign ��ax5 makes application for permission t� conduct a tab day on �'riday� May 2l�, 1968, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12=OC� midnight. They have complied with Ordinance No. 13338, of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinance which amends Chapter No. 1t50.00 dealing with the solicitation of fur�ds. The application is made by James E. Robinette� President; and Richaxd Rlossom� Chairman of the drive. Attached is their application for such permit. V ry truly yours� G�,�/c �i"C — License Inspector � ; —� � . y. . j ' � ����/�9� . . a � Cr I� �' a�• ��t � �,[� � � tTPfics� of L�aenoe Inapec�ar � 202 Public Safe�y Bldg� St. Paul,� Minneeot� �5],01 � $pp3.icatfon for pe rmiasicn to so13.�it Ptmds, vr t� aonduat i�g daye, �gvat the s#r�st1� o� �he City of St. Peal, 3�inneeota. Date af Jppl�.oail3ccnaa �ni�_ Z9„�,, 1• l�ame ot' organ3.sQtion . addrese of orgenizatian � � i` � M�` ����M 2. Chief off icer oF organization S. Seoretary. oF ez�ganisat3on fi, 4, �Iame of peraona or person respons3b3.e f or the distribu�ion of oolleoted��tua,ds. ��Atii�i �iM�1;.��..��'�» 5, Purpoae or ob3ect for� �rhiah saliait�tion.ia t� be me�de .�' ,. . _ 6, TT�e ta be �de of �unde o�llected � ?. $ol3oits�i.om w3.11 be miade on w.a.�... r.r,�„�_,�. __r__�__,,,,,�,+,,,,,,,,(D�'�s+��x be�reen the houra of , ��d..1�Ys a� ` ; 8. Locat3ou �here solicsitation v�S.11 take place �,�r,�,, _.�...�,�,.���-,.. , : 9. Liat the amotmta of any vr�ges, fees, co�nmiasions, ,4oat or expenees pe�id or �iph �xs eapected tfl be paid in oamneotion w3.th soliaitation. �►`lso liet .�ames of per�oaq '�A �rhom p��at$ he►v�t beea made or �+rill be a�ade and the �nts of euch pe►ymanta� � (� finanaial 's�atement iacsluding this information s�y be�taohed,� . �-� � -- � . _ t , � _ . i ' VETERANS OF FOREZGN i�tARS QF �. :_;ITED S£A?$S : I�PARTI�Nr �� MiNI'�90 . � --•r: 1967 POPPY ACTNTTY REP(�tT RECEIPTS AND DISBURSFN�NTS, 1967 DRNE ANTICIPATED RECESPTS: 723,712 Poppies �$59.00 per M $�+l,b99.DU 21,205 Poppy Display Cards C�15� each ;`�,180.75 3,833 Coin Cans @10� each 383.30 692 Poppy Caps @15� each 1'03.80 746 Large Poppy Posters (d15� each 1i1.9� 2,703 Poppy Seller's buttons �.5� each �: 135.].5 �613.9Q DISBURSEMENTS: Novelty Manufacturing Co. � 681,000 Petals and Centers @$7.50 per M � $ S,1Q7.S0 V.F.W. National Headquarters � : 680;.000 Labe.ls @50� per M $ 34�:fl0 3,500 Coin Cans @$65.00 per M 22�.� 3,000 Windshield stickers Gd$1/hundred 3t�.00 1,000 Poppy Caps @$100.00 per M lOQ:00 1,000 Large Poppy Posters @$14Jhundred 12tt',�.00 30,500 Completed Poppies @$12 per M 3 ,00 � $1,183.SQ Chase Printing Co. , 5t. Paul 21;8i8 Display Cards $ i,2t�1.40 1,000 Sample cards and Engravings 93.40 12,000 Poppy"Gabrker Cards 7�.00 2,000 Poppy Maker Slips 2`�.50 12,000 Arm Bands 8�.50 15,000 Pledge Ca rds ^ 4#.50 $ l,5�(�.3� La bo r Assembling 688,463 Poppies @$4.50/M �� $ 3,�.12 . Hauling and 'Shipping 724,75 Soc. Sec. & Unemp. Comp. 3 .19 ' � 3,8�5.L)A� Awards Felico Enterprises, Award Pins $ 55.00 Midwest Badge & Nevelty, Award Pins 67#,7� Lowe & Lueck Printing, Citations 1i.00 Hegland' Jewelry, 2 watches, engraving �0 .45 $ 55�.1� � - Committee Expense (meetings) $ 3�65.34 Freight and bcpress ; 169.03 Postage and �hipping !� �57.42 Bostitch Co. , Staples 7.8� Duo Products; Glue ��•80 Broeker & Hendrickson, Audit ��-�� Midwest Badge and Novelty, 3,000 Buttons @$50.0�9 per M i�tI..OQ Buescher Associates, Art Work for Poppy Cards 1�i.5Q Cell-Vision, Pla�tic Bags �i•� Lowe & Lueck Printing, 25,000 receipts 84.8Q Paste and String 4.4t) Secretary of State, Charities Registra�io� ��Q Total qp+�rating �se $1�,�'9���b7 {overj i : > - .. i -- , � National Home Tax on 723,712 Foppies $ 7,237.12 National Rehabilitation Tax on 723,712 poppies 7,237.12 Depar;C�nent Rehabilitation Tax on ?23,712 Poppies 10,855.68 Department Auxiliary Share of Proceeds, $2/M 1,447.42 District Share of proceeds, $1/M 723.71 27',50 .OS Tota1 Expenses, tax and Division $41,�L65.72 Department Profit on 1967 drive � 1�� on 723,71a Poppies $10,855.68 Operating Profit 5 148.14 Credited to Claims F1znd 16,003.82 INVENTORY dF POPPIfiS AND REIATED ITEMS ON HAND AS OF JUNE 30, 1967 COM'PL.ETED POPPIES PARTS Carried over from 1966 sale 38,000 Carried over from Y966 None Assembled in 1967 688,463 Purchased in 1967 681,000 Completed Poppies purchased 30,500 Used in 1967 688�463 On hand for 196;7 756,963 On hand for 1968 None Sold to Fbsts � 723,712 On hand for 1968 Sale 30,500* (*Some Poppies Uamaged) IABELS OTHER ITEMS ON HAND P�OR 1968 Carried over from 1966 sale 10,000 Coin Cans 50 Purchased in 1967 . 680,000 Caps 818 On hand for 1967 690,000 Arm Bands None Used in 1967 688,463 Car Stickers None On hand for 1968 1,000 Official car stickers 1,400 Can labels 450 Packing boxes 2,000 � Pledge Cards 1,000 Posters None Shipping Labels 300 InvoiEes 400 Poppy Maker Slip$ 1,400 Items listed are all in useable condition for 1968 sale STATE OF MINNESOTAj SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY Richard Blossom and Res ctfully submitted, Emil J. Laborelle being duly sworn say that they are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the �'�ell J. stlund, Poppy Chairman petition and know contents and purposes Departm�t of Minnesota , V.F.W. thereof; that same is true of their own knowledge. . Subscribed and sworn to befoxe me this , 27th day of March , 1968 , 'v, , N a Public - am y Count, Minnesota � mmission expires APrLi� I o� 1�110 �-,�_,�. ,,;,,,r,.�,,,,.:,,,�, �°�, ,..; ,� �:;� ;�, � . . , `k, � '� '1F�5�1', `*�w�':'q1�.'"�'""i!$�.�,.r�+� � .. . � . A ... `'��i l� ` �� ' ������ � �.� ������ F.. . „ . .. .. � . . . '�� . ++�.: ' �. ' k'F' _. � �_ � . � M � �:. + . . , . � . . ^��� k �;i . . � � � �. . .�y:. �: . .� , ;�y � � ' � . . ' " ��. , � . . . , . ,. . , , . . . � . a. . � ., . , . .: . : .,.. x . . , . . � � . ' .. , � ��w . � . . . .. . . . � J, . .. �. , • . . . . . . ,.. ��:, ., .. i��. � �, . -� . . . . . ,.:i �. . . . . ,'..�,.. ...: 3 Q4O � ���� � .:,. �}p5o,�.aod ' � � , �.r. ,. _. �, q, USE OF POPPY FUNDS �' �' ' The Veternna oi F'orei� Wsca ia very careful in : � � � �� re use of money derived trom the sale oi Buddy � $2�5 00� � , , ocr�ee. A �� 'From the money th� Poet paye for the PopDles, a `� ' � � laimum of a18 per thousand goea to the Department " �,� c its Rehabilltation Service. A minimum oi $10 per � ��,; onsand goes to the National V.F.W. Rehabilitstion �`''`� �"vice and E10 per thousand to the V.F.w. rra�cionai F ' '�jpp : �` >me at Eaton Rapids, Michi g an. A n y ha n d l i n g -s� 'Da Q' �='� Dfit made by ttie DetiarGnent or the National organ- ation must also be used for Rehe�bil�tation and Ser �, �Sp �:`:� Ce worlc. n .�O ,. 'Yow own prorita must be used for "the assistance o O ��;" needy veterans and members of the Armed Forces �� � �d their dependents, widows and orphans". No d �� ` �ppy lnoney can be used Yor e,qy other purpose. "�'�' �is is covered explicitly fn 6ection ?04 of the Na- ' ,, . . :: ;� rnal V.F.W. $y-Laws. Thie policY 1VItJ6T be ad- A- �. xed bo. � � � �,� � � � ,� � I �- � 11,T49,272 BUDDY P4PPIES SOLD .� byY ; � :� � 4�� ;:`� PRODUCED $1,750,000 . ��� � ��. � Based on an average of 15� per PoPPy � � �.��� �r� , ��� � � ��A. � $1��,050,000 �to �Post and�Auxiliary�Veterans Relief �'u�ds ... �� �� ;. � ���; 6. 175,000 to Department Veterans Rehabilitation Services , ° y-�t; � � � . . . . . � .. . . � t°: C. 235,000 to Natianal V.F.W. Rehabilitatian Ser+�ic�s �nd Orphans' r � �� Home ' "�.� � - _ �� D. 100,000 in Department and 1Vational aperatit�g Prafits (alsa ded• ���" : icated for Veterans Rehabilifa#ion ServiCes� ` '�N : ��,�y E. : 50,000 #o Disabied Veterans for Assembfing Poppies � � ;fl_ � $�,610,000 for Veterans Weifare (9Z°lo) ; .. ��: F. 140,000 to Cost of Materials, Shipping, Promotion, Etc. �� � `��` $1,�50,OQ0 Totai lncome Accounted For : � ' �- �� � ._,.. ..._ _,..� � �� �� . �`r�� � ��""`'�� - }� - � r , � C # ���r. B: ,fi "'tiT *' » �t `n s t7�:• !',°j'y ' '* t�:l .1 ' Y¢-� ,�t:. � ' ' ; '� : . ��,a. ; ._ d !".-_ 4 .` aJ �-y���,b �f � �� r �lii@�.vEen:�'aKl�.,.�.hk'wF ss'4aw,��r "Y�'..c.n,.,. �� .t ..� ., , ..., - . ,�, �:�r j i. �.�. ,t��, k. � 'f' - -ew>.,..., w.,.,>..� . _. . .,.G 1,Y„'t. ...S.�:ia, a� .�:�1`�. �!s�k°�r,�� April 2, 1968 �, �; � �. Hon. William E. Caxlson� �} � Comsr. of Public Safety� 1 'i Tenth and Nlinnesota Sts., °_'.�_��T'"�`' i� .. St. Paul, Minn. ^`T' ', `'� Attn:�_4Mr• Daniel P:`�,M�Laughlin ,�" �-, Dear Sir: ;f�,s=..__...,�,� . ✓ A � The City Council tod.ay�.�i,�rmallY .�.�Proved the application of The Fourth District, Veterans`�,o£,�Foreig�'xj�.rs for permission to conduct a t�.g d�,y on Friday, I�ay 2'��;�,196�;.rbetween the hours of 6:b0 a. m, and 12:0�0 midnight. �� �.�` �' ,�,,....�. Wi11 you plea�r��irepar�..��e c� mary resolution? ! � � o �' P << y � ' � Y , _, �r' ;� Very truly yours, ;� a , � f, , , �� ,,��� , ... , � _ � __ �`�,- ._�.,;�' ._�._. City Clerk hp �„', _ t